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Transcripts For WRC News4 At 4 20140127

and people came here throughout the day to pay respects. >> reporter: people brought stuffed animals and memorials to the people at the mall and shed tears for people of the fatal shootings and the memorial says forever in our hearts and inside, employees returned as businesses reopened. >> it is tragic to happent at a here close and nearby and violence happened everyday, and it is sad that it happened. >> you have no fear or hesitation to go back to work? >> i don't have any fear. >> reporter: howard county executive ken alman and his wife had lunch in the food court, and customers filled the mall, and their presence is a statement the about this community's spirit. >> in is our community, and we are just devastated that this happened anywhere. but here in columbia, where we are safe and secure is just very sad. >> maryland governor martin o'malley joined the county executive this afternoon over a cup of yogurt saying he is here in solidarity with the people of columbia and security is tight here at the mall inside and out, where they have a suv patrolling the parking lot, and i wanted to say that they have security units from as far as tyson corner, virginia and delaware and that is the latest here. chris gordon. and new this afternoon, police in prince george's county are explaining what happened when the accused mother's turned to them saturday, because she did not know where her son was. diane agulaire called to report her son missing and when she discovered that he had not gone to his job at dunkin' donut's store. >> he left the house for work and for some point whatever reason the mother went to the restaurant to find out where her son was, and at this point, when he was not at the store, she called the prince george's county police department. >> and she was surprised he had not gone to school. and brianna ben solo worked as a manager at the siouxmy's store, and her grandfather tells the associated press that she came from a military family. and her co-worker tyler johnson came from mt. airy, and in addition to his jobt a zumiez he also worked at a rehab hospital. and startling findings today from the journal of pediatrics is that firearms are the leading cause of death for teens 15 to 19. every hour, a child or teen is hurt bad enough by a gun to be hospitalized and everyday 20 kids have to be rushed to the hospital with firearm injuries that are severe, and even still thashg i have found that gunshot wounds have declined over the last decade. and congressman trey radel has spent his last hours in the white house. she has sent a letter saying he will resign from congress at 6:30 tonight because of cocaine charge. he was sentenced to a year of probation, and admitted to buying the drug from a drug spring in dupont circle. he returned to congress this month, but many gop leaders urged him to step down. reform in virginia's mental health treatment rules will go and the table again when a task force meets to consider proposed changes, and the debate follows new details of the tragedy that the prompted the proposal, and creigh deeds spoke last night for the first time since a knife attack by his sun chris but he said even to the moment leading up to the attack, he never dreamed that it would turn violence. >> he was coming across the yard, and i said, how did you sleep? and he said, fine. i turned my back and he was on me. >> he attacked you? >> he got me twice. you know, stabbed me twice. i turned around and i said, bud, what is going on? and he just kept coming at me, and i said, gus, i love you so much, and don't make it worse than it is, and he kept coming at me. >> creigh deeds had been forced to bring his son home from a psychiatric treatment because a bed could not be found before an emergency custody order expired. a bill to reform mental health procedures is making its way through the legislature. >> our coverage of the shooting at columbia mall is getting started. we have new reaction today from the family of one of the shooting victims. tyler johnson's aunt talks about the moments before she l he had been shot. >> and a special teacher in d.c. gets a special invitation to national mall that could bring a big change downtown. 4." fire ip vest gators e tell us they don't have any answers about what caused this the two-alarm townhouse blaze this morning. it happened on town manor court in the alexandria section of fairfax county. there were two people at home at the time when the fire started just before 3:00 a.m., and one of them warushed to the hospital with burns. fairfax county op erators also rescued four dogs from the house giving them oxygen, but a fifth dog did die. the flames did not spread to neighboring homes. this afternoon the police in fredrick know the identity of the man found dead along a busy highway. it happened near the entrance of route 55 car dealership there, and the police say no obvious injuries except for abrasions on the left elbow. the state examiner is looking into that death. that area of fredrick is a busy commercial strip. >> you could soon have to pay more in national mall and potomac. right now the spots near the mall are free, but with time limits and the rates would be the same as downtown d.c. meters, and the park service hopes it would discourage the commuters from using the spots and encourage tourists to use public transportation, and it also calls for a circular route around the mall, and mark segraves will have more on the proposal coming up at 5:00. >> it is not too late to get a flu shot and apparently not to late to get the flu and get paid for it. we will tell you are where. we wilthe pain started upe. the back of my head and wrapped around to the front. i couldn't play my bassoon because of the pressure that i felt throughout my whole head. the blistering and the rash was moving down towards my eye. the doctors at the emergency room recommended that i have it checked out by an eye doctor. there was concern about my eyesight. when i had shingles the music stopped. a sad and difficult day for the toledo, ohio, fire department. two firefighters died after battling this fire sunday. all of the residents got out okay, but the city officials