Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Sunday, said that the UP State Road Transport Corporation was considered the lifeline of transportation within the state. He pointed out that India became independent on August 15, 1947, but the first bus of the corporation started running in May 1947 and since
Uttar Pradesh BJP President Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary on Friday released a list of 98 district presidents, effecting changes in 71 per cent of the district units.Among the six regions of the party, the BJP has changed 17 district presidents in .
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar Pradesh has changed 69 district unit presidents, ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The party has divided the state into 98 organisational district units, with the upper caste receiving the highest number of posts. The representation of women and Dalits is minimal, and there are no district unit chiefs from the Pasmanda Muslim community. The reorganisation aims to address old rivalries and reward party workers for their efforts in the upcoming elections.
staff reporterthe live telecast of main event organised on world environment day in bhopal was done during the district-level programme held in the city at sanskriti bhawan on monday. a number of public representatives, volunteers and of