The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has decided to sell the 13 per cent stake it holds in Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru (Bangalore International Airport, or BIAL) and GMR Hyderabad International Airport (GHIAL) to raise funds. The authority will soon appoint a transaction advisor to conduct a valuation of AAI’s stake in the two airports in which Prem Watsa-owned Fairfax Group and Delhi-based GMR Infrastructure (GMR Infra) hold the largest stake. According to the shareholding agreement, the largest shareholders have the first right of refusal on the stake. Industry executives and analysts tracking the two firms said while Fairfax is a clear favourite to buy AAI’s stake, for GMR Infra which has a consolidated debt of over Rs 25,000 crore and is selling assets itself it may be challenging to buy the stake if the price is high.