Our outside living-room has closed; leaves piled on perimeter plants, screens scrubbed, then tucked in bags with dryer sheets, canopy down, inside windows next.
Our outside living-room has closed; leaves piled on perimeter plants, screens scrubbed, then tucked in bags with dryer sheets, canopy down, inside windows next.
Our outside living-room has closed; leaves piled on perimeter plants, screens scrubbed, then tucked in bags with dryer sheets, canopy down, inside windows next.
Countless hours of hard work by dozens of Adopt-A-Child/Keep Kids Warm volunteers culminates next week when 1,300 bags of new winter coats, boots and hats will be collected at no charge by families who really need a break, says Belleville Police Det.-Const. Ann Earle-Demspey, chair.
Countless hours of hard work by dozens of Adopt-A-Child/Keep Kids Warm volunteers culminates next week when 1,300 bags of new winter coats, boots and hats will be collected at no charge by families who really need a break, says Belleville Police Det.-Const. Ann Earle-Demspey, chair.