authority aband being being being looked up to seem to be subtly suggesting these type of hints are okay. that s why it wasn t we know there is a uptick in hate criminals against people. we know four days ago in portland two women harassed by an idiot on the train then he ended up killing two people. we know there are thousands of examples that for example, the southern poverty law center is keeping track of. it is seemingly now more acceptable to have the these type of behaviors. before we run out of time. time limit rmts no kam ufrmt l go ahead and weigh in i m happy to hear the two white guys talk about racism i don t hear this enough in we have people have the skaugss i m happy to let the two white guys talk about this. i m glad we can have the discussion. kamul you read my mind go on. the race all. i ll buy you a beer later okay. go ahead last word. i honestly am serious about