James Kon A wooden house in Kampong Saba Ujong in Kampong Ayer collapsed on Thursday morning. No injuries were reported during the incident that went viral on social media. According to the Fire and Rescue Department (FRD), four firefighters from Sungai Kebun Fire Station led by ABKS 384 Supardy bin Sapar responded to the distress […]
Fadley Faisal The Magistrate’s Court on Monday handed a sentence of five years’ imprisonment with three strokes of the cane to a 47-year-old permanent resident after he pleaded guilty to possessing a homemade rifle. Rosli @ Roslin bin Mohamad was arrested at his home in Kampong Burong Pingai, Kampong Ayer at 8am on July 3, […]
Thrillist, a New York-based travel site, has named Lan Ha Bay near the northern coastal city of Hai Phong as the top Vietnamese destination in its list of the most beautiful places to visit in every Southeast Asian country.
Thrillist, a New York-based travel site, has named Lan Hạ Bay near the northern coastal city of Hai Phong as the top Vietnamese destination in its list of the most beautiful places to visit in every Southeast Asian country.