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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20160509

one of them dotting the earth for ten miles, damaging rooft rooftops, tossing debris. at least five people injured. in this hour, we're monitoring the latest activity as the sun setting heats things up again. you see the yellow and orange in the middle of your screen. that's been off and on during the day. at the end of the day, we will often see that hallmark red color come back. meteorologist maria molina with us. you brought us some of that eye-popping video. now that we see the classic red boxes there on the map, in the midsection of the united states, what are we looking at? >> those are tornado matwatcheso it means that thunderstorms that form have the possibility of forming tornados and large hail and cause some dangerous lightning and localized flash flooding and potential damaging wind gusts. so those are concerns for tornados. this will be continuing into the nighttime hours. that is what makes the storm so dangerous out there as well. across oklahoma, you still have a tornado watch in effect. some of which could be very intent. in southwest oklahoma, we're tracking a storm that's heading towards the lawson, oklahoma, area. there's some rotation with this storm. we could potentially see a tornado come down. nowhere from oklahoma to kansas, northern parts of texas. even through far southern areas of nebraska. you could have that threat for severe weather and tornados, so it's important that everyone stay weather alert. and tornado warnings. so that's something to know is very important. >> well, i do know, maria, just from watching today, and i want to preface this by saying you're in a live vehicle obviously driving in all of this so we could lose some of your audio. it's a little spotty, but you're bringing us a lot of the live view. that half mile wide tornado that touched down in colorado. i know a lot of people right now are in shelters. >> they should be in shelters. particularly if they're under a tornado warning. anywhere from kansas down through oklahoma and northern texas, there's a lot of wind shear. people need to seek shelter when there's a tornado warning. right now, we also have some yellow boxes. so you also need to seek shelter, whether it's on the side of the road or just stay home. ideally, you are home and not dealing with this rough weather across kansas, oklahoma, and northern texas. >> all right, maria, stay safe out there. we appreciate it. thank you very much. i mentioned that we're in the heart of the season. actually, historically, it begins around february or so. what we saw so far this year was a very active early season. february was very active with a number of twisters confirmed up. and march and april about average. so now we're entering that heart of the season and things will start to heat up literally, and we'll keep on it for you. also, often the clearest visuals we get will happen overnight. when you tune in in the morning for fox & friends, watch for our continuing coverage of the storm systems moving across our nation's midsection. and now fox news is america's election headquarters. there are two people who are most likely at this point to represent their parties in november, and we are already getting a preview, a taste of how donald trump and hillary clinton will compete. trump accusing hillary clinton of enabling her husband's past infidelities with women. mrs. clinton trying to paint trump as not competent enough to occupy the oval office. even before the presumptive nominees are official, here is a bit of what may lie ahead. >> she's trigger happy. look at this. i just wrote this down. iraq. libya. she wrote it. iraq. let's go into iraq. i voted against it, except i was a civilian, so nobody cared. >> i don't see donald trump having any kind of coherent foreign policy or theory of national security. he kind of makes statements that i find concerning. >> in the history of politics, hillary clinton's husband abused women more than any man that we know of in the history of politics. >> i cannot imagine a starker choice on the economy. i mean, honestly, donald trump actually says that wages are too high in america. i have no idea who he's talking to, do you? >> a super pack supporting hillary clinton reportedly preparing a 90-plus million ad campaign against trump in key battleground states. we're watching what could be an important meeting shaping up between donald trump and house speaker paul ryan set for later on this week on thursday as republicans struggle to unite heading into the general election. ryan had said he's not ready to back trump at the moment, leaving trump to respond that he felt blind sided by that comment, and now former alaska governor sarah palin, a trump supporter, is promising to actively help bump paul ryan out of the u.s. house. how? she says she'll support a candidate who's challenging ryan in wisconsin primary this summer. rich edson has more from washington. rich? >> reporter: good evening, harris. presumptive republican nominee donald trump is urging skeptical republicans to rally around him. several high-profile republicans have refused to endorse and are even opposing trump. while senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is promising to support the republican nominee, house speaker paul ryan says he has reservations. ryan has invited trump to meet thursday with congressional leaders in washington. conservatives say they're concerned about trump's positions on a host of issues like trade, taxes, spending, and foreign policy. though trump's convention manager says it is up to republicans to support trump. >> he's the head of the republican party. he wants the party to get behind him and support him. there's never been a candidate nominee for president of the united states who had every republican supporting him and everybody accepting every single position of the presidential candidate. >> many in the republican establishment appear to be passing on the 2016 general election. mitt romney, presidents h.w. and george w. bush and former trump rival jeb bush all say they're skipping the convention in cleveland. all republican candidates signed a pledge this fall promising to support the eventual nominee. while trump negotiates politics in the republican party, he's focusing more on democrats and his likely general election challenger hillary clinton. trump is criticizing clinton for her vote in favor of the iraq war, and defending himself against her attacks he mistreats women by referencing president bill clinton's affairs. harris? >> and we'll pick it up there. hillary clinton shrugging off that sharp attack from donald trump. she says she will not run an ugly race. that was on a sunday show today. while she has no public campaign events scheduled today, rival bernie sanders is getting a jump on new jersey, holding a rally at rutgers university ahead of the state's delegate-rich primary next month. kristin fisher is live for us in washington. kristin, what did clinton say in that interview about donald trump becoming the presumptive nominee? >> this was one of hillary clinton's first big interviews since trump became the presumptive nominee. since then, she claims that she's been hearing from a lot of republicans