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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20141203

we were here when it arrived and now we're hours away from setting the world's most famous christmas tree aglow wednesday, december 3, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. gang's all here early and will be late tonight for a great event. >> yes. getting lit as usual this time of year, a lot of stars going to help us light up the christmas tree. goes on and on. i was saying our rendition of joy to the world. you haven't lived until you heard it. >> should be fun. let's start with our top story this morning. it's that dangerous situation in california, caused by one of the strongest storms to hit that state in years. nbc's jacob rascon is east of los angeles. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. it's a rain california desperately needs but not like this. the fear is that at any moment the rain and the mud on the hillsides behind me that have been scorched by wildfire, it could come down at any moment which they know all too well has happened before. it's what many in california have come to expect when it finally does rain a decent amount. it does this. more than six inches fell tuesday in southern california. and across the state, many daily rainfall records washed away, some of them set more than a half century ago. many southern california cities have done this before. >> the fact of the matter is when the mountain does cut loose they are not going to be able to get out then and you'll be stuck. it's going to be very difficult for us to get to you. >> reporter: in a city where they haven't finished cleaning up after the last storm. >> it's extreme. we've have mandatory evacuations. >> reporter: sand is their best present. hundreds of flights delayed, highways were blocked, power was lost including at bob hope airport in burbank. in the first wave of what meteorologists say may turn out to be the strongest storm system to hit southern california in many years. and we've got a wave of rain of course on sunday, we got the biggest one yesterday. and we're expecting yet another one at some point today. no mandatory evacuations in place right now, but many, al, are choosing to leave their homes anyway just in case. >> jacob rascon, thank you so much. so we've got winter storm warnings, flash flood watches, from northern california all the way into southern california because we've got more heavy rain pushing in. they need th i mean, it is rough, especially in southern california into central california. look at these deficits. three-year deficit. san francisco, they are almost 28 inches below where they should be. los angeles, 25 inches below where they should be. san diego, almost a little more than a foot below as far as the rain is concerned. you can see more heavy rain coming in this afternoon, heavier as you get into the evening rush hour. into tomorrow morning it starts to let up. rainfall amounts generally 1 to 2 inches but we could see heavier amounts in the mountains just to the east of los angeles. we could see up to 5 to 6 inches of rain, guys. the good news is, it is finally starting to let up within the next 48 hours. >> thank you. bill cosby facing a new lawsuit from a woman who claims he sexually assaulted her at the play boy mansion 40 years ago when she says she was just a minor. kate snow is here with more on this story. good morning to you. >> good morning. for weeks talking about one allegation after the next, allegations cosby's attorney has refuted but the latest allegation is the first civil lawsuit to be filed against cosby since one was settled out of court in 2005. this new stoot accuses cosby of childhood sexual abuse. >> yes, i saw what you saw. and don't be worried. >> this is 1974, and bill cosby was starring in movies. the woman filing suit says she was 15 with her 16-year-old friend when they saw a film set 18 park near pasadena. they walk over to see what was going on and were approach bid cosby who invited them to sit in a director's choir. judy huth says cosby invited him to his tennis club. and then he brought them to the play boy mansion. cosby allegedly told the girls if any of the bunnies asked their age they should say they were 19. late ter suit alleges huth found cosby on a bed. he asked her to sit beside him. and proceeded to sexually molest her. >> this isn't a criminal case. this is a civil case where it's all about money. she is seeking compensatory damages. >> an attorney for cosby had no comments about the suit. cosby has never been charged with a crime. in the past his attorney said other allegations were unsubstantiated saying it makes no sense none of these woman who came forward asserted a claim at the time they alleged they were assaulted. huth says the incident 40 years ago at a tender age caused psychological damage and significant problems throughout her life, cosby she says, abused his position of trust. as for why she is filing this now, the lawsuit suggests huth did not recognize the connection between her injuries and the sexual abuse until recently. >> kate, thanks. let's turn to lisa bloom. good morning to you. and that's the real question here. how does a lawsuit like this get past the fact there is a statute of limitations in california? >> good morning, savannah. california has an extended statute of limitations for child sexual abuse. i litigated a lot of case myself under this. she has three years from the time that she connects the dots between her psychological injuries and the sexual abuse she is alleging f. that only happened in the last three years and she can prove it she gets in the court house door. she has to prove the case. >> put on your analyst hat. is that a claim likely to prevail? >> as i say she still has to prove her case. one of the things that jumped out she said she had a friend with her during most of the incident. the friend was 16 then. is that friend still around? is that friend going to corroborate her story? i think that will be very important for her. >> isn't also the issue this notion that she only discovered that her psychological injuries were connected to this incident more than 40 years ago, recently? is that going to be a high hurdle for her to cross? >> listen. the california legislature has understood in passing this law back in 1990 that many people who are molested as children take years to connect the dots between let's say depression, post traumatic stress, anxiety and the abuse. it recognizes child sexual abuse is different from other injuries and why there is this expanded period of time to file. bill cosby is say one, i didn't do it. if he did do it, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, there is some statement from her he hopes to find where she did connect the dots and can't get in the court house door. >> if you are cosby's side do you fight this, settle it? >> settle it out of the court as he's done. i expect this would too. >> thank you very much. >> there is a new investigation tied to last week's violence in ferguson, missouri. police are now considering whether to charge michael brown's step fwaert inciting a riot. ron allen has the latest on this. good morning to you. >> authorities say the investigation is focused on emotional remarks brown's step father made after the grand jury decision captured on video and circulated. the issue is whether those and actions taken that day helped insight a riot. moments after the grand jury cleared darren wilson in the death of michael brown, brown's mother and her husband louis head were captured on video venting anger and grief. ferguson officials in an e-mail confirmed that louis shed being looked at as part of an ongoing investigation into the activities around november 24, pertaining to the rioting, looting and arson. on "today" leslie mcfadden talks about her husband and the video. >> just emotional. i don't feel that he stirred the crowd. the crowd was already stirred. it's been stirring since august 9. >> the day her son was killed. outrage over the grand jury's decision not to charge wilson poured onto the streets, at least a dozen businesses destroyed by fire, others vandalized. at least 125 arrests during the next five days. >> everyone who is responsible for taking away people's property, their livelihoods, their jobs, their businesses, every single one of them needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. >> authorities added brown's step father is not being singled out as a sole focus of the inquiry but again is part of the ongoing investigation. >> officials say the findings of the investigation will now go to the st. louis county prosecutor, which means the same prosecutor whose vigorously defended the grand jury's decision may soon decide whether to charge brown's step father with a crime. adding i was wrong and for that i humbly apologize. matt, savannah. >> all right, ron, thank you very much. meantime, a student conduct hearing involving one of college football's stars could wrap up. jameis winston was charged with assaulting a student in 2012. while criminal charges were not filed he is facing an investigation by the school. gabe has the latest from tallahassee. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the allegations that swirled for two years and through his attorneys jameis winston has denied them but on tuesday for the first time a former florida state supreme court justice brought in by the university began hearing the allegations here on campus. today heisman trophy winner jameis winston is back in a hearing to face allegations of sexual assault. >> and we are confident that justice harding when he hears her multiple lies and jameis' truth will find as every other entyty has to this point that she is lying. >> reporter: a former student says the star quarterback raped her in december of 2012. >> there was a long time where she felt she had no voice and nobody would listen to what she had to say. >> reporter: the woman said she was drinking at a bar when a man took her to an apartment. she reported the assault in hours but did not identify winston until weeks later. >> this hurt the reputation. >> the prosecutor decided it new file criminal charges. >> we did not feel like that we had a reasonable likelihood of a conviction. >> reporter: it's one of 90 schools the government is now investigating for handling of sexual violence complaints. >> need to see campuses put in place prevention programs where they are educating about sexual violence. >> reporter: fsu says it is doing that and cooperating with the investigation. last night winston was on the field hoping to lead the defending national champion seminoles to another acc title saturday. winston still has a lot of support among students here on campus. in this hearing he could face penalties from a written reprimand to expulsion. proceedings could wrap up as early as today. after that the judge has ten school days to announce his decision. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. >> natalie is here, the latest on a massive auto-related recall. >> the story we're following, the japanese air bag maker takata defied u.s. regulators ignoring a midnight deadline to expand a recall of driver side air bags. the company faces fines up to $35 million and legal action. takata insists that the air bags are more likely to malfunction in high humidity areas but regulators insist the recall should be expanded to all states. the senior vice president is expected to testify today during a congressional hearing on the air bag recall. >> some disturbing news from the middle east. an american teacher and mother of young twins was stabbed to death in the bathroom of an abu dhabi shopping mall. police say the woman reportedly was attacked with a sharp tool following a fight in the public restroom on monday. police released a security camera image showing the veiled suspect there on the right as you see. an investigation now is under way. >> still no official word this morning on the man believed to be president obama's choice to lead the pentagon. nbc nuls learned that ashton carter will likely be picked to succeed chuck hagel. carter curved both hagel and leon panetta. on tuesday the white house praised carter without confirming that he is the leading candidate. >> some troubled waters for a $21 million mega yacht. take a look at this beautiful yacht as it crashed right into the draw bridge in the miami area on tuesday. the rock star yacht belonging to the rock star energy company was attempting to pass through when a section of the bridge collapsed on top of the boat creating a large hole. no one was hurt. the yacht is currently listed for sale. not sure what that does to that. >> ticket price. >> it's a steal now. and take a look at this rescue caught on camera after a woman's car plunged off of a roadway in a canal in eastern china. watch as the car veers off the road, knocks down the lamp pole and crashed into the water. witnesses came to the driver's rescue. they used clothing to pull her to safety after about 20 minutes. she was shaken up but is otherwise okay. >> and hollywood's superstar tom crews famous for his own stunts. he may want to consider a stunt double after a close call on a london street. take a look. yeah. thankfully he saw that double-decker bus just in time and retreated back to the curb. cruise is filming for a movie. >> you get used to traffic coming from your right and you get to london and forget to look to the left. >> they tell you on the street, look right, look left. still. happened to me. >> walking across the street. >> it was driven by tom cruise. >> fluff about your dream life. >> mr. roker's back. >> all right. let's show you what we've got around the rest of the country. we are looking at icy wintry weather moving out of the new england area, we're going to look at that in the next half hour. gulf coast, temperatures mild, sunshine, morning fog will burn off. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. 7:17. good morning. the rain continues to stream into the bay area. we're going to keep heavier pockets in the forecast until about noon. everything is going to start to let up and we'll see a nice finish to this evening. still have a fair chance for thunderstorms to develop as we get into this evening. overall, temperatures will be cool. mid 60s for today. bring your jacket, bring your umbrella. ditch it for most of tomorrow. weather. >> a and that's your latest weather. >> thanks. tamron is here for carson. sad news. >> absolutely. but a wonderful life to celebrate. let's look at it that way. take a listen to this song. ♪ >> recognize that solo? absolutely from rolling stones, played by long time band member bobby keys. absolutely. mr. keys passed away at the age of 70, he played on tour with the stones, guys, for 45 glorious years, making beautiful music for all of us. there has been reaction throughout social media. this one absolutely touched my heart. this is a handwritten letter from keith richards. bobby, i've lost the largest pal in the world and i can't express the sense of sadness i feel although bobby would tell me to cheer up, my condolences to all that knew him and his love of music. isn't that touching. you don't see that often on social media. hand written from the great keith richards. this also from the stones. bobby made a unique musical contribution to the band since the 60s. and ringo starr, thank you bobby keys for the time we spent the together. god bless you peace and love to your family. but again, sad news, the legacy, the music will live on. that sax solo, maybe enjoy it on the way in to work. >> i might go up and play a little. that's cool. >> coming up, are women at greater risk? a look at depression in america. >> and garage door repair men put to the test. you're not going to believe how much some of them charged for a simple problem that should take about 60 seconds to fix. first this is "today" on nbc. coming up on trending, yes, there's another taylor swift must-see parody. and jill martin is here with what she says is a super sized holiday steals and deals what she says is a super sized holiday steals and deals including a y'know what my business what she says is a super sized holiday steals and deals inclphilosophy is, reynolds? >>no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate®. >>their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. (garage door opening) (sighs) honey, haven't i asked you to please use the.... >>we don't have a reception entrance. ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. we're not just selling the at famohottestwear, shoes of the holiday season. we're selling straight up "i'm going to kiss sara marcus under the mistletoe" confidence. this year give them converse from famous footwear. victory is yours. our hearty all-natural turkey chili is back in season. slow-cooked with turkey raised without antibiotics, tart tomatillos, chilies, carrots, edamame and more. the savory spice of the chili pairs perfectly with the black bean hummus and the fresh crunch of napa cabbage blend in our southwestern chicken flatbread. and it all comes together in a you pick two made just for you. only at panera bread. you can get a great deal during toyotathon. ah, the bold new camry. i love the new look. and it's a blast to drive. oh, so you've driven it? [motor racing] woooooooo! yeah, i've taken it for a spin. toyotathon is on, get low 1.9% apr financing for 60 months on the bold new 2015 camry. offer ends january 5th. plus every new toyota comes with toyotacare, toyota's no cost maintenance plan. i know a great place for a drive. ♪ ♪soft holiday music ]♪ can you help me up? [ snow intensifies ] [ sleighbells ring in the distance ] aleve. all day pain relief with just 2 pills. get back to being you. and we're new to the pacific northwest. the rain, the mud -- babam! it's there. the outside comes in. it's kinda nasty so you start the towel-mop shuffle. where are you sun?! [ doorbell rings ] oh, wow, it's a swiffer wetjet. this puts my towel mopping to shame. whoa! ewww. sunshine is overrated, now we can get messy. [ laughs ] a very good morning to you. it is 7:26. i'm laura garcia cannon. another morning of heavy rain across the bay area. literally leaving some drivers stranded on flooded streets. today in the bay is live in san jose where one car was struck for most of the morning. it's still there behind you, bob. >> it is. but getting the water down to a level where they would soon be able to tow this car out. the water, you can see right now, the tires. it was up at the time side mirrors for this poor woman. she was coming back from a road trip before 4:00 this morning from southern california. it was just a few moments away from her home here at the railway under pass at the alameda and stockton not far from the sap center when she got trapped in what was at the time very deep water. she's okay. of course, her car was drenched. she was able to get out and ever since the city of san jose has been trying to get that water pumped out. what it looks like, they had a lot of leaves in the drain, they were able to unclog the drain. because there's so much water out here, the pumps have been at full capacity. reporting live here in san jose today n bay area. we're getting a little identity of a break for the very first time from the heavy, steady rainfall. as i step out of the way, you can see that across the board in the bay area. but there's more on the way. this line of showers, moderate and heavy. about to hit the peninsula as we hit the next 10 to 15 minutes. and it's all going to press to the east. let me show you the future cast for today. at 11:00 a.m., still getting lingering shower activity. between 11:00 and 6:00, we start to clear out. and we'll have a really good look at your totals by this evening. but so far, i've got to tell you, more rain in san francisco over the past 48 days than we saw in all of 2013. here is mike and your drive. over here, i've widen out out of our city. this is jammed, west 92 all the way to the highway 101 where there's a crash at the interchange there. we have a big backup where it's slowing for 880 southbound. now, that stretches slow, but it's a wind advisory. there's your south bay. back to you. >> another update in half an hour. we'll see you then. 7:30 now on this wednesday morning, the 3rd of december, 2014. that means the big day is here. tonight we flip the switch on that majestic 85-foot norway spruce, the world's most famous christmas tree. we hope you'll join us for "christmas in rockefeller center" tonight, idina menzel, tony bennett and other stars. we'll get started here at 8:00. do you know how many lights are on the tree? >> 45,000. >> how many miles? >> five. >> we know every nonsense fact you could ever know. >> let's take a look at what's making real headlines. a second straight day for tuesday los angeles broke another single day for rain. following a deadly collision between two school buses, two schools are closed. two children and an adult were killed and 23 others injured. attempting to incite a riot moments after last week's grand jury decision not to indict the officer who shot and killed that 18-year-old. they'll be considering that and much more today. can you trust the repairmen who come out to fix your busted garage door? rossen reports team puts them to the test with surprising results. suze orman will be here with scams from fraudulent bank calls to fake shipping sites. what she says you can do to avoid becoming a victim. >> or as she says, girlfriend, avoid being a victim. let's get a check of the weather with mr. roker. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. sloppy weather moving out of new england. few showers in the northeast. good news is will clear in time for the big christmas tree lighting. caribou and maine in 95, slick mess there. winter weather advisories the next 12 hours from caribou to springfield, massachusetts, and parts of upstate new york. temperatures still about 10 to 15 degrees below average around the great lakes and into the northern plains. the wet weather continues in the southwest. southern california as well. northern california also. this will start to move to the east as we move on through the day today on into 7:32. for most of you across the bay area, more rain than since 2009 for most of you. as you make your way out that front door this morning. we are going to get a break from the heavy stuff. right now, most of the pa nins law is dry. that batch of rain will move over to the east shore. temps in the 60s for today. rain returns by friday. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? al, thank you very much. more than two months ago, dr. nancy snyderman travelled to liberia to cover the ebola crisis there. while she was there a photojournalist working with her team was diagnosed with the virus. before coming back to the u.s., nancy agreed to a voluntary self quarantine, which she later violated. nancy, good morning. it's good to see you. >> hi, matt. good to be back. >> critics said your behavior is unacceptable. you've had time to digest it, think about it, reflect on it. what's your response? >> i'm very sorry for not only scaring my community and the country, but adding to the confusion of terms, i think, came as fast and furious as the news about ebola did. suddenly we're talking about quarantine, isolation, controlled monitoring, who should be in hospital rooms, who shouldn't be. and so when i came back from liberia with my team, we had already been taking our temperatures four, five, six times a day. and we knew our risks in our heads but didn't really appreciate -- and, frankly, we were not sensitive to how absolutely frightened the americans were. came back, agreed to a voluntary quarantine in my home and 7 hours later left my home. >> i think there's a great debate going on about the medical protocol, the casey hickox situation is a good example of that. >> right. >> in your situation it wasn't about what was medically right to do. it was about breaking a promise. >> it was about breaking a promise and it was also about my association with ashoka mukpo, who we hired on our team and now is okay as well. and those early days of how this is spread. i have two hats, my doctor hat and my journalist hat. and when the science and the messaging sometimes collide and you leave the optics of, in this case, a hot zone and come back to the united states, good people can make mistakes. and i stepped outside the boundaries of what i promised to do and what the public expected of me. and for that, i'm sorry. but i'm also very glad, i should say, that the whole team is healthi and that ashoka is healthy. >> that's what i was going to say. he was here last week with other ebola survivors. the rest of your team is healthy. you are healthy. have you given consideration, considering the fact that the crisis continues in west africa, of going back? >> the things we saw, matt, like anything i had seen before, 18-year-old girls being delivered to the hospital in wheel be wheelbarrows, men in puddles reaching for help. i would go back tomorrow. my concern is this has been a distraction from the real issue at hand. >> you mean your situation? >> my situation and we can't afford not to concentrate on west africa. this epidemic isn't going to go away. the ebola epidemic. there will be viruses in the future that will jump from animals to humans. so how we message from the cdc to nbc news to me personally, i've learned a lot through this. but we have to remember that we live in a smaller world, day by day. and this may be a big lesson for all of us in how we treat epidemics in the future and how we message better and keep our promises. >> i wanted to talk to you about this. actually, it's not the entire reason you're here this morning. >> no. there's real news, too. >> you have another story to bring us. >> good to be back as a journalist. >> thank you. >> and? >> and now we have the journalist part. we're going to talk about depression. interestingly a study came out overnight that shows it's more prevalent in women and people below the poverty level. and overall there's a lack of understanding and a lack of patience seeking treatment for a disease that now affects about one in 12 americans. according to the cdc, the stressful life of a mother, juggling kids, work, marriage and parents takes a heavy toll. a study released overnight by the national center for health statistics finds that 8% of americans, about one in 12 people, suffer from depression. the most likely groups to be affected are people between the ages of 40 and 59 and women regardless of age. >> women have many role conflicts in our society and they have many conflicting responsibilities. the depressive syndrome can be a reaction to severe stress or to the burdens of life. >> also highly impacted are the poor. with people living below the poverty line nearly 2 1/2 times more likely to have depression than those at or above that income level. one of the more troubling findings to the medical community is that those who need help aren't seeking it. just one-third of those with symptoms of severe depression have spoken to a medical professional about their mental health within the last year. with these symptoms affecting life at home, work and in social settings, the pervasiveness of severe depression and the need for treatment, experts say, can't be overstated. >> we have a major illness with serious morbidity and mortality, which we know how to treat and to which a great extent is not adequately treated. that's a social tragedy. >> and the social tragedy really comes, i think, with stigma. if we look at our families and we're really honest, the reality is there is mental illness in someone. we have to find the courage, the social courage to acknowledge it, to seek help and, frankly, it's not always reimbursed by insurance plans. but this problem is not going away. >> have to stop whispering about depression. >> we have to stop whispering. absolutely. absolutely. >> thank you very much, nancy. >> you bet. our rossen report team puts garage door repairmen to the test. you won't believe what they caught on hidden cameras. and the hottest vacation caught on hidden cameras. and the hottest vacation destination, nor and, by some miracle... a little differently. she actually said "yes." to me. the charmed memories collection at kay jewelers, featuring open hearts and new disney frozen. get this free bracelet or a charm valued up to forty-five dollars with any charmed memories purchase of $99.99 or more. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. and she will be the best mom ever. ♪every kiss begins with kay dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? 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>> these repairmen don't want to talk to me. you don't want to answer my question? >> no. >> reporter: climbing in their trucks and racing away and the one that does stick around seems to have a guilty conscience. >> you're not mad at me, are you? >> reporter: trying to sell this homeowner garage door parts our experts say she doesn't need. we're setting up at this house in the new york suburbs. the garage is in great shape. how do we know? because we had two independent certified experts inspect it from top to bottom. >> everything is working perfectly. >> everything in this garage is working fine. >> then we had them rig a tiny little problem. >> we're going to loosen the bolt on this sensor and angle it downward so the door is inoperable. >> how long should it take them to find this? >> just a minute to find it. >> if they tell us you need a new garage door opener, we have to order a part? >> they're lying to you. >> i'm having a problem with my garage door. >> reporter: then we had her call repair companies. >> hi. how are you? >> things start off great. it take this is repairman less than 25 seconds to fix the sensor. >> can you try it right now? >> try it right now. >> that was easy. >> reporter: he charges us a small service fee and is on his way. but our luck is about to come crashing down. >> hi. how are you? >> hey. >> reporter: when these two repairmen show up, they notice the problem right away. >> you have a problem with the safety sensors. >> they say they can't fix it. she needs a brand new one. >> i need new sensors? that's what you're saying? >> yes. >> reporter: remember, all they had to do was tighten the screw. instead, they charge her $210. hi, guys. jeff rossen from nbc news. that's when i pop out. >> i don't need to answer your question. >> reporter: are you trying to rip her off? >> no. >> reporter: they drive right off. their company later telling us they have a flawless customer service record. but watch this next repairman. he is about to do something we've never seen before. >> how are you? >> good. >> reporter: when our homeowner goes inside, our cameras capture this. he walks to the trash can, holding his fly, lingers a bit and zips up his pants. when he returns, he doesn't even inspect the door sensor before telling her this. >> the sensor is no good. you need to replace the sensor. >> reporter: his price? $410. why were you going to charge her over $400 for the new sensor when it's not even broken? you didn't even check it. but this last repairman is about to break the bank. whistling while he works. and within minutes, he has some dire news. >> what you need is a set of light sensors. >> i definitely need those? >> reporter: yep. >> but that's not all. >> reporter: these pulleys up here need to be replaced. >> reporter: he charges our homeowner $683, plus tax. hi, jeff rossen with nbc news. why are you charging this homeowner nearly $700 for part that is she doesn't need? >> well, i'm trying to do a much better job and she does need it. >> reporter: but when our experts come in and show him he's wrong, he finally admits this. >> we all make mistakes. >> reporter: i'm going to show you the garage door works. i'm sunderstand you now say you made a mistake but the garage door is working. >> okay, it works but -- >> reporter: you were going to charge her $700. but before he leaves he has a question for me. >> you're not mad at me, are you? >> reporter: i'm not mad at you. i just don't want homeowners to get ripped off. >> reporter: experts say three of them charged us for parts we didn't need. >> it's a shame. it just absolutely makes me sick. >> reporter: >> don't worry, i'm not mad at you. none of the companies that came up had any signage on their vehicles. experts say that's actually a pretty big red flag. make sure they have a legit company name so you have recourse if something goes wrong and a license number on the side of the truck. before your garage door breaks, like right now, for example, talk to family and friends and see if they use somebody tha they trust and you can use them too. >> it's not bad enough that they rip you off. then they pee on your lawn? >> in fairness, he didn't charge for that. >> jeff, thank you very much. coming up, do you use white lights or like the multi-colored ones? tamron is in the orange room with how you can decide. the great american holiday light debate after this. ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement. creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. we gdid he help pick it out?er. no, he's a cat. how did i get so big? where am i? you're in mom's belly. how did i get there? wizards. can you make it go faster? no i already tried. is this mine? that one's for alice. but she doesn't know it yet. why not? mom says she's still cooking. capture your memories with hallmark keepsakes ornaments. hey guys...guys! pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistable sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop! wait for me! there it is. ah! hurry up. you're heavy. are you sure these letters will get to santa? yes, of course. hold still. almost there. a little bit higher. i can't hold you up much longer. ah! whoa! [ all giggle ] ♪ hi, fellas. hi, virginia. why are you on the floor? [ female announcer ] bring your letter to santa into macy's and we'll donate to the make-a-wish® foundation. together, we'll collect a million reasons to believe. and we'll donate to the make-a-wish® foundation. you don't need to think that makes our lives possible. because we do. we're exxonmobil... and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg... isn't as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. we may have mentioned we're getting ready to light the rockefeller christmas tree. tamron is in the orange room with a great debate tied to holiday displays. tamron? >> you call it the great american debate over christmas lights. anticipation is building for the big rockefeller tree lighting tonight. we have a beautiful live shot. and viewers have been sharing photos -- there's the tree -- of their christmas trees. michelle, taylor, cinder. very beautiful trees. do you like white lights on your tree or do you like multi-colored lights? it's a showdown. #white lights, #multicolor. we are tapping into new technology in the newsroom. as you tweet, based upon your tweets, from the bottom to the top, the winning idea will light. that's a demonstration there. so go online. based on your tweets -- >> our tweets will power the tree? >> from the bottom to the top, it will rise. and a reminder, if case i didn't already, here you go. tonight, 8:00 pm, 7:00 central, watch the fun in technicholor. >> isn't it likely that both trees will be fully lit by -- >> tomorrow's debate, color tree or not and after that, real or >> tomorrow's debate, color tree or not and after that, real or fa this is the one. can we go for a test drive? oh sure, i'll be right back. thanks. leather, running boards... carmax quality certified, low, no-haggle price, 5-day money back guarantee ... that's great... and, a roof rack for the kayak! we don't have a kayak. we could get a kayak. ready to roll? yes, we are. with more than 35,000 cars nationwide, carmax has the perfect car for...everybody. carmax. start here. ♪ ♪ it's a marshmallow world in the winter. ♪ [ woman ] i will embrace change... everything life throws my way. except for frown lines. those i'm throwing back. [ female announcer ] olay total effects. nourishing vitamins, and seven beautiful benefits in one. for younger-looking skin. so while your life may be ever-changing... ♪ ...your beautiful skin will stay beautiful. total effects from olay. your best beautiful. ♪ that's how it goes whenever it snows. ♪ ♪ the world is your snowball just for a song. ♪ ♪ get out and move it along. ♪ ♪ dgood morning. it's 7:56 been a life look now at downtown san jose. it has been a wet morning. the bay area is getting some of its heaviest rainfall in literally years. it left many streets throughout the region flooded. for drivers, the wet weather is making for another difficult commute this morning. here is a live look at highway 101 in san jose. that is near 680. traffic has been slow on roadways across the bay area. this is a much needed series of storms, but it doesn't mean it's causing you some inconveniences this morning. let's check in with christina and see where things stand. >> the timing is pretty bad, sam, right in the heart of the morning drive. steady showers coming in on top of already flooded roadways. i can tell you right now, though, later on today, we will get a break from the heavy stuff. expecting that to start up between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. as we head throughout the second half of this evening, we will start to dry out. let's me show you what we are expecting. we stop the clock for you at 11:00 a.m. that's when the last band of moisture will come through. we continue that future cast and take you into the evening hours. you can see here at about 8:00, a lot of letup when it comes to the showers. getting light activity up into the north bay. we'll tell you how much we received so far in moments. here is mike with your drive. >> southbound 101 at the sausalito exit. folks jamming up down into that flooded area in fathe north bay pap slow drive because of flooding in pretty much any of the counties around the bay.. slow on either side of the bridges there. in the south bay, your northbound route is starting to sack up. 87 coming into downtown with flooding. back to you. >> shaky and crowded, per usual. we'll see you again in 25 minutes with another update on news, weather and traffic. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, more "i dos" than "i don'ts," an in-depth look at the state of marriage in america and the news is good. holiday scams. financial expert suze orman stops by with advice on what to avoid this time of year. and putting toys to the test. get them into the hands of kids themselves as they share which ones are naughty or nice, "today," wednesday, december 3rd, 2014. ♪ >> all the way from arkansas, we love the "today" show! >> good morning from ohio. >> traveled from idaho and here to meet al. >> whoo! >> turning 30 on "today." >> whoo! ♪ it's 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 3rd day of december, 2014. we've got a very excited prechristmas tree lighting crowd on rockefeller plaza. >> they are excited. they are loud. can you hear me, tamron? >> i cannot hear a word! . i think you asked me about the lights. >> yes. >> and white is winning big. let's go into the orange room. #white lights. white christmas tree is almost from the bottom to the top. and, matt, you were doubtful of my new technology. >> no, no. i just think at the end you might find two well-lit trees. i'm not surprised to see the all white lights winning. >> here is the thing. we just had a little pow wow. we both grew up with multicolored lights. >> as did i. but later in life -- >> all white. >> tinsel or no tinsel? >> no tinsel. >> garland or no garland? >> no garland? >> judy garland, though. >> there we have it. we'll keep an eye on the trees and let you know at the end of the show. >> what color are your christmas balls? >> we are so excited this morning, not just because of the tree lighting but supersized steals and deals. to get it started early, jill, is inside. she is inside with the first bargain. let her rip. >> we wanted to get everything started. here is the sneak peek. i lot a lot of tweets. first, what about the men? izod men's coats, $230 to $250. four coats, three colors. i love this one. it has a detachable scarf. if you lose everything, like me, this is foolproof. retail $230 to $250. the deal? $69. that's up to 72% off. coming up in 16 minutes, we will have eight more unbelievable deals. see you then. >> jill's just getting started. we'll see her in a bit. all right. let's get a check of the top stories. natalie is inside. take it away. >> all right, guys. good morning once again, everybody. >> people in parts of california are on edge this morning with more heavy rain expected and the threat of more flooding for the next day or so. nbc's jacob rascon is in glendora, east of los angeles. jacob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. this is the second strongest storm to hit southern california this year. with another wave of rain, we are expecting it could be the strongest system the area has seen in many years. we have already had mud flows in the mountains. more than 6 inches in one area. we've seen massive preparations of what they take very seriously here. all of the sandbags. people have lost homes here, especially those who live in the foothill communities near where there have been area that is have recently burned. the rain is expected later today so they are getting ready today. >> jacob rascon in glendora, california. thank you. two schools are closed in knoxville, tennessee, this morning after a tragic crash leaving three dead and more than 20 injured. nbc's kerry sanders hat story. >> reporter: it's a parent's worst nightmare. an accident the tennessee highway patrol troopers have yet to fully piece together. what they do know is one school bus was headed east on the rain-slicked road when, without explanation, it crossed the median and right into oncoming traffic, hitting another school bus on the other side of the road. in all, 27 passengers, some in kindergarten, were thrown violently from their seats, including fifth grader joy raymond. >> oh, my gosh. i was scared. everybody was screaming. we have to get out, we have to get out! >> reporter: two students and a school aide died in the crash. >> we just ask the community to pray for -- for the loss of life. >> reporter: the school buses in knoxville are like those in most states. they have no seat belts. the national transportation safety board is helping the tennessee highway patrol investigate the accident this morning while awaiting answers from the driver who lost control of the bus. kerry sanders, nbc news. new allegations this morning against bill cosby. a 55-year-old woman has now filed a civil suit against the comedian, accusing him of childhood sexual abuse. in the suit, judy huth claims cosby abused her at the playboy mansion when she was just 15 years old. she claims the incident caused psychological damage and significant problems throughout her life. she's the first civil lawsuit against cosby since one was settled out of court nine years ago. with the lighting of the rockefeller center christmas tree just hours away, last night, the focus was on capitol hill. >> 3-2-1. >> house speaker john boehner, other congressional leaders on hand for the tree lighting at the capitol. this year's tree is an 88-foot white spruce from minnesota decorated with thousands of handmade ornaments. just gorgeous there with the capitol dome under construction off in the distance. 8:06 now. let's get another check of the weather with mr. roker. al? >> thanks so much, natalie. we've got these kids. my friends say i'm crazy to stand out here. where are you guys from? >> connecticut. >> connecticut. you're missing school today? that's a good mom and dad to let you do that. wow! my mom wouldn't let me do that. all right. let's see what we have for you today. more rain in california. they need it. that's the good news. heavier rain to the north. they'll get heavy rain moving into southern california as well just as we get into the morning rush hour. some areas picking up five to six inches of rain, especially in the foothills. even as you get down into southern california. and it's going to be windy, too, with wind gusts of 45 miles per hour. that's what's going on around th 8:07. still getting some rain, not quite as steady as it was at this time yesterday morning, but we have heavy pockets and we'll continue to see this rain stream onshore, at least for the next few hours. you can see we're getting pretty good down pours right now through san jose and that extends into the tri-valley. as we get into the afternoon, showers stop to clear. i stop the clock at 11:00, last wave comes through. by 8:00 tonight, mostly dry for the bay area. light showers for thursday and next rain on friday. est weather. >> al, thank you very much. coming up on trending, new take on taylor swift's hit "shake it off." anyone who is tired of no-shave november. >> divorce on the decline. why the state of marriage in america may be far better than you think. plus. can you really trust that attempted delivery slip left on your door? suze orman is here with a warning on holiday scams and we will see what tree she prefers. first, these messages. ♪ . this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪ we're celebrating the season with our chicken tortellini alfredo, made with five cheeses, and topped with smoked chicken, add a crisp, classic caesar salad for a pairing that brings comfort and joy to your dinner table. only at panera bread. it's the curly hair you tried to fight it. hide it. change it. not anymore. professional strength frizz ease. our powerful spray gives you smooth, frizz-free curls that are ready for anything. frizz ease. only from john frieda. did you get chips for the party? nope. (ding) cheese plate? cheese plate. no, i made something better. you used the oven? boom. pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. when you feel good no one is immune. with antioxidants, electrolytes, and b vitamins plus more vitamin c than ten oranges. emergen-c transforms more than just water. emergen-c. let your awesome out. too bad some cash back cards only let you earn bonus cash back at a few places. then those categories change every few months. sometimes it's drug stores, then it's hardware stores. nothing says "happy holidays" like a shovel. fortunately there's the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase every day. tis the season to ask... what's in your wallet? tis the season to ask... think the tree we carved our names in is still here? probably dead... how much fun is this? what? what a beautiful sunset... if you like sunsets. whether you're sweet or salty... you'll love nature valley sweet and salty bars. ♪ behold, the subway steak, egg white and cheese: start your morning off right with juicy, sizzly steak, stacked high with protein-packed egg whites, melty cheese and whatever else you love, like jalapeños or spinach - all on warm, toasty flatbread. subway. eat fresh. it's so delightful. ♪ ♪ so's my surface, ♪ it's just as powerful. ♪ you can write with a pen? ♪ you can say that again. ♪ i really like my surface pro 3. ♪ ♪ hey what's that, ♪ is it a kickstand? ♪ touchscreen too, ♪ it's pretty slick, man. ♪ it comes apart i see. ♪ it's got a usb. ♪ i think i like your surface pro 3. ♪ no seriously, where can i get one? dry skin heal it... want to hibernate? ...with nivea extended moisture body lotion. it intensively moisturizes for 48 hours. that's twice as long as the leading lotion claims. soft and smooth all winter... ...with nivea. whoa! if you have dandruff sign up for get out of here!! 50% off laser hair removal. you've been matched. linda s. is only 3.2 miles away. no no no. request accepted. match confirmed. message from linda. what's up brandon? control your entire home without your private data ever being shared. introducing wink. it's like a robot butler, but not as awkward. now, that's a burger. and now you can pay and go when you're ready. now, isn't that convenient? the new lunch double burger from chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. all right. we're back at 8:13. time for what's trending today. debunking the myth of mean girl. we all know the concept, those of us who went to junior high really know the concept. it's been popularized in movies and tv shows like "mean girls." researchers at the university of georgia say actually when it comes to that nasty behavior at school, boys are much worse than girls at every grade level studied. researchers said boys are more likely than girls to engage in what they're calling relational aggression. >> i have a 13-year-old boy and 11-year-old girl. i disagree with this. >> i'm going to go from personal experience. i with his a 13-year-old girl. i feel like girls are meaner than boy. >> girls hold a grudge where guys get into it and then they're friends. >> it settles more quickly. >> if they hated you at the beginning of school they didn't like you at the end of school. >> boys talk about a lot of other things together and girls talk about each other. >> i agree. >> all right. >> so much for that study. >> entitled to their own opinion. vacation hot spot. this is nice. colorful photos, fun water park, slides, pyramids, other attractions. >> love to go here. >> this looks like a great place to take the family, >> yeah. >> here's the catch. >> what's that? >> it's north korea. it's that same north korea run by kim jong un. launching a new site to lure tourists. huffington calling the post more strange than inviting. here is the other little problem. >> what's that? >> isn't that the same country that put a ban on tourism because of the ebola crisis? >> but come on down. >> wow! >> got to go. on tuesday we mentioned brian williams is marking ten years as anchor of "nightly news." how better to celebrate than going on "the tonight show" and slow jamming the news with jimmy fallon? speaking of jimmy, entertainment weekly declared him entertainer of the year. >> wow! >> i think we all agree. >> definitely. >> well earned. it was for a good cause, we know that. guys, no-shave november is over. it is time to trim your facial hair. i was the worst offender last year. i kept it going until after february. ladies sick of seeing scruff are having a new anthem. it's called "shave it off," obviously a spin on taylor's "shake it off" ♪ make my tummy ache ache ache you just got to shave shave shave shave it off shave it off ♪ >> where was that anthem a couple of days ago? >> it's an intervention. >> all right. that's what's trending today. >> you know what's not trending? divorce. >> hmm. >> you hear all the time the statistic that half the marriages in this country end in divorce. is that actually true? today, sheinelle jones is here with surprising new findings. good morning to you. >> good morning. it's practically become conventional wisdom, the notion that a couple getting married only has a grim 50/50 shot at making it. recent numbers are showing that more couples than we think are living happily ever after. it's a familiar story. first comes love, then comes marriage, then for half of couple s comes the divorce. according to the "new york times," that story is now fiction. >> it was true in the '70s and early '80s, but it has not been true for three decades now. >> turns out when couples say "i do" nowadays they really mean it. >> divorce rate is declining for each generation, for people married in the 2000s, it appears it will be lower than it has since well before the boom in divorces we had in the '70s and '80s. >> 60% of couples in the 1970s and '80s made it to their 15th anniversary. in the '90s, 70% made it. if the trends continue, experts predict two-thirds of all married couples will keep their vows. one reason? gender roles just aren't what they used to be. >> marriages tend to be about love now. women don't need men to support them. we have our own salaries, our own careers. they no longer feel they need one man to validate their lives. >> and with that comes freedom to wait for mr. right. >> they're choosing much more carefully and they're marrying the right man. >> it's a modern generation of couple with his a whole new set of social norms. >> both of them are likely to work. both of them are likely to do child care and housework and both of them can share time spending their passions and their shared interests. it's not like it was before and is creating more stable marriages. >> reporter: why has this 50% myth continued? >> it's still around because of pop culture. it's a running joke. it's a punch line. because we hear it all the time, we assume it's true. >> reporter: a story debunked, giving new hope for couples looking to live the fairy tale. another interesting finding in that "new york times" article, while fewer couples are choosing to get divorced, if it does happen, two-thirds of the time it's initiated by the woman. so, guys, times are changing. >> interesting. >> wow! >> isn't it true a lot of people are staying together because it's expensive to get divorced. >> it's expensive to get divorced. a lot of couples are living together, choosing not to get married all together and a lot of couples are saying we're going to stay single and leave our kids so that leaves the pool of people deciding to get married, a lot of them are doing it for love and not money or anything else. >> little better new. >> good news. >> we're staying with it. >> sheinelle, we appreciate it. let's go over to savannah. >> all right. let's keep the party going. to our special supersized edition of steals and deals. cue the confetti. twice as many bargains, ready to be shipped to you in time for the holidays. jill martin is here with the detail. >> i love confetti at 8:19 in the morning. >> let's do it. tell us about it. >> we showed the izod coats. if you want these, get on immediately. everything has been selling out. italian silk tie. retail $125. choice of 15 italian silk ties in different patterns and colors. 100% silk, retail $125. the deal $37.50. that's 70% off. >> beautiful. tie for dad, boyfriend, what have you. >> boyfriend? >> that's another segment. tell us about these wraps. >> always big, barrel cashmere wrap scarves, retail $595. super soft. you can attest to that. cashmere scarf. handmade in the u.s., 100% italian cashmere, available in four colors. angelina jolie, demi moore and sharon stone. retail $595. deal is $79. >> real good. love these for traveling. it's like wearing a blanket. >> they're terrific. it's freezing here. >> we have a fan in natalie morales. >> for the tree lighting tonight, these are perfect. >> natalie, get yourself over here. she put the steal in steals and deals. >> i want the gloves. >> they're good. they're soft. >> they're beautiful. cashmere lining. >> i don't even need to be here. retail, $140. classic leather gloves with cashmere lining. available in extra small to large. so i wear medium. just if you want to check it out so you know what to get. extra small to large. carried at neiman marcus, retail $140. deal $42. that's 70% off. >> cashmere lining is -- >> fabulous. >> great. great gift. handbags. >> always big. the retail $498. this is called the kim bag. genuine leather. spacious enough for this to be your everyday bag that you throw everything in. looks really chic. available in six colors. cameron diaz and mila kunis. $498. the deal $99. >> you can fit everything in here. >> it's an investment. it's a bag you have for a very long time. >> tell us about this. >> ayres body care gift sets, three different set options includes body lotion, body cream, body powder, body polish. retail $109. the deal $33. >> guys or girls? >> they're unisex but they come packaged really beautifully. so this is one of those easy ones. you throw a bow on it. >> did you do the smell test? >> yeah. i like it. i think you're going to like it. >> i'm sure i will. >> i'm not saying anything this week after the alpaca debacle. >> alpaca gate. >> yeah. necklace retails for $198. great to layer. offering necklaces with inspirational words on them. love, peace, dream. available in silver and 18 karat gold. >> this one says alpaca. how interesting. >> or joy. fans of brand include cameron diaz, jessica alba. retail $190. deal $49. 74% off. >> really pretty. nice staple there. gorgeous candles. >> these are major and also a great housewarming gift. dl & company luxury candles, retail $85. you get a set of four. and then there's a medium candle and a large candle. you have to choose one. go online to see the situation. >> either a set of four or the medium or the large. >> candles range from 80 to 100 hours of burn time carried in barneys, bloomingdale's. retail $85. the deal $25. >> good hostess gift, that kind of thing. >> and great packaging also. i'm very into getting everything, throwing a bow on and being done. >> wrapping. >> speak of bows, it's great to have the wrapping paper to present the fabulous gift. retail $126. it's an exclusive wrapping paper set just for us. the set includes 36 sheets of paper, 24 gift tags and over 8 yards of string for gift tags, four styles to choose from. >> it's not your traditional holiday paep paper. it's kind of interesting. >> for your personality. like you would be -- >> oh, the leopard print? >> animal print. wild child. >> maybe it's an alpaca actually. it doesn't have to be holiday shopping. it could be any wrapping all year long. >> deal $31.99. 75% off. supersized. >> it is supersized. men's coats from izod. the ties from serica. the wrap scarf from beryll. the portolano gloves that natalie stole, the purse, the ayers beauty set, lena wald necklace, dl & company candles and the wrapping paper. let's send it over to matt. i have suze orman. how do you know if you've been scammed? >> you just checked your credit card statement or credit report go to it's free! that's what you need to you're watching today in the bay. >> good wednesday morning. it's 8:26. i'm sam brock. thanks for joining us. another wet morning around the bay area. many places have not seen this much rainfall in at least a couple of years. here's a live look right now at downtown san jose, where the back end of this morning's storm is still kind of rolling through. the rush of water left some drivers stranded in san jose this morning, including one very unlucky woman along the alameda near s.a.p. center. that woman was forced to wade from her car to safety. you see there several feet of standing water. crews had to clear a nearby clogged drain to get the car out, but those scenes playing out all over the bay area roadways. for a check of what's closed, we'll check in with mike. >> there's been reports all around the bay right now, still a couple lanes closed at the sausalito exit. here in the south bay, water on the lens causing a odd effect, but this is north of 680, wet roadways here as the sun comes out. stlouer drives northbound throughout, flooding at 101 and first street. things are better crossing the bay view and dunbarton or san mateo bridges, but slow because of the build to the commute starting to calm down now. earlier flooding here. bart delays into san francisco. back to you. >> some issues for drivers this morning, no doubt. as a toddler, i enjoy three activities. breaking things... spilling things... and just general destruction, in the abstract sense. so i, for one, am not a big fan of nest. you see, the dropcam is always watching... even when my folks are in another room. i rue the day that this product was invented. but i'm not 100% sure what rue means. nest dropcam. welcome to a more thoughtful 8:30 now on this wednesday morning. it's the 3rd of december, 2014. and our holiday toy drive is in full swing now. that is pauly shore, collecting toys this morning. and right behind him, paddington bear helping out this morning. we'll be talking to pauly in a couple of minutes, and a documentary on his life coming up in our next half hour. soon you'll be able to catch this guy right here, paddington, on the screen. the first movie based on the popular children's series out january 16th. other stars like nicole kidman, lending their voices to paddington as well. >> he's also donating these stuffed toys, dolls to our toy drive. >> i loved paddington as a gkid more of our naughty and nice toys, elementary set will be testing out the toys, including this year's hottest gifts. does our panel approve? what do you guys think? like it? >> that is so cute. suze orman is here to protect you from the holiday scams that you can get caught up in. and the very talented and beautiful actress rosario dawson is here. first let's get a check of the weather. >> it will clear up in the northeast. rain will be coming to an end. plenty of sunshine through the plains. more heavy rain, northern california, parts of oregon into southern california. look for gulf coast sunshine. for the christmas tree lighting tonight, winds out of the west at 10 to 15. scattered clouds, temperatures mid to upper 40s. great night for everybody to come down to rockefeller center. tomorrow, more rain through the mid mississippi river valley, into texas. wet weather into southwest. mountain snows in the cascades, sierra. look for wet weather there as well. sunshine returns to the eastern seaboard. temperatures start to moderate through the gulf coast, good morning to you. the time is 8:32. some good news from all the rain we've received. showers are starting to let up, but some great totals to tell you about. over three inches, almost three and three quarters in san francisco since sunday. that's more rain than we've seen, four days in all of 2013. and that takes 18.5% of the total amount necessary to get out of the drought. just over four days. i want to show you san jose. we're still picking up heavy rainfall down here. otherwise showers starting to really let up. >> and what a cutie. who is this? >> caroline. >> she is gorgeous. matt? >> for most of us, the holiday season is a pretty busy time. that holds true for criminals as well. seasonal scams to watch out for is our good friend, suze orman, host of the suze orman show. >> good morning to you matt. >> comes to holiday time, you might as well hang a big old sign outside of your house saying i'm ready to spend money. and the criminals see that. >> they see that because you're more into spending than saving. >> you just purchased something online. now you get a notification to confirm your package delivery. what do you have to watch out for? >> here is what will happen. two things. normally what will also happen, you could come home and see on your door a little tag that says tried to deliver the package. you weren't here. please give us a call. you call them. they ask you for information. you give it to them and, guess what, it's not them. >> what would they ask you for? credit card or social security number? >> prove to me that it's you. if anybody in any situation, whether it's online or not, it's asking you for information. do not give it to them. they should have the information that you need. >> often times this time of the year, and i think this happened to you, you'll get a call from your bank saying we're noticing a lot of activity on your credit card. where is the scam there possibly? >> the scam is it wasn't even my bank. we see activity on your american express card. they didn't address me by name or say anything else, on your american express card. please call this number. now i knew that it wasn't them because they don't have the number i was at. so be very careful. if anybody calls you, do not call them back at the number they give you. call them back at the number that is on your card and see if they really called you or not. >> a lot of people going into the store today and the next couple of weeks. in their wallet they have a debit card and credit card. which should they be using through the holiday season? >> truthfully, cash but use a credit card. >> why? >> you're protected so much more with a credit card by how it works than a debit card and many debit cards are connected to your savings account. they can get all the information and there you go. use a credit card. like i said to you, check your credit card statements to see if you've been scammed. >> especially in the months of january and february. you have a lot of charges on there. go through them carefully to see if they're all yours. >> chances rrks they're not. or if you bought something you can be charged twice for it. you never know. just look at your credit card statements. it's not a big deal, people. >> this one is going to get me. you go to a public place during the holidays or any time. you have wifi. you want to log on. you say be very careful. >> really careful. >> before public wifi. >> god forbid we should just use 3g, 4g. how do you know whose wifi system it is? you could be logging on to somebody's wifi that isn't the airports. >> you mean someone set up a hot spot? >> absolutely, getting all your information. now they have your information and now you're primed to have your identity stolen. >> it seems they have gotten more sophisticated. phishing scams seem passe but they're still around. >> hey, we have a great discount for you. go and do this. be very careful. how do you know it's really the retailer contacting you? be very careful of any retailer link that you connect to, it might not be what you think. >> gift cards are so popular this time of year. you say be very careful where you're buying them. >> buy them from behind the counter. those that are out for everybody. thieves are coming, scanning the numbers. they then put them back. you then buy them. they keep checking. once you activated, now they can steal all the money on that card. only buy a gift card if it's held behind the counter. >> wow! we're going to call you mrs. grinch from now on. >> just use cash. just use cash. >> suze orman, always good to have you here. >> thanks, matt. >> thank you very much. coming up, more tips on and up next, naughty or nice? putting the toy's hottest seasons for elementary kids in the experts themselv sexperts, d ♪ we're back at 8:39 with our series, naughty or nice, kids put toys to the test, and we put the hottest new toys in the hands of kids and parents, and each one was reviewed by families around the country. this morning we are focusing on the early school years, ages 5 to 8. stephanie is co-founder. remind us of the criteria. >> we asked parents to look at the packaging. how easy was it to get the toy out of the box. we asked them to look at the quality of the toy and design, and assembly, were the instructions clear? was it fun? that's the big question, right? and we asked kids to score the toy and also the parents, and sometimes those didn't match up, which brings us to our first toy. and one of the kids wanted to give it the double perfect score, but his mother thought the motor of it was noisy for the apartment building. >> you have to mount it to the wall. >> another parent thought that all of these instructions were a bit much and not as clear as could be, so it got a 23 overall. and then this is a mouthful. it's a max trax racer tracer, and they light up, the tracks light up and glow in the dark, and you turn on the cars and the cars lead a tracer of light, which will be demonstrated for us over there, but you have to be in the dark room to make it work. parents wish there were more accessories and you can buy other loops and track options. >> it only comes with the one c car? >> no, comes with two. and you can build on it. and then james is working on the lego "star wars" star fighter, and that's the only toy for the whole week that got a perfect score. parents love that it really goes together and their kids have a prop for pretend play and it got high marks for clarity of instructions. and erin is working on ro roominates. it has circuits where you can turn the lights on, and when the circuit is connected proper it can spin. >> it looks complicated. >> it's something you can do with parent and child, and erin is older so she will be fine on her own. that was the parents had that there were a lot of pieces to it. and then kids love to make things that they can show up and enjoy, and this is one of the hot toys of the season. this is so cool from spin master. the idea is that kids get the sense of sewing, but the needle is basically inclosed so you don't have that injury issue. parents wanted to test this toy and some kids thought it was fun and engaginengaging, and some p said it jammed, and you can only use their fabric or felt, and so it lost a few points on that basis and got a 23. and then there's a headbands kit. i like giving kids craft for the holidays and they are home and need an activity. they have lots to do and can share with a friend. ten headbands. and this is wonderful, these are journey girls from toys "r" us. our testers loved them because they said they were almost too beautiful. this collection of dolls are going to london, that's the theme, and they are $39.99. you don't have to spend a fortune to get a beautiful doll. and one comment was that they take a long time to get out of the packages, very complicated. and then this is the "it" toy of the season, and our kids loved him. he was very hard to get out of the packaging. he is motion activated. he also has a remote control. one of the parents said the remote did not work so lost points on that. >> stephanie, thank you so much. we'll see you tomorrow. if you want to know more about the reviews you just saw, go to tomorrow we'll have toys for tweens. rosario dawson and what it's like to be directed by chris rock. first this i we're back now at 8:46 with one of the stars of the movie "top five," rosario dawson plays a journalist who follows chris rock's character around the city for a day. they get to talking about comedians and authors. >> i say that and they're like, yeah, i really love -- i'm like, you haven't read truman capote. stop! >> even jesus didn't tell his followers everything. >> eddie murphy. >> i once saw murphi and michael jackson within two months of each other and eddie was better. >> too much love no love at all, that kind of broke my heart. >> rosario dawson, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> two words, chris rock. >> love, j'adore. >> he was here monday. >> i've known him since i was 19. we took our banter that we have in real life and trying to translate it into this movie. he saying the crazy things he does and me putting rainbows. he's kind of the stick in the mud. >> it also ups the ante for an actor when you start shooting it. >> he says i probably auditioned him for this movie. when i read it, i was like, this is really great. that's awesome. have fun with that. and he was like, wait, no! i like this character a lot. she wasn't jumping off the page at me. my grandmother had passed and i said i need a break. he said we will be collaborative. i want to make it happen. and i fell in love with chelsea brown. it was exciting. >> we see that clip. i showed another clip when chris was here on monday. there's an incredible banter. i know chris is a big fan of woody allen. it reminds me of a woody allen type of banter but heavily reliant on timing and rhythm. >> yes. >> did it come naturally? >> yes. >> what do you mean? >> comedic timing. he would just -- as much as i would say we need more space to get to this part, and he would go absolutely. we ended up even reshooting. we had ton one seen on union square we shot three times and went back to the location over and over again. i was like, i love you, but it's not working yet. we did reshoots and we added a scene in a liquor store that hadn't been there before. on the other side when i'm having to do things with with hot sauce and anders is there and he's super game. i'm like, really, do i have to? he's like, you have to do this with two fingers. he knows his comedy, i know my drama and it was a good fit. >> he is a little intimidating. as an interviewer -- >> he is not intimidating. >> it is. you know you're sitting across from one of the greatest stand-up comedians of the last ten years. >> he will be impossible if you continue. >> i already told him that. it's such a nice holiday story. you recently adopted a daughter. >> yeah. i very rarely talk about tabloid speculation. this is not an exception. my family is incredibly private, most of us anyway. i don't think anyone is going to be writing a book any time soon. just because we're too lazy. >> it's such a sweet story. >> no. believe me, if anyone were to talk about this, including myself, they would be like, no, you're out. mum's the word but i'm really glad to be here to talk about "top five." thank you. >> you get the drama, he gets the comedy but you cross over into comedy a lot. >> he got me. he got me to cross over. it was very exciting. >> rosario, good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> "top five" opens friday. and up we know what that music means. we are back with "the voice" on "today." after a triple elimination, one of the coaches is without a team. carson gets us updated with how it all went down. ♪ that your dreams came true >> last night, america cast their votes and decided which of the top eight contestants on "the voice" made the right song selection and would advance to the semi finals. america saves taylor john williams. >> coach gwen instead stefani w quite sold on "royals" by pop star lorde. >> what if we did something like -- ♪ >> sounded -- i don't know. maybe it was too weird. try it again. >> he stuck to his gun and performed it his way. ♪ we'll never be royals >> turns out he made the right call. fans loved it and voted him through to the next round. >> all the choices that he's making, i'm questioning. i'm like, are you sure you want to do that? that's crazy and he's like, yeah, i'm sure. and that's why i really wanted him on my team. how you do your little shuffle shuffle. >> i love that she challenges me and she wants to know why i want to do something. she trusts me but doesn't just let me say i want to do this and then say, okay. >> in a season packed with superstar performances, the top eight performed nick jonas" as he performed his single "jealous". ♪ i still get jealous. >> as a signed artist singing my song, it was nerve-racking. >> the nerves really kicked in as three singers were eliminated from the competition. five remain to battle it out next week. three of them from team adam. >> adam is such a good coach. >> there is now definitely a chance where all three of us could end up in the finals. >> team pharrell is out of the running. >> there will always be a team pharrell. >> ultimately i plan to be on the show. they're super talented. ♪ >> for "today," carson daly, nbc news, los angeles. >> no team pharrell. >> i know. i can't believe it. >> that is unreal. >> he was in shock. >> i'm in shock. >> we all are. >> exactly. you can catch "the voice monday and tuesday nights here on nbc. >> by the way, natalie doesn't like gwen's hair. >> ow shrks. >> i love her as a plain platinum blond. i'm not sure about those blackeneds. >> wow! pauly shore is coming up. you're watching today in the bay. >> and a good wednesday morning to you. it's 8:56. i'm sam brock. a developing story right now. our chopper live over the west oakland bart station. there are major delays right now through the transbay being felt. the problem, a small fire reported earlier on the tracks near san francisco's embarcadero bart station. that clogged everything up temporarily, allowing one train coming in and out of san francisco at a time. they have cleared that up, but there are still residual delays we continue to follow. the weather a big story, the bay area getting doused from the latest storm. a live look at downtown san jose. christina says this should get better come early afternoon, but something we'll continue to follow. more updates in 25 minutes. