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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141031

the past decades. different winners claiming -- owners claiming many winners. notice a theme? data obtained from the california lottery shows many of the most frequent winners in california are retailers. he is a mathematic professor. he conched the numbers for us and east mated if these store -- estimated if they are really buying their own tickets, they're spend ago fortune. >> -- spending a fortune. >> numbers like that are improbable. >> you can get lucky once. it could happen. if you won twice, you got have to have spent a lot of money on lottery tickets. >> the lottery cheap enforce meant officer said something called discounting may be at play. >> people who have judgments or leans it could be a child support payment. up fortunately they do -- unfortunately they talked a vantage of these situations. >> you two people are some of the biggest winners in california. >> like here after had half an hour of they nile and excuses, the owner finally fessed up. >> so you were buying his winning ticket? >> yes, i did. i don't make money off of it. >> he said claiming a ticket that is not really yours is a violation of the lottery regulation. another way some retailers could be claiming so many wins, is criminal. they could be cheating on customers in this sting they use a decoy winning ticket to test the retailers honesty. he says the bad apples are a minority. >> the routine testing we do has them at about 98 percent to 99 percent compliance. >> he says the lottery has tightening regulations to stop lottery cheating. the new rules went into affect in 2007. the very year his winning streak end eked. >> she show that you play, that's you right? >> no that's not me. >> this is from the lottery yeah. >> back to you. >> the bay area store owners denied buying discounted tickets from their kes mores. we have -- customers. it has been screening in inch by inch towards home and businesses. right away, they we got -- we got an update on what's going on. >> well today we learned from officials that the lava flow stopped then started and then stopped again. that really is the nature of the beast. it's hard to predict what will happen next. this is the main road here. this is where they predicted this hot lava flow would hit as early as friday. >> well we're moving the tail end of our gear. this is just the knickknacks and stuff. >> ken reed knows that his town is no match for the hot lava making it's way towards the main road. >> it's very much a monster. something you can't stop. it's going to do whatever it wants to co. >> it's exact path is unpredictable. it's been bull dozing every thing in it's path. today it slowed to a complete stop. but take a look from the air. the molten rock is less than a quarter mile away from businesses and homes. it's speed is only part of what frightens the locals. >> there's a feel that something is happening and it's hard to know when. >> it's pace has given people here time to pack and get out of the way. but not every one is ready. >> i'm not ready to evacuate. >> why not? >> because our houses aren't going to be safe once we leave. they can't keep our houses safe. >> would you rather stay in it? >> yeah. >> all around this community you'll see those kind of offerings. red flowers, people here hope that those will please the god east of the kohl cane no and people around here say don't mess with her. >> in the mean time today the hawaii national guard deployed 80 troops to keep the neighborhoods safe. >> i want to show you what we're dealing with here. he's in the direct path of this lava flow. all of this right here, these are lava rocks. people here know what they're dealing with. this is the environment this island is largely built on this. it doesn't make this lava flow any less intimidating. >> as you mention this isn't the first time this volcano has erupted. >> that's right. in the 1990s lava from the same volcano erupted and then it slithered into communities all along the south earn coast of the big island. so people here are very resilient but a lot of them here very anxious. >> i can see why. thank you. all right bay area, are you ready? -- paul quick hit paul quick h paul wrap paul wrap er plaza. it the forecast for the parade just changed. it did change. the timing of the rainfall arriving is now later. which means lit last later. it means it's going to be raining through that parade. we thought we would scoot through there but that's not the case. the heaviest rainfall, right on top of san francisco and right on top of that parade. so rather than a chance of showers we can now say showers and rain likely. it's poncho whether in the city tomorrow. here comes all the rain. it's going to get here by sunrise. it's going to be a very soggy sunday morning. all right thanks. joe live at civic center plaza right now. it's amazing how much they can get done in just a couple of days >> it really is. look at this really beautiful decoration here at city hall. the parade route will bring folks right here. the giants will be right here. right now city loaders don't know whether they're going to be facing hundreds of thousands or millions of people. one thing is for sure, they're going to get a lot of love. >> we're going to be here tomorrow. i actually work for the parade. i will be in the office building looking down at the parade. >> a float production company has been hard at work for the past two days designing, painting and building colorful floats. police are also getting ready. >> it's just electric guying. everyone is here and cheering. everyone is on the same page. it's