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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150811

donald trump back on the campaign trail facing criticism from hillary clinton. what she reveals about their relationship. state of emergency declared. a toxic spill turns millions of gallons of river water orange from colorado to new mexico. three times larger than originally believed. it has people in durango, colorado fuming this morning. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. a few in ferguson, missouri throwing rocks and bottles. it was a full rowdy end to the day marking the one-year anniversary of michael brown's death. the violence paled in comparison to the events sunday when multiple rounds of begin fire erupted and police shot at an 18-year-old they say shot at them first. tyrone harris faces five criminal actions. his aunt denies his actions. karen harris says he was running for his life in the midst of other gun battles. we have cnn's jason carroll on the protests. >> reporter: the police made a number of arrests on west florissant, christine. a number of protesters have gathered on one side of the street. on the other side of the street, you see a significant number of law enforcement standing by and waiting. you have members of st. louis county police as well as state troopers who are out here the demonstrators were primarily peaceful for the most part. then at one point, a number of protesters who stood in the middle of west florissant. that's when police moved in and made arrests. they repeatedly warned to stay out of the street to the protest protesters. i asked police what is the main goal. he said we want to keep things peaceful. by and large, they were able to do that with the exception of those who got out in the middle of the street and caused some of the problems we saw out here. in terms of the protesters, you can see a number of them have gathered out here on the street. there is no curfew, christine, they are allowed to stay out as long as they want so long as the demonstrations are peaceful. when i spoke to one of the demonstrators, still so much work needs to be done. he says we are still angry. it has been a year since michael brown's death and we have not seen the changes questithey wan. law enforcement says however they come out to demonstrate, it must be peaceful. a year after michael brown's death on west florissant, more work needs to be done. >> jason carroll from ferguson. thank you. happening today, donald trump's first appearance on the campaign trail since the debate and the billionaire's criticism of anchor megyn kelly. he will keynote a party in eastern michigan. trump says he will not apologize to kelly. she says she will certainly not apologize to trump. >> apparently mr. trump thought the question i asked was unfair and felt i was attacking him. i felt he was asked a tough and fair question. we agree to disagree. mr. trump did interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally. i decided not to respond. mr. trump is an interesting man who captured the attention of the masses. that is why he is leading in the polls. trump will not apologize. i will not apologize for doing good journalism. i will continue doing my job without fear or favor. >> if there was a feud with trump and fox news, the air has cleared. trump and aires speaking by phone. trump tweeting, roger ailes just called. he assures me trump will be treated fairly on fox news. hillary clinton also weighing in tying him to the republican field during a campaign swing through new hampshire. cnn's jeff zeleny was there. >> reporter: good morning, christine. hillary clinton adding her voice to the controversy over donald trump. calling his comments outrageous. now this is very interesting. hillary clinton is closer to trump than most any other candidate in the race. including the republicans. of course, she received contributions from him. she attended his third wedding. she was asked about that in new hampshire. she said the reason she went to the wedding is she thought it would be entertaining. >> it is entertainment. it is all entertainment. he think he is having the time of his life up on that stage. i knew him and i happen to be planning to in florida. i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it is entertaining. now he is running for president, it is a little more troubling. >> reporter: christine, she took the opportunity to paint the republican field with a broad brush on donald trump. she said marco rubio's comments were out of touch and out of date. >> when a younger man, the senator from florida, says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. >> reporter: by singling out marco rubio, it is a sign the clinton campaign has their eye on him. hillary clinton again and again asked about trump, says his comments have no place in the presidential campaign. he is not a serious contender. he is simply enjoying this entertainment. now she is finally weighing in. we will see what the other candidates plan to do as the trump campaign continues along in the 2016 season. >> thank you, jeff. donald trump will get his chance to respond to hillary clinton's comments at 7:00. rick perry has stopped paying his staff in south carolina. perry's campaign chairman in the state says for now everyone is working in a volunteer capacity. perry says he remains committed to working for the nomination. new york democratic senator says breaking with the president and iran deal is the most difficult decision he made. schumer says the iranians have one real goal. sanction relief. we have more from white house correspondent michelle kosinski. >> reporter: christine, just hearing his words underscores how important the deal is. this is chuck schumer. poised to be the next democratic leader in the senate. this is the first timing we are hearing from him after the stunning early announcement that he does not support the deal. he spells out his reason. he thought about this for a long time. consulted experts and listened to the briefings and did not let politics influence him. he lists three reasons for not going for the deal. he doesn't feel the inspections are sufficient. they are not anytime, anywhere. it could take 24 days for inspectors to gain access. also, 10 to 15 years down the road, iran would be a threshold nuclear state. >> iran will get all sorts of money once the sanctions are lifted and they will use too much of that money in my judgment to create real problems in the middle east. they will fund hezbollah and the houthis in yemen and assad in syria. they will use it to build an icbm which is aimed at the united states because they have enough missiles to reach europe. >> reporter: schumer says the only alternative is the eventual war with iran. why not go back and try to get a better deal. president obama knowledacknowle either side would not get everything they want. the white house insists this is the best deal possible and that 10 to 15 years down the road if iran did try to breakout and build a nuclear bomb, that breakout time would be longer than it is today. the u.s. would detect that and be able to respond. christine. >> michelle, thank you. the white house did get good news on monday. senator brian schatz from hawaii will back the deal. he is the 16th senator to do so. a disturbing study kept secret by the federal government for nearly four years. finds the nation's air traffic controllers are dangerously sleepy. the ap obtained the copy of the study of the chronic fatigue which endangers the air traffic system. the 2011 study found 20% of controllers had significant issues. time for an early start on your money. a quick look at stocks around the world are lower. a shock from china allowing for thedepreciation of the currency. watch google shares today. separating out the advertising and search business from the diverse unprofitable moon shots. the umbrella company will be called alphabet. it is run by larry page and sergei brinn. some of the departments will spin off to their own umbrella company. state of emergency. a toxic spill turning millions of gallons of river water orange from colorado to new mexico. a disaster. i'll bring that to you next. many wbut come with high hopes, doesn't work on wrinkles. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula... to work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. i brto get us moving.tein i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. thso we got our new he washingzy machine but it took forever turns out it wasn't the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean. now we get way cleaner clothes way faster he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in ½ the time plaque psoriasis. moderate to severe isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . a state of emergency declared in colorado. the anamus river turning a toxic orange color. the epa admitting it accidentally sent 3 million gallons of sludge into the river which is now laced with dangerous chemicals and heavy metals. arsenic and lead among them. we have more from medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. >> this is a major problem. the reason why is the heavy metals in the sludge. cadmium and arsenic and lead and mercury. christine, when you compare the levels in the sludge to what is considered the epa acceptable levels, mercury at ten times the acceptable levels. lead, a reading 11,000 times acceptable level by the epa. now these toxic metals can cause cancer and kidney problems and developmental problems in children. what we don't know is how many people drink from this water and did it reach all of these people before the warning was given to shut it off. if health problems emerge, it would take years if not decades for them to come out. christine. >> besides drinking, what else is this water used for? to look at the pictures, it is so sad. it is a beautiful part of the country. it looks like it is spoiled. what do they use the river for? >> you know, they also use the river to irrigate crops. christine, that is another big problem. the plants absorb this. especially cadmium. it is really toxic. cadmium is one that eats it up. you just don't know how much of this water went into the crops. we don't know how much was absorbed by the crops. i wrote e-mails to the epa and they did not respond. legionnaires' disease killed 12 more people in the bronx. no new cases reported in the last week. so far, 113 cases have been diagnosed since july 10th. 76 patients treated at hospitals. the new legislation in new york requires all cooling towers be register registered. a white house aide charged with assault after allegedly threatening and shooting at her boyfriend. barvetta singletary grabbed her boyfriend's gun during a fight last friday. she fired a round at the floor. no one was hurt. she has been released on bond. donald sterling suing his ex-girlfriend v. stiviano and tmz over the scandal that forced him to sell the clippers. the tapes of racially charged remarks violated his privacy and caused a scale of issues. severe thunderstorms all along the east coast. let's get to meteorologist pedram javaheri. >> christine, hope you are having a fantastic tuesday morning. the showers across the delmarva region and virginia. the not models are doing a good job. i expect the intensity to pick up between 9:00 to noon. the intensity could bring in very heavy rainfall in new york city and philadelphia. around d.c. and delmarva could get up to 4 inches in the next couple days. temperatures though, yesterday was 83 in boston. about 80 degrees in new york city. seasonal for this time of year. the extreme heat across the south. 