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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20201107

than 300 electoral votes the way the campaign season, also praised their historic record. if they believe they will get more than 74 million individual votes, more than any presidential ticket in history. but inside the numbers are clear, they tell a convincing story that americans want to come together over issues that matter instead of having more division. >> what is becoming clearer each hour is that record number of americans from all races, faiths, religions, chose change over more of the same. they've given us a mandate for action on covid to, the economy, climate change, systemic racism. they made it clear, they want the country to come together, not continue to pull apart. >> while the votes continued come in, he and senator harris are getting to work on issues like current affairs, mentioning the briefing he had with public health officials yesterday. sources tell me his transition team is already poised to tackle three top issues, including coronavirus and how to reengage with global partners in the fight against the pandemic, also the economy, getting the stimulus moving, and some justice reform. we will move on to election night for poin 4.0. the feeling is the moment is really overdue. there were locals out here wondering if tonight would going to be the night, couple of hundred outside the perimeter were cheering for biters motorcade as it came in. occasionally, they did sound checks throughout the day as totals trickled in. joe biden was not going to come and claim victory until those numbers were there. sources tell me part of the reason is because he is superstitious, doesn't want to do that. the bigger reason, more importantly, is because he feels it's important that americans watch the democratic process play out. he's going to hold on until that is finished before claiming any sort of victory. the one with all of the legal right leg, you will wonder how long it will be. we will stay tuned, we know you are as well, thank you. trump supporter's railing today outside of michigan, vote counting center in detroit echoing the sentiment that they want every legal vote counted. the very latest on this. good evening leland. >> good evening. what is between two camps is what defines were legal. bottom line first, the president and his team are ready to fight and say they won't go down without a fight. a president trump is in it for the long haul, sources telling fox news he has no intention of conceding. in the statement the president saying, this is about the integrity of urgent entire election process. we will pursue this through every aspect of the law to guarantee the american people have confidence in our government. there arguing varies, but every legal vote to be counted -- now centering the argument on which ballots may be illegal, and of the trump campaign is starting off with proof of their claims of fraud. >> i will give you one example. a woman contact a funeral home, she went to the last 12 people who she buried, we found that he looked up one of the gentlemen, he registered to vote six days after he had been buried in the ground, and to vote in the election here in the state of pennsylvania. the code be charmed campaign has set up a hotline, but not all are republicans are on board with the president's philosophy. we want every vote counted, every legal vote of course, but if you have legit concerns about fraud, take it to court, stopped stomach stop spending, spreadingmisinformation. legal proceedings are just now beginning, as such a big lead only to see them lead to miraculously disappear as the days went by, perhaps these will return as her legal proceedings move forward. shannon, i mentioned to you that when i talked to a source last night inside the trump campaign, he said "the president is going to win arizona pennsylvania." i asked him for comment today after joe biden's comments earlier, he simply wrote back, you just refer you to the president's statement earlier today, whether that's a change in tone or tenor, let the viewers be the judge. >> shannon: the president is not backing down, not giving up. we will stick with that and to follow it where it leads us. leland, thank you. tonight, supreme court justice samuel alito has gotten directly involved in the legal disputes in pennsylvania. accounting boards of elections were supposed to be segregating ballots received after 8:00 p.m. on election day and securely locking them down over the time being. at the fight over whether they should be counting continues. they asked for an emergency order. after it was unable to get at least 25 of the county boards to confirm, they actually have been doing that with these votes. and of ordered every county election board in pennsylvania to segregate out and secure them for now. it the pennsylvania g.o.p. asks that the county boards ordered not to do anything further for the ballots like tally them. they did not address that in the emergency order, but did say he is referring for a request the full-court and asks the opposing side to file something no later than 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. we got it tonight. if they waste any time. they say there is no proof that they aren't complying, and they are opposed to this order, telling those county boards to do just that. we will keep you updated. we continue to monitor pennsylvania where joe biden fleet has expanded outside of the convention center in philly where coworkers continue to count ballots around the clock. both sides of the aisle trying to get what's happening. reporting live from philly, good evening. >> good evening shannon. the crowds are gone, they left a couple of hours ago. they should be back tomorrow as long as that vote counting continues, and it does continue into the wee hours of the night. it goes on 24/7. as it continues, as they continue to count those mail-in ballots, former vice president biden's lead continues to grow. let's look at the numbers right now as to where they stand. 