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on this special wednesday morning here in new york city and rockefeller plaza. it's december 3rd, 2014. and that means we're lighting up that big old christmas tree right across the way. >> huge crowd already. >> big crowd assembling for that. i'm willie along with al, natalie, tamron. you know that by now. >> right now, in that dead zone between thanksgiving and christmas. >> happy holidays. >> yeah. >> tree lights, boom. >> then it's all bets are off. you can come with any holiday you like gl and you can start playing the tune. >> they've been playing them at least for a week. >> i watch -- >> lots of people argue with me about that. >> we've had this conversation. >> by some people you mean -- >> "die hard." >> we maintain, the ladies, that "die hard" is not a christmas movie, blowing up buildings and terrorists. >> ho, ho, ho. >> hans gruber is kind of like -- he's my santa claus. great performance. lady gaga. tony bennett, cyndi lauper, idina menzel. >> the very talented -- >> darius rubbing rucker. >> if you're here in new york, come down and join us. >> there's a bonus hour that starts at 7:00 on some local station. >> what's the bonus hour? >> it's more of us. >> and more of the performers. >> and more of the performers. mostly performers, little of us. performers, us. >> cool. >> you guys see this video? we had this on earlier in the newscast. this is coming to us out of eastern china. take a look. a woman who -- she was driving along and -- do we have the video? she's driving along. she goes into the canal. falls in. she's in there for a couple of minutes. thank goodness there were some bystanders who actually used their clothing to help rescue her and pull her to safety. it's incredible that she was okay otherwise. >> we run this back from the beginning, here is what -- >> she hits the pole. >> she hits the circle and that knocks her into the water. >> you're so crazy. >> they have a barrier. was she speeding? >> she hit the pole and that ejected -- >> it was bobbing up and down like an apple. >> do you have that fear when you're going over bridges or near canals? if it's a windy day especially, i hang on and my hands are at 2:00 and 10:00 on the steering wheel. >> oh, sure. >> the florida bridge near tampa, the bridge that never ends. >> the bridge -- >> the keys. >> gosh! >> i still see where they blew the bridge up, "true lies." >> that's what i think of. where he holds on -- >> that's the best. >> guy movies. >> you never seen true -- jach y jamie lee actually. >> the little boy runs in the airplane, holds up the sign, tells her he loves her. >> one thing we can agree on. >> what? >> brian williams is america's anchor. >> yes, he is. >> and he marked his tenth anniversary the ""nbc nightly news"." the only way you can mark an anniversary, join jimmy fallon. >> if you want me to stop taking executive action. ♪ my pres obama don't my pres obama don't ♪ ♪ my pres obama don't want none unless you pass a bill hon ♪ >> congratulations on hosting the 16th hour of the "today" show. >> excuse me, jimmy. how long have you been behind your desk? >> ooh. >> ten months. >> ooh. >> and then it goes on into peter pan. all right, peter pan sr. >> i love that. >> peter pan will be amazing tomorrow night. >> tomorrow night. 8:00, right? >> i cannot wait. >> watching television with family week. >> it is. >> i like that. i like that. >> go on nbc and rip off the dial, man. just leave it right there. >> take the batteries out. >> out of the remote. >> olden days you ripped off the dial. >> when there were actual dials. i'm old enough, i remember -- i remember back in the day, you had two dials on your tv. you had one that went from two to 13. then a little slide that didn't even click that went from 14 to 107. that was uhf. >> remember we had to adjust the antenna? >> there were two separate antenna, the rabbit ears, then there was a circle. and you had to try to find -- >> back in my day, we had that, too. >> yeah. but you were probably -- you were probably sitting there on your mama's lap. >> on your mama's lap. >> i remember adjusting those rabbit ear. >> i love that natalie is your backup. you go and she's like, yeah. >> what happened to you? >> my dad had a remote. he would go up to one of those, change the channel. channel five. okay. >> is that all we need? >> if i had been smart enough, i would have moved one kid over. there were six of us. >> cackling over here. oh, my god. >> with that exact act. unbelievable. we did a survey this week about the most popular baby names of the year. >> right, baby center. >> baby released the top baby names, mason, liam, olivia, ava. >> all in my kids class. >> now parents are kicking themselves saying i thought it was so unique when i chose it five, six years ago and it turns out everyone was naming their kids the same thing. >> liam was a cool name. officer kid i knew as liam. now it's everywhere. >> my son, nicky, had three other nicky's in his class, three other nicholases in his class. nicky, nicholas, nicholas s. and ni nicky r. >> they call her lucy g. at class. and that kind of stuck. sometimes we call her lucy g. >> don't say that. we have a colleague. the kid's name is sophie. there were three other sophie's out of the class. they had taken out of the class because they wanted her to feel special. >> what? >> like a sophie's choice. >> true story. true(;s)xstory. >> huh? >> true story. had her taken out of the class because she felt like she blended in and they wanted her to feel unique and special. >> home school her? >> no, no. there was another second grade class. >> you said they took her out. >> took her out of that one class. >> oh, okay. i don't know. people do that. >> no, no. they took her out of that particular class and had her moved -- >> back in my day, you said take her out, it meant something else. >> what is happening to you? >> i don't know. >> dr. google. >> i'm sorry. >> wednesday. there's a trend happening at some fancy restaurants, some high-end restaurants. they are actually switching to advanced ticketing system. what that means is you pay for your meal when you make the reservation. so before you get there, before you get a feel of the place, before you get out of your car, you pay for your meal. not refundable. >> what? >> service charge is included. bar bill paid at the restaurant. you walk in. boom, bam. >> what? >> couple of things. these are literally the fanciest restaurants in the united states. >> right. >> great restaurants. >> just high end. >> i'm telling the audience at home. the reason they do this is because no-shows kill restaurants. >> yes. >> if a bunch of people don't show up -- >> i guess if it's a large party or big table that you're reserving but if it's me and my husband going out to dinner -- >> the babysitter doesn't show -- >> no show kills restaurants. bad food kills me. i want to be able to eat my food and pay if it's delicious or not. especially if it's high-end. if i get a meal that's terrible or service is bad -- >> you run out the door. >> no, i'm saying, if it happens -- i rarely -- i don't send anything back because i was a waitress and you don't ever want to do that. eat it or go home hungry. you don't want to send your food back. with that said, i think that's a little shady. i don't like that. >> when you call for reservation and they ask for a credit card number, i don't know. not doing it. >> i understand the business side of things but the bottom line is your job is to make your customers happy. >> seems like they're taking advantage of you. >> a customer's world. if you're in the service industry. >> #pay before #pay after. if you're a restaurant owner go to our page and explain why this makes sense. >> ahead of time for my mcrib. >> they don't make those anymore, do they? >> yeah, they do. certain places. they're limited. anyway, we are not limited as far as rain is concerned. out in california, flash flood watches, central and southern california where we're talking about heavy rain. still moving in to the area. in fact, you can see, heavy showers and thunderstorms now moving into stran. some mountain snows. also rain continuing into southern california as well. we'll be watching this now over the next 24 hours. in fact, three-year deficit -- they need the rain. almost 27 inches below normal, 27 inches down as far as rainfall in los angeles. san diego more than a foot down. they do need this rain. as it comes in, they're going to get t unfortunately, it's all coming very heavily at the same time. and these burn areas where they've had the wildfires, there's no vegetation to hold the soil in. we also have the flood watches. mudslides are in danger. one to two inches of rain possible in the mountains. could be even more. and you've got wind gusts to 45 miles per hour. it will be a mess for another 24 hours in northern and all right, al. that's what we're talking about here at home. you can see the radar still lit up from santa rosa down into the santa cruz mountains. valley floor picked up an inch since midnight and in the north bay, two and a half inches. we have more rain trailing along the coastline. the core moves over the bay area, that's when we're expecting another round of severe thunderstorms, maybe even lightning. back into the 60s with showers and thirms ending by tonight. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. up next, we will always love him as the weasel, but pauly shore has had some success since those this holiday. nice clothes? not on her list. what these kids want, your kids have... their health. at st. jude children's research hospital, we're fighting for kids who aren't as lucky as yours. the discoveries at st. jude can help save children close to you. our treatments are used in hospitals all across america. thanks to our research, st. jude has the world's best survival rates for the toughest childhood cancers. and no family ever pays st. jude for anything. our discoveries today could save a child you know, tomorrow. so if you have healthy children, give thanks. give thanks. da las gracias. give thanks. give thanks for the healthy kids in your life. and give to those who are not. go to st. jude dot org or shop wherever you see the st. jude logo. john. loo. latrine. head. bog. the oval office. the porcelain throne. the toilet. no matter what you call it, clorox has been trusted to keep it clean for nearly 100 years. clorox has been trusted to keep it clean new dove body wash with at one breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. ring ring! ...progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. we first met pauly shore with his alter ego. we have seen him since then in "encino man" and more. he just said ugh. hitting the road, doing stand up across the country. in a new documentary "pauly shore stand as loan." take a look. >> the show, everything that i've done since i started has meant something to some people. it's one of the reasons why i'm always on the road, to give them the calming and love and for me to receive the calming and love. it's reciprocal. >> pauly shore, good morning. >> yeah, it's true. yeah, it's true. you go out there, you get it, you give it. it's reciprocal. >> "pauly shore stand as loan" is about your life on and off the road. >> yeah. >> you're getting rid of the schtick a little bit here and showing us more the real side of you. >> in this particular -- i kind of -- i remember joan rivers did that documentary. i think it -- i forgot the title of it. was it called "a piece of me" or -- >> yeah, i think you're right. >> where she dropped everything and just rolled. that's what i did in this documentary. you guys saw it. they sent you a link to it. so it's relatable. i'm out there, busting my butt on the road, playing these small towns, telling jokes, you know, making a living and, you know, it's -- and then, you know, the stuff with my family, dealing with my mom's stuff and all that stuff. i'm not goofing off. it's just like straight. i think it's hilarious, too, thoug though. >> for those of you who don't know, your mom, mitsy shore, she founded the comedy store, launched so many careers like jay leno, all these folks. were you destined, do you feel, to do stand up or did it come naturally? >> i think it's similar to a lot of kid that is fwroe up in the entertainment business. charlie sheen was into it with his father, martin sheen. i have two brothers and a sister. my one brother does real estate. my other brother say psychologist. my sister teaches stand-up. stand-up comedy -- i even talk about it in the film. it's not one of the things that you choose. it chooses you. like i can't wait to get to tennessee. there's that ov and there's that thin thing. i don't care about the flying, hotels, the bad food. i care about getting up there and feeling that connection with people. it's like the best. >> is that easier than being at home and dealing with your mom has parkinson's and dealing with the harder issues? >> yeah. it's interesting because you would think it would be the opposite. you always hear rock bands, yo, i can't wait to get home. fo r me, i can't wait to get on the road. the road is like my home. i'm dealing with my mom -- you're telling me your father. >> my dad, yeah. >> your dad has parkinson's. my mom has great care. she's doing awesome. awesome caregiver named alfred, who takes care of her. but it's sad. being around the comedy store it's a little bit sad. she started it with my father. that's my childhood place. so it's like, it's heavy, you know. >> but there is humor in the film as well. pauly shore, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> watch "pauly shore stands alone" on showtime. >> watch "pauly shore stands alone" onmusical chairs. fun, right? welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet? from now on, no one's taking your seat away. okay buddy, what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. new color sensational creamy mattes from maybelline new york. unique matte-cream formula meets bold pigment color for our smoothest, most seductive mattes. new maybelline creamy mattes. ♪maybe it's maybelline. taking a look at headlines, takata is defying u.s. regulators, defying a midnight deadline, facing fines up to $35 million. they insist a demand for recall nationwide is not necessary and the united states doesn't have the authority to tell a manufacturer to order a recall. suffering from moderate to severe depression and many are not getting help. according to the center for health statistics, the groups most likely to be affect are people between the ages of 40 and 59 years old and women regardless of age. the report also finds people living below the poverty line are more than twice as likely as others to suffer from depression. people with severe depression only one-third say they have spoken with a medical or mental health professional about it within the last year. some new research suggests that many chest x-rays done on children are unnecessary. a study at the mayo clinic looked at hundreds of pediatric chest x-rays and researchers found only 12% of those patients had pneumonia, bro inform chial infections or some other lung problem. they say it exposes children to unnecessary radiation. new study suggesting added benefit from the mediterranean diet. british medical journal study found those who ate had fewer signs of aging. earlier studies showed that it protected against heart disease and this new study show it is may protect your dna. you see a shark jumping out of the water it. the amateur photographer taking picture notified competition organizers. they cleared the water. the surf er near the shark said he was not worried because he "we can climb the highest mountain, reaching up to catch our dream together there is nothing we can't be. dive into the deepest oceans, dance upon the rolling seas, make a moment, keep the memory." "you'll lift me up, for we are free, v/o: "wherever life takes you, take it with you." pandora: unforgettable moments. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. good morning, i'm sam brock. it's 9:26 on your wednesday and the bay area continues to get soaked for a second straight day, causing plenty of headaches for drivers and residents alike. look at this, a car sitting in the middle of that pool of water in mill valley. live look where we're getting reports of extreme flooding on miller avenue and al monte boulevard near highway 101. it's the 101 junction, where we are seeing reports of the most flooding. definitely having an impact on the roadways. we are going to keep you abreast of everything we know as soon as we get more information on that. now to a live look at downtown san jose. the bay area is receiving some of the heaviest rainfall it's seen in years, really. the latest storm started rolling in a little after midnight, leaving some streets flooded. making matters worse for some commuters this morning, major delays on bart through the trans bay, too. our chopper flew over the west oakland bart station about 30 minutes ago. service from bart is now back to normal, but there are still residual backups after smoke reported near the embarcadero station earlier this morning. they had to single track it for awhile, causing residual delays. more on that, as well. a look at weather coming up right after this break. ♪ wow something sounds sweet in here!!!! ♪ need a little honey in the bowl. yeah!!! badabopbopbopa!!! no? must be the honey!!! welcome back now. 9:28. we have heavy rain moving through the north bay. that's the heavy stuff moving through santa rosa, napa, and we are still watching along the coastline. later on this afternoon, another round of storms is going to move through and around noon, 1:00, 2:00, that's where we're going to see the main core push overhead, then things become more spotty. we are talking about showers and thunderstorms later on this afternoon and evening, just like we saw last night. today's highs cool, obviously, with the rain in place, only in the 60s. let's check the drive with mike. >> still a wet, slippery drive. look at here san jose, 101, northbound routes very slow. likely yesterday, a late commute really holding on. slow south 17, as well. keep that in mind, slower on each side of the bay. typical towards fremont and palo alto. saw the flooding in the north bay, marin, mill valley, over here, slow and shaky as the wind starts to build. back to you. >> how about this, mike, in three days, as much rain as we've seen in san francisco in all of last year, just amazing. another update for you in 25 minutes. welcome back to "today" on this wednesday morning, december 3rd, 2014. nice crowd gathering outside, getting ready to light up that tree out there in rockefeller plaza. i'm willie with al, natalie and tamron. you're going to lead us through a taste test. >> try some different coffee here. let start with the blue mug. >> sure. >> okay. all right. get a little sip. >> it's good. >> okay. >> cleanse your palate with a sip of water. >> you're not a coffee guy. >> do the cloear mug now. >> i drink my coffee with milk in the morning, milk and sugar. >> this is about the different kinds of coffee. >> okay. >> and then the white mug. >> hide it a little bit. >> we're not telling the brand. >> poker face is not good. >> okay? all right? >> so strong. >> which one tastes the strongest to you, transparent, blue or white? >> transparent for me. >> blue. >> blue. wow! >> really? a recent study at the federation university, which sounds suspect to me, people's perception of the taste of coffee differed depending on the color of their mug. the white mug should have tasted strongest or most bitter. >> this is all the same coffee? >> all the same coffee. different mugs. >> i was going to say i think they're all the same. >> the white in people's mind, the concentration of the brown reinforced. >> is it darker the color, i think, because of the white? >> right. >> the bolder the flavor you think. >> or by the third one, your tongue is overwhelmed by the bitterness. >> there's that. >> we like cream and sugar. >> the big question is, why would one study this? >> because we don't have much else going on. and you figure there's some tv station in america that will run it. >> because any of these studies, here's willie. what's the point of this? >> what are you thinking at home? >> and, again -- >> study from australia, kay? >> our producer, kay, who is from australia. >> she is. >> will take any opportunity to, you know -- >> i think she gets a kick out of -- >> she's trying to validate her continent. >> coming in with all these fabulous out fits every day. getting a kickback. >> talking about all the rain out west. hoo take a look. right now, heavy rain going on around the san francisco bay area. we asked folks to tweet out their pictures. crews trying to remove multiple cars trapped in deep water in san francisco near cesar chavez. and this also, watch out for flooding. cars stuck from san francisco to san jose. folks thank you for tweeting those to us. it's really pretty amazing. and then hold on a sec. here's another one from nick smith news. nonstop rain pushing sewers to their max. backed up water causing that's right. 9:33 the time right now. still a very active morning, even though we're seeing showers taper down, you can see we have a few pockets in santa rosa and more showers continue to develop just near the monterey bay. all of this activity is going to move in throughout the day. we are not done, in fact, right around noon, 1:00, line of storms is going to push through. then after that, scattered showers and thunderstorms through the evening. temperatures cool with rain and clouds in place only in the mid to upper 60s. >> and that's your latest weather. helping hundreds of deserving kids rest easy with simple nightly comfort. >> being able to read to our kids as we tuck them in at night is something we take for granted. one woman wants to make sure every child has that opportunity. >> on the list, pajamas, books, stuffed animals. these aren't just any gifts. they are comfort items. >> a comfort item is anything that makes you feel good, makes you feel safe at night. >> it's the mission of the precious dreams foundation, founded two years ago by nicole russell. the goal? to help children in transition, foster care, homeless shelters and underserved communities. >> most children have comfort items, whether it be a favorite blanket or bear that they sleep with at night. sometimes parents read stories to their kids before they go to sleep. to know that there are a lot of children that don't have these items and they are sleeping in unfamiliar and uncomfortable environments, they need these items more than anyone. >> with the help of fellow volunteers, nicole puts together these sweet dream bags. each item hand picked for the boy or girl receiving it. >> for ann marie. she's 9 years old and a size 12. >> nicole likes to say it all began with a miracle. >> the idea for precious dreams actually came foov yeaive years. my mom took in a little girl miracle, who used to suffer from nightmares because of things that happened to her before she came to live with our family. >> nicole knew she could help many more kids like her sister and partnered with the department of homeless services, as well as foster agencies throughout new york. >> precious dreams really fills a unique need. at that time of night, in bed alone, sometimes can be the most difficult time. >> but what really makes precious dreams special goes beyond the bags. >> i didn't really have a home. i was moved from home to home, different foster care units and my parents weren't around. >> at each comfort drop, speakers and volunteers share their own experiences. >> i always pushed myself to make sure i got through whatever challenges that came my way. >> and get to know the kids themselves, attacking nightmares and encouraging the right kind of dreams. >> we're going to go around. i'm going to ask each of you to tell me what it is that you want to be when you grow up. >> i want to be a computer technician. >> i want to be a teacher. >> a doctor. >> i want to be an artist. >> artist and i want to build. >> being called out is a big deal for these kids. >> trying to give as many kids possible comfort and precious dreams. >> i'm not going to have any more bad dreams. >> when the children feel comfortable at night, they're able to sleep better, then they wake up with more hope. that's something that we want for all children. >> right now precious dreams serves the new york city area with two comfort drops a month. one of her goals is to open new chapters in 2015. to learn more about precious dreams, head to our website, coming up next, we'll show you how some great holiday coming up next, we'll show you how some great holiday getaways for the what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog, todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners', multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest. walgreens knows the holidays are full of surprises. that's why, whenever the need arises... walgreens is always right around the corner, so you can get in and out in no time. and help keep the magic in your holidays. at the corner of happy and healthy. plus get up to $20 in jingle cash on next week's purchase of $30 or more. (together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! we givecold your you give them the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. in delicious gummies too! winter is hard on your face. the start of sneeze season. the wind-blown watery eyes. and of course, the snow angels with your little angels. that's why puffs is soft. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin. they help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better. so you can always put your best face forward. a face in need deserves puffs indeed. try puffs softpack today. it's the flexible pack that fits anywhere. if aunder a microscope, put we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. it's cookie time. cookie time? it's cookie time. get your betty on. show 'em what you got. ahhh! you can do this. this! betty crocker sugar cookie mix. your head start to homemade. get your betty on! al, there's nothing like fake snow falling across the tv screen. >> i thought that was dandruff. if you're thinking of taking a great vacation with your family, here with the best winter wonder lands out there. christmas is coming right up. >> only three weekends away, breev it or not. >> great wolf lodge. i love these. >> have you ever been? >> i have. >> it's amazing. there's 12 locations throughout the country. and they have indoor water parks, which is awesome when it is really cold outside, like it is in here. you can go inside and they have all these slides and water activities. they also transform the hotel in a winter snow land for kids. you can also dine inside of a real gingerbread house, gigantic gingerbread house. you can't eat the gingerbread house, but you eat inside of the gingerbread house. >> by the end of the season, the house is gone. >> eat the walls for dessert. >> it's $199 a night for a suite there. gaylord hotels has a bunch of locations including a good one in nashville, i must say. what are they providing this holiday season? >> they have an exhibit called ice, aptly named because they have colored ice sculptures and a giant ice slide that kids can slide down. this is really cool. they also have an exhibit of frosty the snowman made out of ice. they start at $256 a night. >> different from the ice slide you had in college. and let's go to the self-described sweetest place on earth, hershey, pennsylvania. >> hershey park. the land of chocolate. this time of year it transforms into candy lane where they have more than 2 million lights. 30 of the rides are open and they have live reindeer. i don't know if they get them on loan from santa or -- >> sure. >> -- what's going on. they have a trail that you can drive through in your car, two miles with 600 different light displays. that's really cool. if you're so inclined, if you want to have a snowball fight indoors, nice and snug, you can go to the hershey story museum and they'll let you just have at it. >> hershey park, getting it done. let's move out west to riverside, california, mission inn hotel and spa. >> historic hotel outside los angeles. 4 million lights on display. gorgeous hotel. you can have sleigh rides and there's 400 amnitronic characters for kids that are praut to life for children. and the rates start there at $199. >> finally, missouri, center of the country, big cedar lodge. >> it's really cool. you can have an elf tuck you in at night. it's pretty cool. kids will get a real kick out of it. they also have -- if you get one of their little log cabins, you get a fully decorated christmas tree waiting for you upon arrival. >> that's cool. >> sanda, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. the photo that has everybody talking. one of hollywood's hunkiest men beefing up for a meaty role. >> who is that? >> your pop fix. >> who is that? >> your pop fix. yum. ♪ ♪ hanes. a perfect fit for every body. now in colorful new styles. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪ up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. you throw your money away. trash bag breaks, bargain bag users go through 60 more bags a year than glad users. glad, strength that saves. at famous footwear we're not just selling the hottest shoes of the holiday season. we're selling "here comes your future daughter-in-law" confidence this year give exclusive carlos santana boots. only from famous footwear. victory is yours. pop fix! >> pop fix time. raise your cups and mugs and your bottles if you are a baby, we start with bradley cooper's addiction mission. the 39-year-old star we love opened up about prepping for his film. the book is amazing as well and why he vowed to gain muscle the old-fashioned way. i did it naturally because i have been sober for ten years and didn't want to do anything. i had a conversation. can i do this in three months naturally, can i gain 30 pounds of muscle. i didn't know if i would be able to do it or not. thank god luckily my bleep body reacted fast. i didn't know the connection in gaining the muscle. why? >> chris kyle, i saw the movie, it's unbelievable. yeah, i guess you know, to do the role you really do have to be -- he was a huge guy. >> taking anything that's not natural, put in your body, not even like steroids. so he did it naturally. >> the old-fashioned way. >> sobriety an inspiration. >> i put on 30 pounds but it wasn't muscle. >> speaking of beefing up can we talk about jake for a minute. everyone meaning me buzzing about this. >> that's snim. >> yes. >> this is for a film, the pounds he shed to play a cameraman in night crawler. it opened up next year. all in the same year. >> that can't be healthy. >> he said it tore up his metabolism. it was difficult but yeah, that's jake. >> this guy, he gives it all to his craft and he brings the best performances. i would love to talk to him about that. >> playing a black man see what he does. >> let's move on. tom cruise, close call. according to the hollywood reporter while shooting scenes for mission impossible the 52-year-old star walked out on the street in front of the iconic double-decker bus. you see him. honking, create a big scene but he survived. so mission impossible scheduled to be released next yearment tom lose looks amazing. walking alone by himself. that clear video like high quality video there that someone shot. >> i think somebody -- there is tom cruise. >> no camera phone. >> could have been the paparazzi following him. >> wasn't he shooting a movie? >> in london. >> that wasn't a scene. there were other people who missed getting hit by the bus. >> happens all the time there. >> okay. >> tom cruise, give me an interview, i won't ask you that. the stars of the movie adaptation for the county jail book suicide squad, so here we go. will smith will play villain, along side jared lado, and rounding out the cast, margo roberts. harley, and cara, a super model. release date in august. >> great cast. >> amazing. >> pop fix. >> that's your pop fix. we've been collecting gifts for our 21st annual toy drive on their way to kids across the country. >> and joining us, publisher of little brown books for little readers. >> good morning, megan. >> hi, megan. >> this is the best gift, the gift of books. what are you donating? >> $2 million worth of books. one of the ones we're donating is this funny book called "the secret life of squirrels" which is a photographer who took real pictures of real squirrels in her backyard. she created little sets and -- >> come on. >> making hot dogs. >> get out of here. >> taking a bath. >> secret life. >> why is it so important, a book as a gift? >> it's great for them to get toys but kids need to get books, have book in the home to develop a love of reading so that you can go back to them again and again. >> i'm getting that book today. >> you can come to the plaza and donate or online show. >> quick good morning, everyone, 9:56. scott mcgrew. another wet morning across the bay area. there are a lot of problems to tell you about. this is a live look from our chopper in san francisco. a sinkhole has opened up on lake street. at this point, aren't they all lake street? crews trying to fix that there. our stephanie chuang is there, as well, she'll have an update during the 11:00 newscast. flooding also a major concern this morning. this is a look at mill valley. about 30 minutes ago, look at that. this is miller avenue, along with el monte boulevard. flooded near highway 101. well, let's talk to the man of the hour, anthony slaughter. >> seems like the lakes are everywhere here across the bay area. we have a shower right now, heavy cell making its way into san francisco and eventually into mill valley, right where you saw that flooded roadway. more heavy rain on the way within the next hour, then after that, look, more showers and thunderstorms forming along the core that's going to move through as we head through this evening, so not done just yet. rain is still in the forecast for the rest of the day and pretty heavy rain, especially in the next hour or so. we'll be here at 11:00 to track it for you for a full hour of news. let's toss things over to mike. >> traffic and weather going together. over here we have some rain and more slowing as we head around 101 around the curve, also down to that flooding up in mill valley. over here the bay bridge, show you that shot if we have it, there we go, rain falling on the lens once again. traffic moving better, but look at the maps, we have the recovery that has to go on, slow through san rafael because of the closure and a couple of lanes in the area for marin and the approach. here it was slow southbound 880 through fremont and across the dunbarton bridge, san mateo bridge looking better. watch the wind, as well. potential there. northbound routes through the south bay still very slow and wet. back to you. >> all right, mike, thank you much. more local news coming up for you in a half hour. again, that sinkhole, lake and 7th. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hodi kopke. >> hello, everybody. >> welcome to wednesday, december 3rd. we have a great show here. dean cain is here. >> and we have a big thing happening on our show today. our great friend, bobby thomas is back with an update on her journey to get pregnant. she's here with her husband michael and her doctor. we've been dying to know what's going on with bobby. she's been drying ibf. >> very brave to share the whole experience. >> not very easy to do. >> we're curious to hear their news today. >> and we have the recipe for the dump cake. >> i love those. >> you put a can of coke in with the mix. >> yeah. >> you almost have to do nothing. >> you're kind of cooking. >> we are wearing the gloves, hat, scarf and apparently -- >> everything went crazy yesterday. >> we wore them during the show yesterday. >> and people were asking where did you get it? where did you get it? >> now we'll tell you. >> yeah. you can get these on amazon. >> all three together for the great price of -- >> 12.99. you get the scarf, which is know flaky. you get the hat, which looks so cute on you. and the gloves. all three for 12.99. >> and if you call now -- >> here's what you have to search for. it's hard on amazon. search simplicity adult snowflak snowflake. >> something else will come up. >> you know it well. >> would you like some words of wisdom? >> all right. >> here it is. be strong. you never know who you're inspiring. >> who said that? >> i don't know. another google search. that quote is very appropriate. last night i did this event called the l'oreal women of worth. something karen fondue and her team puts on every year. they were amazing women around the country doing all kinds of things. mary k. hood is a brave woman that i introduced. diane keaton was there. a great bunch of women. mika. look at blake lively. >> look how fantastic she looks. >> everybody kept looking at her. >> she has a great sense of styl style. >> is that red dress the same one you wore to the salvation army on monday night? >> it likely is. here's the thing. i'm out of clothes. i've worn, reworn and worn. i don't think i did wear that one. i was going to, but i didn't. >> you look gorgeous. >> we've been -- originally we were hoping to do "today" the musical as a live event. due to technical difficulties, and unions, we ended up not doing it this way. so we started taping yesterday. >> yeah. >> and as a result, it's coming out so great that we'll take our time doing it. and we are going to -- there's reg. we will bring it to you in a couple of weeks during the holidays. everybody is having so up much fun with this. >> to see everybody decked out in outfits, singing, dancing. it was such, such fun. so you guys, we'll give you the date soon. tba, coming up between christmas and new years. sometime in the holiday time. >> we'll let you know as soon as we know. >> and the entertainer of the year -- >> the winner of entertainer of the year according to wshg ew i jimmy fault lon. his demo, and the age group of the kids watching his show, mainly 18 to 49. his demo is up 31%. higher than jay leno. >> the young kids know they'll get a different show from him. nothing bad about jay. just a new day. we were on fallon, apparently, because he can't get through a show without mentioning us. >> pro, having afternoon tea with the mayor. con, having morning chardonnay with kathy lee and hoda. >> at least he's mentioning us. >> i don't understand that. >> what? >> so why should we question it. >> i think we should bring kate to the studio. >> all right. all right. >> #klg and hodawantkite. >> what hoda really wants is harry? >> who doesn't want harry. >> yesterday on fallon, brian williams was on. first, we love brian for a bunch of reasons. number one because he loves our show. >> yes. apparently. >> no. he's watching now. he slow jammed the news last night with jimmy fallon. ♪ my prez obama don't -- my prez obama don't want none ♪ >> hold up. it's your anniversary of "nightly news." from all of us here at nbc, we want to say congratulations on hosting the 16th hour of the "today" show. >> excuse me, jimmy, how long have you been behind your desk? >> ten months. plus five years if you count late night. >> no one counts late night. >> that's so peter pan senior. >> oh, okay. that's what we're doing in two days time my daughter gets to fly. we couldn't be prouder of her. >> i wonder who is more nervous, allison or her parents. >> can you imagine watching your daughter live? >> very exciting. >> you know who else is excited? >> who? >> madonna. >> she is. >> she's posing topless again. okay. so, there -- >> is there anyone in the world who hasn't seen her topless? >> i don't think so. >> are three different covers of interview magazine featuring the material girl. this is the only one we could show on tv. inside, there's a topless shot that we censored. i wanted to see how we censored it. >> is that supposed to be m marlana dietrich? >> that's the smuckers jar thing, isn't it? >> yes. >> she's i think 56? >> 58? >> 56. she's 56. so, what do you think of that going topless at 56? what do you think of her going topless at 56? >> you don't want to know. you don't want to know. nobody cares what i think. >> i care. >> i let other people do what they want to do. you'll never see me doing it, baby. first of all, two cranes. time for "the voice." this is the semifinals. the top five were revealed last night. three were eliminated. here's what we'll do. we'll watch the bottom four. only one person of these four was saved by america. we want to know who you think was saved. here are the bottom four. >> chris, danica, luke and ryan. ♪ ♪ ♪ every second of the night i live another life ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ nothing to hide ♪ could mean what i say ♪ so here i am >> i think america saved that last kid. >> i do, too. >> everyone was tweeting. we think we're right. let's see who was saved. >> america instantly saves chris jamison! we'll see you for the semifinals. >> okay. this is shocking. do you know what happened? >> no. what happened? >> pharrell has no singers left in the competition. pharrell was supposed to take the whole thing! >> wow. blake and gwen have one, adam has three. >> there are no girls -- no girls. >> i'm happy for adam, because he's not sexiest man alive anymore. he needed something. >> he has three? there are no women. >> that's surprising. >> i'm surprised there are no women. wow. all right. >> that's depressing. >> we want to see your ugliest christmas sweaters. go to our facebook page, submit your pictures, we may show them on the air. >> thank you very much for sending in your everyone has a story stories. we have some amazing ones. we picked one. they all were worthy. thank you. >> coming up, just call him the king of christmas movies. dean cain has one more to his resume. >> and talking about exes, we'll get him to talk about those, maybe. ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement. ♪ ♪ ♪ ladies, we need to talk... ... about haircolor. it's garnier nutrisse nourishing color creme. rich, radiant... ravishing color! nutrisse nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils. garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color to tell us all about the season's hottest toys. who else? kids. this is kj. kj, how are you enjoying leaptv? hmm? j-j-just say it-it's...just for's educational...and... melissa? julia is playing with the go go my walking pup. what do you think, julia? good puppy. good puppy. ok, well there you go. clearly they're excited that walmart has the hottest toys. get special financing when you use your walmart credit card. more ways to christmas joy. walmart. it wouldn't be the holiday season without a new movie starring -- >> dean cain. he's made not one, not two, but 16 christmas films. he'll be starting production on his 17th next month. his latest is called "merry ex-mas." >> you're running out of titles. >> no way. >> he plays a bodyguard accused of having an affair, of course, with his pop star client. >> oh, no. >> have we not seen that before? despite his denials, his ex-wife doesn't believe it. >> let's see it. >> i think you need something more sophisticated. >> like you? >> keep it simple. >> i want simple. >> you want escape. >> escape from what? >> you want a list? >> put your name at the tippy-top. >> how about i put a six letter word up there -- a-f-f-a-i-r. >> never. >> be honest. >> you can't admit it that i did not have an affair. >> i don't have to because you did. >> a picture is not proof. you just can't be wrong. >> oh, because i'm always right. >> i'm sorry. but that's snappy dialogue. >> that's real life. >> that's real. >> christie and i have done a number of films together. we're great friends. it wasn't hard to get that quick snap. sometimes she would cut me off, too. >> like in a real relationship, like hoda's and mine. >> was there proof of the affair? was there a photograph? >> there was a photograph. a photo, it can be cropped, omit a lot of other things. my character was just too proud to -- to really show her everything. >> okay. he didn't say anything. he thought she should believe him based on his words. they drifted apart and they get stuck many years later in a cabin they shared. they got snowed in like buffalo got snowed in a few weeks ago. >> didn't you write this with a couple of friends? >> we were sitting in a coffee shop talking about what kind of christmas movie to make. it was a lot of fun. we made one the year before. we were saying what should we do, what would be fun to do? we came up with the concept, pitched it to them. they said make the movie. >> it's a family affair. you your mom in it, your son in it. hello. >> it's christmas. it's family. >> what's your mom play? >> my mom plays my disapproving mother-in-law -- ex-mother-in-law. i'd say it's typecasting. she hadn't done anything in a while and she was a little nervous acting. i said mom, you're going to play yourself, disapproving of me. it's perfect. >> is she an actress? >> she is an actress. she was very good. >> what about your son? you beam every time you talk about him. >> that's my man. he's in the film. he wanted to -- he said dad, make it simple. he's in this scene, he had one line. i wasn't there the day he shot which is probably better. he was great. he was fantastic. he liked it. i don't know if he wants to be an actor. he comes to visit the set on "hit the floor" where i have 14 dancers age 20 to 24, 26. >> more perfect than the next. >> he shows up on that set all the time. >> i wonder why. >> trying to figure it out. >> you are in your fourth season of "hit the floor?" >> we are starting our third season. we've been around for a while. we start in february. i love that show. it's a joy to go to work every day. it's also reason to want to make you get to the gym because those guys are in great shape. >> since you're the king of christmas movies. >> you won't ask about brooke? >> yeah, brooke is more important. >> tell us about brooke. >> brooke is a wonderful, wonderful girl. we were college sweethearts. she's obviously written the book. i haven't gotten to the part where she talks about us. it's really insightful for me. we discussed a lot of things with her mother. her mother and i sometimes butted heads. it was really interesting to see how that all began. we didn't really get into that during our relationship. so i found it to be really raw. >> she says in the book she lost her virginity to you. is that what she said? >> i don't know if those are the exact words. >> i don't think a girl loses -- >> it's on my podcast. yes, it is. >> they give it. >> you know what? she said it was everything you would wish for your own daughter. >> wow. >> we were in love. she's a wonderful girl. >> she was in l.a. >> we love you and we're excited for your 16th, we are waiting with bated breath for your 17th. >> when is it happening? merry ex-mass premieres this sunday. >> she shared her personal journey to get pregnant with ivf. our be loved bobbie thomas is here with the latest turn. >> we'll find out how she's doing coming up. ♪hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem♪ ♪to say, throw care away. ♪from everywhere, filling the air♪ chex party mix. easy fifteen-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like chocolate caramel drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. he told me there's a whole new way to treat sensitivity. he suggested i try new crest sensi-stop strips. [ male announcer ] just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. the special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. see why dental professionals endorse crest sensi-stop strips to treat sensitivity. that's 1 strip. 10 minutes. and up to 1 month of protection. satisfaction guaranteed. [ woman ] life opens up when you relieve sensitivity. satisfaction guaranteed. to rlet's compare an entireain, tub of oxiclean to just half a cup of clorox bleach. okay... huh... how is that called clean? clorox. eliminates stains better than oxiclean. [cout on that field today,. you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. there is important work to be done. and only some able to do it. can you make the cut? we givecold your you give them the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® for the past several months our good friend bobbie thomas has been honest about infertility and her effort to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization. she's been talking to us, documenting her appointments and procedures in a video diary. >> after four rounds of ivf, the doctors were able to get two viable embryos. on the day of the transfer she made another video. >> today is transfer day. unfortunately we did lose one of the embryos this morning and had to absorb that pretty quickly because we then had to realize how fortunate we were to have a second embryo to work with. we did get good news that the embryo looked great, and we are -- when i say we, my husband and i, michael, are on our way to hopefully have a successful transfer. >> bobbie is here with her husband michael and her doctor shiva tall le'veon, an infertility specialist here in new york city. >> bobbie, we've been sitting patiently. >> it's been a while since i've been allowed to talk to both of you. >> what did you guys find out? >> share the news? >> still obviously super early in the process. so far the news has been great. >> it's so early and i'm so sorry that i didn't say anything sooner. >> we thought it was bad news. we really did. >> we've both been so sad looking this morning. >> well, a, i'm sick, been very sick in the morning. i love you both like family. it's been very hard to not share every bit of this. it's so hard to still believe. i'm so connected to so many of you out there who posted. i mean the thousands of comments i've read, that didn't get this news. i just feel so fortunate to have the support and to have this opportunity. they already stuffed these in over here. >> they're not for you. >> my husband is an amazing and shiva is the best support system, doctor, everything in one. i just can't believe that after four rounds, surgeries, everything, losing the embryo. it's soon. i'm nervous because anything could happen. >> that's in a normal pregnancy, if there is such a thing. >> doctor, you tried different things there that are really cutting edge at your clinic. what did you do with michael and bobbie, with this embryo? >> so we had a kind of extensive discussion before everything and talked about standard ivf. i discussed some of the newer technology that we have where we actually test the embryo prior to putting it back. so the main advantage to that is really lowering the miscarriage risk and increasing the possibility of that embryo implanting. that's what bobby and michael opted to do. that's why we kind of did several rounds. >> at what point is it that bobbie and michael can breathe a little sigh of relief and say, okay, we're on the way? >> we pass add big hurdle with the positive test. >> that means she's pregnant. >> exactly. >> can we say it? bobbie is pregnant. [ cheers and applause ] >> how do we know how far along she is? it gets crazy? >> with ivf everything is very calculated and we know everything very early on. she's about five weeks pregnant. so really very, very early. if we can make it i think through the next couple weeks and get a good heartbeat, then i think we can -- >> should she be on bed rest? >> anything you want, you're going to get. >> how has this been for you? i know this is a journey for both of you. we've heard from bobbie. what's it been like for you? >> well, at this point it's very exciting, of course. we're just trying to stay positive. >> he's being nice. i have been so emotional with the hormones, and he's had to give me shots. he's let me cry and scream. >> it's been a challenge. it's not for the faint of heart. >> no, and it's not for the not truly in love either. >> can we give bobbie a hug? >> shiva, thank you so much. >> we love you, sweetheart. >> shiva, thank you so much. >> we love you, sweetheart. >> we're going to be ri they're going to love you. >> shiva, thank you so much. >>at famous footwear we're not just selling the hottest shoes of the holiday season. we're selling "here comes your future daughter-in-law" confidence this year give exclusive carlos santana boots. only from famous footwear. victory is yours. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning, everyone, 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. boy, another wet one around the bay area, leaving some areas flooded. this is what it looked like above mill valley near tam high about 30 minutes ago. the streets along miller avenue and el monte boulevard flooded. bart back on track through the trans bay tube after big delays earlier today. lots of people waiting during the morning commute trying to get on those trains at the west oakland station. this wasn't water. this was a small fire on the tracks in san francisco, forcing bart to single track. bart faced serious residual backups once the situation was cleared. well, we'll have a look at the all-important weather and traffic after the break. welcome back now, 10:it will the time. we're tracking more heavy rainmaking its way into san francisco right now. half moon bay, pacifica, you're getting the brunt of this. all of that yellow and red, that's heavy rain falling and eventually it will move into the south bay, peninsula, and east bay and tri-valley. another round of wet weather on our heels as we speak right now, and you'll notice temperatures are going to be cool across the south bay and north bay, as well. only low to mid 60s. we'll track the time line coming up at 11:00. in the meantime, let's talk with mike. >> showing some of the rain coming out of the mountains. look here in the south bay san jose, definitely soupy conditions and more rain coming in. look at your map, slower drive continues, just like yesterday, late into the morning commute. because it is wednesday, not a tuesday, we have a recovery happening through san mateo, oakland approaching the san mateo bridge. look at this, foster city side still soupy conditions and camera shaking around a bit. back to you. >> we'll continue all of our weather coverage coming up at 11:00. that's our next newscast. we'll see you then. we're back with more of "today" on this wines day wednesday, ready to play "who knew." listen closely. that's from a new musical called "under the bridge." hello. that's our way of getting you ready for tomorrow night's big musical event peter pan live. today's trivia is about musicals. kathie lee is ready to hand out $100 to anybody who gets the questions right. those who don't, get one of her wonderful cds. that was totally staged. here to help me, features editor for, lindsay. >> a nice man from great neck new york. what band's story is the basis for the musicals "jersey boys." >> frankie valley and the four seasons. >> on a roll. >> wow, he got it. the broadway hit tells a story of the band's rise to fame. frankie valley had musical experience before this, sang the total song in "grease." >> where are you from? >> miami. >> meryl streep played one of the lead roles in which film? mamma mia, greece or once? >> yes, mamma mia. >> she was so great in mamma mia. >> she was unbelievable. she must have loved it. she's going to be in "into the woods" this december. maybe she'll win her fourth oscar. >> amazing. back to you kathie. >> from arizona, two different jennifers hit the billboard charts with therrien nigs of "and i'm telling you i'm not going." "ain't misbehaving" or "dream girls." >> it's an honor show. >> i'm going to say "dream girls." >> that is the thing you should have said. >> just hold on a second. three for three, that was such a moment in the "dream girls" movie. >> yes, jennifer holiday inn nishlly played it on broadway and won a ton of awards. jennifer hudson won the oscar. jennifer holiday won a tony and a grammy. it's obviously an awards magnet. >> a great, great scene. back to you. >> from st. louis, carol king is the inspiration for which musical currently running on broadway "rock of ages," "the last ship," or "beautiful." >> beautiful. >> beautiful i saw for my sixth time this weekend. it's a great show. >> one of my favorites. i absolutely love it. you know who was afraid to see it was carol king. she said originally it was too painful to watch a story about her life. she eventually did go and put out a statement praising how wonderful the performance was. >> she went in disguise. jesse mueller plays an incredible carol king. >> from new york. the classic song "maria" is from west side story, the sound of music or lay miserable. >> i love it. maria was song by the character tony. rumored to be the first choice for tony in the movie? elvis presley. he turned it down which might have been good because he used to date natalie wood who played maria. >> one last one. >> from southampton, new jersey, which tv and film star played the title role of annie during the musical's original run on broadway, brooke shields or sarah jessica parker. >> a. >> she's going to love everyone. the correct answer sarah jessica parker. >> she was just a teenager, a big break on broadway. she ended up playing several other broadway roles through her career, even though we know her as carrie bradshaw on s"sex & te cit city". >> don't forget. you can catch "peter pan live" here tomorrow on nbc. here is something that may be music to your ears, a delicious dump cake. be music to your ears, a delicious dump cake. plus affordable gift ♪ be music to your ears, a delicious dump cake. plus affordable gift ♪ ♪ it's gonna tempt your tummy, with the taste of nuts and honey. it's a honey of an o. it's honey nut cheerios. dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks, or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. especially around the holidays. i made a list of everyone we need to get gifts for this year. but thanks to, now we can shop with low monthly payments. over 150,000 items, and growing, from brands like samsung, kitchenaid, lego. just click on over to for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great gifts. [ drums playing ] let's wrap this one last. ♪ let's wrap this one last. i'm home. ♪ hi, mom! ♪ of all the things that happen on your shiny surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. i was pretty stunned myself. removes fourteen years of stains. see? crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains, but whitestrips go below the enamel surface to safely remove deep stains. don't miss our buy one get one free offer this holiday season! he loves me, he loves me not he loves me, he loves me not he loves me! warm and flaky in fifteen... everyone loves pillsbury grands. make dinner pop. it is time for our holiday gift guide. you know what your mother taught you. never show up to someone's house empty-handed. >> whether you're invited to a holiday party or spending weekends with your friends, you'll want to show thanks with thoughtful hostess gifts. you know who is here? lilianna vasquez. >> happy holidays. >> you could do cheese and crackers -- >> absolutely. you never want to show up empty-handed. this is a gorgeous cheese and cracker plate from uncommon goods. you come with a dish and leave it for your hostess. you can't forget about the kids. a lot of times the kids are there. seedlings have these fun craft kits so your kids can make a snow globe. don't forget about the hostess. she loves to cook. this is available at sterliss hob. >> i found these gorgeous wood ornaments, handmade from i personalized these for you, hannah. and for the giffords, one for you right here. >> thank you, hon. >> i love custom stationery. you can customize with names, family names. we did it for to "today" show. those are available at expression >> this is the gifford stamp. >> we made that just for you. >> that's adorable. >> under $30. and i love marquis lights. one of the biggest trends in home dee core, these are available at for only $34. they are l.e.d. operated with batteries. don't even have to plug them in. >> no extension cord. >> first of all, i'm thirsty. oh, wait. we have a guest. hold on. let's see who it is. oh, my god. >> who is at the door? >> karen. >> she's here with cookies. these are on the giving place. this is available at sc. the giving plate is the gift that keeps giving. it moves from party to party so everyone can enjoy the giving plate. >> who is here? i hope it's not alex. >> hey, alex. >> i brought this for you. >> so sweet. >> what is it? >> this is a gluten free sweet box. they can suit anything, food or nut allergies. you can accommodate with a whole treat box for them or their children. how cute is that? >> the party is not a party, guys, unless -- >> a party is not a party unless paul manson comes. >> paul! >> be careful. it's full. >> so this is such a great idea for a basket. this has all the essentials that you need the next day. so cute. i got all these at home goods. you can also bake all your own -- >> i'll move on. >> don't give him too much sauce because you know how paul is. not good. >> party is not a party yet. >> all right. so now we have -- >> last but not least. >> you know who is usually late, sandy. >> i am so sorry. >> sandy! >> how cute is this idea. this basket is my home to yours. so you bring special treats and books from your home to someone else's home. i live in chelsea. this is a chelsea-themed basket with different foods, cookies and treats for the holidays. [ doorbell ] >> there's more? >> paul's brother charles. >> it's anthony. he took the top -- [ laughter ]. >> that's a special "today" show gift. >> by the way, lilianna, that was a great segment. thank you. so much fun. >> paul, welcome. >> tell your brother charles we missed him. okay? >> shear a sweet idea for the hostess. here you go. why not a dump cake. nothing says love like a dump cake. >> don't say dump. >> we'll talk to her after this. you've been part of this family for as long as i can remember. and you just mean so much to all of us. the holidays wouldn't be the same without your crescent rolls. we got you a little something. we got you jeans. it's about time. pipin' hot pillsbury crescent rolls. make your holidays pop! ladies, we need to talk... ... about haircolor. it's garnier nutrisse nourishing color creme. rich, radiant... ravishing color! nutrisse nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils. garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color we givecold your you give them the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® i've never seen swanything so soft!tness... charmin! take a closer look at charmin ultra soft and you'll love what you see. not only can you use less, but you can actually see the softness in our comfort cushions. plus charmin ultra soft is so much more absorbent you can use up to four times less. what are you boys looking at? my main squeeze. rotorooter approved. charmin is clog-free or it's free. it's time for fo today's kitchen. if you iron vited to someone's house for the holidays or throwing your own party, you could bye a desert like hoda does. >> you didn't need to say that. >> we promise it doesn't get any easier than this. kathy mitchell is the author of "dump cakes," where you(+ take mix, dump it in the can and bake it. it's easy pizzi. >> a huge hit last time. >> i'm glad. we'll make a sweet hot apple dump cake. >> you grease the pan. >> can you pam it? >> absolutely. >> you smush it around. >> two cans of apple pie filling. spread them out. >> now what? >> now we're going to add these red hots. >> that seems counterintuitive. save a few of them. you all put them on the top. go ahead and dump your cake mix in there. dump it across the top. >> don't stir. >> don't stir. >> you can spread a little with your fork to make it even, but you don't want to stir. >> you don't want to stir. >> now, the recipe calls for a cube of butter where you sliced up. you can use your potato peeler to get nice thin slices. you want to lay them on top. i also found if you're really in a hurry, go ahead and melt it and dump it on there. >> and just put it in the microwave for like 30 seconds. >> microwave it for a few seconds. >> i can't believe you don't stir the cake. i still find it so weird. how long do you cook it for? >> for about 50 minutes or so. >> and? >> and when done, about ten minutes before you take out, the last few red hots, this is what we'll have. >> adorable. but i'm busy doing it right. >> we have another cake. >> another one to go. >> i know. >> take that bite. >> there you go. >> i'm not crazy about red hots, but it's very good. >> let's make another one. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is called granola caramel carrot dump cake. we have pineapple in the pan already. we'll sprinkle the cake. >> dump. >> dump the cake. >> can you use any cake mix. >> sure. this is just a carrot cake. >> pineapple on the bottom. >> pineapple on the bottom, carrot cake on the top. >> smush it around. >> and add your butter. this time i melted it for you. if you want to, you can put the slices on. and then the granola. sprinkle it on there evenly. >> evenly. that's the word. >> the hardest part, right? >> look at how easy this is. >> you can have more fun with your kids making these. they'd love to be a part of this. >> drizzle right on top of the granola. >> this is my kind of cake. this stays in the oven for about 45, 50 minutes. >> crazy that there's no eggs in there. it's nuts. >> we're going to taste. >> here we go. all done. >> beautiful. >> get involved. >> get in here. >> if you want more caramel on the top. >> she loves the sweet stuff. >> you forget who you're talking to. >> you can find these recipes, by the way, you guys, on >> check out our million meals by christmas food drive and how you can get involved. >> first this is "today" on nbc. we want to thank everybody who has been so generous to donate to our 21st anti toy drive. >> one of our biggest contributors over the years has been kay jewelers. kimberly khan nair ray is the vice president of public relations. here with 13-year-old mika barker with st. jude children's research hospital. hello. both so beautiful. >> you are. >> you guy haves always been such a great partner. st. jude is very important to your organization as well. >> absolutely. we're so excited to be back for the 15th year donating $100,000 worth of these adorable plush puppies and teddy bears. they're available at kay jeweler stores across the country. >> what does st. jude mean to you? >> it's like a second home. i feel like i can go, it's not a hospital. i get to meet everyone, see the old friends. the kay cafe is like the best food ever. it's fun. it's like a family. >> when you walk in that place, it's hard to believe it's a hospital. >> by the way, so important to have something like a little bear to hold on to for kids in the hospital, right, mika? >> yes, ma'am. it's so fun. they're so soft. i love them. >> we can't thank you enough for everything you do. >> our pleasure. >> thanks to our customers, we e eve raised over $40 million for st. jude. so proud. >> that's awesome. >> thank you so much. >> you co-donate on our toy drive at the nbc experience store or online at you have until december 19th. >> tomorrow, kathie lee shines the light with her book "good gifts." have a nice wines day wednesday. tomorrow is nbc bay area news begins with a microclimate weather alert. >> and indeed we are tracking rain in the bay area. here's a live look at our radar on the left and the view from outside in san francisco and san jose, as well. good morning, everyone, thank you for joining us, i'm scott mcgrew. >> and i'm kris sanchez. this is video just into our newsroom, a sinkhole that just opened up in san francisco. crews are working on fixing that hole right now before it gets worse, before anyone gets hurt, and now we want to see whether or not they are going to have good working conditions. here's meteorologist anthony slaughter with your forecast. >> unfortunately, couldn't come at a worse time. now we're tracking another round moving into the bay area and some of this is heavy. you can see from o


Transcripts For WCAU Today 20141203

