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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200814

but there'll be bigger fines for people who refuse to wear a face covering. millions of doses of two more experimental coronavirus vaccines have been ordered by the uk government. anger grows over a—levels, as the government faces calls for an urgent review of this year's end of school exam results. and at 5.45pm, anna smith takes a look at this week's movie releases online and in the cinema — starting with the australian comedy—drama, ba byteeth. that's coming up in the film review. hello, welcome to bbc news. hundreds of thousands of holiday—makers are urgently trying to return home to the uk, after the government imposed quarantine measures on france and five other countries from early saturday morning. it comes after the french prime minister acknowledged infection numbers were going "the wrong way". the full list of countries is france, netherlands, malta, monaco, and the caribbean islands turks and caicos, and aruba. hundreds of thousands of uk tourists are thought to be in france at present. the new rules come into force at 4am saturday morning — and that's resulted in a rush to ports and airports, with thousands desperate to avoid quarantine. eurotunnel says it doesn't have the capacity to bring everyone home in time. but additional ferries have been added to repatriate passengers from calais. the advice is to book online. transport secretary, grant shapps, has ruled out people receiving compensation, even if it affects their ability to work, saying holiday—makers knew the risks when going abroad. airlines uk described it as "another devastating blow to the travel industry already reeling from the worst crisis in its history". our europe correspondent gavin lee reports. the long road back to the uk. the cuthbert family, who were supposed to be on holiday for another week, are hotfooting it from the west of france trying to catch a ferry to avoid mandatory quarantine in the uk. looking at the satnav, we are struggling for time, very tight for time. we may not make it, we may be about half an hour short, and travelling with three other families, my wife and my daughter in the car, a bit deflated, to be honest. feel a little let down by the government. a short while later, it is clear the family are going to miss their boat. we now think we cannot make the roscoff ferry so we are going to have to try to travel to see if we can go to calais and get a ferry across from there. we are trying to book those ferries as we speak. the decision came late last night — two weeks of self isolation for all travellers from france on arrival in the uk. there are estimated to be half a million british tourists in the country right now. this morning, the transport secretary grant shapps explained his decision. i am afraid itjust is inherent in the system at the moment that travel isn't as reliable as it once was. i am afraid this virus, particularly when it is out of our hands, overseas, is an unpredictable beast. the destinations on the uk's quarantine list is growing, with five more countries and destinations now added. in the netherlands, daily coronavirus cases are 15 times that of a month ago, an average of 600 a day. in france, the number of daily covid cases is four times that of a month ago, reaching more than 2,500 a day. the french europe minister has made sure, clear on social media they will reciprocate. uk travellers will be made to quarantine on arrival in france. there is only one ferry a day that comes from this northern french port in le havre, through brittany ferries to portsmouth and they are saying that there is very little space left and they are warning people not simply to turn up to this port without a ticket. they say it is unlikely they will get the last boat tonight. the situation across the northern coast in dieppe, in dunkirk, in calais as well, we are hearing of a similar rush for tickets and companies are saying that if people turn be they face a long wait and it is unlikely they will arrive before 4am tomorrow morning. those planning to travel by eurostar and eurotunnel are being given similar advice. we are saying clearly to people, unless you have a confirmed booking for today, there is no space, so do not turn up, allow the system to work properly for those who have spaces and travel as soon as time becomes available. there is a feeling of exasperation and a certain amount of panic in normandy and from holiday—makers and businesses in areas of france like the dordogne and parts of the south coast that aren't as badly affected by covid—19. but the british government is clear, now warning against all but essential travel to any part of this country. gavin lee, bbc news, le havre. angus crawford is outside st pancras international station in central london — home to eurostar, which runs trains from paris to london. what's the situation there where you are? well if you hadn't already booked and you were hoping to try and get eurostar back to the uk before 4am tomorrow morning, it's a grim news. there are only three eu rostar grim news. there are only three eurostar services coming back from paris tonight, and two more coming from brussels as well. but eurostar management say unless you are on one of them at the moment or you've actually booked one of those and you have a ticket in your hand, you simply aren't getting back that way. don't turn up to the station, don't try to get on — you simply won't make it. as for the euro tunnel, the same problem but they have been saying that since this morning. all the services that were available to get you home before 4am tomorrow morning are fully booked. don't turn up morning are fully booked. don't turn up to anything unless you have a ticket in your hand or you've booked one digitally. know what about other options? you could always try and fly back. we know there are still some flights available, but the prices for those direct flights have absolutely skyrocketed. the other alternative is potentially a circuitous route back to the uk via a third—party country. but again, time is simply running what about the fairies? you heard they are very busy, we know that there are four extra departures from calais put on by df ds, and p and 0 has said it will create some extra availability for passengers. we know there's something like 160,000 holiday—makers from britain and france at the moment, second behind spain as the normal tourist destination. many of those will be desperate to get back, some may decide tojust desperate to get back, some may decide to just tough it out, finish their holidays, then carry out the two week quarantine when they get back. as for the french government, it is quite simply that it will take reciprocal measures in the coming days. angus, thanks so much for that update. we'll be speaking to our correspondent in france shortly. so stay with us for that. germany has placed all of spain, excluding the canary islands, on its list of countries requiring returning travellers to take a coronavirus test, or quarantine for 1h days, according to media reports. it comes as spain tightens coronavirus restrictions nationwide, closing all bars and nightclubs amid fears about a rise in new infections. restrictions on household gatherings will continue in parts of england which have seen spikes in coronavirus cases. limits have been in place in greater manchester, west yorkshire, east lancashire, and leicester for at least two weeks to combat rising infections. ministers have decided to keep them in place — and cancel a planned easing of lockdown there that will go ahead in the rest of england. officials say it will "help protect local residents and allow more time for the changes to have an effect" the easing of some lockdown rules this weekend means small wedding receptions, live indoor performances and more beauty treatments are allowed in england from tomorrow. soft play centres and casinos can also reopen. but larger fines are to be introduced for failing to wear a face covering — and in wales, changes to rules about meeting people indoors have been postponed. our business correspondent vivienne nunis has the latest. i like that, i like that. ready for saturday, yeah? exactly. after nearly five months of waiting, gita is looking forward to a full day of appointments at her south london beauty salon. we are busy with facials, which we are really looking forward to, but, more importantly, our clients are just beside themselves, really ready to go. i mean, there will be prosecco drinks flowing outside the salon. from tomorrow, close contact services such as facials, eyebrow waxing, and eyelash extensions have been given the green light in england. for many beauticians, those treatments make up the bulk of their business. under new guidelines, beauticians and hairdressers will need to wear a visor and a face mask to lower the risk of the coronavirus spreading. also reopening on saturday — casinos, bowling alleys, skating rinks and soft play centres. indoor theatre, music and performances will be allowed with socially—distanced audiences. and wedding receptions for up to 30 guests will be permitted. more changes have been announced in wales. from next weekend, up to four households will be able to form an extended household or bubble, and you will also be allowed to have a meal following a wedding, civil partnership, or a funeral, for up to 30 people indoors. tomorrow's easing of lockdown restrictions has been a long time coming for the businesses involved. but with some epidemiologists claiming that little has changed in terms of the spread of the virus over the past few weeks, business owners are asking why the reopening had to be delayed. many say they were ready to open safely weeks ago, when other businesses opened their doors. to be told that late in the day that we couldn't open was really devastating. but, moving on, we are in a much better place, and we have been given the green light to reopen our centres in england tomorrow. and, as more businesses open, there is hope there will be knock—on effects for other parts of the economy. we all live off each other, and it's the ecosystem is now back in action. we are the largest licensed premises in westminster, and i think we are a fundamental part of that. with most businesses soon to be open, the government will be hoping it has made the right bet and the economy will soon be out of recession. vivienne nunis, bbc news. deals have been signed by the uk government for two more experimental coronavirus vaccines. a total of 90 million doses have been purchased from a belgian pharmaceutical company, janssen, and a us firm, nova—vax. britain now has on order 340 million doses of six different potential vaccines. more details from our medical editor, fergus walsh. there are nearly 30 coronavirus vaccines undergoing clinical trials, and well over 100 more in laboratory development. the uk is said to have one of the world's biggest stockpiles. advance orders have been placed for 340 million doses of six different vaccines. most require two doses, but there should be enough for everyone in the uk to be injected five times over. most vaccine trials end in failure, even those that look promising at the early stages. so, the government is hedging its bets, hoping that one of the candidate vaccines it has bought will be successful. we don't know if any of these vaccine formats that we've acquired will actually work. there are no licensed vaccines for any human coronavirus. so our priority is to ensure that we have sufficient vaccine for the populations in the uk who are most at risk from coronavirus infection. the latest deals are for 30 million doses of the vaccine being developed by a belgian company, jansen, and 60 million doses from the us biotech, novavax. there are roughly four technologies being used for coronavirus vaccines, and the uk has deals covering each of them. none of the costs have been revealed. by the end of the year there could be at least half a dozen different coronavirus vaccines in clinical trials in the uk. members of the public are being encouraged to register interest online, because, without medical volunteers, we won't know if any of the vaccines actually work. fergus walsh, bbc news. joining me now is dr muhammad munir, virologist and professor of biomedicine at lancaster university. good evening to you, think for joining us on bbc news. as fergus was saying there, we don't know which of these vaccines could work, if even any of them could work. but in your view, it is still important that the government purchase them?” think it is a wise fact to have enough infrastructure in place if any vaccine were to become available. part of the problem is that we don't have a track record in establishing coronavirus vaccines, basically. so all the technology that's now being secured by the uk government our different technologies, and those have some track record and other infections but not really with coronavirus is. soi but not really with coronavirus is. so i think this is a really good step to have that in place so that any vaccine that becomes available ina any vaccine that becomes available in a phase three trial, it would have access to the public. but when? this is the $6 million question, when might any of them be ready?“ we really look at the front runners, including the chinese vaccines, they are in the phase three trials. we have eight vaccines in phase three trials, the last trial before any vaccine can be introduced. those trials take 3—6 months. depending on the infection rate in the country and the majority of these phase three trials are being developed in places where the infection is high, so places where the infection is high, so therefore we are hoping that that time will be squeezed relatively quickly. in the worst case scenario, in orderfor the vaccine quickly. in the worst case scenario, in order for the vaccine to be available in november, that would be the time presented to the regulatory parties. so we are aiming for the end of this year to roll out the processes . end of this year to roll out the processes. could it turned out that some vaccines work better for some people, and that you could end up giving different vaccines to different people? absolutely, this is very important. i think this is the question that needs to be considered at the phase three trial so considered at the phase three trial so that a diverse population with different commonalities, age ranges, pregnant women would be included in the phase three trials to determine whether that vaccine will work on the entire population or not. because i believe we can't have a vaccine that doesn't work on a broad scale of the population. i don't think that any vaccine would give us 100% protection from the coronavirus is. i think the best case scenario is. i think the best case scenario is that if we have an effect rate of 70% across geographies, i think that would be the best we can think of. we are looking into the future there. let's deal a bit more with there. let's deal a bit more with the here and now. new figures out today from the office for national statistics suggests that one in 1900 people and households in england had covid—19 last week. now that's broadly unchanged from the previous week. so is that a cause for cautious optimism? to be honest, i think that is really good news, and i would congratulate the public to follow all the rules and regulations we have put in place. because the important thing is that we have done so important thing is that we have done so much in these 5—6 months. so the news that whatever we've achieved so far in bringing the number down. but moving forward, the lockdown could produce a number of cases, and the real testament is the infrastructure for the diagnostics so that we can identify any infection that comes up ina identify any infection that comes up in a small location to really identify at the beginning, so that these small clusters don't morph into uncontrollable infection. so thatis into uncontrollable infection. so that is really good news, but there isa that is really good news, but there is a big challenge coming forward, especially when we are opening up. so the next four weeks, i think will be very volatile. i wanted to ask you about that. we are seeing an easing of lockdown restrictions in some parts of england, not the northwest, but beauty partners, casinos — is that wise from your professional point of view?” casinos — is that wise from your professional point of view? i think it is important that we keep a fine balance between life and livelihood. we cannot stay in the lockdown forever or even we cannot stay in the lockdown forever 01’ even up we cannot stay in the lockdown forever or even up until the vaccine becomes available, because again thatis becomes available, because again that is a very risky bet. but i think here the message really is that, if we follow all the rules and regulations that have been put in place, we can avoid the transmission of this infection within the population. and if we can avoid the transmission, then we will have full control of this infection until the vaccine becomes available. sojust to really emphasise the fact help important it is for every person to play their role is if we follow the rules and regulations — anytime we don't could have accidents happen,. always good to talk to you, thanks as always for your thoughts and insights. thank you very much for having me. the uk has recorded its highest number of positive coronavirus test since 14june, new government data shows. the uk has recorded its highest number of positive coronavirus 1,441 positive tests were recorded — that's the fifth time in six days that daily cases have topped 1,000. and a further 11 people have died after testing for the virus within 28 days. spain is tightening coronavirus restrictions nationwide, closing bars and nightclubs and banning outdoor smoking where social distancing isn't possible. it follows a rise in cases, with almost 3,000 new infections on thursday. hotels and restaurants must close by 1am in the morning. drinking alcohol in the streets has been prohibited, and is now subject to fines. spain's health minister has also advised against gatherings of more than ten people. new zealand has announced a 12—day extension to auckland's lockdown. it follows the country's first coronavirus outbreak in three months. 0fficials reported 12 new covid—19 cases on friday, all linked to a now 30—strong cluster first detected in a family in auckland two days ago. the prime ministerjacinda ardern has warned that cases will grow before they slowdown. returning to the quarantine rules for people arriving from france. gavin lee is in le havre and joins us now. gavin lee is in le havre and joins us now. gavin, what's happening where you are at the port? it looks wet there, are people scrambling to get back to the uk? the mood is pretty bleak, reflecting the weather at the moment, absently pouring down here. there is one fairy per day from le havre to portsmouth. when you look at other ports, all the way to the ross goth in the northwestern tip as well — this is where i've been hearing for many people. in fa ct, been hearing for many people. in fact, tourists here, 160,000 estimated according to the home 0ffice, estimated according to the home office, are trying to come back. the hot footing it, we've been inundated with different stories from different people. i spoke to one family in the west who are on the way here. they were trying to get to ross goth and said they've missed the boat, they are desperate to get back to the uk before 4am tomorrow morning. that's when the british government are imposing quarantine restrictions on anybody who's been coming from france, to quarantine for two weeks. they were given 13.5 hours to do so, when the announcement came last night at 10pm uk time. for different people who have different reasons say they cannot quarantine after the pandemic, or members of the family, one woman has dementia and she needs to find care and she can't. they need to come back. so it has promoted some pretty frenetic activity here. now what the ports are saying, places like here in the organisations running the fairies from le havre to portsmouth are saying they are running out of space of people, people shouldn'tjust turn up any more, they are not guaranteed. in fact it is unlikely they will get here to the uk before 4am tomorrow morning. so it is quite bleak, but the british government is clear that there are too many cases — favourites and fourfold in france in the last month. gavin, there had been a suggestion for a few days that this might happen, and france and very much asked for this quarantine not to be imposed. how have the french responded? it's interesting because you and i spoke about a three weeks ago that spain has the same quarantine ruling, and the spanish government tried to plead with the uk government. in the end they backed off, realising it wasn't working. we've heard from the europe minister in a tweet who said that they will reciprocate — meaning they'll wait to see what happens, but travellers from paris to france also have to quarantine. nothing from the prime minister, perhaps it will come in the morning. at the moment we are seeing how the initial first 24 hours please out, and those people are trying to get back, avoiding quarantine.” people are trying to get back, avoiding quarantine. i wonder when we will talk to each other, where you'll be next time. but for now go and get dry. gavin lee, thanks. brought into the second world war. the public will be invited to enjoy a two minutes' silence to remember the sacrifices made. and in a run up, number of events will take place aiming to help younger people understand the significance of the event. and some of the horrors that we re event. and some of the horrors that were endured. sian lloyd reports. paper cranes fluttering in the garden of remembrance. tiny pieces of art that have become international symbols of peace — these being made by children getting their first experience of the japanese craft of origami. an event being organised to also help them learn about the war waged in the far east. they're kind of the forgotten army, which is upsetting because they were risking their lives just like all the other troops were. and they were thousands of miles away from theirfamilies. and, even after it ended, it took them months or even years to get back home. "i will be fair, for there were those that care. i would be strong, for there is much to suffer. iwould be brave, for there is much to dare." it's a personal journey for 13—year—old sam cooper, sharing a poem written by his great, great uncle who was interned by the japanese together with his wife. the couple had begun missionary work just before the war broke out. sam feels pride in what they endured and gratitude to those who helped free them. even if you can't make it to an event this year, i thinkjust remembering them — i think the thought across the nation, if every individualjust took a minute and thought about why they can do what they're doing, i think the world would be a better place. these young people are reading about v—j day for the first time on the royal british legion website. veterans like 96—year—old richard wellings are keen to share their experiences with the younger generation. hi, richard, my name is vinnie. what was your best experience during the war? we were one of four aircraft that were sent out to drop supplies to the troops behind the lines. we actually lost three aircraft on that trip. we survived. and we were lucky because we almost landed on a railway line instead of a road. and they are inspired to find out more. we've seen all the history, and now we have to learn from it so we can prevent things like that happening. having spoken to richard, i'll definitely go read up a bit more about what actually led to the victory in japan, and the suffering of the service people that fought in the far east. their contribution will be remembered in a special service here at the national memorial arboretum tomorrow. sian lloyd, bbc news. joining me now to reflect on the importance of this anniversary is lieutenant general sir peter royson duffell, who led gurkhas in clandestine operations against indonesia in the 1960s and who is a former commander of british forces in hong kong. is a former commander thank is a former commander you forjoining us here on news. thank you forjoining us here on bbc news. hello. why do you think it is important that v—j day is marked and remembered? welll important that v—j day is marked and remembered? well i think victory over the japanese during the second world war was very significant. and it was significant for a number of reasons. first, if you go back to the beginning in december 1941, a rampant japanese army overcame the beginning in december 1941, a rampantjapanese army overcame and occupied almost the entire occupation. significantly they had also bombed and destroyed the united states pacific fleet at pearl harbour. in the significance of that was that it brought the americans into the war into the pacific, as well as africa and north europe. and with the american participation in both chapters, victory in the end was assured. no victory in europe came with the surrender of the germans in may 1945, but it took until august 1945 for victory over the japanese to be achieved. given the japanese to be achieved. given the significance, as indeed you've explained, i wonder why it is sometimes called the forgotten war? well, i think it was forgotten in some ways. perhaps unfairly. but one must remember that while that campaign was being waged largely inland in burma, british forces were fighting in north africa, in italy, and that was followed by d—day and the war in the atlantic and the blitz. and of course, these things we re blitz. and of course, these things were far closer to home and more easily covered by the media than the campaign in burma. but it's unfair to call them forgotten because it was an army under general bill slim that in the end turned a defeat into a very significant victory. and clearly a very significant day for americans. i'm just wondering what about for people in the uk? well, it was a very significant contribution to the burma campaign by british regiments, and indeed from many nationalities in the british commonwealth. lots of african italians, and the best commanding presence was that of the volunteer british indian army. and within the indian army where the 35,000 gurkhas 27 battalions who marched in general slim's 14th 27 battalions who marched in general slim's14th army. and of course general slim himself had grown up in richmond. one final question - what will you be doing tomorrow? well, i'm joining some colleagues from the brigade of gurkhas, there are lots of gurkhas serving in the british army now. we are laying some wreaths at three very significant memorials in london — firstly at the chinned it memorial at the thames embankment. they were a clandestine force that air landed into the rear of the japanese lines and threw off the japanese forces away from the battles that were being fought at cohiba. secondly, we are laying a wreath at general slim's statue in whitehall. he was the architect of the victory at burma. he was the most marvellous strategic general, and also he had wonderful human qualities which endeared himself to his soldiers. and he set high standards for morale by those qualities. he was a very, very significant, probably the greatest british general of the second world war. and then finally, we are going to lay a wreath at the gurkhas statue. this was a very punishing campaign in burma. there was a good deal of heroic heroism in very difficult circumstances over a very difficult circumstances over a very difficult terrain. and the gurkhas, with their endurance in their courage, suffered 2600, including 113 of their own british officers, and they were nine of the 29 victoria crosses that were awarded in the burma campaign. they have qualities of light—heartedness and gallantry, and i suppose those qualities are those that we'd all like to have. we would indeed. well, you've got a busy day tomorrow, and ido you've got a busy day tomorrow, and i do hope it goes well. thank you so much forjoining us on bbc news. thank you very much. now it's time for a look at the weather with phil avery. hello. another day of friday across the british isles, heavy parts in the british isles, heavy parts in the british isles, heavy parts in the british isles, other areas have been plagued by low cloud, especially where you have something of a low breeze. in parts of northern ireland, there's plenty of warm, summer sunshine. for the rest of tonight, there's still that threat ofa tonight, there's still that threat of a passing thunderstorm across southern areas, the low cloud pouring in off the north sea to affect much of northern england, scotland, and perhaps northern ireland too. my cold mean for like or not by any means across the east. that's how we start saturday, but we've still got passing thunderstorms here across southern and central spots. a rather great start for the north, but hang on in there across northwestern england, northern ireland and central and western scotland, because you'll get some sunshine in the afternoon. again, another democrat rather clammy 24 celsius the high, maybe 22 celsius, very pleasant for the north. sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, here's gavin. has the weather interrupted the cricket? yes. a delayed start to play england made inroads after lunch. the parting here as james picked up his third wicket of the endings. and then a mix—up between the batsmen led to the departure who is run out by dom sibley. keep your eye on these nine strikers in here. pakistan stays their recovery from 176 for eight with 53 before mohammad abbas departed lbw two stuart broad before a bad light stop play. with the tour is 349. serena beekman has been confirmed at the new head coach of the england women's football team taking over from phil neville when he steps down in september next year. she will ta ke in september next year. she will take charge after overseeing the netherlands and the postponed tokyo 0lympics netherlands and the postponed tokyo olympics in 2021 and is rated as one of the best coaches in the world. after leading to that site to victory at euro 2017. in reaching last years world cup final.” victory at euro 2017. in reaching last years world cup final. i think the dutch football federation are very sorry to lose her because they would not find a coach as good as her ina would not find a coach as good as her in a week but after the record she had over the last few years, it was kind of in the stars that she was kind of in the stars that she was going to be tempted by some big offer. england is the land of the golden opportunities for every topcoat and so it is for her. she will demand an incredible amount of self—discipline from the lionesses because that is what she has done that with the dense team. the lionesses will have to go out there improve the want to be at the top level. —— with the dutch team. she will push them very high, tactically she will also change things for the girls because she has a very strong opinion about their own way of playing football. the scottish fa have charged nine premiership players with bringing the game into disrepute after they broke coronavirus lockdown protocol. the eight aberdeen players have already been fined after gathering in a city centre bar following the opening game in the season against the rangers. the celtics body has issued an apology after travelling to spain without the clubs knowledge and then failing to quarantine on his return. the spfl have opened disciplinary proceedings against both clubs for the breeches with a hearing set for the breeches with a hearing set for the end of the month. mercedes have dominated both at today's practice sessions ahead of the spanish grand prix. lewis hamilton was edged out this morning. hamilton who got the upper hand this afternoon. last week's winner third and is read red bull. another disappointing day for the british contingent at cycling criteria stop the woman transfer the tour de france with the leader still out in front. stage three and a fight today and he finished ahead of his main rivals. he was second on the stage behind it totally. he now leads the race by 16 seconds. not a great day for the british writers. gary thomas lost five minutes on the leaders on state street. chris froom finished nearly 16 minutes down. mark selby is still lee's riney sullivan by two frames after the honours were set in their latest session of the world championship semifinals playing in sheffield. sullivan was struggling early on and had a really lucky escape when he managed to sink a red from a tight spot and a complete flu care. look at that going. selby was four frames clear at one point brent 0'sullivan won the last two. —— a complete flu ke. won the last two. —— a complete fluke. he targeted 17 frames and they will play to a finish tonight. have a look at this. they were at that maxwell phase karen wilson or anthony mcginnis in the final and we can bring you the pictures inside the crucible of a failing semifinal here to a nerve decider. 16 frames. mcgill has already come through finalframe deciders mcgill has already come through final frame deciders in the championship. it is tensed out. watch this on bbc two right now. more for you and sportsday later. see you then. thank you. more now on our main story — the new quarantine restrictions on visitors returning to the uk from france, netherlands, malta, monaco, and the caribbean countries turks & caicos and aruba. the new rules will be in place from 4am on saturday — leaving hundred of thousands of travellers in a rush to return. alexander seale is a french journalist based in the uk. he joins us now from west london. give forjoining us. what impact do you think this will have? you will have a terrible impact on families. french family living in the uk will come back for the start of the school term, they will have to self—isolate. it is very worrying that the french mp for print citizens living abroad, he said that this quarantine is worrying and turbulent for a lot of people and a lot of holiday—makers as you know, they leather travel to france during they leather travel to france during the summer. it is really going to impact the tourism sector in france and it will impact how people work and it will impact how people work and live every day. do you think the french government is likely to introduce reciprocal measures? they already did. in fact, thejunior minister for already did. in fact, thejunior ministerfor transport already did. in fact, thejunior minister for transport in france, already did. in fact, thejunior ministerfor transport in france, he said that they would do that starting from tomorrow and bricks are french we believe in living here will have to fill in the documents. —— brits or french people living here. i have many friends living in london who asked me questions about where were going to do if we have to shop. what can we do if we have to go out. a lot of uncertainty happening and of course the numbers are rising at the moment. in france with the i wanted to ask you about that. 18 infections per 100,000 in the uk. 32 infections per 100,000 in france. why are cases on the rise there? i think after three months of lockdown, france had, the french government imposed tight measures. you had to fill in a document to go out for example. the french people maybe look at these cases impacted people between the ages of 20 and 40, so these are younger people, these people did not want to wear a face mask, they did not want to obey government guidelines, so really as you know, it is the summer holidays in france, and we saw these pages on social media a people party, people and the south of france did not want to obey government guidelines and social distancing, and that is what the french government said that we have to wear a mask on the streets in pairs and nice in all parts of france and holiday reports. —— in paris. people have to wear a mask outside and indoors. we have to leave it there. good to talk to you. thank you. the controversy continues over the way a—level grades have been awarded in england, after this year's exams were cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic. grades were decided through a controversial modelling system, and nearly 40% of them were lower than teachers‘ predictions. labour says thousands of students have been betrayed and called for the government to award students marks based on their teacher's assesments. dan johnson reports. as yesterday's results sink in, it's becoming clearer who's up and who's down, who can make their next move and who needs a new plan. abby‘s grades were slightly lower than expected, but she's still heading to cardiff to study history and english. i'm lucky because i got into my first choice, but a few of my friends had to get in to second choice, and a few didn't get into uni at all so their plans for next year are just out the window completely because of this. i'm just angry for them to be honest. artelia was predicted an a*, a and b, but received a c and two bs — they'll stop her doing law at exeter. i don't know if i'm going to be able to appeal, if my place will be held for me, so... yeah, i'm just in a year of uncertainty right now. at their sixth form college in cirencester, more than 40% of students were graded below their teacher's recommendation — only 0.4% were higher. we weren't expecting great things from the system, we knew it was the best of a very bad set of options because of the year we're in. but i think when we saw the individual subject results come out and how distraught students and teachers were — it was the most depressing day of mine in education. the government insists the system used across england is the fairest it can be. the system has actually enabled more people to get university places accepted, and there's this triple lock enabling people to go back to the mocks or retake — or rather take — the a—level exams in early september. labour has called for the sort of u—turn in scotland, where teachers‘ estimated grades were eventually allowed to stand. there were record highs for a* and a grades, and overall results are up. more disadvantaged students have already been able to get university places, and the clearing process is busy filling up the remaining courses, but there are suggestions that smaller class sizes in private schools will have favoured those students. the nature of the process that 0fqual have applied means institutions with larger cohorts in given subjects are the ones that are most vulnerable to the statistical vagaries of the system. while there is so much to celebrate and many now are looking ahead, there are question marks over some apparent disparities — that have left others still weighing up their options for appealing and the choices of what to do next. dan johnson, bbc news. now on bbc news, it's time for the film review.