say that two of the firefighters who went inside became disoriented and overcome by the heat and the smoke. they died later at a hospital. >> those who are engaged in public service, ironically take a different path. they run into harm's way as opposed to running away from harm's way. >> one of the firefighters killed was a 16-year veteran of the department, and the other joined the force in september. >> the bribery trial for the ex-mayor of new orleans ray nagin is charged with taking bribes from contractors in exchange for them to secure billions in city work. he was mayor in new orleans when hurricane katrina hit in 2005. several have siped plea -- si signed plea deals to testify against him. if you don't like about the next year's school plans about fairfax county, tonight is the night to talk about it. it is the first meeting conducted by karen garza who has proposed to lay off 730 employees and requiring a fee for advanced placement and baccalaureate programs. even with the cuts, they are still $130 million short. the meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. at fall's church. a new survey shows that 6 of 10 d.c. residents don't want a new stadium for d.c. united and one of the factors is the cost. the stadium would take $150 million in possible funds from the city. those against the proposal say that there are better ways to spend that kind of money. curre currently, there will be more on that. and there is a storm tracking, and we will talk about it, but for sure the gates are down again and if you are into medieval stuff the dark polar nights will rush in. look at that, the ice on the potomac there, and still plenty cold in terms of the water. the water temperature, and your weather headlines, folks, we are talking about the severe hypothermia-type frostbite type cold and this time, it is not going to last as long and only for a day, and a bundle up type of day with one day of the severe cold hitting .k about the temperatures and where they will drop by later tonight. we are at 34 degrees now, and keep in mind that we started the day in the 50s, and by 11:00 p.m. windchills zero to 15 with air temperature of 25. so for sure a bundle up kind of day and in fact, the early part of the day, the windchill advisories that i told you about, loo at gaithersburg and sandy spring, you will start out at minus 3, and minus 4 in winchester and 7 below even in hagerstown, but again, this is the latest polar outbreak that will last about a day. the other thing is that it is plenty windy out there, and sustained winds of 20 to 30 and gusts up to 40. and right now it is gusting up to 33 in leesburg, and of course, it is the falling temperatures and the fact that we have so much wind out there that is adding to the bite. as i said, i'm tracking another storm system. this is coming from the south and making its way up the coast and then off of the coast. this is what we told you last week, that some snow could be getting close to our area, and tuesday-wednesday time period and now it e looks late on tuesday and early wednesday morning, but the areas down south will be seeing the snow and atlanta, georgia, and south carolina could see several inches and the snow on the ice for the deep south, for alabama and mississippi and right there closer to us, we will see a chance for some snow right there around southern areas of virginia and the northern eck with light snow, and norfolk and virginia beach, they could get a few inches of snowfall out of the system coming up tuesday and wednesday time frame, but for now it is the cold. tomorrow morning, bundle up with the windchills 5 to 10 below zero, and the windchill 9 to o13 and now look at the storm day forecast and the high is 20 and 26 on wednesday, with a chance for right now, a little bit of the rain, and maybe a little bit of the snow mixing in at times, and 30 is the high temperature thursday and friday, the clouds with the high 44, but looking at the early morning starts single digits to the teens. and tomorrow morning, some brutal cold hitting us again, and in a couple of minutes, we will talk about how this latest polar outbreak stacks up against the last two that we have gone throu through. >> and veronica the bitter arctic blast that she has hit has hit parts of the midwest and canceling schools and interrupting travel, an wendy wolfolk is joining us live from the navy pier where you can hear her teeth chattering from here. wendy? >> well, don't let the sun deceive you barbara and jim. this second polar plunge is worse than the first. >> reporter: bitter cold does not describe the latest round of arctic air descending on the u.s. really is. i is bone-chilling. temperatures below zero with temperatures dipping be below 40 in parts of the midwest. and 24 states have declared emergencies due to a shortage of propane gas. and to make it worse, this explosion cut off natural gas flows over the weekend, and leaving how thousands of people without heat in minnesota, north dakota and wisconsin and while the gas flows to the region are improving, officials were forced to shut down two other pipelines for safety. >> if you have three major pipelines go out at this time of the year, it causes a lot of stress on the system, and something that we don't hardly ever see. >> reporter: coast guard ice cutters on lake michigan are battling the elements as they break the sheets of ice along chicago's navy pier and unusually cold weather is pushing as far south as texas. anti-icing preps are under way on the houston roadways which have barely thawed from friday's blast of wintry weather. but not everyone is unhappy with the cold. tree services in louisville, kentucky, have sold 2.5 times as much firewood as all of last winter. >> we have sold out everything that we have and an awesome year for firewood for us. >> reporter: with more than two months left of winter, not sparing the rest of the country, this frigid air mass is going to move to the northeast and the deep south tomorrow. live in chicago, wendy willfolk, news4. a lot of talk about the grammys last night, but not much about who actually won. billy bush is up next to talk about a grand wedding at the grammys. and move over boa boa, the national zoo has new cubs in three weeks jimmy fallon