89,000 mail-in ballots remain to be counted in pennsylvania. at 21,000 in the city of philadelphia. plus, don't forget the military and oversee ballots, too, that aren't due until next week. it lection officials say we have a conclusion here, but some democrats are claiming a victory for biden. >> i think what the president needs to do is put his big boy pants on, he needs to acknowledge the fact that he lost, and he needs to congratulate the winner just as jimmy carter did, just as george h.w. bush did, and as al gore did. >> why hasn't this race been called yet? it's been a couple of days since election day, and to the answer is, this race is just too close, and there's a lot of uncertainty over those male and ballots. at the trump campaign and republicans in the state are waging several different legal battles when they come into the c14, especially the 14,000 that were postmarked on election day but arrived to the voting centers three days later. up until today, the secretary of the commonwealth has said that those are allowed to be counted. if the trump campaign says the deadline extension was done unlawfully, and they don't want these ballots counted as he mentioned a short while ago. scotus has now ordered that all pennsylvania male and ballots received after 8:00 on election day should be segregated, put to the side, but also be secure. if they are counted, they must be counted separately in a different pile. again, those biden supporters, they won every single one of those male and ballots counted. if they believe if they were counted, they will have one. they will be on this side of history, they will have elected the new president and put him in the white house. >> shannon: that whole case of whether those ballots after election day at 8:00 p.m., until now are going to count. that is going to be hashed out in the supreme court. we are all standing by. thank you for working around the clock, good to see you. georgia looks out for a recount to the presidential race, the peak state is also looking like ground zero and the struggle for control of the u.s. senate. as of right now, both of these senate seats will be determined by a runoff with neither republican incumbent adding more than 50% of the vote as would be required. let's get the latest from corresponded, live tonight in atlanta. hello steve. sick of the political battles here in georgia a long way from over. at two new ones shaping up, those of the runoff ballots for both senate seats here in georgia. republican senator david purdue just hovered in the 50% mark. he's going to face a runoff battle against his 33-year-old opponent. he is campaigning on a platform of change. here is all soft. >> georgia has said enough. enough in con pittance. change as come to georgia. changes come to america. because the purdue campaign released the following stateme statement, he does two things while, for an out-of-state money and lose elections. georgia will get to watch him do it again. kennedy let butler against democratic challenger raven raw frail or both places are scheduled for january 5th. after razor thin battle, georgia will have to face two more campaigns, two more months of political advertising and races they could determine who controls the senate. jenny, back to you. >> shannon: steve live in atlanta, thank you. we just got a another big data dump from maricopa county in arizona. it the president is still trailing joe biden, but it is narrowing. let's see what's happening in the grand canyon state. alisa green yes there live in phoenix. >> in maricopa county, election officials say they are on track to complete the accounts this weekend. you mentioned the new data dump, let's look at those numbers right now. in the state of arizona, the former vice president continues to lead president trump, it has narrowed just a bit, biden is now headed by just under 30,000 votes. here's what's left to be counted. in maricopa county, it's approximately 92,000 ballots. in the entire state, it's 170,000. these are pictures of what's going on outside of the building where the count is underway in where we are standing. a pro-trump activists have been gathering here at the last three nights expressing their frustration with the results and the media, as we have been discussing since election night, there's a lot of anger being aimed at the decision desk for calling the state for biden on tuesday evening. fox news dance by the call. the other race being watched as the race for the senate. martha mcsally says she is waiting until the count is complete. she has not conceded at the time. as for the county process, workers must signature verified 100% of the early ballots, process them, then tabulates and if there's a question they have bipartisan -- they need to validate and make sure every ballot is counted. folks are wondering out there why it's taking so long day after day, it's because they are trying to be as thorough as possible. as shannon, we are told that the next data dump that will come will be tomorrow morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern, 9:00 a.m. local. we will have that for you, shannon. >> shannon: thank you. the questions in washington tonight, how much longer will be republicans back the president if he loses all viable paths to victory and doesn't concede? political correspondent takes a look today. >> i'm not going to answer any hypotheticals about where we go from here. just go back home in kentucky, mitch mcconnell did not want to field questions about next steps in the presidential race. >> course we've had a peaceful transfer of power going back to 1792 every four years. we've moved on to a new administration. >> mcconnell was more expressive on twitter, reading, every legal votes to be counted. any illegally submitted ballots must not be at all sides get to observe the process, courts are here to apply the laws and resolve disputes. his colleague from pennsylvania was much more blunt. >> the president's street was ss very disturbing, he made very serious allegations without evidence to support it. if it happens, the evidence needs to come out. because roy blunt offered a suggestion telling reporters, i think the president should