really nice. everyone is really excited. especially the kids. i had to talk to both teachers and tell them my kids aren't going to be in class tomorrow. >> my message is school is open tomorrow. >> the school board commissioner is urging student students to stay in school tomorrow. she said they lost money back in 2006 because of students not showing up. >> i'm getting grief from my 9 lt dprard who wants to go to the -- 9th grader who wants to go to the parade tomorrow and we're saying no. >> they area going to have critical mass right after the parade. then after that, halloween. it's a busy friday for the city. >> do not get in a car. take public transportation. >> it will be very interesting to see how the city handles it. >> the main thing is it's going to be rainy. it's a wild card at this point. some people who didn't want to be on camera said they're coming down here. giants fever. >> all right thanks for that report. verizon is also getting ready. it's putting up a couple extra towers for all of the social media frenzy. the parade will end right there at city hall. bart, caltrain, both adding extra trains tomorrow. the ferry will be running extra boats. we will have a special live coverage of the parade beginning tomorrow at 11:00. tomorrow morning if you can't get to a tv, we'll also be streaming it live commercial free on three men attacked a woman who was taking out here trash. here are the police sketches of the suspects. they are in their early 20s. the woman said she had a bag of gar badge in her hand when the -- garbage in her hand when they threw her to the ground. they tried to take off her close, she screamed and they ran off. drivers may recognize the work of a very busy tagger. well so did the police. >> one man called art project around the bay area will end up costing $15,000 to clean up. >> it takes money to have to go out there and cover it up and fix the damage that he's done. >> lots of it. we saw 18-year-old williams handy work. they say he's tagged over 50 buildings other passes and utility passes all along the 101. >> there's two kind of different types of gra fitty. >> they say he's a tagger, one they won't v want to put a lid on -- they want to put a lid on. >> he's going to be punished. >> he gave himself up. he has a signature that sealed his arrest. back to you. well how did the detectives find this guy? they say one of this officers was investigating another case. if it wasn't for that investigation they say he'd still be mark his territory. the law just caught up to this guy just because of his ego. and the nurse goes outside to get some exercise. police run after her. she's suppose to be in quarantine. tonight the governor is ready to do something drastic. behind these bay area walls is one of the scariest haunted houses we've ever seen. we'll take you inside it next. it's a fresh approach on education-- superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson's blueprint for great schools. torlakson's blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson's plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. recorded this video: a biker.. part of a group of ies... well it took a while but tonight the long arm of the law caught up with the guy who recorded this video. a biker doing wheelies, speeding, even taunting. an officer riding right next to him. tonight he faces charges. this happened on 680 earlier this month. investigators were able to find the guy because of all the information he posted online act the video: a second woman has come forward in the chp nude photo scandal. they report she talked to investigators today and he told them an officer might have taken a picture off her cell phone. the woman had been arrested for drunk driving. officers are being investigated for steeling through phones. tonight a nurse is making a point by going on a bike ride and going out for pizza. the problem? she is breaking her ebola quarantine. but the nurse says scenes trumps industrial. >> it could be the most photographs bike ride in a ride. they went out for an hour long ride with police in tow. it with was the second time he's ignored the quarantine. >> i am completely healthy. you could hug me, shake my hand. there is no way that i would give you ebola. >> and to prove her point, she shook hands with one of the reporters. maine's governor announce today negotiations with her have failed. >> so she just doesn't want any restrictions. >> and the fact that she took a bike ride today? >> she's pushing my patience. >> she says she continues to take her temperature twice a day. >> registered nurses from the bay area want tougher ebola safety precautions. they area planning a two day strike next month. they say they are moving quickly to be prepared for any ebola cases. tonight we're getting a look at what could be very well be the best halloween house in the bay area. all you have to do is take a look at her. wow. something happened. >> well you know liz i don't know how things are in san francisco. but they're mid evil here in the south bay. would be trick-or-treaters consider yourself warned. that candy is going to take more than just ricking a doorbell or a draw -- ringing a doorbell or a drawbridge. >> they're going to be attacked by all these men. they'll be coming over to drawbridge and entering the casting to take it over. >> check out this skeleton. >> this is an old couch that we made the best out of. some of the men are going to get caught and be put in shackles in here. in a holding tank and that will be torture going on. >> they have been working on the castle. details big and creepy since july. for two nights 20 actors will scare the day lights out of anyone skeeking