13 million people under the heat advisory. notice a cooling trend back up to the upper 90s for dallas by later this week. quick glance here. the perseid meteor showers taking place. a new phase of the moon. skies well be dark. tonight, poor conditions across the northeast, but wednesday into the, improving conditions there for meteors. upwards of 100 shooting stars per hour. christine. >> thank you, pedram. golf's final major set to take place this weekend. will rory mcilroy be ready to tee it up? andy scholes has the bleacher report next. t to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades, even salon shades in just 10 minutes. no roots. no grays. just the most shade choices for natural looking color as real as you are. so go ahead, show the world your roots with america's #1 root touch-up. the uncertainties i don't wantof hep c.with or wonder... ...whether i should seek 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relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at! no sixth grader's ever sat with but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, filler paper and folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. big news this morning from the world of golf. rory mcilroy says he is ready to play in the last major tournament. andy scholes has more from the bleacher report. >> he missed the british open after playing soccer with his buddies and injuring his ankle. the world's number one golfer played a practice round at whistling straits. all eyes will be on rory's grove. he will play with jordan spieth and zach johnson. johnny cueto made his debut. he threw a four hitter as the royals beat the tigers, 4-0. cueto struck out eight. he did not let a runner get past second base. the first pitcher since cliff lee to throw a shutout in the national league and american league in the same season. governor charlie baker is showing support for als awar awareness and tom brady. he wore a free brady t-shirt on the steps of the statehouse yesterday. brady and roger goodell are scheduled to be in a manhattan federal court tomorrow morning to participate in a settlement meeting over the deflategate. you have to see this video from the tour of yutah. a rider going too fast down this hill and crashes right into that porsche. the rider's name is matt bromiear. he tweeted from the hospital. all good in the hood, guys. thanks for the messages. christine, he wasn't in too bad a shape. broke ribs and pelvis. amazing after seeing that video. that could have gone much, much worse. >> all good. that did not look good. i'm glad he has a sense of humor. we wish him a speedy -- not a speedy recovery. >> slow and steady. >> thanks, andy scholes. 25 minutes past the hour. state of emergency in ferguson. new arrests overnight. police and protesters facing off. details ahead. monow theafter brushing, often need a helping hand. listerine® total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. and for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. a new sea chance to tryew look. something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ the 2015 cadillac srx. lease this from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. like it used to?ould bounce back new neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena. breaking overnight. new arrests in ferguson, missouri. protesters and police facing off in a night of demonstrations. donald trump back on the campaign trail facing new criticism from hillary clinton. what she reveals about her relationship with trump. a toxic spill turns a river orange. major problem for residents and farmers. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. frustrating night in ferguson. a few demonstrators throwing rocks and bottles. a rowdy day after the day of protests and civil disobedience over the one-year anniversary of michael brown's death. the violence paled in comparison to sunday where police shot an 18-year-old who police say fired at them first. tyrone harris faces five counts of armed criminal action. his aunt denies he fired on police. karen harris said he did not have a gun and was quote running for his life in the midst of other people's gun battles. cnn's jason carroll is in ferguson with more on the protests and arrests. >> reporter: christine, police ended up making a number of arrests on west florissant. where we are right now, protesters are gathering on one side of the street. on the other side of the street, you see a significant number of law enforcement standing by and waiting. you have members of the st. louis county police and state troopers out here. the demonstrators were peaceful for the most part. then at one point, a number of protesters who stood in the middle of west florissant street. that is when police moved in and made several arrests. they repeatedly warned protesters to stay out of the street. i spoke to the representative from the state troopers. i asked him what is the main goal. he said we want to keep things peaceful. by and large, they did that with the exception of those who got out in the street and caused problems we saw out here. in terms of the protesters, you see a number have been gathering on the street. there is no curfew, christine, they are allowed to stay out here as long as they want so long as the demonstrations are peaceful. when i spoke to one of the demonstrators, i said so much work needs to be done. he said we are so angry. it has been a year since michael brown's death and they are not seeing the changes they want. law enforcement agrees that change needs to happen. once again, several arrests that we saw made out here on west florissant. still a year after michael brown's death, a number of people say more work needs to be done. christine. >> jason carroll in ferguson. thank you. donald trump's first appearance on the campaign trail since last week's debate and comments about megyn kelly. trump will keynote lincoln day republican party event in eastern michigan. he said he will not apologize to megyn kelly. that is brand trump not to back down or apologize. she said she will not apologize to trump. >> apparently mr. trump thought the question i asked was unfair and felt i was attacking him. i felt he was asked a tough, but fair question. we agree to disagree. mr. trump did interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally. i decided not to respond. mr. trump is an interesting man capturing the attention of the masses. that is why he is leading in the polls. trump, the frontrunner will not apologize. i certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. i will continue to do my job. >> if there was a brewing feud with trump and fox news, the air has cleared. fox news chairman ailes speaking to trump. expressing 100% support for megyn kelly. trump tweeting ailes just called and assures me i'll be treated fairly on fox news. hillary clinton tying in to the rest of the republican field. she was in a swing through new hampshire. cnn's jeff zeleny was there. >> reporter: good morning, christine. hillary clinton adding her voice to the criticism of trump. calling his comments offensive and outrageous. this is very interesting. hillary clinton is closer to trump than most any other candidate in the race. including the republicans. she has received contributions from him. she attended his third wedding. she was asked about that in new hampshire. she said the reason she went to the wedding is she thought it would be entertaining. >> it's entertainment. i think he's having the time of his life. being up on that stage and saying whatever he wants to say. i didn't know him that well. i knew him. i knew him and i happen to be planning to be in florida and i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it is entertaining. now he is running for president, it's a little more troubling. >> reporter: christine, she took the opportunity to paint the republican field with a broad brush over trump. she singled out marco rubio and his comments over abortion. >> when a much younger man says there is no exception for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. >> reporter: by singling out rubio. it is a sign the clinton campaign has their eye on him. hillary clinton when asked about trump, she said he has not place in the race. she is enjoying the entertainment. we will see what the other republican candidates do as the donald trump campaign continues along in the unusual campaign. christine. >> jeff, unusual indeed. donald trump will get a chance to respond to the clinton comments in a couple of hours. he will be interviewed here on "new day" during the 7:00 hour. rick perry's campaign could be in trouble. he stopped paying his staff in south carolina. he said for now everyone is working in a volunteer capacity. he continues to work for the nomination. senator chuck schumer says breaking with president obama and opposing the nuclear deal with iran is one of the most difficult decisions he has ever had to make. schumer laying out his reasons insisting the iranians have one goal. sanction relief. we have more from white house correspondent michelle kosinski. >> reporter: christine, just hearing his words underscores how important and disputed the deal is. this is chuck schumer poised to be the next democratic leader in the senate. this is the first time we are hearing from him after the stunning early announcement that he does not support the deal. he spells out his reasons. he thought about this for a long time. consulted experts and listened to the classified briefings. he lists three reasons. he doesn't feel the inspections are sufficient. not anytime, anywhere. and 10 or 15 years down the road, iran would be a threshold nuclear state. >> then the non-nuclear parts. iran will get all sorts of money once the sanctions are lifted and they will use too much of that money in my judgment to create real problems in the middle east. they will fund hezbollah and houthi in yemen and assad in syria. they will use it to build an icbm which can be aimed at the united states since they have enough missiles to reach israel and europe. >> reporter: schumer says the only alternative is eventual war with iran. why not go back and try to get a better deal. president obama has acknowledged that in any negotiation, but especially this one, either side would not get what they want. the white house could not see this more differently than schumer. the white house says this is the best deal possible. 