Among this week s headlines: A new study looks at the chilling effect of book bans on new book purchases; author George M. Johnson reflects on being targeted by book banners; new state bills are again targeting the freedom to read; and a look at the early numbers from the newly operational Copyright Claims Board
Name Change of Jacqueline Diaz.
tion in the above-entitled matter will
be filed with the Clerk of District
Court for Ward County, North Dako-
ta, requesting an Order changing the
name of Jacqueline Diaz (current
full, legal name) to Jacqueline
Kunze (requested full, legal name).
Pursuant to N.D.C.C. 32-28-02, thir-
ty days previous notice of the in-
tended application must be given in
the official newspaper printed in this
county. You are hereby notified that
thirty days after publication, peti-
tioner intends to file a petition re-
questing entry of the Court’s Order