turn this discussion over to his lawyers. it if they have a case to make, there's a process where they make that, and that process is timely. ted cruz expresses concern. to speak i'm more than a little frustrated that every time they close the doors and shut out the democratic votes. >> for leading republicans, there is the challenge of being lawyers of the present while also recognizing there could be a new president. >> if joe biden is president of the united states, i will feel it upon me to help him where i can and find common ground. in terms of personal relationship, it's good bid i've known the vice president for a very long time. >> i'm here to stand with president trump yet he stood with me, he's the reason we are going to have the senate majority. >> most republican sound alisa t if he make tired of being asked constantly of the election while needing to pass government funding and negotiate a covert release package. th>> shannon: mike emanuel, where do the go from here? our panel our lives, next ♪ >> shannon: we have a presidential election still very much up in the air at this hour. counts continue in georgia, nevada, north carolina, and pennsylvania. let's bring back at tonight's political panel to discuss the state of the race. we welcome in law professor john. welcome all of you. >> thank you, shannon. >> as these legal battles are playing out, tom friedman with "the new york times" has this, and the 2,000 elections al gore took a bullet for the country, tonight trump put a bullet in the country. most shameful thing i've ever seen. a 37 day recount process only in places where he thought get additional votes for him. if you doubt this, his lawyer wrote about it. john, these legal avenues are there, they are available to candidates who think they are winning or losing. that's what the courts are for. what do you make up for tonight to strike >> i think the president has a right to pursue whatever legal options are open to him. the most important thing, something al gore would've agreed with, was we should try to count every valid votes. we're not trying to count a legal votes, but we want to count every valid vote. they do that in a transparent way, if there are questions for potential fraud or abuse, you can go to the court to vindicate your rights. i think right now donald trump is much in the position that al gore was in 20 years ago, and ironically, joe biden is in the position -- now he's in the lead in the number of these states that george w. bush was in. biden is the one who's going to want the vote closed it down pretty soon. once it is certified, it's going to be donald trump like al gore who wants to open up those votes and open the process to keep things going and get more votes counted. >> there's a number of rulings in courts across the country, including some stuff pending at the supreme court. they write this about a 2020 election lesson. he says, a conservative populist movement driven by rural voters was on the flute, the potential durable block. it donald trump by presiding over a rapidly diversifying country used his face to be competitive in most battleground states and to help republicans outperform in the race for congress. kevin, we noted how he was up with the black and hispanic voters to new highs for republican candidate. what potential trouble do you see on the rise for democrats? >> this is a very divided country. as a vice president and said, he gave a really consolatory speech, i think as he saw tonight in wilmington saying he will be the president of all americans, not just democrats, because i think he realizes just how divided we are as a country and the fact that he really needs to unite this country. he also spoke about a mandate. right now, the popular vote stands at about 4.2 million more votes for joe biden. i do believe that is a mandate, i do believe he will get somewhere in the neighborhood of what donald trump received in the electoral college just four years ago when they said that was a mandate. obviously, he has the backing of american people, but he also needs to strike that kinsella's consolatory tone. they want to work with joe biden. i think you're going to see that tone play out in the next couple of days as we get a clearer picture of the selection. we want to both candidates hitting record highs in the vote totals. i want to play something that the former vice president said to bear to hear so he praised it tonight. >> they've given us a mandate for action on covid, the economy, climate change, systemic racism -- >> shannon: it's jason, what do you think about that mandate and how it may play out on capitol hill? >> he didn't even declare victory yet. he went there to supposedly declare victory, but he didn't declare victory. i don't know how you have a mandate before you even have a victory. come on, that's a little -- not a single republican in the house of representatives lost their seats i was running for reelection, not even one. despite promising she was going to gain seats, they said they're going to take over the united states senate, that hasn't happened. it too important senate states in georgia, but they didn't beat jimmy ernst or susan collins or steve daines. if they didn't be all of the people they said they're going to. republicans expanded their base with the minority community, donald trump, and republicans did great things. a look at the record number of women who were elected as republicans i in the house of representatives. republicans had a good night. it's tough for donald trump, but republicans did well and they came to another seat in the governorship in montana, 27 governors of now republican in this country. >> shannon: and a number of straight legislatures, redistricting battle rules happened, democrats didn't slip control in those. in fact, they lost a couple. republicans will maintain the upper hand and some of those redistricting battles to come. because that's a really good point. sometimes we tend to focus over much on the presidency and the senate. what we forget is the genius of our country is made at the state and local level. you are right, the statehouse is not only