10 to 15 years down the road if iran did try to breakout and build a nuclear bomb, that breakout time would be longer than it is today. the u.s. would be able to detect that and be able to respond. christine. >> michelle, thank you. the white house did get some good news on monday. democratic senator brian schatz of hawaii will back the deal. the senate votes on the agreement in mid-september. time for an early start on your money. a look here at stocks around the world mostly lower. a shock from china. announcing a one-time depreciati depreciation. u.s. stock futures are down stepping back from a rally yesterday of 240 points. that snapped a seven-day losing streak. watch google shares today. google is reorganizing the businesses separating the money making search and ad business to the moon shots. an umbrella company alphabet will be run by two of the senior officials. operating as separate companies under the alphabet umbrella is the driverless car and others. the toxic spill is much worse than originally believed. millions of gallons of water polluted. the sludge from colorado to new mexico. next. you foreve ♪ especially if you don't leave. ♪ you got it booking right. booking.yeah listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. ♪"once there was a hushpuppy" by dan romis man kind?eitlin ♪ are we good? go see. go look through their windows so you can understand their views. go find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are. look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . a state of emergency declared in colorado. the anamus river turning a toxic orange color five days after the epa admitted it. the epa admits it accidentally sent the sludge into the river which is now laced with arsenic and lead. we get the latest from cnn medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. >> one toxicologist put it this is a major problem. because of the heavy metals in the sludge. cadmium and arsenic and lead and mercury. when you compare the levels in the sludge to the epa acceptable levels. ten times the acceptable levels. lead with a reading of 11,000 times what is considered acceptable level by the epa. now the toxic metals can cause cancer and kidney problems. they can cause developmental problems in children. what we don't know is how many people drink from this water and did it reach all of the people before the warning was giving to shut it off. if health problems emerge, it will take years if not decades to come out. >> what else is this water used for? to look at the pictures it is so sad. it is a beautiful part of the country. it is obviously spoiled. what do they use the river for? >> you know, they also use the river to irrigate crops. that's another big problem because the plants absorb this. especially cadmium. cadmium is one toxicologists says it eats it up. we don't know how much of the water went into the crops. there are so many questions out there. i wrote e-mails to the epa yesterday to get answers. they did not respond. >> wow. we hope she gets response today and find out from the epa exactly what happened there and who is taking responsibility. let's see what is coming up on "new day." michaela pereira joins us. you will get a chance to talk to donald trump? >> we are prepared for that. it is going to be interesting and telling, christine. i know you will be watching. he is the republican frontrunner. for the first time, donald trump will speak to us here on "new day." he refuses to back down over the megyn kelly comments. now hillary clinton is weighing in saying it is not just trump, but the entire republican party that has a problem with women. we will get mr. trump's response to that and a host of other issues. you don't want to miss that conversation with donald trump on "new day." we will have the latest on what is happening in ferguson. new round of arrests overnight. what will it take for that community to heal? all of that and more at the top of the hour on "new day." >> thank you, michaela. the u.s. consulate in turkey attacked as the country's partnership with the united states and the war on isis enters a new phase. we are live after the break. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. the u.s. consulate in istanbul is expected to reopen today after it came under fire monday. the state run agency says the attack was launched by a leftist group. the attack came one day after the u.s. deployed six f-16 fighters and 300 military personnel at the air base in southern turkey. it was one of three armed attacks across turkey. turkey is one of america's key allies in the region. for the latest on the violence there, let's turn to correspondent nick paton walsh. good morning, nick. >> reporter: christine, the u.s. consulate here still advising people to stay away from large gatherings. they will reopen tomorrow. what a devastating wave of violence yesterday and continuing today. one soldier killed in the southeast of the country in the same area where the four were killed by remote-controlled bombs and a soldier killed by a remote control helicopter yesterday. those blamed on the kurdish separatists. turkey is involved in a complex war here. agreed to step up attacks against isis. the u.s. are also fighting. also to actually attack the kurdish separatists known as the pkk, a distant ally to the united states and fighting isis. that's how complex it got here. yesterday's four separate attacks. two in the south and two in the commercial capital of istanbul. none of those were carried out by isis. that is what many are fearing that u.s. step up the military campaign, it could bring retaliation here against turkey. the consulate attacks, the marksist groups and two females of the group known as the dhkpc. one was arrested and one said to be on the run. so much violence here in the city that should experience peak tourist levels at the height of the august season. turkey embracing itself for what could be ahead. many criticized it for trying to ignore the isis progress and renewing the problem to hammer the long term adversary, the kurds here. that is opening up pandora's box here. problems for government and many are worried we could be seeing more attacks like yesterday ahead. >> nick, thank you for that. 52 minutes past the hour. wouldn't you like to see more money in your paycheck? wages stuck in neutral, but not everywhere. i'll take you to the cities with the biggest pay raises. that's next. om bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through 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protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. i'm christine romans. let's get an early start on your money. stocks around the world lower. a shock from china overnight allowing a one time depreciation of the currency. a deal on the new bailout with greece. u.s. futures down. stepping back from a rally yesterday. the dow up 240 points yesterday. hillary clinton unveiled the cornerstone of the domestic agenda. a chance for students to graduate without debt. to refinance with lower interest rates. that would cost $350 billion over ten years. clinton wants the richest americans to pay. similar to the plan from the president to limit deductions for people making $250,000 a year or more. republicans like jeb bush and marco rubio slam it as a new tax increase. workers are seeing paltry raises across the country, but some are seeing wage growth. in columbus, ohio, wages grew 6.2% last year. much better than the 1.2% nationwide. san francisco, virginia beach, louisville, kentucky, rochester, new york. unemployment is below the national average and moving down quickly. wage growth is the missing ingredient in the recovery. many don't feel the job recovery. you are seeing some very nice wage growth. new arrests overnight in ferguson, missouri. "new day" picks up that story right now. >> state of emergency in ferguson, missouri. >> police moved in and made several arrests. >> give us some room! >> weapons in an already wounded community is a recipe for disaster. >> we cannot afford to have this kind of violence. mr. trump did interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally. >> she should be apologizing to me. >> i will not an popologizing f doing good journalism. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> welcome to "new day." mic and i are joined by ana cabrera. we have to tell you about ferguson. the news is not good. the city boiling over again. officers came under attack from demonstrators. >> state of emergency remains in effect after more than 50 people arrested outside the local courthouse demonstration. can police and protesters find common ground and keep the peace today? ryan young is live in ferguson with latest today. ryan. >> reporter: michaela, we over nigh, several arrests made as rocks and water bottles were thrown at police. protesters taking to the streets blocking traffic. authorities declared a state of emergency in ferguson. >> back up. >> reporter: protesters continued for a second night surrounding the anniversary of michael brown's death. armored police vehicles back on the street, police lining up in riot gear. around 2:00 a.m., a puzzling scene, a small group of heavily armed men walk into the crowd of protesters, calling themselves the oath ep


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150811

believed. good morning. i'm christine romans. welcome to "early start." john berman has the morning off. arrests in ferguson, missouri after demonstrators confronted police. a few throwing rocks and bottles. it was a rowdy end to the full day of protests marking the one-year anniversary of michael brown's death. the violence paled in comparison to sunday when multiple rounds of gunfire erupted and police shot at an 18-year-old. tyrone harrison is hospitalized. he faces five counts of armed criminal action. his aunt denies he fired on police. car even harris says he did not have a gun. we have more on the protests and arrests with nick valencia. >> reporter: police made a number of arrests on west florissant. a number of protesters gathered on one side of the street. you can still see a significant number of law enforcement standing by and waiting. you have members of the st. louis county police and state troopers out here. the demonstrators were primarily peaceful for the most part. then at one point, a number of protesters who stood in the middle of west florissant street. that's when police moved in and made several arrests. they repeatedly warned protesters to stay out of the street. i spoke to the representative from the state troopers here. i asked him and said what is your main goal. he said christine, we just want to keep things peaceful. with the exception of those in middle of the street, it was peaceful. in terms of the protesters, they have been gathering on the street. there is no curfew, christine, they are allowed to stay out as long as they want so long as the demonstrations are peaceful. when i spoke to one of the demonstrators, it seems like so much work still needs to be done. he says we are still angry over the death of michael brown. when i spoke to members of law enforcement, they, too, agree there needs to be change. however people need to come out and express themselves, it needs to be peaceful. several arrests on west florissant we saw last night. a year after michael brown's death. a number of people in the community say more work skitill needs to be done. christine. >> jason carroll, thank you. happening today, donald trump's first appearance on the campaign trail since the debate and the criticism about fox news anchor megyn kelly. he will attend an event in michigan. >> apparently mr. trump thought the question i asked was unfair and felt i was attacking him. i felt he was asked a tough, but fair question. we agree to disagree. mr. trump did interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally. i decided not to respond. mr. trump has captured the attention of the elect tohelect. i will continue to do my job without fear or favor. >> if there was a brewing feud with trump and fox news, the air has cleared. ales and trump speaking by phone. expressing 100% support for megyn kelly. trump tweeting, roger ailes just called. his word is always good. hillary clinton tying trump to the republican field during a campaign swing in new hampshire. our jeff zeleny was there. >> reporter: the comments were offensive or outrageous, which adjective you would like to use. hillary clinton is closer to trump in this race. she received contributions interest him and attended his wedding. she said the reason she went to the wedding is she thought it would be entertaining. >> it's entertainment. it's all entertainment. i think he is having the time of his life. being up on that stage and saying what he wants to say. i didn't know him that