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140816

show led out she said there's a line of buses headed to take the way back at her car with in 10 minutes >> : we reach out to the promoter of the show another plan entertainment but yet to get a response for some fans who did get to the concert. event is not over with the last song mccarty got off the stage than some fans literally hit the ground try and find souvenirs' a takeoff in the studio you see a small group of people carrying out the carpet candlestick today we signed on for just prospected still stick hoot to see how much of a mess left behind >> : last public a bed at candlestick park now just a memory stage being dismantled the last of the trash recorded a way >> : for those with memories of so many events that occurred in the stadium last night's concert brought their mps of the austerity >> : we came up for the event with paul mccartney concert us hoping to get some of this last night the president of present itself us look at the names of call the momentous events unless an unfortunate enough inspires one to >> : do clarke's 1990 ban on the field here few times lot of memories here in this park had to get some of >> : of where did fortune approver reward them as a social >> : little bit masks apple assessed the that we >> : will piece of history here until stich park a living tribute to a stadium that meant so much to so many >> : of we will put an my daughter's backyard and have a little bit of candlestick park their >> : the candlestick park days are long planned redevelopment of the area can begin developer and are ervin says later this fall it will take possession of the site likely that the old stadium will be and floated some time next year after that the group plans to begin an extensive urban overhaul candlestick park >> : when the candlestick redevelopment is completed candlesticks' site will be a model of a neighborhood which includes a variety of different homes parks and significant retail entertainment features >> : and an animation of what a fire also it might look like when the houses of all goes well the project could be completed in 45 years to >> : into another test this weekend for fans heading to a freeze season for a better game believe i stated among other things bonaire's thomas more parking and 70,000 fans expected to attend the game sunday afternoon many fans say the traffic plan fell far short of exhortation the recent earthquake soccer game of the new stadium there was a much smaller crowd this turnaround though there will be more parking or trains and buses more police directing traffic and traffic signals and the area being fine-tuned to keep everyone moving along before and after the game >> : of the say there is absolutely no traffic going was having in mind and everyone got a hot buckled your soda but i think what we're thinking on this as many people coming believe isidium has a good time as the goal here for everybody trying to open the building agenda given as quickly as possible and get everyone by kickoff and everyone has a good experience new lif >> : american theme park will be closed sunday that needs massive parking lot next door to the stadium will also be available the first time for parking. also march portable traffic such as the help drivers who might be confused to find their way to and from the game. >> : in just a few hours oakland raiders takes the field and preseason home opener fans excited talks with the team could be moving back to los angeles in the near future some fans a little anxious >> : fans are hoping that this is not last preseason game here at the load up co for oakland raiders owner mark davis has been pretty transparent about the organization is looking into possibility of either moving to san antonio or return to los angeles because the raiders' lease your the coliseum expires after next season but it's still first home game of the preseason here for the raiders and as you know raiders fans show up in droves as showing up proudly wearing a silver black during up for the second preseason game of the year the team hopes to rebound from last week's tender 6 loss to minnesota vikings tonight fans hope to see a little bit more for newcomers that shot quarterback and the bay area's own running back >> : whether a potential moving his way on fans' minds his was steve sanchez has a say >> : it's talk we want them here in oakland won a be here in oakland this is what's get this done we've been fans for life >> : insurer of finance to allow the same way >> : kickoff is supposed start as the clock here at the otoscope coliseum or live tonight >> : police guarding a market liquor store and missouri the scene of a surprise new development in the killing of arms teenager michael brown of last weekend nearly one week after the shooting police chief responded to the man who identified the officer could kill 80 year- old michael brown officers named karen wilson acute as he described a gentle person with an unblemished record at the same time police released a different video allegedly showing michael brown taking part in a strong armed robbery of a nearby convenience store minutes before his death but then the chief acknowledged that there was no connection at the officers who killed brown did not stop him because of the reported robbery >> : attempt to assassinate the character and should justify the actions eternity represented trade on martin's family now represents michael brown's cole's decision to release the video police tactics 101. shows someone police identify as brown and a convenience store he allegedly grabs the boggs of cigars shoves protesting clerk all this taking place minutes before brown's deadly confrontation with officer will send a short distance away >> : and nothing to do because they're walking on the middle of the street walking traffic from one for officers gone witnesses deny that happens >> : michael brown's cousin says the family is beyond our rage >> : what ever took place there had nothing to do with an individual getting down on his hands and knees raising and at his hands in the air and saying don't shoot this is a universal code for i surrender and and and my cousin's voice right now. as i say don't shoot yet off the step to him and shot >> : protestors to remain peaceful of alleged robbery they are not saying that this is their son and the video. spokesman said that no one has ever said that he is a perfect hit. the family is the issue is not what he went down in the convenience store but what officer wilson did to him a few blocks away. >> : coming up 515 stolen taxicab taken on a wild ride we have the video on a freeway you wont want to miss the elisabeth the actor robin williams will we know about the potential plan for his funeral. >> : next the how call for a hospital for relatively person civil procedure >> : one i agree reading's the changes coming to weaken those deals details coming up >> : hey can you fix this? you bet! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. 'til labor day you doto reward yourself.t get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. nation on highway 4 brought the friday morning commute to a complete halt as a wild scene captured on cell phone video >> : someone driving this orange taxi cab and the wrong direction on highway for martinez kron 4 of your senseless the city of the dangerous situation according to martinez police attack allegedly stolen friday after 8:00 a.m. on the 700 block of escobar street. the key is left inside when a female adult was spotted taking off on the vehicle short time later the taxi reported doing what you see here is driving the wrong way westbound on eastbound highway 4 during the morning commute. >> : person who recorded the video told me he was passenger in a car driving 60 mi. miles an hour look across the freeway notice the brightly colored cap taxing his vehicle heading right into oncoming traffic the cab and i shall apply with the five vehicles including those in the driver of us to be to overturn try to avoid the chaotic situation. >> : the tax see mexican to stop near monroe avenue exit and as police say they arrested for year-old jimmy elam at the scene she is booked into county jail for auto theft salt and felony drunk driving >> : sheila suffered minor injuries and so try to determine the extent of the other injuries involved in the crash >> : person who recorded the video told me he was relieved to hear no lives lost during the incident >> : fallen tree cause serious traffic jam on highway 7 seen the deal from helicopter partnership with abc seven over the scene in lexington hell's that tree fell just before 2:00 this afternoon blocking all southbound lanes of highway was reopened old over an hour ago. >> : " and san jose police officer a woman who police say that threaten them with what they thought was an assault rifle turns out a power drill. >> : like pot and bring us the latest details of the investigation when neighbors say is tough and aggressive about the shooting >> : distance his office tells me as a standard they will review this and determine whether not it was unlawful shootings that turned up a woman holding a power drill dog gone but san jose police say they thought it was a gun shooting took place right here along the 700 block of waterville road much of the ensuing caught on cell phone video take a look as police responded thruput reports she was certain to kill her family and sent home runs and 30 yesterday morning >> : you and see she's holding a black object supporting it at officers and as a place was the thought was a gun told hurd repeated drops object but she did not >> : officer shot the woman who was later pronounced dead at the hospital after the shooting that the authorities got a better look and realize she had a black panic power drill now gone neighbors here say it's tough to determine an officer should fired >> : in one hand the place to know what she has in hand from far away it especially jews over there and a total drop of four times she does and she keeps on: so i don't know the >> : officer who shot the woman now on paid administrative leave during the investigation which is standard procedure at this time authorities say not yet able to release the name of the 19 year-old woman >> : pre nice day on the bay area of all awards and $1.19 degree readings looking live right now for some retail bridge of the clout inside even at the coast line the fog as clear for those part looking offshore begins to look clods ready to move right back and his look at satellite imagery this afternoon low cloud coverage along the fault line of the coastline will cloud approaching the golden gate gap but we are seeing sunny skies on the san mateo coastline course bay area wide war tablatures this afternoon i degree readings and and jack livermore right now 93 in fairfield in the '80s down the south bay before in sunnyvale 80 in san jose 8710 nappa it even 71 in downtown san francisco said the fog will be returning in fact it will be a little bit more widespread and sort clear tomorrow the list of today which will lead a slight cooling for saturday dense fog sunday even cooler for sunday and will continue cooling trend and to next week the the numbers extended forecasts later in the hour >> : a new study reveals the price for blood tests in california vary widely sometimes thousands of dollars researchers looked at about 160 california hospitals conduct an analysis of 10 of the most common outpatient blood tests during the 2011 researchers found the largest variation in price for cholesterol test they charge rate from $10 to more than $10,000 and smallest variation was for test to evaluate red white blood cells researchers found that the charge rate from $37 to $278 california hospital association says the study the relevant declaims most patients pay the discounted rates because their insurance companies negotiate those rates for them but the research behind the study say the test prez's can drive up health-care costs because prices are just the starting point for those negotiations >> : coming up next latest on the death of vector robin williams what we know about potential plans for his funeral then what mother told her show general grocery store that when her behind bars >> : [ shelly ] as a gradua of devry university and keller graduate scho of management, a business career was my goal. this was my career training camp... my professors.. they were also my coaches. and my biggest supporter their guidance from start to finish... helped me get my latest 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[ male announcer ] get started now with our merit bas career catalyst scholarship. new students could quali for up to $20,000. funds are limited to be considered you must apply by august 29th at funds are limited it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ in a plans under way for actor robin williams new case daily mirror and is supporting actor will be laid to rest in san francisco and a very private ceremony meantime last night some of his co- stars friends remember their time with him and the insiders kevin frazier has more from hollywood >> : sodomy and one of his movie is a special person i think will all miss him very much. >> : you'll find this a to a better relationship with him to was cat is kind unloved loving funny man that >> : runs co-star from happy feet to end goodwill hunting sharing heartfelt memories of the legend >> : on the mind of all celebrities who came out in support of hollywood born dissociations grant organization behind the golden globes which robin 16 >> : many of these stars found on robin williams had been diagnosed with parkinson's disease and were as shocked as the rest the world the first time hearing of it. i am surprised and at the same time these are all private matters that we are not privy to nor should we be >> : revelation covers new york papers with headlines about robbins said tragic secret michael j. fox become a celebrity face of parkinsons' pleaded that he was stunned to learn robin had the disease adding robin was a true friend which piece >> : of his and very candid in the past of his own depression wont want to sit in his diagnosis reaction was alone and yourself medicating >> : rabin's wife susan intend years or the time of the suicide according to clinical psychologist who was not treated robin depression in the wake of the diagnosis like parkinson's is become matted with urgency. it's a really but difficult diagnosis to cope with because it means so many physical challenges or loss of independence and a person has a longstanding history of oppression in this diagnosed with parkinson's disease are likely it may get worse >> : this reminder you can catch the insider right here on kron 4 coming up tonight at 7:00 followed by kron 4 coming up tonight at 7:00 followed by encan't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. effe] i n't ve tthin out itugs u. [evi thizipsff si ca. sh iyes,leas oberdudeempupediis killg it cudds beer tn myusba. sp in d. she tohes.', [annncervisiyourocald reilernd me. is moving back to the and the bridge were expected at fog coverage tonight to look at the coming up in just a bit. airline is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. police and person is there really is the name of law officer shot and killed an unarmed 18 year-old michael brown they also released details on nearby robbery before the incident and now even more confusion of the events leading up to the shooting of brown as the brown family accusing police the department of character assassination >> : goes up for transparency present jackson release the name of the officer who shot and killed michael brown questions are maine's >> : officer involved in the shooting of my abrupt and wilson and a police officer for six years now disciplinary action it taken against him >> : according to police documents moment before the shooting nearby convenience store was robbed police identified brown as one of two suspects involved showing in this video altercation with the clerk as brown allegedly stealing cigar's no charges were filed she stretches in office will since the brown because his walk in the middle of the street and as wilson did not know brown was a suspect in the robbery place their officer wilson up scuffles ball inside his vehicle injuring will send these reports reveal that 464 to six shots were done >> : and iran prompts a lawyer representing the family of michael brown blessed person finding >> : steady all the resources said demonize him but not telling us answers that i only worsen but america wants to know saw it concerns the healing process >> : a new information added more confusion to party a complex story >> : this shoes of ferguson says there are no video the actual shooting of michael braun the department does not have-cams and the department recently bought a couple of spotting terrace for officers not use last saturday when the incident happened was body cameras meantime becoming more prevalent please apartments run the nation for 40 more on that >> : taken from see body carries last september to topple each place is not done the door and saw man armed with a knife threatening won't woman moments later. officers fired several shots and action they said serotonin's left >> : this up the historic i arrived on the scene 15 minutes later at least a hundred residents out screening as meat the officer's gun down a guy laying in bed >> : the achieve mike was says east chen tensions because it showed what really happened and what could of been a really bad thing in the community people start to look and say all i understand happened this not as cold >> : as the case in person misery of places she says no one at the area exists of the shooting death of a 80 year- old michael brown >> : one of more than 12 law enforcement agencies in the country using body carries positive so much out with a negative >> : tone of police says that all hundred five terrorist plans after more than the year each one costs $950 the department ping 23,000 year to store the video that's a lot of money the chief says it's money well spent >> : and play from a few instances we have here houses bend a godsend for us >> : was a staunch resistance was in error please pardon the country have these body cam's change is no. 1 c. oil change koses number to >> : another reason according to critics every single thing you say will be recorded scrutinize and so forth i think that would put hinder on some cops and create a problem with them in dealing with everyday public >> : bart one law enforcement that uses body cameras they are warns on uniform officers >> : and the '90s bay area wide 92 in livermore 19 concord 93 and out and fairfield 92 nancy beck as well bradys and now but 88 there but 83 and santa rosa centerfold we have 84 down in sunnyvale 82 in redwood city of the coastline so the 6 is although we did see some sunshine in the afternoon as we look live in the golden gate bridge we started and will close make your way back and see more widespread low cloud coverage tonight we talk more about that coming up a bit >> : smaller earthquake hit off the coast of malibu this morning the 3.4 magnitude quake in the area of the channel islands reports no reports of injured damage >> : if additional lose nine starters girls fund returns to families in new york after being kidnapped on wednesday night >> : the men who helped them get back home >> : to the girls and six year- old delilah on dress and singapore still an homage closed barefoot called hungry knowing they definitely would with a question where dinner thing >> : the this man lives just across the street told despite the girls what own group shoes to pull for driving them home >> : is not one that will brag about it but he is definitely a person that cares about people and the community >> : here longer 20 the alleged kidnapper stop the girls want doddered up to this house year knocked on the door and a man answered this of the could go home >> : and as the girls from media reports knew exactly where to take them from the very same vegetables and they're taken from stores county it says today since and is a juror >> : he's an individual who stood up and did what he thought was right at the time >> : authorities say the girls kidnapped by two men sit loris county sheriff says he is confident those kidnappers will be caught >> : up 545 real-life scene from movie jaws dramatic video from just how close this summer on knowingly got to a great white shark. linebacker for use in the grocery store the word that landed a frustrated mother in police custody. the >> : stock hit mess they're covered in and with little change from yesterday bulldog: if you're like me, you've been working like a dog all year. but you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters this charges of treason for letter crossword editor restore >> : you're under arrest and for my care for my husband from of customers daniel wolf recalls the much as arrested charged with disorderly conduct the woman shopping in the store filed wolf and her family and she said use of the f word but she said it and when does say this >> : : incident report just shopping here at the struggle to kids going on the blood vial when they kept squeezing the red and that's when she said the word that caught her arrested >> : and will says that's not what happened and said that to my husband that he was smashing the bread and throwing the frozen peas on top of it >> : according to a belote not disorderly means daughter instead of anger in the presence of another any bader lewd or obscene words the old woman later said she did or her arrested but too late >> : and harm anybody and hurt anybody lady said she is having a bad day >> : so because they're having a bad day ignorance of what is life >> : place not comment on the case of new claims she's a witness to the incidence of she was not having a bad day she said she heard will use the word in question repeatedly will do in court on september the 12th >> : for the third clear fog and the distance over the ocean going back into tonight will have more on the cooler weather to come with the coming up in a bit >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ watch. dentist. at 1-800-dentist, we've helped over 8 million people find that right dentist. we can do the same for you. so don't put it off. call 1-800-dentist. of a pretty amazing beach coast at california's sharks were spotted some in the waters of manhattan beach marybeth shows us some got too close for comfort >> : suites in the water off manhattan beach several great white sharks this mother saw one swing close to the coast that all sudden i see a fend until it was assured the other sharks spotted further out watching stars pass by it's been a common setting around here plus three years and so the juvenile white sharks and the area. those determined on aggressive with guards alerted to about 45 sharks selling itself look here bidding clear the water but kept a close eye on the sharks once we found out the animals were 8 ft. or below was monitored for our answer when they found a be nonaggressive we abandon our activities there and they went their way into our way 1975 film draws lebanon mention many people's minds of sharks being man-eater's experts say sharks especially juveniles traditionally do not attack humans. we actressy drawl white sharks and curious they don't attack on lousewort only provoked >> : was a fisherman in maryland had a close encounter with a great white shark he says the sharks circled his boat took a bite at his motor that shark then someone up some of the one was hurt >> : see world building new state of the art homes for its killer whale called the blue world project or of the product comes after months of criticism following the release of a documentary called black fish. >> : the film examine the sea world trade and of its killer whales and a highly critical white meantime see world says it's san diego park will be the first to see the new changes new killer whale and lawyer man suspected the hold 10 million gal. of water nearly double what it currently holds the company also announced plans to donate $10 million the killer whale research >> : is also about science to their well conservation see world fledging finance vote financial resources service research, a wells and that's the face >> : to all says the plant open the wells new home to the public 2018 with expansions that parks and a but orlando san antonio follow >> : a little warmer out there today we saw fog cleared pretty quickly ago it's in the '90s and lines 92 and and yet many in closing to 93 in fairfield and the north and south bay we hit the low 80s and said that recyclable '80s as well 80 in hayward 82 down in redwood city as a look-alike for maariv camp not a card inside a low clouds are not far off the coast. satellite radar picture look close so close to the north the coastline of so much along the san mateo coastline but this also ride back and quickly tonight warning far definite that the lender tomorrow morning which will lead to slightly cooler conditions for saturday even cooler sunday and the cooling trend will continue to early next week >> : but fog tracker by 6:00 in the morning fog fairly widespread so russia's ecological said the lift from the delta of livermore valley south they still lingering to the northwest o'clock though it will go back to the north but they shores by noon for the coastline will move back a little slower than what we saw out there this morning and that will lead to slightly cooler conditions to >> : the get temperatures four koreas in san jose 86 in los gatos 82 sunnyvale cupertino upper 70's and paul locke so and on do for inland valleys will be on the warm side but no ninety's accepted at 87 conquered 90 in enteric 96 and a seven in pleasanton at livermore is bay shore is running sundays once again for the most part down the peninsula we will see the same thing sunday to send brno 76 and cemeteries 687 cisco low eighties for much of the north bay local raw this week and early next week of the fog becomes more widespread more persistence florida clear. >> : temperatures running level with average early next week for inland valleys it looks like that for us stay the much resorting largely in the '70s and '80s next seven days >> : returning all so and shopping cart isn't as simple as it seems in the next addition of people behaving badly tonight at 8 >> : coming of the tech report on kron 4 news exciting new gadget is about to hit the market sits on your dashboard turns your windshield into a heads up display copilot's seat airplanes this offers you a way to truly interactive this car phone while you are driving without taking your eyes off the road to >> : using his car phone wall and driving against law but that's our lifeline are you else phone calls all sees it for maps to get around all kinds of-paramount even those used to sit in your eyes off the road for half the second when you touch the device or interact with the one introduce you to the exciting new gadgets sits on your dashboard and connected to your phone offers a it has a display on your windshield like airline pilots have again truly interact with your phone without taking hands off the wheel without taking your eyes off the road >> : up display the projects information from your phone your car as a transparent image that appears to fog set your car's windshield the video camera can capture looks like on the windshield the chow optics don't transfer over to sit by word for it's pretty neat sharp clear images projected on the lower end so you keep your full view of traffic ahead view and use it for navigation communication's controlling your music if not determined turn directions you can control your phone calls you can have notification text messages from your phone and control your favorite music apps weather is pandora is modified by tunes music >> : and looking down with anything that works as a great >> : it is portable you can use it in multiple cars to with you the information your viewing and the road still within your field of view out within focus of it at the same time something that can't be done with a cd based technology not respond sunscreens' the of course you'd take your eyes off the road to times more likely the have an accident if your eyes are not on the road airline ordered now the market soon >> : for the sheriff's deputy the shot and killed a center of the teenagers that to return to work the news is working quickly among those who remember in the lopez curiosity about the cats. the mystery behind the drop off of it affords of cassette the society of this more news coming up that six >> : latte or au lait? cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, all beds are on sale. