Chennai Photo Biennale - Edition III announces first list of artists and curatorial concept
Tobias Zielony, From Haus der Jugend , 2017.
.-Chennai Photo Biennale announced yesterday at a virtual event the first list of artists, collaborative projects and the curatorial concept for the upcoming edition. This would have been the month, CPB Foundation opened the 3rd Edition of the Chennai Photo Biennale but amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biennale was postponed to December 2021 from its original schedule of December 9, 2020 - February 6, 2021. The announcement made yesterday marks this month with the first reveal of the plans for the upcoming edition.
The curatorial team working on this edition consists of Arko Datto (Kolkata), Bhooma Padmanabhan (Chennai), Boaz Levin (Berlin) and Kerstin Meincke (Essen).