will take offin the "late show" but tonight, matt lauer sat down with both of them. >> history has shown that it can be awkward, and how much effort has it taken to not be awkward? >> no evident at all. >> the pair went on the talk about the show and the inspiration of each other, and fallon talked about his praise of leno's comedy, and leno says he will miss the show, but he has no plans to the have another show, and fallon will take over february 17th. and last night, the talk of hollywood is still about the grammys. >> and not just who won the awards, but couples who made a lifetime commitment there, and "access hollywood's" billy bush is joining us. let's talk about the mass wedding, and it is emotional, right? >> well, the wedding was amazing and how do you get 33 couples to keep their mouth shut about such an event? they hired a casting event, and how did it happen? the producer of the grammys is kenner likt, and he has produced the show for 27 years, and her daughter is gay, and she said that at macklemore and lewis concerts they have occasional weddings, and so over lunch they hatched the idea of what has never been done that they have done on the road to do it on a grand scale, and they had to sign the confidentiality agreements, and then they said a few days before, you can tell the immediate family now, because it is starting to leak and fine to let it out at this point, but for the longest time they knew they were going to do a tv wedding, but they didn't know that it would be a 30-million person audience at the grammys. >> boy, that is a lot of moving parts to pull that off, billy. another big moment ringo starr and paul mccartney getting a standing ovation after their performance. >> well, ringo did "photograph" which is a fun and hokey song and joined paul for what we thought would be a beatles' song, but they did "queenny eye" together, and that was great, and then the big performance for the the beatles celebrating 50 years in america and the british invasion is downtown tonight over at the convention censure tonight, but last night it was great to have two beatles on the stage. >> all right. we will be watching you on "access" later tonight. >> all right. thank you, guys. >> and still to come on "news4 at 4," hillary clinton gives a hint to the plans in 2016, and we have the answer today from new orleans. and up next, we will hear from the family of one of saturday's shooting victims describing how the parents a wellcome back, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> and i'm barbara and we are going over to veronica with the weather. lackt the windchill with 16 in gaithersburg, and you with were up to the 40s and the 50s and 23 at fort bellfor and everybody, with we are down to the teens and the 20s with the winds gusting up to 30 to 35 miles per hour, and the weekend forecast, we are down to 25 in the air temperature, and the single digits down with the windchil bow zero, and a bundle up morning cold and windy and the winds will start diminishing throughout the afternoon tomorrow, and 17 to 22 degrees and we will take a look at the forecast for the rest of the week in a few minutes. >> and people brought flowers and stuffed animals to the columbia mall after the deadly shooting saturday. it was emotional time for the mall employees as the community tried to get back to some normal normalcy. there was extra security there. and the zumiez's store where the shooting took place has been boarded up. >> and mall workers and others are paying tribute to the victims with a flowers and teddy bears. there is also a condolence book and flowers in the food court. and its still unknown if they have any connection to the shooter darion aguilar. his mother reported him missing, because he never showed up to his job at college hill park. >> and we asked the i-news4 team to find out what the fbi has been doing in these types of shootings? >> well, there was a plan to the run all of the 1,400 troopers through emergency active shooter shooting, and you are about to see is tom video and the train the i thing offered be by the u.s. justice department in which the maryland troopers will will take part this year. the video is posted online by justice department administrators and the i-team has learned that all 56 field offices of the fbi ran, quote, guided discussions" training programs for shopping center owners nationwide to get to know the mall security officials including the possibility of active shooters we are told. a woman for the fbi office said that the mall security did take place in a training. why the concern? well, the fbi is showing that the number of active numb shooting cases have happened i inside of busy public places. scott macfarlane, news4. and we are learning more about tyler will withson and brianna bensolo. we spoke with tyler's aunt. >> we have lost a son who helped to reach out to others in need, and he made a difference. this is so unbelievable. our prayers are with him, and the other victims and all of the people who have been touched by this senseless violence. >> reporter: with a heavy heart, sidney reads a statement the prepa prepared by the parents of 25-year-old tyler johnson who was shot to death with brianna benlolo at the mall saturday in columbia, and she said that as the news was breaking, johnson's parent parents were holding out hope that he was safe. >> they knew that he was working there at the mall, and they were trying to e reach him, and they could not reach him, and so they thought that he was hiding in a concrete barrier-type place where there was no cell phone. that was their hope for many hours. and then they found out eventually that, you know -- >> reporter: as far as the motive in the shooting, she said that the family had no idea who the shooter darius marcus aguilar was. d that he with was strictly just working at zumiezs with the other victim. >> he was strictly a co-worker, and he would have mentioned if he did. and so we are just as confused as anybody. >> reporter: according to facebook, benlolo leaves behind a 2-year-old son. she came are from a military family who moved from colorado to maryland and on good terms with her son's father. as far as johnson is concerned, his ain't says that he is involved and sitting