candy. and of course it -- seeking candy. and of course it's always a good idea to send a scared reporter to this house. >> it's going to be fun. the kids are going to be thinking they can go that way but they can't. >> i was ready to jump. >> there are still a few details to be worked out. the good news is because halloween is falling on friday this year, this haunted house will be open friday night and saturday night for people to come and check it all out. back to you. >> it is so creative and that's actually that man's house. >> that is that man's house. you are looking at his driveway and there's a garage somewhere back there and it's an act all house. there's a kitchen that functions. >> the detail is just amazing. it's outrageous. >> the flags out on top of this castle up here each have a specific meaning. it's very interesting. >> how fun is that. all right be careful out there. >> you know what you can say, that man's house is haunted. >> there you go. >> wait till you see christmas wow. >> all right we got some rain moving in for halloween. we got some rain moving in for the parade tomorrow. much needed rainfall but here we come. tomorrow morning you wake up and the rain is almost here. throughout the day it is going to pour tomorrow. good news, but perhaps not the best timing. fremont 58. san rafael 55. warmer because we're cloudy and we're humid ahead of the front. parade tomorrow starts at noon. it will be raining. the rain will hang on later. scattered showers left widespread rainfall. an umbrella for the kids if they're headed out trick-or-treating. the rain has made it to ring. eventually this guy is going to slam right on through giving us rain and wind tomorrow morning. pretty wet for the morning commute. then behind the front sometimes we get sunshine once the rain is done. not this time. look at future cast here. the rain begins. the heaviest rainfall right before the lunch hour. it's going to be quite stormy in the south bay. then the rain showers continue through friday evening. here's the best part, the much needed rainfall, more than half of an inch in the east bay. in north bay, you may get an inch of rain tomorrow. so rain likely for the start of the parade. it -- it will be wet for your morning commute. temperatures kept down for the rain. san jose 67. redwood city only 75 degrees. a high of 65 with rain likely in milpitas. few showers saturday morning. they we clear out. then sunday right on through the weekend we're looking very sunny and very dry. remember to fall back on sunday night. we got more news next. ,,,,,,,, ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. captured a lot more than it should have. a canadian woman looked on the internet and found t one of those google street view photos captured a lot more than it should have. a woman looked on the internet and found this. a photo of her leaning forward with chief her her clive lodge exposed. this time i really mean it. this one so well produced, it should be on paper view. giants got another world series. they earned it. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yeah, enough for two. gosh. try four, buddy. hmm, i'll take a dark roast. french vanilla, make it strong! the all new keurig 2.0 is here. brew for one, brew for all. hudson...oldest to start a game-7 at 39... so he had t baseball front and venter for as long as the -- center for as long as the giants remain the hot topic. he had the shortest outing since 1960. but he's a champion. here's the scene of kansas city last night. after signing in the season, he saw something. >> i didn't know the picture. i've never experienced something like this. these guys are amazing. they're my brothers. i love them to death. it was a whole team effort. we couldn't do this without each other. >> yeah indeed. giants could be heard around a lot of locker rooms from all over the bay area. >> i was enjoying it. i'm in san francisco now so it was awesome. >> you couldn't lose right? >> i'm in san francisco now. but we got do stick together now. they flew a 3-1 lead. kyle, second goal of the game tied it. shootout time, and jason he delivered. so it's up to patrick to extend the game. denied. capper, as the wild win, 4 3 in a shootout. -- 4-3 in a shootout. >> i don't want to be a buzz kill but it went all downhill from there. james made one shot. 8 turnovers. and it was show time. mellow with 25. new york spoiled the return of king jamgs. james had 17 points in the loss. he had one in the first half. >> after all this, just one. >> can you imagine the crowd? i paid hundreds of dollars for this? >> we're going to break. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, special live coverage of the parade of champions begins 1 tomorrow morning.. on air, d on kpix dot com. david letterman is next. it's going to rain tomorrow. see you tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, with the voice of an angel, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause )


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141031