who now want to help her campaign. so instead of trying to link all republicans to trump, today we saw clinton really reach across the aisle to those republicans who continue to say never trump. >> when you have former presidents, when you have high-ranking republican officials in congress raising questions about their nominee, i don't think it's personal so much as rooted in their respect for the office and their deep concern about what kind of leader he would be. >> in that same interview, clinton was also asked about the ongoing fbi investigation into her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state. >> no one has reached out to me yet, but last summer, i think last august i made it clear i'm more than ready to talk to anybody any time. >> so according to clinton, the fbi has never reached out to her directly, but we did learn that they have already interviewed several of her top aides. >> real quickly, we mentioned that sanders had this rally in new jersey. any sign of him slowing down and supporting hillary clinton? well, you're laughing. so i'm going to guess there's not. >> we've been saying this for a while. no signs of that at all today. you know, harris, he's still attracting huge crowds to these rallies. hundreds of people waited in line to hear him speak at rutgers university. he sounded more defiant than ever. >> from now until the last primary, which will be in washington, d.c. on june 14th, we are going to fight for every single vote. if democrats want to have the strongest candidate against trump, they should look at those polls, because in every single one of them, we beat trump by a larger margin than does clinton. >> over the weekend, sanders scooped up about 30 more delegates in washington state. he was also hoping to win yesterday's caucuses in guam, but clinton won that by 20 points. so she's heading into tuesday's primary in west virginia with clinch the nomination, which is why she's now focused almost entirely on trump. >> yeah, you know, no matter how you multiply the numbers and carry the one, it sounds almost impossible for him to get the nomination. has anybody talked about what is it that bernie sanders wants? i'm dying to know. kristin, thank you. good to see you. we're live all day long on tuesday. democrats and republicans will go to the polls in west virginia and nebraska, respectively. live coverage here on fox news. right now thousands of people are homeless as a wildfire rages in canada. >> at first i thought well, maybe it will be a day or so and we'll be back. but as we're leaving, we see more and more of it, you know, we're going to be out for a while. >> and this is just not any fire. there are questions now of whether this will affect oil prices here. and a new development in the fight over bathrooms and the transgender community in north carolina. the state's governor responding to a demand and a deadline set by the justice department. plus, the fox news political insiders at the bottom of the hour. and did you call mom? >> hi, this is ft. lieutenant tricia luba. i wanted to give a shoutout to my mom liz peterson in boman, north dakota. i hope you and dad are enjoying the cruise. this is a first mother's day shoutout from your favorite child. love you and i look forward to seeing you in a couple months. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. wildfire alert. at least two people are dead in traffic accidents trying to escape a massive fire in alberta, canada. entire neighborhoods, gone. officials say it is burning out of control and will likely double in size as it reaches a major oil sand mine. some 88,000 people forced to leave their homes and everything behind, and now are living in shelters. >> all i thought is, dear lord, if you can get my child here safe, then i don't care. i was on my knees in the truck thinking, am i going to get from north to south? >> we knew if we stayed there was a bigger chance we wouldn't live. >> the fear, the uncertainty. will carr is with us. i was up in their part of the nation not too long ago. it is really dry up there coming into this season. >> that's right, harris. really perfect conditions for these wildfires. and this one is so big that smoke has settled down the past couple of days in iowa. this area did get some rain this afternoon, but it's really going to take firefighters months to get this fire out. it started and spread in alberta and now it's racing towards saskatchewan. those conditions that we mentioned, bone dry brush all over the place. there are strong winds. it's hot outside. more than 700 square miles have been scorched. 1,600 structures have been damaged or destroyed. more than 500 firefighters are currently on the ground, as one resident described it. it's armageddon in canada. homes have been burned. cars charred. others simply abandoned on the roadways. in ft. mcmurray, the power grid has been damaged. residents have been told not to drink the water. and it looks like the tens of thousands who have been forced to evacuate won't be able to get back to their homes any time soon. even the premier of alberta got emotional this weekend. >> this is mother's day. i'm hoping in all of this crisis to spend a few minutes today with my own children. that not all of us can do that is definitely an awful tragedy. so, today, mother's day, all of us in alberta are thinking of you who have suffered these losses. >> there's a slight chance of rain over the next five days in alberta. and boy, harris, do they need it now more than ever. >> no doubt. you said months to put that out. so you've given us the human element, which is the most important part. we're also, though, going to feel some aftereffects of this in terms of oil prices. how so? >> we already did. on thursday oil prices jumped. on friday, they went back down. economists tell us that over the long-term, the united states probably won't feel a major impact from this fire, but it's quite the opposite for canada. there's already estimates that this will be the most expensive natural disaster ever in the country's history. and they're already believing that the insurance cost here will be in the billions. harris? >> will, thank you very much. north carolina's governor says he will respond to the justice department's challenge, the choice to either get rid of the state's transgender bathroom law or face legal action. and he says he'll do it by tomorrow's deadline. right now, north carolina's law requires transgender people to use the restroom according to the sex, gender listed on their birth certificate. but the justice department says that violates federal civil rights laws. governor pat mccrory telling fox news sunday he's exploring "all legal options." >> i don't have the authority to change the laws as governor of the united states -- or as governor of north carolina. that is made by the north carolina legislature. so they've already made one unrealistic expectation. and second, they've also sent a letter to our universities and our university by state law has to go to the board of governors, which cannot meet until tuesday. so this unrealistic deadline by the federal government is quite amazing to the ninth largest state. but i'll make a decision within the next 24 hours. >> now, there are con flixs about how this could all play out. it is being