state and republican controlled, but they slightly expanded their control not just of statehouses but both the governorship and the states. we are in the middle, where about to start one of the every ten years redistricting, the redrawing of congressional districts. that something that is allowed republicans to have a really strong voice in the house to have been ten years ago. it looks like it's going to happen again today. democratic efforts to stop it have utterly failed. >> shannon: a final word to you, kevin, we got more for you to discuss coming up. >> i think on the redistricting front it's an interesting point. i think what you saw north carolina when the lines are drawn fair, democrats picked up two new congressional seats when the lines are very itching for a treat. itching for an outing... or itching for some cuddle time. but you may not know when he's itching for help... licking for help... or rubbing for help. if your dog does these frequently. they may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. don't wait. talk to your veterinarian and learn more at ♪ >> shannon: nancy pelosi is declaring victory for joe biden. she referred to him as president-elect earlier today. senior correspondent shows us how the speaker of the houses looking at the election results as a whole. hey rick. >> haitian them. many democrats have predicted a blue wave tuesday night, expecting a biden landslide, plus more seats in a house in the swing to majority in senate. it didn't happen, so now the finger-pointing has begun. >> we lost the number one concern that people brought to me is we need to not ever use the word socialist or socialism ever again. go congresswoman abigail's bamberg are not afraid to place blame grated nancy pelosi wouldn't take the bait. she admitted the election results were disappointing, especially in the house where democrats were predicted to fl flip. dems only pickup to two both in north carolina, open office is to go blue. plus he chose not to blame her for her left colleagues, arguing the party can still accomplish an aggressive agenda projecting joe biden will take the oval office. because we've we blossom battles, but we won the war. we have the gavel. president-elect biden has a strong mandate to lead, and he will have a strong democratic house with him. >> aoc accused of socialist agenda is pushing back on criticism from colleagues, saying it wasn't defending police that hurt the party, she blames the poor strategy of the campaigns. in a flurry of tweets, she says, there are folks running around on tv blaming progressivism for underperformance. i was curious, so i decided to open the hood on struggling campaigns of candidates who are blaming progressives for their problems. almost all had awful execution on digital during a pandemic. andrew cuomo thinks he knows by democrats lost key races in the empire state, blaming the mayor bill de blasio. >> they ran de blasio's picture all over the state. they turned new york state into new york city, looting, crime, homelessness. law and order. >> when fox news asked speaker pelosi if there is tension among democrats, he says they have a healthy difference of opinions, but not in any way problematic moving forward. >> shannon: one way to put it, thank you. supreme court justice samuel alito has gotten involved in the legalist disputes raging in pennsylvania, orting tonight every county election board must segregate and secure about set have been received after 8:00 p.m. on election day. let's talk about this order, what it means as we speak in the grounbattleground state. john as our legal eagle on a lot of these matters, let me start with you. the pennsylvania g.o.p., this was something that was supposed to be happening for a secondary of state for pennsylvania had told all the county boards of elections, you have to segregate these ballots. there is a legal dispute about whether they are legit or not. folks thought, this is already happening. the pennsylvania g.o.p. came to the court today and said, you have to give us an order mandating this because we tried to confirm with the number of county boards, they say at least 25 of them would not confirm if they're actually doing this. where are we denying? >> this is a case that's been sitting at the supreme court since before the election, and the basic question is the state legislature said election day is the day which ads are due. the supreme court changed that date until today, three days later, friday. the constitution gives that power to state legislatures alone. at the constitutional question is, could this pennsylvania state courts move that deadline? i think it's important that justice alito issue that order on behalf of the supreme court, otherwise the ballots would've gotten mixed in, supposed in the end they said, no, you can't extend election day a few more days, how would you actually remedy that if the ballots all got mixed together? it's important -- i think it's important that the court may intervene and checked on that extension. >> shannon: there've been so many state court -- estate issues that have come up to the nation's highest court in the last few weeks. some of them, one of them that was preserved until after the election, because it may or not be moved. some of the state decisions, they gave instructions, they weighed in. a lot of the language is state legislatures -- they have the rights to change election policies. in this case, when it was the pennsylvania supreme court that did it on the fly, a lot of people think there's a good strong legal argument regardless of party that that was just not legit. >> i'm sure we will adjudicate this for sure. it just to be clear, it's not an extension of election day, it's a matter of when those mail ballots were postmarked by election day and when they are received. at this is not extending election day until today and the commonwealth of pennsylvania. it's a matter of when those mail and ballots were postmarked by election day whether they are going to count. we're going to see this adjudicated over the next couple of days. i think the biden campaign is out there saying that, we