now it's just hours away, setting the christmas tree aglow "today," wednesday, december 3rd, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. gang's all here early and we'll be here late tonight for a great event. >> getting lit, as usual. this time of year, a lot of stars will be here to help us, idina menzel, our rendition of "joy to the world." you haven't lived till you heard it. >> i don't think it will make the show. let's start with our top story this morning. it is that dangerous storm in california cause d by one of th most dangerous in years. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. we've had so much rain here this week that at any moment communities like this, recently scorched by wildfire, could come down into homes as it has done before. it's what many in california have come to expect when it finally does rain a decent amount, it does this. more than six inches fell tuesday near forest falls in southern california. and across the state, many daily rainfall records washed away. some of them set more than a half century ago. many southern california cities have done this before. >> the fact of the matter is when the mountain does cut loose you're not going to be able to get out then. you're going to be stuck and stranded and it will be difficult for us to get to you. >> reporter: in the city of camarillo where they haven't finished cleaning up from the last storm -- >> it's extreme. we have mandatory evacuations. >> reporter: sand is their best friend. flights were delayed, highways were blocked, power was lost, including at bob hope airport in burbank. at the first wave in what meteorologists say may turn out to be the strongest storm system to hit southern california in many years. now, there was a wave of rain on sunday. we got one yesterday and we're getting another one today. all of that rain could do serious damage to the soil above these communities. no mandatory evacuations are in place right now but many are choosing to leave their homes anyway, al, just in case. >> jacob rascon in glendore, california. thank you so much. flash flood watches from northern california all the way into southern california because we've got more heavy rain pushing in. they need the rain. i mean, it is rough, especially in southern california into central california. look at these deficits. three-year deficits, san francisco. they are almost 28 inches below where they should be. los angeles, 25 inches below where they should be. san diego almost a little more than a foot below as far as the rain is concerned. you can see more heavy rain coming in this afternoon. heavier as you get on into the evening rush hour. into tomorrow morning it finally starts to let up. rainfall amounts generally one to two inches, but we could see heavier amounts in the mountains just to the east of los angeles. we could see up wards of five to six inches of rain, guys. the good news is, it is finally starting to let up within the next 48 hours. >> all right, al. thank you. >> thank you very much. bill cosby, facing a new lawsuit this morning from a woman who claims the comedian sexually assaulted her at the playboy mansion 40 years ago when she says she was just a minor. national correspondent kate snow is here with more on the story. kate, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, savannah. for weeks, we've been talking about one allegation after the next. allegations cosby's attorney has refuted. the latest allegation is the first civil lawsuit to be filed against cosby since one was settled out of court back in 2005. this new suit accuses cosby of childhood sexual abuse. >> did you see what i saw? >> yes, i saw what you saw. and don't be worrying about none of -- >> 1974 and bill cosby was starring in movies. the woman filing suit says she was 15 with her 16-year-old friend when she saw a film set in pasadena. they walked over to see what was going on and they were approach bid cosby, who invited them to sit in a director's chair. cosby asked how old they were and invited them to his tennis club, and then he brought them to the playboy mansion, allegedly told the girls if any of the playboy bunnies asked their age, they should say they were 19. later, the suit alleges that huth emerged from a bathroom and cosby was sitting on a bed. he asked her to sit beside her and he began to molest her. >> it's a civil case. it's all about money. she's seeking compensatory damages. >> cosby has never been charged with any crime. in the past, his attorney has said other allegations against cosby were unsubstantiated, arguing it makes no sense that none of these new women who just came forward for the first time ever asserted a legal claim back at the time they allege they had been sexually assaulted. huth said in the court filing at such a tender age the incident caused psychological damage and significant problems throughout her life. cosby, she says, abused his position of trust. as for why she's only filing this suit now the lawsuit suggests huth did not recognize the connection between her injuries and the sexual abuse until recently. >> let's turn to lisa bloom, "today's" legal analyst. good morning to you. that's the real question here. how does a lawsuit like this get past the fact that there's a statute of limitations in california? >> well, good morning, savannah. california has an extended statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse cases. i've litigated a lot of cases myself under this statute. she has three years from the time she connects the dots between her psychological injuries and the sexual abuse that she's alleging. if that only happened in the last three years and she can prove it, she gets in the courthouse door. she still, of course, has to prove the case. >> put on your analyst hat. is that a strong argument? is that a claim that's likely to prevail? >> as i say, she still has to prove her case. one of the things that jumped out at me, she said she had a friend with her during most of the incident with bill cosby. the friend was 16 then. is that friend still around? is that friend going to corroborate her story? that would be very important for her. >> isn't also the issue this notion that she only discovered that her psychological injuries were connected to this incident more than 40 years ago recently? i mean, is that going to be a high hurdle for her to cross? >> listen, the california legislature has understood in passing this law back in 1990 that many people who are molested as children take years to connect the dots between, let's say, depression, post traumatic stress, and abuse t recognizes that child sexual abuse is different from other injuries and that's why there's this expanded period of time to file. bill cosby is going to say, number one, i didn't do it. and two, if he did do it ten years ago, 20 years ago, there's some statement from her where he's going to find she did connect the dots and then she can't get in the courthouse door. >> if you're cosby's side, do you fight this, settle it out of court? what do you do? >> settle it out of court like he has done the other cases. most cases do settle. i would expect this one would, too. >> lisa bloom, thank you very much. there is new investigation tied to last week's violence out in ferguson, missouri. police are now considering whether to charge michael brown's stepfather with inciting a riot. ron allen has more on this. good morning to you. >> very emotional remarks brown's stepfather made right after the grand jury decision captured on video and widely circulated. whether those remarks and other actions take than that day help incite a riot. >> brown's mother, leslie mcfadden, and her husband, were captured on video venting their anger and grief. ferguson officials in an e-mail confirm that lewis head is being looked at as part of an ongoing investigation into the activities surrounding november 24th pertaining to the rioting, looting. on "today" she talked about her husband and the video. >> just emotional. i don't feel that he stirred the crowd. the crowd was already stirred. it's been stirring since august 9th. >> reporter: the day her son was killed. outrage over the grand jury's decision not to charge wilson poured on to the streets. a dozen businesses destroyed by fire. others vandalized. at least 125 arrests during the next five days. >> everyone who is responsible for taking away people's property, their livelihoods, their jobs, their businesses, every single one of them needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. >> in their statement, authorities added brown's stepfather is not being singled out as the sole focus of that inquiry but, again, part of the ongoing investigation. officials say the findings of the investigation will go to the st. louis county prosecutor, which means the same prosecutor who has vigorously defended the decision not to charge darren wilson may soon decide to charge brown's stepfather with a crime. each punishable up to five years in prison for allegedly threatening wilson, members of his family and other police officers. savannah? >> ron, thank you very much. a student conduct hearing involving one of college's biggest stars could wrap up today. jamis winston was accused of sexually assaulting another student at florida state university in 2012. while criminal charges were not filed, winston is now facing an investigation by the school. gabe gutierrez has the report. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. through his high-profile attorneys, jamis has strongly denied the accusations. again hearing the allegations here on campus. jamis winston is heading back into a student conduct hearing to face allegations of sexual assault. >> we are confident that justice harding, when he hears her multiple lies and jameis' truth will find, as every other entity has to this point, that she is lying. >> reporter: the star quarterback, she says, raped her in 2012. >> there was a long time where she felt like she had no voice and nobody would listen to what she had to say. >> reporter: the woman says she was drinking at a bar with friends when a man took her to an off-campus apartment. she reported the alleged assault within hours but did not identify winston until weeks later. >> this has really hurt the reputation of fsu. >> reporter: prosecutor decided not to file charges last year. >> we did not feel like we had a reasonable likelihood of conviction. >> we need to see campuses put in place strategic prevention programs where they're educating about sexual violence. >> reporter: fsu says it is doing that and cooperating fully with the federal investigation. winston was on the practice field, hoping to lead the defending national champion seminoles to another acc title this saturday. winston still has a lot of support amongst students on campus. in the building behind me he could face penalties ranging from a written reprimand to expulsion. the proceedings could wrap up as early as today. after that, savannah, the judge has ten school days to announce his decision. back to you. >> gabe gutierrez in tallahassee, thank you. natalie is here. she has more on a massive auto recall. >> takata has defied u.s. regulators, ignoring a midnight deadline, facing fines up to $35 million and legal action. takata insists the air bags are more likely to malfunction in high humidity areas but they insist that the recall be expanded to all states. expected to testify today during a congressional hearing duriabo the air bag recall. a mother of young twins was stabbed to death in the bathroom of an abu dhabi shopping mall. she was reportedly attacked with a sharp tool following a fight in the public restroom monday. police released a security camera image showing the bailed suspect there on the right, as you can see. investigation now is under way. still no official word this morning on the man believed to be president obama's choice to lead the pentagon. nbc news has learned, though, that ashton carter will likely be picked to succeed defense secretary chuck hagel. he served as the deputy to both hagel and former defense secretary leon panetta. without confirming that he is the leading candidate. $21 million mega yacht. take a look at this beautiful yacht as it crashed right into the draw bridge in the miami area on tuesday. the rock star yacht belonging to the rock star energy company was attempting to pass through when a section of the bridge collapsed right on top of that boat, creating a large hole. fortunately, no one was hurt. the yacht is currently listed for sale. >> fixer upper. >> not sure what that -- >> i think the price might have just gone down. >> it's a steal now. take a look at this dramatic rescue caught on camera after a woman's car plunged off a roadway into a canal in eastern china. watch as that car veers off the road, knocks down that lamp pole and crashed into the water. witnesses came to the driver's rescued and used clothing to pull her to safety after about 20 minutes. she was shaken up but otherwise is okay. >> wow! hollywood superstar tom cruise, he is famous for doing his own stunts. he may want to consider a stunt double in real life after a close call on a london street. take a look. >> hey now. >> yeah. thankfully, he saw that double decker bus just in time and, you saw, he retreated back to the curb. is he in london filming scenes for the next "mission impossible" movie. we know it's mission impossible crossing the street in london. >> you get used to traffic coming to your right and you get to london and forget to look left. >> it happened to me. >> i almost got run over by a double decker myself. >> and it was driven by tom cruise. >> or keanu reeves. >> enough about your dream life. >> mr. roker is back. let's show you what we've got around the rest of the country. icy, wintry weather moving out of the new england area. we'll look at that coming up in the next half hour. gulf coast, plenty of sunshine. morning fog good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. as we head into the rest of today, we will continue to see foggy skies throughout the morning hours, even light rainfall. warmer temperatures today than what we saw yesterday, ranging between 51 and 54 degrees. we'll continue to see warmer air coming up from the southwest. your seven-day forecast shows more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures drop down about five degrees. heading into the weekend, we track our next chance of rain both saturday and sunday. and that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks. tamron is here for carson this morning. sad news in the world of music. >> absolutely. but a wonderful life to celebrate. let's look at it that way. take a listen, guys, to this song. ♪ >> nice. recognize that sax solo? "brown sugar" was played by long-time band member bobby keys, who passed away at the age of 70. he played on tour with the stones for 45 glorious years, making beautiful music for all of us. of course, there's been reaction throughout social media. this one absolutely touched my heart. i think it will touch yours. this is a handwritten letter from keith richards who tweeted it out and said bobby, i have lost the largest pal in the world and i can't express the simple sadness i feel. although bobby would tell me to cheer up. my condolences to all that knew him and his love of music. isn't that touching? handwritten. you don't see it often on social media. people type it in. also from the rolling stones, bobby made a unique musical contribution to the band since the '60s. and ringo starr, thank you, bobby keys, for the time we spent together. god bless you. peace and love to your family. again, sad news. the legacy, the music will live on. that sax solo is something that you should load up today and enjoy it on the way in to work. >> i might go upstairs and play a little in my dressing room. that's cool. >> nice to see him remembered this way. tamron, thank you. are women at greater risk? surprising new look at depression in america. garage door repairmen put to the test. you won't believe how much some of them charge for a simple problem that should take about 60 seconds to fix. but first this is "today" on nbc. what's possible today? wi-fi access in more places then ever before. all your favorites in the cloud and on every device. a home you control with the touch of a finger. news and entertainment that informs and delights in ways you never thought possible. comcast nbcuniversal bringing media and technology together for you. coming up on trending, yes, there's another taylor swift must-see parody. and jill martin is here with what she says is a super sized holiday steals and deals including a y'know what my business philosophy is, reynolds? >>no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate®. >>their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. 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[ laughs ] good morning. i'm vai sikahema. it's 7:26. still foggy in some spots out there pt let's get our first alert forecast from meteorologist brittney shipp. >> there's also rain coming down and we'll see temperatures warmer than yesterday, heading into the low 50s. right now in philadelphia, 40 degrees. 41 in mt. holly and 42 degrees in millville. our temperatures today pushing to 53 degrees. our average 49. we'll head back down to the 40s tomorrow. vai? >> thank you, britt. let's get a check on the roads from first alert traffic reporter katy zachry. >> good morning, vai. fog has lifted off most of the roadways through most of the coverage area, but unfortunately, 95 southbound drivers are dealing with an accident. this is on 95 south right by the betsy ross bridge. you can see the accident right before this traffic sign in the left-hand lane. so, traffic is slowly snaking its way around to the right, but it's really adding to your drive time. about 45 minutes between woodhaven and the vine on 95 southbound. then for drivers on the main line in narberth, there is a building fire. crews are still out there cleaning up the scene, so montgomery avenue between old gulph road and brookhurst avenue is closed off. >> katy, thank you. she mentioned that crews are still on the scene of that fire in montgomery county, the store front there. flames broke out around 4:30 this morning at montgomery and price avenues in nor berth. the lower merion fire chief tells us the fire started in the mainline cycle building and then spread to fast signs right next door. the roofs of the buildings collapsed. no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is under investigation. i'm vai sikahema. we'll have another update in about 25 minutes. of course, you can always get the latest news and weather at 7:30 now on this wednesday morning, the 3rd of december, 2014. that means the big day is here. tonight we flip the switch on that majestic 85-foot norway spruce, the world's most famous christmas tree. we hope you'll join us for "christmas in rockefeller center" tonight, idina menzel, tony bennett and other stars. we'll get started here at 8:00. do you know how many lights are on the tree? >> 45,000. >> how many miles? >> five. >> we know every nonsense fact you could ever know. >> let's take a look at what's making real headlines. a second straight day for tuesday los angeles broke another single day for rain. following a deadly collision between two school buses, two schools are closed. two children and an adult were killed and 23 others injured. attempting to incite a riot moments after last week's grand jury decision not to indict the officer who shot and killed that 18-year-old. they'll be considering that and much more today. can you trust the repairmen who come out to fix your busted garage door? rossen reports team puts them to the test with surprising results. suze orman will be here with scams from fraudulent bank calls to fake shipping sites. what she says you can do to avoid becoming a victim. >> or as she says, girlfriend, avoid being a victim. let's get a check of the weather with mr. roker. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. sloppy weather moving out of new england. few showers in the northeast. good news is will clear in time for the big christmas tree lighting. caribou and maine in 95, slick mess there. winter weather advisories the next 12 hours from caribou to springfield, massachusetts, and parts of upstate new york. temperatures still about 10 to 15 degrees below average around the great lakes and into the northern plains. the wet weather continues in the southwest. southern california as well. northern california also. this will start to move to the east as we move on through the day today on into good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. as we head into the rest of today, we will continue to see foggy skies throughout the morning hours, even light rainfall. warmer temperatures today than what we saw yesterday, ranging between 51 and 54 degrees. we'll continue to see warmer air coming up from the southwest. your seven-day forecast shows more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures drop down about five degrees. heading into the weekend, we track our next chance of rain both saturday and sunday. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? al, thank you very much. more than two months ago, dr. nancy snyderman travelled to liberia to cover the ebola crisis there. while she was there a photojournalist working with her team was diagnosed with the virus. before coming back to the u.s., nancy agreed to a voluntary self quarantine, which she later violated. nancy, good morning. it's good to see you. >> hi, matt. good to be back. >> critics said your behavior is unacceptable. you've had time to digest it, think about it, reflect on it. what's your response? >> i'm very sorry for not only scaring my community and the country, but adding to the confusion of terms, i think, came as fast and furious as the news about ebola did. suddenly we're talking about quarantine, isolation, controlled monitoring, who should be in hospital rooms, who shouldn't be. and so when i came back from liberia with my team, we had already been taking our temperatures four, five, six times a day. and we knew our risks in our heads but didn't really appreciate -- and, frankly, we were not sensitive to how absolutely frightened the americans were. came back, agreed to a voluntary quarantine in my home and 7 hours later left my home. >> i think there's a great debate going on about the medical protocol, the casey hickox situation is a good example of that. >> right. >> in your situation it wasn't about what was medically right to do. it was about breaking a promise. >> it was about breaking a promise and it was also about my association with ashoka mukpo, who we hired on our team and now is okay as well. and those early days of how this is spread. i have two hats, my doctor hat and my journalist hat. and when the science and the messaging sometimes collide and you leave the optics of, in this case, a hot zone and come back to the united states, good people can make mistakes. and i stepped outside the boundaries of what i promised to do and what the public expected of me. and for that, i'm sorry. but i'm also very glad, i should say, that the whole team is healthi and that ashoka is healthy. >> that's what i was going to say. he was here last week with other ebola survivors. the rest of your team is healthy. you are healthy. have you given consideration, considering the fact that the crisis continues in west africa, of going back? >> the things we saw, matt, like anything i had seen before, 18-year-old girls being delivered to the hospital in wheel be wheelbarrows, men in puddles reaching for help. i would go back tomorrow. my concern is this has been a distraction from the real issue at hand. >> you mean your situation? >> my situation and we can't afford not to concentrate on west africa. this epidemic isn't going to go away. the ebola epidemic. there will be viruses in the future that will jump from animals to humans. so how we message from the cdc to nbc news to me personally, i've learned a lot through this. but we have to remember that we live in a smaller world, day by day. and this may be a big lesson for all of us in how we treat epidemics in the future and how we message better and keep our promises. >> i wanted to talk to you about this. actually, it's not the entire reason you're here this morning. >> no. there's real news, too. >> you have another story to bring us. >> good to be back as a journalist. >> thank you. >> and? >> and now we have the journalist part. we're going to talk about depression. interestingly a study came out overnight that shows it's more prevalent in women and people below the poverty level. and overall there's a lack of understanding and a lack of patience seeking treatment for a disease that now affects about one in 12 americans. according to the cdc, the stressful life of a mother, juggling kids, work, marriage and parents takes a heavy toll. a study released overnight by the national center for health statistics finds that 8% of americans, about one in 12 people, suffer from depression. the most likely groups to be affected are people between the ages of 40 and 59 and women regardless of age. >> women have many role conflicts in our society and they have many conflicting responsibilities. the depressive syndrome can be a reaction to severe stress or to the burdens of life. >> also highly impacted are the poor. with people living below the poverty line nearly 2 1/2 times more likely to have depression than those at or above that income level. one of the more troubling findings to the medical community is that those who need help aren't seeking it. just one-third of those with symptoms of severe depression have spoken to a medical professional about their mental health within the last year. with these symptoms affecting life at home, work and in social settings, the pervasiveness of severe depression and the need for treatment, experts say, can't be overstated. >> we have a major illness with serious morbidity and mortality, which we know how to treat and to which a great extent is not adequately treated. that's a social tragedy. >> and the social tragedy really comes, i think, with stigma. if we look at our families and we're really honest, the reality is there is mental illness in someone. we have to find the courage, the social courage to acknowledge it, to seek help and, frankly, it's not always reimbursed by insurance plans. but this problem is not going away. >> have to stop whispering about depression. >> we have to stop whispering. absolutely. absolutely. >> thank you very much, nancy. >> you bet. our rossen report team puts garage door repairmen to the test. you won't believe what they caught on hidden cameras. and the hottest vacation caught on hidden cameras. and the hottest vacation destination, and, by some miracle... a little differently. she actually said "yes." to me. the charmed memories collection at kay jewelers, featuring open hearts and new disney frozen. get this free bracelet or a charm valued up to forty-five dollars with any charmed memories purchase of $99.99 or more. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. and she will be the best mom ever. ♪every kiss begins with kay dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. mom? dad? big uncle wayne?nut. hot chocolate. green tea. uh, decaf, cuz. wow. i'm dying for an herbal tea. the all new keurig 2.0. with my andi can...m tracfone, order more shaving cream. pay the electric bill. keep towels piping hot. get kids to sit still. play beard styling tunes. learn new razor tricks. hire a pro waxer. post before and after pics. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. for a limited time save $20 on the samsung galaxy centura. now just $39.99. tracfone. do everything for less. ♪wefa la la la la.♪ies today ♪come on everybody say... ♪fa la la la. ♪hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem♪ ♪to say, throw care away. ♪from everywhere, filling the air♪ chex party mix. easy fifteen-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like chocolate caramel drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. we are back at 7:43. this morning on rossen reports, new hidden camera investigation. jeff and his team have been keeping home repair contractors honest for years. jeff rossen is "today's" national investigative correspondent. good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning. good morning, everyone. winter is here. it's getting cold out. which means we're putting our cars back in our garages. when your garage door breaks, well, that's an emergency. you call the repairman, desperate for help. you trust them to find the problem and fix it at a fair price. this morning, we are testing them out. you know how we do it, with our hidden camerasrolling. this time we capture something so bizarre on camera, we have never seen it before. >> why were you going to charge her over $400 for a new sensor? >> these repairmen don't want to talk to me. you don't want to answer my question? >> no. >> reporter: climbing in their trucks and racing away and the one that does stick around seems to have a guilty conscience. >> you're not mad at me, are you? >> reporter: trying to sell this homeowner garage door parts our experts say she doesn't need. we're setting up at this house in the new york suburbs. the garage is in great shape. how do we know? because we had two independent certified experts inspect it from top to bottom. >> everything is working perfectly. >> everything in this garage is working fine. >> then we had them rig a tiny little problem. >> we're going to loosen the bolt on this sensor and angle it downward so the door is inoperable. >> how long should it take them to find this? >> just a minute to find it. >> if they tell us you need a new garage door opener, we have to order a part? >> they're lying to you. >> i'm having a problem with my garage door. >> reporter: then we had her call repair companies. >> hi. how are you? >> things start off great. it take this is repairman less than 25 seconds to fix the sensor. >> can you try it right now? >> try it right now. >> that was easy. >> reporter: he charges us a small service fee and is on his way. but our luck is about to come crashing down. >> hi. how are you? >> hey. >> reporter: when these two repairmen show up, they notice the problem right away. >> you have a problem with the safety sensors. >> they say they can't fix it. she needs a brand new one. >> i need new sensors? that's what you're saying? >> yes. >> reporter: remember, all they had to do was tighten the screw. instead, they charge her $210. hi, guys. jeff rossen from nbc news. that's when i pop out. >> i don't need to answer your question. >> reporter: are you trying to rip her off? >> no. >> reporter: they drive right off. their company later telling us they have a flawless customer service record. but watch this next repairman. he is about to do something we've never seen before. >> how are you? >> good. >> reporter: when our homeowner goes inside, our cameras capture this. he walks to the trash can, holding his fly, lingers a bit and zips up his pants. when he returns, he doesn't even inspect the door sensor before telling her this. >> the sensor is no good. you need to replace the sensor. >> reporter: his price? $410. why were you going to charge her over $400 for the new sensor when it's not even broken? you didn't even check it. but this last repairman is about to break the bank. whistling while he works. and within minutes, he has some dire news. >> what you need is a set of light sensors. >> i definitely need those? >> reporter: yep. >> but that's not all. >> reporter: these pulleys up here need to be replaced. >> reporter: he charges our homeowner $683, plus tax. hi, jeff rossen with nbc news. why are you charging this homeowner nearly $700 for part that is she doesn't need? >> well, i'm trying to do a much better job and she does need it. >> reporter: but when our experts come in and show him he's wrong, he finally admits this. >> we all make mistakes. >> reporter: i'm going to show you the garage door works. i'm sunderstand you now say you made a mistake but the garage door is working. >> okay, it works but -- >> reporter: you were going to charge her $700. but before he leaves he has a question for me. >> you're not mad at me, are you? >> reporter: i'm not mad at you. i just don't want homeowners to get ripped off. >> reporter: experts say three of them charged us for parts we didn't need. >> it's a shame. it just absolutely makes me sick. >> reporter: >> don't worry, i'm not mad at you. none of the companies that came up had any signage on their vehicles. experts say that's actually a pretty big red flag. make sure they have a legit company name so you have recourse if something goes wrong and a license number on the side of the truck. before your garage door breaks, like right now, for example, talk to family and friends and see if they use somebody tha they trust and you can use them too. >> it's not bad enough that they rip you off. then they pee on your lawn? >> in fairness, he didn't charge for that. >> jeff, thank you very much. coming up, do you use white lights or like the multi-colored ones? tamron is in the orange room with how you can decide. the great american holiday light debate after this. ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement. creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. we gdid he help pick it out?er. no, he's a cat. how did i get so big? where am i? you're in mom's belly. how did i get there? wizards. can you make it go faster? no i already tried. is this mine? that one's for alice. but she doesn't know it yet. why not? mom says she's still cooking. capture your memories with hallmark keepsakes ornaments. hey guys...guys! pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistable sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop! wait for me! there it is. ah! hurry up. you're heavy. are you sure these letters will get to santa? yes, of course. hold still. almost there. a little bit higher. i can't hold you up much longer. ah! whoa! [ all giggle ] ♪ hi, fellas. hi, virginia. why are you on the floor? [ female announcer ] bring your letter to santa into macy's and we'll donate to the make-a-wish® foundation. together, we'll collect a million reasons to believe. and we'll donate to the make-a-wish® foundation. you don't need to think that makes our lives possible. because we do. we're exxonmobil... and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg... isn't as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. we may have mentioned we're getting ready to light the rockefeller christmas tree. tamron is in the orange room with a great debate tied to holiday displays. tamron? >> you call it the great american debate over christmas lights. anticipation is building for the big rockefeller tree lighting tonight. we have a beautiful live shot. and viewers have been sharing photos -- there's the tree -- of their christmas trees. michelle, taylor, cinder. very beautiful trees. do you like white lights on your tree or do you like multi-colored lights? it's a showdown. #white lights, #multicolor. we are tapping into new technology in the newsroom. as you tweet, based upon your tweets, from the bottom to the top, the winning idea will light. that's a demonstration there. so go online. based on your tweets -- >> our tweets will power the tree? >> from the bottom to the top, it will rise. and a reminder, if case i didn't already, here you go. tonight, 8:00 pm, 7:00 central, watch the fun in technicholor. >> isn't it likely that both trees will be fully lit by -- >> tomorrow's debate, color tree or not and after that, real or >> tomorrow's debate, color tree or not and after that, real or this is the one. can we go for a test drive? oh sure, i'll be right back. thanks. leather, running boards... carmax quality certified, low, no-haggle price, 5-day money back guarantee ... that's great... and, a roof rack for the kayak! we don't have a kayak. we could get a kayak. ready to roll? yes, we are. with more than 35,000 cars nationwide, carmax has the perfect car for...everybody. carmax. start here. ♪ ♪ it's a marshmallow world in the winter. ♪ [ woman ] i will embrace change... everything life throws my way. except for frown lines. those i'm throwing back. [ female announcer ] olay total effects. nourishing vitamins, and seven beautiful benefits in one. for younger-looking skin. so while your life may be ever-changing... ♪ ...your beautiful skin will stay beautiful. total effects from olay. your best beautiful. ♪ that's how it goes whenever it snows. ♪ ♪ the world is your snowball just for a song. ♪ ♪ get out and move it along. ♪ ♪ good morning. i'm vai sikahema. just a few minutes before 8:00. if you're headed to philadelphia international airport, be sure to check your flight. there's an hour and a half delay there because of the weather. let's get our first alert forecast now from meteorologist brittney shipp. probably the visibility, i'm guessing. >> yes, visibility is down thanks to all the fog. here's the skyline and you can barely make out the top of the skyscrapers. as we head through the morning, we'll continue to see foggy conditions, at least for the next few hours. the rain has stopped in philadelphia, 40 degrees, light wind speeds out of the southwest at 9 miles an hour. as we head into the rest of today, expect temperatures to push into the 50s, between 51 and 54 degrees with light rain on and off until the afternoon. let's get a check on the roads with katy zachry. katy, i see a line of cars there and flashing lights. is that 95? >> it's 95 southbound, vai, and this has happened within the last half hour. take a look at the drive time between woodhaven and the vine, taking almost an hour, 50 minutes to go that stretch of roadway. you can see the left-hand lane is blocked as crews are on the scene of this accident. also for drivers on roosevelt boulevard southbound right near holme avenue, right before holme avenue, there is an accident in the outer drive, so traffic is being forced to the inner drive. vai? friends and family plan to hit the streets again this morning to find missing college student shane montgomery. the 21-year-old was last seen leaving kildare's irish pub the night before thanksgiving. the reward for information in the case is now up to $31,000. meantime, there will be a vigil tonight at west chester university. students attended there with shane. rescue crews in wilmington will continue their search for a missing barge operator. the barge flipped over near the mouth of the christina river last night during a routine procedure. two other workers were able to make it out of the water. i'm vai sikahema. we'll send you back to the "today" show and see you in a half hour. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, more "i dos" than "i don'ts," an in-depth look at the state of marriage in america and the news is good. holiday scams. financial expert suze orman stops by with advice on what to avoid this time of year. and putting toys to the test. get them into the hands of kids themselves as they share which ones are naughty or nice, "today," wednesday, december 3rd, 2014. >> all the way from arkansas, we love the "today" show! >> good morning from ohio. >> here to meet al from idaho. >> whoo! >> turning 30 on "today." >> whoo! ♪ it's 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 3rd day of december, 2014. we've got a very excited prechristmas tree lighting crowd on rockefeller plaza. >> they are excited. they are loud. can you hear me, tamron? >> i cannot hear a word. >> okay. i think you asked me about the lights. >> yes. >> and white is winning big. let's go into the orange room. #white lights. white christmas tree is almost from the bottom to the top. and, matt, you were doubtful of my new technology. >> no, no. i just think at the end you might find two well-lit trees. i'm not surprised to see the all white lights winning. >> we both grew up with multicolored lights. >> as did i. but later in life -- >> all white. >> tinsel or no tinsel? >> no tinsel. >> garland or no garland. >> no garland? >> there we have it. we'll keep an eye on the trees and let you know. >> what color are your christmas balls? >> we are so excited this morning, not just because of the tree lighting but supersized steals and deals. to get it started early, jill, is inside. let her rip. >> i got a lot of tweets whachlt about the men? izod men's coats, $230 to $250. four coats, three colors. i love this one. it has a detachable scarf. if you lose everything, like me, this is foolproof. retail $230 to $250. the deal? $69. that's up to 72% off. coming up in 16 minutes, we will have eight more unbelievable deals. see you then. >> jill's just getting started. we'll see her in a bit. all right. let's get a check of the top stories. natalie is inside. take it away. >> good morning once again. people in parts of california are on edge this morning with more heavy rain expected and the threat of more flooding for the next day or so. nbc's jacob rascon is in glendora, east of los angeles. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. this is the second strongest storm to hit southern california this year. the storm's system may prove to be the strongest to hit in many years. we've seen mud flows up in the san bernardino mountains. we've seen massive preparations of concrete rails, all the sand bags. people have lost homes here, especially those who live in the foothill communities near where there have been area that is have recently burned. and so for those folks this morning, there is nothing more important than watching this next wave, third wave of rain. natalie? >> jacob rascon in glendora, california. thank you. two schools are closed in tennessee this morning after a tragic crash leaving three dead and more than 20 injured. kerry sanders has the story. >> reporter: it's a parent's worst nightmare. an accident the tennessee highway patrol troopers have yet to fully piece together. what they do know is one school bus was headed east on the rain-slicked road when, without explanation, it crossed the median and right into oncoming traffic, hitting another school bus on the other side of the road. in all, 27 passengers, some in kindergarten, were thrown violently from their seats, including fifth grader joy rayman. >> oh, my gosh. i was scared. everybody was screaming. we have to get out, we have to get out! >> two students and a school aide died in the crash. >> we just ask the community to pray for -- for the loss of life. >> the school bus in knoxville are like those in most states. they have no seat belts. the national transportation safety board is helping the tennessee highway patrol investigate the accident this morning while awaiting answers from the driver who lost control of the bus. kerry sanders, nbc news. new allegations this morning against bill cosby. a 55-year-old woman has now filed a civil suit against the comedian, accusing him of childhood sexual abuse. in the suit, judy huth claims cosby abused her at the playboy mansion when she was just 15 years old. she claims the incident caused psychological damage and significant problems throughout her life. she's the first civil lawsuit against cosby since one was settled out of court nine years ago. with the lighting of the rockefeller center christmas tree hours away, last night the focus was on capitol hill. >> well, thank you. >> house speaker john boehner, other congressional leaders on hand for the tree lighting at the capitol. it's an 88-foot white spruce from minnesota decorated with thousands of handmade ornaments. gorgeous there with the capitol dome under construction off in the distance. let's get another check of the weather with mr. roker. al? >> thanks so much, natalie. we've got these kids. my friends say i'm crazy to stand out here. where are you guys from? >> connecticut. >> connecticut. you're missing school today? that's a good mom and dad to let you do that. wow! my mom wouldn't let me do that. all right. let's see what we have for you today. more rain in california. they need it. that's the good news. heavier rain to the north. they'll get heavy rain moving into southern california as well just as we get into the morning rush hour. some areas picking up five to six inches of rain, especially in the foothills. even as you get down into southern california. and it's going to be windy, too, with wind gusts of good morning, i'm "first alert" meteorologist brittney shipp. as we head into the rest of today, we will don't to see foggy skies throughout the morning hours. even light rainfall. warmer temperatures than what we saw yesterday. ranges between 51 and 54 degrees. we'll see warmer air coming up from the southwest. your seven-day forecast shows more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures drop down about five degrees. heading into the weekend, we track our next chance of rain both saturday and sunday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you very much. coming up on trending, new take on taylor swift's "shake it off." anyone who is tired of no-shave november. >> and better than you think. >> can you really trust that attempted delivery slip left on your door? suze orman is here with a warning on holiday scams and what tree suze prefers. first, these messages. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪ we're celebrating the season with our chicken tortellini alfredo, made with five cheeses, and topped with smoked chicken, add a crisp, classic caesar salad for a pairing that brings comfort and joy to your dinner table. only at panera bread. it's the curly hair you tried to fight it. hide it. change it. not anymore. professional strength frizz ease. our powerful spray gives you smooth, frizz-free curls that are ready for anything. frizz ease. only from john frieda. did you get chips for the party? nope. (ding) cheese plate? cheese plate. no, i made something better. you used the oven? boom. pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. when you feel good no one is immune. with antioxidants, electrolytes, and b vitamins plus more vitamin c than ten oranges. emergen-c transforms more than just water. emergen-c. let your awesome out. too bad some cash back cards only let you earn bonus cash back at a few places. then those categories change every few months. sometimes it's drug stores, then it's hardware stores. nothing says "happy holidays" like a shovel. fortunately there's the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase every day. tis the season to ask... what's in your wallet? tis the season to ask... think the tree we carved our names in is still here? probably dead... how much fun is this? what? what a beautiful sunset... if you like sunsets. whether you're sweet or salty... you'll love nature valley sweet and salty bars. ♪ behold, the subway steak, egg white and cheese: start your morning off right with juicy, sizzly steak, stacked high with protein-packed egg whites, melty cheese and whatever else you love, like jalapeños or spinach - all on warm, toasty flatbread. subway. eat fresh. it's so delightful. ♪ ♪ so's my surface, ♪ it's just as powerful. ♪ you can write with a pen? ♪ you can say that again. ♪ i really like my surface pro 3. ♪ ♪ hey what's that, ♪ is it a kickstand? ♪ touchscreen too, ♪ it's pretty slick, man. ♪ it comes apart i see. ♪ it's got a usb. ♪ i think i like your surface pro 3. ♪ no seriously, where can i get one? dry skin heal it... want to hibernate? ...with nivea extended moisture body lotion. it intensively moisturizes for 48 hours. that's twice as long as the leading lotion claims. soft and smooth all winter... ...with nivea. whoa! if you have dandruff sign up for get out of here!! 50% off laser hair removal. you've been matched. linda s. is only 3.2 miles away. no no no. request accepted. match confirmed. message from linda. what's up brandon? control your entire home without your private data ever being shared. introducing wink. it's like a robot butler, but not as awkward. now, that's a burger. and now you can pay and go when you're ready. now, isn't that convenient? the new lunch double burger from chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. all right. we're back at 8:13. time for what's trending today. debunking the myth of mean girl. we all know the concept, those of us who went to junior high really know the concept. it's been popularized in movies and tv shows like "mean girls." researchers at the university of georgia say actually when it comes to that nasty behavior at school, boys are much worse than girls at every grade level studied. researchers said boys are more likely than girls to engage in what they're calling relational aggression. >> i have a 13-year-old boy and 11-year-old girl. i disagree with this. >> i'm going to go from personal experience. i with his a 13-year-old girl. i feel like girls are meaner than boy. >> girls hold a grudge where guys get into it and then they're friends. >> it settles more quickly. >> if they hated you at the beginning of school they didn't like you at the end of school. >> boys talk about a lot of other things together and girls talk about each other. >> i agree. >> all right. >> so much for that study. >> entitled to their own opinion. vacation hot spot. this is nice. colorful photos, fun water park, slides, pyramids, other attractions. >> love to go here. >> this looks like a great place to take the family, right? >> yeah. >> here's the catch. >> what's that? >> it's north korea. it's that same north korea run by kim jong un. launching a new site to lure tourists. huffington calling the post more strange than inviting. here is the other little problem. >> what's that? >> isn't that the same country that put a ban on tourism because of the ebola crisis? >> but come on down. >> wow! >> got to go. on tuesday we mentioned brian williams is marking ten years as anchor of "nightly news." how better to celebrate than going on "the tonight show" and slow jamming the news with jimmy fallon? speaking of jimmy, entertainment weekly declared him entertainer of the year. >> wow! >> i think we all agree. >> definitely. >> well earned. it was for a good cause, we know that. guys, no-shave november is over. it is time to trim your facial hair. i was the worst offender last year. i kept it going until after february. ladies sick of seeing scruff are having a new anthem. it's called "shave it off," obviously a spin on taylor's "shake it off" ♪ make my tummy ache ache ache you just got to shave shave shave shave it off shave it off ♪ >> where was that anthem a couple of days ago? >> it's an intervention. >> all right. that's what's trending today. >> you know what's not trending? divorce. >> hmm. >> you hear all the time the statistic that half the marriages in this country end in divorce. is that actually true? today, sheinelle jones is here with surprising new findings. good morning to you. >> good morning. it's practically become conventional wisdom, the notion that a couple getting married only has a grim 50/50 shot at making it. recent numbers are showing that more couples than we think are living happily ever after. it's a familiar story. first comes love, then comes marriage, then for half of couple s comes the divorce. according to the "new york times," that story is now fiction. >> it was true in the '70s and early '80s, but it has not been true for three decades now. >> turns out when couples say "i do" nowadays they really mean it. >> divorce rate is declining for each generation, for people married in the 2000s, it appears it will be lower than it has since well before the boom in divorces we had in the '70s and '80s. >> 60% of couples in the 1970s and '80s made it to their 15th anniversary. in the '90s, 70% made it. if the trends continue, experts predict two-thirds of all married couples will keep their vows. one reason? gender roles just aren't what they used to be. >> marriages tend to be about love now. women don't need men to support them. we have our own salaries, our own careers. they no longer feel they need one man to validate their lives. >> and with that comes freedom to wait for mr. right. >> they're choosing much more carefully and they're marrying the right man. >> it's a modern generation of couple with his a whole new set of social norms. >> both of them are likely to work. both of them are likely to do child care and housework and both of them can share time spending their passions and their shared interests. it's not like it was before and is creating more stable marriages. >> reporter: why has this 50% myth continued? >> it's still around because of pop culture. it's a running joke. it's a punch line. because we hear it all the time, we assume it's true. >> reporter: a story debunked, giving new hope for couples looking to live the fairy tale. another interesting finding in that "new york times" article, while fewer couples are choosing to get divorced, if it does happen, two-thirds of the time it's initiated by the woman. so, guys, times are changing. >> interesting. >> wow! >> isn't it true a lot of people are staying together because it's expensive to get divorced. >> it's expensive to get divorced. a lot of couples are living together, choosing not to get married all together and a lot of couples are saying we're going to stay single and leave our kids so that leaves the pool of people deciding to get married, a lot of them are doing it for love and not money or anything else. >> little better new. >> good news. >> we're staying with it. >> sheinelle, we appreciate it. let's go over to savannah. >> all right. let's keep the party going. to our special supersized edition of steals and deals. cue the confetti. twice as many bargains, ready to be shipped to you in time for the holidays. jill martin is here with the detail. >> i love confetti at 8:19 in the morning. >> let's do it. tell us about it. >> we showed the izod coats. if you want these, get on immediately. everything has been selling out. italian silk tie. retail $125. choice of 15 italian silk ties in different patterns and colors. 100% silk, retail $125. the deal $37.50. that's 70% off. >> beautiful. tie for dad, boyfriend, what have you. >> boyfriend? >> that's another segment. tell us about these wraps. >> always big, barrel cashmere wrap scarves, retail $595. super soft. you can attest to that. cashmere scarf. handmade in the u.s., 100% italian cashmere, available in four colors. angelina jolie, demi moore and sharon stone. retail $595. deal is $79. >> real good. love these for traveling. it's like wearing a blanket. >> they're terrific. it's freezing here. >> we have a fan in natalie morales. >> for the tree lighting tonight, these are perfect. >> natalie, get yourself over here. she put the steal in steals and deals. >> i want the gloves. >> they're good. they're soft. >> they're beautiful. cashmere lining. >> i don't even need to be here. retail, $140. classic leather gloves with cashmere lining. available in extra small to large. so i wear medium. just if you want to check it out so you know what to get. extra small to large. carried at neiman marcus, retail $140. deal $42. that's 70% off. >> cashmere lining is -- >> fabulous. >> great. great gift. handbags. >> always big. the retail $498. this is called the kim bag. genuine leather. spacious enough for this to be your everyday bag that you throw everything in. looks really chic. available in six colors. cameron diaz and mila kunis. $498. the deal $99. >> you can fit everything in here. >> it's an investment. it's a bag you have for a very long time. >> tell us about this. >> ayres body care gift sets, three different set options includes body lotion, body cream, body powder, body polish. retail $109. the deal $33. >> guys or girls? >> they're unisex but they come packaged really beautifully. so this is one of those easy ones. you throw a bow on it. >> did you do the smell test? >> yeah. i like it. i think you're going to like it. >> i'm sure i will. >> i'm not saying anything this week after the alpaca debacle. >> alpaca gate. >> yeah. necklace retails for $198. great to layer. offering necklaces with inspirational words on them. love, peace, dream. available in silver and 18 karat gold. >> this one says alpaca. how interesting. >> or joy. fans of brand include cameron diaz, jessica alba. retail $190. deal $49. 74% off. >> really pretty. nice staple there. gorgeous candles. >> these are major and also a great housewarming gift. dl & company luxury candles, retail $85. you get a set of four. and then there's a medium candle and a large candle. you have to choose one. go online to see the situation. >> either a set of four or the medium or the large. >> candles range from 80 to 100 hours of burn time carried in barneys, bloomingdale's. retail $85. the deal $25. >> good hostess gift, that kind of thing. >> and great packaging also. i'm very into getting everything, throwing a bow on and being done. >> wrapping. >> speak of bows, it's great to have the wrapping paper to present the fabulous gift. retail $126. it's an exclusive wrapping paper set just for us. the set includes 36 sheets of paper, 24 gift tags and over 8 yards of string for gift tags, four styles to choose from. >> it's not your traditional holiday paep paper. it's kind of interesting. >> for your personality. like you would be -- >> oh, the leopard print? >> animal print. wild child. >> maybe it's an alpaca actually. it doesn't have to be holiday shopping. it could be any wrapping all year long. >> deal $31.99. 75% off. supersized. >> it is supersized. men's coats from izod. the ties from serica. the wrap scarf from beryll. the portolano gloves that natalie stole, the purse, the ayers beauty set, lena wald necklace, dl & company candles and the wrapping paper. let's send it over to matt. i have suze orman. how do you know if you've been scammed? >> you just checked your credit card statement or credit report go to it's free! that's what you need to >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. 8:26. it's 40 degrees outside. we're following an accident where a car hit a pedestrian in roosevelt boulevard in northeast philadelphia. this happened around 7:00 this morning. the accident happened on northbound outer lanes of ryan avenue. police did stop at the scene. we have a crew on the way there. when we get the victim's condition and other details we were pass it along to you. of course that's causing reasons for traffic. details on that traffic, here's katy zachry. katy. >> vai, we have a detail for you, kind of reworking. in philadelphia for drivers on route 1 northbound right before holme avenue, you're forward into that lane because the accident happened on the outer drive. drivers in new jersey and pennsylvania, very slow going. and also there was an accident on i-95 northbound right near 676. >> thank you, katy. meanwhile, the weather is delaying flights at pc philadelphia international airport by about 90 minutes. let's get our "first alert" forecast with meteorologist britntney shipp. >> we have light rain cull down in philadelphia international airport. temperatures at 41 degrees. 43 at atlantic city. 45 in wildwood. 37 degrees in coatesville. today's high 51 to 54. vai. >> i'm vai sikahema i'll have another weather update in about 20 minutes. we'll see new about half an hour. 8:30 now on this wednesday morning. it's the 3rd of december, 2014. and our holiday toy drive is in full swing now. that is pauly shore, collecting toys this morning. and right behind him, paddington bear helping out this morning. we'll be talking to pauly in a couple of minutes, and a documentary on his life coming up in our next half hour. soon you'll be able to catch this guy right here, paddington, on the screen. the first movie based on the popular children's series out january 16th. other stars like nicole kidman, lending their voices to paddington as well. >> he's also donating these stuffed toys, dolls to our toy drive. >> i loved paddington as a gkid more of our naughty and nice toys, elementary set will be testing out the toys, including this year's hottest gifts. does our panel approve? what do you guys think? like it? >> that is so cute. suze orman is here to protect you from the holiday scams that you can get caught up in. and the very talented and beautiful actress rosario dawson is here. first let's get a check of the weather. >> it will clear up in the northeast. rain will be coming to an end. plenty of sunshine through the plains. more heavy rain, northern california, parts of oregon into southern california. look for gulf coast sunshine. for the christmas tree lighting tonight, winds out of the west at 10 to 15. scattered clouds, temperatures mid to upper 40s. great night for everybody to come down to rockefeller center. tomorrow, more rain through the mid mississippi river valley, into texas. wet weather into southwest. mountain snows in the cascades, sierra. look for wet weather there as well. sunshine returns to the eastern seaboard. temperatures start to moderate through the gulf coast, getting good morning, i'm "first alert" meteorologist brittney shipp. as we head into the rest of today, we will continue to see foggy skies throughout the morning hours. even light rainfall. warmer temperatures today than what we saw yesterday. ranging between 51 and 54 degrees. we'll don't see warmer air coming up from the southwest. your seven-day forecast shows more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures drop down about five degrees. heading into the weekend, we track our next chance of rain both saturday and sunday. >> and what a cutie. who is this? >> caroline. >> she is gorgeous. matt? >> for most of us, the holiday season is a pretty busy time. that holds true for criminals as well. seasonal scams to watch out for is our good friend, suze orman, host of the suze orman show. >> good morning to you matt. >> comes to holiday time, you might as well hang a big old sign outside of your house saying i'm ready to spend money. and the criminals see that. >> they see that because you're more into spending than saving. >> you just purchased something online. now you get a notification to confirm your package delivery. what do you have to watch out for? >> here is what will happen. two things. normally what will also happen, you could come home and see on your door a little tag that says tried to deliver the package. you weren't here. please give us a call. you call them. they ask you for information. you give it to them and, guess what, it's not them. >> what would they ask you for? credit card or social security number? >> prove to me that it's you. if anybody in any situation, whether it's online or not, it's asking you for information. do not give it to them. they should have the information that you need. >> often times this time of the year, and i think this happened to you, you'll get a call from your bank saying we're noticing a lot of activity on your credit card. where is the scam there possibly? >> the scam is it wasn't even my bank. we see activity on your american express card. they didn't address me by name or say anything else, on your american express card. please call this number. now i knew that it wasn't them because they don't have the number i was at. so be very careful. if anybody calls you, do not call them back at the number they give you. call them back at the number that is on your card and see if they really called you or not. >> a lot of people going into the store today and the next couple of weeks. in their wallet they have a debit card and credit card. which should they be using through the holiday season? >> truthfully, cash but use a credit card. >> why? >> you're protected so much more with a credit card by how it works than a debit card and many debit cards are connected to your savings account. they can get all the information and there you go. use a credit card. like i said to you, check your credit card statements to see if you've been scammed. >> especially in the months of january and february. you have a lot of charges on there. go through them carefully to see if they're all yours. >> chances rrks they're not. or if you bought something you can be charged twice for it. you never know. just look at your credit card statements. it's not a big deal, people. >> this one is going to get me. you go to a public place during the holidays or any time. you have wifi. you want to log on. you say be very careful. >> really careful. >> before public wifi. >> god forbid we should just use 3g, 4g. how do you know whose wifi system it is? you could be logging on to somebody's wifi that isn't the airports. >> you mean someone set up a hot spot? >> absolutely, getting all your information. now they have your information and now you're primed to have your identity stolen. >> it seems they have gotten more sophisticated. phishing scams seem passe but they're still around. >> hey, we have a great discount for you. go and do this. be very careful. how do you know it's really the retailer contacting you? be very careful of any retailer link that you connect to, it might not be what you think. >> gift cards are so popular this time of year. you say be very careful where you're buying them. >> buy them from behind the counter. those that are out for everybody. thieves are coming, scanning the numbers. they then put them back. you then buy them. they keep checking. once you activated, now they can steal all the money on that card. only buy a gift card if it's held behind the counter. >> wow! we're going to call you mrs. grinch from now on. >> just use cash. just use cash. >> suze orman, always good to have you here. >> thanks, matt. >> thank you very much. coming up, more tips on and up next, naughty or nice? putting the toy's hottest seasons for elementary kids in the experts themselv sexperts, s we're back now at 8:39 with more of our special series, toy, naughty or nice? kids put toys to the test. we put the hottest new toys in the hands of kids and parents. each one was reviewed by five different families across the country. 40 toys in all. this morning we're focusing on the early school years, ages 5 to 8. stephanie oppenheim is co-founder of toy portfolio. good morning. >> good morning. >> how do they rate these toys? >> we asked parents to look at the packaging. how easy was it to get the toy out the of the box? that's one of the pet peeves. the quality of the toy and the design. assembly. how easy was it to put together? were the instructions clear? also was it fun? that's the big question. we asked kids to score the toy and also the parents. sometimes those scores didn't match up, which brings us to our first toy. this is the hot wheels super loop from hot wheels. it goes round and round. most of our kids -- one of our contesters wanted to give it a double perfect score. but his mother thought that the motor of it was a little bit noisy for their apartment building. she was a little concerned. >> you have to mount it to the wall. >> it comes with 3m stickers. another parent thought all these instructions were a little bit much and not as clear as it could be. it got a 23 overall. next toy is from skullduggery, max traxx tracer racer set. the tracks light, glow in the dark. you turn on the cars and the cars actually leave a tracer of light, but you really have to be in a dark room to make it work. the only negative comment from the parents they wish there were more accessories. you can buy loops and other track options from the company. >> it only comes with the one car? >> two and 16 feet of track and it also work with his other track sets so you can build on it. building sets are also, i think, basic gear for school age kids, boys or girls. wing star fighter, the only toy for the entire week that got a perfect score. >> really? >> it got a 30. our kids love legos, they love "star wars." it got high marks for clarity of their instructions. >> great. >> erin is working on the chateau from roommates. it encourages girls to build and engineering. it has circuits that you can build whatever you want and then it has lights on and this will spin when the circuit is connected properly. >> it looks so complicated. >> it is something that you can do with the younger child, parent/child toy to do together. erin is older. she will be fine on her own. that was one comment parents had, that there were a lot of pieces to it. craft kids are wonderful for this age group. they love to make things that they can show off and enjoy. this is so cool from spin master. and the idea here is that kids get the sense of sewing. you'll notice that the needle is safely enclosed so you don't have that -- >> fear. >> -- safety issue. and parents really wanted to test this toy. some of the kids thought it was fun and engaging but some parents felt that the fabric jammed a lot. and you can only use their fabric or felt. so it's not -- you can't sew. it's not a traditional sewing machine in that sense. it got a 23. it lost a few points n that basis. >> okay. >> olivia is making beautiful headbands with this rhinestone headbands kit from creativity. this comes with ten headbands so they have lots to do and can share with a friend. >> make a christmas gift. that's fun. >> also on most people's list, dolls. journey girls from toys r us. our testers loved them. they said they're almost too beautiful. this multi-cultural collection of dolls are going to london this year. that's the theme. good news about these dolls, they're $39.99. you don't have to spend a fortune to get a beautiful doll. one comment our parents have, they take a long time to get out of the packaging, very complicated. and finally, simon is here with the "it" toy of the season. he is also very hard to get out of the packaging. he is motion activated. he also has the remote control. one of the parents said that the remote control didn't work. it lost some points on that. overall, great toys for this age group. >> stephanie, thank you very much. we'll see you tomorrow. if you want to know more about the reviews you just saw, go to tomorrow we'll have toys for tweens. rosario dawson and what it's like to be directed by chris rock. first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ wow something sounds sweet in here!!!! ♪ need a little honey in the bowl. yeah!!! badabopbopbopa!!! no? must be the honey!!! we're back now at 8:46 with one of the stars of the movie "top five," rosario dawson plays a journalist who follows chris rock's character around the city for a day. they get to talking about comedians and authors. >> i say that and they're like, yeah, i really love -- i'm like, you haven't read truman capote. stop! >> even jesus didn't tell his followers everything. >> eddie murphy. >> i once saw murphi and michael jackson within two months of each other and eddie was better. >> too much love no love at all, that kind of broke my heart. >> rosario dawson, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> two words, chris rock. >> love, j'adore. >> he was here monday. >> i've known him since i was 19. we took our banter that we have in real life and trying to translate it into this movie. he saying the crazy things he does and me putting rainbows. he's kind of the stick in the mud. >> it also ups the ante for an actor when you start shooting it. >> he says i probably auditioned him for this movie. when i read it, i was like, this is really great. that's awesome. have fun with that. and he was like, wait, no! i like this character a lot. she wasn't jumping off the page at me. my grandmother had passed and i said i need a break. he said we will be collaborative. i want to make it happen. and i fell in love with chelsea brown. it was exciting. >> we see that clip. i showed another clip when chris was here on monday. there's an incredible banter. i know chris is a big fan of woody allen. it reminds me of a woody allen type of banter but heavily reliant on timing and rhythm. >> yes. >> did it come naturally? >> yes. >> what do you mean? >> comedic timing. he would just -- as much as i would say we need more space to get to this part, and he would go absolutely. we ended up even reshooting. we had ton one seen on union square we shot three times and went back to the location over and over again. i was like, i love you, but it's not working yet. we did reshoots and we added a scene in a liquor store that hadn't been there before. on the other side when i'm having to do things with with hot sauce and anders is there and he's super game. i'm like, really, do i have to? he's like, you have to do this with two fingers. he knows his comedy, i know my drama and it was a good fit. >> he is a little intimidating. as an interviewer -- >> he is not intimidating. >> it is. you know you're sitting across from one of the greatest stand-up comedians of the last ten years. >> he will be impossible if you continue. >> i already told him that. it's such a nice holiday story. you recently adopted a daughter. >> yeah. i very rarely talk about tabloid speculation. this is not an exception. my family is incredibly private, most of us anyway. i don't think anyone is going to be writing a book any time soon. just because we're too lazy. >> it's such a sweet story. >> no. believe me, if anyone were to talk about this, including myself, they would be like, no, you're out. mum's the word but i'm really glad to be here to talk about "top five." thank you. >> you get the drama, he gets the comedy but you cross over into comedy a lot. >> he got me. he got me to cross over. it was very exciting. >> rosario, good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> "top five" opens friday. and up we know what that music means. we are back with "the voice" on "today." after a triple elimination, one of the coaches is without a team. carson gets us updated with how it all went down. ♪ that your dreams came true >> last night, america cast their votes and decided which of the top eight contestants on "the voice" made the right song selection and would advance to the semi finals. america saves taylor john williams. >> coach gwen instead stefani w quite sold on "royals" by pop star lorde. >> what if we did something like -- ♪ >> sounded -- i don't know. maybe it was too weird. try it again. >> he stuck to his gun and performed it his way. ♪ we'll never be royals >> turns out he made the right call. fans loved it and voted him through to the next round. >> all the choices that he's making, i'm questioning. i'm like, are you sure you want to do that? that's crazy and he's like, yeah, i'm sure. and that's why i really wanted him on my team. how you do your little shuffle shuffle. >> i love that she challenges me and she wants to know why i want to do something. she trusts me but doesn't just let me say i want to do this and then say, okay. >> in a season packed with superstar performances, the top eight performed nick jonas" as he performed his single "jealous". ♪ i still get jealous. >> as a signed artist singing my song, it was nerve-racking. >> the nerves really kicked in as three singers were eliminated from the competition. five remain to battle it out next week. three of them from team adam. >> adam is such a good coach. >> there is now definitely a chance where all three of us could end up in the finals. >> team pharrell is out of the running. >> there will always be a team pharrell. >> ultimately i plan to be on the show. they're super talented. ♪ >> for "today," carson daly, nbc news, los angeles. >> no team pharrell. >> i know. i can't believe it. >> that is unreal. >> he was in shock. >> i'm in shock. >> we all are. >> exactly. you can catch "the voice monday and tuesday nights here on nbc. >> by the way, natalie doesn't like gwen's hair. >> ow shrks. >> i love her as a plain platinum blond. i'm not sure about those blackeneds. >> wow! pauly shore is coming up. nbc to breaking news. just two minutes before the 9:00 hour. we have an update on the breaking news we just told you about about a half hour ago. here's a live look at the roosevelt boulevard where a car hit a pedestrian. this happened a couple hours ago, 7:00 a.m. on the northbound avenue near ryan avenue. police did tell us the driver did stop at the scene. we're making phone calls and working on the victim's condition and details. weise pal that on to you as we get it. are a car fire on the way to the expressway. here's nbc10's katy zachry. what can you tell us? >> yeah, vai, route 1, roosevelt boulevard. it happened in the outer drive. so you what have is traffic. police are diverting traffic to the innerdrive to get around there. now i want to show you video of a car fire. look at that blazing scene. this is 95 northbound near the vine street expressway. you can see traffic. this is a live look. traffic is being diverted to the left two lanes. the two right lanes are blocked. crew is still throughout, police and fire. adding to the delays north and southbound delays on i-95. the weather is delaying flights at philadelphia international airport for about nine minutes. let's get to the meteorologist brittney shipp. >> we've been dealing with showers on and off throughout the day. temperatures will head into the 50s. so as we take a look outside right now, it's no wonder why these flights are delayed because take a look at all that fog. and here's a closer look. 42 degrees, rain coming down in philadelphia. high today between 51 and 54 degrees. >> thank you, brittney. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. you can get the latest news and weather at >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on this special wednesday morning here in new york city and rockefeller plaza. it's december 3rd, 2014. and that means we're lighting up that big old christmas tree right across the way. >> huge crowd already. >> big crowd assembling for that. i'm willie along with al, natalie, tamron. you know that by now. >> right now, in that dead zone between thanksgiving and christmas. >> happy holidays. >> yeah. >> tree lights, boom. >> then it's all bets are off. you can come with any holiday you like gl and you can start playing the tune. >> they've been playing them at least for a week. >> i watch -- >> lots of people argue with me about that. >> we've had this conversation. >> by some people you mean -- >> "die hard." >> we maintain, the ladies, that "die hard" is not a christmas movie, blowing up buildings and terrorists. >> ho, ho, ho. >> hans gruber is kind of like -- he's my santa claus. great performance. lady gaga. tony bennett, cyndi lauper, idina menzel. >> the very talented -- >> darius rubbing rucker. >> if you're here in new york, come down and join us. >> there's a bonus hour that starts at 7:00 on some local station. >> what's the bonus hour? >> it's more of us. >> and more of the performers. >> and more of the performers. mostly performers, little of us. performers, us. >> cool. >> you guys see this video? we had this on earlier in the newscast. this is coming to us out of eastern china. take a look. a woman who -- she was driving along and -- do we have the video? she's driving along. she goes into the canal. falls in. she's in there for a couple of minutes. thank goodness there were some bystanders who actually used their clothing to help rescue her and pull her to safety. it's incredible that she was okay otherwise. >> we run this back from the beginning, here is what -- >> she hits the pole. >> she hits the circle and that knocks her into the water. >> you're so crazy. >> they have a barrier. was she speeding? >> she hit the pole and that ejected -- >> it was bobbing up and down like an apple. >> do you have that fear when you're going over bridges or near canals? if it's a windy day especially, i hang on and my hands are at 2:00 and 10:00 on the steering wheel. >> oh, sure. >> the florida bridge near tampa, the bridge that never ends. >> the bridge -- >> the keys. >> gosh! >> i still see where they blew the bridge up, "true lies." >> that's what i think of. where he holds on -- >> that's the best. >> guy movies. >> you never seen true -- jach y jamie lee actually. >> the little boy runs in the airplane, holds up the sign, tells her he loves her. >> one thing we can agree on. >> what? >> brian williams is america's anchor. >> yes, he is. >> and he marked his tenth anniversary the ""nbc nightly news"." the only way you can mark an anniversary, join jimmy fallon. >> if you want me to stop taking executive action. ♪ my pres obama don't my pres obama don't ♪ ♪ my pres obama don't want none unless you pass a bill hon ♪ >> congratulations on hosting the 16th hour of the "today" show. >> excuse me, jimmy. how long have you been behind your desk? >> ooh. >> ten months. >> ooh. >> and then it goes on into peter pan. all right, peter pan sr. >> i love that. >> peter pan will be amazing tomorrow night. >> tomorrow night. 8:00, right? >> i cannot wait. >> watching television with family week. >> it is. >> i like that. i like that. >> go on nbc and rip off the dial, man. just leave it right there. >> take the batteries out. >> out of the remote. >> olden days you ripped off the dial. >> when there were actual dials. i'm old enough, i remember -- i remember back in the day, you had two dials on your tv. you had one that went from two to 13. then a little slide that didn't even click that went from 14 to 107. that was uhf. >> remember we had to adjust the antenna? >> there were two separate antenna, the rabbit ears, then there was a circle. and you had to try to find -- >> back in my day, we had that, too. >> yeah. but you were probably -- you were probably sitting there on your mama's lap. >> on your mama's lap. >> i remember adjusting those rabbit ear. >> i love that natalie is your backup. you go and she's like, yeah. >> what happened to you? >> my dad had a remote. he would go up to one of those, change the channel. channel five. okay. >> is that all we need? >> if i had been smart enough, i would have moved one kid over. there were six of us. >> cackling over here. oh, my god. >> with that exact act. unbelievable. we did a survey this week about the most popular baby names of the year. >> right, baby center. >> baby released the top baby names, mason, liam, olivia, ava. >> all in my kids class. >> now parents are kicking themselves saying i thought it was so unique when i chose it five, six years ago and it turns out everyone was naming their kids the same thing. >> liam was a cool name. officer kid i knew as liam. now it's everywhere. >> my son, nicky, had three other nicky's in his class, three other nicholases in his class. nicky, nicholas, nicholas s. and ni nicky r. >> they call her lucy g. at class. and that kind of stuck. sometimes we call her lucy g. >> don't say that. we have a colleague. the kid's name is sophie. there were three other sophie's out of the class. they had taken out of the class because they wanted her to feel special. >> what? >> like a sophie's choice. >> true story. true story. >> huh? >> true story. had her taken out of the class because she felt like she blended in and they wanted her to feel unique and special. >> home school her? >> no, no. there was another second grade class. >> you said they took her out. >> took her out of that one class. >> oh, okay. i don't know. people do that. >> no, no. they took her out of that particular class and had her moved -- >> back in my day, you said take her out, it meant something else. >> what is happening to you? >> i don't know. >> dr. google. >> i'm sorry. >> wednesday. there's a trend happening at some fancy restaurants, some high-end restaurants. they are actually switching to advanced ticketing system. what that means is you pay for your meal when you make the reservation. so before you get there, before you get a feel of the place, before you get out of your car, you pay for your meal. not refundable. >> what? >> service charge is included. bar bill paid at the restaurant. you walk in. boom, bam. >> what? >> couple of things. these are literally the fanciest restaurants in the united states. >> right. >> great restaurants. >> just high end. >> i'm telling the audience at home. the reason they do this is because no-shows kill restaurants. >> yes. >> if a bunch of people don't show up -- >> i guess if it's a large party or big table that you're reserving but if it's me and my husband going out to dinner -- >> the babysitter doesn't show -- >> no show kills restaurants. bad food kills me. i want to be able to eat my food and pay if it's delicious or not. especially if it's high-end. if i get a meal that's terrible or service is bad -- >> you run out the door. >> no, i'm saying, if it happens -- i rarely -- i don't send anything back because i was a waitress and you don't ever want to do that. eat it or go home hungry. you don't want to send your food back. with that said, i think that's a little shady. i don't like that. >> when you call for reservation and they ask for a credit card number, i don't know. not doing it. >> i understand the business side of things but the bottom line is your job is to make your customers happy. >> seems like they're taking advantage of you. >> a customer's world. if you're in the service industry. >> #pay before #pay after. if you're a restaurant owner go to our page and explain why this makes sense. >> ahead of time for my mcrib. >> they don't make those anymore, do they? >> yeah, they do. certain places. they're limited. anyway, we are not limited as far as rain is concerned. out in california, flash flood watches, central and southern california where we're talking about heavy rain. still moving in to the area. in fact, you can see, heavy showers and thunderstorms now moving into stran. some mountain snows. also rain continuing into southern california as well. we'll be watching this now over the next 24 hours. in fact, three-year deficit -- they need the rain. almost 27 inches below normal, 27 inches down as far as rainfall in los angeles. san diego more than a foot down. they do need this rain. as it comes in, they're going to get t unfortunately, it's all coming very heavily at the same time. and these burn areas where they've had the wildfires, there's no vegetation to hold the soil in. we also have the flood watches. mudslides are in danger. one to two inches of rain possible in the mountains. could be even more. and you've got wind gusts to 45 miles per hour. it will be a mess for another 24 hours in northern and southern good morning, i'm "first alert" meteorologist brittney shipp. as we head into the rest of today, we will continue to see foggy skies throughout the morning hours. even light rainfall. warmer temperatures today than what we saw yesterday. ranging between 51 and 54 degrees. we'll continue to see warmer air coming up from the southwest. your seven-day forecast shows more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures drop down about five degrees. heading into the weekend, we track our next chance of rain both saturday and sunday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. up next, we will always love him as the weasel, but pauly shore has had some success since those days. this holiday. nice clothes? not on her list. what these kids want, your kids have... their health. at st. jude children's research hospital, we're fighting for kids who aren't as lucky as yours. the discoveries at st. jude can help save children close to you. our treatments are used in hospitals all across america. thanks to our research, st. jude has the world's best survival rates for the toughest childhood cancers. and no family ever pays st. jude for anything. our discoveries today could save a child you know, tomorrow. so if you have healthy children, give thanks. give thanks. da las gracias. give thanks. give thanks for the healthy kids in your life. and give to those who are not. go to st. jude dot org or shop wherever you see the st. jude logo. john. loo. latrine. head. bog. the oval office. the porcelain throne. the toilet. no matter what you call it, clorox has been trusted to keep it clean for nearly 100 years. clorox has been trusted to keep it clean new dove body wash with at one breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. ring ring! ...progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. we first met pauly shore with his alter ego. we have seen him since then in "encino man" and more. he just said ugh. hitting the road, doing stand up across the country. in a new documentary "pauly shore stand as loan." take a look. >> the show, everything that i've done since i started has meant something to some people. it's one of the reasons why i'm always on the road, to give them the calming and love and for me to receive the calming and love. it's reciprocal. >> pauly shore, good morning. >> yeah, it's true. yeah, it's true. you go out there, you get it, you give it. it's reciprocal. >> "pauly shore stand as loan" is about your life on and off the road. >> yeah. >> you're getting rid of the schtick a little bit here and showing us more the real side of you. >> in this particular -- i kind of -- i remember joan rivers did that documentary. i think it -- i forgot the title of it. was it called "a piece of me" or -- >> yeah, i think you're right. >> where she dropped everything and just rolled. that's what i did in this documentary. you guys saw it. they sent you a link to it. so it's relatable. i'm out there, busting my butt on the road, playing these small towns, telling jokes, you know, making a living and, you know, it's -- and then, you know, the stuff with my family, dealing with my mom's stuff and all that stuff. i'm not goofing off. it's just like straight. i think it's hilarious, too, thoug though. >> for those of you who don't know, your mom, mitsy shore, she founded the comedy store, launched so many careers like jay leno, all these folks. were you destined, do you feel, to do stand up or did it come naturally? >> i think it's similar to a lot of kid that is fwroe up in the entertainment business. charlie sheen was into it with his father, martin sheen. i have two brothers and a sister. my one brother does real estate. my other brother say psychologist. my sister teaches stand-up. stand-up comedy -- i even talk about it in the film. it's not one of the things that you choose. it chooses you. like i can't wait to get to tennessee. there's that ov and there's that thin thing. i don't care about the flying, hotels, the bad food. i care about getting up there and feeling that connection with people. it's like the best. >> is that easier than being at home and dealing with your mom has parkinson's and dealing with the harder issues? >> yeah. it's interesting because you would think it would be the opposite. you always hear rock bands, yo, i can't wait to get home. fo r me, i can't wait to get on the road. the road is like my home. i'm dealing with my mom -- you're telling me your father. >> my dad, yeah. >> your dad has parkinson's. my mom has great care. she's doing awesome. awesome caregiver named alfred, who takes care of her. but it's sad. being around the comedy store it's a little bit sad. she started it with my father. that's my childhood place. so it's like, it's heavy, you know. >> but there is humor in the film as well. pauly shore, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> watch "pauly shore stands alone" on showtime. the diet that could add musical chairs. fun, right? welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet? from now on, no one's taking your seat away. okay buddy, what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. new color sensational creamy mattes from maybelline new york. unique matte-cream formula meets bold pigment color for our smoothest, most seductive mattes. new maybelline creamy mattes. ♪maybe it's maybelline. taking a look at headlines, takata is defying u.s. regulators, defying a midnight deadline, facing fines up to $35 million. they insist a demand for recall nationwide is not necessary and the united states doesn't have the authority to tell a manufacturer to order a recall. suffering from moderate to severe depression and many are not getting help. according to the center for health statistics, the groups most likely to be affect are people between the ages of 40 and 59 years old and women regardless of age. the report also finds people living below the poverty line are more than twice as likely as others to suffer from depression. people with severe depression only one-third say they have spoken with a medical or mental health professional about it within the last year. some new research suggests that many chest x-rays done on children are unnecessary. a study at the mayo clinic looked at hundreds of pediatric chest x-rays and researchers found only 12% of those patients had pneumonia, bro inform chial infections or some other lung problem. they say it exposes children to unnecessary radiation. new study suggesting added benefit from the mediterranean diet. british medical journal study found those who ate had fewer signs of aging. earlier studies showed that it protected against heart disease and this new study show it is may protect your dna. you see a shark jumping out of the water it. the amateur photographer taking picture notified competition organizers. they cleared the water. the surf er near the shark said he was not worried because he "we can climb the highest mountain, reaching up to catch our dream together there is nothing we can't be. dive into the deepest oceans, dance upon the rolling seas, make a moment, keep the memory." "you'll lift me up, for we are free, v/o: "wherever life takes you, take it with you." pandora: unforgettable moments. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. >> announcer: "nbc10 news" starts now. good morning, i'm tracy davidson. the fog is causing delays up to an hour and a half at philadelphia international airport. let's get an update with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> that's right. increasing as we head into the next few hours. we're also looking at light rainfall. rain drops on the camera and foggy conditions. it's mainly confined to i-95 corridor, like burlington county seeing light rain. the poconos down to a quarter mile, three miles in reading. and as we head through today, we're goes to stay close to average. 54 the high. 58 tomorrow. right now, police are investigating an accident at roosevelt boulevard. investigators say a car hit a pedestrian on the northbound outer lanes near ryan avenue. we just learned that the victim is a high school student, a girl. she is in stable condition, we're told with a broken leg. montgomery avenue is back over in norbert after a fire and several businesses shut down the road this morning. the fire broke out around montgomery and pryce. lower montgomery police chief said it spread to fast signs next door. the roof of the building collapsed. no one was hurt. the cause is under investigation. now, to a home invasion investigation in southwest philadelphia. police looking for a robber who forced a woman inside her home and stole $75. this happened around 2:00 this morning on 56th street. the investigators say the victim was walking home from a takeout restaurant when the robber attacked. she was not hurt. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. i'm tracy davidson. welcome back to "today" on this wednesday morning, december 3rd, 2014. nice crowd gathering outside, getting ready to light up that tree out there in rockefeller plaza. i'm willie with al, natalie and tamron. you're going to lead us through a taste test. >> try some different coffee here. let start with the blue mug. >> sure. >> okay. all right. get a little sip. >> it's good. >> okay. >> cleanse your palate with a sip of water. >> you're not a coffee guy. >> do the cloear mug now. >> i drink my coffee with milk in the morning, milk and sugar. >> this is about the different kinds of coffee. >> okay. >> and then the white mug. >> hide it a little bit. >> we're not telling the brand. >> poker face is not good. >> okay? all right? >> so strong. >> which one tastes the strongest to you, transparent, blue or white? >> transparent for me. >> blue. >> blue. wow! >> really? a recent study at the federation university, which sounds suspect to me, people's perception of the taste of coffee differed depending on the color of their mug. the white mug should have tasted strongest or most bitter. >> this is all the same coffee? >> all the same coffee. different mugs. >> i was going to say i think they're all the same. >> the white in people's mind, the concentration of the brown reinforced. >> is it darker the color, i think, because of the white? >> right. >> the bolder the flavor you think. >> or by the third one, your tongue is overwhelmed by the bitterness. >> there's that. >> we like cream and sugar. >> the big question is, why would one study this? >> because we don't have much else going on. and you figure there's some tv station in america that will run it. >> because any of these studies, here's willie. what's the point of this? >> what are you thinking at home? >> and, again -- >> study from australia, kay? >> our producer, kay, who is from australia. >> she is. >> will take any opportunity to, you know -- >> i think she gets a kick out of -- >> she's trying to validate her continent. >> coming in with all these fabulous out fits every day. getting a kickback. >> talking about all the rain out west. hoo take a look. right now, heavy rain going on around the san francisco bay area. we asked folks to tweet out their pictures. crews trying to remove multiple cars trapped in deep water in san francisco near cesar chavez. and this also, watch out for flooding. cars stuck from san francisco to san jose. folks thank you for tweeting those to us. it's really pretty amazing. and then hold on a sec. here's another one from nick smith news. nonstop rain pushing sewers to their max. backed up water causing problem f good morning, i'm "first alert" meteorologist brittney shipp. as we head into the rest of today, we will continue to see foggy skies throughout the morning hours. even light rainfall. warmer temperatures today than what we saw yesterday. ranging between 51 and 54 degrees. we'll continue to see warmer air coming up from the southwest. your seven-day forecast shows more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures drop down about five degrees. heading into the weekend, we track our next chance of rain both saturday and sunday. >> and that's your latest weather. helping hundreds of deserving kids rest easy with simple nightly comfort. >> being able to read to our kids as we tuck them in at night is something we take for granted. one woman wants to make sure every child has that opportunity. >> on the list, pajamas, books, stuffed animals. these aren't just any gifts. they are comfort items. >> a comfort item is anything that makes you feel good, makes you feel safe at night. >> it's the mission of the precious dreams foundation, founded two years ago by nicole russell. the goal? to help children in transition, foster care, homeless shelters and underserved communities. >> most children have comfort items, whether it be a favorite blanket or bear that they sleep with at night. sometimes parents read stories to their kids before they go to sleep. to know that there are a lot of children that don't have these items and they are sleeping in unfamiliar and uncomfortable environments, they need these items more than anyone. >> with the help of fellow volunteers, nicole puts together these sweet dream bags. each item hand picked for the boy or girl receiving it. >> for ann marie. she's 9 years old and a size 12. >> nicole likes to say it all began with a miracle. >> the idea for precious dreams actually came foov yeaive years. my mom took in a little girl miracle, who used to suffer from nightmares because of things that happened to her before she came to live with our family. >> nicole knew she could help many more kids like her sister and partnered with the department of homeless services, as well as foster agencies throughout new york. >> precious dreams really fills a unique need. at that time of night, in bed alone, sometimes can be the most difficult time. >> but what really makes precious dreams special goes beyond the bags. >> i didn't really have a home. i was moved from home to home, different foster care units and my parents weren't around. >> at each comfort drop, speakers and volunteers share their own experiences. >> i always pushed myself to make sure i got through whatever challenges that came my way. >> and get to know the kids themselves, attacking nightmares and encouraging the right kind of dreams. >> we're going to go around. i'm going to ask each of you to tell me what it is that you want to be when you grow up. >> i want to be a computer technician. >> i want to be a teacher. >> a doctor. >> i want to be an artist. >> artist and i want to build. >> being called out is a big deal for these kids. >> trying to give as many kids possible comfort and precious dreams. >> i'm not going to have any more bad dreams. >> when the children feel comfortable at night, they're able to sleep better, then they wake up with more hope. that's something that we want for all children. >> right now precious dreams serves the new york city area with two comfort drops a month. one of her goals is to open new chapters in 2015. to learn more about precious dreams, head to our website, coming up next, we'll show you how some great holiday coming up next, we'll show you how some great holiday getaways for the what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog, todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners', multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest. walgreens knows the holidays are full of surprises. that's why, whenever the need arises... walgreens is always right around the corner, so you can get in and out in no time. and help keep the magic in your holidays. at the corner of happy and healthy. plus get up to $20 in jingle cash on next week's purchase of $30 or more. (together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! we givecold your you give them the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. in delicious gummies too! winter is hard on your face. the start of sneeze season. the wind-blown watery eyes. and of course, the snow angels with your little angels. that's why puffs is soft. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin. they help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better. so you can always put your best face forward. a face in need deserves puffs indeed. try puffs softpack today. it's the flexible pack that fits anywhere. if aunder a microscope, put we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. it's cookie time. cookie time? it's cookie time. get your betty on. show 'em what you got. ahhh! you can do this. this! betty crocker sugar cookie mix. your head start to homemade. get your betty on! al, there's nothing like fake snow falling across the tv screen. >> i thought that was dandruff. if you're thinking of taking a great vacation with your family, here with the best winter wonder lands out there. christmas is coming right up. >> only three weekends away, breev it or not. >> great wolf lodge. i love these. >> have you ever been? >> i have. >> it's amazing. there's 12 locations throughout the country. and they have indoor water parks, which is awesome when it is really cold outside, like it is in here. you can go inside and they have all these slides and water activities. they also transform the hotel in a winter snow land for kids. you can also dine inside of a real gingerbread house, gigantic gingerbread house. you can't eat the gingerbread house, but you eat inside of the gingerbread house. >> by the end of the season, the house is gone. >> eat the walls for dessert. >> it's $199 a night for a suite there. gaylord hotels has a bunch of locations including a good one in nashville, i must say. what are they providing this holiday season? >> they have an exhibit called ice, aptly named because they have colored ice sculptures and a giant ice slide that kids can slide down. this is really cool. they also have an exhibit of frosty the snowman made out of ice. they start at $256 a night. >> different from the ice slide you had in college. and let's go to the self-described sweetest place on earth, hershey, pennsylvania. >> hershey park. the land of chocolate. this time of year it transforms into candy lane where they have more than 2 million lights. 30 of the rides are open and they have live reindeer. i don't know if they get them on loan from santa or -- >> sure. >> -- what's going on. they have a trail that you can drive through in your car, two miles with 600 different light displays. that's really cool. if you're so inclined, if you want to have a snowball fight indoors, nice and snug, you can go to the hershey story museum and they'll let you just have at it. >> hershey park, getting it done. let's move out west to riverside, california, mission inn hotel and spa. >> historic hotel outside los angeles. 4 million lights on display. gorgeous hotel. you can have sleigh rides and there's 400 amnitronic characters for kids that are praut to life for children. and the rates start there at $199. >> finally, missouri, center of the country, big cedar lodge. >> it's really cool. you can have an elf tuck you in at night. it's pretty cool. kids will get a real kick out of it. they also have -- if you get one of their little log cabins, you get a fully decorated christmas tree waiting for you upon arrival. >> that's cool. >> sanda, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. the photo that has everybody talking. one of hollywood's hunkiest men beefing up for a meaty role. >> who is that? >> your pop fix. >> who is that? >> your pop fix. yum. ♪ ♪ hanes. a perfect fit for every body. now in colorful new styles. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪ up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. you throw your money away. trash bag breaks, bargain bag users go through 60 more bags a year than glad users. glad, strength that saves. at famous footwear we're not just selling the hottest shoes of the holiday season. we're selling "here comes your future daughter-in-law" confidence this year give exclusive carlos santana boots. only from famous footwear. victory is yours. pop fix! >> hey! >> pop fix! >> pop fix time. thank you very much. raise your mugs at home and your bottles if you're a baby. we start with bradley cooper addiction mission, the 39-year-old star, whom we love, opened up about his new film. the book is amazing, by the way. and why he vowed to gain 30 pounds of muscle the old-fashioned way. i did it naturally because i've been sober ten years and i didn't want to do anything. i had a realistic conversation. can i do this in three months naturally, gain 30 pounds of muscle? i didn't know if i would be able to do it or not. thank god my [ bleep ] body reacted fast. i didn't know the connection in gaining the muscle. >> chris kyle, american sniper. unbelievable. bradley cooper nails it. i guess, you know, to do the role, you really do have to be -- i mean, he was a huge guy. >> just taking anything that's not natural, putting it in your body, not even like steroids, but nothing that's -- he did it naturally. >> on his own, the old fashioned way. went to the gym. >> inspiration for a lot of people. >> i put on 30 pounds but not muscle. >> i know we only have three minutes. >> sorry. >> speaking of beefg up, can we talk about -- can we talk about jake gyllenhaal for a minute? everyone, meaning me, busting about this photo. >> what? >> that's him? >> night crawler. >> that's crazy. >> southpaw. big difference, as natalie pointed out, to the pounds he shed in night crawler. southpaw opens next year. all in the same year? >> that can't be healthy. >> just tore up his metabolism, very difficult for him but, yeah, that's jake. >> crazy. >> this guy gives it all to his craft. he brings the best performances. i would love to talk about that. >> next movie, he's playing a black man. wait till you see what he does. >> and moving on now. tom cruise. i'm suspicious of this video. while shooting scenes for upcoming "mission impossible" in london, the star whacked out on the street in front of the iconic double decker bus. honking, created a scene but he survived. scheduled for release next year. tom cruise walking alone by himself, london, that clear video. that's like high-quality video there that someone shot. >> i think somebody just said, oh, tom cruise. >> no camera phone. >> it could have been paparazzi following him. >> wasn't he shooting a movie? >> was that a scene? >> no, no, that wasn't a scene. there were other people who missed getting hadity by the bus, they ran across, too. >> tom cruise, please give me an interview. i won't ask you that. >> and warner brothers announced will smith will play batman villain, joker, rick flag plays tom spike, rounding out the cast, marlo, harley quinn, boomerang and enchantrix, the sorceres. >> can't wait. >> that's your pop fix. this is "today" on nbc. >> go gain weight. we've been collecting gifts for our 21st annual toy drive on their way to kids across the country. >> and joining us, publisher of little brown books for little readers. >> good morning, megan. >> hi, megan. >> this is the best gift, the gift of books. what are you donating? >> $2 million worth of books. one of the ones we're donating is this funny book called "the secret life of squirrels" which is a photographer who took real pictures of real squirrels in her backyard. she created little sets and -- >> come on. >> making hot dogs. >> get out of here. >> taking a bath. >> secret life. >> why is it so important, a book as a gift? >> it's great for them to get toys but kids need to get books, have book in the home to develop a love of reading so that you can go back to them again and again. >> i'm getting that book today. >> you can come to the plaza and donate or online show. >> quick look at >> announcer: "nbc10 news" starts now. good morning, i'm tracy davidson. let's get your "first alert" forecast from meteorologist brittney shipp. brittney. >> good morning, get ready for a wet and foggy start to your morning. from the aramark building you can see light and breezy conditions expected tour today. light rain coming out winds of the south-southwest at 11 miles per hour. eventually the fog will lift up for the afternoon. by noon, 49 degrees. by 4:00 p.m., 51, by 9:00 p.m., 44 degrees and clearing skies. tracy. a vigil will be held today as friends and family head out for another day of searching for the 21-year-old westchester student. help was last season leaving kildare's. they believe he was walking to his parents home but never made it mr. shane montgomery's cell phone stopped rings about 1:30 in the morning and then stopped pinging to cell towers. an accident on roosevelt boulevard, investigators say a car hit a girl around 7:00 this morning on ryan avenue. police tell thoughts driver did stop. they say the teenager is in stable condition with a broken leg. we'll have another update in 25 minutes you can get updates, news and weather on our webside site nbc10 i'm tracy davidson have a great day. womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating, the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello everybody! >> yes! >> i know we look ridiculous. it's wines day wednesday, december 3rd. superman is here, dean cain. his 16th christmas movie, merry ex, meaning somebody's ex from the past. >> our great friend bobby thomas is back with an update on her journey to get praeg nant, here with her husband michael and her doctor. we've been dieing to know what's going on with bobby. she's been trying ivf. >> very brave to share the whole experience. >> not easy to do. we're curious to hear her news today. they're back. kathy mitchell has recipes for the dump cakes. the name sounds awful, but they sound so delicious. >> a can of coke in with the mix. you almost have to do nothing. >> your kind of cooking, hoda. you throw everything in. >> we're wearing the gloves, hat, scarf -- >> went crazy yesterday. >> we wore them during the show yesterday. people were asking where did you get it, where did you get it? >> you can get all three on amazon for the price of $12.99. you get the scarf which is snowflakey, the hat and the gloves, all three for $12.99. >> and if you call now -- >> here is what we have to search for. there are 8 million things. search simplicity adult snowflake. >> something else is going to come up. >> you know it will. >> so to speak. >> would you like words of wisdom. >> i'm burning up. >> you're menopausal. >> i know. this is not helping. here it is. be strong, you never know who you're inspiring. >> who said that? >> i don't know. another google search. that quote is actually have appropriate. last night i did this event. i was part of this event called the loreal women of worth. something karen and her team puts on every year. these are the women they honored, amazing women around the country doing all kinds of things, helping kids with cancer. mary kay hood is the woman i introduced. diane keaton was there. a great bench of presenters and women, mika, andie macdowell. look at blake lively. everyone kept looking at her. >> she has got a great sense of style. hoda, may i ask you something? is that the same dress you wore to the salvation army on monday night? >> it's likely it might be. here is the thing. i am out of clothes. i'm seriously -- >> you know what? i've worn and reworn and reworn -- i don't think i did wear that one. i was going to and i didn't. >> it's beautiful. you look gorgeous. >> big news. >> originally we were hoping today "today" the musical as a live event. due to technical difficulties and unions, we ended up not being able to do it that way. we started taping yesterday. as a result, it's coming out so great that we're going to take our time doing it. >> that's j.k. long. >> there's rege with sal, the prop guy. everyone is having so much fun. >> we should say, to walk around the building yesterday and to watch everybody decked out in outfits singing and dancing and doing all kinds of crazy things, it was such, such fun. so you guys, we're going to give you the date soon, tba. it's coming up christmas, new year's, sometime during the holiday time. >> "entertainment weekly" have picked their entertainer of the year. >> drum roll please. the winner according to ew is jimmy fallon. they say he turned a 20th century institution into a 21st century viral hit because his demo, the age group of the kids watching the show are mainly -- 18 to 49, his demo is up 31%, higher than jay leno. >> the young kids know they'll get a different kind of show from him. nothing bad about jay. he did it brilliantly. it's just a new day. we were on fallon because he can't get through a show without mentioning us. >> having afternoon tea with the morning, con, having morning chardonnay with hoda and kathie lee. it's a tradition. >> we wanted them to come here. he's pushing it, too. >> he's saying it's a con. >> at least it's mentioning it. i don't understand that. >> he's entertainer of the year, so we shouldn't even question it. >> i think we should bring them to the studio, bring kate to the studio. >> #klgandhodawantkate. what hoda really want is harry. >> who doesn't want harry? >> on fallon, brian williams was on. first of all, we love brian for a bunch of reasons. but number one because he loves our show. anyway, he slow jammed the news last night with jimmy fallon. let's take a look. ♪ my pres obama don't want none until you pass bills hon ♪ >> it's your anniversary at nightly news. from all of us here at nbc, we want to say congratulations on hosting the 16th hour of the "today" show. >> excuse me, jimmy. how long have you been behind your desk? >> ten months, plus five years if you count "late night." >> no one counts "late night." >> is that so, peter pan, senior? >> oh, okay. that's what we're doing. look, in two days' time my daughter gets to fly and we couldn't be prouder of her. [ cheers and applause ] >> i wonder who is more nervous, allison or her parents. >> can you imagine watching? >> scared to death and so thrilled. you know who else is excited? >> who? >> madonna. >> she's posing topless again. >> is there anyone in the world who hasn't seen her topless? >> i don't think so. three different covers of "interview" magazine, this is the only one we can show you on tv. inside there is a topless shot that we've sensored. it looks like nothing. >> is that supposed to be marlena deitrich? i guess so. if you remove the red thing, she's all out there. >> that's the smucker's jar thing. >> she's 56. what do you guys think of that, of going topless at 56? >> what do you think of her going topless at 56? >> you don't want to know. nobody cares what i think. i let other people do what they want to do. you'll never see me doing it. first of all, you'll need two cranes. >> time for "the voice." >> the top five revealed last night. three were eliminated. here is what we're going to do. we'll watch the bottom four and only one person of these four that you'll see was saved by america. we want to know who you think was saved. here are the bottom four. >> chris, danika, luke and ryan. ♪ when i get that feeling, i want sexual healing ♪ ♪ these dreams go on when i close my eyes ♪ ♪ every second of the night i live another lie ♪ ♪ holding, holding, holding, oh ♪ ♪ i come to you with open arms, nothing to hide, believe what i say ♪ ♪ so here i am >> i think american saved that last kid. >> i do, too, because of the young girl's vote. >> we think we're right. let's see who was saved? >> america instantly saved chris jamieson. you're moving on. team adam, we'll see you for the semifinals. >> this is shocking. do you know what happened? >> no. what happened? >> pharrell has no singers left in the competition. pharrell was supposed to take the whole thing. >> blake and gwenn have one and adam has three. >> i'm kind of happy for adam because he's not sexiest man alive anymore. he needed something. >> he has three? and there are no women. i'm surprised there are no women. wow. all right. that's depressing. >> we want to see your ugly christmas sweaters. >> we know you have them. please submit your pictures of when they show them on air. >> thanks very much for sending in your "everyone has a story" stories. we picked one. they all were worthy. thank you. >> coming up, call him the king of christmas movies, dean cain has one more to add called merry ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement. ♪ ♪ ♪ ladies, we need to talk... ... about haircolor. it's garnier nutrisse nourishing color creme. rich, radiant... ravishing color! nutrisse nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils. garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color to tell us all about the season's hottest toys. who else? kids. this is kj. kj, how are you enjoying leaptv? hmm? j-j-just say it-it's...just for's educational...and... melissa? julia is playing with the go go my walking pup. what do you think, julia? good puppy. good puppy. ok, well there you go. clearly they're excited that walmart has the hottest toys. get special financing when you use your walmart credit card. more ways to christmas joy. walmart. it wouldn't be the holiday season without a new movie starring -- >> dean cain. made not one, not two, but 16 christmas films. he'll be starting production on his 17th next month. his latest is called "merry ex-mas." >> he plays a bodyguard accused of having an affair, of course, with his pop star client. have we not seen that? despite his denials, his ex-wife doesn't believe it. >> i think you need something more sophisticated. >> keep it simple. >> i want simple. >> you want escape. >> escape from what? >> you want a liss snt. >> put your name at the tip top. >> how about i put a six letter word up there, afraid. >> never. >> be honest. >> you can't admit it that i did not have an affair. >> i don't have to because you did. >> a picture is not proof. you just can't be wrong. >> oh, because i'm always right. >> i'm sorry. but that's snappy dialogue. >> that's real life. >> that's real. >> christie and i have done a number of films together. it wasn't hard to get that quick snap. sometimes she would cut me off, too. >> like in a real relationship, like hoda's and mine. >> was there proof of the affair. >> there was a photograph. a photo, it can be cropped, omit a lot of other things. by o character was too proud to really show her everything. he didn't say anything. he thought she should believe him based on words. they drifted apart and they get stuck many years later in a cabin and get snowed in like buffalo got snowed in a few weeks ago. >> didn't you write this with a couple of friends? >> we were sitting in a coffee shop talking about what kind of christmas movie to make. we made one the year before. we were saying what should we do, what would be fun to do? we came up with the concept, pitched it to them. >> it's a family affair. you your mom in it, your son in it. hello. >> it's christmas. it's family. >> what's your mom play? >> my mom plays my disapproving mother-in-law -- ex-mother-in-law. i'd say it's type casting. she hadn't done anything in a while and she was a little nervous acting. i said mom, you're going to play yourself, disapproving of me. it's perfect. >> is she an actress? >> she s. she was very good. >> what about your son? you beam every time you talk about him. >> that's my man. he's in the film. he wanted to -- he said dad, make it simple. he's in this scene, he had one line. i wasn't there the day he shot which is probably better. it was great. he was fantastic. i don't know if he wants to be an actor. he comes to visit the set on "hit the floor" where i have 14 dancers age 20 to 24, 26. >> more perfect than the next. >> he shows up on that set all the time. >> i wonder why. >> we start in february. i love that show. it's a joy to go to work every day. it's also reason to want to make you get to the gym because those guys are in great shape. >> since you're the king of christmas movies. >> we want to talk about brook. >> that's more important. >> tell us about brook. >> brook is a wonderful, wonderful girl. we were college sweethearts. she's obviously written the book. i haven't gotten to the part where she talks about us. it's really insightful for me. we discussed a lot of things with her mother. her mother and i sometimes butted heads. it was really interesting to see how that all began. we didn't really get into that during our relationship. so i found it to be really raw. >> she says in the book she lost her virginity to you. is that what she said? >> i don't know if those are the exact words. >> it's on my podcast. yes, it is. >> they give it. >> you know what? she said it was everything you would wish for your own daughter. >> we were in love. she's a won deferful girl. >> we love you and we're excited for your 16th, we are waiting with bated breath for your 17th. >> she shared her personal journey to get praeg nant with ♪hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem♪ ♪to say, throw care away. ♪from everywhere, filling the air♪ chex party mix. easy fifteen-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like chocolate caramel drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. he told me there's a whole new way to treat sensitivity. he suggested i try new crest sensi-stop strips. [ male announcer ] just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. the special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. see why dental professionals endorse crest sensi-stop strips to treat sensitivity. that's 1 strip. 10 minutes. and up to 1 month of protection. satisfaction guaranteed. [ woman ] life opens up when you relieve sensitivity. satisfaction guaranteed. to rlet's compare an entireain, tub of oxiclean to just half a cup of clorox bleach. okay... huh... how is that called clean? clorox. eliminates stains better than oxiclean. [cout on that field today,. you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. there is important work to be done. and only some able to do it. can you make the cut? we givecold your you give them the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® for the past several months our good friend bobbie thomas has been honest about infertility and her effort to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization. she's been talking to us, documenting her appointments and procedures in a video diary. >> after four rounds of ivf, the doctors were able to get two viable embryos. on the day of the transfer she made another video. >> today is transfer day. unfortunately we did lose one of the embryos this morning and had to absorb that pretty quickly because we then had to realize how fortunate we were to have a second embryo to work with. we did get good news that the embryo looked great, and we are -- when i say we, my husband and i, michael, are on our way to hopefully have a successful transfer. >> bobbie is here with her husband michael and her doctor shiva tall le'veon, an infertility specialist here in new york city. >> bobbie, we've been sitting patiently. >> it's been a while since i've been allowed to talk to both of you. >> what did you guys find out? >> share the news? >> still obviously super early in the process. so far the news has been great. >> it's so early and i'm so sorry that i didn't say anything sooner. >> we thought it was bad news. we really did. >> we've both been so sad looking this morning. >> well, a, i'm sick, been very sick in the morning. i love you both like family. it's been very hard to not share every bit of this. it's so hard to still believe. i'm so connected to so many of you out there who posted. i mean the thousands of comments i've read, that didn't get this news. i just feel so fortunate to have the support and to have this opportunity. they already stuffed these in over here. >> they're not for you. >> my husband is an amazing and shiva is the best support system, doctor, everything in one. i just can't believe that after four rounds, surgeries, everything, losing the embryo. it's soon. i'm nervous because anything could happen. >> that's in a normal pregnancy, if there is such a thing. >> doctor, you tried different things there that are really cutting edge at your clinic. what did you do with michael and bobbie, with this embryo? >> so we had a kind of extensive discussion before everything and talked about standard ivf. i discussed some of the newer technology that we have where we actually test the embryo prior to putting it back. so the main advantage to that is really lowering the miscarriage risk and increasing the possibility of that embryo implanting. that's what bobby and michael opted to do. that's why we kind of did several rounds. >> at what point is it that bobbie and michael can breathe a little sigh of relief and say, okay, we're on the way? >> we pass add big hurdle with the positive test. >> that means she's pregnant. >> exactly. >> can we say it? bobbie is pregnant. [ cheers and applause ] >> how do we know how far along she is? it gets crazy? >> with ivf everything is very calculated and we know everything very early on. she's about five weeks pregnant. so really very, very early. if we can make it i think through the next couple weeks and get a good heartbeat, then i think we can -- >> should she be on bed rest? >> anything you want, you're going to get. >> how has this been for you? i know this is a journey for both of you. we've heard from bobbie. what's it been like for you? >> well, at this point it's very exciting, of course. we're just trying to stay positive. >> he's being nice. i have been so emotional with the hormones, and he's had to give me shots. he's let me cry and scream. >> it's been a challenge. it's not for the faint of heart. >> no, and it's not for the not truly in love either. >> can we give bobbie a hug? >> shiva, thank you so much. >> we love you, sweetheart. >> we're going to be right back they're going to love you. at famous footwear we're not just selling the hottest shoes of the holiday season. we're selling "here comes your future daughter-in-law" confidence this year give exclusive carlos santana boots. only from famous footwear. victory is yours. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's get your forecast from brittney shipp. >> we are seeing foggy skies, especially in the poconos with the visibility decreased to a quarter of a mile. as we head into the rest of today, we will continue with the foggy conditions and rain. mostly cloudy for us today as well. 43 in philadelphia as you are heading out the door. went out of the south southwest at ten miles per hour. here is a look at where the rain is, closer to the shore. future temperatures, in the low 50s. investigators are looking for the cause of an early morning fire. it broke out around 4:30 and spread through two businesses, this is montgomery county. the roofs collapsed. fortunately, no one was hurt. divers have resumed their search in wilmington for a missing barge operator. the barge flipped last night during a routine procedure. two workers were rescued. happening today, united airlines is ending flights oust atlantic city international airport. they started offering flights to chicago and houston in april but it didn't bring in enough business. they are in contact with other carriers to bring flights to atlantic city. it will look more festive in philadelphia later today. after a three-year absence, the philadelphia christmas tree is back at city hall. tonight attend a tree lighting ceremony. there will be a grammy award winner performing. get the latest news and weather on our website, now back to "today." i'm tracy davidson. thanks for watching. we're back with more of "today" on this wines day wednesday, ready to play "who knew." listen closely. that's from a new musical called "under the bridge." hello. that's our way of getting you ready for tomorrow night's big musical event peter pan live. today's trivia is about musicals. kathie lee is ready to hand out $100 to anybody who gets the questions right. those who don't, get one of her wonderful cds. that was totally staged. here to help me, features editor for, lindsay. >> a nice man from great neck new york. what band's story is the basis for the musicals "jersey boys." >> frankie valley and the four seasons. >> on a roll. >> wow, he got it. the broadway hit tells a story of the band's rise to fame. frankie valley had musical experience before this, sang the total song in "grease." >> where are you from? >> miami. >> meryl streep played one of the lead roles in which film? mamma mia, greece or once? >> yes, mamma mia. >> she was so great in mamma mia. >> she was unbelievable. she must have loved it. she's going to be in "into the woods" this december. maybe she'll win her fourth oscar. >> amazing. back to you kathie. >> from arizona, two different jennifers hit the billboard charts with therrien nigs of "and i'm telling you i'm not going." "ain't misbehaving" or "dream girls." >> it's an honor show. >> i'm going to say "dream girls." >> that is the thing you should have said. >> just hold on a second. three for three, that was such a moment in the "dream girls" movie. >> yes, jennifer holiday inn nishlly played it on broadway and won a ton of awards. jennifer hudson won the oscar. jennifer holiday won a tony and a grammy. it's obviously an awards magnet. >> a great, great scene. back to you. >> from st. louis, carol king is the inspiration for which musical currently running on broadway "rock of ages," "the last ship," or "beautiful." >> beautiful. >> beautiful i saw for my sixth time this weekend. it's a great show. >> one of my favorites. i absolutely love it. you know who was afraid to see it was carol king. she said originally it was too painful to watch a story about her life. she eventually did go and put out a statement praising how wonderful the performance was. >> she went in disguise. jesse mueller plays an incredible carol king. >> from new york. the classic song "maria" is from west side story, the sound of music or lay miserable. >> i love it. maria was song by the character tony. rumored to be the first choice for tony in the movie? elvis presley. he turned it down which might have been good because he used to date natalie wood who played maria. >> one last one. >> from southampton, new jersey, which tv and film star played the title role of annie during the musical's original run on broadway, brooke shields or sarah jessica parker. >> a. >> she's going to love everyone. the correct answer sarah jessica parker. >> she was just a teenager, a big break on broadway. she ended up playing several other broadway roles through her career, even though we know her as carrie bradshaw on s"sex & te cit city". >> don't forget. you can catch "peter pan live" here tomorrow on nbc. here is something that may be music to your ears, a delicious dump cake. be music to your ears, a delicious dump cake. plus affordable gift ♪ be music to your ears, a delicious dump cake. plus affordable gift ♪ ♪ it's gonna tempt your tummy, with the taste of nuts and honey. it's a honey of an o. it's honey nut cheerios. dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks, or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. especially around the holidays. i made a list of everyone we need to get gifts for this year. but thanks to, now we can shop with low monthly payments. over 150,000 items, and growing, from brands like samsung, kitchenaid, lego. just click on over to for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great gifts. [ drums playing ] let's wrap this one last. ♪ let's wrap this one last. i'm home. ♪ hi, mom! ♪ of all the things that happen on your shiny surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. i was pretty stunned myself. removes fourteen years of stains. see? crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains, but whitestrips go below the enamel surface to safely remove deep stains. don't miss our buy one get one free offer this holiday season! he loves me, he loves me not he loves me, he loves me not he loves me! warm and flaky in fifteen... everyone loves pillsbury grands. make dinner pop. it is time for our holiday gift guide. you know what your mother taught you. never show up to someone's house empty-handed. >> whether you're invited to a holiday party or spending weekends with your friends, you'll want to show thanks with thoughtful hostess gifts. you know who is here? lilianna vasquez. >> happy holidays. >> you could do cheese and crackers -- >> absolutely. you never want to show up empty-handed. this is a gorgeous cheese and cracker plate from uncommon goods. you come with a dish and leave it for your hostess. you can't forget about the kids. a lot of times the kids are there. seedlings have these fun craft kits so your kids can make a snow globe. don't forget about the hostess. she loves to cook. this is available at sterliss hob. >> i found these gorgeous wood ornaments, handmade from i personalized these for you, hannah. and for the giffords, one for you right here. >> thank you, hon. >> i love custom stationery. you can customize with names, family names. we did it for to "today" show. those are available at expression >> this is the gifford stamp. >> we made that just for you. >> that's adorable. >> under $30. and i love marquis lights. one of the biggest trends in home dee core, these are available at for only $34. they are l.e.d. operated with batteries. don't even have to plug them in. >> no extension cord. >> first of all, i'm thirsty. oh, wait. we have a guest. hold on. let's see who it is. oh, my god. >> who is at the door? >> karen. >> she's here with cookies. these are on the giving place. this is available at sc. the giving plate is the gift that keeps giving. it moves from party to party so everyone can enjoy the giving plate. >> who is here? i hope it's not alex. >> hey, alex. >> i brought this for you. >> so sweet. >> what is it? >> this is a gluten free sweet box. they can suit anything, food or nut allergies. you can accommodate with a whole treat box for them or their children. how cute is that? >> the party is not a party, guys, unless -- >> a party is not a party unless paul manson comes. >> paul! >> be careful. it's full. >> so this is such a great idea for a basket. this has all the essentials that you need the next day. so cute. i got all these at home goods. you can also bake all your own -- >> i'll move on. >> don't give him too much sauce because you know how paul is. not good. >> party is not a party yet. >> all right. so now we have -- >> last but not least. >> you know who is usually late, sandy. >> i am so sorry. >> sandy! >> how cute is this idea. this basket is my home to yours. so you bring special treats and books from your home to someone else's home. i live in chelsea. this is a chelsea-themed basket with different foods, cookies and treats for the holidays. [ doorbell ] >> there's more? >> paul's brother charles. >> it's anthony. he took the top -- [ laughter ]. >> that's a special "today" show gift. >> by the way, lilianna, that was a great segment. thank you. so much fun. >> paul, welcome. >> tell your brother charles we missed him. okay? >> shear a sweet idea for the hostess. here you go. why not a dump cake. nothing says love like a dump cake. >> don't say dump. >> we'll talk to her after this. you've been part of this family for as long as i can remember. and you just mean so much to all of us. the holidays wouldn't be the same without your crescent rolls. we got you a little something. we got you jeans. it's about time. pipin' hot pillsbury crescent rolls. make your holidays pop! ladies, we need to talk... ... about haircolor. it's garnier nutrisse nourishing color creme. rich, radiant... ravishing color! nutrisse nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils. garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color we givecold your you give them the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® i've never seen swanything so soft!tness... charmin! take a closer look at charmin ultra soft and you'll love what you see. not only can you use less, but you can actually see the softness in our comfort cushions. plus charmin ultra soft is so much more absorbent you can use up to four times less. what are you boys looking at? my main squeeze. rotorooter approved. charmin is clog-free or it's free. it's time for fo today's kitchen. if you iron vited to someone's house for the holidays or throwing your own party, you could bye a desert like hoda does. >> you didn't need to say that. >> we promise it doesn't get any easier than this. kathy mitchell is the author of "dump cakes," where you take a mix, dump it in the can and bake it. it's easy pizzi. >> a huge hit last time. >> i'm glad. we'll make a sweet hot apple dump cake. >> you grease the pan. >> can you pam it? >> absolutely. >> you smush it around. >> two cans of apple pie filling. spread them out. >> now what? >> now we're going to add these red hots. >> that seems counterintuitive. save a few of them. you all put them on the top. go ahead and dump your cake mix in there. dump it across the top. >> don't stir. >> don't stir. >> you can spread a little with your fork to make it even, but you don't want to stir. >> you don't want to stir. >> now, the recipe calls for a cube of butter where you sliced up. you can use your potato peeler to get nice thin slices. you want to lay them on top. i also found if you're really in a hurry, go ahead and melt it and dump it on there. >> and just put it in the microwave for like 30 seconds. >> microwave it for a few seconds. >> i can't believe you don't stir the cake. i still find it so weird. how long do you cook it for? >> for about 50 minutes or so. >> and? >> and when done, about ten minutes before you take out, the last few red hots, this is what we'll have. >> adorable. but i'm busy doing it right. >> we have another cake. >> another one to go. >> i know. >> take that bite. >> there you go. >> i'm not crazy about red hots, but it's very good. >> let's make another one. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is called granola caramel carrot dump cake. we have pineapple in the pan already. we'll sprinkle the cake. >> dump. >> dump the cake. >> can you use any cake mix. >> sure. this is just a carrot cake. >> pineapple on the bottom. >> pineapple on the bottom, carrot cake on the top. >> smush it around. >> and add your butter. this time i melted it for you. if you want to, you can put the slices on. and then the granola. sprinkle it on there evenly. >> evenly. that's the word. >> the hardest part, right? >> look at how easy this is. >> you can have more fun with your kids making these. they'd love to be a part of this. >> drizzle right on top of the granola. >> this is my kind of cake. this stays in the oven for about 45, 50 minutes. >> crazy that there's no eggs in there. it's nuts. >> we're going to taste. >> here we go. all done. >> beautiful. >> get involved. >> get in here. >> if you want more caramel on the top. >> she loves the sweet stuff. >> you forget who you're talking to. >> you can find these recipes, by the way, you guys, on >> check out our million meals by christmas food drive and how you can get involved. >> first this is "today" on nbc. we want to thank everybody who has been so generous to donate to our 21st anti toy drive. >> one of our biggest contributors over the years has been kay jewelers. kimberly khan nair ray is the vice president of public relations. here with 13-year-old mika barker with st. jude children's research hospital. hello. both so beautiful. >> you are. >> you guy haves always been such a great partner. st. jude is very important to your organization as well. >> absolutely. we're so excited to be back for the 15th year donating $100,000 worth of these adorable plush puppies and teddy bears. they're available at kay jeweler stores across the country. >> what does st. jude mean to you? >> it's like a second home. i feel like i can go, it's not a hospital. i get to meet everyone, see the old friends. the kay cafe is like the best food ever. it's fun. it's like a family. >> when you walk in that place, it's hard to believe it's a hospital. >> by the way, so important to have something like a little bear to hold on to for kids in the hospital, right, mika? >> yes, ma'am. it's so fun. they're so soft. i love them. >> we can't thank you enough for everything you do. >> our pleasure. >> thanks to our customers, we e eve raised over $40 million for st. jude. so proud. >> that's awesome. >> thank you so much. >> you co-donate on our toy drive at the nbc experience store or online at you have until december 19th. >> tomorrow, kathie lee shines the light with her book "good gifts." have a nice wines day wednesday. tomorrow is trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at right now at 11:00 a.m., family and froeiends are gather to continue their search for shane montgomery. new information on the disappearance of this west chester university student. good morning. a reward for information about what happened to shane has been significantly increased. jesse gary live with new developments. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning. i just talked to shane's mother karen. she says that a handful of volunteers are meeting inside the rectory of the saint john the baptist chur


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150304