on a board of a mt. airy's serenity center helping people with addictions. >> he had his struggles in life, and he struggled in very hard to overcome his problems and then he reached out to others to help them overcome theirs. >> reporter: and he had attended montgomery county community. >> the family is being very, very strong, and i'm proud of them. you know. i'm just very proud. a well rescue effort going on right now in maryland. wendy rieger is at the live news desk gathering the details. >> well, we have learned that the 10-year-old girl stuck in a well is being rescued. this is in pasadena avenue up in anne aroundel county. this is her. they will put the blue plan ket on her and take her to the waiting ambulance. as you can imagine, that hypothermia was and issue, but they were able to get there quickly and using a confined space, rescue technique, they were able to drop someone down the well, and grab this little girl and bring her up. this well is in the back of somee's yard. that is all we have right now, but she is out. we don't know what condition she is in. she is on the way to the hospital, and we will get the latest for you later on. back to you. >> and thank you, wendy. crews and passengers reacting to an early end to the vacation. they describe conditions on the royal caribbean ship in the virgin islands. >> and for weeks after the target credit card breach, we have heard tips of protecting the identities a . there seems to be a baby boom happening at the national zoo. here are the newest additions to zoo's animal family, two new african lion cubs are on the youtube channel now. they were born friday and the lion cam at the zoo is up and running now sh, and you can see whenever you tune into the camera. boa boa is not the only baby making headlines. the zoo says that you will be able to see the new lion cubs in person some time this spripg. new information regard iing the massive target security breach. and poll out suggests that it has not changed american's habits. nearly half said that they are extremely concerned about their personal data in the stores since the breach fearing to become a victim, but according to a new a.p. poll out, only 41 p% ha41% have checked their online credit scores or signed up for the a credit monitoring service, and 37% have decided to use cash for purchases rather than plastic since the breach. >> there is a good chance that folks who are not watching us on tv are out buying one. a survey by fat showing that 30% of us are planning to the buy a new television this year, and one-third of that group will buy one in the days leading up to the super bowl. the prices will be a factor for most shoppers and the manufactures are helping out by discounting tvs before the new ones come out in march. >> and a classroom teachers is getting a special invitation to sit next to the first lady on tomorrow night's state of the union. and plus, the ap tie the gay laws and now an openly gay olympic champion is speaking ow. v.j.? >> well, you have to be ready, because the temperatures are falling fast, and we are expecting harsh and dangerous cold by tomorrow morning. the temperatures will be cold, but how do they compare to the last two polar outbreak, and we have gone down to 6 another live look at the rescue in maryland where a girl fell into a well, and has been rescued. we are staying on top of the story, and we will get you more details as we get them. >> tomorrow night it is time to restore opportunity for all. >> and that is maybe the shortest state of the union repreview ever. the white house tweeted out a vine from president obama promoting tomorrow night's speech. the teacher of the year in the district will have a vip seat for the speech. she will sit with jill biden in the address. she is a kindergarten teacher in the southeast, and she said that the dr. biden's office called to tell her the news friday, and she could not believe it. >> i mean, i with was totally floored. i could not believe it. i thought that, you know, maybe this was a prank, but it wasn't, and now i'm going to the state of the union and to the white house on tuesday. >> she will never forget when she met dr. biden, because it is when the second first lady presented her with the teacher of the year award. >> hat's off to her. and the deep freeze returns and the windchill advisories in effect for tonight and tomorrow. and v.j., we have not seen it yet? >> that is right. the weather can be rude, but the weather today with was nasty. starting out mild and cold and windy across the area, and promised that we would talk about the temperatures and how we stacked up against the other polar outbreaks, and folks, the clouds are going to be increasing, but we won't see any rain or snow from it, and talking about the temperatures and remember january 7th, the temperature was 6 degrees and 9 on january 22nd, and this time, we are headed down to 12 degrees by tomorrow morning and yes, it is windy with the windchills below zero again and when you look at the polar outbreaks, this is going to be the warmest, in fact, or at least the mildest, and let's talk temperatures for tomorrow morning. it is a bundle up morning with 5 to 10 below and the actual temperature from 9 to 13 degrees and throughout the day, we will start to lose the wind. we will hit 15 degrees by 1:00, and actually not snowshowers for tomorrow, but the high temperature tomorrow will be 18 degrees around the area, and just down to our north and west. and 22 to the south and the east with windchills tomorrow afternoon between 5 and 15 degrees. bundle up in the morning, and stay bundled up throughout the day. and i told you about the chance of snow to the south and the north, and that is areas around norfolk, and virginia beach could see a little bit of the snow, and that is after 7:00 in the morning, after that system goes off of the coast, and we will be watching i. another thing we are going to be watching is the warmup at the end of the week. coming up "news4 at 5:00," and doug kammerer will have a look at the super bowl sunday fot just he -- and not just here, but in new jersey as well. >> and former first lady hillary clinton spoke to the national automobile dealers in a paid appearance, and asked if she plans to join the 