likely won't need those ballots. we won't need those provisional ballots. the margin will hopefully be as large as necessary to ensure a biden win in the commonwealth. >> shannon: justice alito said tonight, all county boards segregate these folks, if they do count them, count them separately. he added the scum of the application received today, the filing by the pennsylvania g.o.p. says, informs the court that neither the applicant or the secretary has been able to verify that all boards are complying with the secretary's guidance, which it is alleged is not legally binding on them. they say they're already doing this, he says, we've been told not even the secretary of the commonwealth can confirm these people are doing it, and even if she had given them direction, they say it's not legally binding on them. it sounds like she felt the need to get involved tonight. this because this is always a worry that the supreme court won't actually stand up for themselves. at this order comes out on a friday after a tuesday election. i'm glad that it happened, but it probably should have happens before the election, not after the election. how do you go back and verify what happened over the last several days? they have not -- in the allegations in pennsylvania is that they have not been allowing people to watch, have not been allowing people t to go into the rooms in a bipartisan way and have that oversight. how does justice alito and the supreme court actually enforce and order that they put forward? i think they are going to be fairly benign. i think it's going to be further disappointment in the legitimacy of the process if the supreme court won't actually stand up for themselves. >> shannon: i will say a few days ago before the election, this language was in some of the response from the supreme court, including what justice alito had written. it sound like they were under the impression that this was happening and being in force. unlike until tonight, justice alito said they didn't know that the order had changed from the secretary of state and wasn't being enforced. the g.o.p. in pennsylvania also asked about the boat be segregated, but also not be tallied or counted. he didn't go there, but he did say he's going to put the whole request before the full court. he asks the democrats to reply, they did tonight. it just a short time ago, they said there's no proof the boards aren't complying. they are arguing against the order saying i have improved they are complying. sick i don't think that's a compelling argument against the need for an order. all this order does is maintains a status quo. what they're saying is, just don't change anything in case we want to hear this case. justice alito has been watching philadelphia and pennsylvania like a hawk for three or four weeks now. he is the one who has been trying to urge the court, as jason was just saying, to get involved before election day. i think chief justice roberts would all dominic dominic was hoping this would all be clear, but that did not pan out. it might be central to the resolution of the election, should the president keep georgia, arizona, or win nevada. pennsylvania will be the key state, the supreme court will be at the center of it. >> shannon: some of these pre-election legal wrangling psych out to the supreme court were not decided by all nine justices getting a vote, because amy coney barrett was not able to weigh in. some of the justices where unhappy that these things were being rushed. she said she didn't have time to read it. if it ends up there, there will be nine to make this decision. thank you all. >> thank you shannon. >> shannon: will get the latest numbers tonight in these battleground states as they come in and update next. ♪ >> shannon: okay, let's check in on where we stand in the race to do sunday. let's do some ballot math, i'm not good with math. but leland is, he is here. that's why went to law school. they said in law school, there is no math. that's why did that. >> this is early morning math, which -- don't count on it at all. it's hard to compare from 24 hours ago. we look at the overall board as it stands after the electoral college race two to 70, exactly the same place it wasn't has been for the past couple of days. biden at 264, president trump at 214. we will go day by state. pennsylvania, the biggest prize on the map, 20 electoral votes. in the past 24 hours, joe biden has pulled ahead of president trump, now leads by almost 29,000 votes with at least 100,000 votes still do count. where in pennsylvania they come from, will be key. nevada, joe biden has also gotten a larger lead on president trump there. did they continue to count in nevada, and also absentee -- and military ballots can come in much later in nevada and other states. we go to georgia, which still has not been called. this is a flip from last night, president trump was ahead yesterday at this time. and now, joe biden is the head. arizona is a place president trump has continued to close the gap against joe biden. a state-by-state in terms of who's counting, but there are people who are counting all the way through the weekend. these will change quite literally hour by hour, overnight, and into tomorrow as well. >> shannon: yes they will. we are on it, a plus for your math. and nicely done. because that's the first a+ in math i've ever gotten, thank you. >> shannon: we all deserve one at some point. and q, lee lynch. at what point does one of the candidates concede or claim victory, and why is this all taking so long? let's bring back our panel. it jason, every state gets to figure out how they want to do this, that's how this works. why is it that some states make the decision -- for not going to start counting certain things until election days, others do it in advance. florida's new everything on election night. why is it taking so long? >> it's dependent on state legislature created the elections are executed by counties, certified by states, but it's the state legislature who slowly sets the parameters on which this could happen. if you recall, couple of months before the election, the postal service sent a letter to 46 states saying our service level agreements are not going to be compliance with your loss. you have to look at your law. this set off a whole flurry of the discussions. you have a look florida, they fixed this in florida. they got it right. we knew the night of the election, one of the biggest dates we have. these other states give you a lot more pause and real? 