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. new tonight at six more cases of west all iras popping up and santa clara county this time i justin birds but human. good evening what everyone, the shingles confirmed five people now infected with the disease or fogging planned for next week to try and keep this outbreak from spreading kron 4 alicea read in san jose with more on these latest cases >> : pam more at the height of the west all season of the fine people diagnosed with the virus here in santa clara two of them encephalitis more severe form. not one of those men so hostile as we speak >> : to flippers protect yourself. to be borelli's from the hospital the other two and a clue they were infected health department unloaded them after the bulls came back from a blood donation in the use of the first-inning cases of lasalle and santa clara compared with a 648 dead with the virus doctor from the side clara held department considers these numbers pre low as eight introduce them to address the fog and >> : vector control district in falling in areas where they found what miskitos have west now. so that helps reduce the number of mosquitoes 85% of the dead bird since the county tested positive for whats now. rest of residents catching the virus higher than normal it's important to of the stay vigilant >> : use repellant you wear long sleeves long pants especially around dawn dusk when mosquitoes are more active >> : although less than 1 percent of people develop serious neurological from what's now you never know if he might be in the 1% >> : day of surprises anger anderson azeri please release the surveillance video allegedly showing 18 year-old michael brown taking part in a strong armed robbery charges before police officers shot and killed him last weekend at the same time they also believe the name of the officers then shot and killed brown was on arms >> : officer named to 28 ural's durables and the chief says wilson is a six year veteran with an unblemished record but then the chief also a acknowledged wilson had no knowledge of the reported robbery when he killed a teenager michael brown >> : white men turned it tells about the reaction all this news >> : into words the reaction is not good the rossellini's sing of their son and the surveillance video in the say by releasing and now might even when they ask for transparency >> : trended justify the actions terrier presented trade on martin's family now represents michael brown calls the decision to release the video police tactics won a one >> : it shows someone please identify as brown and a convenience store brown allegedly grabbed the box of cigars shows the protesting clerk of the second place minutes before brown's deadly confrontation with officer wilson a short distance away >> : nothing to do with because they're walking on all this tree blocking traffic police say brown when after officers done ... did i happen >> : across covens of the family beyond our raged one ever took place there had nothing to do with individual getting down on his hands and knees raising his hands in the air saying don't shoot this is a universal code for i surrendered >> : family representative says no one: michael brown an angel but the focus needs to be on the shooting >> : willet talking about a few minutes to where these witnesses claiming mr. brown had his hands in the air grew four police shot and killed him in broad daylight what happened in the 18 years before that does not matter >> : all were looking at is is this taking this disturbing to everyone >> : on family calling for a peaceful protest crowd is growing all afternoon police taking a lower profile since missouri state patrol was brought in less light so far no trouble >> : so much courage of deputy fatally shot a 13 year-old danny lopez and santa rosa returning to patrol duty next week erica shot lopez when he mistook the teens but koppell rifle for an ak- 47 assault rifle lopez was walking through an open lot and shot on the sidewalk a lot less october >> : decembers ago losses to patrol duty as an insult to the committee now protests planned for saturday afternoon right after the shooting place at administrative leave back in july mr. attorney announced no criminal charges will be filed against the deputy the land is their attorneys office reviewing yesterday's shooting when they san jose police officer shot and out to the woman holding a power drill it happened at home on a loss of zero road police say their response to reports of a woman with an uzi type weapon threatening to kill her family when they arrive they say the woman was pointing in not the officers believed to be gone she walked toward them to consider police say officer a kumar opened fire on of fear for her safety in 60 of the public. the woman died at the hospital neighbors say it is tough to determine whether the officer should a fire not. >> : and one handed the place to know how much she had in hand from far away and the teller a drop of four times she doesn't to some charging i don't know. >> : the officers now on payton of the industry believe at this time authorities are not able to release the name of the woman who was shot. >> : dangerous situation friday on highway 4 in martina's look at the video person in the orange taxi cab driving the wrong way during the morning commute kron for the record the video place martinez say that taxi cab was stolen from escobar's trade a four year-old janie elam here is her picture the tax eventually collided with five vehicles causing a number of injuries before coming to a stop arrested booked on suspicion of auto theft felony driving under the influence >> : or the summer day on the bay area looking live from our camera on downtown san francisco that clout in sight but a different story as a lot closer to the coastline on on tam technical clause starting to push back in the bay right now. temperature is pretty warm with amoco was treated at the '90s and once a day right now in the upper 80s still action and agrees though in fairfield 86 and now but 82 in the bottle 81 in sunnyvale close to the coastline in the '60s now links to fog is returning to the coast a little and will return bay area wide tonight foggy conditions the set the saturday fire got sort clear lbo little cooler tomorrow or fog coverage for sunday even cooler conditions and the sunday at the continue into early next week. but the numbers well below average for this time forecast coming up in just a little bit >> : also still had say it six traffic nightmare is over candlestick park lots of people still talk about why it took so long to get to a palm the party show. plus the new plan in place to make sure traffic start flows smoothly at the first foreigners came at levi stadium this weekend and remembering robin williams hollywood star share their fond memories of the committee questions >> : it makes me happy to go on the computer. i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. bulldog: you've been working like a dog if yall year.e me, but you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters closing cattle stickful of great memories here you see video from the shaw stadium field packed with fans turns out as many as 2000 ticket holders to not get and and the reason this terrible traffic jam the top the one woman who says she was stuck in gridlock for hours on able to move the parking staff told her that they would eventually be able to park but never happens >> : time going by the your moving toward getting worried because the show was going to start at and he said at 8 call started 9 so it had definitely an hour but three hours we couldn't get near the park >> : only part of the show she is able to see the fireworks display at the end and even that was from the inside of her car she says she wants her money back of promoters of the show say one reason the candlestick is closing because traffic always been a major problem there the also says send an e-mail blessed all ticketholders warning them to get themselves pretty hat pointed sunday at the charlotte said it will not be issuing any refunds >> : coming up next oakland coliseum filling up with raiders fans for the preseason home opener here from fans from the with the latest news of the team's potential move out of the bay area >> : plus new information on the death of actor robin williams or his family may be holding his funeral >> : ooo. i knowhat u'rethking u'rehinking beneful. nnouer]a whyouldt he be beneful hawholomegrai,reabf spinach,carrs anpeas it hasarbodrat fornerg and prein r the seousmuscs. [guyaarrr! [announc]eveacces of vimin-ch v. uy] hap! you love iso mh. y youo! but 's gd foyou,o. nnouer] althl. flavful.enef. om pina. you bet!you fix this? that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. greater nation out in force tonight at 0 got co tonight. less than hour away from the new season tonight at this preseason game they'd face the detroit lions fans excited about also a little bit uneasy because they know the raiders owner has been all but about his interest in possibly moving the silver black again maybe toss angeles a san antonio tx the raiders and the oakland coliseum and that the next season >> : the trend is your money all the fans the city is not the scary de the prayers are playing their last season here if they do i will cry >> : hopefully they don't listen to california and your also be upset >> : about for some like the fans will be focused on the field their first chance to check out the new quarterback matt shaw in derek carr >> : that the game will join us live in sports at 645 tonight >> : 49 is also a preseason game on tap this weekend at the by stadium in santa clara as rob little >> : key word for those planning for as many as 70,000 fans to attend sunday's game is more or parking at more portable signs directing fans more cops directing traffic in line were refocusing on making sure people currently by say you have a good time ago here for one is to a abuilding try and get them as an as quickly as possible everyone by kickoff everybody has a good experience >> : hoping to avoid the bad reviews from fans of all the stadiums a soft opening for soccer game and are the second 14 batters say traffic signals in the area have been fine-tuned and more lanes open on key access roads belly transportation authority also coming in for heavy criticism added extra buses before and after the game >> : graphics signaling does come of it deal will look with areas for some authority in terms of traffic control to locations and the critic was placed there once was we will in one area off of lafayette. those will be three things floating being able to make a lot better >> : than reminded that the great american theme park is also close sunday's which means its huge parking lot will also be available >> : in all plans under way for robin williams daily error reporting that the family will have a small private funeral and the bay area in the meantime with many co- stars friends continuing to remember their time with the committee questioned the insiders kevin fisher joins us from hollywood with more >> : sunday in one movie and such a special person brought all the minister very much >> : your fun person who knew and organ know him ahmadabad with him and he is kind loved playing funny man >> : roland co-star sophia from happy feet to goodwill hunting sharing their heart with afloat >> : first time that many stars found out robin williams had been diagnosed with parkinson's disease they were as shocked as the rest of the world's >> : first time hearing of it so i am surprised and at the same time not these are private matters that not privy to ignore should we be a >> : revelation covers the your papers with headlines about robbins said tragic secret a cliche fax was to begin the slow reface pleaded that he was stunned to learn the robin had the disease adding robin was " a true friend which mps" >> : insider to get seven for kron 4 news kevin frazier back to you pam >> : twitter is taking a tougher stance against online police after robin williams' daughter is all the force of the social media side by users with crude remarks and pictures some blaming her for her father's death twitter says it does not tolerate that type of abuse that is all the williams received was president bill hartley says the company has suspended accounts responsible she says twitter is working to improve its policies on bullion and support for family members who users are deceased >> : continuing to development and on-line chat kron4-dot- com and twitter patches for up-to-date on any information >> : principle summer day run the bay area today it started with fog cleared '90s and lend a lot closer the average for the tall year low 90s drawer and $1.90 unconquered 92 in livermore antioch specially any threat fairfield today and the north bay up in the '80s it was 88 and now but 83 and center fall so eighties through op the south to the coastline and cooler than set low cloud coverage are in making its way back toward the bay you see here from the camera at the golden gate bridge will close starting to fill in the bridge towers still good visibility there that's been a change into the overtime hours year's look at a farm tractor tomorrow morning ec by six widespread low cloud coverage all we ought to livermore valley down to the south bay by a clock it starts with a coastline livermore valley saying a little bit more sunshine sinking on some as a funny to the north bay by 10:00 back to san francisco's lead will be back to the coastline by about noon tomorrow and of course i will make a difference in temperatures will have a slightly cooler conditions tomorrow this to the lingering fog 6 is a the) 68 san fransico 7 used on the peninsula 82 in redwood city is bay shoreline mix of 67 is listed as an alameda oakland 77 in san leandro 78 in fremont in manila is a little bit cooler tomorrow little more comfortable 90 degrees redwood 91 there in 5 unconquered 87 in pleasanton livermore south bay also largely it still low 80s and it will be 90 now in morgan hill 82 in sunnyvale cupertino 80 in san jose 27 firman view in the north bay also low 80s but still 70 other small 76 and a layout mill valley 79 and barely 800 is a petaluma and snap up. still ahead as things cooling down the fog more excess of that trend continuing into early next week the sec temperatures will remain below average for the next several days >> : coming up next cracking down on the popular in since been from some store shelves were abandoned kittens showing up in the bottle the surveillance the deal will help find out who's doing it >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ in the humane society asking for the public's health and identifying people in this surveillance video take a look inside the says they have been abandoning boxes of cats at the society's headquarters in a bottle for more than a year we cent drop happened route and midnight on thursday evening society says that it was to help the orders need to cast a stop over breeding anyone with information passed it contact the headquarters >> : in hampshire governor asking the stop growing synthetic drug problem records in emergency or the substance known as smash marketed as incense but people are smoking it in and ordered your hard similar to marijuana officials say dozens of people overdosed >> : summoned from brand to each one carries and what they put it so it's hard to regulate >> : a lot police to pull the product off of store shelves >> : tx 63 our top story is including more cases of west all popping up in the bay area tell you where five people became infected >> : hundreds of dollars spent on the ball mccarty tickets only be stopped in traffic get in the entire show traffic mess that still has people fuming tonight people behaving badly stanley roberts roberts crack big rig drivers but in law and order to avoid traffic >> : the low cloud coverage moving back and we see clear whether what number is coming about 630 >> : seehis?it sws t presre pnts my red,ac feet. i h no ue ias ptingthisind . i ve ft fe. i fou thiout theree drchols fo mapng cter. iness an t mines, i gomy ft maand cust numr. i'a 44 i'a 21 34 that numbematcd th drchols cuom f orttic sertwithust e rit pporto hp reeve ressn myeet. i'a beever go to drhollcom r catis ansave10 i'a beever at ikea, we don't just we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. baand ustring.ough but w, tre's betr wa introducinthe rst-er raidefen sysm. it attacks theugs u se ntro theugsyou n't e... d prents. keeng bs out. the id defen sysm... get e e bu. ra. kis bu dea schnso a fily mpan and santa clara five humans diagnosed with west aisle two of them with encephalitis the more severe form those two people were hospitalized one was released the other is still bedridden >> : to others no idea they were infected notifiefter donating blood coming out how the shooti >> : a man seen as a large crowd of a stolen taxi causes dangerous situation and by driving the wrong way on highway 4 during the morning commute. martina's police arrested four year-old who was booked on suspicion of auto theft and yosemite drive under the influence after the taxi collided with five oncoming vehicles causing multiple injuries however none fatal >> : in san francisco money fans walked out the final concert at candlestick park thursday night some ticket holders say they were shut out because of the terrible traffic one woman says she'd spent the entire show is sitting in gridlock the once her money back and lime promoter says one reason candlestick is closing because of its historic traffic problems and they did send an e-mail blast warning patrons to give themselves plenty of time to get there >> : they did not plan to issue any refund >> : now the days are over 14 points to get 6 a. site developer planned to demolish the stadium possibly early next year then build this a sprawling urban redevelopment including retail space restaurants homes if all goes well developed a should be completed in 45 years >> : here in santa clara other traffic control your to the stadium hoping to improve on congestion and confusion the fans and counter on route to a soccer game here earlier this month 49ers made changes in anticipation of bleacher even larger " crowd 40 niner's house for parking or trains more buses and improve traffic flow on surface streets better synchronize asian of traffic lights and santa clara >> : this school year begins monday it some 2700 parents' wedding the find of thinking get their child and other school of choice >> : some frustrated parents turned toward home schooling private schools districts says they should not give up hope on the first two weeks of school year spots could still open up >> : big weather starts to michael weather as we head into the weekend we will see more fog coverage did leading the slick or condition saturday sunday will continue into early next week all on fog trecker widespread the cloud covered up the door tomorrow morning early it will be sought seller clear it o'clock still hovering over the no. date fog tracker but the services go by about 10 cluster to 11 noon would expect staff francisco it will stick around near the coast i should sit tomorrow kron afternoon the south bay still so '80s but low 80s and then will see more '70s and places like a lot, in view of fremont >> : valets '90s out there tomorrow we see the '90s and bright would but that's at upraise pretty much everywhere else '70s and sudden a 75 and sally and just 74 hayward '70s also done in the peninsula club '80s for the north bay but again just barely 80 degrees and edelman nappa and santa rosa. bugging headdress the week and early next week temperatures diving down a low 80s well below average for the summer time that continues through next week >> : when interstate 88 is backed up some truckdrivers take a shortcut but when taking the short cut which happens to the interstate 580 they somehow missed a very important sign reading all trucks exceeding for a half tons must take next exit >> : tough it truckdriver risks of a point on the driving record and $400 ticket was a hard a fire truck driver is ignoring the very important sign but his big rig it appears moment out of driving on interstate 580 at the oakland office of how patrol the line you're allowed beyond 580 if any truck weighs over 9,000 lbs. they are restricted to interstate 580 this truck the cabinet alone weighs 20,000 lbs. >> : of the driver unrestricted road against see and see such >> : an apparently neither did this truck driver from ontario canada officer checked all but informational literature ever follows the rules >> : real question is how did to people missed the sign >> : on time trugs aware were fourth half tons can use interstate 580 is if it's a bad crash mistake a 80 in the state allows timber used >> : will still apply to buses or trains that nichols narrow road but the axle was in his place to stop >> : big rigs keep driving do not stop and on ramp >> : is beth for more than 40 years but only became a state losses 2000 customers a 5 a runs through residential neighborhoods and trucks are pretty far out in the structure this ever made a ticket >> : i needed the nsa 580 >> : nine nations now taking steps to stop lices from conquering more land in the middle east >> : that reporter games like you never need to be intimidated by one again after this free mobile app for the phones tablets makes learning about wine easy and make it easy to buy one, about 8:00 p.m. newscast and the tech report >> : bulldog: you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. running tonight from later considered by some to be a terrorist organization pleaders says that everyone in the middle east should be worried about lyses calls the group of a monster which does not differentiate who is target deadly advance on buses against syria are powered by extremist ideology at terror tactics money recovery use of powerful u.s. military weapons of behind it iraq >> : unanimously a resolution to condemn the isis extremists is a crackdown on some source of funding by targeting six individuals in particular recension >> : i urge all members to expend every effort to help achieve these goals >> : u.s. officials say isis' now working to establish sells in europe were reportedly 12,000 foreign pirate butter topping ices cockerel land in iraq and syria >> : the extremist group creating major problems in that country kidnapping more than 100 men and boys earlier this month most were later set free by that nation's security forces most terrorist killed duration out for the georgia school girls kidnapped the same group still not been set free >> : coming up in sports we have a lot report from the coliseum with the raiders are about the play their first home game of the preseason and after a tough time in kansas city it doesn't get any easier for the a's and at last the auto pilot the sports next >> : spokesperson: get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. why are we so obsessed with turbo? because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. like the sporty jetta. and the turbocharged passat tdi® clean diesel. okay.. and the iconic beetle... and the powerful tiguan... okay you can't forget the cc... guys, this is going to take a while. avo: get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 jetta se for $169 a month after a $1,000 bonus. will come back every one the 49 hours their new home and abroad goes tonight about the raiders' home opener on the coliseum posting the detroit lions not warm up on the field after a short while ago the game is a sellout technically will be shown on local tv kickoff 20 beds for now and joining us live from outside the stadium or baritone of felipe >> : it might just be expedition game but it's a very important game for raiders fans very excited and hoping to swallow an improvement for the tense night and hoping for a big big turnout know not a sellout open the raider nation does turn out and closer to victory it were just 20 minutes away from kickoff you see fans still arriving hoping to make it to their seats for the start of the game i tell you party midseason form on the parking lot raiders, a chauffeur flex of silver blackford nation has squarely for its territory if >> : that be the first start in with talk soler's possibly moving to san antonio loss angeles expires after next season hoping for a big year with some think taking really big >> : 10 cars during troy is a good quarterback a want to see howard want to progress into the next season and not looking for suitable when the stopping for improvement >> : trotlines very tough san francisco forty-niners to fight very fun matchup you to place area teams secundus what happens on the field tonight before we let you go any indication on how they bring in a good rookie. >> : at shot play is pretty much in slow third quarter gains profs start for 21 yds serious see him play in the second quarter and raiders' second round draft pick their car play for us likely to quarters like he did last week and certainly that's all environment some 50,000 fans wave/last night more than a few had to do so from their cars literally from paul mccartney concert that led to one the worst bay area traffic nightmares in recent memory thousand stranded in their cars outside the venue for the entire three hours show a reminder of the things pretty much everyone hated for candlestick park to carve out a little piece of history perhaps hoping to put that grass and their own backyard a living memory if you will have the stick >> : a's opened three games said in atlanta tonight jason hamel toldings but not tonight did not have the bottom third year is a big blow for a free man three run homer to center field to nothing braves the score now seven the two made it 5 nothing the score now 72 a glance of the leaders of the need for the day's best work to do with the help to come back from this one >> : to 10 years since the little world series monnet davis only played she dominated their 13 year-old son off picture as you just showed you this is for philadelphia mowing down the boys from nashville today became the first girl ever to pitch a shutout and little word of the world series support of the pitches i just a fastball batter after batter and iced 70 pitch shot out philadelphia beats national funders false or for nothing and let of the recent tragedy the clean life of the for year-old driver kevin or at racetracks less saturday >> : sec no doubt many times by ward bond to the wall but to and police were presumably to confront start who then ran him over as he drove by it today nascar announce trevor's can no longer get out of their cars unless there are extenuating circumstances such as fire smoke in the cockpit otherwise they must lower the window and white in the car >> : the situation forces everyone to a look at things a little bit more in the microscope and maybe make a just a year in their for me personally it doesn't change anything, and go about things all is going to try and keep my emotions in check and use common sense >> : it seemed like a no-brainer drivers when they get out that was not outlawed until today the now have to stay in the cars also course i simulating circumstances >> : sector metal canes of the son of but five player the sun and story timber becomes the first nba player of indian descent and this guy is huge in fact his nickname is 75 in. there is the town's wasn't dominant by any stretch but a guy that big plus basketball when the fesses course sports and india so a good night's pr move sunday night the conjoined bit and myself on sports rights live at not after the news or not interview 49 or player. a key member of the defense >> : sunday night on the clock we see you as well later at 8:00 break up the had fallen see might need them next time you checkout google street do with the bay area based company working on now >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. take your time. no rcome on.y. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can female announcer: when you see this truck, female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ that richard restored train super value man affected as many as 200 free liquor stores to produce those hackers access to our processes for transactions the store says the information account numbers cardholder names when been stolen this comes after several other retailers were hacked in recent months including target the chains and even good will. online retailer amazon announces the selection of redland as that of a new distribution center the company's fifth disparate debouching century california location expected open on october bring up the 500 new jobs to the area >> : amazons was that the facility will park ledger items such as televisions for nearby customers >> : in future could be coming to it will match the u.k. during a company wants to add sound to map street your option. the project called saw the street you allows people to attach sounds locations on the map the company said his goal is to let users hear the sounds of the streets and stadiums that they are searching for. >> : before had up to now have the weekend >> : people and will react like you just as that cannot '70s and said they >> : >> the insider with perspective on today's top-trending stories. >> he was such a special person. >> he was a kind, loving, funny man. >> tonight was the first time that many of these stars found out robin williams had been diagnosed with parkinson's disease. >> i am surprised. >> plus michael j. fox and a hall of famer on diagnose. >> i'm shocked. >> my first reaction is breathing heavily. ♪ ♪ >> people change. people grow apart. >> and is michael strahan making up with his ex. >> me and mike are good. plus. >> i get three or four death threats a year from manson followers. >> sharon tate's sister about manson's power behind bars. >> it's a danger. and the sexy movie stars. and kevin gets soaked. >> oh! >> now the latest celebrity news differed to you 24/7, insider. >> hi everyone and welcome to insider. let's get right to the big head line we're following, today's top story. >> i'm so honored to be in one of his movies. he was such a special person. we're all going to miss him very much. >>. [ whistling ]. >> imagine you're in love with this thing. okay. i'm ready. let's go, let's do this. >> enough. please. >> all i know is that you will not find a person who knew him or who didn't know him who had a bad word to say about him. he was a kind, loved, loving, funny man. >> robin costar from happy feet


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20140816