2016 presidential race. >> i have to say, i don't know. i'm not thinking about it. i have tried to get other people not to think about it, and i will think about it in the future some time, but right now, let's worry about how to continue to build on the success. >> great answer. >> and the tone was far more serious when asked about the biggest regret in her tenure of secretary of state, and she named the at a tatack on the em in benghazi, and the ambassador and several others were killed. she called it a national tragedy. a former speed skater who won gold in turin, and today, she said no discrimination against the gays, but she said that russian society is not ready to be tolerant gay people, with but she said that in russia, we believe that a real man cannot be tolerant of this. >> the u.s. olympic delegation includes three openly gay athletes and many see it as a clear rebuke to russia. caitlin cahill will join tennis billy jean great and skater brian boitano. >> reporter: there are nine ambassadors who will represent the united states in sochi, and you have heard maybe of billy jean king and brian boit the -- boitano. >> and i am only there when i am feeling sassy. make sure that gets in. >> okay. i will. >> reporter: as a member of the tremendously successful women's ice skating team, she led the team to the bronze in vancouver, and though there is not a shot for her in sochi, the 28-year-old will be there cheering for the women. >> i sit there on the couch and twitch every single move watching nhl, and so watching the teammates and the jersey, and it is all going to be a challenge, but it is a great challenge, because i live in a country where women grow up with the opportunity to play sports and women grow up with the dreams that they can be in the olympics, and i was one of those women. >> reporter: and so for these games the brantford, connecticut, native chosen ambassador partly because she is openly gay, and the declaration by the united states and specifically president obama in the face of the anti-gay platform of russia. >> i cannot think of a better way to the represent the united states as a gay individual because it represents the acceptance that we have and the support we have here. >> reporter: she has heard of the bombing risks and she still believes that the spirit of the games will prevail. >> my mom has been watching, and she has made the concerns vocal, and she is my mom. the real goal is to support the athletes, and what would that say to me if i said, this is looking intimidating, and i d t don't think that i should go >> and now caitlin has bp given the honor the carry the american flag at the opening ceremonies. and she expecting the women to bring home gold. i will be heading to sochi to bring you behind the scenes looks, and bringing you coverage of our local athletes, and follow me on facebook and twitter and follow me at doctors are look agent a flu study that involves a rare practice. they are paying people to get the flu. they want to know more about how the body fends off influenza to design more protective vaccines. the subjects are quarantined for the safety and to prevent the spread of the virus. and one point, the patients will be contagious a day or two before they are feeling bad. the volunteers are paid $3,000. the cruise cut short for thousands in the virgin islands and ship on the way back to the east coast right now after 1 in 5 passengers got sick. what health hofficials believe s to blame. he another live look at chopper 4. a well rescue this afternoon with a 10-year-old girl being transported. she fell into a well, a 30-foot deep well in pasadena, maryland, and these are live pictures again. we will have an update at the top of the hour on "news4 at 5:00." early in this afternoon to the vacation folks aboard a cruise ship in the virgin islands. royal caribbean cut short the t ten-day cruise after hundreds of pas s passengers and crew became sick. kerry sanders to tell us what they are going to do about it. >> reporter: it with was supposed to be a 10-day caribbean cruise, but instead, a virus attacked passengers and crew causing vomiting and diarrh diarrhea. >> it was a terrible experience. >> reporter: a team of experts from the cdc boarded the ship in st. thomas and while they say it is too early to determine the cause, they fear it is the norovirus. >> and this couple not sure who to blame. >> i don't blame the ship or the royal caribbean, but the passengers who came on with it, and i don't blame them either, because if i had paid for the cruise and i was sick, i would go on it, too. >> reporter: the ship went from puerto rico to haiti and it was sanitized to kill the virus, and something that the cruise ship teams have learned it is no easy fea feat. >> well, the norovirus can be transmitted quickly, and it will spread fast. >> reporter: royal caribbean has apologized to the passengers, because this cruise from cape lib liberty is has been cut short by two they will receive compensation. and another arctic blast, and subwindchills are moving in. and investigators are looking for a motive of murder in the mall shooting. >> we are a strong community, and we are devastated this happens, anywhere. and a girl who has been rescued from to a 30-foot well. >> and scott macfarlane with the new pictures? >> well, that 10-year-old girl is on the way to the hospital. she was boarded on a maryland state police helicopter, and you can see the rescue playing out on the screen. the crews pulled the girl out of the 30-foot well on 208th street in pasadena, maryland. you can see her in the red shirt, and the crews wrapped her in a blanket and put her on the stretcher and then by ambulance. we are joined by captain falzgraf from the police department. >> well, she is transported from maryland state medevac to john hopkins pediatric ward in baltimo baltimore. >> and from a 30-foot well, how did you manage to rescue her? >> our confined team set up equipment called a a tripod and l lowered a rescuers into the hole to secure the patient to the rescuer and then both individuals were winched out of the hole using the tripoding table. >> we are showing the video right now, captain, of the girl being transported to the maryland state police helicopter, and do you know if she said anything to the crew or giving intoerermation? >> she was. i don't know the information she was communicating burk she was conscious and alert and commu communicating with the crew throughout the incident. >> any other concerns other than hypothermia and injuries she sustained from coming to the bottom of the well? >> well with, the well is suspected to be 50 degrees and not as cold as the air, but it is a concern depending upon the duration that the girl was in the well. >> and 208th street in pasadena, is that a home? >> yes shgs s, it is a residenta there. >> and any idea if the girl lived there or her home or neighborhood? >> i am not sure of that information. >> thank you, captain, for join joining us, because these are compelling photos and a 10-year-old girl rescued from a 30-foot well in


Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20140128

answers into what provoked that attack. new video from chopper 4 over the scene of a fire at a maryland home. what helped fuel the flames. and new pictures are just in as passengers from national airport were forced to slide down the emergency chute just minutes after touching down in chicago. >> "news4 at 11" starts now. >> first tonight, the weather. temperatures will feel 50 degrees colder tomorrow than they were today. a windchill advisory is already in effect. this is all part of the same system that is impacting a lot of the country from whiteout conditions in the midwest to a state of emergency in new orleans. and the rare sight of snowplows in south carolina. >> we have team coverage tonight. we begin with doug. man, it is rough out there, doug. >> it is rough out there for a lot of the country. and we're going to see places that are going to be seeing snow and ice where they normally don't see it. and that is all the way down toward the gulf coast. for us, it's been the bitterly cold temperatures that have moved in. first off, take a look at where we were during the day today. a tie temperature of 54 degrees in d.c. 60, nearly 60 in fredericksburg. 39, though, towards frederick. and look where we are right now. the current windchill sitting at 10 in d.c., 7 in gaithersburg, 5 below in hagerstown. the current windchill feels more than 40 degrees below where we were earlier in the day. a dramatic temperature drop for sure. and we're going to go even lower overnight tonight. that's why we have the windchill advisory in effect overnight for 5 and 10 below zero. it includes everybody along the i-95 corridor for the most part, back towards the north and west. we are in for a very cold day tomorrow. and then we have a chance of snow. i'll update you on the new snowfall totals. i just made the map, coming up in a minute. >> ah, the joys of winter. our team coverage continues now with shomari stone in silver spring. tell us how people are coping with all this cold, shomari. >> reporter: a lot of folks we talk to tonight tell me they are absolutely freezing. many of them walked to the metro station right over there. they're going to walk down there during the morning. and they tell me tonight they're just trying to brace for this cold. tonight arctic air sweeps through d.c., maryland, and virginia. jerome smiley isn't smiling. he left his coat at home. >> and i should have layered up before i came out of the house today. but i didn't know how cold it was before i left the house. >> reporter: he is at home depot near rhode island island in d.c. a manager told me it's so cold that the hardware store sold out of electric space heaters. temperatures are expected to drop to low teens with windchills below zero. >> it's been a really cold winter, and probably unexpected for most people. >> reporter: these guys put down asphalt on a sidewalk near dupont circle. it wasn't easy. >> it stopped because everything is so cold. >> reporter: and it's so cold outside that people are coming to their thermostats and turning up their heat. but then again, it comes with the cost. >> in these months, we notice our rate goes right up. >> reporter: lewis wolf tells me his bill up is 50% compared to this time last year. >> when i see the bill, i say oh my god, what have i done here. >> because the way the weather feels up here, it's not -- it's really unbearable. >> reporter: it's so cold out here that this hot chocolate definitely warms you up inside. worth mentioning that you can save money on your energy bill, experts say, by number one, make sure you use weather stripping. and also set your temperature at 68 degrees in the day, and dress warm inside. live here in silver spring, i'm shomari stone, news4. >> you can stay on top of this deep freeze with the storm team 4 weather app. it will give you real-time temperatures and weather alerts as well. you can download it from the iphone app store or from google play. we're following two developing stories in maryland tonight. first in wheaton where chopper 4 flew over the scene of a house fire a few hours ago. you can see the smoke billowing from the home on wyndham lane. flames were shooting out of the back of the house. nobody was hurt here. investigators haven't figured out what sparked the fire, but they say a propane tank helped to fuel the flames. also developing tonight in glen burnie, maryland, a family sent running from their basement apartment after gunshots rang out in the unit above. chopper 4 was over the scene on wendover road. police found two men dead inside that apartment. right now they're investigating it as a murder/suicide. police are not sure if the two men knew each other. the family living in the basement apartment was not injured. police are still piecing together a motive for the murder inside the columbia mall over the weekend. here is what we know. the 19-year-old gunman, darion aguilar, lived four blocks away from one of the two victims, briana benlolo. investigators want to know if the two crossed paths before the shooting. we also know that aguilar kept a journal, and that could hold a clue to what set him off. erika gonzalez joins us with new information about the investigation. erika? >> reporter: and doreen, what is it? what is it about this journal that we do not know? and there is more. but police are not revealing it while they're in the midst of this