Another race or religion. And then i had another trial after this was done in another jurisdiction that shall go unnamed, and i would say there were maybe 5 percent of the jurors, potential jurors, who had had meaningful contact with a person of a different race or ethnicity and thats really what this is about. One of my least favorite words is the word tolerance because, you know, i tolerate Brussel Sprouts but if you simply tolerate the diversity that is america, you are going to, you are aspiring for mediocrity. When we have, and this gets back to your question, when we have leaders that embrace diversity and that build a culture that says, you know what, if you want to compete in the Global Economy tomorrow, pal, youve got to embrace diversity. Why does cocacola write a brief to the United States Supreme Court and General Motors and microsoft on issues of diversity and Higher Education . Because they know if they want to get ahead, theyve got to embrace that diversity. If they want
Tough conversations, in the case of oakland i know for sure, around things like race with an African American male focus in that community because its appropriate for that community, and the way all these things link together. So certainly bullying and harassment is an avenue into transforming the way schools work. Just like discipline is an avenue into transforming the way schools work, as is standards and good assessments, it is how all these things fit together to ensure that students feel safe to learn but that what they are learning are the rigorous courses and skills and they are challenged enough to stay in school, graduate, and meet our president s goal were going to lead the world when it comes to College Graduates again. In our remaining 6 1 2 but ill say 8 minutes, i want to recognize tom ammiano who walked in, tony, im going to put you on the spot first just because i was so upset you left us when i was mayor and we tried to keep you, but im so happy for oakland. But, tony,
Okay . I usually come in after bad things have happened. And we were picking the jury and ill never forget it, it was about a 6 or 7week trial, 1992 or Something Like that, 91, and it was remarkable to me because we did a questionnaire because the case had a lot of publicity. And id say 99 percent of the people noted, the potential jurors noted they have daily and meaningful contact with a person of another race or religion. And then i had another trial after this was done in another jurisdiction that shall go unnamed, and i would say there were maybe 5 percent of the jurors, potential jurors, who had had meaningful contact with a person of a different race or ethnicity and thats really what this is about. One of my least favorite words is the word tolerance because, you know, i tolerate Brussel Sprouts but if you simply tolerate the diversity that is america, you are going to, you are aspiring for mediocrity. When we have, and this gets back to your question, when we have leaders that
Look the other way. So, again, its a hard question to answer in ways that are other than anecdote. There have been survey data and things of that nature, but i feel uncomfortable saying unequivocally this is what we know, these are the trends. I like to be evidence based and im not sure the evidence allows that. Roslyn, challenges to you and secretary duncan. For the first time you can see data for the first time about the discipline and students referred to Law Enforcement, suspensions more than once. On the bullying and harassment we are also collecting for the First Time Ever data on the number of incidents of students disciplined for bullying and harassment. They are not exactly reliable. Lots of folks arent collecting this. Our collection is at the school level so you could go and see all this data that pop out in nice graphs for the First Time Ever and look at schools in your community. There were in the sample, it covers about 85 percent of the nations schools this year were in
What this is about. One of my least favorite words is the word tolerance because, you know, i tolerate Brussel Sprouts but if you simply tolerate the diversity that is america, you are going to, you are aspiring for mediocrity. When we have, and this gets back to your question, when we have leaders that embrace diversity and that build a culture that says, you know what, if you want to compete in the Global Economy tomorrow, pal, youve got to embrace diversity. Why does cocacola write a brief to the United States Supreme Court and General Motors and microsoft on issues of diversity and Higher Education . Because they know if they want to get ahead, theyve got to embrace that diversity. If they want to continue to be a fortunes 50 company, theres got to embrace diversity. Similarly if we want to get down to the local level and address this issue, weve got to teach our kids that the sooner that you embrace difference and understand that your muslim classmate or your seat classmate or you