reported, if it does not remove the law, it could risk losing federal funding. we'll stay on the story and update you as the news happens. an unexpected gift for moms with cancer. >> that meant heaven to me. that meant all the world. >> the surprise visit that put smiles on these patients' faces. and president george w. bush kicked off this year's invictus games with a promise to our veterans. >> as former commander in chief, what do you see your role as? >> i see my role as making sure our vets know that i'll never forget them. that in some ways, we're on the mothers supporting each other this mother's day weekend. volunteers in kansas city, missouri, cheered up cancer patients who are also moms. they showed up, surprise style, with gifts and positive words. the women had never met before. but after crying and laughing together, we understand they seemed like family. >> some of them just need to know that someone's here. that someone cares. >> it's a blessing that there's people out there that care. >> the patients say this was overwhelming and encouraging for them. the group is called giving hope and help. this year's invictus games now under way in florida, and they are a paralympic style competition for injured military personnel and veterans around the globe. former president george w. bush is honorary chairman tonight, and hosting a symposium on the invisible wounds of war. dr. mark segel, one of our members of our a-team here at fox news is live for us in orlando. and i know this is the first time that this has happened in the united states. a big deal. why? >> absolutely. the first time the invictus games have been here in the united states, and the symposium honors the issue of invisible wounds, which are six to seven times more common than visible wounds. i'm talk about post traumatic stress and dramatic brain injury. president bush and i talked about the stigma involved. he mentioned the issue that he thinks that attempts to heal these wounds should be bipartisan. >> absolutely, there should be no politics involved with helping the vets. these are people who are going to make this country of ours a lot stronger in the future. and to help them transition from the military to private life is a cause worthy of any citizen. >> mike rogio was in the navy and he fell and broke his neck. in recovering from this, he turned to swimming. you know, he's competing in the invictus games here and he told me that his swimming has gotten so good that he's no longer competing with those with spinal injuries. >> i feel so much more valuable. i love the fact that i'm able to come out here and represent the united states and serve again. i've repurposed myself. i'm an asset to the united states again. and i'm just elated. i can't imagine a higher accomplishment. >> harris, the issue here is getting the courage, like mike has, and overcoming your disability. looking to see yourself with a new normal. but also fighting the fear and the embarrassment of not being able to sleep at night, not having anxiety, and really, really not being afraid of focusing on the stigma and overcoming it. harris? >> also, it does something for the rest of us. it gives us a way to tap into where they go next. you heard that man talking about how he's repurposed and how he's an asset again. if employers are out there, people are able to see this as like their next move, their next wave of service. it's a beautiful thing. >> harris, he made it into the finals. he was hugging those around him. he said he beat somebody from germany. he was so happy. and you're right, it's infectious, and it's going to lead them back to work. harris? >> dr. siegel, thank you so much. the fox news insiders are next. and the likely general election match-up between hillary clinton and donald trump has already gotten nasty. but will we see a return to more normal politics as we wind down toward the general outside this unusual primary season? and we mark 71 years since the end of world war ii in europe. a warning about the new fight being brought to europe's doorstep by the islamic state. remember, we love it when you chime in and you tune in at the same time. hit us up on our fox news social pages, twi it is magic time. john leboutillier. pat caddell joining us via satellite. and doug schoan, a fox news contributor as well. doug, i'm going to start with you. we are now with two presumptive nominees rolling our way towards the general election. i want to get your thoughts on how it shapes up. irrespective of the polling and what people say. >> sure. >> just experience-wise, what you've seen. >> sure. here is what we have. hillary clinton begins with a slight five to ten-point lead. she has a clear advantage based on electoral history. there is, of course, a but. donald trump has the potential to expand and go into wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, ohio to bring in working class whites, get new registrants, get democrats to cross over. this election will be can trump make this about hillary, can hillary make this about trump. so far, advantage clinton. >> your head is shaking so hard, john. >> well, i agree with 98% of what doug said. >> 2%? >> the last thing was -- i slightly disagree. i think hillary's job is so make trump the issue in the campaign. if she does that, trump will lose the campaign. trump's job is not to make hillary the issue. it's a bigger issue. and this is what's beginning to be the key to this thing. can he make this a referendum on this question -- do you, america, believe that our economical system is rigged? say that's one more time. do you believe that the economic system in this country is rigged? that the powerful people, congress, wall street, even the media, have scratched their backs for each other and screwed everybody else? if you believe that, and our polling has shown that 89% of people agree with that statement. if trump makes it about that, he can win this election, and he can win it big. >> all right, so pat, here's what's interesting about that. people say that the economy once again is front and foremost. they had been saying maybe national security. but after the jobs numbers last week, 160,000 created last month. they're refocused on the economy. so then it is who can sell rigged system better than donald trump? >> well, that's exactly the point. we have a revolt going on in both parties. the american people will pick up, as john said, where we have 89% of the people believe it's rigged. we have the biggest issue tied with the economy. sometimes exceeding it. being corruption, the word that's never talked about. you can see what trump did with the rigging of the republican primaries after the rules, after wisconsin. and how he drove that in the majority in 60% territory. the country is against so many things. i think we're weak defense-wise. they think the economy, they're being screwed and it's getting worse. everything points to wanting an election of real change that's anti-establishment. hillary clinton is the establishment candidate. and she is the no change candidate. trump's problem is, is he too much change and irresponsible change? and that's where it will be. but i'll guarantee you, if this election ends up being on the basis of what the people believe, hillary clinton better worry. these phony polls like orcs, would