Metzger joins KCARE as associate director
Susan Metzger has been appointed associate director of the Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and Environment, or KCARE. Metzger also works as the senior executive administrator to the dean/director of K-State s College of Agriculture and K-State Research and Extension.
In her KCARE leadership role, Metzger will use her considerable experience to help secure and administer funding for the Kansas Water Resources Institute, the Fertilizer Research Fund, the Ogallala Aquifer Program and others. She will work closely with the KCARE team of watershed specialists to support their efforts to improve water quality throughout the state and their work with Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies projects. She also will represent KCARE with local, state and federal agencies and help coordinate work with water and soil conservation issues associated with increased cotton acres in Kansas. Metzger will be part of the leadership team coordi