well. i knew him. i happen to be planning to be in florida. i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding. now he's running for president, it's more troubling. >> reporter: christine, she took every opportunity to paint this republican field with a broad brush of donald trump. she singled out marco rubio. she said his abortion comments last week were out of touch and out of date. by singling out marco rubio, it is a sign her campaign has an eye on him. when asked about donald trump, his comments have no place in this presidential campaign. he is not a serious contender. he is simply enjoying the entertainment. she is weighing in. we will see what the donald trump campaign continues along. christine. >> jeff, thanks for that. donald trump will get his chance to respond to clinton's comments in a few hours. he will be interviewed live on "new day." rick perry's campaign could be in trouble. the former texas governor has stopped paying his staff in south carolina. for now everyone has agreed to keep working in a volunteer capacity. perry's handlers insist he remains committed to the nomination. chuck schumer says breaking with president obama and opposing the nuclear deal with iran is one of the most difficult decisions he had to make. the new york senator laying out the reasons for rejecting the agreement. insisting the iranians have one goal. sanction relief. we get more from white house correspondent michelle kosinski. >> reporter: christine, just hearing his words underscores how important and how disputed the iran nuclear deal is. this is chuck schumer. poised to be the next democratic leader in the senate. this is the first time we are hearing from him after the stunning early announce. that he does not support the deal. he spells out his reasons. he said he thought about this for a long time. consulted the experts and listened to the briefings. he lists three reasons for not going for the deal. he doesn't feel inspections are sufficient. not anytime, anywhere. it could take 24 days to gain access. also 10 to 15 years down the road, iran would be a threshold nuclear state. >> then the non nuclear parts. iran will get all sorts of money once the sanctions are lifted and they will use too much of that money, in my judgment, to create real problems in the middle east. they will fund hezbollah and houthis in yemen. they will use it to build an icbm. they have enough missiles to reach israel and europe. >> reporter: schumer says the only alternative is the eventual war with iran. why not go back and try to get a better deal. president obama acknowledged in any negotiation, especially this one, either side was not going to get everything they want. the white house could not see this more differently than schumer. the white house insists it is the best deal possible. and 10 to 15 years down the road if iran tried to break out and build a nuclear bomb, that would be longer than it is today. the u.s. would be able to detect that and respond. >> thank you, michelle. the white house did get good news on monday. brian schatz of hawaii will back the deal. he is the 16th senator to do that. the senate votes in mid-september. a study kept secret by the federal government for four years. the nation's air traffic controllers are dangerously sleepy. the associated press obtained a copy of the study which blamed long work hours that endangers the safety of the national air traffic system. 20% of controllers committed significant errors in the previous year. 6 in 10 air traffi controllers admit they have fallen asleep on the job. time for an early start on your money. stocks around the world mostly lower. a shock from china. allowing a one-time depression. eu officials reached a deal on the greece bailout. u.s. foutures are down. the dow rallied after a seven-day losing streak. google now has a new parent company. google announced a corporate restructuring. it formed an umbrella company called alpha-bet. they tapped google's senior vice president of product to run the company's core business as ceo. some departments will spinoff into the sub companies, including the makers of the driverless car and nest. a whole new corporate structure. umbrella at the top as alpha-bet. stock is up big time. ten minutes past the hour. happening now, state of emergency declared in new mexico. a toxic spill turning millions of gallons of river water orange. a spill that is much bigger than originally believed. we are live. a state of emergency declared in colorado. the anamus river turning toxic orange color. the epa admitting it accidentally sent 3 million gallons of sludge into the river. that river is laced with a host of arsenic and lead. we get the latest from cnn's medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. elizabe elizabeth, this is a dangerous mistake. >> reporter: absolutely. one toxicologist put it as a major problem. the reason why is the heavy metals. cadmium and arsenic and lead and mercury. when you compare the levels in the sludge to the epa acceptable levels. arsenic, ten times. lead, a reading of 11,000 teams of what is considered acceptable level by the epa. the toxic metals can cause conditi kidney and other problems. what we don't know is how many people drink from this water and did it reach the people before the warning was given to shut it off. if health problems emerge, it would take years, if not decades. christine. >> besides drinking, what else is this water used for? it is a sad issue. a beautiful part of the country. what do they use the river for? >> reporter: they also use the river to irrigate crops. another big problem. the plants absorb this. especially cadmium. that is one that toxicologists told me it just eats it up. we don't know how much of the water went into the crops or absorbed by the crops. i wrote the epa and have no answer yet. legionnaires' disease in new york claimed two more deaths. 12 people in the south bronx. city health officials report no new cases in the last week. a sign the outbreak may be waning. so far, 113 cases diagnosed since july 10th with 76 patients treated at hospitals. the new york mayor requiring all existing cooling towers in the city registered with inspections. new developments in the 2014 slenderman case. the two 14-year-olds will be tried as adults for stabbing a girl 14 times and leaving her in the forest. they wanted to honor the fictional man slenderman. the teens could face sentences of up to 65 years each. if tried in the juvenile court system, they would be held until 18. because the girls were just 12 years old at the time of the attack, the father of one of them believes it is a mistake to try them as adults. >> what is your biggest concern? >> she is a little girl. >> they will be arraigned on august 21st. a 20-year-old new jersey man arrested for allegedly trying to join isis. he appeared in court monday, but did not enter a plea. prosecutors say he traveled from new york to amman, jordan last may trying to reach isis territory. his mother, 23-year-old allah saaada was arrested on similar charges. a white house aide charged with assault after allegedly shooting at her boyfriend, a capitol security officer. authorities say she grabbed her boyfriend's gun during a fight last friday and fired a round at the floor. no one was hurt. she has been released on bond and due back in court next month. donald sterling suing v. stiviano. he says the release of the recorded conversations where he made racially charged remarks. saying those violated his privacy and caused damage on unparalleled magnitudmagnitude. his remarks were made in front of stiviano's sister. severe forecast. all along the coast. let's get to meteorologist pedram javaheri for the weather. >> christine, look at the showers across the portions of the northeast and delmarva region and western new york state. the models are doing a good job. i expect the intensity to pick up between 9:00 to noon and early this afternoon. the intensity could bring in heavy rainfall in new york city, philly. possibly of 1 to 2 inches at jfk and the northern portions of delmarva in the next couple days. temperatures, yesterday, 83. not too bad across new york city. 80 degrees. seasonal for this time of year. what is unseasonable across the south. 13 million people across the south dealing with the heat advisories. quick glance here. the perseid meteor showers. we have a new phase of the moon. skies are dark. poor conditions across the northeast, but as we head into wednesday night, improving conditions there for some meteors. 100 shooting stars per hour if you get outside. christine. >> thanks, pedram. the u.s. consulate in turkey attacked as the war on isis enters a new phase. we are live after the break. happening today, the u.s. consulate in istanbul is expected to reopen after it came under fire monday. the state run news agency says the attack came one day after the u.s. deployed six f-16 fighters and 300 military personnel at the air base in southern turkey. it was one of three armed attacks across turkey. which is one of america's allies in the region. i want to turn to correspondent nick paton walsh. nick. >> reporter: christine. this is the height of tourist season and capital istanbul. it is two gunned women they blame for the attack on the consulate. the target not hit. one gun woman injured and the other on the run. they are part of the group known as dhkpc. this attack political toward isis. you say the motivation was american build up here, but not part of that war. isis weren't behind the attack. you mentioned turkey being the other target of the military campaign here. yes, they are hitting isis with the jets, but the long time adversary here, the kurds. just this morning, the sixth now turkish security member killed in the southeast of the country. this one killed on the military base. another one killed in a helicopter yesterday. four killed by roadside bombs remote controlled detonator. turkey suffering here in the fight of the separatists. allowing the u.s. in the south base of the country. you mentioned the six f-16s starting to target isis. the question that many in turkey are asking is they are being hit and where does isis fit into all this? we have not seen that in the last few days of the wave of violence. that has many on edge here. quite what will the spillover of turkey and the u.s. increasing military operations here in fragile turkey. thanks, nick. state of emergency in ferguson. new arrests overnight. police and protesters face-off. details next. breaking overnight. new arrests in ferguson, missouri. protesters and police facing off in a new night of demonstrations. donald trump back on the campaign trail facing criticism from hillary clinton and talking about the controversial comments of megyn kelly. a toxic spill in the colorado river. a problem for farmers and residents. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. a frustrating night in ferguson, missouri. a few throwing rocks and bottles. it was a rowdy night marking the one-year anniversary to michael brown's death. sunday is when multiple rounds of gunfire erupted and police shot at an 18-year-old. tyrone harris is hospitalized in critical condition. he now faces multiple charges, including five counts of armed criminal action. harris' aunt denies he fired on police. karen harris said he did not have a gun and running for his life in a gun battle with other people. we have more with jason carroll. >> reporter: christine, police made a number of arrests on west florissant where we are right now. a number of protesters gathered on one side of the street. on the other side of the street, you see a significant number of law enforcement waiting. you have members of the state troopers and st. louis county police here. the demonstrators were mostly peaceful. then a number of protesters who stood in the middle of west florissant street. that's when police moved in and made several arrests. they repeatedly warned protesters to stay out of the street. i spoke to a representative of the state troopers out here. i asked what is your main goal. christine, he said we want to keep things peaceful. by and large they were able to do that with the exception of those who got out in the middle of the street and caused problems. in terms of the protesters, you see they have gathered here. there is no curfew, christine. they they are allowed to stay out here as long as the demonstrations are peaceful. i spoke to one of the demonstrators. he said we are still angry. it has been a year since michael brown's death and still they are not seeing the changes they want. when i spoke to members of law enforcement, they agree there needs to be change, but they said however people come out to express themselves, it must be peaceful. several arrests we saw made out here on west florissant. still, a year after michael brown's death. a number of people in the community say more work still needs to be done. christine. >> jason, thank you. happening today, donald trump's first appearance on the campaign trail since last week's debate and the comments about megyn kelly. trump will keynote an event in michigan. trump says he will not apologize to kelly. she says she will not apologize to trump. >> apparently mr. trump thought the question i asked was unfair and felt i was attacking him. i felt he was asked a tough, but fair question. we agree to disagree. mr. trump did interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally. i have decided not to respond. mr. trump is an interesting man who captured the attention of the electorate. trump will not apologize. i will not apologize for doing good journalism. i'll continue to do my job. >> if there was a brewing feud with trump and fox news, it has trump and roger ailes calling the issues. his word is always good. hillary clinton weighing in on trump tying him to the republican field during a campaign swing through new hampshire. cnn's jeff zeleny was there. >> reporter: good morning, christine. hillary clinton adding her voice to the donald trump issues. calling his comments outrageous. this is interesting. hillary clinton is closer to donald trump than most any other candidate in the race. including the republicans. she received contributions from him. she attended his third wedding. she was asked about that in new hampshire. she said the reason she went to the wedding is because she believes it would be entertaining. >> it is all entertainment. i think he is having the time of his life. i did not know him that well. i knew him and i happen to be planning to be in florida. i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it is entertaining. now he is running for president, it is a little more troubling. >> reporter: christine, she took every opportunity to paint the republican field with a broad brush of donald trump. she singled out marco rubio. she said his comments over abortion were out of touch and date. >> and the senator from florida says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. >> reporter: by singling out rubio, it is interesting that the campaign has their eye on him. he is not a serious contender. she said he is enjoying the entertainment. she is weighing in. we will see what the other republican candidates do as the campaign continues in the unusual 2016 campaign. christine. >> jeff. unusual. donald trump will get his chance to respond to hillary clinton's comments in a few hours. he will be interviewed in the 7:00 hour of "new day." rick perry's campaign could be in trouble. his campaign in the state of south carolina agreed to work in a volunteer capacity. his handlers insist he will compete for the nomination in new hampshire and south carolina. senator chuck schumer says breaking with president obama and opposing the nuclear deal with iran is the most difficult decision he had to make. laying out the reasons for rejecting the agreement. insisting the iranians have one goal. sanction relief. we get more from white house correspondent michelle kosinski. >> reporter: christine, just hearing his words underscores how important this nuclear deal is. this is chuck schumer. poised to be the next democratic leader in the senate. this is the announcement that he does not support the deal. he spells out his reasons. he said he thought about it for a long time and consulted the experts and listened to the briefings and did not let politics sway him. he doesn't feel the inspections are sufficient. they are not anytime, anywhere. it could take 24 days for inspectors to gain access. also 10 or 15 years down the road, iran would be a threshold nuclear debate. >> iran will get all sorts of money once the sanctions are lifted. they will use too much of that money in my judgment to create real problems in the middle east. they will fund hezbollah and houthis in yemen and assad in syria. they will use it to build an icbm which can only be aimed at the united states. >> reporter: schumer disputes the only alternative would be eventual war with iran. why not go back and try to get a better deal. president obama has acknowledged in any negotiation, but especially this one. either side would not get what they want. the white house could not see this more differently than schumer does. the white house insists this is the best deal possible and 10 or 15 years if iran did try to break out and build a nuclear bomb, that breakout time would be longer than it is today. the u.s. would be able to detect that and would be able to respond. christine. >> michelle kosinski, thank you. the white house did get good news on monday. senator brian schatz of hawaii will back the deal. he will be the 16th senator to do so. the senate votes in mid-september. a look here at stocks around the world are lower. a shock from china. allowing a one-time depression of its currency. eu officials reached a deal on the greece bailout. u.s. futures are down. the dow rallied 240 points snapping a seven-day losing streak. watch google shares today. a major corporate restructuring. forming an umbrella company called alpha-bet. the senior vice president of product will run the core business. the makers of the driverless car and nest and what started as a search engine does all kinds of things. company restructuring to show where the value is and what parts of the company are losing money. at one point this morning, in pre-market, google shares were up 6%. a toxic river spill. environmental disaster much worse than originally believed. millions of gallons of drinking water turn toxic. a state of emergency this morning in colorado. the anamus river turning a toxic orange color. five days after contaminated by the epa. the agency admitted it accidently sent 3 million gallons of sludge in the river. it is now filled with arsenic and cadmium and lead. we get the latest from dr. elizabeth cohen. >> reporter: this is a major problem. the reason why, christine, is because of the heavy metals in the sludge. cadmium and arsenic and lead and mercury. christine, when you compare the levels in the sludge to considered the epa acceptable levels. mercury at ten times the acceptable levels. arsenic 800 times. lead, a reading that was 11,000 times what's considered acceptable level by the epa. the toxic metals can cause kidney problems and developmental problems in children. what we don't know is how many people drink from the water and did it reach all of the people before the warning was given to shut it off. if health problems emerge, it would take years for them to get out. >> to look at the pictures, it is so sad. it is a beautiful part of the country. it is obviously spoiled. what do they use the river for? >> reporter: you know, they use the river to irrigate crops. christine, that's another big problem. the plants absorb this. especially cadmium. that is one that toxicologists told me it just eats it up. we don't know how much of the water went into the crops or absorbed by the crops. i wrote e-mails to the epa yesterday and they did not respond. >> an investigation into what happened and why the epa made that mistake and have allowed 3 million gallons of that sludge into the river. that is an investigation to continue. thank you, elizabeth. legionnaires' disease in new york killed 12 people in the south bronx. officials say two more cooling towers tested positive. so far, there have been 113 cases diagnosed since july 10th. 76 patients treated at hospitals. new york mayor proposing legislation to require all cooling towers in the city registered for inspections. developing this morning, a white house aide charged with assault after allegedly shooting at her boyfriend, a u.s. capitol police officer. he helps with the house of representatives. she grabbed her boyfriend's gun during a fight last friday. she fired a round at the floor. no one was hurt. she is due back in court next month. donald sterling suing his ex-girlfriend, v. stiviano and tmz over the scandal that forced him to sell the clippers. he says the release of the conversations where he made racially charged remarks violated his privacy and caused unparalleled issues. no comment from tmz. the u.s. consulate in turkey attacked. a new wave of violence in the country as a new support for isis. we are live an after the break. the u.s. consulate in istanbul is expected to reopen after coming under fire monday. the turkey state run agency says the attacks were from a leftist group angry over the u.s. military build up in turkey. this is after six f-16 fighters and military members at the air base. it is one of three armed attacks across turkey. one of america's allies in the region. for the latest on the u.s. and turkey and escalating violence there, let's bring in senior correspondent nick paton walsh. >> reporter: christine, the f-16s are there to attack isis in the days ahead, the attack targeting the u.s. consulate, isis weren't behind it, but a marksist group known as the dhpkc. the two female gunman authorities say were behind it. one caught and the other at large. the consulate is saying stay away from large gatherings here in the capital. it was as you mentioned, one of many attacks. the total of five in the last 24 hours across turkey. one just this morning. one seemingly to by the kurds. turkey is a complex war here. it is bombing isis with the u.s., but hitting the adversary the kurds, the pkk, in south turkey as well. that has officials confused. the pkk thought to be behind three attacks. one soldier shot death this morning and another killed in a helicopter and four killed by roadside bombs yesterday. a bloody past 24 hours or more in turkey. we have yet to see the u.s. bombing campaign launched from here properly underway. turkey under criticism for hitting the kurds who are the awkward ground troops. a different branch of the kurds doing the fighting from all the same political allegiance. the u.s. wants to stay on the side of turkey to use the military base in the south, but this conflict now in its fourth year with isis in the mix, so complicated. the u.s. now finding, i think, what should be key ally here often comiplicating its role. wouldn't you like to see more money in your paycheck? wages are stuck in neutral, but not everywhere. i'll stay you to the cities seeing the biggest raises next. welcome back. i'm christine romans. let's get an early start on your money. a look at stocks around the world mostly lower. a shock from china overnight. allowing a one-time depression of the currency. eu reached a deal on the greece bailout. and a huge dow rally yesterday. it snapped a seven-day losing streak. hillary clinton revealed the cornerstone of the agenda. a chance for students to graduate without debt and allowing people with loans to today refinance at lower interest rates. the plan would cost $350 billion over ten years. who pays for it? clinton wants the richest americans to foot the bill. the clinton campaign told cnn money it is similar to those americans making $250,000. marco rubio says it is a huge tax increase. new taxes on the rich. workers are seeing paltry raises across the country, but some are seeing envyable results. 6.2% in columbus, ohio. s also seeing big gains, san francisco, virginia beach, louisville, kentucky, rochester, new york. wage growth has been the missing ingredient in the recovery. many americans don't feel it. a consulting firm says 3% is the wage increase you can expect next year. "early start" continues right now. breaking overnight. new arrests in ferguson, missouri. this morning, protesters clashing with police in another night of