,,,,,,,,,, [ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on, you can compare our progressive direct rates with our competitors' rates, so shopping is easy. you don't sound like flo. [high-pitched] yeah, i do. [ clears throat ] who you talking to? [ normal voice ] what? what's on your hand? noth-- my wedding ring. [chuckles] symbol of our love and understanding. comparing rates for you. now that's progressive. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! ning the lottery over and over again. we found out how they do it, coming up. you won a lot. >> no more. >> then when? >> how many times have you played the lottery and lost? these three have won it more than 200 times. are they really that lucky or is it something else? >> well they went to check this out and we have this exclusive. >> it's one of the winning lottery stores in the bay area. they have reported 212 winning tickets worth $600 or more in the past decades. different winners claiming -- owners claiming many winners. notice a theme? data obtained from the california lottery shows many of the most frequent winners in california are retailers. he is a mathematic professor. he conched the numbers for us and east mated if these store -- estimated if they are really buying their own tickets, they're spend ago fortune. >> -- spending a fortune. >> numbers like that are improbable. >> you can get lucky once. it could happen. if you won twice, you got have to have spent a lot of money on lottery tickets. >> the lottery cheap enforce meant officer said something called discounting may be at play. >> people who have judgments or leans it could be a child support payment. up fortunately they do -- unfortunately they talked a vantage of these situations. >> you two people are some of the biggest winners in california. >> like here after had half an hour of they nile and excuses, the owner finally fessed up. >> so you were buying his winning ticket? >> yes, i did. i don't make money off of it. >> he said claiming a ticket that is not really yours is a violation of the lottery regulation. another way some retailers could be claiming so many wins, is criminal. they could be cheating on customers in this sting they use a decoy winning ticket to test the retailers honesty. he says the bad apples are a minority. >> the routine testing we do has them at about 98 percent to 99 percent compliance. >> he says the lottery has tightening regulations to stop lottery cheating. the new rules went into affect in 2007. the very year his winning streak end eked. >> she show that you play, that's you right? >> no that's not me. >> this is from the lottery yeah. >> back to you. >> the bay area store owners denied buying discounted tickets from their kes mores. we have -- customers. it has been screening in inch by inch towards home and businesses. right away, they we got -- we got an update on what's going on. >> well today we learned from officials that the lava flow stopped then started and then stopped again. that really is the nature of the beast. it's hard to predict what will happen next. this is the main road here. this is where they predicted this hot lava flow would hit as early as friday. >> well we're moving the tail end of our gear. this is just the knickknacks and stuff. >> ken reed knows that his town is no match for the hot lava making it's way towards the main road. >> it's very much a monster. something you can't stop. it's going to do whatever it wants to co. >> it's exact path is unpredictable. it's been bull dozing every thing in it's path. today it slowed to a complete stop. but take a look from the air. the molten rock is less than a quarter mile away from businesses and homes. it's speed is only part of what frightens the locals. >> there's a feel that something is happening and it's hard to know when. >> it's pace has given people here time to pack and get out of the way. but not every one is ready. >> i'm not ready to evacuate. >> why not? >> because our houses aren't going to be safe once we leave. they can't keep our houses safe. >> would you rather stay in it? >> yeah. >> all around this community you'll see those kind of offerings. red flowers, people here hope that those will please the god east of the kohl cane no and people around here say don't mess with her. >> in the mean time today the hawaii national guard deployed 80 troops to keep the neighborhoods safe. >> i want to show you what we're dealing with here. he's in the direct path of this lava flow. all of this right here, these are lava rocks. people here know what they're dealing with. this is the environment this island is largely built on this. it doesn't make this lava flow any less intimidating. >> as you mention this isn't the first time this volcano has erupted. >> that's right. in the 1990s lava from the same volcano erupted and then it slithered into communities all along the south earn coast of the big island. so people here are very resilient but a lot of them here very anxious. >> i can see why. thank you. all right bay area, are you ready? -- paul quick hit paul quick h paul wrap paul wrap er plaza. it the forecast for the parade just changed. it did change. the timing of the rainfall arriving is now later. which means lit last later. it means it's going to be raining through that parade. we thought we would scoot through there but that's not the case. the heaviest rainfall, right on top of san francisco and right on top of that parade. so rather than a chance of showers we can now say showers and rain likely. it's poncho whether in the city tomorrow. here comes all the rain. it's going to get here by sunrise. it's going to be a very soggy sunday morning. all right thanks. joe live at civic center plaza right now. it's amazing how much they can get done in just a couple of days >> it really is. look at this really beautiful decoration here at city hall. the parade route will bring folks right here. the giants will be right here. right now city loaders don't know whether they're going to be facing hundreds of thousands or millions of people. one thing is for sure, they're going to get a lot of love. >> we're going to be here tomorrow. i actually work for the parade. i will be in the office building looking down at the parade. >> a float production company has been hard at work for the past two days designing, painting