the media cosigner i know it and see all that here on satellite radar imagery but most of this fog should pull back to the coast by letter on in the morning is a look at the date letter but it o'clock temperatures the site will see partly cloudy skies temperatures in low 60s goes said the low eighties and went out temperatures very typical and in august for the warmest upper 80s today all details on the cool down expected as we had and early next week impossibility showers >> : rioting breaks out looters are targeting more stores including a liquor store all this in response to the fatal shooting of 18 year- old michael brown the teenager was unarmed when he was killed by police officer this is the latest video from the scene. over diluting happen near the standoff here is what team members and demonstrators a swat team command is protestors to get a straight back on the sidewalk are brought home. or be arrested >> : and police have released this surveillance video that they say shows michael brownfield stealing from a convenience store village strongarm robbery had been the same day an officer fatally shot the and r barnes teenager all the owners of the market say was a customer reported the incident to police not them. what the customers to remain loyal as of need and reports >> : with order windows officers of the door a little market now another case of a national uproar. denise party circles doors down. >> : so she came to see for herself what the market would say about the surveillance video allegedly caught my brown stealing year not long before he was killed. the petty crime that he allegedly involved and no one deserves to be gunned down like that >> : would let other nobody >> : market orders with the ternate sent the message they want to stay as far as with on the situation as possible sting even after the initial alleged theft is a customer the call police >> : at about them they did not call the police they didn't ask the police to come and take the video >> : and other hoping the video won't make them a target >> : but hope that the people in this community who have consistently supported them would continue to support them and realize what ever the police are looking at on the surveillance tapes has nothing to do with what went on in the street >> : isn't this news may supplies a target >> : a can of to >> : was being fought in the bay area as well are left looking at video from berkeley on the right video from oakland for hulk of the partnership with abc seven news some protesters pepper sprayed during that time police march and asserted oakland made their way to berkeley saw reports of vandalism and berkeley and more tracking and those reports and order remind you to sit with kron 4 as we continue it is a demonstration the murders and misery and did a close- up a son of website kron4- dot-com i also have a video of press conferences from the please missouri's governor and protestors as well with video of the rights protests and harrison also from here the bay area other places around the country ermine regionalist a connected with our mobile app >> : over the place and on apartment complexes that 2300 block of sycamore drive 3:00 this morning investigators say they are investigating this as arson. 14 people lived in the apartment complex or displaced one woman described how she got out of the apartment and lime will cut look out the window and saw fire window >> : will put my husband and the it kids look up and we started trying to get out of the apartment. three kids of the apartment out messages were not with me through the door >> : one person to leave the hospital being treated for or smoke titillation so far no suspects in custody. >> : also new this morning said francisco police looking for carli believe may be involved in a fatal hit-and- run. authorities said the swiss car was traveling on mission street between fourth and fifth about 1030 last night. that's simply say a truck and killed a two year-old girl who was in the crosswalk with a relative. please describe the car as white mid-90s a four-door sedan and possibly on the camry or lexus mike paulsen will have more on this later developments coming up a live report at 8:00 a.m.. still hadn't kron 4 is again laypeople shelter place after desiccant san jose how long gas was spewing from the tank >> : how the u.s. is looking into what isis is using against iraq forces >> : since it military nine years in prison explain why he's been indicted the story coming up >> : meantime the sly look outside traffic moving nice and easy the saturday morning we will be right back >> : female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ lanes blocked due to crash on highway 24 pleasant hill this morning chp says the vehicle crash happened 3:20 a.m. and not so low estimate of when those plans will be reopened a driver going wrong way cause a crash on highway 1 01 in redwood city early this morning chp says the driver was heading south on the northbound lanes near hollister about 1230 this morning one person in the hospital no suspects rest information has been released by the chp and the south bay san jose hundreds of people in the shelter and place are a ghastly credit to excel as a fire department more than an hour to have to get inside the missile of supermarket and get to the bell-about >> : the new apartment complex number of homes speculated as gas spewed from the tank >> : . will the secure the bell no longer leaking gas and that they contain a lot to address of the on this of propane there is a chance of ignition for fire that's why we did our evacuation to protect residents and homes and businesses here. >> : our department monitors the is were market for several hours to make sure the situation remained under control police now it is currently investigating how the tank ruptured. much more ahead on kron 4 news make and what will it the week and forecasts of the break this look outside downtown san francisco for rv. can you conceive or test does will be right back >> : and forth in the saturday morning to take a look at the weather forecast three overcast wrote much the bay area it will close in san francisco right now. the letter for temperatures 24 hours ago to francisco right now 61 of 58 degrees in concord, for upper 50s and santa rosa sister and oliver more epidemics and severing their bringing all clothing and or inland valleys wit by a vote later part of the morning and the early afternoon be should be seeing a lot more sunshine local fog aware of the coastline to look for sunny skies today temperatures near normal for this time of year some spots little or so little cooler than a whistle yesterday that said fremont getting pretty close to 85 in campbell all invalid looking for 89 and upper 70's a blotto. to our attention to these bay vallejo 89 degrees warmer creek 67 is along these bay shoreline in san francisco today a high of 68. as we look ahead years of sunday run the bay forecast it and see little bit of a drop in temperature is ahead in early next week also tracking and area of low pressure the ballpark itself off the coast it could be some prep run showers to the north by in these bay as well only 10 percent chance of like will start to warm things up a bit as we head into thursday >> : winning word of airstrikes they are iraq small slam being held by militant group was as the group sees the dam earlier this month along with large parts of northern on iraq meantime marek officials claimed ices claimed over 80 manning captured women children in an attack on friday. officials there say the eyes as letters seized the village client residents wonder if use to convert to islam >> : does intelligence assessing the resources losses has as its battle against iraq forces are store has the details >> : defiance against the like mount. intelligence committee now calls a credible an alternative to all kited >> : after days of u.s. air strikes isis' fighters may be in hiding in some places the u.s. says >> : its leader may have fled back to syria but more than 1 million iraq and on the run from licensed according to u.s. instilled grabbing territory it full stream of tanks against northern iraq and in next door syria >> : now increased to well over 10 kelson fighters does appear to be increased in numbers appears to be wealthier >> : u.s. intelligence committee now doing an assessment trying to calculate how many fighters lyses has including four fighters are mainly in syria >> : , he may be americans >> : worry for the u.s. listeners trend biases could return home and flaw attacks >> : concern about the settler position very dangerous and probably was to try to prove itself and one way or another and could go further along in efforts to attack our homeland >> : u.s. intelligence agencies: summer has brought our assist thousands of new fighters no armed with heavy weapons from abandoned direct military base biases is not on stoppable at least iraq >> : it's not and the tallest hon. it's hard because ideology does not appear to be well supported among iraqi and senior population an even bigger problem for rice is is this place and jihad movement so far many of all crevice strongest this elite organizations in north africa of somalia have not sworn their allegiance >> : many believe the outcome and will eventually fired out to the leadership of the global gm of movement >> : also oversees the france's comply with the sables children today as he continues this five day visit to south korea the paul visited the biggest welfare facility run by the cree and catholic church the program works with the homeless a stable and substance that x the facility includes adoption center for abandon disable and thence the pope also celebrated mass in front of several hundred thousand people in seoul. is the first time the pope has visited south korea and 25 years >> : american doctor sitting treatment and atlanta for a bull says that he is recovering akimbo bradley at a missionary transfer earlier this month when isolation unit added: hospital tractable well treating patients in liberia there were both given an experimental drug called the map. 21 people hundred people and was overcome more than half have died >> : governor perry it in texas being indicted in ghent for using powergen asked for the attorney it to a step down because of the you buy it and also be no funding integrity and yet unit run by the d.a. this is to go charges. if found guilty of the charges cover perry could be sentenced to a maximum 109 years in prison the texas democratic party call on perry to immediately step down. said the be running for the weight-loss and 2016 >> : 5 people and said clara county affected with west nile including two with the most severe form which can be fatal officials say the infected people live in the highest. concentration of whiskey was found carrying the virus those include mountain view sunnyvale 7 clara cupertino the people have died from the virus this year california no death and west aisle have ever been reported as seven clara county >> : after a week-long manhunt authorities arrested a mixed martial arts fighter accused of beating his ex- girlfriend police captured got johnson, and haber who goes by the name war machine. at a motel and mill valley friday afternoon he is accused of beating his ex-girlfriend this sumac and glossy as the behavior was seen and been on the run since she accused him of assault beckham august 8th is now awaiting extradition to that >> : dread days highlights coming up an ice bucket challenge taken on by some better nfc rivals another round of a taken on by some better nfc rivals another round of a car bought walked in to a mcdonald's and discovered an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños... ...for only two dollars. within minutes, they had also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? nom nom the jalapeño double, try it now for just $2 on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial. ♪ nom...nom...nom... nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach. wherever morning takes you, take along nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. oatmeal. cinnamon. softly-baked. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. areas forces one entranced but once a boy last night against the phillies extra innings at&t park can begin early game madison baumgartner beat strut so strong innings nine strikeouts for the best outing since may but is like a more the three run home run this will give the giants a 3 nothing lead but this would lude does that leave later on the game the a's now jeremy giving up this to run home final 53 phillies the giants german five and a half games back in the nfl was also a half- game behind the cardinals parts of a wild card >> : that is in atlanta of this letter braves and the undeniable part come to think about it is support to this one and a bottle the third reasonable given up a three run home run to destroy its center field for a free man for tough times for help continue in the fourth half ought to run home run off of alex would on the finishing off the brazil goslin adjusted jobless first career home run seven to load the file the a's three straight and one game ahead of the angels >> : football is back at the oakland coliseum of this exciting as preseason for the raiders. on for show comprise raiders toasting the detroit lions the old doc coalesce 9 >> : : in a pass and taking it 22 yds to set up a derelict men and 1 yd touchdown for the raiders moving ahead as a half third quarter. car rollout and for 3 yd touchdown pass for the raiders later in the game when the fourth quarter be brought down hard meadowlands larry webster here and car was forced to leave the game with a concussion and also injured ribs but then comes down to the six second lesson the game 2620 lions matt will get this 19 yd touchdown pass to rice butler wide- open the end ends on the goes the raider 2726 victory sober black green base friday night >> : as the challenge all the rage these days on thursday cell seahawks coach all for good cause to raise money for als research. after that dousing karen challenge all the west coaches including matters head coach jim harbaugh. >> : but looking forward to doing that the big challenge i challenge the san francisco be writers house that. then- president obama >> : he took good shots along with the writer is there you see him hitting us with less water the charge to implicitly by stadium before a practice >> : forty-niners chris 1 $3 billion on the sunday then join me be robert sunday night to break down inside and out the fan experience the traffic the game and everything plus is braves giants philips is a full everything plus is braves giants philips is a full half-hour news...sports... weather emergencies...especially diverse communities... rural towns... the elderly. they save thousands every year on cable and satellite bills... pay-tv providers don't like that. they're pushing washington to change the rules and cripple free tv call congress. tell them to stand up for sixty million americans... ...and stand up to pay-tv providers. don't mess with free tv welcome home! give him the tour. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. ...with two times the speed. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. welcome home! give him the tour. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. by marty pre overcast right now live look at the golden gate bridge go fog is not sitting too low on the deck this morning visibility not problem but as a great start to saturday morning you see here on a similar radar imagery of the sun shine in the afternoon temperatures near what they were yesterday some sponsors a much warmer some little cooler air except for the most part mid-70s bayside the upper 60s for the coast looks like pretty similar conditions to such color is ahead in early next now there's a possibility for showers and the forecast talk about the coming up less of a 45 >> : vandals damaged trees and ferns the golden gate park's ag's >> : some 700 ft. of bamboo rail fence >> : that is no moral fence a hit by vandals beckham marchand from golden gate park it's an ongoing problem other news this morning protest planned for this afternoon and santa rosa demonstrators calling for justice within the lopez and all the county sheriff's deputy fatally shot a 13 year-old son rose up returning to patrol duty this week some committee members say that erica go house returned to patrol duty as well to the community shot lopez when he mistook the team's replica of the oracle for ak-47 paul envelope was walking through an open lot shot on a sidewalk and last october right after the shooting he placed on administrative leave then in july to surf to renounce of criminal charges were filed against the deputy >> : i do think the district the parent and the student badly all >> : two months ago with first offenses goes will turn bill ford and micron for story told us how despite months of trying unable to get his 11 year-old son enrolled in a neighborhood school the force and either put the child alone on public transit for two hours a day or enroll him in a private school at the web many schools and several school unable the at the school of choice now with school starting on monday in san francisco democrat and check back with this was changed >> : the school year beginning on monday parent bill for return cell francisco unified school district offices on friday so try and get his 11 year-old son into a neighborhood school. the owners will use fun to another option is over and over for months was over an hour and 15 minutes away by you any and that's how he would have to get there. you did have threatened himself to a half hours every day or the bomb would have believed her job to take back and forth along for the weapons area public school teacher had the same problem with the city's schools was program last year when sun was just 10 but that time his force to put him in a private school. a work in the school district and know there are classrooms i know you and higher teacher there are things that the district can do i'll think they're working on the problem. after this latest meeting looks like the schools was program is failing him again. this said ok there's other stands on a late pool you cannot wait to be notified by september 5th is opening for this one school indication was though the schools are full this is the third application of plan since last spring and with the likelihood of hoover middle school out of the picture he can only wait listed for one school for says he may likely have to cope with the $7,000 again and put his chow back and private school airline roster or undue delay game or play here and these are people's lives children's lives >> : school district says right now there are 2700 parents and the same boat as bill for a wedding find out if they can get their child and the school of choice >> : this evidence is going for a school districts as paris still waiting here should not give up hope district say that the sugar expect a lot of movement after the first is a school students who do not show up to their sons will be dropped for creating openings for others >> : hoping after the first week of school will start notifying families calling them not going to be notifying them by letter because i want them to know offer placement into their request to schools this one happened probably big time in the next two weeks >> : school district says kessler here in the school choice program doing what it can't operate as smoothly as possible as officials see there are parents that will not get a school choice >> : the check to the story after viewers and was upset that the of the story ideally like to hear from me you conceive that all my kron 4 story by visiting kron 4 kron4-dot-com you can also see it >> : as high as and san fransico personal belongings stolen from clusters and glen park school school officials say the fact happens during a kindergarten orientation for new students and teachers noticed as the items when their turn the question is 330 in the afternoon kron 4 received the surveillance photos taken at the school on thursday still no word yet whether police said in a fight any potential suspects in the case class is a club park school said began on monday. public-school teachers but voted the authorized pricing is the make an announcement monday on the first fiscal about a possible walkout union leaders won 21 percent pay hike over the next three years the district offering in late in half percent increase matter what school officials say classrooms will be open as scheduled, and they'd >> : oakland high school security guard who police said sacristan in a wheelchair will stand trial back on may 9th police say more show mitchell handcuffed punished and dumped a freshman with surgery boat pulls the out of his wheelchair to officials say happen when the suit along with others linger in the hallway the state did not say the sooner they say they soon and did not immediately respond and reportedly unruly mitchell was arrested fired that same day but that as this occurred >> : still had up for you on kron 4 news weekend moments as the driver of the car speeds on the highway in the wrong direction charges of the suspect now facing >> : dozens of cats dump outside the marin humane society of officials say they're worried >> : coming up with are the number dialed is unavailable >> : returning are drawings a lost soul a shopping cart is not as easy as teams in the next addition of people having badly and in this situation fighting during the hours on how for martinez as a person and an arch taxicab was recorded driving the wrong way and how will put the cat was delivered taxicab driver on escobar street by for year- old jimmy lime a kron for your record of this video now watch the orange cap come into view their person according the the u.s. says there were passengers in a car going 55 mi. an hour when they notice the cat was driving the wrong way on the freeway. the taxi crashed into five vehicles including s u b then overturned while trying to avoid the chaos a number of people injured as well as arrested on suspicion of auto theft and driving under the influence >> : photo is posted on twitter earlier this week a mysterious object floating all over the skies in houston make up what's their new video surfaced as well on you to try their lights and the skies earlier this week in the same area for tiger said trying to sell a lightning storm any notice those lights of a skies real answer to a public this is still a mystery >> : nasa asking for the your help in a categorizing hundreds of thousands of photos of nude shots of the earth was pictures taken from the international space station and people being asked to identify which cities and towns and clusters of whats are coming from. hundreds of volunteers are reclassified dealing with false images was to be confirmed by at people. open that was of much of photos of the earth >> : goes for as available to a public sign the to send the media coming up on kron 4 news again to the top stores for run up the break meantime take a live look outside you from mount tam what's causing overcast or the golden gate park as their francisco the forecast when come back >> : we are the solis family. and this is our chex commercial. there's lots of choices and each of us has a favorite. like chocolate, honey nut and cinnamon. there's no artificial colors or flavors. that's good. and it's gluten free. so we're jumping for joy cause it's full of what we love, free of what we don't. and that makes for one very happy family. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. severely tortured protesters clash jane anderson misery after another attempt bay and st. louis suburb to people gathered august u.s. light that the protests continue nearly a week after police officer identified as girls and shot and killed an unarmed african-american teenager week ago say it today when michael brown shot until official said the protests began peacefully that escalated officials also sang more stores in the area would lessen including liquor store no rest were made. the bay area protestors sick and the streets of oakland berkeley protest in the bill shooting in misery the march began forging to broadway in oakland 6:00 yesterday evening to ignore a video from helicopter partnership with abc seven years down the stairs a move on the berkeley some businesses it's sustained some damage and the bank of the west at the loss at a taste of denmark bakery no word yet however anyone was arrested in the soft bay five people infected with west all virus to them develop a severe narrowing this a form that to leave the death this increases lot last year when two people affected so far three people in the california died from the virus those who run the highest risk of catching the disease are the elderly and those with certain chronic conditions >> : of the big story a week and of course a week and forecasts of find out where will be what >> : good morning pre overcast right now will close in san francisco places like this of the car half moon bay as well as ability not really an issue early on the saturday morning. as for temperatures of her fifties out there very similar to the 24 hours ago and a letter on sunday to this afternoon expect mild conditions temperatures in the mid-60s cosi to the upper 80s inland. rather here on satellite radar imagery but we are tracking approaching area of low pressure this could bring showers in the bay area as early as next week. often it's a huge possibility only looking at 10 percent chance and area of low pressure will deepen armory where excess of cloud cover and cooler conditions and to the afternoon hours. for today looking at seasonal weather '70s and '80s for the most part saturday 8184 degrees and santa clara on view today of a high of 78 similar weather and the east bay to crooked than billy 6 their eighth seven antioch temperatures range from the mid-60s to mid-70s along the east bay shoreline san francisco and 4-68 and 70 degrees in the bottle and then had years of sunday on the day forecast will weather and early next week and will continue of one fog of finance and try slightly warmer conditions is ahead in the thursday with mid-80s and lend '70s bayside upper 60s for the coast >> : to sit one car on the street and taken half an hour to an hour what to do with it that does this a fun has lost half his shopping carts and replace them, someone the price range of $200 each. the cards do come flocking wheels but don't seem to deter the fence or sell awarding of the theft law need written permission to take part of property >> : hours searching for also sold in grocery carts along party does search filo even the creek beds. here's one and al hamburg creek early see because of. mud and debris on all o'bannon high as one looks like it's been there for a while and also the school yet another one. the interesting part was your mother the car from property you're violating state law as the circus is the card to pay for with higher food costs >> : and things to there were other living area some of my attendance were having friends come and sudden than then to the store for products they need the bigger tree bruce things like that there bring it back here >> : the cuts never returned unless owner took them back and took these group of cards that the catch across the hot the story's been here for about a week returning shopping carts and as easy as it seems. the decree to no good if replace them any call the members of the car you like it is the spots >> : were sore the debris of dial the available from your calling area. chronicle the number from the kron forces to happens. we're sorry all our agents are currently assisting other customers. please try again later >> : basically even if you felt far norway shopping cart the lme said hard to return so my advice: grocer's stored directly and tell them where it is. or you can do what casey did met manages the ad got lucius' voted surf complained everyone at once to the cards carry more than bring them here anymore >> : thursday night's public party concert at candlestick full of great memories take a look at some of the deal from the show 50,000 people said hello appalled by to the candlestick park. it could be as many as 2000 ticketholders were not able to get in and join the show because of huge traffic jam parking problems will not woman stuck in gridlock for hours shoes as a parking staff toller that would eventually be able to park but never happens >> : time going by and we weren't moving we were getting worried because the show going to start it starts at 8 and paul started at 9 we had definitely an hour more we could use with three hours we could not get near the parking >> : only part of the show she is able to see fireworks display at the end she says she lost money back but the show promoters say they want to give holders a potential parking problems not issuing any refunds >> : now calcic park today it is done and what reply of the whole area said the begin build all per omar bose says it'll take over the site later on this fall the plan to build homes retell states and parts to a glut is that the federation want large bottle site plan to look like developers is likely to that the old stadium will be imploded sometime next year after that they plan to begin an extensive overhaul candlestick point and if all goes well a project to be finished before five years >> : and other tests looms this week and then setting to the preseason 49ers game for snyder's game there they promised more parking for the 70,000 fans expected to attend sunday's game there will be more parking more trains bustles and more police directing traffic also they also said the traffic signals in the area being fine-tuned to keep everyone moving along before after the game >> : or a focus on making sure everyone at the coming the how the time that's the goal here for everyone trying to open up a building is trying to get the men as quickly as possible hoping to get everyone in by kickoff and everyone has a good experience. this should make a big difference in nearby great american been part will be closed sunday a up the massive parking lot next door to the stadium also be available for the first time >> : much more had on kron 4 news weekend live look outside at this time were gazing at walnut creek under its overcast skies will be right back >> : at ikea, we don't just design furniture. we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. live in san francisco along mission street this morning a two year-old girl struck and killed by car police are searching for the driver was detailed picture of a suspect car pulling up a lot of poor. well as writing continues to response of the deadly shooting of 18 year- old michael brown demonstrators take the streets of berkeley and oakland as well damaging some businesses. >> : seasonal conditions are much of the bay area live look from sematech abridge details on the forecast in your neighborhood streets had >> : 8:00 this for joining us on kron 4 is weekend on marty gonzales looks at things start electing a look at the forecast >> : could be it morning saturday to marty this is their francisco right now >> : is a great start to your day but guess what morsels cloud cover will pull back to the coastline by the early afternoon said temperatures right now mainly in the upper 50s to feel 6 is out there. i was sitting right now 6358 currently in san francisco we will see some spots in this sauce was a little warmer but into tomorrow expect this morning fog and all badges lumber have school weather by the afternoon it will continue with this collection has returned and early next week and also we're keeping an eye on the possibility for some showers. will the telex said a forecast coming up at 815. >> : to begin this morning with the developing sorensen francisco were to year-old girl was dead after a car had hit her on mission street into a francisco last night. the and the police are looking for the driver kron 4 mike powell and well thought report a loss in omniscience religious >> : its signal i look here along with austria would just happen to be fourth and fifth straight year -- and it's a happen along these bound direction as well hard for it that we saw such year-old girl was in the crosswalk kron 28 03 < which is struck and killed unclear exactly which crosswalk that route there is this one right here along the block this mission parking structure of this morning said francisco police are releasing a picture of the suspect's car likely from a nearby surveillance camera. you conceive a white car described by police as the '90s four-door