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20160520

vanished from radar screens with 66 people on board. egyptian officials say the pilot had no known political affiliations and both men passed security checks and this tragedy is sparking concert security concerns in the us ahead of a busy summer travel season asthe tsa also struggles with long delays at airports nationwide . jon: we got fox team coverage with maxime at chicago airport with the latest on the tsa situation what but we begin with senior affairs correspondent greg powell, outside charles de gaulle airport in paris. >>. reporter: john, the latest word that we are getting, a report saying according to european intelligence forces there were no known names from the current terror watch list among those on the june egypt air flight 804. the other information we were going about those commanding the plane, pilot, 36-year-old mohammed cited shop air, the copilot a young man, 24-year-old mohammed med mom do. both those men are from cairo. both had a fair amount in the air including the young one. pilots of course as we know have played roles in past crashes that have been a bit mysterious so the cause of this crash still unknown. everyone is looking at all options. this as you noted the search for debris from that plane crash continues in the mediterranean. in the past 20 minutes we had a report of more body parts, debris, arts of seats as well as luggage being found on the surface of the water. all being brought to egypt. there are french and british specialists there along with egyptian investigators, united states has offered to help as well. this is again the cause of the crash is still unknown. terror remains a possibility but frankly, there are no new clues to report today. the french foreign minister was on french television today, he said all. behind the possibility of this crash are being treated equally. he did say the security at the airport we are at right now, charles de gaulle airport has been increased in the wake of the attack. it was already up in the wake of the transport attacks inside paris and we talked with a security expert and he said it's not beyond the realm of possibility that obama could have been placed there but again, all possibilities out there right now. finally, the families of the victims are being cared for. there is a center here that has seen some of the families but many of them actually travel on to cairo to join families of other victims to be closer perhaps to their loved ones. there have been services there in the past 24 hours, also service plan for paris tomorrow with government officials as everyone tries to concentrate on exactly what happened inthis terrible incident, back to you . jon: greg palkot reporting live from paris, thank you. formore on this let's bring in doctor wally ferris, middle east and terrorism analyst, also a foreign policy advisor to donald trump . while lead, there has been no claim of responsibility from any militant group. are you convinced this is a terrorist act? >> not convinced 100 percent, nobody can be unless authorities would provide us with the absolute final evidence but having said that, the tendency now is within the community internationally to believe this is a terror organism origin because of the type of events that happened, it was a violent event inside that plane. having said that, if this is the case that it would be most likely agent hottie nature. "happening now", isis we would have to look at. jon: there were 57 workers at the paris charles de gaulle airport who had their security clearance yanked late last year and early this year after screenings began in the wake of the paris terror attacks area they got 67 people. that sounds like an awfully scary number and that doesn't necessarily mean they got all of them. >> that's absolutely true. they got the numbers they were able to compare information about the connections these individuals have amongst themselves and with other lists that are on the terror list of the french and euroans as well. a measures have been taken in brussels and london and in other capitals in a very discreet way. indeed there is a suspicion there's a large number of either jihadist or sympathizers who have been able to hire themselves into airports including security, including technical services close to the airport the one i am reminded of the san bernardino terror attacks area guy and his wife who apparently pledged loyalty to isis but work on anybody's radar screen. how do we know that everybody airport maybe doesn't share some of those symphonies? >> we have to wait. the easier way the agencies are now following is linkages connecting the dots meaning people knowing people, people travel to places. that's how the french and other europeans and potentially here agencies would be able to widen their scope and understand who is possibly connected but there's the other aspect which is individuals who have no connection to have not demonstrated connections, have not traveled and have gotten these ideas . it's a war of ideas we are waging. jon: how you that those people question mark how do you figure out who may have terrorist sympathies? >> terrorist sympathies in this case are if you are a behind us ideologically or not. that is something we haven't been able to do since 2009 under this administration and other european governments because they said ideology is not a factor so there needs to be a change in the national security policy in the united states and blessed to be able to do it, to get those determining factors. jon: we are preparing for a summer in which security lines at us airports upper are apparently going to be atrocious because of the number of people flying and a smaller number of tsa screeners available. are you concerned that this same kind of potential problem, and no one can say what brought down this life or whether it was obama placed aboard by some airport worker but could that kind of thing happen in the united states? >> simply look at the history we had. we tend to forget that we had a shoe bomber in 2001.we had in 2006 and attempt to bring down 10 airliners across the atlantic in britain and the united states. we had the christmas day bomber. look at all these cases. one of them could have been a drama though this could happen, we have to be very attentive to the security situation be one but when so much effort is being placed into making sure grandmothers don't bring nail polish aboard airplanes, that kind of thing, are we looking in the wrong places for potential terrorists? >> we have been told by our administration to only look for that defense line meeting make sure no weapons or possible weapons would cross. the other is spying on the jihadists and see if they are penetrating. the other space we are not looking at is recognition. what if you hire somebody and that somebody radicalize is on the inside? what can we do about it the one that's the scary part. wally ferris, a mideast terrorism analyst. thank you. melissa: as the search for records from egyptair flight 804 intensifies is in the mediterranean, security concerns melding here in the us. this course as the tsa also addresses growing frustrations over long wait times at airport. matt simmons is live at chicago's o'hare international airport with the latest all week. the long white times, now this complicates things even further right? reporter: that's right melissa. this egyptair aircraft as we have been reporting on the tsa meltdown in the united states. the agency's manpower has hit a five-year low and as a result, people have been waiting in line to two hours airports nationwide. thousands of passengers have missed their flights and thousands of flightsscheduled had to be changed. people we talked to our curious but now this egypt aircraft brings to service all the airline safety concern all over again . the tsa insists it's trying to find the balance between safety and service. >> i'm not blaming passengers. it is volume and in some circumstances it is. in some places its infrastructure and being able to have the resources we need . and a small piece of it is the prohibited items so it's all puzzle pieces to a bigger picture. reporter: in response to these very long lines we've been seen, the tsa has question emergency backup your to chicago. hundreds of extra workers and canine teams and write out the tsa administrator has made a special trip here to chicago to address the issues. we expect to him hear from him in just a couple moments but all these extra resources, the realtest is going to come as we had into the busy memorial day travel weekend . melissa: thank you so much for that report and we want to hear from you out there. you feel our us airports are sufficiently secure. our live chat is up and running, go to join the conversation. jon: arroyo breach after a man is found wandering the grounds of buckingham palace. what london officials learned about the guy after he was arrested. plus, hillary clinton declaring the democratic race undone deal so how are fellow democrats reacting including her main rival, bernie sanders question mark do you think he's on board? 