show only 5% undecided. some you've got to stop and say what kind of polling is this? what a fraud. you and i know, if you look at polls and offer people a choice, a quarter of the electorate is either a third party, or is -- so they won't vote. there's hardly a stable election. >> to piggy back on pat, she is the personification of the status quo, the rigged game, the foundation, the money, the speaking fees, all of it. it reeks of insiderism. everything pat said about trump is correct. the donald needs to get off of some of the negative stuff, focus on what i just mentioned, the big picture. >> this is negative, it's just not about her. >> we need to get this fair and balanced. look, the republican party is hopelessly divided. you have two former presidents, the speaker of the house -- >> can i just point out, though, that the republicans now have got one candidate. how many do you have in your party? you have two. the answer is two. >> harris, give me a chance here. there may be another republican running. mitt romney was approached -- >> but that wouldn't be with the republican party. >> he would be running as a republican. >> he's reportedly getting looked at. i don't know how solid that is. >> that is -- it's doug point. how riven the republican party is, that they are seriously looking at running the third candidate just to ruin trump in the general election. >> i want to ask our producers. do we have time for the trump on clinton sound byte? can we run that real quick? let's watch. >> she's married to a man who hurt many women. he was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman. and she's going to take ads about little donald trump? i don't know. i don't think so, okay? i don't think so. and hillary was an enabler and she treat these women horribly. and some of these women were destroyed not by him, but by the way that hillary clinton treated them after everything went down. >> doug, status quo. rigged games. that's not where this is, but could this work against hillary clinton? >> you know, i don't think it will. look, i worked for bill clinton during the lewinsky scandal. he left office with the highest level of approval he ever had when that happened. secretary clinton was not an enabler of this. she was somebody who offered an occasional commentary. >> oh, you don't really believe that. >> i believe it with all my heart and soul. and donald trump has as high a negative as any presidential candidate has. and all this will do is drive the negative higher. >> i'm going to go back to you, pat. >> well, i just want to say if anyone doesn't believe that she was an enabler, i would like to sell them a bridge in new york. particularly one going to brooklyn. i mean, she was part of the whole orchestration against katherine willy, against the woman that accused bill of raping her, all of that stuff. but more importantly, politically, hillary clinton has thrown everything that bill clinton did under the bus. oh, except for the economy. then she wants to claim credit. this election -- let me finish, john, please. this election, her unfavorables are as high as his, almost as high as trumps, and the other problem she's got is all this other stuff coming and she's got to race with a candidate who has real commitment. and let me just say this. the conventional wisdom was stupid. we were right all along. the conventional wisdom today, which is all these meek people in the media, i'm just shocked at how ignorant they are, are saying those -- the electoral college is not a lot until it's a lot. >> they're playing your sound track, which means we have to take a break. >> hi, this is major mcfarland. i'm deployed to kosovo and i'd like to wish my mother-in-law willy mcfarland a happy mother's day. hi, momma, i love you so much, and i miss you. so, as we went to break, a little disagreement among the political insiders. pat caddell saying that the language that donald trump is having right now about bill clinton's past with infidelities and hillary clinton and so on and so forth actually is fair game. and john, you say yeah, but that doesn't matter. >> i think we need to go big here. the big picture, which is what i spelled out in the previous system, is the system, is the economy. >> can he do both? >> no. no. you really can't. you can get to hillary later about she's part of the problem. but first, we need to spell out the problem. and it fits in every demographic group. hispanic voters. he's got bad numbers with them. if he can convince the country to debate, whether the system is rigged, it's rigged against hispanics. and they're brought into this country, and they're being paid less. >> you were saying it was down to one four-letter word. >> jobs. jobs, jobs. trump is a jobs creator at a time when we have wage stagnation -- >> you realize you're a democrat, right? >> i'm an objective person analyzing, and candidly, that's how trump can move. yes, there's a lot of anger. pat's right about corruption. the system is rigged. but people want to know what's in it for them and it's jobs. >> hold on, pat, one sec. the other thing is the bernie sanders vote that is sitting there. they believe the same thing that we're talking about, that the system is rigged. >> his supporters. >> as pat often says, sanders and trump are eating from the same trough. other ends of it. but they're in the same thing. if trump slightly tweaks his message, i think he can get a big share of those votes. >> sanders says no way. >> i don't care what he says. those voters will decide what to get and they don't like hillary. >> he's already getting 10% of them. >> i want to talk about two things moving forward. i mentioned one of them. hold on, pat. if you had asked like six months ago, even six weeks ago if you thought the republicans would wrap up their side in terms of slimming down to one candidate before the democrats, people would never have believed it. doug, what's your opinion on that? >> here's the problem. it is going to go all the way to the convention. there will be a fight over the rules and the platform. it is bad for hillary. it's not fatal. but it is absolutely not what anyone expected. it's a huge opportunity for trump to do what we've been describing. >> all right, pat? >> yes. trump got a gift of two months. and no. nobody could have foreseen how he blew this out at the end, which he did. he blew it out. let me make a point. why he's got people who are breaking their oaths like bush, jeb bush and -- >> lindsey graham. >> the senior senator, who took an oath in south carolina. all of them did. stood on the first debate with fox and raised their hand saying when bret baier asked, they'd all support the nominee, because they never thought -- it's all right for them to break rules and to disobey their oaths. but let me tell you what the real problem here is. every exit poll many this election that i know of showed that a majority or plurality of republicans in every state believe their leaders had betrayed them. we have had a hostile takeover. the first time since 1896 when william jennings brian seized the democratic party with the speech, and it has been that hostile takeover was not engineered by donald trump, but by the voters of the republican party who were voting for carson and voting for cruz originally. all of these