's like in michigan and pennsylvania and others. you just wonder, why can't you get your act together like florida? >> shannon: we are laboratories of democracy, everyone figures it out on their own. >> this is under the constitution, states are in charge of the time, place, and manner of elections. if they are also the ones that have the sole authority to decide what to elect presidential electors. this is an important feature of our federalism, states are allowed to experiment and try different things. that's why great solutions to our social problems usually bubble up from the states, and they can compete. maybe it's a little slower than everyone else, but we like it that way and pennsylvania. that they can do it if they want to be, as long as they finish and get the job done in the end under the supervision of the courts and with a lot of transparency. it's going all right, with a couple of automatic recount, at least we think will be automatic and others coming in quickly, when should someone concede and winston showed someone claim victory? >> when all of the votes are certified. it is easy to forget that all of this is happening in the midst of a pandemic. it's commendable to the american people as we talked about, the fact that president trump got 70 million votes, joe biden got 74 million votes, the biggest number for both republican and democratic candidates running, there's a lot of ballots that need to be counted, but the process should play out. this is a good thing for democracy and for republican and democratic parties. >> shannon: it will be interesting to see some of the covid related changes that were made -- repealed or rolled back. a lot of them are being challenged in court. 2024 is just around the corner, gentlemen. see you soon. kevin jason and john, thank you very much. how closely did evangelical voters stick with president trump on election day? we will break down those numbers, next. >> shannon: huge part of the president's upset win over hillary clinton in 2016 was the overwhelming amount of support from white to evangelical voters, how do the numbers to such a vital voting block shape of this time around? >> many cast their ballots in 2020 and the pollsters and pundits in the aftermath carefully examined the evangelical vote. white evangelicals have been donald trump's saving grace insuring his victory in 2016 with 77% voting for him. according to a fox news voter analysis, trump increased to share in 2020. 81% of the white evangelical vote, joe biden 17%. he did well with white catholics at 57-42%. but it did not guarantee him the victory in 2016. several battleground states have yet to tally the vote. they're cautiously optimistic. >> we have to wait to the votes are counted but we think that every legally cast ballot is counted. he will ultimately prevail. to speak of the election too close to call, liberal faith groups like both common good are claiming their efforts in battleground states have helped prove in the number of evangelicals to vote for biden. >> we asked them to rate each of the candidates on christian virtues and vices. if a voter think donald trump is profoundly unkind and unable to complete his job because of his unkindness, there was a 80% chance of they were not going to vote for donald trump. >> even if he is the next president, conservative christians triumphed with the three supreme court appointments and several federal judgeships and they help maintain them republic majority in the senate and gain seats in the house. >> this election was a repudiation of the radical, progressive agenda. being offered by the democratic party. the presidency ended up being a john paul. >> whatever the next four years bring, both sides agree the only poll with 20/20 vision is one that begins and ends at the ballot box. shannon. >> shannon: lauren green, thank you. we have good news tonight. new york city standing together in a show of postelection solidarity. christians,, muslims, buddhists, they met up at a church in manhattan. we were singing, praying, ballots being counted across the country end numbers given to a just and loving democracy no matter who wins the election. the inner coalition actually was created during the 2016 election. we could use a little bit more understanding. most watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington, i'm shannon bream. ♪ (calm inspirational music) - i can't stop worrying. - why can't i sleep at night? - how do i deal with all this stress? - when did the world get so scary? - hello, this is michael youssef, there can be no doubt that our world is filled with troubles right now. and yet, there is one person who said, "i can give you peace that can never be shaken even in the worst of your circumstances." jesus is the way the truth and the only giver of eternal life and he is inviting you to come and surrender to him. and he will give you unbelievable peace, a peace that seems too good to be true, but it's true. will you come to him? (calm inspirational music) - [female voice] are you looking for a peace that can withstand any hardship life can bring? visit to find answers. again, that's (calm inspirational music) ♪ >> tucker: good evening,tu welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." some point soon were told tonight, joe biden may take the stage, declare himself effectively the president-elect of the united states. if that's a highly aggressive and very unusual move, keep in mind there's a vote counting underweight in a of states. but the biden campaign's behavior in the last 48 hours, so much we have seen recently, raises profound questions about our electoral system and whether it's really what we assumed. we willas address all of that ia moment. but the first que