investigation. when howard county police released this photo of gunman darion aguilar, they say they got a number of calls, conducted a number of interviews. when the mall reopened today, again, people came forward with insight into the shooting. you feel okay about coming back to work? >> i feel okay. i just hope it doesn't happen again. >> reporter: but in all those pieces, still no motive. >> you would never expect him to do what he did, you know. >> reporter: these are some of aguilar's former peers. >> you wouldn't think something like that would come out of him. he wasn't someone you would suspect. >> reporter: we learned he has no history of mental illness within the state of maryland. now, police tell us that for at least the next week, security will be heightened here at the mall. live in columbia, maryland, erika gonzalez, news4. tonight we're learning more about the accused gunman, darion aguilar. he was a skateboard enthusiast from college park. he graduated from hubert blake high school in silver spring last year. he managed a donut shop and had no criminal record. aguilar's parents filed for divorce this past november, but had been separated since 1999 when he was 4 years old. sources confirm aguilar fired four shots that hit the victims and at least two other shots before killing himself. a witness who did not want to be identified said aguilar gave no warning and said nothing as he opened fire. >> i was in the store with the two other employees when the shooter came out of the black store or dressing room with a single barrel shotgun, took aim at the female employee behind the counter, which i was about four feet away from, took a shot, dropped her, and at that point i got on the ground. i didn't know if it was real or not. and then i heard the second shot. and it must have been the male employee that was towards the front of the store. and i ran out of there on my hands and knees. >> police say aguilar also had a backpack full of crude homemade explosives, but they were not detonated. and just a few hours ago, investigators were back at the scene of the gun shop in rockville trying to connect other pieces of this puzzle. a salesman at the united gun shop said aguilar was nice and polite and said he didn't raise any regular flags. aguilar paid $430 in cash for a 12 gauge shotgun last month and also bought two boxes of shells. the shop owner also said aguilar came to the store with another man who police are now trying to track down. news4's pat collins spoke to that gun shop clerk today to find out what else he said about the gunman. head to our website, new tonight, an emergency evacuation on a flight that took off from national airport here in washington. the pilot of a republic airlines plane got a warning on his panel right after he touched down at chicago's o'hare, just before 6:00 our time. he then order everyone off the plane. we got this picture from one of the passengers. all 61 people on board had to use the emergency slides. nobody was injured. from excessive force to racial profiling, the d.c. police department is facing disturbing new claims in three lawsuits filed today. two of those lawsuits focus on the 70 district in southeast d.c. one of them is from a mother who says police shot her son, even though he didn't have a gun. the second is from a 19-year-old who says officers used excessive force on him. lawyers painted the seventh district as abusive. >> if you want to look up out of control police in the dictionary, 7 d would be right next to it. >> they say there is a climate of abuse, especially against black residents. d.c. police officials would not comment on the lawsuit, but last week chief cathy lanier said the actions of a few officers do not represent the good will of the entire department. florida congressman trey radel resigned from office today. it all stems from his cocaine conviction. back in november, the freshman republican admitted to buying cocaine from an undercover officer during a drug sting in dupont circle one month earlier. he checked into rehab and returned to congress earlier this month. but many gop leaders have publicly and privately urged him to step down. in his resignation letter, radel says he cannot effectively serve his district in southwest florida. tomorrow night is president obama's state of the union address where he will look ahead at his plans for 2014 as the president puts the final touches on his speech, we're learning more about the guest list, which will include two survivors of the boston marathon bombings. this picture has become one of the iconic images from that day. the two men have become close friends. also, long-time nba player jason collins will be sitting with the first lady. last year he became the first active male athlete on a major american sports team to come out as openly gay. the district's 2013 teacher of the year will also be a special guest at the event. kathy hollowell-makle was invited by dr. jill biden. makle is a kindergarten teacher in southeast. she said she is both excited and honored with the opportunity. nbc's coverage of the state of the union begins at 9:00 tomorrow night. next, a dramatic rescue after a 10-year-old girl falls down a well in a maryland neighborhood. also, convicted felons working in a local school district. we'll report how that problem was exposed and what is being done to keep it from happening again. deep cuts could be coming to deep cuts could be coming to the area's for seeing your business' cash flow work even harder. for 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than the air temperature above, and that may have prevented more serious injuries. it is still unknown how the girl fell or how long she was down in that well. fairfax county school superintendent karen garza says errors that led to the hiring of seven convicted felons as teachers won't happen again. the issue was first revealed in 2012. all seven have either been placed on administrative leave or resigned. garza became superintendent in july. she noted the teachers were hired prior to 2009. >> we have systems in place. it cannot happen again. and the reasons come to public light now is it's taken that long to go through the legal process. >> the school system now uses an online application