things, they sent this message, and the republican establishment and those people, conservatives, all of them could be put on a boat. the boat sunk at sea. no one would miss them. >> i'm stepping in with our viewers on twitter. >> they've got the wrong enemy. the enemy is the people in the republican party and in the democratic party for democrats. >> i'm going to step in with our viewers from twitter. tom tripp -- and this could be a problem for republicans and really for both parties, because we don't want people to sit at home. tom tripp says i will never vote again for a republican candidate if the party allows or promotes a third party candidate. they caused this. >> yeah, this could elect hillary. that is, i'm very happy as a democrat that the republican establishment is promoting mitt romney promoting discord. all good for the democrats. all good for hillary. and basically, the republican party being as divided as they are, prevents the consolidation. pat's right. the leaders are hated, but there's at least 30% of the party that they control. >> all right. real quickly, kevin ferguson says if trump makes the cost of college 100% tax deductible, he'll get the sanders voters. john? >> i hadn't thought of it, but maybe that's what ought to happen. that's what you do in a campaign. you figure out -- >> is that the art of the deal? >> who should he pick? >> he ought to pick kasich and win ohio. ♪ you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ no, you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. test test he can win ohio hand . a popular governor there. i think we have to look at the vp thing. there's two separate list. one is a bunch of politicians, kasich is one, who will not take it with trump. they will not run with trump, harris, because they look upon trump as a loser in november and they don't want to be on the ticket with him and go down the drain with him. the other candidates on the other list that you hear about, newt gingrich. >> right. >> chris christie, rick perry, they're all dead enders. they have no political future other than -- >> which is why trump should go to the outside, pick ben carson and run as a pure anti-establishment candidate, neutralize the race issue and offer a forward looking -- >> ben carson says he doesn't want to do anything. >> they all say no until they're asked. >> serendipity terry, says newt gingrich, which is one of the ones you chose. now i want to move onto the idea of where do we go next for the general election. ahead of that, pat, is the meeting thursday within the gop. should be words between house speaker paul ryan and donald trump this past week. now they're going to have a meeting with leadingship on the hill, then they'll have a breakoff meeting with the two men, ryan, trump, and reince priebus. your thoughts on what we could see? >> i think everybody's interests, those three of them, is to come out of there with some harmony and some agreement. ryan is giving cover. he has some problems with trump's divisions, but the problem is he is thinking establishment. trump is the anti-establishment. that's where the country and the republican party are. so there's got to be some give here, but trump is the nominee. so i expect they will come out of there. i think the real problem they've got to address is the -- what i call the contentions, they're all fable. that the electoral college is a lock. it's always locked until it's unlocked. that's what happened in '92 with the republican lock. the house and senate will go down the drain. there is no statistical evidence or any polling to suggest that that's true under any circumstance. and by the way, in 1972, 1984 when 49 states were lost by the losing candidate, the democrats lost -- won two states in both elections in the senate and won. >> doug, i want to talk to you about what's coming up on tuesday. >> sure. >> primaries in nebraska and west virginia. there's some questions i'm seeing it on twitter. if donald trump is the presumptive nominee, why do the primaries matter. >> he hasn't gotten to 1237 yet. >> he will get there. hillary clinton is likely to lose in west virginia to bernie sanders which further prolongs the race. >> my big question of the hour. what does bernie sanders really want? >> he wants influence. he wants more money and he wants to control the platform. >> how? is he running for president? >> yes. >> or a ce o because i can't tell? >> bernie sanders who blew it in the first debate secretly is counting on the fbi primary to be the thing that -- >> his wife said -- >> his wife has become more active as a spokeswoman and very effective, by the way. >> i think he's thinking, hey, if she gets hit with something, i'm the nominee. >> final thoughts, tweets and facebook postings next. [woodworker] i live in the fine details. that's why i run on quickbooks. i use the payments app to accept credit cards... ...and everything autosyncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. that's how i own it. final thoughts. this tweet came from pat and peter. ask the insider, should donald trump finally apologize to veterans for his mccain/pow comment. john, what's yours -- >> my life is the issue of the pows left behind in have i et namp. i happen to know for a fact that donald trump is very supportive of that issue. that comment he made was at mccain. a lot of republicans don't like mccain. i don't think donald meant any disparagement of the pows and i think he would clarify it. >> simply he should apologize. it was an outriej gous and inappropriate comment. he should apologize. >> moving on. this week i mentioned the gop is having their big meeting. do you think that speaker ryan is losing any credibility in this process of going back and forth with donald trump? >> yes. >> remember what happened to the other 16 people that went up against donald trump? >> i think he is a force that is running to the republican party but he's also trying to factor in what the conventional wisdom of republican office holders is. trump is going to get annihilated in november and they don't want to be attached to that. they want to survive it. >> doug? >> they have down ballot races for senate and congress and despite what pat says, they are all extremely nervous. they want to have an ente entem corgiale. >> if he ends up in the white house, it will be interesting to see if he is a friend. >> it is monday may 9 td. blind sided. donald trump fighting back against paul ryan for saying he wasn't ready for support the party's presumptive nominee. >> it is politics. i am never stunned anything that happens in politics. i was blind sided because he spoke to me three weeks ago, it was a very nice talk. very encouraging talk. >> it could be sarah palin to the rescue? >> deadly storms, tornado and hail wreaking havoc. she is live on the ground tracking the rain for us. >> cruz ship collision. the dramatic moments occurs crashes into the platform crushing everything in its path. ♪ >> the sound of sunshine. not quite out yet in new york city. good morning to all of you. you are watching "fox and friend first on this monday morning. i am abby hunts man. >> i am heather childers. thank you for starting your day with us. we begin with donald trump. he's after an endorsement brushoff presuch tive nominee. he is meeting with house speaker paul ryan face to face. >> kristin fisher is life in washington, d.c. with the latest from the campaign trail this morning. good morning. >> good morning. an all out civil war has erupted within the republican party. lindsey graham and mitt romney saying they will skip it over the weekend. house speaker paul ryan said he is just not ready to support trump. the two are scheduled to meet for thursday on capitol hill. thursday trump made the rounds on the sunday shows and didn't sound too concerned about making peace with party leaders. he refused to rule out blocking paul ryan from