and building colorful floats. police are also getting ready. >> it's just electric guying. everyone is here and cheering. everyone is on the same page. it's really nice. everyone is really excited. especially the kids. i had to talk to both teachers and tell them my kids aren't going to be in class tomorrow. >> my message is school is open tomorrow. >> the school board commissioner is urging student students to stay in school tomorrow. she said they lost money back in 2006 because of students not showing up. >> i'm getting grief from my 9 lt dprard who wants to go to the -- 9th grader who wants to go to the parade tomorrow and we're saying no. >> they area going to have critical mass right after the parade. then after that, halloween. it's a busy friday for the city. >> do not get in a car. take public transportation. >> it will be very interesting to see how the city handles it. >> the main thing is it's going to be rainy. it's a wild card at this point. some people who didn't want to be on camera said they're coming down here. giants fever. >> all right thanks for that report. verizon is also getting ready. it's putting up a couple extra towers for all of the social media frenzy. the parade will end right there at city hall. bart, caltrain, both adding extra trains tomorrow. the ferry will be running extra boats. we will have a special live coverage of the parade beginning tomorrow at 11:00. tomorrow morning if you can't get to a tv, we'll also be streaming it live commercial free on three men attacked a woman who was taking out here trash. here are the police sketches of the suspects. they are in their early 20s. the woman said she had a bag of gar badge in her hand when the -- garbage in her hand when they threw her to the ground. they tried to take off her close, she screamed and they ran off. drivers may recognize the work of a very busy tagger. well so did the police. >> one man called art project around the bay area will end up costing $15,000 to clean up. >> it takes money to have to go out there and cover it up and fix the damage that he's done. >> lots of it. we saw 18-year-old williams handy work. they say he's tagged over 50 buildings other passes and utility passes all along the 101. >> there's two kind of different types of gra fitty. >> they say he's a tagger, one they won't v want to put a lid on -- they want to put a lid on. >> he's going to be punished. >> he gave himself up. he has a signature that sealed his arrest. back to you. well how did the detectives find this guy? they say one of this officers was investigating another case. if it wasn't for that investigation they say he'd still be mark his territory. the law just caught up to this guy just because of his ego. and the nurse goes outside to get some exercise. police run after her. she's suppose to be in quarantine. tonight the governor is ready t, introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ recorded this video: a biker.. part of a group of s... well it took a while but tonight the long arm of the law caught up with the guy who recorded this video. a biker doing wheelies, speeding, even taunting. an officer riding right next to him. tonight he faces charges. this happened on 680 earlier this month. investigators were able to find the guy because of all the information he posted online act the video: a second woman has come forward in the chp nude photo scandal. they report she talked to investigators today and he told them an officer might have taken a picture off her cell phone. the woman had been arrested for drunk driving. officers are being investigated for steeling through phones. tonight a nurse is making a point by going on a bike ride and going out for pizza. the problem? she is breaking her ebola quarantine. but the nurse says scenes trumps industrial. >> it could be the most photographs bike ride in a ride. they went out for an hour long ride with police in tow. it with was the second time he's ignored the quarantine. >> i am completely healthy. you could hug me, shake my hand. there is no way that i would give you ebola. >> and to prove her point, she shook hands with one of the reporters. maine's governor announce today negotiations with her have failed. >> so she just doesn't want any restrictions. >> and the fact that she took a bike ride today? >> she's pushing my patience. >> she says she continues to take her temperature twice a day. >> registered nurses from the bay area want tougher ebola safety precautions. they area planning a two day strike next month. they say they are moving quickly to be prepared for any ebola cases. tonight we're getting a look at what could be very well be the best halloween house in the bay area. all you have to do is take a look at her. wow. something happened. >> well you know liz i don't know how things are in san francisco. but they're mid evil here in the south bay. would be trick-or-treaters consider yourself warned. that candy is going to take more than just ricking a doorbell or a draw -- ringing a doorbell or a drawbridge. >> they're going to be attacked by all these men. they'll be coming over to drawbridge and entering the casting to take it over. >> check out this skeleton. >> this is an old couch that we made the best out of. some of the men are going to get caught and be put in shackles in here. in a holding tank and that will be torture going on. >> they have been working on the castle. details big and creepy since july. for two nights 20 actors will scare the day lights out of anyone skeeking candy. and of course it -- seeking candy. and of course it's always a good idea to send a scared reporter to this house. >> it's going to be fun. the kids are going to be