What this signals for the rest of the president s campaign team. All that coming up. But up first, President Trump attacks former president barack obama over russia election meddling while the president has yet to confront russia or condemn Vladimir Putin. The president pointed fingers at the obama administration, tweeting this. I have been much tougher on russia than obama. Just look at the facts. In an earlier post he tweeted, quote, obama was president up to and beyond the 2016 election so why didnt he do something about russian meddling, closed quote. In fact, president obama personally warned putin against interfering with the election, posed sanctions on russian individuals and entities, expelled 35 Russian Diplomats and closed two russian diplomatic compounds here in the United States. On the other hand, trump refuses to condemn russian interference and has not imposed sanctions overwhelmingly approved by the house and the senate. Signed into law by the president himself. Lets b
Art figura zeigt Faszination der Distanz Erschienen am 19.07.2021 Laura Selenz aus Köln (r.) und Martina Leicher (aus Bonn) machen derzeit Urlaub im Erzgebirge und diskutierten angeregt und fasziniert über die reizvollen Distanzen, die von der Fata Morgana - distance breaker ausgehen. Foto: Carsten Wagner
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