Actor Shreyas Talpade, who is known for his work in 'Kaun Pravin Tambe', 'Iqbal', 'Om Shanti Om' and the 'Golmaal' franchise, shared how all of his roles were given to him as a second choice after someone else had said no to them. |
He made the revelation recently on his YouTube channel Ninerasas. In the video, Shreyas thanked the stars for rejecting these roles as that paved a way for these opportunities to reach him.
Actor Shreyas Talpade, who is known for his work in 'Kaun Pravin Tambe', 'Iqbal', 'Om Shanti Om' and the 'Golmaal' franchise, shared how all of his roles were given to him as a second choice after someone else had said no to them.He made the .