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20200516

democratic representative abigail sandberg from virginia tweeted "this bill stands far beyond delivering delay for responding to an urgent crisis. and it has no chance of becoming law. she is right. this bill will die in the senate. this is nothing more than a political stunt in the middle of a national crisis. joining us now live with the very latest detail is chad pergram, chad. good evening, jason. they are in the middle of this vote right now and there are 12 bills on the board so the democrats have a little bit of a push and they can lose up to 17. this is the largest bill in u.s. history. no hearings on this bill and it provides money for the postal service, there is food aid, direct payments that the democrats wanted and the cost traumatized some. and the moderate democrats from battle ground districts, abigail spann berger of virginia oppose the bill and some were concernet they would weaponize the bill against them, but actually gives the democrats like them a chance to vote no and show independence for the speaker of the house. the bill was written by nancy pelosi as a nod to her left flank, but it was actually liberals who wanted to deliver the vote because of size and scope. washington was a "no" and not enough money for minority businesses and did not safeguard tensions. mitch mcconnell of the senate majority leader says he wants to hit the pause button on these big bills for coronavirus and not ruled out doing another pill. as you know, the speaker of the house nancy pelosi, she is always in negotiation and from her perspective, the start of negotiation. the chair of the federal reserve jake powell said more money could boost the economy. something else that happened in our note half ago they have approved proxy voting in the house of representatives. 217-189, that was a party line vote and that means on future votes, all members don't have to show up here they can phone in their votes. and the monitor, this bill is passing and there are still 12 democratic nodes on the board. one republican, this is expected to pass by a narrow margin, jason back to you. >> jason: chad, thank you. joining us with reaction house majority steve scalise, the chairman matched with the favorite new york congressman lee zeldin and fox news contributor charlie hurt. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining all of us with us tonight. i want to start with you, steve scalise. i have got to tell you, this does give nancy pelosi more power when she tells members of congress, you don't even need to show up anymore. and we can vote without you, right? >> yes, jason it gives nancy pelosi power, but imagine being a democrat that goes back home in a swing district. you just voted to give your voting card in congress to nancy pelosi. she doesn't represent the values of a lot of those districts. you know you signed on for san francisco values and by the way, what are you doing that and why are you collecting a paycheck if you want nancy pelosi to be the one to vote for you and represent your district and you are representing a swing state somewhere else? this will be a tough vote for people to explain. it is unconstitutional first of all, because a quorum under this resolution they passed him a 20 people on the floor. 20 democrats can constitute a form of the house of representatives, 435 people. that goes against article 1 of the constitution but they don't care about that, they want to consolidate power and spend money. a drunken sailor would be implanted to be compared to them with what they do but this bill, illegal, taxpayer funding with abortion. >> jason: congressman i have to ask you, does this mean you will challenge this in court? will you go to court and challenge the constitutionality of this? >> if they pass any bill using these new rules, they haven't done it yet, but they are creating this opportunity to have 20 people on the board the constitute a form and nancy pelosi to hold the voting courts have so many people. it will be challenged. it will be challenged. >> jason: that will be interesting because i believe you would certainly have standing, congressman selden, this vote being voted on on the verge of passing $3 trillion. this thing is loaded up with all kinds of things. how do you see this bill? >> over 1800 pages, $3 trillion and this isn't a bill drafted by partisanship, debates, compromise, none of that. it gives a stimulus check to people illegally in the country, massive prison delays, legalizes throughout their harvesting. and it outlaws voter i.d. it extends unemployment in a way that will keep people out of work for almost another year. i will add another one to that commit provides more money with local governments in the hundreds of billions and beyond what the local governments are even asking asking for. speaker pelosi chose bipartisan pass to nowhere rather than pursuing the alternative which was working with president trump, working with congressional republicans and tried to negotiate a compromise. this is something to appease her left flank. this is one that turns off most of america, and she is going to end up with a bill dead on arrival in the senate and not going anywhere. it is a strategic failure on her part on multiple levels come on the substance and this is a waste of everyone's time and certainly a lot of tax dollars, especially the liberal items totally unrelated to coronavirus response. >> jason: matt if you spend a million dollars every day it would take you 3,000 years to get to $1 trillion and this is $3 trillion. that is $10,000 per person in the united states of america so why not give them $10,000 each? >> thanks for doing the math for me, jason, because it is staggering. we already did $3 trillion. i think what republicans are saying which is rational, let's let all of the money. we have already spent like drunken sailors because the government shut down american businesses. let that capitalize in the system. jason, this is the critical point, which is more bridges and more stimulus is not what the american economy nor its people need. they need to be legally allowed to go back to