sedan a camry lexus honda officials said the distinguishing features are a dark colored mismatch from bumper car also has black ones >> : to year-old was with a family member of the time of the incident a stories are reported any additional injuries of course as we come back after live if the administration on this case or recognize the car marty and some this police would like to chat with anyone with information >> : turning out to a midwest another night of unrest in st. louis and misery suburb there. looters targeting more stores including a letter store all this in response to a fatal shooting of 18 year-old michael brown the teenager was unarmed when he is killed by police officer and virgas and misery and taking all look at the news video from the scene the overnight looting happened near tense standoff between members and demonstrators the swat team commanding protesters to get out the street and on the sidewalk or brought home or face arrest >> : police also release the surveillance footage that they said shows michael brown ceiling for my convenience store the alleged strongarm robbery of happiness and an officer fatally shot the unarmed teen daughters of the market say was a customer reported the incident to police stop them. the older customers remain loyal as of may or force >> : or when those officers of the door a little market now another piece of a national uproar. cover the circle stores down nice work with the smart dialogue. so she can see for herself with the market would say about the surveillance video allegedly caught michael brown stealing here not long before he was killed. regardless of petty crime allegedly involved in no one deserves begun don like that. nobody >> : that the attorneys sent the message they want to stay away from the situation as possible saying even after initial alleged theft was a customer who called police >> : about the needing call the police it and ask the police come and take the video now hoping the video wall met the target >> : their hopes up the video consistently supported the much continue to support them realize that whenever the police are looking at on the surveillance tapes has nothing to do with what went on in the streets. the thing that makes this is a target >> : and do >> : what's happening in missouri the habit south bay area looking at video from berkeley on right there from oakland and helicopter partnership with abc seven news. some protesters were pepper sprayed during anti please march demonstration started in oakland midway in the neighboring berkeley some reports of vandalism berkeley but checking into those reports. >> : we continue falling this on those demonstrations in rescinding continue to post updates on our web site kron4-dot-com will also have video the press conferences from police missouri's governor as well as protesters and a video of the rights protests from burgers than here in the bay area and other places from the country always stay connected with our mobile app >> : highway won a lot caught crash earlier this morning chp said the driver was heading south on northbound lanes near hollister about 1230. one person was hospitalized no suspect or us get that information have been released >> : so had for you on kron 4 news again a couple of arrested in the adoption of to a much girls from a your level is for you and also two months after the death of casey case some he will finally be laid to rest we have the details. motown the musical not playing in san francisco out the single the member of the cast up what the history that the musical brings alive. >> : it makes me happy to go on the computer. i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. couple in custody this morning in the abduction of two lawyers sisters a steadier wednesday a 39 year-old steven hall on this his girlfriend mccoll charged friday with first- degree kidnapping officials say the girls mysteriously dropped off on a stranger's home thursday night apparently by a suspect about 30 mi. from where they vanished. the sheer size of the victim's give crucial information that led to the rest. >> : nomination of of good police work obviously we need to give credit to the victims of me the give credit to the girls here. unhealthful and that this saw their member very influential in getting us to this point so quickly. two suspects being held without bond hit a hearing is crucial for next thursday after a week-long manhunt authorities arrested a marked its martial arts daughter of accused of beating his ex-girlfriend please capture data from copenhagen goes by war machine and a motel and southern california friday afternoon accused of beating his ex-girlfriend christie machen must leges copenhagen there and then on ronson she accused him of assault back on august 8th now awaiting extradition to nevada >> : two months after his death body of casey case some buried in norway l.a. times reports his wife jean case some petitioned have the body buried in the country but this goes against the wishes of casey's three oldest children who wanted unburied in southern california star monica police investigating an elder abuse complaints from one of casey's children fall against green the complaint alleges that dream by moving him without their knowledge from assisting living facility must biggest washington during this time that he developed a serious infection and lime to sikhism died of dementia at the age of 82 >> : coming up on kron 4 news weekend on seven cisco highlighting the lives of our town's founder berry gordy talk a member of the test we come back and the meantime to live look for outside downtown san francisco still a lot of overcast the forecast coming up >> : at ikea, we don't just design furniture. we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. pretty overcast start saturday morning the marine layer out there let's bring low cloud cover even to inland valleys as for temperatures soared to 24 hours a dozen rows of 5761 right now in concord you notice the dry conditions are on the bay area for now but we do have our eye on an area of low pressure that could bring some showers approaching the north heading of of north bay and east bay by later on in the week so we are to begin on that as a 10 percent chance of moisture but i think the real impact will be a deep green leather and cooler temperatures >> : for today seasonal redwood city 87 degrees in mountain view center today for a high of 84 degrees sunspot little cooler than yesterday vallejo in the 80s today 86 in richmond upper 60s for don consonances got looks like oakland checking in at 73. looking ahead years of seven they are the bay forecast of break will offer early next week we continued to have this morning fog at but whats the sun shine in the afternoon again such as for charles we had in their work week >> : began as one man's story became everyone's music now is coming to san francisco huerta musical american dream story of a modem is founder berry gordy jr. he of course launched the career of some musical stars diana ross and michael jackson spoke rawlinson just to name three joining me this morning and talk more about what time the musical castrati read major leagues for joining us good morning >> : must agree to be back home performing in front of the home audience >> : the joyce actually be back >> : and did you tell me during the break last night you had a chance to perform in front of your family for the first time in a few years tells what was like >> : it was exciting exhilarating kind of nerve wracking at times of lives in the performance this level since high-school a shows pre a macular experience >> : said yet 20 + people all there. 25 for all across the bay area's social wonderful with energy coming from the crowd >> : tossed how you were chosen for the ensemble cast because if russia college >> : and graduate from college last year to rehearsals in march and chicago but we were actually all hand- picked by berry gordy himself and all our final call backs of the audition process which is pretty amazing because he chose these people the original people themselves also to be part of his level so tired because my employers continue now with this one chosen by barry gordy not too much pressure and pressure is pretty wonderful to look to do something right. did you grow blessing the motown. i did actually been realize the because and associated with motown but all the songs of the show i knew from my family grandparents all those it was a girl classics of course you heard them in various places in line of same you born and raised in san francisco and your back to performing in front of a home kron as mentioned. also from the bay area if your company i understand. new company really good friend of mine foremast last year not many companies that many young people at our age can have opportunities nowadays you have to be part bay ct berkeley lab the season peoples of our college but appears them everywhere from as much opportunity to the analysts let let's bring back some kind of formulation and our generation of people of the voice of ours we are the next generation >> : in a way of giving back already a year young age >> : and performance there's some 50 different classic songs you mentioned that you to sing my girl. that's great. was going through your mind as to your channeling the temptations >> : use fly here smooth and that this really large glasses have a voice so this so nice. it's an honor to beat san classics on everyone knows this of everyone as a song was going on a tent such revolutionary music in the show its historic so it's so important i encourage every generation to see a show because everyone to be touched by the story and a love story between diana ross and i think is a prevalent part of the show. what areas according to reaction of this moving forward as soon as private life portrait of >> : its of his book to be loved so a desolate part of the writing process. the yield is so much because what he create a show of mimicry it to or than tell us a little bit about the fact that you mentioned that david ruffin such an icon and music it must be exciting but also humbling away >> : to be portrayed his performance on stage >> : i see my fellow cast minutes per trade diana ross smokey robinson marvin gaye and we are holding and to the essence of who they were it's a challenge and the beautiful chow love. >> : have you heard from diana ross arrive performers? >> : she was across a street at the orient to review the chicago theater and told her audience a director with that night if you are the real story across a street a motown >> : in terms of rhonda's and the battle that's great is running at the or a beginning august 50 offensive end of september in the long run but irrigable be home for a while >> : i can't tell you just how happy i am to meet you and it's been a pleasure which is nothing but the best >> : will be right back >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños...ered for just two dollars. they also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial. if it doesn't work fast. you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repr. it targets fine lines and wrinks with the fastest retinol formula available you'll see younger looking sn in just one week. one wk? this one's a keep. rapid wrinkle repa. and for dark sps rapid tone repair from neutrogena® gov. harry indicted by a texas grand jury on abuse of power charges he's accused of trying to force the district attorney to step down because of her d y rest. gov. perry also accused of threatening a veto funding for public integrity unit run by the d.a. he's facing and to federal charges of these official capacity kron version of a public servant at found guilty of the charges carry could be sentenced to a maximum 109 years in prison the texas democratic party immediately called on gov. perry to immediately step down perry said the be considering a run for boy house in 2016 and a safety rule from nascar less than one week after tony sir hit and killed kevin ward then spring cup race. drivers must now stay in their cars unless there an immediate danger. the decision comes after kevin ward got out of his car after it was pushed up a wall made race. ward then walked across the track during the race and appeared to try to confront start just before he was struck. nascar says that this rule has always been a recommendation no rule and there will be penalties. >> : previously it was a guideline was a policy and here's how we want to do this, think nascar has been to figure out the carlists the cars on fire were going to sanction you are going to penalize you with suspension of points so seat belt and the somehow see their of the penalty for getting out the car will be decided on a case by case basis to a restored has not raced since the incident still a messy and circumstances >> : world as a sporting residents who live near the northern i also them area being hit with airstrikes they say the attacks started saturday afternoon will send replies sissies the dam on the picus' river earlier this month the group recently taken over large parts of direct residents say their strike killed some militants but that could not be immediately confirmed >> : conferences will come to a dance as he continues the south korea >> : the pope visited the biggest welfare committee run by the cree in catholic church the program or suppose disabled in some synthetics the facility includes adoption center for abandoned and disabled and infants. also celebrated mass the several hundred thousand people in seoul first time a poll visited south korea and 25 years >> : so had for you on kron 4 news weekend aids memorial grove a target levels coming up and live look outside were this time weather in the view of the golden gate bridge and overcast skies the forecast will come back >> : we're back on kron 4 news weekend in the check out the weather forecast to that year's erica the morning us start things off with a live look at the golden gate bridge pre overcast great start to the morning now that more in their evidence out there even of livermore ballot we do have low clouds blowing and soak celebrate our shows we are dry a little bit of drizzle along the coastline but as we head into the afternoon we see lots of sunshine all the fall will be pulled back close to the coastline for temperatures said his paper and lines 7 is bayside the upper 60s to the coast with a modest cooling trend into early next week we are talking about the possibility of showers and the forecast highlighting that coming up in 50 minutes to one new this morning fire crews and and i putting out an override plays in an apartment complex at fire start of 21 to block a sycamore drive rte. 3:00 this morning and this year say they are looking at this as an arson case 40 people lived and they're all four republics were displaced >> : a self fire and smoke mutt of the kids look up and started to try and get out of the apartment >> : three kids put leno and assist and not with a to the door >> : one person taken to hospital being treated for smoke ventilation so far police have no suspects in custody >> : san francisco fire parks department says the vandals damaged trees ferns: gate park's aids orioles grow less like a park bench at the western end of the grove also damage along with about 700 ft. of a rail fence. that is a moral growth was offset by the end of beckham march >> : this is an ongoing problem >> : a protest is planned for later today and santa rosa to demonstrators calling for justice for any lopez so mcartor sheriff's deputy fatally shot a 13 year-old designer rose up referring to patrol duty this week some committee members say that their return ritual louis is an insult to the the committee trouble puzzling missed a conceive uppercut colorful for ak-47 assault rifle lopez walking through an open line shot on sidewalk last october after the shooting goslin said administrative leave but then last month this attorney announced no criminal charges will be filed against the deputy. >> : i do think that they're treating the people of parents and student badly done to us to go only for sunset francisco school parent bill for a micron for story you told us how this five months of trying he was unable to get a 11 year-old son and all the neighborhood school that 470 the put the child alone on public transit to and half hours a day oral him in a private school. it's about it many parents and his emphasis. thus will districts that were who were unable to attend school choice now school starting this monday in san francisco bank herman checks back with ford to see if anything has changed the story only see on kron 4 >> : suite beginning monday for parents they totally inflexible district offices on friday so trying to get his 11 year-old son into a neighborhood school only school he was assigned to no other option was told over and over for months was over an hour and 50 minutes away by it public transit it after a ride by and saw stars the day or his mom would of had to leave her job to take him back and forth a put schoolteacher had the same problem with the city's school choice program last year. this sum was just 10 at that time he was forced to put him in a private school i worked in a school district another cluster must and i can hire a teacher things that the district can do now and the working on a problem in line after this latest meeting it looks like the school tries program is failing him again >> : is that ok there's another student on the weight pool it cannot wait notified by september 5th of his opening for this one school indication was though that the schools are full and this is the third application i put in a sense less bring >> : likelihood the hoover middle school is out the picture only be weightlifting for one school board says he may likely have to come up with the $7,000 again put his job back and private school >> : at the heart of 41 assured were wrong to do it is again a plane here people's lives trojans lives >> : school districts as right now there are more than 2700 parents and the same boating's was " for wearing find out of the get their child in the school of choice >> : in fiscal distress says parents still waiting here should not give up hope official said yet they said the see movement after the first three is a school students who do not show up to the sign school will be dropped creating openings for others >> : were hoping that will start notifying family is calling them not notifying them by letter because we want them some all immediately if we can offer placement into their requested schools >> : us going happen proline and the next two weeks >> : school districts as possible area during the school was program doing what i can to make and operate as nearly as possible officials do conceive that the purchase will like the school choice >> : project and the story after viewers and to the sympathy of a story idea like to hear from you and some of my kron 4 story by visit caught kron4-dot-com also said francisco more than does hyde has long with personal belongings stolen from what? the glen park school school officials said the thefts happened during a kindergarten orientation day for instance. teachers noticed missing items when their turn the classrooms 330 in afternoon kron for the disease surveillance photos taken apple school thursday but there's still no word rather pleased identified any potential suspects in the case classical and our schools said the begin on monday >> : put schoolteacher's authorize a strike union said the mecca announcement monday on the first fiscal with a possible walkout union leaders want 21 percent pay hike over the next three years to strip offering made a half percent increase no matter what school officials say class will be open as scheduled come next week >> : still had for you on kron foreigners make a local animal shelter become the dumping ground of sorts for cats now authorities want to know who's living them behind. controversy surrounding sea world after the release of documents from some changes at the park. so what they're doing differently now and yelled as here to talk about the hidden gems of panama >> : dangerous situation friday on highway 14 as a person and a large taxicab recorded driving the wrong way on a freeway martina's police say the cat was stolen from a taxicab driver on escobar street by ford year-old jimmy elam on for the record this video watch where the orange taxi cab there person report of the video part of passengers and a car going 65 mi. an hour on the freeway when they notice that or cap'n driving the wrong way. that tax you would eventually crash and the five vehicles including an us uvea overturn about trying to avoid the chaos number of people were injured or arrested and booked on suspicion of auto theft felony driving over the under the influence >> : someone dumping dozens of cats are the humane society hill shelter officials say monday was the fourth time this is happening the past year have. key conceive someone getting out of the vehicle and then you conceive leaving boxes at the gate than they would drive away. the shelters as the this time 24 cats were left behind. >> : all happy to see that the animals and up with us as the about worst-case this really is a responsible pet ownership really put we have about hundred 90 cats and kittens right now. shows employees want to know who's dropping of the cat so they can help prevent future incidents up odors with the injuries services >> : to see world and sen diego will be building instead of the our home for color wheel wells called the blue world project after also criticism following the release of documentary called black fish. some criticize the killer whales see world response saying it said diego park with a first to see the changes the color will inspire men expected to hold 10 million gal. of water nearly double its curling holds sewall says it plans to open the new home for a wales to the public in 2018. >> : so had on kron 4 news again quiet town that actually has a lot of for the coming up with talk to kevin for me about the attractions and petaluma talking about the brewery >> : is good morning legs for sunny day of kron 4 news weekend right now for you grant on the bay area since the china out more the creek on the south bay but throw much of the much the bay pre overcast start cell francisco right now 06 degrees over 50 is moving out setters of. the dryer on the bay area we do have the marine layer rain since of cloud cover most of the poll back to the media cosigned by early afternoon speaking of the afternoon lots of sunshine look forward to today temperatures and the '70s '80s. some clarity for you one the reasons of as a free malt looking pretty close to the 80 today's similar weather in the east bay if not touch former pittsburgh 80¢ for fairfield vallejo hitting a high of 80 expect koppers 8 the sons of francisco unless it petaluma hitting a high of 81 in terms of the extended forecast and there on the bay warding fog afternoon sunshine will carry an early next week: conditions as we start off next work week with the 10 percent chance for showers is ahead of the thursday friday. >> : traveling over the past decade petaluma grown from lot small clot on the north bay to a culinary destination they yelled their picks for eating drinking your way through cattlemen >> : are upset that a good people in your own town in europe restricted meat to ross pizzeria and maas wrote. let's roll bar and so talk about bolting a moth every hour on the are answers also known for the meatballs. every monday locals flock from people monday also of course pizza the neapolitan style often cross country terrific >> : monday's the data go to be balls right there in the theater district before going to miss it theater stop in for some pizza some progress of the consent caught in a concert brisbane the day the list of on to what's really becoming a popular figure lug a metis brewing co. for over 20 years now they have the sixth most popular meat brewery >> : lot more luck in u.s. and places like this and that the key to success is and the committee and very nonprofit family built you do a lot of things like what you see on the screen right there the always have flies live music offense that benefit nonprofits and live new music of and that the concert coming up a few weeks sonoma blues festival. the rules of and that will benefit after school arts program for kids and also they have zero lot of great daily two hours that's where a river in story behind the company and of course becomes with free beer samples definitely worth checking out >> : also lists some planes that come up with susan appears harry eyeball. >> : very popular plays so the party going on knows have a good time. lombardi is barbeque >> : you can literally small this place from 3 mi. away >> : a few cells of the airlock doors you and and they are known for barbecue sandwich called killer joe's bar to try to mop the horcher and cheddar serve of soft roll with a man-to-man of onions and or horseradish. the obviously do barbecue back ribs chicken oysters and most of seles's from us $7 $9 price range really and split over two meals. a very reasonable they have a four- star rating at the target center views less lombardi gourmet deli barbeque >> : central market another go to place in petaluma. that's and probably a good rating goes. if you ask any local or any help or know it's a the best restaurant and petaluma essential market. if there is further which you see on screen right there also known for scallops. what fire pizza's these guys are legitimately. these guys have their own farm there going their own hat hands pegs veggies that doesn't get a refresher than that >> : also happy hour a helper is like. i heard a summer music, with free samples of pizza things like that from 5 to 6 was not like to >> : this places like willie want those chocolate factory without the a balloon was. it's been there for years they have great chocolates the lotto the also have the guinness for and retrieves. if you want the throw birthday party this a great spot. the doolittle scavenger hunts and the kid walks away with 30 it treats trip things up understand there's the alaska and the sampling if you want dog had been headfirst into all the great offerings powell has next saturday taste of petaluma over 50 different restaurants 1 marses of like that there be there for $40 a ticket and simple all these different things live entertainment definitely worth checking out got a taste panel about work. you can get this ticket ahead of time >> : this for the olbers' for introducing a petaluma. >> : will be right back >> : that will be $22 dollars and 50 cents. $22.50. that's insane! jack. what? it's not even a meal? right now, at my place you can get my spicy chicken club combo. it's my classic spicy chicken breast with bacon and melting cheese on toasted sourdough plus fries and a drink for just $4.99. aww, you're just a big softy. nah, i'm still sad about the popcorn. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. woman getting attention for the national land of them in all 50 states her name janine staying with a single star spangled o'bannon said offenses since high school after turning to december step up the game so she's sitting in 56 states month her favorite part comes up for the show she gives up the cards to fans and messages to troops >> : if the people opportunity as an american effort to come and gather and people come out so grateful to be all the do this >> : step #48 comes a day tigers' game in detroit quite no. 9 on the uss missouri pearl harbor her journey will on september 14th the celebration is with apple and was written >> : the book of photos posted on twitter earlier this week showing mysterious object bongo this guy over houston now new video service on you to join bright lights on the sky where earlier this week in that same area the photographer of the new china film lightning storm any notice the lights of the sky real answer to object is is still a mystery >> : nasa is asking for public help in categorizing hundreds of thousands of my photos of the earth was photos taken from international space station people being asked to identify which cities and towns the clusters of what's coming from the hundreds of volunteers are reclassified nearly 20,000 images but those need to be confirmed by multiple people main goal here as further from the cree and open at less of let them photos of fear of the line photos will be available the public scientist media inserted online the dress is on your screen >> : gov. kerrey has been indicted could face up to one a hundred years in prison ... of that and also a case seeking is on two months ago his body that is a will address details on where his family or what his life is finally chosen that a married >> : job speakers might not realize twitter big resource for finding job openings for expert on this talk about ng w frothe ndloere. rst me ithe jors yodon'knowaarp because is fily enying cro-coury baseball staum tp th anneonli at rp tvel. it'shereour urne bens with inspirion, planningbookg, a hot trel ts fs if you don'thinkeizehe triphen u thk aa, thenou d't knowaarp find morsurpsingpossilitss atarp.g/poibilies. the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. live in san francisco to year-old girl struck and killed by their own driver those detailed picture of a suspect's car coming up a live report plus another night of chaos and ceballos says writing continues in response to a deadly shooting a 18 year-old michael brown how the bay area reacted his life look for more of a camera details on the russell weekend forecast coming up >> : the morning and marty gonzales' 9:00 the saturday morning get things started but it signaled a week and forecasts here's erica >> : did lilco fog is all in san francisco right now restart the saturday morning tempters are very similar to what were we were 24 hours ago livermore right now 61 and 59 degrees in richmond was a little more sunshine in the soft base and has a right now 64 and 56 degrees in daly city it will be cooler and spots is ahead in the after in some areas actual war than what we saw yesterday. all in all or looking at the seasonal conditions for the middle august slightly cooler as we head into sunday we continue with a cooling trend and early next week full details of the sun there on a bit forecast coming up 950 >> : we do continue developing story to year-old girl this morning after car had hit her in san francisco less like this more and police are searching for the driver kron 4 mike pelton live at the scene along mission street in downtown services go with the latest >> : that to roll great- granddaughter's showed up here at the scene to year- old was with the twin brother and her and at the change radically and did certain to lead driver walking and said his crosswalks from mission street in front of definitions parking structures and is discussing the driver had eastbound the be the direction when the driver hit and killed the two year-old girl then fled the scene as well in san francisco police released a picture of the suspects car taken from the right, take a look as it is a white car described by police and the '90s for saddam either camry lexus are honda the distinguishing features include a dark colored mismatched from bumper the car also has darker block fans. services go police was the to year-old works of the family member of the time of the incident but that time across what the tories are reporting any an additional injuries well please clear the scene this morning they're hoping that somebody sees the picture recognizes the car or notices of the what does it comes for a contract on the driver >> : i come from now on services, >> : other news this morning another of unrest in st. louis missouri suburb as rights break out again looters targeting more stores including a liquor store all this in response to a fatal shooting of a two year-old michael brown the teenager and arms when he is killed by police officer emerson missouri last month taking a look at the latest video from the scene of overnight leading happened here at a standoff between swat team members and demonstrators the swat team commanded protestors to get out of the streets and move on to the sidewalks or go home or face arrest. please release this surveillance video which they say shows michael brown stealing from a convenience store the less strong arm robbery and not happen on the same day officer fatally shot the imam steen the owners of the market saying that it is customer reported the incident to police knocked them. the one customers remain loyal and now appears to be an economic factor behind the dividing ferguson missouri this could be adding to the tension in the town members broken-down >> : protestors broglie says michael death. economic tension between blacks and whites still to cities and the start financial differences are laid bare by the numbers of breaking down 25 percent of blacks and lovers area below the poverty line and all of a percent of whites meeting, is thus is percent of white light. unemployment rate of the blacks and rescind nearly 20 percent of almost double the national average of african-americans compared to whites having 6.7 percent >> : city that used to be 75 percent white to 25 years ago now 67 percent black despite the changes in the demographics of the time police force a government has remained nearly all white. serrations the problem across america on anniversaries sunday that situlas was ferguson is the ninth most racially seriously in the u.s. a lot across the country the average white pillow and a committee that 75% white the average black person of the query that for 5 percent of the 21st century not the 1950's president obama has adjusted one for an income between groups racial tension likely to worsen and the struggle will like it any better to washington addresses the fear of some people have that a vessel stability in a country is really art, on a terrible. >> : the from berkeley on the right video from oakland got from pop up a partnership with abc seven years some protesters were pepper spray during the anti police marched yesterday the demonstration started in d midway in neighboring berkeley there are some reports of vandalism and berkeley checking and to those reports. when reminded to sit with us here as we continue fall listened demonstrations in recent also contain a post updates are website kron4-dot-com we also have video of the press conferences from of police missouri's governor and protesters as well. also have video of the riots and demonstrations from ferguson to the bay area other spots run the country you can also stay connected with garnett mobile app >> : driver going the wrong way going up causing pressure on crude city earlier this one chp says the driver headed south on north online's and hollis street 1231 persons hospitalized and the suspect or rest information has been released lime in the south as san jose police arrested pedestrian they say fired a gun and a vehicle dealer year and elementary school happen near easy street bridge the 11 new the clock and after it yesterday officials say that the they disarmed the man-to-man the cosseting no injuries reported the word of the driver was injured a person chow off and has not been seen since >> : still had a newsweek and u.s. now looking exactly what ices is using an iraq forces latest from iraq plus texas gov. harry might be sentenced to 100 years in prison what he's been invited coming up in two months after the death the casey case of and we'll be filing address detail on that >> : every mercedes-benz is made with the highest level of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. a new safety rules from nascar less than one week after tennis circuit until driver kevin ward during a spring cup race drivers stay in their cars unless there an immediate danger the suspension comes after kevin ward got out i his car after it was pushed against a wall in the race you see there were men got out of a car walked across the check during race track in front store before he was struck this car says that it's always a recommendation but now rule the will be penalties >> : previously of a guideline policy here's how wont do this kind of thing now nascar put it all the teeth into is the get carl's the cars on fire are going to station you are going to penalize you with the suspension of points penalty or fine over thereof. >> : the penalty for getting out of the car will be decided on a case by case basis tunney's stirred by the way has not raced since the incident still investigating the circumstances surrounding that >> : so had for you were born to get you up-to-date on the weather forecast coming up the first to live look outside the continue with overcast cloudy conditions in san francisco will be right back >> : can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. 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'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. we are the solis family. and this is our chex commercial. there's lots of choices and each of us has a favorite. like chocolate, honey nut and cinnamon. there's no artificial colors or flavors. that's good. and it's gluten free. so we're jumping for joy cause it's full of what we love, free of what we don't. and that makes for one very happy family. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. that's really the sense of it here on out of surf temperatures now heading into the mid-60s resent as a conquered livermore again a sourcing a little more sunshine at this hour. satellite rear ledger showing us recognitions of the bay area we do have the marine layer to deal with. by the afternoon or near seasonal conditions red was the a.d. 73 and not a view tamils available for hyde 85 not here with a newsletter that is ceremonial is 80 in fairfield. its existence of these long put the space for lined downtown san francisco 68 >> : sunday and about all the '70s and san mateo oakland 734 today as 60 degrees in alameda. sunday on the day forecast pattern of morning fog and sunshine and sees no other carrier since the early next week to put into since wednesday conditions on the bay. little bit of a jump as a hand thursday but friday the impossibility for some showers doesn't look too likely in only 10 percent chance of approaching area of low pressure we will see more in the way of cloud cover and slightly cooler conditions >> : world news now this morning getting word of airstrikes today near rock also them being held by militant group vice as the group sees saddam earlier this month along with large parts of northern iraq. meantime officials claim the ices killed over 80 manning captured one in children in nasdaq yesterday. officials there say ices fighters seized the village for several days telling residents when they refuse to convert to islam. u.s. intelligence assessing resources ices has in its battle against iraq forces cnn barbara star has the details >> : this video appears to show a iraq police taking down and ices flag. the fines against the brutal was on the militants the u.s. intelligence community now calls a credible alternative to all kinds. after days of air strikes ices fighters may be in hiding in some places u.s. sides. its leader may have fled back to syria. more than 1,000,009 iraqis and dollar on surmises according to the un it's still grabbing territory and across northern iraq and next for syria >> : now increased to well over 10,000 fighters appear to increase in numbers appears to be wealthier and on u.s. intelligence community now doing an assessment try and calculate how many fighters lyses has including four of fighters mainly in syria >> : how many may be americans >> : the worry for the u.s. westerners' trained prices could return home and plot taxi line concerned about those type of organization reaches for dangerous and probably wants to try to prove the top of the one where another >> : a could go further along and its efforts to attack our homelands >> : u.s. intelligence agencies the momentum has brought up thousands of new fires not armed with heavy weapons. isis not unstoppable at least in iraq >> : is not 10 ft. tall hon. in part because its ideology is does not appear to be well supported among iraq's even seen the population decline even bigger problem is putting the jihad movement so far many at the silly organizations and niemen no. effort caught somalia have not sworn allegiance to align many experts believe that they will eventually find out for leadership of a global g hyde movement >> : doctor seeking treatment in alaska for a bowl recovering can't bradley and a missionary transferred earlier this month to isolation unit added less hospital. the contract edible oil treating patients and liberia they were both given experimental drug called z map. the world health organization least 41 people have been affected with the ball and was never caught more than half of them have died >> : texas gov. kerrey indicted by a texas grand jury obis of our charges he's accused of trying the fourth district attorney to step down because of her d y rest. gov. perry also accused of threatening a veto integrity unit run by the d.a. facing two felony charges of used official capacity corrosion of a public servant is found guilty of charges governor terry could be sentenced to a maximum 109 years in prison said texas democratic party call on perry to step down if he is set to be considered it for the run of the white house and 26 c >> : two months after his death by casey case some buried in norway l.a. times reporting his wife jean case some petitioned have is a body buried in that country is however goes against the wishes of quesadillas three oldest children adore him buried in california santa monica place misleading elder abuse complaint one of casey's children fathered as keen the complaint alleges jean pit case among the fathers of the moving a lot without their knowledge from assisting women sought living slip facility to washington >> : during this time may develop a series of infections that of dementia the agency to >> : after week-long manhunt authorities arrested its martial arts fighter accused of beating his ex- girlfriend please capture data then open hebert going by the name warm a shame and a hotel and senior valet a friday afternoon the accused of beating his ex- girlfriend and lost a guess: haber has been on the run since she accused him of assault this is august 8th now awaiting extradition to nevada >> : come up after the break deracinates highlights also a story of a little lead to a shrinking national headline the line >> : ...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. as the one slip away less subtle as a filibuster and is a sin to keep our men assembled under seven innings and nine strikeouts that would be his best outing home since may for the jazz michael morrison the run homer to left would give the jets as of 3 nothing lead but as well along to the eighth inning reliever jeremy will give up this to run home run. in the final will be five is three fillies the giants remain 5 1/2 games back half-game behind parnell's pirates in the wild card. croupiers' headlines suffer as serious for the braves facing zombies the midnight air lead to less light come to think of it the eighth time as the path to this one bottle of they're just having up this rerun shop the privy freeman straightaway center field as a tough time for hamel continues and that is uniform. belfour for the a's still beat the five men with a long blast to run homer alex would to finish off the goslin the braves beat the center off jesse jobless first career home run files were 72 braves that is dropped three straight. a bargain ahead of the angels >> : oakland preseason home opener for the raiders last night unfortunately came at a price ritter's toasting the detroit lions at 0 dhaka last night. as >> : the second quarter memories joins true with a screen pass from matt shaw goes 22 yds to set up a darren mcfadden 1 yd touchdown not run for the raiders. then the second half third quarter david carr will roll up to his right and hit jake murphy 43 run touch call the past and the fourth quarter car will be brought down hard by the lions larry webster card would be forced to leave the game with a concussion injured ribs on that play. with six seconds left in the game the 0.2621 lines that will throw a 19 yd touchdown the breasts butler giving the raiders the 2726 victory circus bear raiders are in green bay friday night airline mostly coaches would love the picture who throws her grow. this girl 13 year-old more aid davithe davis she struck out eighth leading the philadelphia team nashville for nothing >> : but a hit to put million- dollar home sunday join me as sunday night as the break down inside and out of their experience traffic in the game everything plus as braves giants phil is a full half hour of your sports made sunday night at 9 right after the news and the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. year-old girl is dead after hit in san francisco last nine this morning s.f. pd looking for the driver kron 4 michael miocene on ententes emphasis galoshes to avoid as >> : scott tells her grandmother this year old was with her twin brother at in the monster movie last night at the mature on 1030 on their way home that is when the two year-old was struck and killed that accident happened wrong crosswalk over my shoulder here east on mission street over the fifth and some parking structure at this point place a recent picture of a suspect car you can see a white car described by police '90s four-door sedan its either carry lexus are honda the police say the distinguishing features include dark colored mismatched front bumper the car also has darker black grins but this morning to bring with it jobs great- grandmother making an emotional plea for the driver to come forward >> : come forward this is a baby and it it's tearing the family up as it is as if the decency to come forward understandable that family is very upset this morning they were nice enough to share the two girls in with us however we're worth holding that name pending confirmation. a summer season pictures recognize the car and the news please call to a contract on the driver >> : braked of the watch my public you so much for their report let's go on a move on to the weather forecast is erica >> : the morning marty still very caught claudia's to look at the golden gate bridge thick green letters warning pretty deep cloud cover well in the inland valleys other locations are seeing some shot sunshine. dreadnought temperatures below six seized by the afternoon anticipate upper 80s inland's low 70's been setup for 6 is the coast >> : are going to a cooling trend next week for dick for details coming up in 15 minutes >> : barkers and enact a row over and over tribalism a complex the senate started a theater but most wardrobes 3:00 this morning mr. gaidar said yet they are being looked into this as an arson case 14 people of the apartment complex displaced one woman describes how she got out of her apartment >> : will got look out when no conceive fires small local my husband and the kids look up and we started trying to get out of the apartment >> : so the kids out the window and went out with me to the door >> : on person taken to hospital being treated for smoke inhalation so far no suspects in custody >> : process planned for later today as the narrows the answer is calling for any lopez seller carry sheriff's deputy fatally shot a 30 year-old center rose up returning to patrol duty this week a >> : some committee members eric dollhouse a patrol duty is an insult to the community gottschalk lopez any misstep the teams are a couple rifle for ak-47 assault weapon lopez was walking through an open lot and was shot on the sidewalk us a october right after the shooting got lost replaced on the administrative leave last month the district attorney announced no criminal charges will be filed against deputy >> : only on kron 4 san fransico per bill ford told us to use a unable to get a 11 year- old son enrolled in a neighborhood school that some force and the you put his son on public transit for june half hours a day or to enroll him at a private school is a problem some parents deal with now the the city schools with programs point rout. the put students in a wait list were the parents will be notified september feathers opening >> : schools going up for a likely have to come up with $7,000 to a total installed and the public school >> : thing is the district can do health and the working on problems a tough one where onshore and of like a game or tried to do here these are people's lives >> : school district says right now more than 2700 parents in the same boat as bill for not knowing if their job will get into the school of their choice >> : con 4 check in the story after viewers and to set the fuel storage you like to hear from you some of my kron 4 story by logging on kron 4 kron4-dot-com >> : authorizing a strike the union said the may announcement on monday first fiscal apostle walkout union leaders would like a 21 percent pay hike of the next three years the district offering 8 1/2% no matter what however school officials say classrooms will be open as scheduled also in services goethe's i've had some personal belongings stolen had glen park school officials say a thefts happened director garden or in mentation persons beyond teachers now is the missing items when they returned to the class and the 30 in the afternoon kron 4 see that the surveillance photos on the school thursday still lower weather please identify any potential suspects in the case >> : san francisco parks department says bangles statues and ferns and will get part aid to more last night the park bench at the western end of the growth of the damage with some 70 ft. of a bamboo fence they is a moral growth was also at the battles bus march golden gate park says ongoing problem >> : for many people thursday night, a party it at candlestick was full of great memories take a look at the video from the show of 50,000 fans said hollowed apollo and a bye to the stack it could be as many as 2000 ticketholders who did not get and because of a huge traffic jam and parking problems talk to one woman who says she was stuck in gridlock for hours parking's the folder that there would eventually be able park but it never happened >> : time going by we were not of paul started at 9 we had definitely an hour more that could be used but three hours commuting get near parking take a look the solid show shoes that will see the fireworks display to the end she let her money back but the show promoters say they wanted to holders of potential parking problems and are not issuing any refunds >> : out at candlestick park days are gone along plan built a redevelopment plan set to begin developer glen urban says it will take over the site later this fall a plan to build homes retail space and parks in this animation shows the file site plan to look like developer saves like to the old stadium will be uploaded next time to time next year after that they begin access overhaul candlestick point of all goes well product could be finished in 45 years >> : heading preseason of basidium first and first saturdays at levi and letters promising more parking per 70,000 fans expected to attend are the game the officials say there will be more parking trains buses and also more police directing traffic else say traffic signals in the area being fine-tuned it keeps everyone moving along before and after the game. >> : focus it on the interest rate people come to you by steadman have a good time that's the goal here for everyone lets try to open up a building trying to really get the men as quickly as possible and by kickoff the door has a good experience the line and this should be a big help as well great nearby great america theme park close tomorrow that means massive parking lot next door to the stadium will also be available for the first time >> : still had for news began frightening moments for drivers the ases car speeds on the driveway and the wrong her direction charges that the suspect is now facing >> : the of the cast some doubt sudden or in human society by officials are worried about this and crew expert can meet nicklaus talking about social deicide the beats out hey can you fix this? you bet! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. a person and orange taxicab recorded in your boiler on whale freeway it martina's police said the cat was stolen from a taxicab driver by for year-old jimmy elam you saw there kron for your core the video person according to the u.s. as a word a passenger car going 65 mi. an hour when they notice the orange cat that you see here driving the wrong way on the freeway the taxi crashed into five vehicles including and as you the overturned will try to avoid a chaotic scene number of people injured and it on was arrested on bottle theft felony driving under the influence >> : to north and out of bottle it looks as was done because the cattle said the humane society and a local official said london was the fourth time this happened in the past year have to answer well as the news is one good man of the vehicle leaving box of the gate and drive away chow says thises were lefta total 193 cats and kittens children play along always robin of the catholic and help prevent future instant and dissidents orders with new drinks services >> : recap of the top stories aloud that of the break in the meantime will to live look outside. give montana skies beginning to clear. 45 the saturday morning, check out the weather forecast >> : is still very cloudy as if this is going on seen too much change in the sky conditions over the city as a result much change in temperature there either. san francisco right now 62 we have their way into the mid-60s sing more sunshine out of san jose caulker livermore was a bustle be basking in the sunshine later on today the marine layer will be sent to clear: back to the coastline all all we are looking for seasonal left and a lot sunday they did up there all and ballet at 8984 degrees is unclear mounds view high of 78. and so we could reach upper 80s and fairfield could spur richmond hitting a high of 66 downtown san francisco 6868 all some berkeley '80s hang up the one country low '70's over and oakland. that sunday run the bay forecast shows a pattern of warring fog afternoon sunshine slight dip in temperatures as we had an early next week and there is a 10 percent chance of showers as we had and others defrauded >> : one place to look for jobs for as twitter more than half of all jobs posted on social media are posted to twitter surprisingly only 1% of canada it surveyed action expected find a job in twitter. most people believe the place to be is on lincoln. a surprise to find out they only kill for 22 percent of all jobs posted via social media so what do do we need to find a job getter critters attention on twitter career expert more on this topic and there is surprising to find people not utilizing twitter more >> : especially the 5 job own only defined one but also lets workers are more likely to find you because a look before thought leaders in order to finally catch their attention hard to catch their attention by using keywords just like the so- called early part in these terms applicable to what you do. towards middle know what he words used and then make sure took a job postings for your particular dream job also agency does the actual job seekers you are abusing inside the entrance sign those keywords are actually a nearby well as well and we do have a video editor or heightened professional or whether your chef. your video editor some of those are words join venture you have >> : got liza actually a checklist of five things you want ask yourself in order to come up with a new pilot that in ontario the make a very few few characters to use what are the the guidelines. first off you have any sort of awards in your industry it like i you any award winning video editor give a sort of certification in your industry it attract the recruiter are you flaw in any particular software de you have any specialties and you for example chef you might specializing term suit. are passionate about documentary's or the plastic and action put what your passion arbor the >> : bill's key words you can fit in that 140 character universe which twitter has used >> : bicycle be applicable to someone and not tweet and on the job. >> : definitely depends on the job you look for influence in the community find out where the key words or in this case when you talk about twitter called hash attack inside those messages those posts called hash tag not like office but where is just an a statement. on those twitter what recruiters used to actually search for the conversations that happening they are key here >> : . under the studio editor its score quick chat under marketing use the marketing helps opportunity for you to be a thought leader if you have hashed tagged it example filmmaking script chat you want to engage in a conversation with people that will attract recruiters to say his personal but let's talk about >> : your release casting a wide net because there using what happens when you awesome a post of filet you get the job >> : of leland gauging confirmation but the conversational flee people will actually follow after i posted a couple of examples tweets i was going to be using today the streets of particular people started following inserted engaging in conversations with me on marketing and social media video editing again a few followers hopefully for you particular 0 recruiter will find you. this also again shows the importance of how many people are on twitter. you can engage in conversation people that you never even knew existed that could lead to a new career really important for recruiter they need to be using this as well. job posting hiring they need to treat my job. all kinds of those if you're also looking for a job you need to be searching for those and searched them often looking for jobs as a full-time job that you need to be searching on those even some companies themselves have their own twitter handle the other own profile for jobs so for example who jobs and disney channel co. has t w d c jobs and wal-mart has won all kinds of companies make sure you to follow them many companies themselves engage with people who twee at them mention their twitter panel has the questions so the key here is to not ignore twitter to embrace twitter and recognize how widely used as for job hunting. >> : i only follow people but also get people follow you become the thought leader that's how you get attention by the contestants and you will be right back >> : the resources for nearly two out protestors clashed again person as a reactor 10th day and that's it louis suburb several of people gathering up as the street less as protests continued nearly a week after police officer identified as karen wilson shot and killed an unarmed african-american teenager a week ago today its central michael gross shot circus began peacefully but then escalated officials also say less night including a liquor store no arrests were made. the bay area protestors in the streets of oakland berkeley protest in the battle shooting and misery that march began 14th broadway in oakland about 6:00 yesterday evening to look a bit of a helicopter partnership with abc seven news. demonstrators then moved on to them and bring berkeley some businesses there did see some data including bank of west telegraph loft at a taste of denmark the bakery know yet or get on anyone if there was arrest there. south bay people suspect with less elvira's two of them developed a severe neural invasive form that can lead to death arson increased last year and to people infected deal and so forth you people in california died from the virus goes to run the highest risk of a country that the disease the elderly with people with chronic conditions >> : and ultraleft their pictures posts on twitter earlier this big show a mysterious object floating in the sky over houston and new video surfaced on you to showing bright lights and the skies earlier this week in that same area photographer of the video said it has a liking someone noticed flights and the sky will answer to the object actually it might be still a mystery we think erica >> : i do not not come a scary. how to investigate that his look at the sunday on the bay forecast slightly cooler weather but still sees no on the bay area is a chance for rain however next week thursday and friday only 10 percent chance not about on that but you how goes one get something >> : that's gonna do for us as well for joining us we see you again tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. over it kron 4 news tonight at 8:00 it labor day last row sort of really tough ones but the family of ronald barbequing your list time thinking is a huge sale don't worry about airport home appliances began having a pre labor day sale instead of the actual labor day with her family but so did some great bargains all coming up right now at bay area bargains >> : krieger is bring another drink >> : what the bay area bargains and join my pre labor day drink the pre labor day sales your airport whole plants because you want to spend labor day with a family right.