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[applause] >> sanders will be back on the trail in new mexico today, clinton doing pre-fundraising events in texas. melissa: he doesn't look nearly done. mike, thank you for that report. jon: the loan surviving suspect in the paris terror attacks refusing to speak at a french court hearing as one of the victims from those attacks is honored here at home. plus, facebook mark zuckerberg meeting with leading conservatives after reports the social media site the press conservative topics . was this meeting more than just a publicity stunt? fox's own dana perino attended that gathering area. >> they were kind of pushing on an open door meaning facebook knew that it had a trust problem with this community and they are determined to try to turn that around. >> isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. oa skin transformation that rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless. olay. ageless. jon: no information today from the abdeslam, the sole surviving suspect in the paris terror attacks refusing to talk to investigators during questioning. last month, abdeslam indicated he would reveal details about the november massacre. today his lawyer says he invoked his right to silence. it was the first time he was questioned since his extradition from belgium to france. abdeslam is believed to be the only suspect with a direct role in the deadly attacks who survived . melissa: families of the victims in paris are still grieving the sudden loss of their loved ones. the parents of one young americankilled last november , jo henny gonzalez accepting her diploma during a heart wrenching moment during the cal state long beach graduation ceremony. >>. [applause] melissa: he was anindustrial design major and a student assistant in the design department. her mother saying that's what her daughter will be remembered for . >> when it comes to remembering all that she's lived and my daughter, it's very sad for me. she will always live in my heart and the diploma is going to remind me that of that wonderful person she was . melissa: yo him he was one of the 130 people killed and coordinated attacks at the concert hall, a soccer stadium and several cafcs. jon: the meeting you may have heard about between facebook ceo mark zuckerberg and influential conservatives is being called a bird first step. it comes on the heels of allegations from a former contract employee that facebook editors downplayed conservative content. some familiar faces attended that summit. while skeptics called the meeting a pr stunt. most of the participants said they came away feeling confident their concerns about liberal bias that facebook would be addressed including our owndana perino, listen . >> they definitely don't think this is a joke. they didn't think this meeting was just a cover your you know what for the conservatives and placate them. i found them to be genuine and sincere and vague knowledge they have a trust problem with a significant portion of their customer base and they were trying to figure out a way at least a first step to open a dialogue and try to fix it in the long run. jon: let's talk about it with our media panel. judith miller a prize-winning investigative reporter, ellen rather your chief or talks media news, both fox contributors. what do you think of the way they spoke handled this controversy. >> they should have put something in the employee handbook saying theydon't discriminate . then it would have been policy but then they did a good recovery. jon: but people like matt's lap from the american conservative union say it's not going to go, it's all a dog and pony show.>> well, you know, if you start out by saying i disagree with that person so i'm never going to talk to them i don't see how you make any progress. i have to agreewith ellen. i think this is a textbook case of how to handle a potential pr nightmare . jon: facebook, social media is supposed to be all about individual ideas and the power of the individual and to find out hat lo and behold, the events during the discussion in a way they might like, that's really depressing. >> it is depressing and hopefully it will continue and that's the only thing they can do is not make it continue, to open it up to all ideas. jon: but in this world where if it seems like you run on computer search and for the next three weeks you are bombarded with ads about that very item, it seems like the computer almost nose what you want to hear. how do we know that facebook was being honest in promising this change? >> i think we know based on what goes up on facebook. if we see a change in the trending topics: if we see conservative themes and conservative concern is training on facebook, if we see that facebook is hiring people who are sensitive and even identify with conservative concerns, then i think you can say there's been progress but this is a first meeting. to get 16 conservatives in a room to come out and say this is a good meeting, i call that a great success. >> it's fair to say you're not exactly conservative. >> i am a liberal for sure. >> so california, there is no more liberal state except possibly massachusetts. >> there are huge pockets of conservativesin california . >> huge pockets but not necessarily in silicon valley where this meeting take place. >> were sure but. jon: mark zuckerberg who comes from new york and went to school at harvard, again, how do we know that he can be trusted. >> the proof will be in the pudding as judy miller said. we are going to see how they write trending topics, if it is my way, the liberal loony way, that's one thing but if it's more toward the middle or to the right, and they really are honest about topics and people, that can be something else. jon: so is some web designer going to have to come up with a algorithm to monitor facebook postings? >> it's all about the people doing the monitoring. that's the problem. as in the newspaper where 75 to 80 percent of reporters self identify as liberal democrats you have to go out and recruit people who say hey, i saw an interesting theme or topic on a conservative website that is not reflected here but let's also be honest about facebook area donald trump has used facebook very well. conservative candidates have used it well so it's we are talking about tinkering with the margins. facebook has been open and zuckerberg, his response to the criticism is really admirable. rather than say no it's not true, this is all lies, he dealt with the problem. jon: part of his defense is fox news drives more interactions on its facebook page than any other news outlet in the world, it's not even close. that's from mark zuckerberg. >> we like that. jon: dana perino says it's a good start. all right. thanks very much.ellen ratner, julie miller. melissa: republican meters move toward accepting donald trump as their standardbearer but the voters are saying just do it already. this according to new polls and we take a closer look at the trump bump and whether hillary clinton will get one too. plus search teams scour the mediterranean and investigators the deeper into the egyptair disaster. what us officials are confirming to fox news about satellite images at the time of the crash. you pay your car insurance premium like clockwork. month after month. year after year. then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. yeah... surprise... your insurance company tells you to pay up again. why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it? 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jon: breaking out as investigators into the background of the egyptair pilot and copilot, us officials confirmed to fox news satellite images so far show no signs of any explosion on the aircraft. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live with that from washington . reporter: the counterterrorism source also tells fox news that so far they've been looking at the council associated with isis and al qaeda and they see no credible claim of responsibility for the downing of 804. for some context, it took isis released the claim responsibility after they brought down that russian jet in october of last year. the fbi director dressed these questions yesterday in chicago. >> with respect to the egyptair incident, so far at least we have no claim of responsibility or evidence that this was an intentional act but the fbi as you would expect is working with our partners around the world to try to gain a better understanding of what. given we don't see any indication yet cause, it's hard for me to say whatthe implications might be at this point . melissa: reporter: european officials are telling reporters the passenger manifest contain no name on the terrorist watchlist nd government officials told fox late last night that a preliminary review of the infrared satellite data did not find evidence of an explosion along the flight path. meantime, the european space agency reporting one of its satellites has spotted a possible oil slick in the same area of the mediterranean where flight 804 disappeared. they detected a 1.2 mile long slick about 25 miles southeast of the planes last known location. also, a second us navy plane is in the air today from sicily, others will also be in the air later today and tonight. demetrio ryan of former aircraft used primarily for submarine operations and in this case used to find parts of the fuselage that are under the water. investigators will be inspecting that plane debris once it's recovered and the personal belongings for any evidence of explosive residue and finally on the debris field, an important data point to the side. experts say it's a small and concentrated. that's an indicator of a sudden catastrophic event on the aircraft such as loss of power. you would know that john better than most and it's diffuse or spread out, that would be more evidence that some kind of explosion or event caused the plane to fracture . >>. jon: i would think the us military, the cia, other intelligence agencies would be keeping a close watch on that part of the world the fact that they had seen no infrared is pretty >> that's an extremely important data point because there are some parts of the world as we found with the malaysian jet that disappeared and has never been found, there are some parts of the world where we have these blind spots but there is probably no better area under scrutiny than that part of the middle east and the south eastern mediterranean so to find no evidence of heat event which would be an explosion is very significant. >> and if there's fuel on the water, making that kind of fuel slick it clearly didn't burn in the air. lots of questions yet to be answered.karen harris, thank you. melissa: fox news is america's election headquarters. you know that, that's why you are watching. most republican voters now calling for party leaders like house for paul ryan to rally around donald trump. this according to a new poll from the new york times and cbs news. nearly 8 out of 10 voters say it's time to embrace the presumptive residential nominee and our fox news poll shows more republicans running around trump during the past couple months. 