A short biography of Alexander Berkman, a Russian anarchist who lived for many years in the United States, where he was a leading member of the anarchist movement. He was closely associated with anarcha-feminist Emma Goldman.
Classic Emile Pouget essay on direct action in working class struggle. Published by the Fresnes-Antony Group of the French Anarchist Federation, 1994. English translation by the highly recommended Kate Sharpley Library.
2001 interview with the co-founder of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU). From the pamphlet The Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) : Crisis, Armed Struggle and Dictatorship, 1967-1985 available from Kate Sharpley Library.
An article introducing the concepts anarchists have used to frame collaboration with other tendencies during struggle. Including the United Front, Popular Front, Workers Alliance and the Combative Tendency.