historic winter's last gasp? >> and new questions. federal officials possibly reopening the investigation into the notorious plane crash that killedly agendaary singer buddy holly and richie valley. why it's reconsidered 56 years later today wednesday, march 4, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning everyone. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. all winter long we've been talking about the city of boston because they have been dealing with this horrible weather. that city is in the headlines. >> boston waiting for this day, opening statements starting today in the trial of boston bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev. peter alexander is at the courthouse for us. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. this was the worst act of domestic terrorism since 9/11, and the long-awaited trial of dzhokhar tsarnaev is under way at the federal court house behind us here. just two miles from where the boston bombing took place nearly two years ago. survivors say they have been told to prepare for very graphic evidence, including photos and video. prosecutors plan to play a surveillance video they say shows dzhokhar tsarnaev placing a back pack bomb in the crowd of the spectators and walking away, then the explosion and devastating aftermath. he was found four days later hiding in a boat stored in a yard his brother also accused in the bombing died earlier. in the both the fbi says he scrawled criticism of the american military including the u.s. is killing our innocent civilians and i can't stand to see such evil go unpunished. what if anything did tamerlan's wife know now remarried with a baby, she never has been charged in connection with the bombing and-er lawyers say she has cooperated. russell's largely steered clear of the spotlight, she might be called as a witness. defense lawyers cesar nef who was 19 at the time was dominated by his older brother, a father figure he was afraid of. >> it will be the defense's task to humanize this young man, to show the jury that he really is not a predator, he's not an evil >> reporter: a bombing victim has no feeling on her lower right side. she says she will be in court for some of the trial. >> i feel like i need to be there. and i know it's going to be diff and i know there are going to be a lot of things that are going to be painful. >> reporter: again, the opening arguments are now under way and if convicted dzhokhar tsarnaev could face the death penalty. the judge says this trial is expected to last until june. >> peter alexander, thank you. >> turning to other news the investigation into hillary clinton's use of an e-mail account as secretary of state is widening. kristen welker with the latest on this. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. clinton's political problems are growing this morning, a congressional committee says it wants to further explore clinton's use of her personal e-mails while she was secretary of state. clinton isn't speaking about the scandal instead last night at a woman's event in washington, she tried to turn the page. despite the controversy swirling around her, hillary clinton rallied her base getting the most applause when she hinted at future plans. >> and i suppose it's only fair to say don't you some day want to see a woman president of the united states of america? >> that message echoed in the program with a democratic communications firm running this ad, misspelling her name and showing a picture on her blackberry amid a growing e-mail scandal. clinton made no mention of the revelations that she used her personal e-mail account as secretary of state instead of a now required government e-mail account. republicans seized on the news. >> you do not need a law degree to have an understanding of how troubling this is. >> reporter: aides say she followed the law e-mailing other employees on their official accounts with every expectation they would be retained and the state department says requirements to use government accounts came after clinton left office, noting that former secretary of state colin powell used his personal account and condoleezza rice rarely used in 2011 clinton talked with savann >> you mentioned technology. i have to wonder do you -- how many have your personal e-mail address? you use your blackberry a lot. you like technology? >> i do. >> good at it? >> i'm okay for you know, for someone of my generation i'm okay. no, i -- i have a lot of security restrapts on what i can and can't do. but i do try to stay in touch as much as possible and electronically is the easiest way to do that. >> are you a blackberry addict? >> i'm an aficionado. not sure about the addict part. >> reporter: last year clinton aides submitted over 50,000 pages of e-mails after the state department asked former secretaries for their official documents, last month the state department turned over about 300 of those e-mails to lawmakers investigating the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. then on monday revelations those e-mails were from her personal accoun >> it feeds into the narrative that she has something to hide or that she has a default that she will be secretive and not transparent. >> reporter: now the associated press is reporting that hillary clinton used a private internet service registered to her family home in new york, experts call that unusual move that may have given clinton tighter control over access to her archives. so far no reaction from clinton officials about the latest al when asked about the flap, white house officials said they took clinton at her word but that ultimately it's up to the state department and clinton to assess the situation. >> kristin, thanks very much. >> the weather now in round two of what millions hope will be a last brush with this record winter on its way. this is threatening to spread snow and ice from northern texas to new england. and it could push boston over the top setting the record for the city's snowiest winter ever. dylan dreyer is at her post in boston again. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you know, we haven't had a major snowstorm here in boston since valentine's day but take a look at this mountain behind me. this is a 40-foot high pile of dirty snow. this is the city's snow dumping ground. obviously no one here wants more snow but after the 1.6 inches of snow that fell last night we are now just two inches shy of breaking the all-time record for snowiest winter ever. the snow we saw last night was part of a bigger system that made a mess of parts of the midwest. in minnesota, blowing snow reduced visibility on the roads, parts of i-94 had to be shut down in both directions because of several crashes. farther south, roads were dangerous as well in omaha, nebraska, one man was killed and the icy roads were to blame for that crash. unfortunately, we are not out of the woods yet. we have more winter weather today and tomorrow, and we're going to be so close to breaking that record here in boston but it looks like you're going to see more in new york. >> in fact, looks like the cutoff is just south of you, so to come this far and not break the record. just for the t-shirt alone. it's all about the t-shirt. >> fireworks. something. >> i know. let's see what we've got going on. again, this is a wide reaching system. 1600 miles stretching from texas all the way into just south of dylan, unfortunately, look at this. we've got winter storm warn, winter storm watches and winter weather advisories from colorado all the way into new england. winter storm warnings a big problem, dallas, rain, thunderstorms, changing to snow and sleet about 1 to 3 inches. in the afternoon memphis, winter storm warnings, 2 to 4 inches, ice up to a quarter inch. big problem overnight tonight into tomorrow morning, lexington, kentucky, 6 to 10 inches of snow once it changes to rain. d.c., philadelphia, four to eight inches of snow after changing rain to ice tonight. new york city will see from about 2 to 5 inches of snow by this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon this time. and then, we look for the snowfall amounts unfortunately, or fortunately depending how you feel about boston, we're talking about less than an inch of snow, if anything it stays to the south. generally, though, about 3 to 6 inches through the ohio river valley, about some areas picking up up to a foot. but then, after some very cold air on friday, next week fabulous. >> really. >> good news. >> good job, al. >> thank you. turning to other stories more than six months after that deadly shooting of michael brown that sparked angry protests coast to coast, the justice department is going public with its probe into the ferguson, missouri police force. and the findings could cause even more anger. here is ron allen. >> reporter: investigation following the violence that rocked ferguson uncovered a long standing pattern of racial bias. when police used force, 88% of the time the suspect was african-american, as were 93% of those arrested, over a roughly two-year period before michael brown's fatal encounter with darren wilson. the probe officials say also found this. a 2008 e-mail by a ferguson law enforcement official saying president obama would not serve an entire term. what black man holds a steady job for four years it asked. the report also expected to say local police repeatedly stopped and fined black drivers for minor violations. like busted taillights, to raise money for the city. >> targeting people who are typically not listened to. >> this investigation we understand says nothing about the death of michael brown, or whether former police officer darren wilson will face federal civil rights charges, that investigation continues. but a federal officials have said it's unlikely wilson will be charged with a crime. ferguson's leaders confronted with thousands of pages of allegations say they will only respond when all of this becomes public likely later today. ron allen, nbc news, ferguson. >> look for that. to the news, overnight arrest in a series of shootings. >> right, the fbi says a suspect wanted in a string of shootings in the washington, d.c. area including one near nsa headquarters is now in custody. richard jordan from our station in washington has the latest. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. today the fbi will be working to piece together exactly what happened to determine if the one person was behind all five of those shootings, that suspect in custody now. the most recent shooting at the nsa building. no one was hurt but there was some damage to the building. and just hours before that on an open highway about ten miles away, two men came under fire, someone shooting at them from a wooded area. they were in a landscaping truck. both of them were hurt, one grazed by a bullet, the other had cuts from broken glass. all of the shootings happening in popular areas outside a movie theater, outside a walmart store, and the first shooting just across the street from a very populated shopping mall. it was from that parking lot across the street from the mall that the fbi was able to obtain surveillance video showing the suspect vehicle. all of this bringing back memories to 2002, the dc sniper case, shooting people at random, ten people were killed there. now the fbi in the middle of a similar investigation working to find out what the motive behind these new shootings is, and if they perhaps are random as they appear to be. natalie. >> richard jordan from our washington, d.c. station, thank you. u.s. supreme court takes up a legal challenge that could doom the affordable care act better known as obamacare. pete williams is live with that. good morning. >> reporter: natalie, good morning. sometimes supreme court cases are about abstract ideas but this is very practical. it will determine whether millions of people will lose their health insurance. for 7 million low income americans obamacare and the subsidy is a life saver cutting the cost of health insurance an average of 72%. the question for the supreme court who is entitled to that subsidy. observecare opponents say the subsidies are only for insurance bought on an exchange run by a state and not on the federal exchange in states that don't set up their ochblt it's a critical issue. only 16 states have their own exchanges up and running. everywhere else there is only the federal exchange. jennifer of memphis battling cystic fibrosis remembers a phone call that told her she was chosen for a transplant. >> they said we have a pair of lungs for you. and i started crying. >> now she says without obamacare and the subsidy she could not afford her anti-rejection drugs. >> i would end up like i was before, and i would die. >> reporter: the insurance industry warns that if the challengers succeed obamacare would enter a death spiral, rise costs for a smaller number causing the system to collapse. >> pete williams outside the supreme court for us, thank you. frightening moments overnight when a plane with 238 people on board slid off the runway in nepal, the turkish airlines plane was trying to land in dance fog. after it touched down it skidded and ended with the nose on the ground. passengers had to use the emergency slides to evacuate. one person was taken to the hospital but everyone else for the most part was okay. and a sidewalk showdown, argument over snow shoveling turned ugly in ohio. take a look, you can see the man on the left, larry meyers, blowing snow directly onto the man on the right, turns out will was shoveling the snow so school kids could walk on the sidewalk. meyers, however, took exception and told him to leave his sidewalk alone. he says there was an argument. meyers then grabbed him by the throat, that's not all, meyers came back out with a shovel and he started to dump the snow exactly where it was cleared off. police are now investigating. wow. >> this is the new thing. you end up with a feel good story. that's a feel bad story. >> i don't think -- this started long before. >> something simering. >> majorly. >> this is why winter has to end. >> the madness must stop. it will. let's show you what else is going on across the country. you can see we've got beautiful weather along the west coast, 55 in seattle and sunny, 70 in los angeles, that's where -- nice weather through florida with sunshine and in the low 80s. let's get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. wrong choice? it's like, if i buy a t-shirt and then change my mind i can return it. but a car? you don't reeeaaa eeeeeaaaaaly know until you've driven it a few days. i just want to be sure. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. what a pretty start to the day here. nice and clear up in wine country. it's a little hazy out there. temperatures are cool though because we don't have that blanket of low clouds. we're at 43 degrees in the north bay. on our way to the mid to upper 60s all across the board. in the 60s tomorrow, trading in for the 70s. we'll keep that warming going into your weekend. beautiful weekend to hit the beach. we'll have more in just moments. former cia director david petraeus is agreeing to plead guilty to mishandling classified materials, this is a case that stemmed from his affair that ended his political career. nbc's jim miklaszewski is at the pentagon with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this is a stunning almost unbelievable fall from grace. david petraeus, even a possible presidential candidate, pleading guilty now to a criminal federal charge that grew out of a sorted extramarital affair. once considered a national hero, david petraeus now faces federal charges. the former general who led u.s. forces in iraq and afghanistan and rose to director of the cia, prepared to plead guilty to a charge of unlawful mishandling of u.s. top secrets. but federal court documents don't stop there. they claim that petraeus while head of the cia shared some of those documents with paula broadwell who admittedly was having an affair with petraeus while writing his biography. documents sayy he slipped her eight black books with top secret information like the afghan war plan and identities of covert operators. the scandal first hit the national headlines more than two years ago, when a tampa socialite called the fbi, kelly complained she was receiving threatening e-mails telling her to stay away from general petraeus. the fbi soon traced the e-mails to broadwell, discovered the illicit affair and mishandling of military secrets. the explosive revelations forced petraeus to resign as director. but petraeus still has his supporters and a large part of his legacy intact. >> his judgment in terms of national security threats we faced and how to deal with the vicious enemy and being successful on the battlefield hasn't been tarnished. >> reporter: president obama approved a plea deal. >> the president believes it was appropriate for general petraeus to take responsibility for his actions. >> his future now in the hands of the federal courts. it looks like petraeus will avoid jail time. the charge is a misdemeanor, prosecutors are recommending two years probation and a $40,000 fine. but it will clearly take petraeus some time to rebuild his reputation. >> jim, thanks. >> look who is here. carson is about to take us to the orange room talking about online ads most seem to dislike. >> we are watching a video on line, you stick around through the ad or wait. >> skip. >> what i figured. geico has a new campaign. specifically, those who are anxious like these guys to click right past the ads. take a look. >> don't thank me, thank the savings. >> you can't skip this geico ad because it's already over. geico, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> for the ad to come up, waiting for the skip button. it's not over. everything in the middle is frozen and you're watching going wait, what is that dog doing? more than a minute you can stick around and people do to watch the dog devour the food. it's a brilliant scheme here from geico to keep you focused on this ad. look at the branding. it's geico in the center. watch this kid's plate. watch the salad go. he stepped on the salad to get to more spaghetti. wrangle, are you watching? >> could learn a few things. >> geico put out these ads, there are four of them. 1.5 million views. here is another quick one. guys in the elevator hand shake. i'll show you fast. it freezes here and you want to see this lady like what is she going to do? walk around them? what's happening? she needs to get somewhere. the elevator -- she does this thing. you stay focused and wondering what's going on. >> like the end of the old police squad. >> here you go. 96% skip the ad. it will be interesting to see if this starts a new trend for companies to earmark not money but creative for ads specifically for the web and preroll. >> you watch it the first time, then you'll skip it the second time if you can. >> people watch cats, dogs, babies, millions of times over and over. it's an interesting trend. we'll keep an eye on. >> the people that froze like that. that was impressive. coming up, investigation nearly 60 years later why the ntsb could look at the plane crash that claimed the lives of buddy holly, richie valens and the big bopper. >> the parents who left their kids walk home from the park found responsible of child neglect. what they are saying about the decision and plans to fight back. first this is "today" on nbc. lans to fight back. but firs coming up the play time, the treats, how much do dogs like wrangler actually remember? >> plus what is drawing pilots to this lake. the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need! talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. colourists know roots take colour one way, and previously coloured hair another. new vidal sassoon salonist. first, brush roots then, blend through lengths. our most advanced system outside the salon. it's more than colour. it's a work of art. you're watching "today in the bay." >> a very good morning to you. it is 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. early this morning, a fire threatened a restaurant on san francisco's knob hill. it started in the parking garage just below aquerello restaurant. crews did have to break down to get into the fire.cquerello restaurant. crews did have to break down to get into the fire. residents were briefly evacuated. the restaurant itself spared any damage from the fire. an oakland family demanding justice after a deadly shooting of a young father in the oakland hills. marcus west jr. died yesterday after someone shot him outside his grandmother's home near gulf links road. west was the father of a 2-month-old boy. investigators are saying little about the case and whether they have any leads. happening today oakland international airport reaches a new high in the number of nonstop destinations it serves. the airport is adding its 46 nonstop locations to tijuana. the plane is scheduled to take off for the first time in about 90 minutes from now. our weather is pretty nice here. >> it's going to be spectacular this weekend as well. good morning to you, laura, everybody at home. showing you half-moon bay. one of the spots typically fogged in this time of year. not today. temperatures will be really chilly out there to start. courtesy of that cold clear beginning. i can tell you, it's pretty nice by lunchtime. we'll end up at the upper 60s today. throughout the next couple days warmer mid 70s on the way for tomorrow. upper 70s for saturday into sunday for some. let me break it down for you. this weekend looking spectacular. that ought to help you get through wednesday. got to get to work though for today and here's mike to help you out. >> not a big surprise as far as our commute goes but we'll pass some slower spots. recovery from 101 where we had the earlier crash. a slower stretch right there at the split. sound 101 also slow. the earlier crash has cleared. it took about half an hour but we have a slower drive. be careful. a slower drive. passing both san mateo and the dunbarton bridges. another local news update coming up in half an hour. hope to see you then. have a great morning. 7:30 on wednesday morning, the 4th of march, 2015. and that's a slice of frozen heaven for some pilots in new hampshire. there is a really interesting story behind that shot. we'll explain it coming up. >> good thing to do on a cold day. let's look at some of the things making headlines. the second part of the massive weather system, snow, rain and sleet and into tomorrow. >> nearly two years after the boston marathon bombings opening statements are beginning today at the trial of dzhokhar tsarnaev. he faces 30 charges including 17 that carry the possibility of the death penalty. the defense plans to portray him as a reluctant participant in those attacks. >> in the wake of the shooting death of michael brown and the protests that followed the justice department investigation has found a pattern of racial bias within the ferguson, missouri police force. according to the probe, african-americans were disproportionately targeted for traffic stops, use of force, and prison sentences. >> meantime, remember the story the couple that was investigated for letting their young kids walk home alone from a nearby park. they have now been found responsible for unsubstantiated neglect but will it change the way they parent? we're going to hear from them coming up. >> a lot of people following that. we'll begin this half hour with the plane crash that became known as the day the music died. it claimed the lives of four people including legend buddy holly. now federal investigators may launch a new review. >> reporter: the 1959 crash shocked and saddened the nation. a small single engine plane carrying buddy holly, richie valens and pilot roger peterson went down minutes after takeoff. investigators at the time blamed pilot error and weather as factors in the crash. ♪ that will be the day that i die ♪ >> reporter: the singers became legends. immoralized by hollywood on the big screen. ♪ ♪ my peggy sue ♪ ♪ chantilly lace ♪ >> now a new england man l.j.kuhn has gotten thentsb to agree to reopen the crash. he contends there are issues involving weight, balance and aircraft climb and descent among other factors the ntsb should investigate. though the agency has not agreed to officially reopen the case, they are, quote, reviewing the petition for reconsideration for this accident investigation. with the decision not even opening the case still pending, the february 3, 1959 crash will always be remembered as the day three stars took to the sky and never came home. ♪ so bye-bye miss american pie ♪ >> reporter: the day don maclean said. >> the music died. >> all these years later. interesting to see what they find out. we have an update on a case that attracted the attention of parents, a maryland couple investigated for allowing their two children to walkuklk home alone from a park. they have been found responsible for unsubstantiated neglect. today's erica hill is here with the latest. good morning to you. >> good morning. the couple has learned their file with child services will be kept open for five years raising questions what could happen if their children are reported again for walking alone. the family says it has no plans to change course. for 10-year-old and his sister age 6 there is nothing unusual walking home without mom and dad. >> they think it's funny that sending kids to the park can be an issue. >> yet it's become an issue leading to aciations of neglect. who regularly allow their kids to walk to the library and to the park about a mile away on their own. the family defended the decision in january on "today." just after the accusations were made public and their story went viral. >> we're just doing what our parents did, what was considered perfectly normal just one generation ago. >> reporter: they hope the case would be dropped but after a two-month investigation they were found responsible for unsubstantiated child neglect. >> unsubstantiated seems to be the middle ground. they are not making a legal finding there was child neglect and not dismissing the case. >> social media lit up with its own reaction, much supporting them. i don't have or want kids but even i think this is horrifying. and inviting debate about so called free range parenting. think of it as the opposite of helicopter parenting. >> this idea of hovering and being overly involved in your kids live is becoming the norm. and so what we're doing is we're saying that if you don't have the resources, to have this level of intensive parenting you're a bad parent and that's not true. >> whether anything should be the norm legally is almost as murky as the state's decision with the parenting. >> we all realize there are dangers for children out walking alone. but the question is, who gets to decide, parents or the government? >> the file with child services will remain open for five years but they have no plans to change the way they are raising their children. >> my husband and i are very firm believers in this independence and allowing our kids simple freedoms and we're going to keep doing it. >> we did reach out to the state of maryland. they told us they cannot comment on a specific case. the family has hired an attorney and tells us they have planned to appeal. >> interesting. so unsubstantiated neglect is kind of limbo. >> that's what the family says. she said look, unsubstantiated neglect explained as there wasn't enough to say there was neglect but there also wasn't enough to say there was. how can you have it both ways. that's their take as well. >> thank you very much. mr. roker talking about a big temperature change. >> right. it's all about the front. it's also all about the base. we're looking at this frontal system. ahead of the front today, it's going to get up to 73 in atlanta, mobile 76, daytona beach 85. boy, how great would that be. then this front pushes through tonight into tomorrow. look at thursday. 53 in atlanta, 84 daytona. charlotte 62. friday the cooler temperatures spread all the way, daytona only 68, 45 charlotte, memphis at 33 degrees. but then, we get into next week. that's what's going on around the country. the good news that they're lacking over there, boy, we've been getting it in droves here on the west coast. the golden gate bridge is nice and clear. that's the bay bridge. a beautiful start to the day. 67 degrees in san francisco today. what a good morningrgeous day coming your way. we'll hit 69 degrees here. that trend really kicks in. five degrees warmer than yesterday. we're going to get even warmer before the rain moves in early next week. we'll talk more about this in just moments. >> and that's your latest weather. coming up next we're live on one of a kind ice runway that has pilots lining up to test their landing skills. >> and on trending. trending. ever wonder why people shake hands? apparently there is a very weird reason and it has nothing to do with being polite. first these messages. to moisturize every day. new nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes instantly. and lasts for more than 24 hours. then i quickly rinse off. my skin feels amazingly smooth with no sticky feel. so, i get dressed... ..and go. now i enjoy smooth skin every day. new nivea in-shower body lotion in the body lotion aisle. ♪ dramatic music ♪ father impersonating darth vader children i am your father! we all have a disney side, and the best place to show it is disney parks. so come to the place where the entire family can laugh, let loose, and play together. disney parks. come on. it's time to show your disney side. real transformations can happen as much inside a person as out. that's why you should take the listerine® 21 day challenge. use listerine® and over 21 days you'll experience a transformation. take the listerine® 21 day challenge and start your transformation today. imagine if razors could move up and down, and all around. hugging tight, swirling left and turning right. behold, new venus swirl. the only razor with five contour blades and a flexiball. to contour to your tricky places, bones, bends and all. smooth and steady, going this way and that. bumps and grooves, curvy and flat. for skin as flawless as flawless can be. new venus swirl, try it and see. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. kids, new juicy fruit gum with starburst flavors? yeah. juicy fruit, so sweet you can't help but chew. [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything. we're back at 7:42. >> a lot of people in new england are sick of the snow. one group is fine with the snow and ice. kerry sanders is in alton bay, new hampshire with their story. kerry, good morning. >> good morning. i'm on lake win psaki. it turns out this is the only faa sanctioned ice runway in the nation. he is one pilot who has been here to test their skills and come in and take off and land on this, the only ice runway in the lower 48. it's 71 square miles and it's as big as brooklyn. it's one tiny remote patch on this frozen spot that landed a unique pin on america's map. ice runway. >> the ice is great right now and the conditions couldn't be better. we have 28 to 30 inches of ice. >> reporter: no surprise in the last 30 days the temperature here has been as low as minus 14 and only twice for a few hours at that did it climb above freezing. pilots say takeoff pumps their adrenaline but landings are the real nailbiter because they have no brakes. >> it is a challenge landing on ice and taxiing. sometimes it's windy and it's very, very challenging to control the aircraft. >> i only come over here when the conditions are favorable. >> the runway here on the lake is 3,000 feet long. they plowed it to make it so just about any private plane could come in here. this goes back to the korean war. it's just 300 feet to take on. >> in summer, this huge lake is filled with recreational boaters, but now it's an open runway for planes equipped with skis they can land anywhere. >> there is nowhere you can't land. >> just about. we have the skis and power and this is our playground. volunteers first began plowing this ice runway in 1979. since then, there had been minor mishaps sliding over the snow banks. no planes have crashed here or fallen through the ice. >> the new hampshire department of transportation shuts it down at the end of the month even if the ice is still two feet thick. >> we get about 25 days to use it. it's a short window. >> if you are a pilot, you have to come here. >> now this ice runway is actually created by volunteers. five volunteers who interestingly, from this town are not even pilots, but they get excited to see all the action here on the team. where i'm standing right now come summer, this ice is filled with recreational boat eshs. but now, there you go guys this is the one place where ice does not ground flights. >> that's terrific. >> i wouldn't want to be in the truck with the plow. with the plow. >> kerry, thank you very much. >> just what you always wanted. carson shows you how to turn if you have medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. ♪ you know, i think about money kind of a lot. money is freedom. money's always on my mind. car insurance. credit cards. preschool. debt. cell phone bills. it's complicated. it's not easy. i am not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. savings. investments. retirement. man: the more educated i am, the better decisions i can make in the future. we're here today asking kids what their favorite vegetable is. kids? [ crickets chirping ] now we're gonna give those same kids bush's baked beans. [ kids ] mmmm... finally, we're gonna tell them that bush's baked beans are actually a veg-- tut-tut-tut. ix-nay on the egetable-vay. oh, right. bush's secret family recipe gives them a delicious flavor so they're a [whispers] vegetable that kids actually like. bush's baked beans. the [whispers] vegetable that kids love. waking up to fatigued skin? sleep on this! garnier creates its first miracle sleeping cream. it fights signs of fatigue and wrinkles while you sleep. a sleeping cream... that's a first! like a lightweight mask of continuous hydration it works while you sleep when skin is most receptive. and here's the real wake-up call... in just i week wake up to more refreshed, younger-looking skin. stop waking up to fatigued skin! sleep with this. new miracle sleeping cream. from garnier. pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. 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[ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. mornings got you a little... (puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me and i was like well can you fix it can you paint it back on and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier and it was a real easy switch to make. i love life, whether i'm on the go, spending time with friends or with my favorite date. i take care of myself, and i like what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and goldfish in the car. off to grandma's house they go. the trip is rather long. but mother quickly sets the tone. with a classic disco song. they start a game of license plates and quickly find kentucky. then brother spots alaska! he's never felt so lucky. and no one's counting minutes, they're counting cows instead. and "are we there yet?" is a phrase that's happily unsaid. goldfish crackers. the snack that smiles back. mcdonald's presents... mcnuggets of wisdom. always disperse mcnuggets using alphabetical order. anthony, then brenda then... not yet, zach. get a 20 piece chicken mcnuggets for just 5 dollars on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. ♪ you're watching "today in the bay." >> a very good morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. police in san francisco investigating the latest in a string of smash and grab robberies. the target this time a high end audio equipment store. witnesses say three masked thieves snatched a pickup truck in the store and then they grabbed what they could. the thieves made off with about $100,000 worth of merchandise. here's a cruel theft in san francisco targeting a paralympic hopeful. someone stole his prosthetic running blade from his car. it happened yesterday in the mission district. he currently runs for city college of san francisco. he hopes to compete in the brazil paralympics in 2016. he says his customized prosthetic legs costs about $30,000. without it he will miss meet this weekend. let's hope he gets that back. let's take a look at the forecast right now. a good day for being outside. >> beautiful day. good morning to you. starting with this live look at the beautiful green hills. 48 48 degrees. pretty chilly out there. 43 in the peninsula. the tri-valley later on today is going to climb to the upper 60s. upper 60 this is the north bay. temperatures warm even more so as we get into the midsection of the week. peak warmth over the weekend. you'll notice showers on the way by early next week. here's mike and your drive. >> we're looking over here at the north bay, traditional slowing into san rafael. slow down the east shore freeway, but nothing dramatic toward the bay bridge where the metering lights are on. oakland has a build typical, but the big problem here is on the peninsula southbound 101 through san mateo, down through woodside. both cleared out. a slow drive on both sides of the san mateo bridge. building across westbound from 92 and 84 and the south bay continues in the northbound routes. it's your bay area commute. >> thank you very much. another update in half an hour. we'll see you then. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up why one female executive is apologizing to working moms everywhere after she became a mother herself. then can you imagine gaining more than 100 pounds in a year? and not knowing why. >> all kinds of tests. >> nobody knows what is wrong. >> nobody knows what is wrong. >> meet the man who couldn't control his weight gain and find out how doctors solved his medical history. and dog days indeed. why man's best friend may not remember what happened 24 hours ago. today wednesday, march 4th 2015. we're back now. 8:00 on a wednesday morning. the fourth day of march, 2015. we had snow overnight and it turned to sleet and it's rain now. >> then tonight back to snow. >> a little something for everybody. >> yeah. >> four to six inches. >> we need a special spring edition of steals and deals. >> by golly, we have it! jill is going to help us. >> she's got some earrings. >> okay. >> good deals coming up. and the last day of our sweep stakes. so keep an eye out for this symbol from the new series. when you spot it go to and let us know. hopefully you'll win a trip to one of the seven wonders of the world. let's headed in. natalie has a check of the headlines. >> good morning. once again todaying ingopening statements in the boston marathon bombing trialing. dzhokar tsarnaev faces 30 charges. the bombings near the finish line of the marathon two years ago killed three people and wounded more than 260. survivors have been told to prepare for graphic testimony. prosecutors plan to show surveillance video they say shows dzhokar tsarnaev places a backpack in the crowd and walking away. if convicted dzhokar tsarnaev could face the death penalty. new questions about revelations that hillary clinton exclusively used a personal e-mail account when she was secretary of state. congress is investigating with the chairman of the house elect committee on benghazi calling the revelations troubling. last night hillary clinton made no mention of the issue, instead she asked a gathering of women, don't you someday want to see a woman president? an update on last week's train/truck accident in california. on tuesday the train's engineer died. 62-year-old glenn steel was among dozens of people hurt when the metro link train hit an abandoned truck on the tracks. the truck driver was initially arrested then released without charges being filed. the accident remains under investigation. federal agents launched a major crackdown on a tuesday on a practice known as bitter tourism. agents stormed a complex. when mothers travel from china to give pirt on u.s. soil so their babies become u.s. citizens. and prince william is heading back to britain after his visit to china. while his trip has focussed on trade and diplomacy, today his attention was on another big issue wildlife. more from nbc's ian williams. >> prince william was introduced 13 years old and rescued from a trap that badly injured her leg. she was nursed back to health in china's only elephant conservation center where she gorged on carrots from the hand of the second in line to the british throne. a keen environmentalist. the message is china is starting to get serious about conservation but they have a long way to go. there are only an estimated 250 elephants left in the wild in china here in the southwest. the authorities claim the number is rising but chinese demand for ivory is decimating elephant populations in africa and one section of this park which we visited was not on the roil eye tin i are -- royal. william has taken part in a tv campaign against the ivory trade and welcomed new chinese restrictions. he also had what he called the heart felt message for his host. for today ian williams nbc news southwest china. and it's 8:05 now. another check of the weather with al. >> thank you so much. where are you from? >> minneapolis. >> what is in the bag? >> bagels. i'm bringing them back to my daughter. >> okay. i was about to go in. my wife is watching in minneapolis i'm on a business trip. she doesn't expect me here. what is the business? >> bagels! >> and bagels. >> and bagels. all right. what kind of bagels can you get? >> well, she wanted the cinnamon raisin. >> okay. >> the cinnamon raisin! do you want one? >> yeah sure. the cinnamon raisin bagel. >> we'll split it. >> we'll split it. >> do you have any egg you're waking up enjoying your breakfast, we have a beautiful clear sky overhead, but temperatures are skillchilly as a result. hard to fand cloud this morning. temperatures are all over the place. 52 in san francisco. 38 in the north bay. 48 in the south bay. on our way to a warm finish. only uniform conditions expected later today. 72 in san francisco, 68 on the peninsula with a warming trend headed your way, peaking over the course of the weekend. it's still warm. >> oh my god! >> wow, nice. excellent! >> you have to get into that. >> who is going to do the tease? >> eat the bagel. >> the picture we had yesterday. we showed it. the internet picture. you have a wild imagination. we'll show you what we are talking about in trending coming up. what changed this woman's mind. the president of a company and she acknowledges she kind of a bias against moms and written an apology to them. we'll check in with. >> and jill martin here with a fresh edition of steals and deals including designer sweat pants! >> for small people apparently. >> it's a new style. we'll talk about that but first these messages. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. is your hair lacking thickness? new fructis full & plush. with pomegranate and fibra cylane. it expands and strengthens each strand. get big, bigger, massive hair. fructis full & plush. the strength to shine. garnier. ♪ ♪ ♪ what 8 grams of protein looks like when you decide water wings are for kids. start your day with the power of protein. milk life. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray, now available over the counter in full prescription strength. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 allergy pill. so go ahead , inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. ♪ hi, tom. how's the college visit? does it make the short list? yeah, i'm afraid so. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. knowing our clients personally is why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way. at chili's, fresh is now. now chicken smoked in-house, and no more waiting for the check. new smoked chicken quesadillas on chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. ♪ whoa ♪ ♪ when i wake up in the morning to the clear blue sky ♪ ♪ turn up the music when i hop in the ride ♪ ♪ i'm the bomb and about to blow up... ♪ the new work collection. perfected. by white house black market. this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, no artificial colors or flavors.'s gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. (announcer) still struggling with heavy litter? tidy cats presents litter... reinvented! with a clumping litter this light and effective, you'll want to say... (woman) hey...toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. baja 1000. pretty impressive huh? totally. you going off-road? off-roading, camping, fishing. well the rugged tundra can handle it all. and it has 0% apr financing. man, i've always wanted to go to that race. i once got a taste of it. [trucks racing] at our 1 for everyone sales event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015 tundra. offer ends march 31st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit who's a winner? i am. you are. toyota. let's go places. back at 8:12 with trending today. we're kicking off this wednesday with a pair of new studies that will probably get you talking. any guesses? no it's actually our buddy wrangler. a new study says that dogs and other nonhuman animals do not remember anything that happened the day before. and they also don't plan ahead. for example, for tomorrow researchers say so called eded the memory is unique to humans. >> i don't like that. marley remembers what i gave her yesterday. >> you train a dog and you feel like they remember the training. >> i had a dog herbert every day my bus would pull the dog would be waiting for me at the bus stop. it had to remember i came on the bus the day before. >> maybe it was groundhog day. it was new excitement every day. >> how would he know to go to the sign? >> aren't you the doggy pro. didn't wrangler pick out the cute bow tie last night? >> i'm not buying this. >> he's not planning for tomorrow, either. >> exactly. when you shake someone's hand today you may be doing more than you realize. there's a study that said part of the reason we shake hands is actually to get a sniff of the people we just met. that's what the science says. it's not clear what we learn. scientists say we also tend to touch our own faces more after we have shake someone's hand perhaps to smell them. >> oh. >> you put the purell on. >> we just shaked hands outside. >> are you smelling your hands. >> i think you shake someone's hand to bring them close. >> then you get a whiff. >> i think it's eye contact. you shake their hand and look them in the eye. >> i do it for respect. >> i do it to check for weather. >> all right. remember the image we showed you yesterday. a hungry weasel trying to attack a woodpecker midair. you might imagine the internet completely ignored this. no. they couldn't resist having fun with the shot. there's a shirtless vladmir putin. john travolta and buzz light gear! and miley ditching her wrecking ball for something new. >> oh my gosh! i love it! >> i think we can put them up. right here. yep. >> oh! some from the archive. >> oh! the roller coaster ride. >> that was fun. cute stuff. >> all right. something else trending today a remarkable apology to working mothers. you may have seen this in facebook. it comes from a female executive who says she's sorry for the way she treated working mothers in the past. we're going to talk to her in a moment. but first, her story. >> catherine took a to issue her apology 11 years in the making. writing the president of power supplies. a company placing woman in flexible positions. she writes i secretly rolled my eyes at a mother who couldn't make it to last-minute drinks and didn't disagree when another female editor said she should fire another woman before she got pregnant. i scheduled last minute meetings at 4:30 p.m. all the time. it didn't dawn on me that kids might need to pick up their kids at daycare. she said she's not the only one guilty. for mothers in the workplace, it's death by a thousand cuts and sometimes it's other women holding the knives. but she said everything changed two years ago when she gave birth to her daughter charlotte. i wish i had known five years ago as a young childless manager that mothers are the people you need on your team. if you want something done then ask a busy person to do it. that's exactly why i like working with mothers now. she said she hopes her story is a cautionary tale for younger women in the work force who count hours locked in the office and not actual work. it's time to break that cycle. and she asked, it starts with just recognizing that we're all in different positions at different times in our lives. so embrace your future and support it at work. an catherine is whereith us now. good morning. are you surprised at the reaction it's got. or was it the one you probably thought was coming? >> the reaction has been amazing. we're getting so many signups the power to fly. the positive reaction has been amazing. i thought in a way there would be more negativity. but so many women, you know, tens of thousands now that wanted this kind of message shared. >> we read a lot of essay on screen there. it's blunt and honest. it was something specific to you you were harboring the feelings against working moms ss you think it is wide spread in the work force? >> i wanted to write it because i've had a lot of experiences as a working mother and now i've cofounded a company that places women in jobs they can do remotely, when i've talked to other women who are in my position, five six, seven years ago i could sense they were -- they're a lot like i used to be. i wanted to send a clear message that, you know, we place a lot of women in tech positions where the number of women are actually going down and so, you know i wanted to make it clear that, you know it's time to break the cycle. >> it's interesting you mention your company a few times. there are several paragraphs in this essay devoted to that company. i will say a lot of people's reaction to this is an apology but it's really an advertisement for the company. this is a pretty shrewd way to get a lot of attention a big headline but it's about advertising your start-up. it's not a genuine apology, i guess, is what people are saying. >> no. the start up was cofounded because my partner and i wanted to solve a problem. it was a very personal problem we felt like, you know there isn't a third way for women out there. and i wanted to talk about, you know, why we've came to the idea. why the company was founded. the best companies sort of a reflection of the voids that people are trying to fill in their lives. of course, i wanted to advertise the company. that's what it got me to the conclusions. >> it was a genuine change of heart. >> yeah. i'm devoting my entire life to essentially giving women a third way of working response, i mean i spend every waking hour doing it now. >> tell me about the process. when you were home and you just had your little girl. what was it like to go through that and realize i'm a working mom. now i'm understanding those challenges from a different perspective. >> i think, you know, i just felt like i sort of had been wiped off the face of the earth, for lack of a way of saying it. i just felt like i had two bad choices. either to go back to work all the time and not see my little girl or start slowly pulling out of the work force which i had seen many women i had worked with do. so, you know, the choices were stark, and we wanted to start, essentially, as i said a third way with power to fly. >> so you apologized now to the working moms you feel like you didn't give enough credit to when you were a young manager map. what askis your message now to other women who don't have kids who are may be making the same judgments? value the mothers around you based on the work they do. not the hours they can spend in the office. women are not going to be able to essentially, you know, compete that way. but they will based on the value of their work. >> all right. you have a lot of people talking. thank you so much. glad to have you here. >> thank you. appreciate it. thank you very much. from working moms to what it moons to be a man. the new documentary the mask you live in focuses on the traditional definition of masculineity and the impact on society. take a look. >> don't cry. >> pick yourself up. >> don't be a fool. >> be cool and be -- be a man. >> it's very powerful. jennifer is the film's writer producer, and director stephen maison and luis who arefeatured are joining us. and maria shriver is the executive producer. it starts a conversation in communities where they screen it. you the president. it's a national conversation on the stereo types that we drive into our young boys. what is the impact of them? >> so essentially we're limiting our voice. the film explores america's definition of masculinity and how we're failing our boys men, and society at large. compared to girls boys are more likely to commit suicide, be described meds, commit a violent crime. our boys are suffering, society is suffering. we have to do something. >> when you say society is suffering. what is the overall impact? it has to have an impact on the relationship the boys have with women. >> i'm an executive producer on "the hunting ground" which is exposes the sexual assault on college campuses. we're in crisis. >> we spent a lot of time trying to empower young ladies and it's time to focus attention on young men. stephen, you grew up and you correct me if i'm wrong. tough dad? >> yes. >> your dad said look you be strong. you man up. you don't show your emotions. what impact did it have you? >> there was know motion in my house from my father's perspective. there was no crying. there was no being sad. the only emotion was the emotion of toughness and being strong. >> everything else was weak. >> everything else was weak. >> now you have a son who just turned 12. for 11 years you raised him as a single dad. you turned that 180 degrees, didn't you? >> absolutely. mostly because of him. one day he told me he was sensitive and i didn't know what to do. i was like okay well let's figure this out together. and from that -- from the things i learned from him is what helped me become better. >> you have become more sensitive because you allowed your son to show his sensitivity. >> absolutely. >> made you a better man? >> 100%. >> you grew up without a dad? >> i did in my teen years. >> you patterned yourself after the boys in the neighborhood. >> yes. >> what did they teach you? >> growing up i was around a lot of bad influences and there was drugs, join the gangs, called me names, tried to jump me. but that's not the life i wanted to live. i didn't want to go down that path because it's horrifying. i was afraid honestly. >> you found a support group. >> i did. >> at which by itself takes a lot of emotional awareness. what did you learn there? >> well, back in my school we had a program called legacy. they take in kids of all ages don't matter boy or girl and they turn them to a complete different person. they give you the support you want and the help you need. >> jennifer i think some people might be saying wait a second. it's too simplistic. you tell boys to express their emotions and the world will be better. >> it's more complicated. it's about reconnecting our boys and men to their whole selves to their human selves. we can prevent so many societal problems. we can provide -- you know, solutions to depression, anxiety, isolation, suicide. and the film really is a call for help showing the world there's a better way. >> and basically what you're saying is we're cheating our boys. >> we are. we are limiting our boys. >> from fulfilling life. >> we're limiting our boys like we have been limiting our girls and women. it's time we stand up and take notice and champion and challenge for a better way. a better future. >> fascinating stuff. i encourage people to try to arrange a screening in their communities. thank you very much. >> thank you. if you want to see it head to our website matt thank you. i'm here with jill. we have a special spring edition of steals and deals. jill is wearing two of the deals. i spotted one of them. the earrings. >> yeah. >> what else? i keep staring at you! >> the t-shirt? we'll be back. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a heartless case of animal cruelty is prompting a new reward to track down whoever did it. you may remember the story. february 20th, someone put a chihuahua mix and her young puppy in sandbogs. they were thrown out affa window of a moving car. sadly, the puppy died. the mother was rescued. the reward was at $6,000. it has grown to more than $25,000 thanks to a contribution from an anonymous donor. let's get the puppy help. >> and let's see if you need help on the roadways. >> we're all right. it's the bay area the middle of the commute. we have oslow drive pretty much everywhere you would expect. slower still northbound 101. a crash on the shoulder. because of a number of crashes over the course of the morning. we have the south bay with northbound routes continuing the build. north 87 right around capitol expressway, a crash that sorted itself out. the silicon valley commute, slow 880, and approaching the bay bridge congestion on the upper east shore as well as the north bay, a slatelate slowdown. >> thank you very much. another local news update in a half hour. have a great wednesday morning. . >> we will take it from here. we know that song. >> he has a great voice. >> here does. we will hear a whole song from rixton coming up. >> they are going on tour with ed sheer an. they are happening and they will play for us in a while. >> all right. we are looking so forward to spring. we have a special edition and wait until you hear the bargains that jill has lined up. bedsheets, i guess. >> and a young dad who started to gain weight and couldn't stop. what finally solved his medical mystery that saw him pack on 120 pounds in a year. >> in this half hour your last chance to get a chance to win a trip to one of the seven wonders of the world. we have our sister network usa. look for this symbol from the new series dig. >> a shout out to ohio university back there. >> cool. >> from the marching band. let's get a check of the weather. >> down to the south and icing conditions from texas into southern indiana. we will look for lots of sunshine and colder air into the plains. for tomorrow that system pushes south. we have ice from parts of louisiana into the id atlantic. back into the appalachians and western 2 time/3 looking 8:32. happy wednesday. i'm christina loren. take a look at half moon bay. beautiful day shaping up here. bright sunshine overhead and temperatures warming up nicely. except in the north bay, we're still in the upper 30s, but we're on our way to the upper 60s later on today. uniform temperatures to finish the day off. that's a sign of offshore flow. warmer as the offshore flow strengthens thursday into friday. mid 70s, closer to the upper 70s into the weekend. temperatures will be lovely for outdoor plans. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> al thank you. here we are. >> here we are. steals and deals. jill mart sin here a "today" contributor,and the maven of steals and deals. here we are laying around. >> what are we selling? sheets some. >> we are all in a rut because of the weather. this is so random but we all need a sprucing up in every room. we are starting with the bedroom. >> great. >> nine space sheet sets and did you have a sets. it's a choice of two. the retail is $216. they call it hombre. one of the bestsellers. you get one fit and one flat and two pillow cases. this is or. you get the did you have a set with two pillow shams. the retail 216 and the deal is 54. that's 75% off. >> sheets are expensive. >> they are. >> this is not the first time we have done steels and deals in bet. >> this was about a year ago. >> very memorable. there more spring deals to be had over here. >> i was telling matt there was such thing as designer sweats. you want to look like you are not trying but you are trying. >> yes. >> these are them. it's a great brand. it's a set so you get the t-shirt and the sweat pants. >> capri length. >> it's four different sets. go on to see the variation. the retail $172 and the deal is $52, that's 60% off. >> for the set. she is lifting her shirt because they had cute pockets in the back. >> i want to say i'm wearing one of the t-shirts right now. it's a cool look if you want to pair it with a blazer. >> a dorky girl. objects with purpose candles. the retail is $75. you can gift one and keep one. double duty. the candle is coconut and butter wax after you light it. >> how does it work? >> you open it. >> it looks smooshy. >> it's like a wax and you put it all over your body. >> that's interesting. >> the deal is $23, 69% off. >> they smell really, really good. different flavors? >> yeah. >> cz. the retail is 75. they are cubic zirconia. available in 12 colors one for each month. nobody can tell when you are not wearing. i'm wearing them. no one can tell. i lose everything. if you want diamonds and cannot afford it. if you have friends who think they are not real lose the friend. the retail is $75, the deal is $22, 71% off. >> and all the birth stones are represented i see here. >> each of the months. >> now perfectly pure beauty sets. the retail is $111. this comes in a set and includes moroccan oil shampoo and pure moroccan oil. witch hazel toner and shea butter. the retail is 111 and the deal is 25. 77% off. this is something for each part of your home to help you get that without spending a lot of money. >> $25 for all this stuff. >> you get everything. >> this was a good steals and deals. the sheet and did you have a set from nine space. who could forget. >> memorable. >> candles from objects with purpose and earrings from cz and the perfectly pure beauty set. if you want any more information about the steals and deals, go to the steals and deals page at it's not open. i picked the one that is not open. the medical mystery that caused one man to gain more than 120 pounds in a single year. medical mystery that has now been solved. but first, this is "today" on skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ ♪ yippee!! ♪ i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪ >> we are starting a special series called medical mystery. >> rare and unusual illnesses and kate snow is here with our first case. >> nice to see you. let's face it you get older and your metabolism changes and you gain a few pounds. how about gaining over 100 pounds in a year this your 30s? that happened to donnell. his doctors didn't know what was happening until one exam that changed everything. >> donnell was raised on staden island by a hardworking single mom. he was into sports. >> i loved the gym. i played basketball baseball i was never a skippy kid, but i was never overweight. >> three years ago things started to change. >> my body was changing. >> your weight gain was not all over. >> no. it was my stomach and under my arms and the back of my neck and my face and bottom of my back. >> what about your legs? >> they stayed the same for a long time. >> doctors told him he had high blood pressure and had to lose weight. though he tried, he kept gaining. >> i was working out and lifting weights and nothing was happ my body. not losing weight. >> in the past year how much weight have you gained? >> 120 pounds. 150 pounds. >> in one year? >> in one year. >> how much did you weigh at the heaviest? >> like 366. at 18 i was probably 180. >> you doubled your weight. >> i got a whole person. i was very fatigued. if i chew i'm out of breath. from chewing. >> and then worse, three months ago he woke up seeing double. >> i went to the hospital and they admitted me and started taking tests. >> nobody knows what's wrong. >> nobody knows. they are ruling out everything. >> a interest an intern in an exam saw a clue. dark stretch marks all over his body. >> he said this is not normal stretch marx. something is up. >> for doctors, it was the tell tale sign they needed. he had cushing's disease. his weight gain was being caused by a tiny tumor at the base of his brain. >> the pituitary grand has a small growth that releases a single hormone that causes the body to live with high levels of steroids st the skin is very thin and you get acne and grow hair and start sweating and you gain a lot of fat. >> these doctors at new york's lennox hill hospital discovered donnell had steroid levels ten times normal. >> if it had gone on, maybe we couldn't reverse the changes. >> the disease could have been fatal. two weeks ago they removed the tumor on his pituitary gland. >> you had the surgery in mid-february? how did it go? >> wonderful. i feel stronger every day. >> strong enough to spend family time with his girlfriend and their two young kids. >> i can play basketball. just run around. that's my main focus. >> you haven't been able to play basketball? >> i can play basketball in years. >> wonderful, wonderful. >> things are coming. things are good. >> doctors say donnell will play basketball with his son probably about three months ago and within the year he should shed all the weight he gained. doctors stress that both times when people gain weight it's not because of this. he wanted to tell his story because there other people out there who are having this massive weight gain and wondering what it is. it could be cushing's. >> the doctor was smart enough to say wait a minute this is not normal. >> she will be back with another medical mystery tomorrow. for more on the simple omts of cushing's syndrome. head to our website. >> music to liven up your morning. rixton is here to liven up your is. >> it's called lead the roads. and later today they will do something special for their fans. good morning and nice to have you. whose idea was this hotel thon? >> that was something we wanted to do. we like staying awake for 12 hours straight. >> it's a game of truth or dare. >> you know what we have no idea. we are there for 12 hours and people will be surprised. it will be a lot of fun. >> you can watch the season of house of cards. >> absolutely. there we go. >> talk to me about the song you will do now? >> it's a song we did with ed sheer an. is he here? they were heading out on the road. >> you had two pretty good sources. the title of the album let the road. what does it mean? >> it's a song we wrote and that's where we live. it's about not knowing where we are going, but following the road back home. we named our album after it. >> it's a good road. >> pretty wild yeah. >> ladies and gentlemen, rixton. ♪ i can see it coming around the circle my friend ♪ ♪ said they had -- ♪ >> it was my fault because i couldn't swung what you said ♪ ♪ it was easy to find another for your bet ♪ ♪ how does it feel to leave me this way and know that you have been lost in a day ♪ ♪ everyone knows not what to say ♪ ♪ i have been wondering now ♪ ♪ i have been staring at the hotel ceiling ♪ ♪ taking everything i found this evening ♪ ♪ so i never let you go don't you leave me only ♪ ♪ start to see this ♪ ♪ everyone i know cannot believe this ♪ ♪ i'm trying to hold on to this feeling ♪ ♪ so i never let you go ♪ ♪ don't you leave me now ♪ ♪ when my eyes open and morning closing. >> just action around. only time tells me more than i know. i should have let you go. i have been staring at the hotel ceiling. everything i found this evening. i'm trying to hold on to this sweetest feeling ♪ ♪ so i will never let you go ♪ ♪ don't you leave me. start to see this ♪ ♪ everyone i know cannot believe this ♪ ♪ i'm trying to hold on to this feeling ♪ ♪ so i will never let you go ♪ ♪ don't you leave me now ♪ ♪ can't you sigh it coming down from circles, my friend ♪ ♪ >> thank you very much. >> rixton thank you very much. the guys will have plenty of time to stare at the hotel ceiling tonight. we will be back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. . >> everybody is into the wrangler emoji. >> he likes it. >> time to say hello to mr. willard scott. celebrating birthdays today. hey, willard. >> i love new york. everybody. daisy gask in 101 years old. her favorite hobby is d.c. ethyl goldman is from florida and she is 105. bless her sweetheart as he loves to play video games. william and bessey have been married for 77 years. they are from heathsville, virginia. happy anniversary. isn't that something? this is arthur carmel. arthur is from miami florida. he is 100 years old today. he loves to go to social events and dances. come see us in florida, will you? the oranges, oh, my. beautiful oranges. >> that's nice. >> thank you, willard. >> what do you have coming up? >> archer and christian slater has the current role and back in it. >> keen dreams come true. >> i like him, but he is kind of a little devil, that adam carolea. >> i look forward to that. >> i will be here. >> we are hupgry for that. >> check a very good morning to you. 8:56. air bnb hosts are unhappy about a new san francisco law tightening regulations. the group is gathering at city hall. they plan to attend a supervisor's committee meeting. they say the rules are too cumbersome and they're ignoring new restrictions. >> uc president janet napolitano is planning to cap enrollment at current levels unless the state increases its funding by $200,000. she plans to cap controversial out of state enrollment but not at the other eight uc campuses. another local news update in a half hour. we hope you join us then. in the meantime, enjoy your morning. . caught on tape, wait until you see what happened when this buffalo came charging. we will hit the road with adam carolla. all that and more, coming up now. >> this is "today's" take with al roker, nat low morales, willie geist and tamron hall from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today," march 4th 2015. kind of a drizzly day here. tamron, let's get to the lead story. what happened to your phone? >> is this the? i didn't want to talk about it. i didn't want to be ridiculed. i was taking a bath and i had the phone on the ledge and i forgot it was on vibrate and the phone fell in the tub. i saw it go under and i dropped it again. it was wet. i lept out of the tub and ran to the kitchen and thank goodness i live alone. small children would be traumatized. i threw it in rice and it worked for about two hours. >> it was soaking wet. >> if that's your fantasy. that's why i didn't want to talk about it. >> did the rice work? >> i made calls and i put it rice for safe measure overnight. then it went dead. >> it's gone. it's dead? >> i have a personal and a work. people tweet and said the galaxy phone is water proof. did you know that? >> the commercial, the latest one, you can dip it into a glass of water. >> we should test that out. >> it didn't work in your case. >> i don't have a galaxy. >> i have another phone that is very popular with a fruit. i don't want to bad mouth. with a clementine. they might come after you. >> people come after you. >> we are hoping for the day that they make the water proof phones. >> the technology is out there, why not do it. that and the crack-free screens. these things you drop them and they immediately crack. >> i love when you see the kids out on the plaza and they have the cracked phone and the parent refused to replace it. >> keep it in a case. >> this winter, if you are in the eastern half of the country, everyone had it with winter. nerves are frayed. i think there is a great example. cleveland, ohio. a woman needed help clearing her sidewalk. everything is going well until his shovel got too close to another neighbor's driveway. he is snow blowing. you can see he is blowing snow back at the guy who got too close to his driveway. >> good sa maremaritan on the right. >> folks get nuts. police are now investigating and they put on their website there, let's keep things calm. do you think that if people retaliated against you from shoveling if you would go after them? they came to blows. one grabbed the other around the throat. >> the snow he had shovelled he put back on. that's horrible. >> sounds like a cranky old man. >> i think there is something going on beforehand. >> bad blood there. >> there is a local affiliate who did a report about it. the guy demonstrates for the reporter what he did he grabs him and shakes him. they got visit over this. i think you are right. >> i also think people now are just about at the end of their rope as far as cabin fever. >> we are all in it together other than california. we saw the hailstorm and you see people when you are running and going it's cold. whatever happened to shoveling snow and helping your neighbor? there a couple of sides to your story. you saw this on facebook. a 34-year-old executive new mother has written an online column saying sorry to all the mothers that she worked with in the past. she writes i secret low rolled my eyes at a mother who couldn't make it to last minute drinks and didn't disagree with another said we should hurry up and fire her before she got pregnant. she went on to write i scheduled last minute meetings at 4:30 all of the time and it didn't dawn on me that parents might need to pick up their kids at daycare. they argued that it needs change. he understands now as a mother. some people questioning whether this is a thin low vailed apology to market her company, power to fly that allows women to work from home and signed up millions of subscribers. did you need to become a mom to encourage empathy. if it encourages other women succeed whether moms or not moms that's a positive message. >> i can't look into her heart and see why you did it, but when you are in your 20s, you think i'm driving and this is part of my career. she was gone for four months. why does she get to loaf? >> i don't agree with that. i obviously am the only person here without kids but i listen to your stories and hear al say i have to go to this school effect and natalie talks about the kids. my mom worked her butt off. she was a single mom and i saw her hustling and my aunts and other women around me. when i saw the stories, thank goodness she is apologizing and takes them out to dinner, but i was worried it would fall into the callus woman who doesn't have kids. you guys are two of the most sensitive men i know, but you are not a unicorn. men work with us all the time who understand natalie's situation. >> in the dynamic of the workplace some women who see the mother sometimes getting to leave work early to pick up their kids and sometimes there is resentment. i have seen that firsthand. >> i can say single people, send her. you don't have kids. >> if we understand the shoes we wear what a sad thing. we should have empathy no matter what. >> if it encourages people to say hey, maybe i should think about -- i don't know where i will be ten years from now. i may be that mom with two children. it's a positive thing for having that discussion. dads too. a lot of people pointed out that this doesn't make mention of the dads. you guys are doing the same job we are doing. >> i also think we should try wearing each other's shoes. >> i will not take my shoe off. kathie lee give me this thing called baby foot. >> i ordered it. it's the best thing ever. >> your feet moult like a snake. it's amazeingamazing. >> i won't let you take a shot. my feet are so scaly, i went to try on shoes i thought they were going to throw me out of the store. it's unbelievable. kathie lee said skip came off the size of this phone. >> it's called baby feet. >> you keep it on too long are you just bones? >> you keep it on for one hour and for ten days you moult. >> let's bathe in it. you walk away. >> wow. >> you are like a steak. you leave your shell right there. >> go back in time and become a baby again. >> like benjamin button. >> would you use it? this is what happened when a herd of buffalo comes towards a group of tourists at yellowstone national park. one of the most beautiful places on the planet. >> definitely going to stop. >> oh! >> damage to the car about $3000. that moment is priceless. the driver said there was noplace to get off the road. the question islisten i would try to get out of there, but the driver was frozen in place. what would you do? >> you don't expect it and they keep coming. you pull up short and it makes good video. >> maybe start backing up slowly. >> wow! willie thinks the buffalo will hit the breaks. >> strong animal. >> he said it. i'm coming to you. >> today's take. what would you do if that was your car and you are inside? >> get out of there. just get out. >> here's this long front stretching in texas all the way into new england that will bring rain and snow and colder. watches and warnings and advisories from colorado all the way to new england. this system is going to cause big problems. winter storm warnings one to three inches of snow. memphis with two to four inches and a quarter of an inch of ice later this eengvening. to ten inches of snow as rain changes to sleet. tomorrow morning a mess from washington to philly. winter storm warnings, wouldn't be surprised to see massive school closings and or delays. i have to have a feeling they are coming. four to eight inches of snow. new york city two to five inches and colder tonight and two to five inches of snow tomorrow. look at this, boston only two inches away from breaking the record. they are not going to get to it. doesn't look like they will break it tonight 9:11. happy wednesday. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at a sunny sky over san francisco. pretty day coming your way. temperatures already warming up nicely. in the mid 50s for now, on our way to the upper 60s. only going to get warmer throughout the next couple dpas. we'll finish off the week with the mid 70s and peaking by saturday into sunday. temperatures at 75 degrees for saturday and sunday. even in the city getting a taste of the 70s. looking good for beach plans. we'll have more on the beach forecast in moments. . >> that's your latest weather. >> we have services to water proof your phone. it voids the warranty. >> they do work. >> thanks a lot. >> natalie and tamron me he was hollywood's bad boy heartthrob. now christian slater is starring as himself. or is he? in the incredible low funny series archer. make fit happen! new fit me matte and poreless from maybelline new york. beyond matching skin tone... finally, a foundation that fits skin's texture. some foundations exaggerate pores... new fitme has blurring powders... so pores and shine virtually disappear. you look perfectly poreless. totally natural. love my fit! new fit me matte and poreless in 16 shades. make fit happen... at slash fit me! >>maybe she's born with it. ♪ maybe it's maybelline! ♪ i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." so when my husband started getting better dental checkups than me i decided to go pro... with crest pro-health advanced. my mouth is getting healthier. my teeth are getting stronger. this crest toothpaste is superior in five areas. great checkup. no matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine ... what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in ... and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections changes in urination, high potassium in the blood or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. . >> the hilarious show archer follows a spy agency and antics as the motley crew pulls off missions. >> named slater and when briefing the team on the mission it's his way or the highway. >> without the knowledge i need to scan his mobile phones and flash drives and both hand prints and both retinas. >> why? >> this is part of operation because i said so. >> you know what? >> i'm sure i do. >> we were telling us how much we loved this show. >> a huge fan and i got a call from adam reed. # >> he said would you ever like to do something and he created this slater character. >> the secret identity. it being looks like you. it's great. are you a cia? >>. >> yes. so far. >> i was looking at far as the audience goes. >> in real life. i had to draw me in a turtleneck. the other turtleneck when i was giving her a run for her money. >> like you were saying it pushed the envelope type of show. it's funny, it's witty and crazy and it turns this whole spy world on its head a little bit. archer is a great character. always wity and charming and he's a beautifully animated character. you love this guy. >> i can see the character. >> the cat's out of the bag. that's my man crush. >> we took a turn we were not expecting. >> why not. i haven't had my coffee yet. >> you have a cartoon crush, al? >> i would go with lana. >> sure, sure. >> the ladies are cute. of course. they are adorable. but archer is nice. a fun wild, seems like he would be a good time. >> i'm going to change this. you have a new show coming out on usa. >> i do. we are talking about an animated character. >> mr. robot. that was thrilling. and that's where the base of the operations take place. tony island. the sicollapse there. >> it's all about computer hacking. very topical and relevant and all that stuff that was going on with sony. this show is right in wlin that subject matter. >> very nice guy. i have a crush on you. >> not everyone. archer airs thursday on fx. crush on. >> it cheapens the crush. # >> some days you are in and some days you are out. coming up next an important recall for you. we will find out if he has a this year, make every amazing, despicable wizarding second of your vacation count by staying where the adventure never ends. ♪ come with me now ♪ two theme parks. spectacular resort hotels. more epic than ever. don't just vacation... ♪ whoa, go with me now ♪♪ ... vacation like you mean it. universal orlando resort. go big with epic vacation packages starting at just $139 per night including park admission. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out knock it out, fast. abreva. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want it ♪ ♪ go out and get it ♪ >> taking a look at the headlines, norovirus sickened nearly three dozen people at a va hospital in phoenix. they stopped admitting patients to the unit that was contagious. 16 patients and 19 staff members were affected. all but three have recovered. >> the flu is a lot less common among adults than you may think. on average people over 30 come down with the flu about twice in a decade. children though get it about every other year and since it build up antibodies to ward off the flu. an important recall to know about. dream on me is recalling bass net to cradle products. it causes the fabric to drop and pose a risk that infants can fallout or suffocate. head to our website for more. >> the website allergy eats is out with the list of best restaurants based on how they accommodate customers with food allergies. chipotle mexican grail and pf changes red robin, out back steak how the and mellow mushroom. check out what just hit the beach in panama city, florida. this almost-foot great white shark was hauled in after i group called dark side sharkers. they tagged and released it back into the gulf of mexico. wouldn't want to encounter that at the beach. i already feel like we're the most connected but i think this solo date will seal the deal. sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you! just visit today. but right now, it's choosing time. ooh! we have a winner. all: what? [chuckles] he's supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here. at subway, we begin with freshly-baked-bread; then combine tender turkey-breast, with robust, spicy, melty italian favorites; adding a splash of our new subway vinaigrette. the magnificent new turkey italiano melt. only at subway. ♪ a good wednesday morning. 9:26. fire early this morning briefly threatened a longtime restaurant on nob hill. it started in the parking garage just below acquerello. crew husband to break down a garagedore door to get to the fire. they were able to extinguish it quickly. residents above the restaurant were briefly evacuated. an oakland family is demanding justice after the deadly shooting of a young father in the oakland hills. marcus west jr. died yesterday after someone shot him outside his grandmother's home on scotia avenue near golf links road. west was the father of a 2-month-old boy. investigators so far are saying little about the case or whether they have leads. happening today, oakland international airport reaches a new high in the number of nonstop destinations it serves. the airport is adding its frischth nonstop location tijuana. the airlines plane scheduled to take off from oakland airport for the first time at 9:this evening. after the break, we'll have a look at weather and traffic. welcome back. 9:28 is the time. the picture, half moon bay. the beach is calling your name. temperatures really comfortable for today all across the board. we really have a nice day. 49 in the tri-valley right now. we have jumped to 54 in san francisco. and you're at 47 in the north bay where we started out just near the freezing marb. here's the deal for today. very warm conditions up to 68 in the tri-valley later on. 69 in the south bay, and climb even more so getting into the next couple days paeging over the weekend in the mid 70s and then rain. more on that in just moments. first, want to check your drive. here's mike. >> all right things are jammed up. you see a light volume of traffic on 92 eastbound, but you can see the outlines of the big rigs jammed solid. westbound, i saw a fire truck somewhere along the stretch, there is an incident going on there across 92. you look at the map, a slow drive in both directions because of the crew activity there. it sounds like one lane is blocked now eastbound, but west bnld a big distraction as well. the rest of the community starting to lighten up. the south bay improving for san jose and the rest of silicon valley. back to you. >> thanks for keeping us in the loop. another update in 25 minutes. welcome back on this wednesday morning. i'm willie with al, natalie and tamron. we will talk to him in just a second, but an interesting question posed by buzz feed this morning. why do you check your voice mail. buzz feed take aim at people who leave voice mails. i say a american. why do you leave voice mail. i want nothing to do with voice mail. >> when you see a number that comes up, you don't want to see who called you? >> you call them back. >> i have a voice mail machine at home. you hit play. >> really? >> this is this thing called the voice mail machine we had back in our day. >> for used to have cassettes. >> mine is digital, but still? >> do you use it? >> every once in a while, but there is like 50 messages. >> christina said missed call is the new voice mail. if you call me, call me back. hear what you want to say. >> sometimes you necessary a meeting and you can't get to it. >> i leave them a voice mail and if i get a voice mail, i listen to it. it doesn't get me that worked up. >> or texting. >> open letter to all theity lotis leaving voice mail. >> #message, #notification. >> after i first got my first voice mail machine in the 80s, i remember my grand mom, i would hear grandma grandma, grandma. she had no idea what to do. you scream your name. it was great. that was one of my all time favorite messages. she would scream her name. grandma, grandma grandma. >> one of my all time favorites. i miss her so much. anyway. this is the same woman that no matter what kind of refrigerator she had it was a fridge dare. it doesn't matter. it was the fridge dare. same thing? it's the fridge dare. it didn't matter. i don't know if that was the first refrigerator or what. anyway for today we have a rainy mess in the east down to texas. icing behind it as the front moves through and changes over to snow. out west is spectacular and look at florida. 82 in miami. take me away. sunny skies and 85. sunshine through the great lakes and northern new england and cold. look for icing conditions from the mid-atlantic to the gulf coast and the western 2/3 of the 9:33. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren taking a live look at the hills. still bright green in sunol. more rain on the way. as we head throughout the beginning of next week. but between now and then a warming trend coming your way. 68 degrees in the tri-valley. 69 degrees in the south bay for today. weather headlines tell the story. the warming trend kicks in. 5 degrees warmer today. we'll peak over the weekend with mid 70s everywhere across the board and then a big pattern change on the way. as we head throughout tuesday into the remainding of last week. >> that's your latest weather. >> adam carolla has done it all. the man show and new york bestseller list and a crazy popular podcast adam carolla show. >> he is ready to conquer movies as writer, star and director about a struggying comedian desperate to get off the comedy club circuit. >> i'm offering you a good job, bruce. take the job. >> it's warm up? >> i would rather kill myself. >> who wants jelly bellies? i can see you brut your own jelly belly. >> adam carolla good to see you. >> great to be seen. i'm a director. i want to be taken serious. >> is that the official outfit? >> it's a c plus maybe d. >> indoor shades. definitely on the road. >> these are prescription. >> is this movie autobiographical? >> yeah, thanks al, for asking me that. it has bits of me in my relationships and things that happened in my life in it. it's not the documentary on me. >> if you follow the script, the bro show is over. your partner is a successful late night comedian. jimmy kimmel. you had all of this success and the phone stopped ringing and you didn't know where it was headed. >> see how we set you up for that? >> okay. >> the point in my career and i was let go. we had no jobs in and 09 and the economy gone in the toilet. the only way you can support your twins is to hit the road and i said book me in every club around the country. i don't want to fly first class because it's less money that i will be bring home to the twins. you decided to bite the bullet and that's this story. >> besides crowd funding, that's amazing. >> you jumped into the podcast thing and this thing is wild successful. >> why do you think it's so successful? i do the thing right and i nibble on the end of my glasses. you do the thoughtful interviewer. al. i'm sorry. anyway, it's early for me. i get up at noonish. i started about six years ago and did it for free for about a year and a half and did it every day and never missed air day. >> when you go on tour, your middle name is lakers. is that true? >> true and false. it says it on my driver's license and on every document i have except for it's only because i wrote it in when it's at the dmv. >> your little name is 96? >> adam carolla in theater and on demand. calling it mission impossible. tom cruise, david before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america. winter is hard on your face. the start of sneeze season. and the wind-blown watery eyes. that's why puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin. so you can always put your best face forward. a face in need deserves puffs indeed. and try puffs softpack today. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. it has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. theraflu breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. so you never miss a day. theraflu. serious power. ♪ this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. gps: proceed to the designated route. not today. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. don't stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once-a-day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app call 1-888-xarelto or visit want to know a secret? i wasn't always a redhead. you'd never know it though because it's nice'n easy color so natural looking it's clairol's #1 authentic color that's always true to you. so shift a shade and still look like your most amazing you. it's back olive garden's buy one take one starting at $12.99. choose from a variety of entrees like new citrus chicken sorrento and take home another free. it's double the delicious. buy one take one starting at $12.99. at olive garden. >> hump day. clearly the mid-week with a little pop and a lot of jessica simpson. take a look at the photos right there. posted on our website. the fashion mogul and mama of two. the 34-year-old looking gorgeous in a new ad campaign for the jessica simpson collection. beautiful picks. she lost her baby weight as a spokesperson for weight watchers and he reached her goal weight. she is showing it off in the daisy dukes. >> i was with you. >> is there any question that justin timberlake is one of the best hubbies in hollywood. he tweeted a message to jessica biel. you make me smile until it hurts. i love you like crazy, your husband. they are expecting their first baby. ironically on his birthday. what do you think? >> the bar is set high for guys everywhere. >> do you want to show your love on instagram? i love that he did it. the husband. >> not many people can bend it like beckham and he may not be able to selfie like him. he took a selfy and he posted the risky pick on his facebook page. this is how high the statue was. and they have flights of stairs to the top and talk about a mission impossible. talk about that. there is a paparazzi picture in the car. >> polar plunge next year. >> a few years ago i went to the top of the george washington bridge. walking up along the cable. >> did you take a selfie? >> gosh yes. the best part about change changing a light bulb. it's twice as big as willie's head but it comes in that cardboard box. just like a three-way ball. it's just in it. yellow ge bulb. it's great. >> i want to take a selfie. you have to find that. quickly in madonna's caper, she took that tumble and said the cape was tied too tight around her neck. the designer is telling the associated press madonna is difficult. she wasn't able to open it with her hands. that's all. like she doesn't have nimble hands? that's rude. we will have to see. if the singer has a response when she stops by the ellen degeneres show. although the show is not confirmed, this to us. but a paperly we hear every day madonna's website said she will appear on the show for a week. a week of madonna. said. >> al and natalie go head to head. >> a being noggin. >> always sometimes never. look at that. we are talking about i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. he says "it has a certain code that's my line, this is the date." if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. if you can clear a table without lifting a finger... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™. at subway, a great meal starts with a great sandwich on the new "simple 6 menu." with six of our best six-inch subs, like the tender turkey breast plus any bag of chips and a 21-ounce drink for just $6 every day. i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. >>humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. >>visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! >> nat and i are about to find out in response to awkward situations. >> et kid expert is here to point us in the right direction. good morning. >> you ready? >> play the game. >> sometimes, always, never. >> you just bought a new car and several friends asked you how much you pate. are you obligated to tell you. >> the answer is, good, never. unless it's your banker or accountant or your spouse you don't have to say. you can say i got a great deal and if you would like my associate, i would be happy to pass it on. >> you found out an acquaintance unfriended you. should you call them and ask them why they dumped you? >> i stay with never. >> good. so far, so good. >> if they wanted you to know, they would call you or they would not have just deleted you. sometimes we clean our contact list. they are not a close friend or family member. >> 'they care. >> let it go. >> stick with the good friends. >> the coworkers are big on cell braying birthdays and your birthday came around and no one said anything. not a card, not a cake. should you say something? >> there was ta time al. >> i would go with sometimes. >> i think there ways you can maybe tell another and say how about we get drinks for my birthday. >> they might not have known. your name might have gotten off the birthday list. >> that's my own party. >> you sit in the carpool line every afternoon and watch all the mothers get out and visit. you would like to spend the time catching up on work or reading a magazine. is it aspect social to skip the mommy or daddy bant onnor? >> is st antisocial? >> sometimes. sometimes yes. you have to take one for the team and the team is your kids. every once in a while. once a month pop out and say hi, how are you doing? see what your kid's friends are doing. it doesn't mean anything bad. just an update. you want to be friendly. makes sense. the person in front of you in the grocery express line has more than 15 items. should you call them out? >> never. >> nothing good comes from a grocery confrontation. >> you have done it too. >> i have been that person with 17 items. >> we do it accidentally and it looks like you. >> one last one. >> you have good friends raising unruly kids. they invite you over for dinner all the time and keep making excuses. should you tell them you don't like their kids? >> never. >> sometimes. >> sometimes. >> if you have a good relationship with them. >> a close relationship, you might say -- >> you don't have to tell i don't like your kids. >> say i don't like you. >> let's go to a restaurant with peace and quiet adults only. >> thank you. back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. >> what do we well good morning, everyone. 9:56. police in san francisco investigating the latest in the string of smash and grab robberies. the target this time a high-end audio equipment store. witnesses say three masked men smashed a pickup truck into the store, grabbed what they could. the thieves made off with about $1 $100,000 of merchandise. >> here's a cruel theft. someone stole the prosthetic running blade from his car. this happened yesterday in the mission district. ranjit run ss. his said his log costed about $30,000 and without himit he will miss a meet this weekend. let's check the weather this morning. >> thank you scott. beautiful day shaping up all across the board. a nice clear sky overhead, and temperatures are going to end up in the mid to upper 60s with changes on the way. warming trend begins today. you'll notice that today and tomorrow. 5 degrees warmer today, an additional 5 tomorrow. a rainy pattern moves in. we'll time the system out at 11:00. we'll see you then. first, we want to check the drive. here's mike. >> and once more we start with the san mateo bridge. this time looking from the foster city site to the bridge jammed up from the decline of the high rise. look at the map, a slow drive in both directions across the bridge from the hayward and the foster city side. the worst of the crash and slowing is eastbound heading out. you're restricted to two lanes there. the dumbarton bridge your alternate for the area. from the bay bridge to the east bay, and the compression from 880 to fremont and clearing past the airport. >> thanks. we'll have another local news update for you in a half hour. hope to see you then. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello everyody. it's pulse day. wine day wednesday, march 4th. perfect show today. ralph is here. >> ralph's here. >> yes. he's starring in celebrity autobiography which he's going to tell us about. >> it's funny. >> he's going to put us to the test. >> you know what's funny about him, you pointed this out downstairs, look at him. >> it's unbelievable. >> look at him. >> i say do you weigh the same you did when you were karate kid. he's going to deny it, no look at this, and grabs like nothing on his stomach. kids give him a hard time. >> he's sitting right down there grinning. we know exactly what he's talking about. looks great. >> yeah. >> if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, don't let it happen again. because we've got little things that can make you happy every single day. >> all righty. >> getting on my nerves. >> and if a beach getaway sounds good right now, and who doesn't that sound good to? trip advisor has the top beaches in the country. where you can stay for under $200 a night. >> look at the ray of sunshine we have in the studio, mary in her pink top. >> beautiful. >> mary's visiting us, and she looks beautiful. so mary, i want to thank you. your husband's not in the picture. ben didn't want to get in. >> he's behind the scenes. >> thank you for coming to visit us, okay. >> thank you for having me. >> you got it. it is time for hoda's words of wisdom. >> all right. here we go. ready? the beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you. >> how about that? >> and then that will make you happy as a result. >> and then your friend is happier too. >> everybody wins. i like that. okay. i didn't see the voice last night, but i love to watch the next day. >> adam and blake had a little tussle over one young artist last night. her name is brenda yaiger and she took a risk of singing the house of that built me that had miranda's song. let's take a look. ♪ i just had to come back one last time ♪ ♪ man i know you don't know me from adam ♪ >> oh, she said my name. ♪ these hand prints on the front steps are mine ♪ ♪ ain't nothing but a memory, from the house that built me ♪ [ cheering ] >> shaking so violently that i have to come just like -- >> hi adam. >> oh my god. >> can i be her right now? >> that takes a lot of nerve to come out here and perform that song. >> i actually have that song tattooed on my foot with all my sisters because i grew up in a log cabin. >> there's more to it than just one song sung by one coach of the voice. >> you guys can go to the prom together after you and i win the show. >> thank you. that's all for now. >> who do you think she chose? >> how could she not choose adam? but it's blake's wife's song. >> they were slow dancing. let's see. >> power is in your hands. who's going to be your coach? >> oh my god. >> break my heart. >> i pick team blae. >> yeah, she doesn't want miranda mad at her either. >> no indeedy doo. and finally jeremy gainer who is in the army and lead singer of the west pointe band the only four chair turn of the night. >> i love this let's see. ♪ >> all four. >> yeah. >> what a gorgeous voice he's got. >> my favorite part is not the singing and it's not the coach that choosing him -- >> it's watching the families freak out when someone hits the chair. it's the whole thing. it makes it everything. >> genius television. it really really is. >> i think he chose christina. i don't know why i said it but that's what i think. >> you take your pick. >> okay. so i pick christina. [ cheering ] >> that, okay, that was a total shot in the dark. i cannot believe -- >> bullseye. >> i can't believe that. he sounds like her. he sings all that up and down. >> uh-huh. vocal gymnastics. >> something like that. >> now adam has met his number one fan which we just heard about, ten-year-old boy named christopher who has down's syndrome. he's done school projects about maroon 5 and memorized all of their songs and music videos. so what happened? >> the special ed teacher decided to make a meeting happen. so they went to the radio station, hot 95 in maryland. saw this video, they arranged him for meet maroon 5 backstage. everything was going great. christopher gets there and i guess backstage can be overwhelming for this young boy. he kind of got a little, you know a little freaked out. he laid on the floor, and watch, look at the image of adam and his band, and what they did when they met him. he was laying on the floor so the entire band -- >> that's so sweet. >> laid down with him. >> and the radio station tweeted out that picture. >> and all were crying. >> great story. >> that humanizes the sexiest man alive. >> married to the victoria's secret. >> people come up brash on the show, you see a human moment like that when a child touches you. >> it's really something. we should point out that that was tweeted out by hot 95.5. all right. >> by the way congratulations to my hoda. she won a gracie award. she's not exactly sure in fact she -- >> i don't think i did win it. >> it goes to women in communications, it's a big award here in new york. outstanding host, that's you, host. >> i don't think it was that. i really don't think it was that. there's no proof of it, nobody's seen the award. >> including in the shine a light project, truly great video which hit two million views on youtube. you can stimdonate go to >> and it goes to pediatric cancer research. still don't think that's true. >> "today" show won four. >> don't believe that either. >> make it happen. >> don't think happened. okay. this is a cool story. on nightly a few months ago, there was a story about an 89-year-old and a four-year-old who became unlikely friends. they were neighbors. >> okay. >> they were together and one day, the little boy and his family moved away because they were, they had a growing family and needed more space. well, they moved away and it was heart breaking because those two hung out together. >> they were best, best friends. >> well guess what? the pair reunited. they've actually been seeing each other off and on, but the little boy came from earling's 90th birthday party. look at the reunion. >> wow. >> we used to call these dog tags in the army. friends forever. you come back again. >> i will eventually. >> up top. thank you. >> thank you, jerry. >> emma's parents bring him to visit earling often. which is, as lovely as that is. the lord will take his friend. and that, hopefully he's going to be prepared for that. that's going to be a delaware stating thing for him -- devastating thing for him. >> why are you laughing at that people? >> this is just depressing. >> man is not -- >> i know. >> god love him. many, many years on this earth. we are starting something new on this fine wednesday. >> it's a good thing. >> okay. >> so, often sometimes people ask what we're wearing and where can you get it and all this stuff. we're doing something called looks for less. >> wait. >> lovely lilliana looks for less. >> thank you. >> what happened what did you pick? >> i had the opportunity to dress both of you. and what i think are two of the seasons hottest trends in the segment we're calling luxe for less. you don't have to spend a lot. so hoda is wearing a beautiful mini length dress. are you going to stand up? it's gorgeous on her. how beautiful is that? >> perfect. >> we can't tell you how much it is. >> not yet. >> we do, we want people to get them. guess how much the dress it? picked it out, boom, guess, go to the facebook page. >> facebook page. >> and later we're going to let people know where they can find our goodies. >> then kathie, you're wearing a beautiful choker. i love how you styled it with the statement earrings. it's about the architectural pieces, and you're not going to believe the price on this. go to the facebook page guess the price, or how little maybe. >> okay. >> okay. >> and i'll come back later in the show and tell you where you can get them. are you wearing something as well? >> i am. all of my pieces are under $100. so that's a little hint. >> everything i'm wearing is under $100. >> are you kidding? >> even though your spanx. >> you're too little. >> lilliana, what's it called again? >> luxe for less. >> we got it. >> all right. bye guys. all right. now i love that geico commercial where the guy says i'm sorry i'm a loner, and a loner has to be alone. and then he drives off and boom. just falls. and she goes jessie? they've come up with some new things. >> okay. you know when you're online and it you're watching a commercial and says you can skip the ad in five seconds because who wants to live through that? geico wanted to figure out how to keep you engaged. this is what they did. they put up the commercial called family. and it's just the branding. so you see the geico words now look what happens. >> it's already over. geico, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> oh, oh. >> look. >> this is like the family's really there it's not like a cutout they're blinking, you can look blink. okay. >> they're going to have a bigger mess to clean up later, let me tell you. >> look how he goes for the spaghetti. so good. look out for the salad bowl. you know he wants to laugh. oh my gosh. see, you could watch it. >> look want a the kid. he's just sitting there, come on. >> is there more? is there more food? >> he doesn't want the salad, obvi. not interested. >> nothing green. >> well, there's more. >> isn't that so smart because you're looking at geico -- >> what's that got to do with insurance? >> nothing, but you remember geico. >> i like jessie and becky. >> jessie. from betts si roos to hillary clinton, great women past and present. play who knew with us. one thing we do know hoda we're about to have fun with ralph mavp sfx: clink, clink, clink... cow: when i moved in with katy's family we became instant bffs. then i helped my girl get hitched. three years ago in spin class, katy's starin' at this studmuffin, so i did a little cyber-snoopin' and... the dude had way too many selfies on instagram... uh oh! but he passed my inspection... and the rest is history! to katy and ryan! vo: make us part of your family. look for nutritious dairy brands with the real california seals. cow: now about those selfies... shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. we're here today asking kids what their favorite vegetable is. kids? [ crickets chirping ] now we're gonna give those same kids bush's baked beans. [ kids ] mmmm... finally, we're gonna tell them that bush's baked beans are actually a veg-- tut-tut-tut. ix-nay on the egetable-vay. oh, right. bush's secret family recipe gives them a delicious flavor so they're a [whispers] vegetable that kids actually like. bush's baked beans. the [whispers] vegetable that kids love. this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, no artificial colors or flavors.'s gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. minnesota winters are brutal it's tough being cooped up it gets a little stale. when dad opens up the window what's the first thing he does? the tobin stance spring is in the air and pollen, dog hair... the sunshine looks like fairy dust. (doorbell) whoa! what's this? swiffer sweeper! swiffer dusters! removes up to 70% of dust and allergens. stays on there like glue wow! look at that! ew! the tobin stance! that is totally what it is! alright, listen up. out on that field today, you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. and when they're asked 'what did you do to make a difference in the world?' they can say 'i became a soldier'. mornings got you a little... (puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. if it really is a fountain of youth somewhere then ralph macchio knows where it is because he never seems to age. >> the tv film and stage stars appeared in great films like the outsiders and my cousin vinny. for many he'll be known as daniel la rousseau as the karate kid. >> now bringing his star power to the stage and celebrity autobiography. where actors read other star's tell-all. take a look. >> long journey night rider has made me famous. baywatch had made me rich. but broadway had always been my dream, and when i stepped out on to the sidewalk that night i could see my name in lights david, what'sle hoff. >> you are so cute. >> don't write the book if you can't take the heat. >> you know the fun thing about this show is it's not mean-spirited. it really isn't. it's really, i mean it's a bit of you know, tragedy plus time is hilarious. so it's how you look at, at that side of it all. you know, and i think, you know, you just read -- it's in their own words. erin, and the -- >> they wrote it. >> yes. the ghost writer wrote and then it's also, they do match-ups, side by side, different people talking about the same event from two different perspectives. and you know, it's just like a simple thing like say tiger woods for that matter when he wrote his autobiography back before whatever scandal. the grip on the putter had a whole different meaning. >> oh. >> it's just that creates the funny. did david ever see that? >> i'm not the only one i'm not exclusivele to hasselhoff the castro at a times they'll do -- cast rotates, they'll do anything. >> i had to do barbara streisand once, which was tough. i just worked on butta. >> been doing this for quite a while too. it is so many people that have done it. i came in about, i guess i just finished doing ugly betty and michael and ray chech dratch was on guest starring on ugly betty. and they invited me to do this. it's so much fun. >> who else would you love to read you haven't done yet? >> oh god. >> regis. >> regis. i'm out of control. it's so tough so many people, and that's the thing it's not really about doing impersonation, it's about just you know sometimes the most straight flat way of doing it. >> reading a book is not a hard thing to do. >> exactly. >> is it true that you are now an empty nester? >> yes. yes. it's crazy. >> it's hard to believe that you have children, right. much less grown. >> yeah. >> they're 22-year-old and a 19-year-old. my daughter's living in the city now. and my son is up at boston college, but he's here on spring break although it's freezing but it's spring break. >> are they in the business? >> my daughter is. >> what is she doing? >> she did the film with kristen wiig and matt dylan, she got a little part. >> and you encourage that? >> do as i say not as i do didn't work. she's doing great. and my mom is a math, science kid maternal side of the gene pool. >> are you saying, hey, do more like this or try that? >> oh sure. talk to the hand. no she does. my relationship i'm very proud of. >> that's awesome. >> what have you got there? >> you're going to read to us. >> we brought some celebrity autobiographies. >> i already know. >> i know the blue. >> oh, listen, the segment producer completely set this up. >> yes exactly. >> you have the guess. first, can you guess the famous daughter who wrote this autobiography. sure i put a lot of myself into her, but that doesn't make her real, that doesn't make her me. this is my very own book, my first chance to tell my own story in my own words, but to tell my story, i have to talk about hannah -- >> hoda. >> at first i was like who is that? >> five four -- >> hoda. >> hoda. how i survived everything. >> okay boom. >> miley cyrus. >> there you go. okay. >> different hannah. >> thank god. >> blue on your book. >> didn't sound familiar. but who knows. we have time for one more. >> up next actress comedian. here we go. she says doing skit comedy while pregnant is like wearing a sombrero sombrero, you can pretend to be a serious person, but that giant hat is the in your way. i have spent on time being pregnant, sometimes it was real -- >> tina fey. >> good guess, close, i would say -- >> amy poehler. >> bingo. >> yes, please. >> yes, please. >> ralph. wait, i don't think we have time. >> you know what we do have time. you're going to be joining me on sooer yus radio later. >> okay. >> thanks, ralph all the best. the color red has to do with your mood. >> tips if you want to wake up happy every single day. and you know what would make us happy right now? sunny vacations. >> best beaches to visit voted on by y over 200,000 people are hospitalized every year with flu complications. so to kill the germs that may make your family sick, we recommend using lysol disinfectant spray every day. lysol is approved to kill 80 germs, including hard to kill viruses that can live on surfaces for over 4 weeks. it works on hard and soft surfaces to help stop the spread of bacteria. so help keep your family healthy with lysol. pillsbury crescents--awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: week night crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. another story for us. >> right here, finally an autobiography for a singer, actress and tv star. i dated a lot often with disastrous results. when you're a young, reasonably attractive woman in new york. there's an abundance of wealthy successful men at your doorstep. it sounds crash, but they're everywhere. why do you want great glasses for $38, backed by a replacement guarantee? mom! mom! because you all really need glasses... mom! ...and boys really need to be boys. the glasses you want are at the walmart vision center - a complete pair of single vision glasses for $38. backed by a 12-month replacement guarantee. save money. live bette walmart. mom! americans... 83% try to eat healthy. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies. it takes nature 90 days to grow the most golden oats. 7,200 hours to create the purest honey and, it only takes you 3 minutes to enjoy it. perhaps we made it too delicious. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. your body goes through more than 500 ups and downs a day. your deodorant should keep up. secret clinical strength has adapts & responds technology for customized protection that adapts to your body. ♪ ♪ ♪ hershey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. good morning, everyone. 10:26. a heartless case of animal cruelty is prompting a new reward to help track down the person who did it. you may remember the story. february 20th in santa cruz county, someone put a chihuahua mix and her puppy in sandbags and threw them out the window of a moving car. the puppy died. the mother guarding the puppy's body rescued. a reward started at $6,000. it's grown more than four fold to $25,000. thanks to a contribution from an unanonymous donor. air bnb hosts are unhappy about a new san francisco law tightening regulations. today, they'll air their grievances. the group gathering at city hall. they plan to attend a supervisors committee meeting. the hosts say the new rules are cumbersome and most residents who want to represent out their homes are ignoring the new restrictions anyway. >> we'll have a look at weather and traffic after the break. yoplait greek 100. for when you just can't make it without a protein-packed, thick and creamy, power-me-up-with-something filling taste-bud-loving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity dinner feels a million years away grab and go, let's take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. welcome back now. i'm meteorologist christina loren. chose nice and clear all across the board, in fact a nice clear sky for today. and temperatures will be warm under bright sunshine later on. 67 in san francisco. 68 degrees for today on the peninsula, and 69 for us here in the south bay with changes coming your way. as we head through the next couple days. walling trend begins today. we'll peak when it comes to the warmth over the weekend and then showers and a rainy pattern on the way. we'll describe this to you, give you the full microclimate forecast today at 11:00. first, let's check the drive. >> you have to see this. this is westbound 92. a little slowing. your morning commute eastbound completely clear after the crash cleared just after our last report. look at the map, recovery across the san mateo bridge. no problems for the dumbarton bridge and easy across the rest of the bay. >> thank you. make sure to join us at 11:00 for our next newscast. we'll see you then. ♪ we are back now with more "today" on this wine day wednesday. ready to play who knew. and that rosie the riveter is our way of reminding you it is women's history month. we to want honor some of the world's most accomplished women with fun facts. kathie lee is across the street ready to hand out 100 bucks to anybody who got the questions right. those who don't get one of her remarkable and hot cds. [ cheering ] . >> here o to help me out, moore magazine leslie jane seymour. you're trending it up. >> we try. >> all right. let's go across the street to kath. >> the tease apparently. which performer had the fastest selling album in itunes history, katy perry, beyonce, or madonna? go back to hoda or talk to this lovely couple? any time now. all right. do you know? >> i would say beyonce. >> okay. then you would be right. >> the answer -- >> leslie beyonce. >> yes. she took an incredibly huge risk last year when she dropped that album out on itunes by herself. no middle man, did incredibly well. and beyonce, as it was called was the fastest selling album ever on itunes, it is incredible. almost a million copies in three weeks. >> that is sick. >> michigan. >> okay, beautiful there. the coo of facebook sheryl sandberg and the ceo of yahoo, marissa mayor, both launched their tech careers at google, apple, or microsoft? >> apple? >> no. >> oh. >> yay. >> the correct answer is google. >> google. yeah, seems like all roads lead to google today, right? >> so anyway, both of them, marissa started as the first female engineer. she was employee number 20. >> was she really? >> guess how that paid off. exactly. >> sheryl was in 2001. and she was in charge of global online sales and operations until she was moved over by mark zurkberg over to facebook. >> wow. >> not a bad place to start i would say. >> what were we doing when we could have been at google? >> hello. over to you. >> from gainesville. who said there is no such thing as failure. failure is just life trying to move us in another direction. it was melinda gates, anna wintour or oprah winfrey? >> oprah? >> it was, it was oprah. >> it is oprah winfrey. >> absolutely. and the 2013 harvard commencement address, she said that launching her own, her own own network was the hardest thing she ever did. >> yeah, and probably learned a lot from it. >> well, what's nice to see, even the big girls fail sometimes. >> it's right. stay with it and you get there. >> over to you. >> this is young gentleman is from richard, he calls me ma'am it was nice. how many american women have been in space. 14, 32, or 45. >> i'll go with 14. >> but he's darn cute and he's going to love this album. >> you know, i was surprised by the answer. the correct answer, 45. >> 45 women have been in space. american women. and it's 59 women in total overall. and what i really love is 2013 nasa actually had it's first class of even men, even women who were in the space program. >> that's interesting. >> 2013. so maybe the rest of us can do it from now on. >> time for one more. >> lovely lady from quebec. who was the first woman to be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. aretha franklin, etta james, or janice johnson? >> no cheating. >> janice johnson. >> she wanted the cd. this is good. this is good. got what she came from. the correct answer, aretha franklin queen of soul. >> she became the first woman inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. >> all right. >> queen of soul's career began, when she did a gospel album at 14 years of age. what was i doing at 14? >> i know. >> i appreciate that. lilliana coming up is going to reveal the cost of my dress and the cost of kathie lee's necklace. and everything will be coming up roses if you tylenol these tips for waking up happy yoplait has the only yogurt brands endorsed by weight watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed us. so, you know what this means... this is a real win win! yoplait, it is so good! you wouldn't do half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. sfx: ahhh listerine®. power to your mouth™! discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. how do i get hotel deals nobody else gets?... i know a guy. price-line ne-go-ti-a-tor! i know a guy in new york vegas, dallas. my competitors may know a guy, but i know over 60,000 guys. [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything. your kids get used to sweaty odors in their room. they think it smells fine, but you smell this... eliminate all the odors you've gone noseblind to with febreze fabric refresher. mmmm... so you and your guests can breathe happy. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. does this sound a little like you in the morning, alarm goes off, hit a snooze a few times then muster up everything you've got and peel off that comforter to face the day? >> nice and dark and cozy in here. we're going to help you put a little spring in your step by showing you some tricks to wake up happy and staying that way all day with the help of shap magazine's editor at large. hello barb. >> good morning, ladies. >> if we looked like you, we'd be happy. >> thank you. >> so you say when you're starting the day, one of the things a lot of us do, alarm next to the bed and you want ten more minutes, hit snooze. >> everybody does it. the problem with this is when you hit snooze of course you're getting a few extra minutes of sleep, but it's interrupted, bad sleep. you should not use the snooze button, or if you are falling back to sleep you're falling into a sleep cycle you can't finish. >> you should pop up. >> if you have a problem with hitting the snooze button. put it away from you. >> so you have to get up. >> you have to get up and walk. or what we love at shape magazine is this alarm clock that often relice on light therapy. so you set this and 30 minutes before you're supposed to wake up. >> it starts to go on, and this simulates the sunshine. what this does is tells your brain to stop producing melatonin which is a sleep hormone. >> that's cool. i like that. >> it's really really a nice thing. >> fresh flowers. you have those all over your house. >> that just make me happy. especially in the winter time. everything is just bleak. >> absolutely. harvard study found that women who saw fresh flowers early in the morning with happy and energized throughout the day. >> let's go over to the cozy bed. >> yes, this is all about color therapy. researchers found that certain colors improve your mood. in the morning, you want a quick energy jolt you want to surround yourself with bright colors like orange, yellow, red, this gets your adrenaline pumping and you want to do pops of it. like a blanket, a pillow, piece of artwork, this makes you happier. >> okay. >> and this is a little exercise area. >> this is all about stretching, we of course know that stretching is good for you so many are rushed. >> animals always stretch before they do anything. >> exactly. >> so what you want to do is take a couple of minutes easily stretch your hands arms, pumps up your blood level, gets you going, and super, super easy. >> this is smart. if i don't pack a gym bag like before i go to bed, because if you have to think about in the morning putting all the stuff in the bag, it's tough to get moving. >> it's tough to get moving, and creating anxiety. i can't, the last thing i want to do is look for my shoes, car keys, my gym clothes. pack everything in the bag. this includes your lunch. >> get a loerk. >> i lug mine around everywhere. get a locker. >> why? >> okay breakfast time. >> this is all about food. studies have shown that eating omega 3s in the morning can boost your mood. there are easy ways. scrambled eggs. add walnuts, or smooth thi, lou a little flak seed. >> everybody loves it. >> happier mood and it's good for you as well. >> no coffee? >> i say that coffee is good for you, but a better thing to do is replace that with lemon water and hot water. it's delicious, all of the celebrities are doing, how people are saying it's good for you. it's giving you that vitamin seed booth no calories and it just tastes amazing. it has that zesty flavor. >> you could still get that. >> you don't have to replace your coffee with it. >> thank you. >> it's a nice supplement though. >> habit. >> you can definitely have it. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> if that didn't work, here's something to make you happy. >> vacation for less than $200 a night. the best beach is just in time for spring break. hold it! come with me. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. cam, protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... will it up my game? no man! new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. mmm dannon. wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. this little piece of hershey's chocolate... is called a pip! it's the way we all start and end a hershey's bar. pip by delicious pip. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. waking up to fatigued skin? sleep on this! garnier creates its first miracle sleeping cream. it fights signs of fatigue and wrinkles while you sleep. a sleeping cream... that's a first! like a lightweight mask of continuous hydration it works while you sleep when skin is most receptive. and here's the real wake-up call... in just i week wake up to more refreshed, younger-looking skin. stop waking up to fatigued skin! sleep with this. new miracle sleeping cream. from garnier. when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. alright, listen up. out on that field today, you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. and when they're asked 'what did you do to make a difference in the world?' they can say 'i became a soldier'. life's morning multitasking. it's multiple ideas for growing families and drawers with many layers to show exactly what you need. life's the food that brings us together. and kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. all right. close your eyes far moment. imagine lounge og an warm, sandy beach, drink in your hand, oh, and the sun in your face. >> well, dream no more. is out with the list of award winning beaches based on traveler reviews and ratings. here with your favorite destinations for under $200 a night. the deseret fish. >> cheers. >> if we're not on a beach, that's where we want to be right now. >> use our imaginations. >> florida first? >> yes, the number one rated beach by traveler's choice is siesta beach. it has crystal sand, beautiful waters and it's one of the safest beaches in the country because it's got life guards year round. >> wow. >> perfect for families. the hotel to go to is a captiva. it's under $180 on average. full kitchen. it's a beautiful hotel. garden area. save lots of money but the thing to go to is the state park. to want see alligators the turtles and wildlife and do all kinds of fun activities. >> that's beautiful. all right. let's move on to st. pete. >> st. pete beach. this is something where you are never going to have a bad weather day. 361 days of beautiful sunshine when you're there. >> what? >> and the hotel to go there is called the blind past resort. it is newly renovated. new work. and it's also got kitchens which is great for families to stay there. and it's walking distance from to hundreds of different shops and restaurants -- >> what is that blue thing? >> the high tide slide. this is so much fun. this is three stories high and 200 feet long. >> what? >> get the kids on that slide. you can go 20 times, all day long. >> where is this? water slide? >> it is, it's a water slide right on the beach. >> let's go out west. >> newport beach, this is orange county. and this is the largest recreational beach. you can go swimming scuba diving, fishing, sunset cruises at night. there's lots to do. the place to stay is the hi yacht region si. this is more a resort than a hotel. but for less than $200 a night. >> wow. >> somehow that possible? >> it's got three pools, it's got a dozen tennis courts gulf courses and it has all kind of things for the family to do. then you can walk around at night at balboa island. >> which is beautiful. >> shopping, you have to have while you're there, frozen banana dessert, with chocolate covered in chocolate and peanuts. it's wonderful. >> let's go to crystal cove state park in laguna. >> this is three miles of gorgeous beach that you can scuba dye or swim. but this is perfect for the out doorsy types. they have 2400 acres -- >> trails. >> horseback riding, biking, you can go anything outdoor. you can go to the laguna shores at the hotel. and this one also under $200. >> okay. >> and this has millions, million dollar views. >> and in hawaii. >> yeah. this is kailua beach. this is famous for wind surfing, body surfing, just sitting on the beach and feeling the breeze. >> you don't need to do a thing. >> snorkeling, paddle boats out to the island, and where you should stay is aqua beach. >> okay. >> and this is a walking distance from the starbucks from the food market, anything. >> east coasters quickly, ocean stwhi it warms up, maryland. >> not quite yet. >> perfect for year round because they have a famous board walk. with lots of different, amauzment parks. >> we're hoping. >> it's perfect to go when you're swimming, and when you want to go swimming and going there in the summer time. the place to stay is a victorian old hotel. absolutely gorgeous. >> thank you. >> and they need folks to come by. >> they do. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. how much do you think this choker and hoda's dress really cost? >> lilliana is back and she's going to tell you thousand get these luxe looks for less. >> wow. it is time for lilliana's luxe looks for less. earlier we revealed that lilliana put me into this dress and kath into that beautiful choker. and we asked you no to guess how much you thought they cost and post it. here are some of your guesses. dana ryan says the dress is 49.99, necklace is 29.99. >> sarah says my dress is 39.99 and the choker is 7.99. >> lou yan says hoda's dress is pink and red. that wasn't the question. >> lilliana we got a lot of feedback. >> we have almost 1,000 guesses, which just shows that people really love a great deal. so i want to talk about your dress and talk about the trend. this is a mini length. people say what's a mini. mini hits right below the knee to above the kafl. >> it's so flattering. >> so many celebrities have worn this, kerry washington in something similar gorgeous on the red carpet. and gwyneth paltrow you're 5'9" also putting it on somebody petite, you have to find it right. big reveal for the dress. >> how much? >> the dress is 39.95. >> unbelievable. it's such quality fabric. >> from h and m. it has the texture. >> who makes it? >> h and m. >> oh. okay. $39.95, wow. $30 dress. >> $40 dress, that's amazing. >> kathie's choker. this is also a huge statement right now in jewelry. it's about the lines, really simple necklaces. >> okay. >> i love this and a lot of celebrities have been spotted in this. amy poe lor wore a choker and rihanna, ultimate trend setter. >> okay. >> rihanna's is probably millions of dollars. but on kathie, the big reveal been. >> couldn't mine be too? >> $7.95. >> close. >> that one guess we had -- >> from where? >> also from h and m. >> wow. >> we have a few seconds. >> great chokers here, these are from lulu's, bloomingdales under $50 and these are under $50. you can totally get the trends for less. and post these on facebook. >> we'll see you every wednesday. >> for all the details and where to get the items, log on. >> tomorrow you're heard of duck cakes, kathy mitchell is bringing us easy dump dinners. and lewis and jill are we continue to watch the nasdaq this morning as we trade under 4,000. in the meantime right now at 11:00, a disturbing trend in san francisco. good morning, everyone. yet another high end electronic store has been targeted by thiefs. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. >> i'm kris sanchez. police call it a smash and grab. the thieves broke through a window of the san francisco store and were out with a bat of an eye. stephanie chuang live in the city. you have covered several of these recently, unfortunately. >> that's right. good morning to you. the owner is rofring from the last time which was just a few weeks ago. last time


Transcripts For WCAU Today 20150304

will it be this historic winter's last? federal officials possibly reopening the investigation into the notorious plane crash that killed legendary singers buddy holy and richie vallens. why it's being considered 56 years later this march 4th 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning everyone and welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. all winter we have been talking about the city of boston because they have been dealing with horrible weather. >> boston has been waiting for this day. opening statements in the trial of boston marathon bombing suspect. peter alexr is at the courthouse. good morning to you. >> savannah good morning. this was the worst act of domestic terrorism since 9/11. the long-awaited trial will begin at the federal courthouse behind us. it's just two miles away from where the bombing took place. survivors have been told to e for graphic evidence including video and photos. prosecutors plan to play a surveillance video that shows him placing a backpack bomb in a crowd and walking away and shows the explosion and devastating aftermath. he was found in a back yard and his brother had died earlier in a shootout. inside the boat he scrawled criticism of the american military including i can't stand to see such evil go unpunished. what if anything did the wife know now remarried with a baby and new husband. her lawyer said she cooperated with investigators. while she steered clear of the spotlight, she might be called as a witness. he was 19 at the time and was dominated by his holder brother, a father figure he was afraid of. >> it will be the defense's task to humanize this young man. to show the jury that he really is not a predator. he is not an evil person. >> this bombing victim has no feeling on her right side. the bomb shrapnel struck her ankle and right leg. she will number court for some of the trial. >> i feel like i need to be there. i know it will be difficult and there will be a lot of things that will be painful. >> if convicted, he could face the death penalty here. the judge said this trial could last until june. matt and savannah back to you. >> turning to other news, the investigation into hil clinton's sole use of an e-mail account during her tenure of secretary of state is widening. kristen welker is at the white house. >> clinton's political problems are growing. 5i7 congressional committee wants to explore her use of e-mails while she was secretary of state. clinton is not speaking about the scandal. at a woman's event, she tried to turn the page. despite the controversy swirling around her, hillary clinton rallied her base getting the most applause when she hinted at future plans. >> it's fair to say, don't you some day want to see a woman president of the united states of america? >> that message echoed with the democratic communications firm misspelled her first name and showed her on her blackberry amid a scandal. she made no mention of the new revelation first reported that she exclusively used her personal e-mail as secretary of state. republicans seized on the news. >> you do not need a law degree to have an understanding of how troubling this is. >> aides said she followed the law, e-mailing other employees on their official accounts with every expectation they would be retained. requirements to use government accounts came after clinton left office noting that colin powell used a personal account and condoleeza rice rarely used e-mail at all. >> you mentioned technology. i have to wonder how many people have your personal e-mail address? do you use your blackberry a lot? do you like technology? are you good at it? >> i'm okay for someone of my generation. i have a lot of security restraints of what i can and can't do but i try to stay in touch as much as possible and electronically is by far the easiest way. you a blackberry addict? >> i'm an afficionado. i'm not sure about the addict part. >> they submitted over 50,000 pages of e-mails after they asked secretaries for official document last month the state department turned over about 300 to lawmakers investigating the attack on the consulate. then revelations they were from her personal account. >> for feeds into the narrative that she had something to hide or that she has a default that we should be secretive and not transparent. >> the associated press is that she used a private service registered to new york. experts call it an unusual move that may have given tighter control over access to her archive. no reaction from clinton officials. when asked about it they took clinton at her word and ultimately it's you up to the state department and clinton to assess the situation. matt and savannah back to you. >> the weather now in round two of what millions hope will be a last brush with the record winter on the way. this is threatening to spread snow and ice from northern texts too new england and could push boston over the top setting the record for the snowiest winter ever. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we haven't had a major snowstorm since valentine's day, but take a look at the mountain behind me. this is a 40 foot high pile of dirty snow. obviously no one here wants any more snow but after the 1.6 inches of snow that fell we are two inches shy of breaking the all time record for snowiest winter ever. the snow we saw was part of a bigger system that made a mess of the midwest. blowing snow reduced visibility on the roads. i-94 had to be shut down because of several crashes and further south, roads were dangerous as well. one man was killed and icy roads were to blame. unfortunately we are not out of the woods yet. we have more winter weather today and tomorrow. we will be so close to breaking the record here in boston. you will see more snow in new york. >> it looks like the cutoff is just south of you. to come this far and not break the record, just for the t-shirt alone. it's all about the t-shirt. >> fireworks, something. >> no! let's see what we have going on. this is a wide reaching system. 1600 miles stretching from texas all the way into just south of dylan. we have winter stormwatches and warnings and advisories from colorado into new england. winter storm warnings a problem and rain and thunderstorms changing to snow and sleet. as we move into the afternoon, memphis, tennessee. two to four inches of snow and ice up to a quarter of an inch. overnight into tomorrow morning. textington kentucky. six to ten inches. d.c. philadelphia about four to eight inches after changeing for snow to ice. new york city from two to five inches by this afternoon. tomorrow afternoon this time and then we look for the snowfall amounts unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you feel about boston we are talking about less than an inch if anything. it stays to the south. generally about three to six inches through the ohio river valley and some areas up to a foot. but then after some very cold air on friday next week is fabulous. >> really? >> yea, good nowews! >> after six months after the shooting of michael brown, the justice department is going public with its probe into the ferguson missouri police force and the findings could cause more anger. here's ron allen. >> an investigation following the violence that rocked ferguson uncovered a pattern of racial bias. when police used force, 88% of the time they were african-american and 93% of the time they were arrested. that was before the fatal encounter. a 2008 e-mail by a law enforcement official said president obama would not serve an entire time. what black man holds a steady job for four years. they said local police repeatedly stopped and fined black driver for minor violations like bust the tail lights to raise money for the city? >> they are targeting people who are not listening. >> this investigation said nothing about the death of michael brown or whether former police officer darren wilson will face civil rights charges. that investigation continues. federal officials said it's unlikely wilson will be charged with a crime. leaders are confronted with thousands of pages of allegations and said they will only sbhond it all becomes public likely later today. nbc news ferguson. >> and now it's an overnight arrest in a series of shootings. >> the fbi said the suspect wanted in a string of shootings including one year nsa headquarters is now in custody. richard jordan from washington has the very latest. good morning. >> hi natalie. good morning. the fbi will determine if one person was behind all five of the shootings and that suspect in custody now. the most recent shooting at the nsa building. no one was hurt but there was damage to the building and hours before that on an open highway about ten miles away two men came under fire and someone shooting at them from a wooded area n inside a landscaping truck. one grazed by a bullet and the other had cuts from broken glass. all the shootings happening in popular areas outside a movie theater and a wal-mart store and the first shooting just across the street from a very populated shopping mall. it was from that parking lot just across the street from the mall that the fbi was able to obtain surveillance video. all of this bringing back memories of the d.c. sniper case. shooting people at random and ten people were killed. the fbi in the middle of a similar investigation working to find out the motive of the new shootings and if they are random as they appear to be. natalie? >> richard jordan thank you. u.s. supreme court takes up a legal challenge that could doom the affordable care act better known as obamacare. pete good morning. >> good morning. supreme court cases are sometimes about abstract ideas, but this one is practical and will determine whether millions of lose health insurance. for seven million low income americans, obamacare and the federal subsidy is a life saver, cutting the cost of health insurance an average of 72%. the question is who is entitled to that subsidy. opponents say it's for insurance on a market place or exchange run by a state and not on the federal exchange that operates in state don't set up their. only caen states have their own exchanges and everyone else there is only the federal exchange. jennifer from memphis battling cystic fibrosis remembers the phone call that chose her for a transplant. they said we have a pair of lungs for you and i started crying. >> without obamacare, she could not afford her anti-rejection drugs. >> i would end up like i was before and i would die. >> the insurance industry warns if the challenges succeed, they would have rising costs for a maller number of participants causing the system to collapse. >> frightening moment when is a plane with 238 people on board slid off the runway in nepal. the plane was trying to land in dense fog, but after it touched down and skidded off the runway and ended up with the nose on the ground person his to use the emergency slights to evacuate. everyone else for the most part was okay. a walk showdown. an argument over snow halving turn shoveling in ohio. it turns out he was halving the no so that school kids could walk on the sidewalk. meyers took exception and said to leave the sidewalk alone. he grabbed him by the throat. that's not all. he came back out with the shovel and started to dump the snow where he had cleared it off. police are now investigating. wow. >> this is a new thing. it's usually a feel good story. >> this started long before that snow. >> manage was simmering. >> manage was going on there. >> this is why winter has to stop. >> it will. believe me. let's hoe you what's going on across the country. we have beautiful weather along the west coast. 