want and you can have total freedom, you can write about women s things and i always kept my eyes on joan. that was joe s conversation with the award winning writer katelyn flanagan. our next guest was once described as no one s ally. the conversation with the writer andrew sullivan, that discussion is straight ahead on morning joe. t discussion is straight ahead on morning joe.
you don t have a very good chance of surviving unless you develop a positive attitude. i remember my first two months going through heavy chemo, i got in despair over it because people keep on sending us these, they thought it would be helpful, they sent these books saying you must do this and do this. i was not upbeat before i got cancer and this has not lifted that crappy mood. i finally i was really lucky at ucla at one of a few places that had a sensor of dealing the emotional consequences of cancer and runs by a psychologist and i said i am so afraid because i can t get a positive attitude. she says katelyn, there is not a