system that automatically disqualifies people who disclose felonies on their applications. tonight garza heard from parents and teachers about the budget she proposed earlier this month. news4's jackie bensen is in fairfax county with more on that. >> reporter: if approved as written, the 2015 budget could increase class sizes, long considered a measure of quality in this school system. as parents and students held protest signs calling for later middle and high school times, hool board members heard public comment on the proposed budget for next year. it could require more than 700 staffing cuts to pay for mandatory teacher raises and benefits, seen as vital to retaining quality teachers. >> for the first time in a very long time, we feel that we have understanding and support from our superintendent and school board members. this budget reflects that we matter as employees. >> reporter: parents and students expressed concern that the cuts would lead to larger class sizes and disproportionately affect minority and disadvantaged students. >> those programs need space staffing and summer school. and those programs are very important to leveling the playing field for our neediest kids. >> i hope that when you make yoecisioabout the budget, you will consider how much it impacts learning and the desire to learn. >> reporter: the budget process ends in may when the school board votes to approve it. jackie bensen, news4. a big reveal tonight for shoppers and job seekers in prince george's county. developers of the new laurel town center revealed more than a dozen new retail set to open this year. in addition to a harris teeter store and a regal cinema, it will host an urgent care center and hold navy and dtr clothing stores and chain restaurants as well. the development is expected to bring 1500 new full-time jobs. shops will begin to open on march 28th. you might soon have to pay to park along the national mall and in west potomac park. the national park service wants to install one thousand parking meters by the end of the year. the rates on those meters would be $2 an hour, and that would include sunday and holidays. the plan also calls for adding a new circulator route around the mall. that's the bus route. the park service hopes the move will encourage the use of public transportation. doug? >> speechless. >> we're starting to lose our sense of humor about this cold. >> it just keeps coming. >> it's like it seems like it's been weeks. >> and it has. that's exactly what it's been. we've had now three, if not four shots of polar air. but if you think it's bad here, not quite bad. you have looked outside our station every once in a while. you see snowflakes. you see the cold. but you don't see this. this is our nbc affiliate in travers city, michigan. those aren't blinds. >> get out of here! >> that is snow piled up along the side of the building. can you imagine that? right now everybody is saying jessica, close that window! what are you doing! >> it kind of insulates it probably. >> i tell you what, it could be worse. 25 degrees the current number. windchill sitting at 10 right now. and look at the wind. north-northwest at 23 miles an hour. and as i continue to tell you, the wind is what makes it feel so much colder. 25 in d.c. for the actual temperature. 19 in frederick. 17 in martinsburg. 13 in hagerstown where the windchill is 5 below zero already and 24 in huntingdon. so we're going to see a very cold night tonight. and it's the wind that makes it that much colder. 30 in manassas. 26 miles an hour in camp springs. and annapolis and easton coming in at 31 miles per hour each. now as far as the radar is concerned, it's the cold that we're dealing with tonight. 5 to 10 degrees below zero. that's why we have the windchill advisory. anne arundel, prince georges, all back towards the west under that windchill advisory. and just because you're not in it, parts of southern maryland, down around the northern neck, doesn't mean you're not going to be cold. your windchills close to zero. here is that radar. and i mentioned, nothing to show you here. we're not going to see anything in our immediate area for about the next 24 hours, or the next 12 to 24 hours because here is a storm system developing towards the south. this is going to be a major storm. not for us, but for areas to the south. and these are areas that don't normally see winter weather. winter storm warnings from houston all the way towards new orleans, the florida panhandle, a winter storm warning here, and all the way up towards southeastern virginia. no warnings or advisories for our region. but they may be issued during the day tomorrow. here is why. we have the storm system moving up the coast. enough cold air is in place. and i think the snow will make it in towards our region. i'm talk about southern maryland, the northern neck, maybe in through d.c. but definitely out towards ocean city. and they could pick up more than a few inches around that area. and then the cold moves back in. here is your snowfall forecast. coating maybe an inch. this is waldorf towards leonard town. extreme southern maryland, st. mary's county, we're talking 1 to 3 inches that could be accumulating snow. we'll continue to refine this forecast. tomorrow morning, windy and cold with a windchill of zero to 10 below zero. get the coats out if you don't already have them. the neck couple of days, we're staying in the icebox right on through the day on wednesday and on thursday. and then a little bit better friday, saturday, sunday. highs in the mid-40s. sunday, super bowl sunday, that would be a chance for some shower activity during the day there. but not all that bad. and i do think we break the cold snap after this one. >> okay. and now i'm feeling much better that i can look out the window at my office. >> there you go. >> smiley faces on that stuff at least. that's depressing. we have sports coming up. a full night of college hoops. >> plus, dianna in new york where super bowl week is kicking off with a bang. >> i'm dianna russini. for the players, this is a dream come true. tonight it all kicked off with i can only send one of you to cover the game in new york. who's got what it takes? game on. 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