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20141130

today the police chief vowed to stay on the job. >> my focus has always been on the safety and security of the city of ferguson and its citizens. i report to the leadership of ferguson. >> are you going resign, sir? >> no. >> he has been traveling through the areas that were hardest hit and i want to you to give us the response to the reaction. people are saying look they're trying to get their lives together. >> as you look out the window and start to see the boarded up windows, there have been groups of people coming in here and painting murals all over the hopeful messages and that sort of thing. the barricades are still up but no sign of the national guard just yet. usually they come out at night if needed. the theme throughout the day in various places that we have been speaking with the mayor and at a church service, people trying to turn that page, looking ahead to what is next. focus on getting back on their feet. mobilize the economy that has been hurt for the last few months. the theme is turning the page, looking ahead. that's what we have heard a lot about today, ed. >> i think it's quite amazing that you're giving us this live tour as you drive through the neighborhood. there are not a lot of people out there today on the street. is there a sense of quiet and caulk that people are inside their homes for the holidays and really trying to assess where to go next? >> well, you know it's interesting. this was just on -- just north of the police department. you know, it's the temperature dropped dramatically in the last couple of hours. the end of that holiday weekend, people kind of wrapping up, but, you know, about a mile away from us is where that other stretch of road way that saw the most violent and most intense protest. a lot of those businesses have not reopened on that stretch. during the daylight hours when people are free to move along and come and go on that stretch. it's quiet. but for a lot of people, given what has happened here, quiet is a great thing. >> yeah. yeah. ed, thank you so much. literally taking us through the sfree streets there. really outstanding job that you have done. i am also joined by michael and tar rah and for the holiday, michael is a special correspondent. thanks for spending the thanksgiving weekend with us. obviously a lopt of news this week. i want to start off here. it also talked about the two coming together here when you think about what is going to happen the 90 seconds that were so crucial. >> we really need to study those 90 seconds. you study 90 seconds in a plane crash, the weather, the mechanics. i don't think there has been enough detailed look at that we do know that police officer darren wilson was not resourceful enough to diffuse the situation involving an 18-year-old young man. resigning from the police department is the hardest thing i have ever had to do. you would hope that shooting an 18-year-old unarmed kid would be the hardest thing. they were also pressing my wife to resign. she is completely blameless in this. if the police department, the guy running the police department is pushing her to resign, i don't know how he stays in his spot. >> and one of the things that michael talks about in that article as well is who is responsible, right? who bears the burden of the person who is suppose to have cool heads prevail in that situation? >> have you ever been a law enforcement officer? >> no. i have not been. >> it's very easy for you to be an armchair quarterback. >> you passed aspersions on him said he shot a helpless 18-year-old kid in the head. i listened to the tapes, i read the radio traffic. darren wilson was quite calm cool and collected during most of that. he was not out of control unlike the myth olg. i come from a law enforcement family. my husband is a law enforcement officer and, you know, he is looking at the situation and said he would have done almost exactly what darren wilson did given the circumstances. we have got to realize that michael brown did not this did not happen in a vacuum. his choices led up to what happened. >> i completely agree. >> thank got. but a lot of people ignore the fact that he chose to strong arm rob a store and strong arm a police officer. i understand there is a tension with the black community and police officers and i think that is a valid conversation to have and why that is is valid but they are conflating two different issues. michael brown is not the martyr that people are making him sound like. he did not just walk down the street and some rogue cop shot him in the head and it's awful to continue that myth. >> which is why i think we really need to study it. his friend's testimony. >> johnson, the man who is known to lie many times? it was deemed not credible. go ahead. >> i'm not sure that is completely true. but i do think when he talks about michael brown in that store grabbing the stuff and his friend thought that was nuts. obviously something was wrong with michael brown that day. >> he was high. >> and obviously something was wrong when he ran into the police officer. i think what we need to do is study every single ins dend of what happened and how can we prevent such thing from happening again? i have a lot of friends who are police officers and i couldn't agree more. >> he went from helping a two month old baby to shooting this kid. >> first of all, just to be clear, i know you said he was guilty of bad behavior but you're not saying he deserved to die. >> no. but he made choices that put him in that situation. if he had not been defiant when the police officer talked to him. if he had not turned around and engaged in assault with a police officer which evidence proved that part of darren will sob's testimony to be true and several black witnesses came forward and said there was a scuffle as well, those things led to this. i don't think that darren wilson woke up that day and decided to shoot a black boy. but we have got stop saying boy. he was 6'5", 300 pounds. >> we're going to deal with it on the other side. the nation divided as we can hear not only over the grandture decision but how the country reacted to this. ♪ [ male announcer ] over time, you've come to realize... [ starter ] ready! [ starting gun goes off ] [ male announcer ] it's less of a race... yeah! [ male announcer ] and more of a journey. keep going strong. and as you look for a medicare supplement insurance plan... expect the same kind of commitment you demand of yourself. aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. is a really big deal.u with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so call your doctor right away. tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don't wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu. prescription for flu. >> ferguson decisions sparked a wave of emotional reactions sweeping across the nation from rioting and looting to peaceful protests as well. from anger and dispair and compassion. some people took to twitter and some took to the streets. a writing of nfl player's writing went viral. watson read part of it on cnn. >> i'm intro speculative because sometimes i want to take our side without looking at the facts in situations like these. sometimes i feel like it's us against them. sometimes i'm just as prejudice as people i point fingers at and that's not right. how can i look at white skin and make assumptions and not want assumptions made about me? that's not right. >> i want to talk about why ferguson set off so many emotions. michael, do you think that people were responding to facts? do you think it was more of a visceral emotional reaction that happened? a pattern throughout the country when they look at young black men who have been killed by white police officers. >> i think it was a generic response. we have got a white cop and a black young man and i don't think people were looking at who exactly did what, did what when and who was within their rights to do what, who could have stopped what. i think it was not a specific thing. i think if this thing were white he would have gotten shot. >> i think facts went out the window very quickly. there were race agitators that ran with this and actually exploited michael brown's death to further a social justice agenda that is questionable at this point. i think the president of the united states and the attorney general fermented this because they have a social justice agenda. they think that america is not fair. they could have squashed this early on but they didn't. >> there were previous examples of black men who were unarmed and killed by white officers. >> but that's the exception. >> there is a guy who was african-american and arrested in the case of mistaken identity and they charged him with destruction of property because he bled on their uniforms when they beat hem. there are circumstances like that. if you have karen wilson talks about that area is anti-police, hostile territory. i think in the same way that weather can contribute to a plane crash, i think there was an atmosphere that preceded these two encountering each other on that street. >> people in the neighborhood have described it as a perfect storm. i want you to see this is something that a singer said on the ferguson issue. he told in ebony magazine, the boy was walking in the middle of the street when the police reportedly told him to get the eff on the sidewalk. if you don't listen to that after just having pushed a store owner, you're asking for trouble but you're not asking to be killed. some of these youth feel hunted and preyed upon and that's why the office needs to be uponished. that seems like he is making a distinction between what happened before and what he believes people genuinely feel in the neighborhood in the community. >> i acknowledged that before. that is a legitimate real tension and we need that conversation but that is separate from what happened that day. clearly michael brown was disrespectful of authority. he had no problem assaulting a police officer. that is a felony in the end if he was in the commission of a possible arrest, and that officer had been hit, punched in the face, reaching for his gun. dna was on the gun. michael brown was shot that day because of his own actions. >> it is in dispute. you say in your article you talk about the fact that the police officer if he was somebody who knew the community would have been able to tell -- >> may have been able to tell. >> that michael brown was not somebody that was out to get him or a troublemaker or there was something that he could have done? >> first of all, i think that it's probably started out with a nasty exchange, the encounter. that set the tone. when the cop backed up, they sought two police officers leave that store. they told themselves that he didn't call the police. when they had a third encounter, i think they probably thought it was an extension of the nasty exchange and that was the tone of it. if he didn't respect authority, why not? >> all right. >> that's the larger question. i think that's -- >> i have got to say we all owe his parents a great debt by the way they handled this. >> and obviously people in the community want to do that. they are calling for that. we have got leave it here. we're going to talk about it you have got to find a positive way to move forward. >> a 13-year-old boy missing for four years found behind a hidden wall. police are now revealing new details about the strange case. >> the u.s. led coalition ramped up attacks overnight on what has become the capital of the militant islamic group isis. 30 air strikes were reported in syria. extremists have made a city the headquarters of their so-called islamic state, training fighters and storing weapons there. meanwhile in turkey, pope francis wrapped up a weekend visit where the pontiff condemned the bar baric violence by isis. it means showing contempt for the image of god which is in man. john allen is in rome and he is on the phone to talk more about the pope's visit. first of all, put this in context here. this visit comes at a time of quite turmoil inside of that country. you have got isis camped out. more than a million islamic refugees and now worries that the country's leaders will move away from maintaining turkey as a secular state. did he come here because all of that is happening all at once? >> well, the official reason for the pope's trip actually had nothing to do with any of that. the fact is that today was the feast of st. andrew. the pope was here to promote closer styes between catholics and ort dock christians. as a matter of fact, the pope came in part to deliver a very sharp challenge to try to press harder on the issue of religious freedom. the protection of christians across the middle east. the pope revealed that in his private conversation on friday, he basically laid down a challenge and said that muslim -- moderate mus lidge leaders not just clerics but politicians and academics ought to issue a condemnation that is a sweeping condemnation committed in the name of islam. so i think it is quite clear that the pope had isis, the pope had the persecution of christians across the middle east and the broader sort of struggle for the soul that we see unfolding in the islamic world on his mind during his trip to turkey which was his third to a majority muslim nation. >> okay, john. >> which i think in and of itself is also an indication of how concerned he is with this issue. >> thank you, john. appreciate it very much. new information emerging about a georgia couple accused of keeping a young boy captive in their home for four yours. police found the boy yesterday after he texted that he was hidden in a secret space above the garage. atlanta affiliate has the disturbing betails. >> 37-year-old gregory jean and 42-year-old samantha davis are charged with false imprisonment and child cruelty for keeping a 12-year-old boy captive inside their home. he reunited with his mother after four years with lots of hugs and many tears. we learned davis is also accused of hitting the boy with a stick on legs and backside. she shook her head and looked confused. jean spoke up in court when the judge brought up a previous arrest from 2006. >> i have never been in jail in my life before. he said the previous case was dismissed because of mistaken identity. >> that was not me. they had the wrong person. >> but davis has been convicted before of child cruelty and still on probation from a case in henry country and not even eligible for bond. gregory jr. is okay and now reconnecting with family. he was able to text his family in florida. police discovered him in a small attic space above the garage that was hidden. >> that is so sad. the next court date for the father and stepmother is set for december 9. >> the race is on now to find a cure for ebola. early tests are promising. how close are we to a vaccine? [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here. >> it's still early in the testing phase but the first human trial of an spaermtal ebola vaccine has produced what scientists are calling promising results. all 20 adults who received the vaccine in a trial overseen developed anti-ebola anti-bodies and no one suffered serious side effects. happy holidays here. this is a bit of good news. for the first time this trial shows promising results. what is this next step in developing a successful vaccinati vaccination? >> the first step that you just mentioned is the determining if it's safe and it is. there were no serious adverse events and whether it produces the response that could be predicted. that's the good news of the first face. so sometime likely in mid january we will do a much larger trial and many, many people in west africa to determine if these promising early results actually spell out to be a vaccine that works. >> this question comes up all the time when you talk about trial vaccinations. whether this will contain ebola and whether or not somebody could get ebola from the vaccine. >> that's impossible. what we're injecting is not the live virus into the people. it can induce in your body an immune response that hopefully will protect you against ebola if and when you get exposed to it. >> what is the biggest hurdle that you have to get across before you can give something like this to the general public? >> the biggest hurdle is does it work and is it safe when you give it to a large number of people? so the big question, the bottom line will be determined by the much larger trial to determine if it actually works. >> if this fax seen is successful, what is the process in dding who gets this and who gets this first and who doesn't get it? >> it would be distributed certainly to all the health care workers. all of the people in that area. in fact when you have an outbreak in a city, if it works this could be widespread. >> it is at least a start and a hope and it is good news for that. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> you're quite welcome. >> coming up, one cnn anchor finds out why he should not quit his day job. >> all right. that's the warning there. taking a trip around the world with our own don lemon as he goes on a search to find his roots. and ah, so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app. >> thanksgiving for many of us, a long weekend spent with family and friends. so we wanted to visit with one of our own. don lemon knew nothing about the people who came before him so he set off to find his roots. i's a journey that begins in the hometown of port allen, louisiana. ♪ >> so one of the favorite questions i like to ask my guests is who do you think you are? so now i'm getting to answer that question. growing up in port allen, here it is. i grew up in the country. and i loved it. this little brown curly haired kid with big teeth and big ears and who grew into his looks, ha ha ha. what am i doing? am i rolling? i left louisiana in my 20s and never really looked back. now i'm going home to find my roots to learn more about my family tree, the people who are so much a part of who i am today. >> come on over here. >> i don't want to see y'all, i just want to eat. >> come on, come on come on. >> hey, mother. >> hi! >> i think i still owe them something. >> i spent so many years chasing a dream and chasing a career and missing birthday parties and anniversaries and graduations and babies being born and because of this i have had to reconnect more with my family and talk with my family and what's better than that? may father died when i was 9, so i was raised by my mom who worked and by her mom, my grandmother. >> my mom is my best friend now. my grandmother was my buddy. i can't wait to find out more about her because i think she's the lynch pen. i think about her all the time. i have dreams about her. she's still alive and then i wake up. and she's not there any more. and i remember that she's not there. she made me who i am. she is the one who instilled pride in me. >> i don't know much about who came before my grandmother. she did tell me her mom, katherine jackson, died in childbirth. she didn't know much about her dad except his name, harry, and that he was white. i always wished i asked my grand mur more about thm. so i asked to dig through the record books to see what she could find. >> why don't we start by you telling me about your grandmother or your mother? >> she was a very nice, very good mother. >> she was very outspoken. >> very outspoken. >> all i ever knew is that her mother died in childbirth and her dad was -- >> she just didn't talk about it? >> just didn't talk about it that much. may daddy didn't like it that much. >> because harry because white? >> and the way he was with her. like a secret because you're white and she's black. >> this is him in 1910. he is married. this is his wife. what this looks like is part of the reason why he wanted to keep mary henrietta quiet is because he was married. he and odele never had any children whochlt got the house? >> he did. >> he bought it and gave it to her? >> uh-huh. >> this is someone that he's -- he cares for and is trying to provide for in his own way. you didn't know that he had done that. >> i never knew that. my mom said she saved the money to buy it. >> i'm sure she had her ways. >> ways. >> that's a family thing. ways. >> this is an interesting page, too. harry rivault here. he was an overseer of a plantation. >> the main plantation in west baton rouge is sinclair and it's likely this is where harry and katherine jackson met. and it's also likely that the plantation is where your mother was born. and where katherine died. >> i had grown up in the shadow of sinclair plantation but had never been there and certainly never imagined that i had a personal connection to it but if that's where my great father worked, great grandmother died and great grandmother was born, i want to see it for myself. >> right now we are walking along what is known as manager's row. >> so who lived on this row? >> harry. harry like lived his life in one of these houses and walked up and down these streets to and from work every day. this is a turn of the century map of cinclaire. this is the management. and this is negro quarters. so the layout in the past 100 years has not changed at all. and it gives you an idea of where katherine might have lived and where harry might have lived. i have another document. this is his obituary in the state times advocate, third of march, 1941. >> funeral of harry rivault was held sunday afternoon. he had been in ill health for several months killed himself by placing a 12 gauge pump gun to his head and pulling the trigger. the coroner jury brought in a verdict of suicide. >> i wond why why he shot himself in the head. >> it's gruesome. >> it is pretty gruesome. imagine how much pain you have to be in to do that. >> i never knew him yet finding out my great grandfather killed himself is disquieting. it hangs heavy. but it is part of my story just like this sugar cane plantation where my great grandmother worked for wages doing the same work that her grandparents did as slaves. kirby has been harvesting cane here. >> if you worked on a plantation you would be there what? >> sun up to sun down. >> this is hard work. >> it was. >> show me how you did it. >> i would cut the top, throw it over. if you were cutting cane a long time ago they would fire you. >> because i'm cutting it too high? >> i yeah you got to cut it dow to the ground. >> you would see skinny people in those days. they used to work so hard. >> i wonder if the slaves had to work even harder finding out about them is like fighting through a brick wall but michelle won't rest. coming up, see what she has found that leads me half way across the world in search of my roots. you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 14 years. aids is strong. but we are stronger. and aids... aids is going to lose. ♪ man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it's so much better that way. [ male announcer ] have the right partner at your side. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. for the next part of your story, we are coming here to the west baton rouge museum. this cabin was built by slaves, so we're in a building that's very contemporary to the time of when your ancestors lived here as well. and we want to talk about moses jackson. so here's a pedigree. >> all right. >> so this is your grandmother, and this is your great-gra great-grandmother, catherine, and her father, james. so moses and catherine are your third great-grandparents. katherine, were maiden name was woods. we don't know who her father was, but there's a candidate. his name was clemence woods. this is an 1880 census. this says he was born in louisiana and his father was born africa. born in 1812. based on clemens' age and what his father's age could have been, anywhere from about 1767 to 1792 is when he could have been born in africa. >> he's without a name, age, or face, but he's my connection to africa. i wonder about his passage to america, his journey, his struggle. my answers lie 8,000 miles away in ghana, one of the hubs of the trans-atlantic slave trade. it's hard to believe a place so beautiful and so full of life had such a dark past. a historian was about to show me just how dark. >> this was constructed in around 1792. it was designed for 1,000 people. >> in here? >> yes. >> can you imagine being this dark? >> stayed here for about three months on average, work in this darkness, yes. >> it felt like a descent into hell. dece i can't believe people walked down that path, walked through here and spent months in here if you survived. >> this was a dungeon for the -- >> but it was dark in here. >> it was dark in here. right. they were held here in chains. you see the hole on the wall? the holes on the wall. were held in chains. the floor now -- removed much of the coverings on the floor. feces, blood. decomposed bodies. clothes. food. vomit. sweat. and tears. >> i kept looking for places to escape and there was no escape. the only escape was either you had to survive, become a slave, or you escaped through death. >> we are about a enter a religious site. >> before leaving the dungeons, we lit a candle in memory of the slaves who passed through these harrowing halls. >> we're survivors. >> yep. survivor spirit. >> door of no return. >> door of no return. through this door, they left behind the known for the unknown. >> then you walked through the door of no return. >> door of return. in 1988, two bodies of ex-slaves were resumed in america and jamaica. they were brought back through this door to reverse the trend of no return. >> i was thinking there, i just can't hold it in anymore. i wake up every day, my life is like a dream. every day, i feel like i'm dreaming. i have such a wonderful life. i am so blessed and so fortunate. i want all those people who think that they can't survive and all these people who say, i can't do this, i can't do that, i want to show people that that isn't true. you can do whatever you want. >> so on behalf of the government and people of this country, it's my pleasure to welcome you back. >> who do i think i am? i know that i'm a survivor and i came from a group of people who are survivors. did you enjoy the trip? >> i loved it. i'm so glad i came. and it's so beautiful here. >> it is. glad you came. thanks. >> i'm happy you talked me into it. >> i love you, mom. >> i love you, too. >> a beautiful story. breaking news in the search for the missing ohio state university football player. his body has been found. sad news, but now questions, too, remaining for the police. his friends and family. we have thoseahead. plus ray rice, the controversial football player won his case against the nfl, but will any team take a chance on him? also the president's daughters come under attack from one republican. it's all coming up after the break. oil...or cream? definitely cream. [ male announcer ] never made with hydrogenated oil. always made with real cream. the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. hello, i'm suzanne malveaux. we begin this hour with breaking news, and it is dad news, indeed. police in columbus, ohio, have now found the body of a missing ohio state university football player. the victim of an apparent suicide. kosta karagorge hadn't been seen since 2:00 a.m. wednesday. he had complained about concussion symptoms and how they left him confused. our rosa flores has been following the story and joins us. there was a news conferenc


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20141126