Transcripts For MSNBCW Way Too Early 20160607

morning and hundreds of delegates up for grabs both campaigns slammed on the brakes. clinton's campaign called it an important milestone. and her account tweeted, they're flattered but last night she didn't declare victory and sanders vowed to fight on. >> i've got to tell you according to the news we are in the brink of a historic -- historic, unprecedented moment. but we still have work to do, don't we? we have six elections tomorrow. and we're going to fight hard for every single vote, especially right here in california. >> and if we can't win here in california, win in south dakota, montana, new mexico, do well in new jersey, we're going to go in to that convention with enormous momentum. >> both campaigns finished up the eve of the election with massive events and celebrity friends. bernie sanders brought on david matthews to play for the 10,000 sanders supporters who gathered in sight of the golden gate bridge and hillary clinton sold out a fund-raiser hosting nearly 6,000 people with guests like ricky martin, john legend, christina aguilera, stevie wonder and cher and many more. but what everyone is waiting to see is how last night's call will impact today's turnout. and one sanders staffer says they're hoping it will energize the supporters. one more thing, for first time in weeks hillary clinton took questions from the media, gagling with them in compton. and bernie sanders got caught up in a testy exchange with "the new york times" reporter at the outset of a news conference when she asked about the implications of him not leaving the race. >> what do you say -- >> excuse me. >> what do you say to those -- staying in the race? >> excuse me, ma'am. >> answer the question. >> well, your hands are up as well. you have a question? >> what do you say -- you staying in the race -- what do you say to those that you staying in the race is sexist and -- >> is that a serious question? >> yes. >> that any woman runs for president, your question implies that any woman that any person, any woman who is running for president is by definition the best candidate. so any woman who runs? >> but you have to -- >> to say it's sexist, that a any -- so if hillary clinton runs for president is your point that it is sexist for any man to oppose her? >> no, my point is if she has more delegates than you tomorrow -- >> well, that's another point. i don't think it's sexist. >> donald trump has doubled down on his attacks on the judge overseeing the case involving his for profit real estate course, trump university. bloomberg politics reports that on a conference call with surrogates, trump demanded they intensify their attacks on the judge and others involved in the case. according to bloomberg, trump said we will overcome and i have always won and i'm going to continue to win and that's the way it is. it goes on -- when former arizona governor jan brewer interrupted the discussion to inform trump his own surrogates were asked to stop talking about it, he overruled it and he said, throw it the hell out. trump said are there any other stupid letters that are sent to you folk, meaning directly sent from his campaign. quote, that's the one -- that's one of the reasons i want to have this call because you guys are getting sometimes stupid information from people that aren't so smart. speaking with reporters, corey lewandowski said he wouldn't share details of the private call which covered multiple topics. only that trump gave the individuals on the call the understanding and the background of the case. that it should have been dismissed on summary judgment. the bloomberg report was not accurate he said, but refused to specify the inaccuracies. last night, trump spoke with fox news host bill o'reilly who called on judge curiel to recuse himself to remove doubt. >> if he recuses himself i think it would be interesting. i think the judge is an honest man, i don't think he's hosing you. i really don't. i've checked him. >> i want him to be. mexican or not mexican i want him to be -- all i want him to do is give him a fair shake. when we have thousands of people -- why do this continue to go forward? much of the focus has been on donald trump calling the american born judge curiel a mexican. despite his being an american born in indiana. according to bloomberg politics report of his campaign conference call, trump decried allegations of racism and he said the people asking the question, those are the racists. i would go at them. he said that the campaign should also actively criticize television reporters, quote, i'd let them have it. he said. that's where i come in. because donald trump has already called me a racist. 11 months ago i wrote a story that called out trump's baldly racist xenophobia and he sent me a note, quote, jonathan, you are the racist. not i. get rid of your hate. best wishes, donald trump. well, trump is vowing to fight on against the trump university lawsuit he is finding himself increasingly alone in defending his attacks on the federal judge especially among republicans. senator and trump critic ben sasse tweeted public service announcement saying someone can't the a specific job because of his or her race is the literal definition of racism. senator lindsey graham said this is the most un-american thing from a politician since joe mccarthy. in anyone was looking for an off ramp this is probably it. there will come a time when the love of country will trump hatred of hillary. others weighed in. >> look, of course it's inappropriate to be attacking a federal judge's race or ethnicity. you have to ask donald to explain the things he says he does. i'm not going to do. so. >> look, i continue to have strong disagreements with. and i'm disturbed by the way he keeps referring to this judge, an american, born in indiana, who he continues to raise issues about. i hope he'll stop doing that. but that's what the voters -- that's the choice that the voters have given us and we'll see what happens. tropical storm colin made land fall late last night. it's expected to dump ten inches of rain in florida and georgia today. state of emergency was issued for 34 counties in florida. it caused some flooding and it clocked winds around 50 miles per hour. meteorologist bill karins will have much more on the developing storm in just a little bit. now let's turn to business where federal reserve chair janet yellin struck a positive note on the economy, warning that investors shouldn't overreact to the disappointing jobs report. cnbc's louisbo back track on the hard work that the fed has done in giving the markets the potential rate. the markets are readings, they have pulled way back after that disappointing reading