55 in seattle and sunny. 70 in los angeles. that's where we need to head. nice weather in florida with i need to look for a used car. but i just keep putting it off. it's daunting. what if i make the wrong choice? it's like, if i buy a t-shirt and then change my mind i can return it. but a car? you don't reeeaaa eeeeeaaaaaly know until you've driven it a few days. i just want to be sure. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. temperatures will range between 42 and 45 degrees. rain on and off throughout the day, but milder conditions. the first alert forecast goes into effect today lasting through thursday. that is true for the snow moving in overnight tonight. we'll start to see the rain change over to snow to mess up your thursday morning commute. our temperatures will stay down in the mid-20s on thursday and friday. but we dry out and warm up for the weekend. that's your latest weather. savannah. >> former cia director david petraeus is agreeing to pleading guilty for the handling of political materials that ended his career. nick good morning. >> this is a stunning almost unbelievable fall from grace. david petraeus considered a national hero and possible presidential candidate pleading guilty to a criminal federal charge that grew out of assorted extra marital affairs. once considered a national hero he faces federal charges. the former general who led u.s. forces in iraq and afghanistan and rose to director of the cia, he is prepared to plead guilt towy to a charge. they don't stop there. while head of the cia, they claim he shared documents with paula broad well who was having an affair with petraeus while she was writings it i hadography. he slitd her eight black books like afghan war plan and identities of covert operators. they hit headline when is a tampa socialite called the fbi. kelly complained she was receiving threatening e-mails telling her to stay away from general petraeus. they traced the e-mails to broad well who discovered the affair and mishandling of secrets. the revelations forced him to resign as director but he still has his supporters and a large part of his legacy intact. >> his judgment in terms of a national security threat and how to deal with it being successful on the battlefield has not been tarnished. >> president obama approved of the petraeus plea deal. >> the president believes it was responsible to take responsibility. >> now in the hands of the federal courts. >> it being looks like petraeus will avoid jail time. the charge is a misdemeanor. prosecutors are recommending two years of probation and a $40,000 fine but it will clearly take petraeus sometime to rebuild his reputation. >> at the pentagon thanks. >> carson is about to take us into the orange room. the ads that most people seem to dislike. >> you stick around or wait for the skit? >> skip. >> geico caters directly to the online audience. those who are anxious to skip past the ad. take a look. >> don't thank me. thank the savings. >> you can't skip this ad because it's already over. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> for the ad to come up you are waiting for the button and the ad is not over. everything stays frozen and going what is that dog doing? they watch the dog devour the food on the plate. this is chaos to keep you focused on this ad. look at the branding. it's just geico in the center. watch this. he steps on the salad to get to more spaghetti. wrangles are you watching? >> you can learn a few things. >> geico put out four of these and they have 1.5 million views. they are viral on you tube. here's another quick one. guys hand shake. then it just freezes here and you want to see what this lady will do. is she going to walk around them? what's happening here? she needs to get here. she does this whole thing. you stay focused on it. >> it's like the end of the old police squad show. >> that's right. he will be staying in the prison for a while. >> 96% of you just like you guys skip the ad. it will be interesting to see if it starts a trend for companies to earmark and skreatcreate for ads for the web. >> you think you watch it the first time and skip the second time. >> people watch cats dogs babies millions of times over and over. it's an interesting trend. >> people just froze like that. coming up reopening the investigation nearly 60 years later. why the ntsb could look at the plane crash that claimed the lives of buddy holly, richie vallens. >> parents who let their kids walk home found responsible of child neglect. what they are saying about the decision and plans to fight back. but firs coming up how much do dogs like why are all these people so asleep yet i'm so awake? did you know your brain has two systems? one helps keep you awake- the other helps you sleep. science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need! talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. colourists know roots take colour one way, and previously coloured hair another. new vidal sassoon salonist. first, brush roots then, blend through lengths. our most advanced system outside the salon. it's more than colour. it's a work of art. good morning i'm vai sikahema. we are up to 225 schools. most of them delayed by a few hours, a few closed, but that's all because of the conditions out there. we'll go to meteorologist brittney shipp with more. good morning. heading throughout the day, we'll continue to see rainy conditions. milder than yesterday with temperatures pushing into the 40s. and it's also foggy when you head out the door. so be careful traveling out there. even as you head home look at the rainfall here. on and off for us as we get a close look at all the moisture that is going to continue moving into our region. it is going to switch over to snow as we head into tonight. so we do have a first alert going into effect tonight lasting until thursday. we expect the rain to switch over to snow after 11:00 p.m. and stick around into your thursday as we are tracking anywhere between 4 to 7 inches of snow in philadelphia. thank you, brittney. of course count on nbc 10's app to keep you updated on the changing forecast as the storm moves through the area. the all new revamped app is a free download in the app store. and now for a check on traffic with jillian mele delays at 76 jill? this is what 76 is looking like westbound at city avenue barely moving your drive from the blue route to the vine. 29 minutes. 25 minutes between the two points eastbound. keep in mind you can expect to see slippery surfaces on the area bridges. slow down and take your time. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. of course you can get the latest news and weather on the nbc 10 app. i'm vai sikahema. now back to the "today" show. see you in about a half hour. >> 7:30 on this wednesday morning, the 4th of march, 2015. that's a little slice of frozen heaven for pilots in new hampshire. there is an interesting story behind that shot. we will explain, coming up. >> a good thing to do on a cold day. there things making headlines. a second part of a massive weather system will bring a mix of snow sleet, and rain from texas to new england and into tomorrow. >> nearly two years after the boston marathon bombings the boston bomber faces the possibility of the death penalty. the defense plans to portray him as reluctant in the attacks. >> the shooting death of michael brown and the angry protest that followed. they found a pattern of racial bias within the police force. according to the probe, african-americans were disproportionately targeted for use of force and prison sentences. >> remember the story of the couple that was being investigated for letting young kids walk home alone? they have now been found responsible for unsubstantiated neglect. will it change the way they parent? we will hear from them coming up. >> we will begin with a plane crash that became known as the day the music died. it claimed the lives of four people including buddy holly. investigators may launch a new review of the accident. here's miguel. >> the 1959 crash shocked and saddened the nation. the small single engine plane carrying buddy holly, richie vallens and pilot roger peterson went down minutes after take off. investigators at the time blamed pilot weather and inclement weather as factors in the crash. >> the singers idolized by their fans became legends immortalized hollywood on the big screen. now according to the globe gazette, a new england man has gotten the ntsb to agree to consider reopening the investigation into the crash. the paper says coop contents there issues with weight balance, and aircraft climb and decent among other factors the n nntsb should investigate. they are reviewing the partition for reconsideration for this accident investigation. with the decision on even opening the case still pending, the february 3rd 1959 crash will be remembered as the day three stars took to the sky and never came home. >> bye-bye miss american pie ♪ >> the day don maclane said -- >> the music died ♪ >> nbc news, los angeles. >> all these years later. interesting to see what they find out. >> we have an update on the case that attracted the attention of parents nationwide. a maryland couple investigated for allowing their two children to walk home alone from the park. they have been found responsible for unsubstantiated neglect. erica, good morning to you. >> the couple has learned their file with child services will be kept open for five years, raising questions about what could happen if their children are reported again for walking alone. the family said they have no plans to change course. >> for this 10-year-old and his 6-year-old sister, there is nothing unusual about walking home without mom and dad. >> they think it's funny that sending kids to the park can be an issue. >> yet it's become an issue leading to accusat of neglect for her and her husband who regularly allow their kids to walk to the park and library, about a mile away on their. they defended the decision in january on "today" after the accusations were made public and their story went viral. >> we are doing what our parents did which was perfectly normal a generation ago. they hoped the case would be dropped, but after the responsible they were found responsible for unsubstantiated child neglect. >> unstub standiated is the middle ground. they are not making a finding and not dismissing the case. >> social media lit up much of them supporting them. i don't have or want kids but even i think this is horrifying. the debate of free-range parenting. >> this idea of hovering and being overly involved in your kids's is becoming the norm. so what we are doing if you don't have the resources at this level, you are a bad parent. that's not true. >> whether anything should be the norm is almost as murky as the state's decision as their parenting. >> there dangers for children out walking aalone. who gets to decide parents or the government? >> their case will remain open for five years, but they have no plan to change the way they are raising their children. >> my husband and i are firm. we are allowing our kids simple freedoms fr. >> we did reach out and they cannot comment on a specific case. the family hired an attorney and told us they have planned to appeal. >> it's interesting. unsubstantiated seems like this limbo. >> that's what the family said. she said look unsubstantiated is there wasn't enough at for you to say there was neglect and not enough to say there wasn't. if there wasn't enough shouldn't they be cleared? >> thank you very much. mr. roker is talking about a big temperature change. >> it's all about the front and also all about the bass. that's a different deal. we will head into the front today. it will get to 73 in atlanta and mobile 76. daytona beach 85. how great would that be? this front pushes through tonight into tomorrow. look at thursday. 53 in atlanta and 84 in daytona. we move ahead to friday and the cooler temperatures spread all the way to daytona. 68 and 45 in charlotte. memphis at 33 degrees. then get into next week. that good morning, i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. temperatures are ranging between 42 and 45 degrees. the first alert goes into effect tonight lasting all thursday due to the snow that is going to move in overnight tonight as we start to see that rain changing over to snow. that's going to mess up your thursday morning commute. our temperatures will stay down in the mid-20s on thursday and friday. but we dry out and warm up for the weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. >> coming up next live on a one-of-a-kind ice runway that has pilots lining up to test landing skills. >> ever wonder why people shake hands? apparently there is a very weird reason and it has i discovered a convenient way to moisturize every day. new nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes instantly. and lasts for more than 24 hours. then i quickly rinse off. my skin feels amazingly smooth with no sticky feel. so, i get dressed... ..and go. now i enjoy smooth skin every day. new nivea in-shower body lotion in the body lotion aisle. ♪ dramatic music ♪ father impersonating darth vader children i am your father! we all have a disney side, and the best place to show it is disney parks. so come to the place where the entire family can laugh, let loose, and play together. disney parks. come on. it's time to show your disney side. real transformations can happen as much inside a person as out. that's why you should take the listerine® 21 day challenge. use listerine® and over 21 days you'll experience a transformation. take the listerine® 21 day challenge and start your transformation today. imagine if razors could move up and down, and all around. hugging tight, swirling left and turning right. behold, new venus swirl. the only razor with five contour blades and a flexiball. to contour to your tricky places, bones, bends and all. smooth and steady, going this way and that. bumps and grooves, curvy and flat. for skin as flawless as flawless can be. new venus swirl, try it and see. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. kids, new juicy fruit gum with starburst flavors? yeah. juicy fruit, so sweet you can't help but chew. [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything. >> a lot of people in new england are sick of the snow. in alton bay, new hampshire with their story. good morning. >> good morning. i'm on the lake a frozen lake. it turns out this is the only faa sanctioned ice runway in the nation. he is one pilot who has been here to test their skills and come in and take off and land on this the only ice runway in the lower 48. it's 71 square miles and it's as big as brooklyn. it's one tiny remote patch on this frozen spot that landed a pin on america's map. ice runway. >> the ice is great right now and the conditions couldn't be better. we have 28 to 30 inches of ice. >> no surprise it's only twice with the pilots that say take off help clear adrenaline but landings are the real challenge. they have no brakes. >> they are impacting and sometimes it's windy and very, very challenging to control the aircraft. >> i only come over here when the conditions are favorable. # it's just 300 feet to take on. >> in summer this huge lake is filled with recreational boaters, but now it's an open runway for plane, skis they can land anywhere. >> there is nowhere you can't land. >> just about. we have the skis and power and this is our playground. since then there had been minor mishaps sliding over the snow banks. no planes have crashed here or fallen from the ice. the department of transportation shuts it down at the end of the month even if the ice is still two feet thick. >> we get about 25 days to use it. it's a short window. >> if you are a pilot, you have to come here. >> now this ice runway is actually created by volunteers. five volunteers who interestingly are not even pilots but they get excited to see all the action here on the team. where i'm standing right now come summer this ice is filled with recreational voters but now this is the one place where ice does not ground flights. >> that's terrific. >> i wouldn't want to be in the truck with the plow. >> kerry, thank you very much. >> just what you always wanted. carson shows you how to turn yo if you have medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. ♪ you know, i think about money kind of a lot. money is freedom. money's always on my mind. car insurance. credit cards. preschool. debt. cell phone bills. it's complicated. it's not easy. i am not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. savings. investments. retirement. man: the more educated i am, the better decisions i can make in the future. we're here today asking kids what their favorite vegetable is. kids? [ crickets chirping ] now we're gonna give those same kids bush's baked beans. [ kids ] mmmm... finally, we're gonna tell them that bush's baked beans are actually a veg-- tut-tut-tut. ix-nay on the egetable-vay. oh, right. bush's secret family recipe gives them a delicious flavor so they're a [whispers] vegetable that kids actually like. bush's baked beans. the [whispers] vegetable that kids love. waking up to fatigued skin? sleep on this! garnier creates its first miracle sleeping cream. it fights signs of fatigue and wrinkles while you sleep. a sleeping cream... that's a first! like a lightweight mask of continuous hydration it works while you sleep when skin is most receptive. and here's the real wake-up call... in just i week wake up to more refreshed, younger-looking skin. stop waking up to fatigued skin! sleep with this. new miracle sleeping cream. from garnier. pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. 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[ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. mornings got you a little... (puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me and i was like well can you fix it can you paint it back on and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier and it was a real easy switch to make. i love life, whether i'm on the go, spending time with friends or with my favorite date. i take care of myself, and i like what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and goldfish in the car. off to grandma's house they go. the trip is rather long. but mother quickly sets the tone. with a classic disco song. they start a game of license plates and quickly find kentucky. then brother spots alaska! he's never felt so lucky. and no one's counting minutes, they're counting cows instead. and "are we there yet?" is a phrase that's happily unsaid. goldfish crackers. the snack that smiles back. mcdonald's presents... mcnuggets of wisdom. always disperse mcnuggets using alphabetical order. anthony, then brenda then... not yet, zach. get a 20 piece chicken mcnuggets for just 5 dollars on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. ♪ it is just before 8:00 i'm vai sikahema. in the last few minutes we have heard that flights coming into the airport have averaging more than an hour delay because of the weather. let's go to brittney shipp with more. we continue to track rain that is moving in and will continue throughout the entire day. keep the umbrellas handy heading to work school and lunch. plus we have a first alert going into effect tonight. it's going to last probably until thursday. we expect the rain we see now to changeover to snow to affect the thursday morning commute. we are expecting a significant amount of snowfall for philadelphia anywhere between four to seven inches. even the possibility of higher amounts than that. but light rain in allentown, reading, norristown stretching into philadelphia millville, atlantic city seeing light rainfall. there's the system to continue to move in for the rest of the region. by noon 39 degrees. by 3:00 p.m. 40 degrees with rain. vai? thank you, brittney. count on nbc 10's app to update you on the travel troubles as the storm moves through. and let's go to jillian mele with a problem in chester county. we have pockets of volume on the east 30 bypass. it is not too bad, but pockets of heavy volume. 76 filled with big problems for drivers on the schuylkill expressway. 40 minutes westbound from the vine to the blue route. 39 minutes eastbound. a montgomery county family made it out of their burning home safely this morning. fire officials believe it started in the garage in this home in moreland township. the fire marshall is investigating the cause. more news coming up next half hour. you can always get the latest news and weather on the nbc 10 app. >> it's 8:00 on "today." why a female executive is apologizing to working moms everywhere after she became a mother herself. >> then, can you imagine gaining mon 100 pounds in a year and not knowing why. >> nobody knows what's wrong? >> nobody knows what's wrong. they rule out everything. >> a man couldn't control his weight gain and how they solved his medical mystery. >> dog days indeed. why man's best friend may not remember what happened 24 hours ago. today, wednesday, march 4th 2015. >> thanks for the graduation trip to new york. >> march 4th 2015. >> hi mom and dad in nebraska. we are on the "today" show. >> we are back now at 8:00 on a wednesday morning. the 4th day of march. 2015. we had snow overnight and it turned to sleet and freezing rain now. pretty much just rain right now. >> then back to snow. >> something for everybody. >> about four to six inches. >> you know what we need about now? a special spring edition of steals and deals. by golly, we have it. there is jill. she will help us get fresh. >>. >> we have good days coming up. keep an eye out for this symbol from the new series dig. when you spot it let us know. you might enter and hopefully win the trip to one of the seven wonders of the world. let's go inside for a check of the headlines. >> the boston bombing trial faces 30 charges and the bombings near the finish line killed three people and wounded more than 260. survivors have been told to prepare for graphic testimony. they plan to show a video that they say shows him placing a backpack in the crowd and walks away. if convicted he could face the death penalty. >> hillary clinton used a person e-mail account when she was secretary of state. theyte benghazi calling the revelations troubling. hillary clinton made no mention of the issue, instead asked a gathering of women, don't you some day want to see a woman president? >> a train accident on ox nard california the train's engineer died. he was among dozens hurt when the train hit an abandoned truck on the tracks. the truck driver was arrest and released without charges being filed. the accident remains under investigation. federal agents launched a major crack down on a practice known as birth tourism. 100 federal agents stormed an apartment complex in irvine. that's when pregnant women traveling here from china give birth on u.s. soil so their babies will become american citizens. as many as 20 locations were raided in california on tuesday. prince william is heading back to britain after his trip to china. today his attention was on another big issue. wildlife. more now from ian williams. >> prince william was introduced to a 13-year-old elephant rescued from a trip. she was nursed by china's only elephant conservation center where she gorged on carrots from the hands of the second in line to the british throne. the message is that chinaa is starting to get serious about conservation but they have a long way to go. there only an estimated 250 elephants left in the wild in china here in the southwest. the authorities claim the number is rising but chinese need for i've vee decimating the populations and in one section of this park there was a show four times a day where elephants dance and perform tricks. william has taken part in a campaign against the ivory trade, but welcomes new chinese restrictions. he also had what he called the heart felt message for the hosts. >> no tradition or fashion is worth the extinction of an entire species. >> it's 8:05 and let's get another check of the weather from al. >> thanks so much. we have friends here taking pictures. where are you from? >> minneapolis. >> what's in the bag? >> it's a bagel. i'm bringing them back to my daughter. she dying laughing because i'm on a business trip and she doesn't expect me here. >> somebody is getting the business. there you go. what's the business? >> real estate. >> and bagels. there you go. what kind did you get? >> she wanted the cinnamon raisin. >> cinnamon raisin. do you want one? >> sure. i can't help it. it's a cinnamon raisin bagel. i can't help it. we will split one. >> do you h good morning, i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. temperatures range between 42 and 45 degrees. rain on and off tloud the day but milder conditions. our first alert goes into effect tonight lasting all thursday and that is due to the snow moving in. overnight we'll see rain changing over to snow and that's going to mess up your thursday morning commute. our temperatures will stay down in the mid-20s on thursday and friday but we dry out and warm up for the weekend. >> it's still warm. >> good bagels. >> nice. excellent. >> who will do this? >> none of your business. >> yesterday we showed the crazy picture we had yesterday of the flying weasel. the internet picture with a wild imagination. we will show you what we are talking about in trending. >> what changed this woman's mind? she is the president of a company and acknowledges she had a bias against working moms and has now written an apology to him. that's my bagel. >> we have jill martin here with a fresh edition of steals and deals. >> designer sweat pants. >> for very small people apparently. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. is your hair lacking thickness? new fructis full & plush. with pomegranate and fibra cylane. it expands and strengthens each strand. get big, bigger, massive hair. fructis full & plush. the strength to shine. garnier. ♪ ♪ ♪ what 8 grams of protein looks like when you decide water wings are for kids. start your day with the power of protein. milk life. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray, now available over the counter in full prescription strength. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 allergy pill. so go ahead , inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. ♪ hi, tom. how's the college visit? does it make the short list? yeah, i'm afraid so. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. knowing our clients personally is why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way. at chili's, fresh is now. now chicken smoked in-house, and no more waiting for the check. new smoked chicken quesadillas on chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. ♪ whoa ♪ ♪ when i wake up in the morning to the clear blue sky ♪ ♪ turn up the music when i hop in the ride ♪ ♪ i'm the bomb and about to blow up... ♪ the new work collection. perfected. by white house black market. this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, no artificial colors or flavors.'s gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. (announcer) still struggling with heavy litter? tidy cats presents litter... reinvented! with a clumping litter this light and effective, you'll want to say... (woman) hey...toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. baja 1000. pretty impressive huh? totally. you going off-road? off-roading, camping, fishing. well the rugged tundra can handle it all. and it has 0% apr financing. man, i've always wanted to go to that race. i once got a taste of it. [trucks racing] at our 1 for everyone sales event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015 tundra. offer ends march 31st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit who's a winner? i am. you are. toyota. let's go places. . 8:12 with what's trending today. a pair of studies that will get you talking. first, there is someone in this studio who does not remember anything that happened yesterday. any guesses? >> all the crew members, apparently. >> no it's actually our buddy wrangler. a new study said that dogs and nonhuman animals do not remember anything that happened the day before. and they also don't plan ahead. for example, for tomorrow. researchers saying so-called episodic memory is unique to humans. >> i don't like that. zahra remembers the steak i gave her yesterday. >> you train a dog and they remember that training. >> every day my bus pulled up at the bus stop that dog would be waiting for me at the bus stop. so it had to remember the came on the bus a day before. >> maybe like groundhog's day. >> how would he know to go at that time? saxon? >> did wrangler not pick out that bow tie last night? >> he does love his tow tie. >> he is not planning for tomorrow either. >> i like the way he thinks. >> exactly. >> when you shake someone's hand "today," you may be doing more than you realize. part of the reason we shake hands is actually to get a sniff of the people we just met. that's what the science said. it's not clear what we learn. we also tend to touch our own faces more after we have shaken hands, perhaps to smell them. >> you are getting them on your hands right away. >> al is walking in. >> smelling your hands. >> i think you shake hands to bring them close. >> and then you get a whiff. >> it's more eye contact. you shake hands to look them in the eyes. >> i do it to check for weapons. >> a hungry weasel trying to attack a woodpecker mid-air. you might engine the internet ignored this and couldn't resist having fun. there is a shirtless vladimir putin, john travolta then and now. buzz light year and miley ditching her wrecking ball for something new. >> i love it. i spotted a couple more. let's see if we can put them up. a roller coaster. >> something else a remarkable apology to working mothers. you may have seen this. from a female executive who said she is sorry for the way she treated working mothers in the pa. but first, her story. >> kathleen issued her apology 11 years in the making. i'm sorry to all the mothers i used to work with writes the approximate the of power to fly, placing women in flexible jobs. she used to hold high powered positions at the "huffington post" and "washington post." she writes i secretly roll rolled my eyes at a mother who couldn't make it to last minute meetings and didn't disagree when we said we should hurry up and fire her before she got pregnant. >> i scheduled last minute meetings at 4:30 all of the time and didn't dawn on me that parents might neat to pick up their kids at daycare. she is not the only one guilty. for mothers in the workplace, it's death by a thousand cuts and sometimes other women are holding the knives. then she gave birth to her daughter charlotte. i wish i had known as a young childless managers that mothers are the people you need on your team. if you want something done ask a busy person to do it. that's why i like working with managers now. she hopes her story is a cautionary tale for younger women in the workforce who count hours logged in the office and not actual work. it's time to break that cycle. she adds it starts with just recognizing that we are all in different positions at different times in our lives. embrace your future and support it at work. she is with us now. good morning. good to see you. >> thank you. you surprised at the reaction is got or was it the one you thought was coming? >> the reaction has been amazing. we are getting so many sign ups to power to fly. i thought there would be more negativity but so many women, tens of thousands that want this kind of message shared. >> we're read a lot of the essay on screen. it's blunt and honest. is this something that was specific to you that you are harboring the feelings against working moms or is it widespread some. >> i wanted to write it because as a working mother and now that i cofounded a company that places women in jobs i can do remotely, when i talked to other women who were in my position five six, seven years ago, i can sense they are a lot like i used to be and i wanted to send a message that way. we place a lot of women in tech positions where the number ever going down. i really wanted to make it clear that it's time to break the cycle. >> you mentioned your company and there several paragraphs in the essay devoted to the company. a lot of people's reaction is this is an apology, but it's really an advertisement for the company. this is a shrewd way to get a lot of attention, but it's about advertising your start up. it's not a genuine apology is what people are saying. >> the start up was cofounded because my partner and i wanted to solve a problem. it was a very, very personal problem that we felt there is not a third way for women out there. i wanted to talk about why we came to this idea and why the company was founded. the best companies are a reflection of the voids that people are trying to fill. of course i wanted to advertise the company. >> this was a genuine change of heard. >> devoting my entire to giving women a third way of working. >> tell me about the process. when you were home and just had your little girl what was it like to go through that and realize i'm a working mom and now i'm understanding those challenges from a different perspective. >> i think i felt like i had been wiped off the face of the earth for lack of a way of saying it. i just felt like i had two bad choices. to go back to work all the time and not see my little girl or start pulling out of the workforce that i had seen many women do. the choices were stark and we wanted to start essentially as i said a third way. with power to fly. >> you apologize to the working moms that you feel you didn't give credit to as a young manager. what is your message now to other women who don't have kids who maybe are making the same judgments? >> my message is value the mothers around you based on the work they do not the hours they spend in the office. women are not going to be able to essentially compete that way. they will based on the value of their work. >> you have a lot of people talking. glood have you here. we will send it over to matt. >> what it means to be a man. the mask you live in focuses on the traditional definition of masculinity and impact on society. take a look. >> stop crying. stop with the tears. >> don't cry. >> stop with the emotion. >> don't with a [ bleep ]. >> be cool. >> don't let the women run your life. >> get laid. >> be a man. >> grow some [ bleep ]. >> the film's writer producer and director. steven mason and luis who are both featured in the film are joining us. we should note the special anchor is the executive producer. nice to see you here. this film started a conversation where they screen it and you want that. you want a national conversation on the stereotypes that we drive into our young boys. what's the impact? >> essentially we are limiting our boys. the film explores the definition of masculinity and how we are failing our boys and men and society at large. boys are more likely to be prescribed prescription meds dropout of school commit suicide and commit a violent crime. our boys are suffer pging and we have to do something. >> for has to have an impact on the relationships these boys have when they are men with women. >> exactly. i'm also an expect tirecutive producer that exposes assault on college camps. we are in crisis. >> we try to empower young ladies. you grew up and correct me if i'm wrong. you said you be strong and man up and don't show emotions. what impact did it have? >> there was no emotions from my father's perspective. no crying or being sad. the only emotion was an emotion of toughness and being strong. >> everything else was weak? >> everything else was weak. >> your son just turned 12. you raised him as a single dad. you turned that 180 degrees, didn't you? >> absolutely. it was most low because of him. one day he told me he was sensitive. i didn't know what to do. i said okay let's figure this out together. from that from the things i learned from him helped me become better. >> you have become more sensitive because you allowed your son to show his sensitive side. >> made you a better man? >> 100%. >> you grew up without a dad? >> i met him in my teen years. >> you patterned yourself by the boys in the neighborhood. what did they teach you? >> i was around a lot of bad influences and there were often drugs and gangs and they called me names and tried to jump me in. that's not the life i wanted. i didn't top the go down that path. i was afraid. >> you found a support group. >> yes. >> by itself takes a lot of emotional awareness. what did you learn? >> back in my school we had a program called legacy. they take in kids of all ages boy or girl and turn them to a complete different person. they give you the support you want and the help they need. >> jennifer, you tell boys to express emotions and the world will be a better place. it's more complicated than that. >> so much more complicated. it's about reconnecting our boys and men to their whole human selves. we can prevent so many societal problems. solutions to depression and isolation and suicide. this film really is a call for hope. showing the world that there is a better way. >> basically you are saying we are cheating our boys. >> we are. we are limiting our boys and limning our girls and women. it's time that we all stand up and take notice. champion and challenge for a better future. >> fascinating stuff. i encourage people to arrange a screening in their communities. thank you very much. if you want to see the mask you live in head to >> i'm here with jill for a string edition of steals and doles. jill is wearing two of the deals. i spotted one of them. the earrings. good morning i'm chris cato. it's a first alert weather day. school delays are at the bottom of your screen. low clouds are delaying some flights at philadelphia international airport. let's get your first alert forecast with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> that's right, foggy conditions. you can see on our camera here. we're also seeing rainy conditions the rest of your wednesday. even as you head out to lunch or head home from work you're still going to be dealing with on and off rainfall. our actual temperatures 36 in philadelphia, 41 in atlantic city, 35 in trenton, we're at 36 in mt. pocono. a closer look at our radar shows we're seeing light rain moving through parts of allentown, also philadelphia, right along the shore. we have a lot more moisture to go. as our temperatures start to drop below freezing we'll see the rain switching over to snow and that's going to lead to a snowy commute. our first alert goes into effect tonight and lasts until thursday. stick with nbc 10 for your changing forecast. first alert traffic reporter jillian mele is checking in in a moment. you can always get the latest updates on the forecast through the nbc 10 news app. now jillian is going to tell us about some delays on 422, ride jillian? >> i'm so excited about the delays out there. yes, still have some volume. this is 422. eastbound side is crawling along at trooper, 76 heavy in the normal spots, 95 slow moving into centering city. drive times on the northeast extension looking pretty good between quakertown and mid-county. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. now back to the "today" show. have a great wednesday. . >> we will take it from here. we know that song. >> he has a great voice. >> here does. we will hear a whole song from rixton coming up. >> they are going on tour with ed sheer an. they are happening and they will play for us in a while. >> all right. we are looking so forward to spring. we have a special edition and wait until you hear the bargains that jill has lined up. bedsheets, i guess. >> and a young dad who started to gain weight and couldn't stop. what finally solved his medical mystery that saw him pack on 120 pounds in a year. >> in this half hour your last chance to get a chance to win a trip to one of the seven wonders of the world. we have our sister network usa. look for this symbol from the new series dig. >> a shout out to ohio university back there. >> cool. >> from the marching band. let's get a check of the weather. >> down to the south and icing conditions from texas into southern indiana. we will look for lots of sunshine and colder air into the plains. for tomorrow that system pushes south. we have ice from parts of louisiana into the id atlantic. back into the appalachians and western 2 time/3 looking good morning, i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. temperatures range between 42 and 45 degrees. rain on and off throughout the day but milder conditions. our first alert goes into effect tonight lasting all thursday and that is due to the snow moving in. overnight we'll see rain changing over to snow and that's going to mess up your thursday morning commute. our temperatures will stay down in the mid-20s on thursday and friday, but we dry out and warm up for the weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> al thank you. here we are. >> here we are. steals and deals. jill mart sin here a "today" contributor,and the maven of steals and deals. here we are laying around. >> what are we selling? sheets some. >> we are all in a rut because of the weather. this is so random but we all need a sprucing up in every room. we are starting with the bedroom. >> great. >> nine space sheet sets and did you have a sets. it's a choice of two. the retail is $216. they call it hombre. one of the bestsellers. you get one fit and one flat and two pillow cases. this is or. you get the did you have a set with two pillow shams. the retail 216 and the deal is 54. that's 75% off. >> sheets are expensive. >> they are. >> this is not the first time we have done steels and deals in bet. >> this was about a year ago. >> very memorable. there more spring deals to be had over here. >> i was telling matt there was such thing as designer sweats. you want to look like you are not trying but you are trying. >> yes. >> these are them. it's a great brand. it's a set so you get the t-shirt and the sweat pants. >> capri length. >> it's four different sets. go on to see the variation. the retail $172 and the deal is $52, that's 60% off. >> for the set. she is lifting her shirt because they had cute pockets in the back. >> i want to say i'm wearing one of the t-shirts right now. it's a cool look if you want to pair it with a blazer. >> a dorky girl. objects with purpose candles. the retail is $75. you can gift one and keep one. double duty. the candle is coconut and butter wax after you light it. >> how does it work? >> you open it. >> it looks smooshy. >> it's like a wax and you put it all over your body. >> that's interesting. >> the deal is $23, 69% off. >> they smell really, really good. different flavors? >> yeah. >> cz. the retail is 75. they are cubic zirconia. available in 12 colors one for each month. nobody can tell when you are not wearing. i'm wearing them. no one can tell. i lose everything. if you want diamonds and cannot afford it. if you have friends who think they are not real lose the friend. the retail is $75, the deal is $22, 71% off. >> and all the birth stones are represented i see here. >> each of the months. >> now perfectly pure beauty sets. the retail is $111. this comes in a set and includes moroccan oil shampoo and pure moroccan oil. witch hazel toner and shea butter. the retail is 111 and the deal is 25. 77% off. this is something for each part of your home to help you get that without spending a lot of money. >> $25 for all this stuff. >> you get everything. >> this was a good steals and deals. the sheet and did you have a set from nine space. who could forget. >> memorable. >> candles from objects with purpose and earrings from cz and the perfectly pure beauty set. if you want any more information about the steals and deals, go to the steals and deals page at it's not open. i picked the one that is not open. the medical mystery that caused one man to gain more than 120 pounds in a single year. medical mystery that has now been solved. but first, this is "today" on ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hp instant ink can save you up to 50% on ink delivered to your door. so print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month. ♪ ♪ the most affordable way to print. hp instant ink. >> we are starting a special series called medical mystery. >> rare and unusual illnesses and kate snow is here with our first case. >> nice to see you. let's face it you get older and your metabolism changes and you gain a few pounds. how about gaining over 100 pounds in a year this your 30s? that happened to donnell. his doctors didn't know what was happening until one exam that changed everything. >> donnell was raised on staden island by a hardworking single mom. he was into sports. >> i loved the gym. i played basketball baseball i was never a skippy kid, but i was never overweight. >> three years ago things started to change. >> my body was changing. >> your weight gain was not all over. >> no. it was my stomach and under my arms and the back of my neck and my face and bottom of my back. >> what about your legs? >> they stayed the same for a long time. >> doctors told him he had high blood pressure and had to lose weight. though he tried, he kept gaining. >> i was working out and lifting weights and nothing was happ my body. not losing weight. >> in the past year how much weight have you gained? >> 120 pounds. 150 pounds. >> in one year? >> in one year. >> how much did you weigh at the heaviest? >> like 366. at 18 i was probably 180. >> you doubled your weight. >> i got a whole person. i was very fatigued. if i chew i'm out of breath. from chewing. >> and then worse, three months ago he woke up seeing double. >> i went to the hospital and they admitted me and started taking tests. >> nobody knows what's wrong. >> nobody knows. they are ruling out everything. >> a interest an intern in an exam saw a clue. dark stretch marks all over his body. >> he said this is not normal stretch marx. something is up. >> for doctors, it was the tell tale sign they needed. he had cushing's disease. his weight gain was being caused by a tiny tumor at the base of his brain. >> the pituitary grand has a small growth that releases a single hormone that causes the body to live with high levels of steroids st the skin is very thin and you get acne and grow hair and start sweating and you gain a lot of fat. >> these doctors at new york's lennox hill hospital discovered donnell had steroid levels ten times normal. >> if it had gone on, maybe we couldn't reverse the changes. >> the disease could have been fatal. two weeks ago they removed the tumor on his pituitary gland. >> you had the surgery in mid-february? how did it go? >> wonderful. i feel stronger every day. >> strong enough to spend family time with his girlfriend and their two young kids. >> i can play basketball. just run around. that's my main focus. >> you haven't been able to play basketball? >> i can play basketball in years. >> wonderful, wonderful. >> things are coming. things are good. >> doctors say donnell will play basketball with his son probably about three months ago and within the year he should shed all the weight he gained. doctors stress that both times when people gain weight it's not because of this. he wanted to tell his story because there other people out there who are having this massive weight gain and wondering what it is. it could be cushing's. >> the doctor was smart enough to say wait a minute this is not normal. >> she will be back with another medical mystery tomorrow. for more on the simple omts of cushing's syndrome. head to our website. >> music to liven up your morning. rixton is here to liven up your is. >> it's called lead the roads. and later today they will do something special for their fans. good morning and nice to have you. whose idea was this hotel thon? >> that was something we wanted to do. we like staying awake for 12 hours straight. >> it's a game of truth or dare. >> you know what we have no idea. we are there for 12 hours and people will be surprised. it will be a lot of fun. >> you can watch the season of house of cards. >> absolutely. there we go. >> talk to me about the song you will do now? >> it's a song we did with ed sheer an. is he here? they were heading out on the road. >> you had two pretty good sources. the title of the album let the road. what does it mean? >> it's a song we wrote and that's where we live. it's about not knowing where we are going, but following the road back home. we named our album after it. >> it's a good road. >> pretty wild yeah. >> ladies and gentlemen, rixton. ♪ i can see it coming around the circle my friend ♪ ♪ said they had -- ♪ >> it was my fault because i couldn't swung what you said ♪ ♪ it was easy to find another for your bet ♪ ♪ how does it feel to leave me this way and know that you have been lost in a day ♪ ♪ everyone knows not what to say ♪ ♪ i have been wondering now ♪ ♪ i have been staring at the hotel ceiling ♪ ♪ taking everything i found this evening ♪ ♪ so i never let you go don't you leave me only ♪ ♪ start to see this ♪ ♪ everyone i know cannot believe this ♪ ♪ i'm trying to hold on to this feeling ♪ ♪ so i never let you go ♪ ♪ don't you leave me now ♪ ♪ when my eyes open and morning closing. >> just action around. only time tells me more than i know. i should have let you go. i have been staring at the hotel ceiling. everything i found this evening. i'm trying to hold on to this sweetest feeling ♪ ♪ so i will never let you go ♪ ♪ don't you leave me. start to see this ♪ ♪ everyone i know cannot believe this ♪ ♪ i'm trying to hold on to this feeling ♪ ♪ so i will never let you go ♪ ♪ don't you leave me now ♪ ♪ can't you sigh it coming down from circles, my friend ♪ ♪ >> thank you very much. >> rixton thank you very much. the guys will have plenty of time to stare at the hotel ceiling tonight. we will be back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. . >> everybody is into the wrangler emoji. >> he likes it. >> time to say hello to mr. willard scott. celebrating birthdays today. hey, willard. >> i love new york. everybody. daisy gask in 101 years old. her favorite hobby is d.c. ethyl goldman is from florida and she is 105. bless her sweetheart as he loves to play video games. william and bessey have been married for 77 years. they are from heathsville, virginia. happy anniversary. isn't that something? this is arthur carmel. arthur is from miami florida. he is 100 years old today. he loves to go to social events and dances. come see us in florida, will you? the oranges, oh, my. beautiful oranges. >> that's nice. >> thank you, willard. >> what do you have coming up? >> archer and christian slater has the current role and back in it. >> keen dreams come true. >> i like him, but he is kind of a little devil, that adam carolea. >> i look forward to that. >> i will be here. >> we are hupgry for that. >> check good morning, i'm chris cato it's 8:56. it is a first alert weather day. right now some arriving flights at philadelphia international are seeing delays of more than an hour and that's due to the low clouds we have in the area now. first alert meteorologist brittney shipp has a look at what's happening now and what's ahead for tonight. >> that's right, foggy conditions, also rainy conditions as we head into the rest of your wednesday. it will start off as rain and we'll continue to see rain throughout the day, into the afternoon and even the evening. then we'll see the rain switch over to snow. here's where the rain is right now, moving into allentown, reading, norristown philadelphia lancaster, stretching down into parts of cape may county seeing a little bit of light rainfall. we have a lot more moisture on its way. as we head into the rest of today, we'll continue to see rainfall. 37 degrees in philadelphia 35 in pottstown, 36 in mt. pocono 42 in atlantic city. a quick look at your forecast again, today rain on and off. after 11:00 p.m. is when the transition will start from rain to snow. thursday morning is going to be a snowy commute. we are tracking a significant amount of snowfall for philadelphia and really our entire area. chris. >> you can monitor the path of this winter storm by downloading the nkzbc 10 app. about an hour from now workers will gather at city hall calling for an increase in the city's minimum wage. those workers will ask city council members to pass a resolution that would increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour in the city. the current state wage is $7.25 an hour. the workers will testify about the impact that wage has on their families. we'll have another update in about 25 minutes. remember, you can always get the latest news and weather through the nbc 10 app. now back to the "today" show. have a great morning. . caught on tape, wait until you see what happened when this buffalo came charging. we will hit the road with adam carolla. all that and me, coming up now. >> this is "today's" take with al roker, nat low morales, willie geist and tamron hall from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today," march 4th 2015. kind of a drizzly day here. tamron, let's get to the lead story. what happened to your phone? >> is this the? i didn't want to talk about it. i didn't want to be ridiculed. i was taking a bath and i had the phone on the ledge and i forgot it was on vibrate and the phone fell in the tub. i saw it go under and i dropped it again. it was wet. i lept out of the tub and ran to the kitchen and thank goodness i live alone. small children would be traumatized. i threw it in rice and it worked for about two hours. >> it was soaking wet. >> if that's your fantasy. that's why i didn't want to talk about it. >> did the rice work? >> i made calls and i put it rice for safe measure overnight. then it went dead. >> it's gone. it's dead? >> i have a personal and a work. people tweet and said the galaxy phone is water proof. did you know that? >> the commercial, the latest one, you can dip it into a glass of water. >> we should test that out. >> it didn't work in your case. >> i don't have a galaxy. >> i have another phone that is very popular with a fruit. i don't want to bad mouth. with a clementine. they might come after you. >> people come after you. >> we are hoping for the day that they make the water proof phones. >> the technology is out there, why not do it. that and the crack-free screens. these things you drop them and they immediately crack. >> i love when you see the kids out on the plaza and they have the cracked phone and the parent refused to replace it. >> keep it in a case. >> this winter, if you are in the eastern half of the country, everyone had it with winter. nerves are frayed. i think there is a great example. cleveland, ohio. a woman needed help clearing her sidewalk. everything is going well until his shovel got too close to another neighbor's driveway. he is snow blowing. you can see he is blowing snow back at the guy who got too close to his driveway. >> good sa maremaritan on the right. >> folks get nuts. police are now investigating and they put on their website there, let's keep things calm. do you think that if people retaliated against you from shoveling if you would go after them? they came to blows. one grabbed the other around the throat. >> the snow he had shovelled he put back on. that's horrible. >> sounds like a cranky old man. >> i think there is something going on beforehand. >> bad blood there. >> there is a local affiliate who did a report about it. the guy demonstrates for the reporter what he did he grabs him and shakes him. they got visit over this. i think you are right. >> i also think people now are just about at the end of their rope as far as cabin fever. >> we are all in it together other than california. we saw the hailstorm and you see people when you are running and going it's cold. whatever happened to shoveling snow and helping your neighbor? there a couple of sides to your story. you saw this on facebook. a 34-year-old executive new mother has written an online column saying sorry to all the mothers that she worked with in the past. she writes i secret low rolled my eyes at a mother who couldn't make it to last minute drinks and didn't disagree with another said we should hurry up and fire her before she got pregnant. she went on to write i scheduled last minute meetings at 4:30 all of the time and it didn't dawn on me that parents might need to pick up their kids at daycare. they argued that it needs change. he understands now as a mother. some people questioning whether this is a thin low vailed apology to market her company, power to fly that allows women to work from home and signed up millions of subscribers. did you need to become a mom to encourage empathy. if it encourages other women succeed whether moms or not moms that's a positive message. >> i can't look into her heart and see why you did it, but when you are in your 20s, you think i'm driving and this is part of my career. she was gone for four months. why does she get to loaf? >> i don't agree with that. i obviously am the only person here without kids but i listen to your stories and hear al say i have to go to this school effect and natalie talks about the kids. my mom worked her butt off. she was a single mom and i saw her hustling and my aunts and other women around me. when i saw the stories, thank goodness she is apologizing and takes them out to dinner, but i was worried it would fall into the callus woman who doesn't have kids. you guys are two of the most sensitive men i know, but you are not a unicorn. men work with us all the time who understand natalie's situation. >> in the dynamic of the workplace some women who see the mother sometimes getting to leave work early to pick up their kids and sometimes there is resentment. i have seen that firsthand. >> i can say single people, send her. you don't have kids. >> if we understand the shoes we wear what a sad thing. we should have empathy no matter what. >> if it encourages people to say hey, maybe i should think about -- i don't know where i will be ten years from now. i may be that mom with two children. it's a positive thing for having that discussion. dads too. a lot of people pointed out that this doesn't make mention of the dads. you guys are doing the same job we are doing. >> i also think we should try wearing each other's shoes. >> i will not take my shoe off. kathie lee give me this thing called baby foot. >> i ordered it. it's the best thing ever. >> your feet moult like a snake. it's amazeingamazing. >> i won't let you take a shot. my feet are so scaly, i went to try on shoes i thought they were going to throw me out of the store. it's unbelievable. kathie lee said skip came off the size of this phone. >> it's called baby feet. >> you keep it on too long are you just bones? >> you keep it on for one hour and for ten days you moult. >> let's bathe in it. you walk away. >> wow. >> you are like a steak. you leave your shell right there. >> go back in time and become a baby again. >> like benjamin button. >> would you use it? this is what happened when a herd of buffalo comes towards a group of tourists at yellowstone national park. one of the most beautiful places on the planet. >> definitely going to stop. >> oh! >> damage to the car about $3000. that moment is priceless. the driver said there was noplace to get off the road. the question islisten i would try to get out of there, but the driver was frozen in place. what would you do? >> you don't expect it and they keep coming. you pull up short and it makes good video. >> maybe start backing up slowly. >> wow! willie thinks the buffalo will hit the breaks. >> strong animal. >> he said it. i'm coming to you. >> today's take. what would you do if that was your car and you are inside? >> get out of there. just get out. >> here's this long front stretching in texas all the way into new england that will bring rain and snow and colder. watches and warnings and advisories from colorado all the way to new england. this system is going to cause big problems. winter storm warnings one to three inches of snow. memphis with two to four inches and a quarter of an inch of ice later this eengvening. to ten inches of snow as rain changes to sleet. tomorrow morning a mess from washington to philly. winter storm warnings, wouldn't be surprised to see massive school closings and or delays. i have to have a feeling they are coming. four to eight inches of snow. new york city two to five inches and colder tonight and two to five inches of snow tomorrow. look at this, boston only two inches away from breaking the record. they are not going to get to it. doesn't look like they will break it tonight into tomorrow. good morning, i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. temperatures range today between 42 and 45 degrees. rain on and off throughout the day but milder conditions. our first alert goes into effect tonight lasting all thursday and that is due to the snow moving in. overnight we'll see rain changing over to snow and that's going to mess up your thursday morning commute. our temperatures will stay down in the mid-20s on thursday and friday, but we dry out and warm up for the weekend. . >> that's your latest weather. >> we have services to water proof your phone. it voids the warranty. >> they do work. >> thanks a lot. >> natalie and tamron me he was hollywood's bad boy heartthrob. now christian slater is starring as himself. or is he? in the incredible low funny series arche make fit happen! new fit me matte and poreless from maybelline new york. beyond matching skin tone... finally, a foundation that fits skin's texture. some foundations exaggerate pores... new fitme has blurring powders... so pores and shine virtually disappear. you look perfectly poreless. totally natural. love my fit! new fit me matte and poreless in 16 shades. make fit happen... at slash fit me! >>maybe she's born with it. ♪ maybe it's maybelline! ♪ i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." so when my husband started getting better dental checkups than me i decided to go pro... with crest pro-health advanced. my mouth is getting healthier. my teeth are getting stronger. this crest toothpaste is superior in five areas. great checkup. no matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine ... what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in ... and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections changes in urination, high potassium in the blood or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. . >> the hilarious show archer follows a spy agency and antics as the motley crew pulls off missions. >> named slater and when briefing the team on the mission, it's his way or the highway. >> without the knowledge, i need to scan his mobile phones and flash drives and both hand prints and both retinas. >> why? >> this is part of operation because i said so. >> you know what? >> i'm sure i do. >> we were telling us how much we loved this show. >> a huge fan and i got a call from adam reed. # >> he said would you ever like to do something and he created this slater character. >> the secret identity. it being looks like you. it's great. are you a cia? >>. >> yes. so far. >> i was looking at far as the audience goes. >> in real life. i had to draw me in a turtleneck. the other turtleneck when i was giving her a run for her money. >> like you were saying it pushed the envelope type of show. it's funny, it's witty and crazy and it turns this whole spy world on its head a little bit. archer is a great character. always wity and charming and he's a beautifully animated character. you love this guy. >> i can see the character. >> the cat's out of the bag. that's my man crush. >> we took a turn we were not expecting. >> why not. i haven't had my coffee yet. >> you have a cartoon crush, al? >> i would go with lana. >> sure, sure. >> the ladies are cute. of course. they are adorable. but archer is nice. a fun, wild, seems like he would be a good time. >> i'm going to change this. you have a new show coming out on usa. >> i do. we are talking about an animated character. >> mr. robot. that was thrilling. and that's where the base of the operations take place. tony island. the sicollapse there. >> it's all about computer hacking. very topical and relevant and all that stuff that was going on with sony. this show is right in wlin that subject matter. >> very nice guy. i have a crush on you. >> not everyone. archer airs thursday on fx. crush on. >> it cheapens the crush. # >> some days you are in and some days you are out. coming up next, an important recall for you. we will find out if he has a this year, make every amazing, despicable wizarding second of your vacation count by staying where the adventure never ends. ♪ come with me now ♪ two theme parks. spectacular resort hotels. more epic than ever. don't just vacation... ♪ whoa, go with me now ♪♪ ... vacation like you mean it. universal orlando resort. go big with epic vacation packages starting at just $139 per night including park admission. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out knock it out, fast. abreva. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want it ♪ ♪ go out and get it ♪ >> taking a look at the headlines, norovirus sickened nearly three dozen people at a va hospital in phoenix. they stopped admitting patients to the unit that was contagious. 16 patients and 19 staff members were affected. all but three have recovered. >> the flu is a lot less common among adults than you may think. on average people over 30 come down with the flu about twice in a decade. children though get it about every other year and since it takes years to build up antibodies to ward off the flu. an important recall to know about. dream on me is recalling bass net to cradle products. it causes the fabric to drop and pose a risk that infants can fallout or suffocate. head to our website for more. >> the website allergy eats is out with the list of best restaurants based on how they accommodate customers with food allergies. chipotle mexican grail and pf changes, red robin, out back steak how the and mellow mushroom. check out what just hit the beach in panama city, florida. this almost-foot great white shark was hauled in after i group called dark side sharkers. they tagged and released it back into the gulf of mexico. wouldn't want to encounter that at the beach. i already feel like we're the most connected but i think this solo date will seal the deal. sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you! just visit today. but right now, it's choosing time. ooh! we have a winner. all: what? [chuckles] he's supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here. at subway, we begin with freshly-baked-bread; then combine tender turkey-breast, with robust, spicy, melty italian favorites; adding a splash of our new subway vinaigrette. the magnificent new turkey italiano melt. only at subway. ♪ good morning i'm chris cato. 9:26. rain now and we're tracking a winter storm. the snow expected to begin overnight. let's get your first alert forecast with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> that's right. we're right in the middle of the system so rain is moving in. as we head into tonight our temperatures drop below freezing. we'll see the rainfall switching over to snow. there's a live look outside right now. foggy conditions for us. from 11:00 p.m. tonight all the way until 7:00 p.m. thursday we do have a winter storm warning. it's a first alert that will go into effect tonight and that's for rain that will change over and affect your thursday morning commute. significant snow is what we're tracking for our area. virtually the entire area is either under a winter storm warning or winter storm watch. a closer look right now at where the rain is and it's situated from allentown stretching down to philadelphia. we'll see on and off rainfall throughout the day. look at all this moisture heading our way. as we approach the rest of your day, temperatures will head into the 40s and then we wait for the snow overnight. of course we sure to follow the nbc 10 first alert meteorologists on twitter. as this storm moves through, they'll be tweeting any changes in the forecast so you'll always have the most up-to-date information. four members of a philadelphia family drowned while on vacation in the dominican republic. the family got caught in strong currents. they are identified as cush and kajul patel. the other two members are jay and ken patel. a montgomery county family escaped from their burning home this morning. investigators believe the fire started in the garage. they haven't determined exactly yet how the fire started, though. i'm chris cato. we'll be back with another update in 25 minutes. you can always get the ratest news and weather through the nbc app. have a great morning. welcome back on this wednesday morning. i'm willie with al, natalie and tamron. we will talk to him in just a second, but an interesting question posed by buzz feed this morning. why do you check your voice mail. buzz feed take aim at people who leave voice mails. i say a american. why do you leave voice mail. i want nothing to do with voice mail. >> when you see a number that comes up, you don't want to see who called you? >> you call them back. >> i have a voice mail machine at home. you hit play. >> really? >> this is this thing called the voice mail machine we had back in our day. >> for used to have cassettes. >> mine is digital but still? >> do you use it? >> every once in a while, but there is like 50 messages. >> christina said missed call is the new voice mail. if you call me, call me back. hear what you want to say. >> sometimes you necessary a meeting and you can't get to it. >> i leave them a voice mail and if i get a voice mail, i listen to it. it doesn't get me that worked up. >> or texting. >> open letter to all theity lotis leaving voice mail. >> #message, #notification. >> after i first got my first voice mail machine in the 80s, i remember my grand mom, i would hear grandma, grandma, grandma. she had no idea what to do. you scream your name. it was great. that was one of my all time favorite messages. she would scream her name. grandma, grandma, grandma. >> one of my all time favorites. i miss her so much. anyway. this is the same woman that no matter what kind of refrigerator she had it was a fridge dare. it doesn't matter. it was the fridge dare. same thing? it's the fridge dare. it didn't matter. i don't know if that was the first refrigerator or what. anyway, for today we have a rainy mess in the east down to texas. icing behind it as the front moves through and changes over to snow. out west is spectacular and look at florida. 