Looking to revitalize community center, Friends of Wendell Meetinghouse launches GoFundMe
Alistair MacMartin looks at where rotten beams have been shored up in the Wendell Meetinghouse at 3 Morse Village Road. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Alistair MacMartin, right, holds a rotten beam he has shored up in the Wendell Meetinghouse to show Deb Tyler, Christopher Queen and Alyce Terrien-Queen. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
The Friends of the Wendell Meetinghouse, pictured in front of the building at 3 Morse Village Road are, from left, Christopher Queen, Alyce Terrien-Queen, Court Dorsey, Timothy Sheehan, Alistair MacMartin and Deb Tyler. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Christopher Queen uses the new ramp at the rear of the Wendell Meetinghouse at 3 Morse Village Road. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Looking to revitalize community center, Friends of Wendell Meetinghouse launches GoFundMe
Alistair MacMartin looks at where rotten beams have been shored up in the Wendell Meetinghouse at 3 Morse Village Road. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Alistair MacMartin, right, holds a rotten beam he has shored up in the Wendell Meetinghouse to show Deb Tyler, Christopher Queen and Alyce Terrien-Queen. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
The Friends of the Wendell Meetinghouse, pictured in front of the building at 3 Morse Village Road are, from left, Christopher Queen, Alyce Terrien-Queen, Court Dorsey, Timothy Sheehan, Alistair MacMartin and Deb Tyler. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Christopher Queen uses the new ramp at the rear of the Wendell Meetinghouse at 3 Morse Village Road. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