we were talking about on friday. but as you say, yellin's comments yesterday underscore not putting too much weight on just the reading of this one jobs report. she is basically saying that it is disappointing, but don't put too much significance into the payroll's data in isolation. you have to look at all of the data together and she's still keeping an open door to the possibility of a fed rate hike. now when you look at the money market futures themselves, before the payrolls were in the 60% of a rate hike by july, a 30% before yellin's comments and now we're looking at a 20% chance by july again. by next month after these comments came through. so we're moving with yellin at the moment. >> louisa bojesen, i promise to get your name right one of these days. live from london, thank you. turning to sad news this morning for one of america's best known civil rights families. helen chavez, the widow of cesar chavez who founded the american form workers association has passed away at 88. she kept the books in the union and served as the activist alongside her husband. known to shy away from the spotlight she spoke publicly about justice for farm workers telling the l.a. times, quote, i was a farm worker and i know what it's like to work in the field. chavez is said to have passed away from natural causes and is survived by seven of her eight children. 31 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. in los angeles, a jury has recommended ten death sentences for a serial killer known as the grim sleeper. 63-year-old lonnie franklin jr. was convicted last month of ten murders between 1985 and 2007. in court prosecutors said most of franklin's slayings fit the similar pattern where the women were either fatally shot, choked or both. after the verdict was read yesterday, families of some of the victims reacted to the news. >> he'll never get out to hurt anybody else. justice has been served. finally, it's over. it's just -- it's relief. >> his formal sentencing is scheduled for august 10th. the mother of the 3-year-old boy who fell into the gorilla exhibit at the cincinnati zoo a week and half ago won't face federal charges. the boy climbed over a barrier and fell 15 feet into the exhibit and zoo workers shot and killed the gorilla out of fear for the child's life. and an ohio prosecutor announced yesterday that the investigation revealed that the mother was not negligent. >> if anyone doesn't believe a 3-year-old can scamper off very quickly, they have never had kids. because they can. and they do. >> after being closed since the incident the zoo plans to reopen the gorilla exhibit today with a more secure public barrier. still ahead on "way too early" the creators of hbo's fictional comedy veep has given one an all too real website. and we're only months way from the olympics, but curry is sitting it out. those stories and a check on weather when "way too early" comes right back. game 4 of the stanley cup finals was tonight on nbc. it was the pittsburgh penguins versus san jose sharks. [ cheers and applause ] i saw that before tonight's game members of metallica performed the star spangled banner. yeah, hockey and metallica. even donald trump was like, that's too white. it's just a little bit too white. i noticed the announcer for if pittsburgh penguins sounded familiar. >> look at this family of penguins. >> sounded familiar to me. >> they better score soon. >> that's right. >> or the bookie will be owed a lot of money. it's how i try to live... how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want thout the calories you don't... trboost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minera and 10 grams of protein. and it's available in two new flavors, vanilla caramel and double chocolate fudge. i'm noabout to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. ♪ ♪ ♪ that's life. you diet. you exerci. anif you still need help lowering yr blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along wi diet and exercise... jaiae works around the clock... to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak upon staing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effec that can be life-threatening. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right awayf you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergireaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and ffulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are genital yeast infections, kidney problems, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections which may beerious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insin may cause low bld sugar. tellllour doctor about all the medicines you take and ifou have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for more information, visit jardiance.m real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of th. there is only one ace where al and amazing live. seaworld. re. amazing welcome back to "way too early." time now for sports. and sad news out of the world of mixed martial arts. kevin ferguson, better nope as kimbo slice, has died at the age of 42. slice was reportedly hospitalized for undisclosed reasons monday near his home in south florida. the news of his passing was confirmed by bellator mma, the organization for whom he fought. the president scott corker said in a statement, kimbo was a charismatic, larger than life personality that transcended the sport. he was featured in rugged backyard brawl videos during the mid 2000s. classi classified as a heavyweight, he had a professional record of 5-2. he last fought on february 19th in a match resulting in a no contest after slice tested positive for steroids. there's no official word yet on a cause of death. turning now to the ice where the penguins and the sharks in game 4 of the stanley cup finals. metallica was an electric rendition of the star spangled banner before the teams faced off last niegtz. and in the game, the pens now just one win away from hoisting the stanley cup after skating out to a 3-1 series lead with the victory last night. pittsburgh's yevgeny malkin scored one goal before eric fehr put it out of reach. two-goal win over the sharks. game 5 is thursday in pittsburgh. in olympic headlines, usa basketball has to compete without back-to-back mvp's stef curry. he said he's withdrawn his name for team usa's roster citing a desire to instead spend the summer off season, recouping recent ankle injuries. in major league baseball the astros and the rangers tied at five. the bottom of the ninth inning. >> this one is hit the other way. hit well. back to the wall, that one bounces past him. beltre to third. headed to the plate and the rangers walk off. >> the rangers odor now famous for slugging bautista earlier this season, slugs a double, good for the victory. but he's scrappy even after producing the game winning hit. he comes out of the celebratory scrum with a bloody lip. finally, elliott avant was ejected in third inning yesterday for arguing a call made by plate umpire scott higgins. well, he still had plenty to say after charging out of the dugout. he tossed his cap and he screamed at the ump. when another official tried to keep him away, the coach used a nifty spin move to plead his case. well, that would be good on "dancing with the stars." >> that move right there. we