L to R: Madison Carpenter, Natalie Crockett, Camdon Johnson, Anthony Orellana, Perla Guzman, Camila Serrano
Contact: Kelly Cowan
MPHS National Honor Society selects officers
The Mount Pleasant High School chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) has selected its officers for the 2022-2023 scho
Pictured are the members of the MPHS Varsity Winterguard team. Front Row (L to R): Rosario Bello, Yasenia Paloblanco, Airam Antolín, Karime Leija Back Row (L to R): Betzaida Garcia, Estefanie Torres, Addison Heeren, Jillian Jetton, Jonathan Tepetate, Katherine Phelan, Jocelyn Marroquín, Abigail Reta