thinking they can go that way but they can't. >> i was ready to jump. >> there are still a few details to be worked out. the good news is because halloween is falling on friday this year, this haunted house will be open friday night and saturday night for people to come and check it all out. back to you. >> it is so creative and that's actually that man's house. >> that is that man's house. you are looking at his driveway and there's a garage somewhere back there and it's an act all house. there's a kitchen that functions. >> the detail is just amazing. it's outrageous. >> the flags out on top of this castle up here each have a specific meaning. it's very interesting. >> how fun is that. all right be careful out there. >> you know what you can say, that man's house is haunted. >> there you go. >> wait till you see christmas wow. >> all right we got some rain moving in for halloween. we got some rain moving in for the parade tomorrow. much needed rainfall but here we come. tomorrow morning you wake up and the rain is almost here. throughout the day it is going to pour tomorrow. good news, but perhaps not the best timing. fremont 58. san rafael 55. warmer because we're cloudy and we're humid ahead of the front. parade tomorrow starts at noon. it will be raining. the rain will hang on later. scattered showers left widespread rainfall. an umbrella for the kids if they're headed out trick-or-treating. the rain has made it to ring. eventually this guy is going to slam right on through giving us rain and wind tomorrow morning. pretty wet for the morning commute. then behind the front sometimes we get sunshine once the rain is done. not this time. look at future cast here. the rain begins. the heaviest rainfall right before the lunch hour. it's going to be quite stormy in the south bay. then the rain showers continue through friday evening. here's the best part, the much needed rainfall, more than half of an inch in the east bay. in north bay, you may get an inch of rain tomorrow. so rain likely for the start of the parade. it -- it will be wet for your morning commute. temperatures kept down for the rain. san jose 67. redwood city only 75 degrees. a high of 65 with rain likely in milpitas. few showers saturday morning. they we clear out. then sunday right on through the weekend we're looking very sunny what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil we'll fight back at the this cfirst sign of sick. no more feeling coughy, mucusy...just...yucky. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. is this about me? ♪ saffect over 1 million homes a year and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too! captured a lot more than it should have. a canadian woman looked on the internet and found t one of those google street view photos captured a lot more than it should have. a woman looked on the internet and found this. a photo of her leaning forward with chief her her clive lodge exposed. this time i really mean it. this one so well produced, it should be ♪ oh no, we have a dress code here, and it's not see through. next! whoa, this is a lunchbox, not a halloween bag. so sorry - this lunchbox is already at capacity. rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? 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[voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream, is it? nope. sorry! you know that thing freaks me out. he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive. how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single, sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. mattress discounters veterans day sale ending? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! four years interest free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. the veterans day sale is ending soon! ♪ mattress discounters how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single, sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. hudson...oldest to start a game-7 at 39... so he had t baseball front and venter for as long as the -- center for as long as the giants remain the hot topic. he had the shortest outing since 1960. but he's a champion. here's the scene of kansas city last night. after signing in the season, he saw something. >> i didn't know the picture. i've never experienced something like this. these guys are amazing. they're my brothers. i love them to death. it was a whole team effort. we couldn't do this without each other. >> yeah indeed. giants could be heard around a lot of locker rooms from all over the bay area. >> i was enjoying it. i'm in san francisco now so it was awesome. >> you couldn't lose right? >> i'm in san francisco now. but we got do stick together now. they flew a 3-1 lead. kyle, second goal of the game tied it. shootout time, and jason he delivered. so it's up to patrick to extend the game. denied. capper, as the wild win, 4 3 in a shootout. -- 4-3 in a shootout. >> i don't want to be a buzz kill but it went all downhill from there. james made one shot. 8 turnovers. and it was show time. mellow with 25. new york spoiled the return of king jamgs. james had 17 points in the loss. he had one in the first half. >> after all this, just one. >> can you imagine the crowd? a broader mix of energies, world needs to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. special live coverage of the parade of champions begins 1 tomorrow morning.. on air, d on kpix dot com. davi,,,,,,,,,,,


Judith Reed | Obituary | Logansport Pharos Tribune

Judith Reed passed away. This is the full obituary where you can share condolences and memories. Published in the Logansport Pharos Tribune on 2024-06-10.


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