love fired up little guy, don't we, jonathan? how about -- >> absolutely. >> how about the respect from the umpire. he was a big guy and he stood there and took it. >> a big dog looking at little puppy. >> go away, right? colin just about done. the hurricane center will stop tracking it. it looks like a rain maker and in south carolina you have cleared out, northern florida you have cleared out. some areas of showers and also some thunderstorms along i-4. here's the update from the 5:00 update from the hurricane center. for the most part, we're now just watching wind at 50 miles per hour at most. that's out in the open waters and it's going to continue to exit here. the other thing we'll be watching is central florida, maybe a risk of the isolated strong thunderstorm or two. but we're not dealing with many. it's not like widespread or anything like that. and then further to the north, the outer banks look to clear out by 10:00 a.m. to noon is when we'll be completely done up here to the north. so that's good news also. it's about 110 miles northeast of jacksonville, florida, at the current time. as far as the path goes it does take it well out into the open atlantic here as we go into the daytime hours here. colin just about done. very little impact if any. the only other story is this cold front kicking through the northeast. that is going to bring us the chance of some showers and thunderstorms. maybe a few severe storms. hartford, northward to springfield, manchester and portland included in the timing of that it will be typical late afternoon storms. jonathan, once this cold front goes through, great lakes today, mid-atlantic over the next couple of days almost going to feel like early spring. cool mornings, very enjoyable days. a break before that summer heat returns. >> you know what i'm thinking, bill, so i'm going to leave it alone. >> still ahead on "way too early" -- >> sometimes it makes me sad evan being gone. some birds aren't meant to be caged. their feathers are too bright. >> the new york inspector general might not agree with morgan freeman. a new report shows how one prison break did compare to "shawshank redemption." we're back in a moment. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up wha's that make mmy do? (doorbell) what's that? swfer wetjet. much stuff coming u this is amazing woah. this iw.amazing w i feel more like making a mess is part of gring up. stop cleaning. srt swiffering. now that i work there, i value dothe food even more. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, preservatives and it's made with real chicken. i'm proud to make dog cw natural in davenport, iowa. ♪ experiencehe thrill of i'm proud to make dog cw natural in davenport, iowa. the lexus gs f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. now let's get a check on the morning's other headlines. for that of course we head to the control room and louis burgdorf. >> good morning. new york's inspector general has released new details about the prison break that took place last year. it seems the escaped inmates had "shawshank redemption"ed on their minds. david sweat and richard matt broke out almost exactly a year ago after being recaptured, sweat compared it to the film. telling investigators we were laughing and joking about how andy did it in 20 years. i think we might be able to do it in ten. the inspector general's report said they left dummies in the bed and notes for the prison staff. including mob boss of tony soprano that said time to go kid and the date written on it. the playboy mansion has found a buyer. next door neighbor darren metropolis bought the home for well below the $200 million asking price. he's the 32-year-old son of a billionaire business mogul. it was purchased by playboy enterprises for over $1 million back in 1971 and hugh hefner has resided there ever since and he will continue to since it was put on the market with the stipulation that he could live there until his death. metropolis plans to eventually join his current estate next door to create a 7-acre compound. the emmy winning hbo series "veep" has been called the most realistic show about politics and now a fictional run is being brought to real life. jonah ryan took out a full page in one of his local newspapers recently. the ad directs granite state voters to a legitimate looking campaign site featuring truly cringe worthy tv ads like this one. >> hello there. i'm jonah ryan. and i grew up right here in the awesome state of new hampshire. the granite state of the united states. >> for your family and your future, vote ryan for congress. >> my name is jonah ryan, and i approve this message. >> so now you have all seen the ad and we want to know what you think about it. anyone? >> i didn't like the guy. >> you don't like him? okay. >> that wood he's chopping not going to burn right. >> the wood not going to burn. what else? >> his head is too big for his body. but then sometimes his body is too big for his head. >> he's the wrong shape. >> a shape is wrong. does anyone have anything positive to say about the ad? >> i liked the kid. >> yeah. like the kid in the ad, the little boy. >> i did not like he was next to that guy. i was like run. >> focus groups are rough. th timothy simons does a good job. >> no wonder that kid was running in the ad. that does it for me and for you and "way too early." coming up on "morning joe," hillary clinton gave a blistering attack against trump last week, but was it enough to help her in the polls? we'll look at new numbers out this morning and plus, david french has decided not to make an independent bid for president. but is he still holding out for a trump alternative? that and much more coming up next on "morning joe." homeners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent ears active duty theytill refer to mes "gunnery serget" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to ps that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. into a real guys night out to see if they could find the guy who uses just for men. it's me. >>no way. just for men gives you a natural gray-free look. just lather in. in just five minutes. great-looking hair, made easy. just for men. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here f you. we're legalzoom, andor over 10 years we've helpe families just like yours with willand living trusts. so when you're ready, start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? 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"one week? that definitely works!" rapid wrkle repair. and r dark spots, rapid tone repair. utrogena®. "see what's possible now that i work there, i value dothe food even more. i feed it to yoshi becausehere are no artificial colors, prervatives and it's made with real chicken. now that i work there, i value dothe food even more. i'm so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. the judge belongs to a group called san diego lawyer's association which does advocacy work on behalf of latinos. it's not associated with the radical group, but confusion is understandable. because of that, mr. trump apparently believes the judge may be biassed against him as it is well known the candidate has taken a strong stand against illegal immigration. the trump u


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