82 in miami. take me away. sunny skies and 85. sunshine through the great lakes and northern new england and cold. look for icing conditions from the mid-atlantic to the gulf coast and the western 2/3 of the good morning, i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. temperatures today range between 42 and 45 degrees. rain on and off throughout the day but milder conditions. our first alert goes into effect tonight lasting all thursday and that is due to the snow moving in. overnight we'll see rain changing over to snow and that's going to mess up your thursday morning commute. our temperatures will stay down in the mid-20s on thursday and friday, but we dry out and warm up for the weekend. >> that's your latest weather. >> adam carolla has done it all. the man show and new york bestseller list and a crazy popular podcast adam carolla show. >> he is ready to conquer movies as writer, star and director about a struggying comedian desperate to get off the comedy club circuit. >> i'm offering you a good job bruce. take the job. >> it's warm up? >> i would rather kill myself. >> who wants jelly bellies? i can see you brut your own jelly belly. >> adam carolla good to see you. >> great to be seen. i'm a director. i want to be taken serious. >> is that the official outfit? >> it's a c plus, maybe d. >> indoor shades. definitely on the road. >> these are prescription. >> is this movie autobiographical? >> yeah, thanks, al for asking me that. it has bits of me in my relationships and things that happened in my life in it. it's not the documentary on me. >> if you follow the script, the bro show is over. your partner is a successful late night comedian. jimmy kimmel. you had all of this success and the phone stopped ringing and you didn't know where it was headed. >> see how we set you up for that? >> okay. >> the point in my career and i was let go. we had no jobs in and 09 and the economy gone in the toilet. the only way you can support your twins is to hit the road and i said book me in every club around the country. i don't want to fly first class because it's less money that i will be bring home to the twins. you decided to bite the bullet and that's this story. >> besides crowd funding, that's amazing. >> you jumped into the podcast thing and this thing is wild successful. >> why do you think it's so successful? i do the thing right and i nibble on the end of my glasses. you do the thoughtful interviewer. al. i'm sorry. anyway it's early for me. i get up at noonish. i started about six years ago and did it for free for about a year and a half and did it every day and never missed air day. >> when you go on tour, your middle name is lakers. is that true? >> true and false. it says it on my driver's license and on every document i have except for it's only because i wrote it in when it's at the dmv. >> your little name is 96? >> adam carolla in theater and on demand. calling it mission impossible. tom cruise, david before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america. winter is hard on your face. the start of sneeze season. and the wind-blown watery eyes. that's why puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin. so you can always put your best face forward. a face in need deserves puffs indeed. and try puffs softpack today. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. it has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. theraflu breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. so you never miss a day. theraflu. serious power. ♪ this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. gps: proceed to the designated route. not today. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. don't stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once-a-day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app call 1-888-xarelto or visit want to know a secret? i wasn't always a redhead. you'd never know it though because it's nice'n easy color so natural looking it's clairol's #1 authentic color that's always true to you. so shift a shade and still look like your most amazing you. it's back olive garden's buy one take one starting at $12.99. choose from a variety of entrees like new citrus chicken sorrento and take home another free. it's double the delicious. buy one take one starting at $12.99. at olive garden. >> hump day. clearly the mid-week with a little pop and a lot of jessica simpson. take a look at the photos right there. posted on our website. the fashion mogul and mama of two. the 34-year-old looking gorgeous in a new ad campaign for the jessica simpson collection. beautiful picks. she lost her baby weight as a spokesperson for weight watchers and he reached her goal weight. she is showing it off in the daisy dukes. >> i was with you. >> is there any question that justin timberlake is one of the best hubbies in hollywood. he tweeted a message to jessica biel. you make me smile until it hurts. i love you like crazy your husband. they are expecting their first baby. ironically on his birthday. what do you think? >> the bar is set high for guys everywhere. >> do you want to show your love on instagram? i love that he did it. the husband. >> not many people can bend it like beckham and he may not be able to selfie like him. he took a selfy and he posted the risky pick on his facebook page. this is how high the statue was. and they have flights of stairs to the top and talk about a mission impossible. talk about that. there is a paparazzi picture in the car. >> polar plunge next year. >> a few years ago i went to the top of the george washington bridge. walking up along the cable. >> did you take a selfie? >> gosh yes. the best part about change changing a light bulb. it's twice as big as willie's head, but it comes in that cardboard box. just like a three-way ball. it's just in it. yellow ge bulb. it's great. >> i want to take a selfie. you have to find that. quickly in madonna's caper she took that tumble and said the cape was tied too tight around her neck. the designer is telling the associated press madonna is difficult. she wasn't able to open it with her hands. that's all. like she doesn't have nimble hands? that's rude. we will have to see. if the singer has a response when she stops by the ellen degeneres show. although the show is not confirmed, this to us. but a paperly we hear every day madonna's website said she will appear on the show for a week. a week of madonna. said. >> al and natalie go head to head. >> a being noggin. >> always sometimes never. look at that. we are talking about i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. he says "it has a certain code that's my line, this is the date." if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. if you can clear a table without lifting a finger... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™. at subway, a great meal starts with a great sandwich on the new "simple 6 menu." with six of our best six-inch subs, like the tender turkey breast plus any bag of chips and a 21-ounce drink for just $6 every day. i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. gorgeous grains at your service. this looks interesting! special k hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a nourishing breakfast of multi-grains and quinoa. special k hot cereal. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. >>humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. >>visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! >> nat and i are about to find out in response to awkward situations. >> et kid expert is here to point us in the right direction. good morning. >> you ready? >> play the game. >> sometimes, always never. >> you just bought a new car and several friends asked you how much you pate. are you obligated to tell you. >> the answer is good, never. unless it's your banker or accountant or your spouse, you don't have to say. you can say i got a great deal and if you would like my associate i would be happy to pass it on. >> you found out an acquaintance unfriended you. should you call them and ask them why they dumped you? >> i stay with never. >> good. so far, so good. >> if they wanted you to know, they would call you or they would not have just deleted you. sometimes we clean our contact list. they are not a close friend or family member. >> 'they care. >> let it go. >> stick with the good friends. >> the coworkers are big on cell braying birthdays and your birthday came around and no one said anything. not a card, not a cake. should you say something? >> there was ta time, al. >> i would go with sometimes. >> i think there ways you can maybe tell another and say how about we get drinks for my birthday. >> they might not have known. your name might have gotten off the birthday list. >> that's my own party. >> you sit in the carpool line every afternoon and watch all the mothers get out and visit. you would like to spend the time catching up on work or reading a magazine. is it aspect social to skip the mommy or daddy bant onnor? >> is st antisocial? >> sometimes. sometimes yes. you have to take one for the team and the team is your kids. every once in a while. once a month pop out and say hi how are you doing? see what your kid's friends are doing. it doesn't mean anything bad. just an update. you want to be friendly. makes sense. the person in front of you in the grocery express line has more than 15 items. should you call them out? >> never. >> nothing good comes from a grocery confrontation. >> you have done it too. >> i have been that person with 17 items. >> we do it accidentally and it looks like you. >> one last one. >> you have good friends raising unruly kids. they invite you over for dinner all the time and keep making excuses. should you tell them you don't like their kids? >> never. >> sometimes. >> sometimes. >> if you have a good relationship with them. >> a close relationship, you might say -- >> you don't have to tell i don't like your kids. >> say i don't like you. >> let's go to a restaurant with peace and quiet, adults only. >> thank you. back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. >> what do we have co good morning, i'm chris cato, 9:56. it's a first alert weather day with rain today turning to snow overnight. let's get your first alert forecast with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> that's right. we're going to see changing weather conditions in the overnight hours so snow is on its way. we'll see all this rain switching over in the overnight hours so here's a look at the winter storm warning that's going to go into effect at 11:00 p.m. tonight and last all the way until thursday 7:00 p.m. here's the rainfall right now. it's going to be on and off throughout today, moving through parts of allentown right now, philadelphia into dover. we have more moisture heading our way, but as our temperatures drop below freezing that's when we'll start to see the changeover. our visibility is also down down to two and a half miles in philadelphia down to one mile in reading, one mile and three-quarters in allentown and two miles in pottstown so it's a foggy, rainy day. you want to be careful as you head out this morning. 38 in philadelphia, we're at 38 in mt. holly. we'll warm into the 40s today. between 42 and 45 degrees. stick with nbc 10 for your changing weather conditions. chris. happening right now, a minimum wage hearing scheduled to begin in just a few minutes at city hall is now on hold because a fire alarm wepgt went off at city hall. our crew at the scene was just evacuated from the building along with everyone else so right now our desk is making some calls to find out exactly why that alarm went off to see if there was an emergency there. when the hearing does begin the workers will ask city council members to pass a resolution increasing minimum wage to $15 over the current state wage which is $7.25 an hour. workers will testify about the impact of that wage on their families. we'll be back in 25 minutes. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello everybody. it's pulse day. wine day wednesday march 4th. perfect show today. ralph is here. >> ralph's here. >> yes. he's starring in celebrity autobiography which he's going to tell us about. >> it's funny. >> he's going to put us to the test. >> you know what's funny about him, you pointed this out downstairs, look at him. >> it's unbelievable. >> look at him. >> i say do you weigh the same you did when you were karate kid. he's going to deny it, no look at this, and grabs like nothing on his stomach. kids give him a hard time. >> he's sitting right down there grinning. we know exactly what he's talking about. looks great. >> yeah. >> if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, don't let it happen again. because we've got little things that can make you happy every single day. >> all righty. >> getting on my nerves. >> and if a beach getaway sounds good right now, and who doesn't that sound good to? trip advisor has the top beaches in the country. where you can stay for under $200 a night. >> look at the ray of sunshine we have in the studio, mary, in her pink top. >> beautiful. >> mary's visiting us, and she looks beautiful. so mary, i want to thank you. your husband's not in the picture. ben didn't want to get in. >> he's behind the scenes. >> thank you for coming to visit us, okay. >> thank you for having me. >> you got it. it is time for hoda's words of wisdom. >> all right. here we go. ready? the beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but how happy others can be because of you. >> how about that? >> and then that will make you happy as a result. >> and then your friend is happier too. >> everybody wins. i like that. okay. i didn't see the voice last night, but i love to watch the next day. >> adam and blake had a little tussle over one young artist last night. her name is brenda yaiger and she took a risk of singing the house of that built me that had miranda's song. let's take a look. ♪ i just had to come back one last time ♪ ♪ man i know you don't know me from adam ♪ >> oh, she said my name. ♪ these hand prints on the front steps are mine ♪ ♪ ain't nothing but a memory from the house that built me ♪ [ cheering ] >> shaking so violently that i have to come just like -- >> hi adam. >> oh my god. >> can i be her right now? >> that takes a lot of nerve to come out here and perform that song. >> i actually have that song tattooed on my foot with all my sisters because i grew up in a log cabin. >> there's more to it than just one song sung by one coach of the voice. >> you guys can go to the prom together after you and i win the show. >> thank you. that's all for now. >> who do you think she chose? >> how could she not choose adam? but it's blake's wife's song. >> they were slow dancing. let's see. >> power is in your hands. who's going to be your coach? >> oh my god. >> break my heart. >> i pick team blake. >> yeah, she doesn't want miranda mad at her either. >> no indeedy doo. and finally jeremy gainer who is in the army and lead singer of the west pointe band the only four chair turn of the night. >> i love this let's see. ♪ >> all four. >> yeah. >> what a gorgeous voice he's got. >> my favorite part is not the singing and it's not the coach that choosing him -- >> it's watching the families freak out when someone hits the chair. it's the whole thing. it makes it everything. >> genius television. it really, really is. >> i think he chose christina. i don't know why i said it, but that's what i think. >> you take your pick. >> okay. so i pick christina. [ cheering ] >> that, okay, that was a total shot in the dark. i cannot believe -- >> bullseye. >> i can't believe that. he sounds like her. he sings all that up and down. >> uh-huh. vocal gymnastics. >> something like that. >> now adam has met his number one fan which we just heard about, ten-year-old boy named christopher who has down's syndrome. he's done school projects about maroon 5 and memorized all of their songs and music videos. so what happened? >> the special ed teacher decided to make a meeting happen. so they went to the radio station, hot 95 in maryland. saw this video they arranged him for meet maroon 5 backstage. everything was going great. christopher gets there and i guess backstage can be overwhelming for this young boy. he kind of got a little you know, a little freaked out. he laid on the floor, and watch, look at the image of adam and his band, and what they did when they met him. he was laying on the floor so the entire band -- >> that's so sweet. >> laid down with him. >> and the radio station tweeted out that picture. >> and all were crying. >> great story. >> that humanizes the sexiest man alive. >> married to the victoria's secret. >> people come up brash on the show you see a human moment like that when a child touches you. >> it's really something. we should point out that that was tweeted out by hot 95.5. all right. >> by the way, congratulations to my hoda. she won a gracie award. she's not exactly sure, in fact she -- >> i don't think i did win it. >> it goes to women in communications, it's a big award here in new york. outstanding host that's you host. >> i don't think it was that. i really don't think it was that. there's no proof of it, nobody's seen the award. >> including in the shine a light project truly great video which hit two million views on youtube. you can stimdonate, go to >> and it goes to pediatric cancer research. still don't think that's true. >> "today" show won four. >> don't believe that either. >> make it happen. >> don't think happened. okay. this is a cool story. on nightly a few months ago, there was a story about an 89-year-old and a four-year-old who became unlikely friends. they were neighbors. >> okay. >> they were together and one day, the little boy and his family moved away because they were, they had a growing family and needed more space. well, they moved away, and it was heart breaking because those two hung out together. >> they were best, best friends. >> well guess what? the pair reunited. they've actually been seeing each other off and on, but the little boy came from earling's 90th birthday party. look at the reunion. >> wow. >> we used to call these dog tags in the army. friends forever. you come back again. >> i will eventually. >> up top. thank you. >> thank you jerry. >> emma's parents bring him to visit earling often. which is, as lovely as that is. the lord will take his friend. and that hopefully he's going to be prepared for that. that's going to be a delaware stating thing for him -- devastating thing for him. >> why are you laughing at that, people? >> this is just depressing. >> man is not -- >> i know. >> god love him. many many years on this earth. we are starting something new on this fine wednesday. >> it's a good thing. >> okay. >> so, often sometimes people ask what we're wearing and where can you get it and all this stuff. we're doing something called looks for less. >> wait. >> lovely lilliana looks for less. >> thank you. >> what happened, what did you pick? >> i had the opportunity to dress both of you. and what i think are two of the seasons hottest trends in the segment we're calling luxe for less. you don't have to spend a lot. so hoda is wearing a beautiful mini length dress. are you going to stand up? it's gorgeous on her. how beautiful is that? >> perfect. >> we can't tell you how much it is. >> not yet. >> we do, we want people to get them. guess how much the dress it? picked it out, boom, guess go to the facebook page. >> facebook page. >> and later we're going to let people know where they can find our goodies. >> then kathie, you're wearing a beautiful choker. i love how you styled it with the statement earrings. it's about the architectural pieces, and you're not going to believe the price on this. go to the facebook page, guess the price or how little, maybe. >> okay. >> okay. >> and i'll come back later in the show and tell you where you can get them. are you wearing something as well? >> i am. all of my pieces are under $100. so that's a little hint. >> everything i'm wearing is under $100. >> are you kidding? >> even though your spanx. >> you're too little. >> lilliana what's it called again? >> luxe for less. >> we got it. >> all right. bye guys. all right. now i love that geico commercial where the guy says i'm sorry, i'm a loner, and a loner has to be alone. and then he drives off and boom. just falls. and she goes jessie? they've come up with some new things. >> okay. you know when you're online and it you're watching a commercial and says you can skip the ad in five seconds because who wants to live through that? geico wanted to figure out how to keep you engaged. this is what they did. they put up the commercial called family. and it's just the branding. so you see the geico words now look what happens. >> it's already over. geico, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> oh oh. >> look. >> this is like the family's really there it's not like a cutout, they're blinking you can look, blink. okay. >> they're going to have a bigger mess to clean up later let me tell you. >> look how he goes for the spaghetti. so good. look out for the salad bowl. you know he wants to laugh. oh my gosh. see you could watch it. >> look want a the kid. he's just sitting there, come on. >> is there more? is there more food? >> he doesn't want the salad, obvi. not interested. >> nothing green. >> well, there's more. >> isn't that so smart, because you're looking at geico -- >> what's that got to do with insurance? >> nothing but you remember geico. >> i like jessie and becky. >> jessie. from betts si roos to hillary clinton, great women past and present. play who knew with us. one thing we do know, hoda, we're about to have fun with ralph mavp sfx: clink, clink, clink... cow: when i moved in with katy's family we became instant bffs. then i helped my girl get hitched. three years ago in spin class, katy's starin' at this studmuffin, so i did a little cyber-snoopin' and... the dude had way too many selfies on instagram... uh oh! but he passed my inspection... and the rest is history! to katy and ryan! vo: make us part of your family. look for nutritious dairy brands with the real california seals. cow: now about those selfies... shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. we're here today asking kids what their favorite vegetable is. kids? [ crickets chirping ] now we're gonna give those same kids bush's baked beans. [ kids ] mmmm... finally, we're gonna tell them that bush's baked beans are actually a veg-- tut-tut-tut. ix-nay on the egetable-vay. oh, right. bush's secret family recipe gives them a delicious flavor so they're a [whispers] vegetable that kids actually like. bush's baked beans. the [whispers] vegetable that kids love. this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, no artificial colors or flavors.'s gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. minnesota winters are brutal it's tough being cooped up it gets a little stale. when dad opens up the window what's the first thing he does? the tobin stance spring is in the air and pollen, dog hair... the sunshine looks like fairy dust. (doorbell) whoa! what's this? swiffer sweeper! swiffer dusters! removes up to 70% of dust and allergens. stays on there like glue wow! look at that! ew! the tobin stance! that is totally what it is! alright, listen up. out on that field today, you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. and when they're asked 'what did you do to make a difference in the world?' they can say 'i became a soldier'. mornings got you a little... (puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. if it really is a fountain of youth somewhere then ralph macchio knows where it is because he never seems to age. >> the tv film and stage stars appeared in great films like the outsiders and my cousin vinny. for many, he'll be known as daniel la rousseau as the karate kid. >> now bringing his star power to the stage and celebrity autobiography. where actors read other star's tell-all. take a look. >> long journey night rider has made me famous. baywatch had made me rich. but broadway had always been my dream and when i stepped out on to the sidewalk that night, i could see my name in lights, david, what'sle hoff. >> you are so cute. >> don't write the book if you can't take the heat. >> you know, the fun thing about this show is, it's not mean-spirited. it really isn't. it's really, i mean it's a bit of, you know tragedy plus time is hilarious. so it's how you look at, at that side of it all. you know, and i think, you know you just read -- it's in their own words. erin and the -- >> they wrote it. >> yes. the ghost writer wrote, and then it's also, they do match-ups side by side, different people talking about the same event from two different perspectives. and you know, it's just like a simple thing like say tiger woods for that matter when he wrote his autobiography back before whatever scandal. the grip on the putter had a whole different meaning. >> oh. >> it's just that creates the funny. did david ever see that? >> i'm not the only one, i'm not exclusivele to hasselhoff, the castro at a times, they'll do -- cast rotates they'll do anything. >> i had to do barbara streisand once, which was tough. i just worked on butta. >> been doing this for quite a while too. it is so many people that have done it. i came in about, i guess i just finished doing ugly betty and michael and ray chech dratch was on guest starring on ugly betty. and they invited me to do this. it's so much fun. >> who else would you love to read you haven't done yet? >> oh god. >> regis. >> regis. i'm out of control. it's so tough, so many people, and that's the thing, it's not really about doing impersonation, it's about just you know sometimes the most straight flat way of doing it. >> reading a book is not a hard thing to do. >> exactly. >> is it true that you are now an empty nester? >> yes. yes. it's crazy. >> it's hard to believe that you have children, right. much less grown. >> yeah. >> they're 22-year-old and a 19-year-old. my daughter's living in the city now. and my son is up at boston college, but he's here on spring break, although it's freezing but it's spring break. >> are they in the business? >> my daughter is. >> what is she doing? >> she did the film with kristen wiig and matt dylan, she got a little part. >> and you encourage that? >> do as i say not as i do didn't work. she's doing great. and my mom is a math science kid maternal side of the gene pool. >> are you saying, hey, do more like this or try that? >> oh sure. talk to the hand. no, she does. my relationship i'm very proud of. >> that's awesome. >> what have you got there? >> you're going to read to us. >> we brought some celebrity autobiographies. >> i already know. >> i know the blue. >> oh, listen, the segment producer completely set this up. >> yes, exactly. >> you have the guess. first, can you guess the famous daughter who wrote this autobiography. sure, i put a lot of myself into her, but that doesn't make her real, that doesn't make her me. this is my very own book, my first chance to tell my own story in my own words, but to tell my story, i have to talk about hannah -- >> hoda. >> at first i was like who is that? >> five, four -- >> hoda. >> hoda. how i survived everything. >> okay, boom. >> miley cyrus. >> there you go. okay. >> different hannah. >> thank god. >> blue on your book. >> didn't sound familiar. but who knows. we have time for one more. >> up next, actress comedian. here we go. she says doing skit comedy while pregnant is like wearing a sombrero sombrero you can pretend to be a serious person, but that giant hat is the in your way. i have spent on time being pregnant, sometimes it was real -- >> tina fey. >> good guess close, i would say -- >> amy poehler. >> bingo. >> yes please. >> yes, please. >> ralph. wait, i don't think we have time. >> you know what we do have time. you're going to be joining me on sooer yus radio later. >> okay. >> thanks, ralph, all the best. the color red has to do with your mood. >> tips if you want to wake up happy every single day. and you know what would make us happy right now? sunny vacations. >> best beaches to visit voted on by you af over 200,000 people are hospitalized every year with flu complications. so to kill the germs that may make your family sick, we recommend using lysol disinfectant spray every day. lysol is approved to kill 80 germs, including hard to kill viruses that can live on surfaces for over 4 weeks. it works on hard and soft surfaces to help stop the spread of bacteria. so help keep your family healthy with lysol. pillsbury crescents--awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: week night crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. another story for us. >> right here, finally an autobiography for a singer, actress, and tv star. i dated a lot often with disastrous results. when you're a young, reasonably attractive woman in new york. there's an abundance of wealthy successful men at your doorstep. it sounds crash, but they're everywhere. >> who is this? >> it's me and why do you want great glasses for $38, backed by a replacement guarantee? mom! mom! because you all really need glasses... mom! ...and boys really need to be boys. the glasses you want are at the walmart vision center - a complete pair of single vision glasses for $38. backed by a 12-month replacement guarantee. save money. live bette walmart. mom! americans... 83% try to eat healthy. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies. it takes nature 90 days to grow the most golden oats. 7,200 hours to create the purest honey and, it only takes you 3 minutes to enjoy it. perhaps we made it too delicious. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. your body goes through more than 500 ups and downs a day. your deodorant should keep up. secret clinical strength has adapts & responds technology for customized protection that adapts to your body. ♪ ♪ ♪ hershey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. this is nbc 10 news first alert weather. >> good morning. i'm chris cato. we issued that first alert because we have rain across the area now turning to snow overnight. first alert meteorologist brittney shipp is here tracking this winter storm. >> you want to be careful driving throughout all of today and especially as you head to work tomorrow. overnight we'll see the snow as a rain changing over to snow. here is a live look outside now. we're dealing with fog. foggy conditions and rainy conditions on this wednesday. we take a closer look at the first alert, which goes into effect at night at 11:00 p.m. and will last until 7:00 p.m. on thursday. reason why is the rain moving to snow overnight. it will be a snowy morning rush. and this could potentially be the biggest snowstorm of the season. closer look at our radar, shows the rain moving into our suburbs north and west and into the poconos. not seeing much rainfall in south jersey along the shore. we'll see on and off rain throughout the day. as all the moisture moves in and temperatures start to drop it switches over to snow. 36 degrees in the poconos now. 37 in allentown. 38 in philadelphia. today's range between 42 and 45 degrees. a live picture from city hall in philadelphia where workers are now going back inside the building. workers and citizens. they were evacuated about 30 minutes ago after a fire alarm went off there. this happened just before the start of a city council hearing on minimum wage. here is some new video into the newsroom here after those workers were evacuated as they waited outside for the all clear to be given. mayor michael nutter on his way out of the building. we still don't know why the alarm went off. fire cruise went through the building and now they're letting everyone back inside. i'm chris cato. a full hour of news in 30 minutes with vai sikahema. you can always get the latest on the nbc 10 app. have a great morning. ♪ we are back now with more "today" on this wine day wednesday. ready to play who knew. and that rosie the riveter is our way of reminding you it is women's history month. we to want honor some of the world's most accomplished women with fun facts. kathie lee is across the street ready to hand out 100 bucks to anybody who got the questions right. those who don't, get one of her remarkable, and hot cds. [ cheering ] . >> here o to help me out moore magazine leslie jane seymour. you're trending it up. >> we try. >> all right. let's go across the street to kath. >> the tease apparently. which performer had the fastest selling album in itunes history, katy perry, beyonce, or madonna? go back to hoda or talk to this lovely couple? any time now. all right. do you know? >> i would say beyonce. >> okay. then you would be right. >> the answer -- >> leslie beyonce. >> yes. she took an incredibly huge risk last year when she dropped that album out on itunes by herself. no middle man, did incredibly well. and beyonce, as it was called, was the fastest selling album ever on itunes, it is incredible. almost a million copies in three weeks. >> that is sick. >> michigan. >> okay, beautiful there. the coo of facebook, sheryl sandberg and the ceo of yahoo, marissa mayor, both launched their tech careers at google apple, or microsoft? >> apple? >> no. >> oh. >> yay. >> the correct answer is google. >> google. yeah seems like all roads lead to google today, right? >> so anyway, both of them, marissa started as the first female engineer. she was employee number 20. >> was she really? >> guess how that paid off. exactly. >> sheryl was in 2001. and she was in charge of global online sales and operations until she was moved over by mark zurkberg over to facebook. >> wow. >> not a bad place to start i would say. >> what were we doing when we could have been at google? >> hello. over to you. >> from gainesville. who said there is no such thing as failure. failure is just life trying to move us in another direction. it was melinda gates, anna wintour, or oprah winfrey? >> oprah? >> it was, it was oprah. >> it is oprah winfrey. >> absolutely. and the 2013 harvard commencement address, she said that launching her own, her own own network was the hardest thing she ever did. >> yeah and probably learned a lot from it. >> well, what's nice to see, even the big girls fail sometimes. >> it's right. stay with it and you get there. >> over to you. >> this is young gentleman is from richard, he calls me ma'am, it was nice. how many american women have been in space. 14, 32 or 45. >> i'll go with 14. >> but he's darn cute and he's going to love this album. >> you know i was surprised by the answer. the correct answer, 45. >> 45 women have been in space. american women. and it's 59 women in total overall. and what i really love is 2013 nasa actually had it's first class of even men even women who were in the space program. >> that's interesting. >> 2013. so maybe the rest of us can do it from now on. >> time for one more. >> lovely lady from quebec. who was the first woman to be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. aretha franklin etta james, or janice johnson? >> no cheating. >> janice johnson. >> she wanted the cd. this is good. this is good. got what she came from. the correct answer, aretha franklin, queen of soul. >> she became the first woman inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. >> all right. >> queen of soul's career began, when she did a gospel album at 14 years of age. what was i doing at 14? >> i know. >> i appreciate that. lilliana coming up is going to reveal the cost of my dress and the cost of kathie lee's necklace. and everything will be coming up roses if you tylenol these tips for waking up happ yoplait has the only yogurt brands endorsed by weight watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed us. so, you know what this means... this is a real win win! yoplait, it is so good! you wouldn't do half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. sfx: ahhh listerine®. power to your mouth™! discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. how do i get hotel deals nobody else gets?... i know a guy. price-line ne-go-ti-a-tor! i know a guy in new york vegas, dallas. my competitors may know a guy, but i know over 60,000 guys. [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything. your kids get used to sweaty odors in their room. they think it smells fine, but you smell this... eliminate all the odors you've gone noseblind to with febreze fabric refresher. mmmm... so you and your guests can breathe happy. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. does this sound a little like you in the morning, alarm goes off hit a snooze a few times, then muster up everything you've got and peel off that comforter to face the day? >> nice and dark and cozy in here. we're going to help you put a little spring in your step by showing you some tricks to wake up happy and staying that way all day with the help of shap magazine's editor at large. hello barb. >> good morning, ladies. >> if we looked like you, we'd be happy. >> thank you. >> so you say when you're starting the day, one of the things a lot of us do, alarm next to the bed and you want ten more minutes hit snooze. >> everybody does it. the problem with this is when you hit snooze, of course you're getting a few extra minutes of sleep but it's interrupted, bad sleep. you should not use the snooze button or if you are falling back to sleep, you're falling into a sleep cycle you can't finish. >> you should pop up. >> if you have a problem with hitting the snooze button. put it away from you. >> so you have to get up. >> you have to get up and walk. or, what we love at shape magazine is this alarm clock that often relice on light therapy. so you set this and 30 minutes before you're supposed to wake up. >> it starts to go on, and this simulates the sunshine. what this does is tells your brain to stop producing melatonin which is a sleep hormone. >> that's cool. i like that. >> it's really, really a nice thing. >> fresh flowers. you have those all over your house. >> that just make me happy. especially in the winter time. everything is just bleak. >> absolutely. harvard study found that women who saw fresh flowers early in the morning with happy and energized throughout the day. >> let's go over to the cozy bed. >> yes this is all about color therapy. researchers found that certain colors improve your mood. in the morning, you want a quick energy jolt, you want to surround yourself with bright colors like orange, yellow, red, this gets your adrenaline pumping and you want to do pops of it. like a blanket, a pillow, piece of artwork this makes you happier. >> okay. >> and this is a little exercise area. >> this is all about stretching we of course know that stretching is good for you, so many are rushed. >> animals always stretch before they do anything. >> exactly. >> so what you want to do is take a couple of minutes easily stretch your hands, arms, pumps up your blood level, gets you going, and super, super easy. >> this is smart. if i don't pack a gym bag like before i go to bed, because if you have to think about in the morning putting all the stuff in the bag, it's tough to get moving. >> it's tough to get moving, and creating anxiety. i can't the last thing i want to do is look for my shoes, car keys my gym clothes. pack everything in the bag. this includes your lunch. >> get a loerk. >> i lug mine around everywhere. get a locker. >> why? >> okay breakfast time. >> this is all about food. studies have shown that eating omega 3s in the morning can boost your mood. there are easy ways. scrambled eggs. add walnuts, or smooth thi, lou a little flak seed. >> everybody loves it. >> happier mood and it's good for you as well. >> no coffee? >> i say that coffee is good for you, but a better thing to do is replace that with lemon water and hot water. it's delicious, all of the celebrities are doing, how people are saying it's good for you. it's giving you that vitamin seed booth no calories and it just tastes amazing. it has that zesty flavor. >> you could still get that. >> you don't have to replace your coffee with it. >> thank you. >> it's a nice supplement though. >> habit. >> you can definitely have it. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> if that didn't work here's something to make you happy. >> vacation for less than $200 a night. the best beach is just in time for spring break. hold it! come with me. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. cam, protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... will it up my game? no man! new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. mmm dannon. wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. this little piece of hershey's chocolate... is called a pip! it's the way we all start and end a hershey's bar. pip by delicious pip. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. waking up to fatigued skin? sleep on this! garnier creates its first miracle sleeping cream. it fights signs of fatigue and wrinkles while you sleep. a sleeping cream... that's a first! like a lightweight mask of continuous hydration it works while you sleep when skin is most receptive. and here's the real wake-up call... in just i week wake up to more refreshed, younger-looking skin. stop waking up to fatigued skin! sleep with this. new miracle sleeping cream. from garnier. when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. alright, listen up. out on that field today, you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. and when they're asked 'what did you do to make a difference in the world?' they can say 'i became a soldier'. all right. close your eyes far moment. imagine lounge og an warm, sandy beach, drink in your hand, oh and the sun in your face. >> well dream no more. is out with the list of award winning beaches based on traveler reviews and ratings. here with your favorite destinations for under $200 a night. the deseret fish. >> cheers. >> if we're not on a beach, that's where we want to be right now. >> use our imaginations. >> florida first? >> yes, the number one rated beach by traveler's choice is siesta beach. it has crystal sand, beautiful waters, and it's one of the safest beaches in the country because it's got life guards year round. >> wow. >> perfect for families. the hotel to go to is a captiva. it's under $180 on average. full kitchen. it's a beautiful hotel. garden area. save lots of money but the thing/e to go to is the state park. to want see alligators, the turtles and wildlife and do all kinds of fun activities. >> that's beautiful. all right. let's move on to st. pete. >> st. pete beach. this is something where you are never going to have a bad weather day. 361 days of beautiful sunshine when you're there. >> what? >> and the hotel to go there is called the blind past resort. it is newly renovated. new work. and it's also got kitchens, which is great for families to stay there. and it's walking distance from to hundreds of different shops and restaurants -- >> what is that blue thing? >> the high tide slide. this is so much fun. this is three stories high and 200 feet long. >> what? >> get the kids on that slide. you can go 20 times, all day long. >> where is this? water slide? >> it is, it's a water slide right on the beach. >> let's go out west. >> newport beach, this is orange county. and this is the largest recreational beach. you can go swimming scuba diving fishing, sunset cruises at night. there's lots to do. the place to stay is the hi yacht region si. this is more a resort than a hotel. but for less than $200 a night. >> wow. >> somehow that possible? >> it's got three pools, it's got a dozen tennis courts, gulf courses and it has all kind of things for the family to do. then you can walk around at night at balboa island. >> which is beautiful. >> shopping, you have to have while you're there, frozen banana dessert with chocolate covered in chocolate and peanuts. it's wonderful. >> let's go to crystal cove state park in laguna. >> this is three miles of gorgeous beach that you can scuba dye or swim. but this is perfect for the out doorsy types. they have 2400 acres -- >> trails. >> horseback riding, biking, you can go anything outdoor. you can go to the laguna shores at the hotel. and this one also under $200. >> okay. >> and this has millions, million dollar views. >> and in hawaii. >> yeah. this is kailua beach. this is famous for wind surfing, body surfing, just sitting on the beach and feeling the breeze. >> you don't need to do a thing. >> snorkeling paddle boats out to the island, and where you should stay is aqua beach. >> okay. >> and this is a walking distance from the starbucks from the food market, anything. >> east coasters quickly ocean stwhi it warms up, maryland. >> not quite yet. >> perfect for year round because they have a famous board walk. with lots of different, amauzment parks. >> we're hoping. >> it's perfect to go when you're swimming, and when you want to go swimming and going there in the summer time. the place to stay is a victorian old hotel. absolutely gorgeous. >> thank you. >> and they need folks to come by. >> they do. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. how much do you think this choker and hoda's dress really cost? >> lilliana is back and she's going to tell you thousand get these luxe looks for less. >> wow. >> with lovely lilliana. after this. jim: standardized testing has gone from a nuisance to a concern to a crisis. michael: we have this finite amount of time, and yet we're spending so much of it on this unproven standardized test when we really should be using that time in a better way focusing individually on our students. dave: education is supposed to be about our students, and it's becoming about a test. ros: what is our end goal in education? to be masters of a test? it is time for lilliana's luxe looks for less. earlier we revealed that lilliana put me into this dress and kath into that beautiful choker. and we asked you no to guess how much you thought they cost and post it. here are some of your guesses. dana ryan says the dress is 49.99 necklace is 29.99. >> sarah says my dress is 39.99 and the choker is 7.99. >> lou yan says hoda's dress is pink and red. that wasn't the question. >> lilliana, we got a lot of feedback. >> we have almost 1,000 guesses, which just shows that people really love a great deal. so i want to talk about your dress and talk about the trend. this is a mini length. people say what's a mini. mini hits right below the knee to above the kafl. >> it's so flattering. >> so many celebrities have worn this, kerry washington in something similar, gorgeous on the red carpet. and gwyneth paltrow you're 5'9", also putting it on somebody petite, you have to find it right. big reveal for the dress. >> how much? >> the dress is 39.95. >> unbelievable. it's such quality fabric. >> from h and m. it has the texture. >> who makes it? >> h and m. >> oh. okay. $39.95, wow. $30 dress. >> $40 dress, that's amazing. >> kathie's choker. this is also a huge statement right now in jewelry. it's about the lines, really simple necklaces. >> okay. >> i love this and a lot of celebrities have been spotted in this. amy poe lor wore a choker and rihanna, ultimate trend setter. >> okay. >> rihanna's is probably millions of dollars. but on kathie, the big reveal been. >> couldn't mine be too? >> $7.95. >> close. >> that one guess we had -- >> from where? >> also from h and m. >> wow. >> we have a few seconds. >> great chokers here, these are from lulu's, bloomingdales under $50 and these are under $50. you can totally get the trends for less. and post these on facebook. >> we'll see you every wednesday. >> for all the details and where to get the items, log on. >> tomorrow you're heard of duck cakes, kathy mitchell is bringing us easy dump dinners. and lewis and jill a this is nbc 10 news first alert weather. >> and right now at 11:00, we're tracking wet weather moving through our area. right now it is rain. but after midnight it will turn to snow and it could be the biggest snowstorm so far of the season. right now things are just soggy out there. nbc 10 cameras at 34 and spruce and university city where there are puddles along the sidewalks there. those puddles will soon be replaced by snow however. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. by this time tomorrow much of our region will see significant snow on the ground. nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz here with the forecast. glenn? >> we have a rainy day today, temperatures are milder but we have a first alert for tonight, es


Transcripts For RT News 20220917

obama phone with one minute past 5 am on saturday morning in the weekends and just getting on the way in moscow and peter scott and welcome to 30 minutes of news and views oxy. we started with the latest developments in ukraine where battles continue for the city of coupons in the heart of region. ukraine had previously announced the complete takeover of the city, but he's been reported. the fighting is ongoing and russian troops continue to hold defensive lines along the obstacle river, which runs through the settlements. also in call of positions of the ukrainian cracking regiments have been eliminated, according to the russian, m. o. d. and over 400 soldiers have been killed and wounded as a result of russian strikes on ukrainian positions in the nikolai and holly of regions as well as in the den. yes, the people's republic. again, that is according to the russian m. o. d. meanwhile ukrainian troops shelled the russian border town of valerie and the builder of region this friday, killing one civilian and enduring 2 more. according to local authorities, 8 residential buildings were destroyed. hello, chill, cool, cool dealer. with several shells were fired at the city, looking the air defense system successfully activated and shut them down. but the fragments hit residential buildings. the houses are beyond repair. as a result of the strike, the city completely lost power. fragments of the rocket fell on the power substation and disabled and again. however, thanks to the prompt response, the electricity supply to social institutions and residential buildings has been completely restored except for the street where the houses were completely destroyed with health on city sensor has also been shelled by ukrainian troops. local russian bytes authorities claim that 5 us supplied high mas rockets were fired at the office of the coast on ministration. and that was during a meeting between local officials. 3 people were reportedly killed and 13 more wounded. this on verified footage purportedly shows people running from the blast. another video appears to show what is reported to be the aftermath of those ukrainian strikes. an explosion has also been report they have no guns targeting to prosecutes the prosecutor general's office. according to the local officials, they're the prosecutor general and his deputy were killed in the law. he'll, i don't know, the casualties have been reported so far. it had opened up a single case into the incidence and back to character of now where key of last week reportedly started a hunt for those they deemed traitors. private data belonging to people viewed as quote, collaborators was posted on telegram with calls for violence against them. earlier . katrinka gives us more last week, saw dramatic changes on the ukraine. chessboard washing force is positioned in parts of the heart of region were sent south to help on the battlefield. in dawn bass, this lock key of to regain control of these rather vast areas over here, mainstream outlets were quick to report on what they called a major success by the gradient army. however, how key of pretty much immediately began to treat some locals. there has fallen on deaf ears, machine grant. it doesn't matter to the ukrainian nationalists, whether these people actually help the russian army or the military civil administration. they would eliminate almost the entire population that had lived under our authority in any way. they would label them all the raiders. when the russian troops moved in february, this year, the locals had 3 options for the war to the west. fleet to the north. each russia or stay if they didn't want to abandon their homes in poverty. the fear today is that pretty much any one who chose option 3 could automatically become a traitor and the view of ukraine's military. and that's possibly an open road to abduction or even death. the hunt for traitors is on full throttle. much of it is being done through the telegram messenger app. you created, nationalists create telegram channels where they publish the personal data of so called enemies view. great. now, what about the criteria? well, it seems that it's up for anyone to decide. it's reported that even receiving humanitarian aid from russia could cause real trouble. here's some of what we came across on. telegram the city of cooper and has been liberated. now we are beginning to search for traitors. all the addresses are already there. we are adding a category called the occupants collaborators. these are those who help the occupants build checkpoints, feed them, and so on. these are the fanatics of the brushing world from less chance after the liberation. we'll need to save the child from such excellent parents. some have been sol armed by the hail storm of controversial telegram posts. they launched a petition on change dot org addressing telegrams founder dear mister durham, on behalf of the russian people living both in russia and ukraine. we are asking you to put an end to telegram being used as a tool to co ordinate political terror and mass murderers, ethnic cleansing, and mass extra judicial executions are unacceptable for any nation. but this is exactly the aim of publishing personal data while calling for violence. it's been reported that groups of locals are still trying to flee the heart of region fearing reprisals. but according to the russian media, ukrainian authorities have blocked all roads from the area. they're also confiscating people's passports. all of this has been strongly condemned by the russian foreign ministry. somebody will go with one another interesting is that we had armed by the numerous reports of the so called filtration activities carries out the plan, insecurity to services formation from the allied part of their grouping. now the people are affected by this frightening to imagine what the cleaning and armed forces are doing to them. well, 1st and foremost, talking about the people being killed. these issues. the saddest thing is that even when innocent people are suffering from shelling or missile attacks, there are still under threat by neo nazis at checkpoints and on telegram. in other news, russian president vladimir putin has blamed the west for its energy crisis, calling for sanctions on the north stream to just pipeline to be lifted. he made those comments, the sun high corporation organization. so it's, it's based on that she didn't there, but this is another attempt to shift a headache from a sick person to a healthy one with the energy crisis in europe did not start with the beginning of the special military operation in ukraine for much earlier in the green agenda, national popular statement so that someone is to blame or only to secure protection against the outreach citizens of their own country is that of the last prom does not provide gas or you people at all normal. and if it's so urgent, if everything is so difficult, then remove all the sanctions from nurturing tools. no looking. during the summer to vladimir putin also met his turkish counterparts. red chip erred one thought leading to an agreement that 25 percent of russian gas supplies to turkey would be paid in roubles 15, also referred to ukraine as a tool of western powers to fight russia and called russian indian relations. a quote, particularly privileged strategic partnership. earlier, we got reaction from international economist martin a armstrong, who thinks that the west sanctions on russia are bringing an end to globalization. the problem with the whole sanctions is that it does affect many more areas and just grows. taking the, the gas and paying it rubles, is effectively what they have done is they have divided the world economy into i don't see the world economy going back to the way it used to be. i mean, this is the new world order, so to speak, it only hurt so many other people and you're finding inflation is going to continue to rise in to 2024. and i think next year is going to be even worse. and i have never seen a group of most incompetent world leaders in the west. there doesn't seem to be anybody out there that actually has a clue as to what's going on themselves. and they're just reading to cards and taking advice from people behind the scenes. there are actually creating, i would say the end of globalization, and it is the green agenda that is probably causing most of the problem. but, you know, they, they're using the sanctions in russia as the excuse for right now. america will not save europeans from freezing this wind, so that's as the heads of your shell companies whose resources could help alleviate the energy crisis over the you have said that they are in no hurry to increase exports. in france, the finance minister has said that measures to help consumers will cost paris 16000000000 euros while across europe. other governments are also feeling the pressure. aussie contribution contributes. rachel mawson has more. the e, you appears to be keen on fighting russia down to the last ukranian and also down to the last euro of its own citizens. europeans who may have thought that they could count on their government to soften the blow of the clammy energy prices and inflation are starting to realize that the elite are more interested in solidarity with ukraine than with them. the most recent hint came this week from french economy minister, but we know the math, who suggested that not all local authorities in france could end up with the help from the french government to keep services running amid the energy crunch. you have well managed communities and others the to less well manage when i see communities that have hired massively and then come to appeal to the state because they can't pay the energy bills to pay in place of the communities that compose a difficulty. so i guess french citizens who have the misfortune of living in a community run by bad local politicians, are going to be punished with closures or cut backs of things like city run, amenities, skating rinks, library, swimming pools, all because the government won't help them out. how are citizens supposed to know if their local governments are to corrupt for french government crisis funding? can they just go to city hall and asked of the politicians there are to corrupt for the french government? because it might be a good idea for them to find out now before winter, so that maybe they can move so much for solidarity. this is exactly what happened during the coven 19 pandemic. here in france when we were all initially told by the government that there would not be a to tear society with mandates required for access to daily life. and then they did an about face and demand. the jap passes to access every day venues. again, we're starting to see the possibility emerge of a 2 tier society and a time of crisis one that the government drags everyone into only to then decide who it's going to save. g. i wonder if the quote well run communities just happens to b, those that are run by officials in the same party as the government majority and president emanuel mack home. it just seems like this is really shaky ground for la math to be standing on. the may also said that the crisis will cost paris $16000000000.00 euros to cap energy bills, french prime minister, and he's about bona has said that french citizens are expected to pay about $25.00 euros more each month for gas next year. instead of a couple of 100 more, without the cap for gas heating, and about 20 years more for lecture electricity heating. now that's a big increase for the french worker making minimum wage of about $1300.00 euros a month before taxes. and it's not like that. you can count on the us to help them out according to one of the largest shale industry investors. it's not like the u. s. can pump a bunch more. our production is what it is. there's no bailout coming, not on the oil side, not on the gas side. oh, but ursula vander line. you commission president said from queue that this week that freedom is priceless. asked about the potential impact of europe to develop an energy crisis on support for keith von to lance tenant, with the crane comes to high cost with our freedom, the international peace order, and democracies. priceless. that's precisely the kind of remark from this, an elected official that shows just how disconnected the e u. bo's was, is from the average person who's bearing the brunt of the elite, swore on the european way of life, as it's destroyed by successive self inflicted crises. all the energy crisis is getting pace across europe, triggering processed by restaurants on coffee owners on the italian island of sicily, stollins to cope with soaring energy prices. bar owners have turned off the lights, no restaurants this week to send a message to the government. they also decided to display their gas and electricity bills publicly, as you can see her and these images, customers were eating by candle lights r t spoke with desperate restaurant owners on the island. in nashville, tennessee drama. the increasing electricity cost is destroying us spice in a period in which we should save money waiting for the winter where there is little work, but we do not really know how to pay the bills. the last electricity bill in august was 26000 euros. while last year we paid $6000.00 euros with the same consumption. we're also going to see l moment. and what is happening in italy is shameful. it is absurd, me out. in my opinion, they are speculating on the citizens. we have reached a point where we really don't know what to do. thanks sick, we can't get out of this tunnel of chrysler, lamenting companies will get more and more to everybody for you. there is a real risk of general bankruptcy throughout each other. well, draw a last gig, it's yona quest start spin carpios. but in my opinion, there is a lot of speculation on the increase in electricity. and even the energy that comes from reliable sources is increasing by 400 percent. it is unequivocal. what is happening going forward like this? which in citizens retired people? yes, this is, will go towards bankruptcy. there are no alternatives still. well, looking for methane, she actually protests over the consequences of the energy crisis have also taken place in other e. u. countries under the people in germany have been demonstrating against price hikes, demanding new relations, and an end to arms deliveries to ukraine. demonstrators organized a motor rally with over $200.00 vehicles, taking part electricity prices are soaring, following russia's decision to stop just supplies to the north stream pipeline. the move came amid a dispute over turbine repairs ahead of the crucial winter heating season. meanwhile, demonstrators also gathered in athens, marching towards the of finance, shunting slogans and carrying banners. they say the pensions have been fixed for a long time and the living tough, soaring the students also not too happy about police being posted universities. a high think meeting has taken place in washington, where the south african president asked joe biden not to punish african countries for having russia as a partner. ortiz, corolla. butler takes us through the 2 countries walkie relationship. the united states and south africa are coming together again. yet there won't views could not be any further upon. this is the 2nd high level meeting between the 2 countries. preceded by u. s. secretary of state, anthony lincoln's visit here on the continent last month. has you as president joe biden found in south african leda settled on plaza, a man to do his africa? biddy washington is aware, the changing of the dynamics to the old world order, and one south africa to be at the point base here on the continent. the u. s. is expected to entice lamazzo with increased investment and trait, a global power play to neutralize the bricks and russian influence on the continent . but power is exactly what south africa needs right now. the country's crippling power cuts have intensified and will curtail, grows in the continents 2nd largest economy. while the americans and the europeans continue to pressure south africa towards green energy sources. that my brother and his cabinets have not entirely turned their back on nuclear energy. the west announced an $8500000000.00 pledge of loans and grants it lastly as un conference and climate change. to help south africa dump its reliance on cone. that's a drop in the ocean compared to the $250000000000.00 that researchers estimate the country will need to invest in the next 10 years. the whole industry accounts for more than 5 percent of south africa, g. d p and employs over a 120000 people. but while the country is being pushed to ditch fossil fuels, european inputs of south african code, we're up 720 percent in the 1st half of 2020 to foreign relations can be foist out of common endeavor, aspiration of fear. but for settlement was as political party, the ruling african national congress must bull is a friend, a partner, and accommodate that supported the during the liberation movements in time of colonialism. and its paula can continue to intensify south africa. more and more must go. seems like part of the solution. got, i believe john is back for odyssey international. washington's aim of weakening russia was highlighted back in 2019 and a us be a think tank report, the blueprint described how to fight against russia and competes on advanced just groans. now, one of those grounds was stated to be the caucasus region where a fragile c 5 between armenia and as a by john has just been agreed. ortiz fiorella, isabel explains russia misbehaves that needs to be punished. that's the gist of washington policy towards moscow. in recent months, but what if the u. s. did everything in its power to provoke such actions from russia to achieve one goal, to win in the never ending fight between these 2 superpowers? don't believe me. here's a report concocted by an american thing. take the rand corporation in 2019 with its self explanatory title, extending russia, competing from an advantageous ground. it has a list of actions that the why should do to, as they put it, extend russia. let's have a look. first, provide legal aid to ukraine. the me, i remind you it's the plan from 2019, not 2022. it was long before the current war between kevin moscow and it worked just fine. the west flooded ukraine with billions of dollars worth of weapons starting from small arms and drones. then to tanks and long range missile systems, they plan to pump in more and yes, nato using ukraine as its pawn has been the kremlin red line for a long time. so my solution today we're hearing that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. what can i say and there will come to try. we've heard many times that the west wants to fight us to the last cranium, which is a tragedy for glen craney and people. second, promot regime change and bella ruth, the they funded the countries pro western politicians and encourage them to keep on fighting. and after the attempted coup failed, they imposed long standing sanctions on men and russia for helping its close this ally and neighbor, which brings us to the 3rd point from the rand report to impose sanctions. russia is the world's champion in the number of sanctions slapped on the country. it's that a sense it's company, etc. it should be in the guinness book of world records. but as months passed by, the west had to admit that the sanctions are hurting them more than russia, but they still keep on going to look at it. it's important for us to continue to address the point that the sanctions are effective. we can't lift them until the time they have had their effect. they may not have an immediate effect. it's like going on a diet to lose weight and being upset that you haven't lost kilos and kilos after just a couple of weeks. actually all plans from rance playbook came to life one way or another. what's next? the 4th point challenge russia's presence in moldova. i'll position on the complete and unconditional we joel operation forces remain centennial. this includes the removal or distraction of ammunition from the robustness stockpiles then exploit tensions in the south caucasus. and we have a series of flare ups between armenia and reserve, a job ah and the last one, reduce russia's influence and central asia. so moscow has to send its troops to help pacify violence in neighboring posits that, ah wow, the kremlin had to react to all of them. do you think russia has any doubt as to who is adding fuel to all the violence raging along its borders? ah, into the car gets done tajikistan border now where classes have left. 2 people dead, including a 15 year old girl and $87.00 others wounded us according to the cookies health ministry. the day after both countries traded blame facilities involving military helicopters and drones. leaders have agreed to try and stop provocations on shootings in the border area. local reporter lafayette univer reports from the ground. sharon, i'm on that i'm on. can you? i'm currently in the city of vash because our crew could not get to the back. can broader region we're gone, fighting continues, what they're kind of shy, had me on back in highway is temporarily blocked on shelley in the roseville can area center target forces. i not allowing cars and people to pass. so we had to turn that over at the moment. residents of both regions occur. gustavo, are not allowed to enter the territory of back camp. officials say the death toll has reached 44 people trace, i do our civilian victims to say, my 13 year old girl that was killed in the back can region and de la la district in the village of destiny when she was hit by fragments of a shout, you're not but she was wounded during the shelling when she and her fellow villagers ran towards the village of my gloom that the young girl died as a result of her injuries. and her body was very swollen, took out of her guest on and she has done authorities just agree to see spar which started at 4 pm. but soldiers from the chest on preach the trees and open fire again. no wonder, put our bus or up for now. what have you doing this weekend? i hope you're having a good one. my name is peter scott, and i'll be back in 30 minutes time. but do stay tuned for cross talk with people about coming up now. ah, putting is the aggression today, i'm authorizing the additional strong sanction to day russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing. but i figure which of the problems to cause shown here as we speak on the bill in your senior mostly mind the ship, we're banning all in ports of russian oil and gas, new g. i. g with joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang, ah, ah, ah, well do it the bulk of law. sure. my good mobile when you vision annual g d. p per capita is about $4000.00 euros. a calling in a mold or mildew. a washer parish lee. i was off of land or primary coffee seal from corpus really in cuba. totally near prisoner, you. crucial for normal belong to kathy mitchell and laws thought they would have thought of unemployment is off the charts, moldova territorial integrity and sovereignty. we were a country which enjoys financial support from the u. s. and the youth is constantly roth by political and corruption scandals. but all that didn't stop moldova obtaining a you candidate status in 2022. ah, i to business with them boss with you. i finished the grad, missouri to complete the key at the win washington's keep. the process is to dealer miley complete with us for a day of guys to phone and send the full could i get you? i need video with watching, you know, if the plexi professional lithium to what you put up a list of other ideas with ah ah with hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . official cabin. it's immediate trolls have made much of the recent powder offensive. however, there are gleeful backing of ukraine has demonstrated beyond a doubt. this is a nato war on russia. the stakes could not be higher. one side will lose and badly . ah ah, cross sucking nato's war on russia. i'm joined by my guest garland nixon in washington . he's a political analyst in tampa. we have larry johnson. he is managing partner for burg associates and a former c i. a analyst and u. s. department of state counterterrorism. official and here in moscow we have maxime switch off. he is the director of the institute of international studies at moscow state institute of international relations. i, gentleman cross outgrows, in effect, that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, let's go to larry 1st in tampa. much has been made about this counter offensive or on cove. not much was gain, not much was lost at the end of the day, but it's good media fodder. good for the propaganda narrative. what is not mentioned in the narrative, is it during the summer, the ukrainian army was destroyed. now we have a nato army with ukrainian foot soldiers and mercenaries. but this is nato's war against russia. agree or disagree with that? go ahead, larry. well it's, it's certainly moving in that direction that there were still ukrainians, leading to quote, leading the fight on this. but when you look at the quality of the troops, they were untrained, they had little experience and they would do not know how to properly use the weapons.


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