Emi (Katia Pascariu), a school teacher, finds her career and reputation under threat when a personal sex tape is leaked to the Internet. Forced to meet the parents demanding her dismissal, Emi refuses to surrender to their pressure. Winner of the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.
Cinema - This fall, the Romanian film industry is gearing up to present a cinematic journey that promises to captivate audiences near and far. This season,
Sovereign has acquired the U.K. and Ireland rights to Radu Jude’s latest feature, “Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World,” which won the special jury prize at Locarno Film Festival. Written and directed by Jude, the comedy stars Ilinca Manolache, Ovidiu Pîrșan, Dorina Lazăr, László Miske, Katia Pascariu and Sofia Nicolaescu, …