72 percent named him favorably this week compared to 55 percent in march area chris diebel is our politics editor and he joins us now. let's drill down on some of these numbers because it seems like voters are coming around in his on favorability going down quite a bit. what do you think about that send you two percent number? >> major party nominees get a bump after they secure their party's nomination. in our poll, donald trump was up or points overall against hillary clinton, that's the same number of points that mitt romney gained against president obama in 2012. donald trump has been an unconventional candidate but the response among voters is still conventional in the sense that even if you didn't like the guy in the primary, even if you had reservations, republicans want to win and you get to the binary choice where it's not donald trump versus your dive, it's donald trump versus hillary and if the binary nature of american politics can clarify. melissa: does it make an arrest to others in office were saying wait a second, we don't want him to run, we're going to be afraid of what's going happen down by. do they seize numbers and say maybe it's time to get on board? >> absolutely. people who don't mean what they said and objections to trump or people base their objections to trump on his outperformance, i think we are going to get to see a lot. you put the teased cheese out the, the mice will come running and you see here people who were insincere in their trump reservations who said if he can win i guess i like him fine. what it will do is review revealed those whose objections are more principled, and willing to pay the price. melissa: i think you're the only person on thisnetwork all day uses the word craving . that's fantastic. is increasing on favorability among gop women, the 65 percent of gop women you him favorably according to the brand-new fox news poll, what's interesting to me about that is the number is going up significantly so it's 55percent in march, 49 percent in september . he's gaining ground with women. you think he can go further from here and he's not gaining ground with women in general or democratic women yet. >> know and that's the thing. you've got the bump. now the question is, can you expand your market from here? donald trump has to probably give up to a certain degree on trying to get the holdouts in the republican party, at least now. you've got to let those to be. you can't keep going after them. this focus has to be on trying to convince other women, independents and democrats to convince hispanic voters. we had a new box latino pullout that is yikes and trump has to worry about these voters in figure out how is he going to scramble the electoral map is not trying to do a base versus base election because i don't think he ultimately will be able to count on as much of his face as hillary clinton can of hers. >> it still shows you, there are so many people who said no woman would ever vote for donald trump. kelly after he said that all the time as well and you look at it and 65 percent say they supporthim, 31 percent have a negative view . but that's a smaller number than deniers would have you believe no? >> deniers, i don't know what it deniers. >> deniers are the person in the electorate to said there's no way this i can win he definitely has a chance to win. he has a not insignificant chance to win but here's the deal. when it comes to female voters and donald trump, yes, he's got a boost among republicans but he still has now this amazing gender gap. so does a equipment and in our poll, it's worse for hillary clinton with men that it is for donald trump with women away or setting up this battle of the sexes election. there are more women in the general electric than men. we could either continue going down this path or trump trikes to slacken those numbers with women as hillary try to do better with men. it's going to be a melee . >> what is your prediction on that because you brought up that gap and i think that was one of the most interesting elements out of the whole is that they both havethese tremendous gaps . he's got the men, she's got the women. if you never out the numbers it looks like hewas 4 million votes ahead . if the election were held today, it's not but how does that gap move around overtime? what's your prediction? doing twice as badly among women as mitt romney did and the same goes for hillary clinton and barack obama with men. these things are outside. i doubt the gender gaps will persist at this level. i think you will see both of thosenumbers come down . melissa: interesting. love seeing you. exciting times. thanks for coming on, be craven. >> know. melissa: don't be craven. forget it. thanks a lot john. >> by. jon: new numbers from the cdc on zika infections. officials reveal how many pregnant women in the united states have tested positive for the virus. and he once told the judge quote, i don't do well in incarceration. a former illinois police officer already serving a 38 year sentence for killing one of his wives, now another trial for drewpeterson set to get underway.we talk with our legal panel next . see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. jon: justin, 157 pregnant women in the us are known to be infected with the zika virus. officials also say 122 pregnant women in the us territories have also tested positive. it's the first time officials have revealed specific numbers ofzika infections. health officials say the virus spreads through mosquitoes and sexual contract , can cause microcephaly, a birth defect that can lead to severe developmental problems. president obama meeting with his health team this hour on the us response to the zika virus. melissa: drew peterson back in court, if you can believe it. the former illinois police officer serving a 38 year sentence already for the murder of his third wife. now jury selection set to begin in his murder for hire trial. peterson charged with trying to hire a hitman to kill the prosecutor who sent him to prison. formore on this, let's bring in our panel. fred kesey a former federal prosecutor so watch out. he shook even is a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor . fred, this is amazing to me. what do you think, let's start there? >> what do i think? i think drew peterson is a bad guy and quite frankly he's one of those people for whom the death penalty was invented. the guy, one of his wife's is still missing, he's serving 38 years for killing another white and while he's in prison he tries to hire a hitman to have the prosecutor killed. i dealt with this when i was a prosecutor. killing the prosecutor serves no purpose because someone else in the office will prosecute the case to the guy did it because he's a bad guy and frankly i'd be a cowardif i didn't tell you that i'm craving a conviction in this case . melissa: is not terribly logical to go after the prosecutor and also not logical to marry this guy after what happened to his other wives but i digress. keisha, you are trying to defend him. you've got your work cut out for you. where would you start in this case?>> basically, he's a classic sociopath, we all know that. if i was his defense attorney i would try to attack the reliability of the confidential informant in this case. the police basically use a confidential informant and there are recordings of his conversations trying to hire the person so that the only angle i would go out. i personally think he's looking forward to having more time in court. he's born in prison, he's a sociopath and it's a circus to him so a 38 year sentence to serve, going back to court on this is giving him free time outside his cell. melissa: that's a good argument, how you counter it? >> he/she would do a good job if i ever get pulled out of the house by the fbi, i'm going to add her to my list of people call but having said that, it's not only the testimony of what we would call dirty or bad witnesses. they have them on tape. have a listening but they must have planted in his cell. they have recorded conversation so frankly this is one of those cases where the only defense this guy is entitled to is a blindfold and a cigarette. that's it. melissa: keisha, what difference does this make in terms of he's already been convicted of killing his third wife, serving time for that. his fourth wife go missing. he goes and if he is convicted of this, how much time does it actually add because i don't think he's supposed to get out of prison until he's 90 years old or something anyway right? >> i think this will make much of a big difference because i feel like he's probably going to die in prison from the first incident and he knows that so that's the reason he doesn't mind going to trial on this. he should just plead guilty. >> i will tell you what, the only the supreme court decided to look at his n there's issues about statements he made and i've always been worried about the legal issues so if you get six years in this case and his other cases overturned, justice will well have been served. >> then it's an insurance policy for the other side did thank you both of you. >> thanks for having me, enjoy your weekend. jon: officials taking a hard look at airport security in citiesacross the us after the crash of egyptair 804. a live report next . (politely) wait, wait, wait! you can't put it in like... ...that, you have to rinse it first that's baked- on alfredo. baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? cascade platinum... powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. see? told you it would work. cascade. every ingredient is the main ingredient. the new green goddess cobb with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato... and chicken. at panera. food as it should be. jon: hey, it's friday. outnumbered coming up at the top of the hour. sandra and harris, what you have? it's been a day filled with breaking news on this dory. human remains found in the mediterranean sea. the latest on the crash of egyptair flight 804 and what indications if any point to terrorism. >> plus, who the voters trust more on the most important issues? donald trump or hillary clinton? the new fox news poll numbers may surprise you. >> and the judge orders classes for attorneys at the department of justice, calling them defective on the heels of a top white house aid who bragged about bending the truth in the iran nuclear deal. >> all that plus our hashtag one lucky guy. outnumbered top of the hour. >> keep this a secret. we did give you a hint there but all right. jon: we will know the answer in six more minutes. see you then. a fox news alert, security at african airports very much under scrutiny as the crash of egyptair flight 804 and we will say, that missing plane made stops in three different cities in africa before flying to paris. the issuing warnings about three different countries on the continent. live in johannesburg with a look at that, paul? reporter: john, in africa today investigators asking good and explosive device have been placed on the aircraft that one of the three airports on the cotton it stopped at en route to paris? in the 24 hours before it disappeared from radar, the aircraft visited tunisia, cairo and then went to paris. the us state department warned aboutáairport security standards in a recent travel advisory sing airport staff are unpredictable and demonstrate a lack of efficiency and consistency. last week, ethiopia claimed it had thwarted a major jihadist attack in the country the egypt airplane also spent time at tunisia's main airport. the state department warned last month of a terror threat in tunisia known to be an isis stronghold. islamist group has made two major terror attacks here in the last year and what about airport workers in egypt, the plaintiff home base? the bomb but brought down on metro jet in the sinai killing 224 only seven months ago reportedly put on the plane by an airport worker and egyptian airport. importantly, how safe our flight from africa going to the us? we asked the spokesperson of johannesburg's airports, one of the few direct flights to the us but she wouldn't give us an interview. it's known security has been tight ends 911, john? jon: live from johannesburg, people. melissa: new in the next hour of "happening now", a father and his son accused of a horrendous crime. shackling a teenage girl in a basement for over a year. wait until you hear how she escaped area and a tractor-trailer buried under a bridge after collapsing across a highway. what triggered it? right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. oh, that smells so good. aw, and it tastes good, too. we can provide the right care, right at home. .. protection now comes with an incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it or get double your money back. always discreet. >> see you in a little bit, back here in an hour. tony: bill: "outnumbered" starts right now. as we begin with fox news alert, big break in the search for 804, human remains and ry reporting wreckage spotted 200 miles off the coast of the mediterranean sea. so many questions remain unanswered. did terrorists attack the plane? this is "outnumbered". on this fine friday sandra smith, host of kennedy, kennedy herself, former national security council member and veteran of the bush and obama administrations julian turner


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