coast in portions of the northeast. y you will be looking at the areas of snow. they should remain in the form of snow. because of this we are looking at winter storm warnings in effect for parts of northeastern pennsylvania up into maine. you are looking at amounts of 6-10 inches of snowfall. besides the rain and snow the other concern is the wind. those winds could cause delays as well. here's a look at one of the computer models in the area. temperatures are warm. rain changing over to a mix. snow across parts of northern iraqi. otherwise portions of the southwestern united states. >> there's another fox news alert. they are toefrping this police car in the wake of the grand jury's decision not to charge karen wilson. there is brand new information with police. >> good morning heather and ainsley. you missed the video last night. it was torched around that time. it was almost like enough was enough. it was a final line it seems like that's when they disbursed everything. it was miles from the fluorescent area before last. the demonstrations were back in august. this is an area of town called old town. not far away. you can see protestors have been moved away from the police station. they tried to flip over a police car eventually came back and set it on fire with molotov cocktails. one of the protestors caught himself on fire with a molotov cocktail. at that point the police and the national guard moved in dispersed a crowd and it was a matter of a short time when most of the crowd left the area. we will give you an idea of what it is like morning here in the same area. to the fire station to the right inside you don't see it but there are national guard troops inside there. this is fire station number one behind me. this is closed down it is the main thoroughfare in the old part of town. some of the signs are on the ground. if you go down here you will notice there is no bare kids over the police station. these are the riders moving overnight. to give you the idea there are 4 years old tonight there are more arrests in los angeles for their demonstration here in ferguson. there is a tense situation here it seems like there may be getting a little bit of a handle and putting up with as much as they did the night before with so many buildings burned. we want to give you one more interesting piece of information. two federal agents two fbi agents were shot this morning according to local stations not far from here. the question is, did it have anything to do with the story. the suspects were barricaded in a home and they were shot this morning. we are looking into that to see if it has any connection whatsoever. adam housley in ferguson. protestors are clogging the streets across the country. it is mayhem in manhattan as the angry swarms of individuals blocking the interest to the lincoln tunnel in rush hour traffic. 1400 people flooding the streets. >> police struggling to keep us off the highways and in los angeles demonstrators backed up traffic for miles. they are standing guard stopping froesers from matrching forward. a driver plows through a crowd blocking an intersection in minneapolis. >> that woman that was pinned under the car was not seriously injured. ferguson officer darren wilson breaking his silence about the shooting of michael brown. >> he through the first punch. >> through the first one and it hit me upside of the face. >> some of the witnesses said they saw you trying to pull him into the car. >> that would go against any training i have had as a police officer. >> i said get back or i am going to shoot you. when he grabbed the top of the gun he said you are too much of a (bleep) too shot me. i felt his hand trying to get over my trigger guard to shoot me. that's when i p you willed the trigger. >> some say at that moment he turned around he turned around and put his hands up. >> that would be incorrect. >> you are absolutely convinced when you look through your heart and your mind that if michael brown were white this would have gone down exactly the same way? >> yes. >> no question? >> no question. >> president obama speaking out about ferguson. >> president obama says he cannot comment on ongoing investigations and the department of justice is still looking into the michael brown shooting. for the second day in a row the president offered some p comments on the case. he spoke wiabout the frustratio the nation has seen in ferguson. nothing results in dpes struktive -- destructive acts can be good. >> i have no sympathy at all for destroying your own communities. but for the overwhelming majority who feel frustrated and in pain that they weren't treated fairly or some individuals aren't eveseen as worthy as others, i understand that. i want to work with you. 44 people were arrested last night during protests. the justice department is looking at civil rights investigation into the brown shooting. >> investigations will continue to be thorough and continue to be independent. they remain ongoing. they will be conducted rigorously and move forward as expeditiously as they can to restore trust to rebuild understanding between law enforcement and community members. >> 40 fbi news in the case in ferguson. >> molly henneberg, thank you, molly. >> former republican congressman allen west cherry picking the case for political gain. >> what i find hypocritical is that president obama or eric holder said anything about the black gang members who brutally car jacked and took kevin quick as a virginia police officer and murdered him. we didn't hear them say anything about the 19-year-old teenager brendan gevlin who were gunned down by the self proclaimed black jihadist. nor about the black teenager who shot a young toddler in the face in brunswick, georgia. the country has to get tired of the cherry picking with the social justice and their own agenda they are trying to use for their own elevations. this really is getting quite despicable. >> what if any were from ferguson log on right after the show for a live debate #keep talking. now to obamacare the architect jonathan gruber will be forced to explain comments like these. >> gruber is agreeing to testify before the house oversight committee next month on the lack of transparency surrounding the affordable care act. the hearing is set for december 9th. a top contender to succeed defense secretary chuck hagel dropped out of the running as new names are put in the mix. michelle flanoy is taking herself out of contention saying she wants to be hillary clinton's security chief. jay johnson the former council for the dod. >> ivy league debate. who are smarter students at harvard or yale? >> jesse waters went to find out with a help of a special guest. >> who is smarter harvard students or yale students. (laughter) >> what's so funny? >> have you ever heard of the gruber controversy? >> i take you beers ev -- -- ub every day. >> you don't like fish it's grouper. >> jonathan gruber. >> you know mcgruber. >> i thought you were dead. >> the group dating? >> and you are gina? >> gina, what's up? >> i apologize. >> your major is economics? >> he wrote the healthcare law and he's at mit. >> he's the mit professor that called you stupid? >> what? >> no, i have not. >> what's your name? >> emilio. you have no idea who gruber is? never heard of it? >> scared her away. >> what is putin doing that is making everyone so nervous these days. >> invading ukraine. >> immigration. >> is that it? >> he is doing executive order instead of going to congress. >> how do you feel about that? >> i like it. >> you lock your doors? >> trying to love everybody. >> he is trying to love everybody. >> trying to love everybody? >> yeah. >> i think he said it was a tossup at the end. >> it is 12 minutes past the top of the hour. tracking terror here at home. what we have just learned about two men accused of helping isis. >> it is a feel good story of the year. the bengals fighting off the field for his daughter with cancer. why it turns out he may not be fighting for her at all. >> cancelling christmas? >> the school district's plan which could be taking political correctness a little too far. >> rain, sleet and snow could be quite a disaster for this thanksgiving, 200 flights already canceled. >> they face serious will delay. we are live in massachusetts with more. cathed rin? >> good morning. west of the city this is one of the areas where this nor' easter is knocking on the door. it will be here in a few hours. we are expecting a lot of rain and wind. they are expecting a lot of snow some areas could get 6-10 inches. what you will probably see right now is different picture later. the department of transportation here in massachusetts they have been urging drivers to get out there early even leave the day before. a lot of drivers did in fact do that. the drivers watch for clouds they are saying they are going to have extra personnel on the roads the service disabled vehicles get them out of the way more quickly. also stop the road workthe stor travelers to get out of the state with the thanksgiving problem. could be a little chaos here later on today. we are live. back over to you. >> a new taste of home grown terror in minnesota. two men indicted for isis stopped in an airport before you travel to the middle east. now fighting for isis and syria. a dozen residents traveled to syria to fight with the terror network over the last year. a group of military members are spending thanksgiving. the 15th of december and one department civilian just returning from building civilians to fight the deadly disease. more exposed to the patients and they have no patients. it is now 18 minutes after the top of the hour. a jewel heist at one of the world's most prestigious stores. the shootout the escape and what made this a rare diamond. >> bracing for black grie at one of the nation's biggest retailers as they plan to calm the crowd. get fast-acting, long-lasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. toothbrush... sweater... extra sweater... headphones, sleeping mask... oh, and this is the xfinity tv app. he can watch his dvr'd shows from where ever he wants. hey. have fun, make some friends. alright. did i mention his neck pillow? (sniffs pillow) watch your personal dvr library where ever you go. with the x1 entertainment operating system. >> welcome back to "fox & friends first". outrage over immigration reaching a flash point in chicago. the president interrupted by hecklers in his home town. >> i heard you. you were absolutely right. there have been significant numbers of deportations. that's true. but what you are not paying attention to is the fact that i took an action to change the law. >> it is revealed the president's executive action will extend the government benefits including medicare and social security to 5 million illegals. >> remember when jeff neeley went on that staffers returned for another tax payer funded music. a review of all of the invoices found 21 attendees dined on $24 lunches and the entire conference costing $2,500 per person. >> that's expensive. >> diehard shoppers and bargain hunters are bracing for black friday. >> which got an exclusive behind the scenes look of one of america's largest retailers. >> frantic shoppers pushing and shoving each other to get the best deals. the expensive items in the store don't break and people don't trample over each other that's a different kind of operation. >> they prep for black friday inside the stores is chaos. >> we only allow a certain number of people in the store to make it smooth. we make sure everyone knows what they are going to get. >> they are getting in line because they need a ticket. >> this is for the apple ipad air 2. >> outside we have determined what your color is capacity is. we have already picked out a couple of items for you we have your name on it you are ready to go. >> this is why people wait in line for these things, the tickets. >> what is the best reaction you have gotten from someone in line when united handed out the la-- you handed out the last person the ticket. >> customers know. they know we have a limited amount. >> compared to a busy saturday how much busier will you be black friday weekend? >> 3-4 times busier black friday weekend. everybody wants to be here anyway. the it is like our super bowl. >> how do you sleep? how do you figure out the schedule to make sure you get sleep? >> sleep? >> so they don't slip much. it's not just the retail workers putting in long hours. they pa quarter of all american will be required to work on thanksgiving christmas or new year's day this year. >> we know the feeling. >> go to fox business >> grab your gun former city mayor michael bloomberg controversial advice about talking about your pro gun relatives. a oo the new star baltimore royalty. >> it is wednesday november 26th the day before thanksgiving. still in ferguson hitting a fever pitch as the officer at the center of the story breaks the silence. >> gone is the eyewitness. at that moment he turned around he put his hands up. that would be incorrect. officer darren wilson revealing his side of the deadly confrontation. >> a thanksgiving travel threat, a dangerous storm churning up the east coast right now. maria molina tracking the trouble. >> talking about travel trouble where passengers push the flame and below zero temperatures. "fox & friends first" continues right now. ♪ >> good morning to you. the we are wide awake. welcome to "fox and friend first. i am heather childers. >> i am ainsley earhardt. we begin with extreme weather causing a holiday travel nightmare. >> a massive nor' easter packing heavy snow and rain hitting the east coast today as 46 million people hit the skieskies, the r and the roads for thanksgiving. >> flights have been canceled with thousands more delays affected. how will this storm impact your holiday travel? >> maria molina is tracking the latest for us. >> good morning. we are tracking the nor' easter. right now it is an area of low pressure developing off the northeast coast. you can see areas of heavy rain across parts of maryland and new jersey and down into portions of georgia and florida. pretty widespread area dealing with the precipitation early this morning. as it tracks up the coast it will start to pull in much colder air across parts of the northeast. you are going to be seeing snow breaking out across portions of pennsylvania and new york even up into southern new england by early this afternoon. across the i 95 corridor it will be a close call. temperatures at the surface are relatively warm. we are not thinking too much of that snow should stick but we should be seeing a mix of snow. it will help in new york city and down into dc. you will be seeing some of the flakes sflieing around tod flyi today. we have winter storm warnings in effect through north carolina into the state of maine. it could exceed a foot that includes parts of up state new york and into new england. the other with the storm system as well strong winds cause dela delays>> thank you maria for the warning. >> 26 million people hitting the skies the rails and the roads. doug luzader is checking out the roads in dc driving around. >> heading to i-75 south which is generally a real bottleneck around here. >> the problem isn't the traffic. what you sees manageable. the problem is the rain. that is going to be hitting up and down the east coast. for many people it will be turning snow later on. it will lead to a backup. you mentioned 46 million that's the heist number in 7 years traveling 50 miles or more for this holiday weekend. the good news, gas is cheaper. $0.40 a gallon cheaper this year. what's the best for the holiday travel with google maps crunching some of the data they collect. to be a bit more specific that will probably be between the average of 3 and 5:00 p.m. if you are waiting for the last minute you want to dip out of work early this day or not even go to work all together. >> that assumes you have the possibility to do that. if you do and you are traveling by air in and out of the northeast some airlines waved ticket change fees to get added ability. >> they are looking at big delays here. you have the cascade effect through the system. >> be careful out there on the roads. >> to our other big story this morning, another fox news alert fury in ferguson out of control for a second night rioters flipping a police car and setting it on fire. adam housley here now with the latest. good morning, adam. >> good morning heather. this is where the epicenter was in the old town part of ferguson. two-miles or so from the area where they were back in august and riots two nights ago where all of the businesses were there. they moved over here they were a lot of protestors. it will be quiet for a while. the barricades that keeps people away. across the street you see two humvees filled with national guard troops all of the way around the police station and fire station behind. this road is closed unless you are somebody who is a local. if it comes down the street this time of the morning you can't go anywhere. compare what you are seeing right now to a few hours ago. we have video seeing the police car as the police officers and national guard troops pull people down the street to get station. looted businesses broke windows and set the car on fire. not long afterwards thes streets were pretty much clear. to give you an idea guys give it back to you in new york a positive aspect of this compared to the night before much better. there were more people raised yesterday protesting in los angeles than they were in ferguson. having said that people here are intense and on edge watching what happens in the coming night. back to you in new york. >> adam housley, thank you. >> the chaos in ferguson sparking more marches across america. protestors in new york city turning ugly. in this video several men attack police in times square. they were forced to use their tear gas and made multiple arrests. the angry swarm also blocked the entrance to the lincoln tunnel. that was right in the middle of rush hour. terrifying video as well in oakland, california showing riders lighting dumpsters on fire. they shut down part of the 101 freeway backing up traffic for miles in boston more than a thousand people took to the streets. >> police struggling to keep them off of the highway and caught on camera the horrifying moment a car plows through a crowd in minneapolis. out of control. thankfully the woman in front of the car wasn't seriously injured. >> officer darren wilson breaking his silence about the shooting of michael brown. >> he through the first punch? >> yes. he through the first one and hit me in the left side of my face. >> some of the witnesses said they saw you try to pull him into the car. >> that would be against every training ever taught to any law enforcement officer. >> i said get back or i am going to shoot you. his response immediately he grabbed the top of my gun. when he grabbed it he said you are too much of a (bleep) to shoot me. i felt his hand trying to get under my hand to get the trigger guard to try to shoot me with my own gun. that's when i shot the first time. >> some witnesses said he turned around and put his hands up. >> that would be incorrect. >> you are absolutely convinced when you look through your heart and your mind that if michael brown were white this would have gone down exactly the same way? >> yes. >> no question? had>> no question. >> fox news contributor bernie goldberg says some media outlets are trying to turn michael brown into a civil rights hero and that's wrong. >> more than a few journalists especially on television are trying to turn this into a civil rights story. you know what? ferguson missouri is not alabama. 2014 is not 1965 and michael brown is not emmit till or any other black person shot by a white big got. michael brown stole stuff sfr from a convenience store and roughed up the owner who was half his size. michael brown thought he would get away with roughing up a cop. he brought about his own demise. a tragedy when any 18-year-old is killed especially for the parents. we certainly sympathize with that. michael brown was the bad guy in this case and please, america, let's not turn this kid into some kind of civil rights martyr because that he is not. >> a pair of thieves not the brightest diamonds. who men raised after ripping off a jewelry store in paris. he hopped on a scooter trying to get away. he stormed on to a hair salon trying to get out. after a couple hours they surrendered to police. >> france decided it is no the in the world's west interest to sell a high-tech war ship to russia. this huge tell carrier originally due to be handed over last month but now suspending that delivery siting russia's actions in ukraine. it would be the biggest arms sales ever by a nato country to russia. >> nanny bloomberg strikes again dishing out advice for talking to your pro gun relatives at your thanksgiving table. offering up myths from his organization. every town for gun safety. first it is a myth that guns make us safer claiming more guns put everyone at risk. they don't stop crime and 92 hers support background checks. >> a new champion on "dancing with the stars." >> the wait is over alfonso and whitney. >> alfonso and whitney. >> robertson staying true to her faith after taking second place with her partner mark. >> it has been an amazing series. i am so thankful to god who brought me this far in the competiti competition. i feel like i accomplished what i wanted to accomplish. i am so glad it was alfonso. >> her proud parents were there to cheer on their daughter. >> can you do the carlton? >> no. >> can you? >> i can. it is something like that. >> coming up ex complusive reports out this morning about the bengals and his litertle gi with cancer. >> why prisoners are picking up millions in government refunds. it is a made up holiday how you can benefit. how you can get big digital freebies today. : >> welcome back bracing for a blast of winter weather on the biggest travel day of the year. flights already canceled and delayed. wnyw is live at laguardia airport with the latest. good morning teresa. >> good morning, heather. they are not happy here. people are attempting to get out this morning. unfortunately in some cases proving to be difficult. 26.4 million people are expected to fly to their thanksgiving destination this year. but for people here on the east coast laguardia, jfk airport it is a little tough. they are showing 62 delays newark 98 delays. jfk 18 delays as far as newark is concerned which is an incredibly busy airport. if you look at the whole map according to flights 403 cancellations right now. many preefrp presidented cancellations some trying to get people on flights earlier rather than later. some of these flights are really warm sunny places like palm beach and bermuda. that has to sting a little more. >> thank you so much teresa. it is now time for your 5@5:00. it is the biggest travel day of the year. verizon wants to make life a little easier for those spending the day at the road with free stuff. we have the details. >> good morning ainsley. if you are traveling today verizon wants your business and they are lobbying you very hard. the top cell phone provider is holding connection day today featuring a lunbunch of free de bees. you can get one giga bite of data and get another gig next month. for those of us not on verizon they are doling out 5 freebies any one can get. special access to popular movies and tv shows and a selection of tenth free or discounted apps on amazon, a free 7 day trial of pandora one that's a subscription for pandora and free in-flight wi-fi between thanksgiving and christmas eve. you also want to keep an eye on apple today. they will be announcing a special itunes deal sometime today with verizon. they are also collaborating with boyning go wireless and more. there's a lot out there. they are working hard. who they are saying who needs black friday. >> to find joe on the fox business network log on to slash channel finder. >> the time now is almost 10 minutes after the hour. on thin ice. can you image this where passengers are forced to push a plane in sub zero temperatures. >> another school district decision that is infuriating parents. >> steve doocy for what is coming up on "fox & friends." >> nice to see you ladies. >> it is a month away from yesterday. i am steve doocy. pro at thors taking to the streets following the grand jury decision not to indict darren wilson. there was trouble overnight. there's a good chance you might get sick. we have the tips you need before you hit the road so you wind up healthy. >> the national dog show is this week we have dogs here live. 10 minutes from now right here on the channel for news. hey matt, what's up? i'm just looking over the company bills. is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that's funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow that's fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. it was the heartwarming story of the nfl season. cincinnati bengal devan phil taken care of his cancer stricken daughter leah. now the child's mother is saying that he still hasn't paid child support and hasn't paid in months and she had to get on food stamps. the mother sending a letter to the nfl asking them to investigate this and investigate whether phil violated the league's personal conduct policy. heather? >> a colorado mother is going to jail for three months for faking her son's cancer diagnosis. she collected over $25,000 after convincing the aurora community that her six-year-old had leukemia. she was also posting fake updates about his nonexistent chemotherapy treatments. >> no more christmas vacation? >> a massachusetts school district banning the term just because of one complaint. anna kooiman is here to explain. >> bah hum bug. emotions running high as teachers, religious leaders, parents and students packed a high school auditorium furious over the school committee's vote to change the name of christmas vacation to holiday break. >> we want christmas back on our school calendar if even one student or family is made to feel excluded in any way, even one. then we have not done right by them. >> 400,000 people signing the petition urging the committee to reconsider. the name change was originally approved in september after officials received just one complaint from one family. despite the outrage school officials backing the change saying it is in the best interest of all students and the town. residents not agreeing. >> you reach a certain level of just disgust with what's going on in the country. everyone knows it's on the wrong track. >> the school superintendent stressing the word christmas will remain on the school calendar. only the name of the break will be changed. ainsley and heather, it is not clear yet if they will file an appeal to get christmas vacation back on the calendar. back to you. >> thank you very much, anna. >> it is 54 after the top of the hour. a monster storm promising it make a mess of holiday travel. what you need to know before you leave the house. >> a yogurt a day? how the key to staying healthy could lay in two spoonfuls. two minutes till the top of the hour. before you leave the house, here's what's happening today, bracing for a winter storm on the busiest travel day of the year. a nor easter expected to drop heavy snow and rain across massachusetts, new york and d.c. some areas could get up to 14 inches. 200 flights have already been canceled and thousands of delays expected. >> rioters in ferguson torching police cars in the wake of the grand jury decision not to charge officer darren wilson. let's keep talking about ferguson since the president responded. what if any should the president's role be in situations like ferguson? log on to "fox & friends first" facebook page right after for a live debate. #keeptalking. sphiep time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. a serving of yogurt, two tee teaspoons a day might lower your risk for diabetes. next the bad. the i.r.s. wasting your tax dollars paying prisoners behind bars. convicts are filing fake tax returns from jail and getting away with it. a shocking new report found in 2012, the i.r.s. paid $70 million in bad refunds. the ugly. a plane stuck on the runway in russia and the passengers are forced to push it. the temperature, a frigid 58 degrees below zero. i wonder if they eventually got on that plane? i wouldn't. >> have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. bye. good morning. it is wednesday, november 26. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a massive nor'easter threatening the bigiest travel day of the year, snow and ice disrupting thanksgiving plans for millions. hundreds of flights are already canceled. you're going to want to check yours. maria molina is tracking the storm straight ahead just for you. >> pretty much everybody is awake right now. overnight more violence flares in the streets of ferguson, missouri as the officer at the center of it all breaks his silence on television. >> i can feel his hand trying to come over my hand and [inaudible] and try to she me with my own gun. that's when i pulled the trigger for the first time. >> why officer darren wilsonay


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