work. they need to be able to open up their shops. if you are a mom and pop, you should be able to be open like the big box retailers are able to be open. we have this indiscriminate silly rules by most blue state governors, and it needs to end. no business can survive if it can't make a product nor transact with customers. it is simply that clear. >> jason: now, charlie the democrats have tried to say oh, we need to work together. we have to find something that is bipartisan but nancy pelosi did not do any of that. they say one thing and do something totally opposite. how in the world to they go back to the american people and say hey, we are the adults in the room and we will work together to get things done when they put this monstrosity in front of the congress and then vote to say, hey, we don't need to come back in session. >> it is incredible. they should be a real wake-up call because if anybody doubts what is at stake in this election coming up, this is what is at stake. this is what these people will do. if they can hold control of the house, they get control of the senate and lord forbid they get control of the white house, this is the kind of insanity that you will be looking at. and of course, i've seen the particulars are just astonishi astonishing. the soft illegal aliens from all of that stuff is absolutely, just absolutely reprehensible. but let's step back for a minute. how in the world does piling $3 trillion in additional debt on hardworking americans, how does that help them recover from this pandemic and recover from shutting down the economy? and we should look back. imagine where we would be right now, jason, had we not piled up $20 trillion of debt on hardworking american taxpayers? all of these people want to do is i will more and more on there. and with that comes just mountains of regulations that throttle american ingenuity and industry and work that destroys americans. they were in congressman scalise, you are in leadership there. nancy pelosi and what she has done is signaled also in the bill that the house of representatives may not come back into session until july 21st. i mean i'm a why do members of common courtesy get paid if they don't have to go to work? postal workers go to work. truckers will go to work. health care workers go to work, but nancy pelosi is saying, no need to show up to work anymore. >> can you imagine even the united states senate is going to work. there is no reason. we were here today voting. there were about 24 members who couldn't make it out of 435 and so to suggest it is complicated to get here mack's fallacy. the way she did this, it is about a power grab and certainly has nothing to do with health and safety. as you mentioned, we have the front line workers back in the hospitals, grocery stores and out in louisiana today we started opening up so you can go into a restaurant with finally going into places of worship. and yet, she will say that she doesn't want congress to be meeting in washington, debating bills, but she would rather take your proxy vote and hold onto it so she can vote for you. i will tell you this and of course, jason, you would not do this either, nancy pelosi would not get my bow and she sure wouldn't get yours but anyone that voted for this bill today, how do they go back home and explain today they voted to allow nancy pelosi to vote for them so they don't have to go to work anymore? why don't they just resign their seat and send somebody up here he wants to come and fight up here in washington. >> jason: thank you so much. congressman zeldin, last word calmly we have 15 seconds. >> if there is a member of house leadership viewing the house of representatives is not essential that house leadership management should step aside. if there is any of the house, nonessential they should step aside appeared we should be here. we should not be going home right now. there is an important work to do for the american people, economy, businesses, the workers and everyone is leaving. you pointed out it might be a long time before we come back. >> jason: unbelievable, thank you gentlemen for joining us tonight. i really do appreciate it. coming up next, joe biden is still hiding out in his basement, and it is not going well. he continues to move further and further left to appease the socialist wing of his party. we will explain, plus we will show you his latest campaign blunders after the break. you don't want to miss this. stay with us as the special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ these days staying connected is more important than ever. so we're working 24/7 to maintain a reliable network, to meet your growing internet needs. we're helping customers who are experiencing financial difficulties stay connected. we're increasing internet speeds for low income families in our internet essentials program. and delivering self-install kits to your door. nos comprometemos a mantenerte conectado. we're committed to keeping you connected. for more information on how you can stay connected, visit ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." now joe biden's biggest opponent continues to be... himself. after another disastrous media lip last night where joe tried to talk to a prerecorded video. have a look. >> hi president will biden. thank you so much for allowing me to participate in this town hall with you. >> thank you. >> jason: things only got worse from there because biden is telling democrats who believe tara reade's sexual assault allegation not to vote for him. and he is still claiming he had no involvement in spying on michael flynn. take a look. >> what do you say to one who are ready to vote for joe biden, eager to vote for joe biden but this gives them serious pause because they do believe tara reade, and you will not change their mind about that. what would you say to them about their vote? >> i think they should vote their hearts. if they believe tara reade, they probably shouldn't vote for me. i wouldn't vote for me if i believe tara reade. >> mr. president, what was your involvement in the investigation of michael flynn and the fbi investigation of michael flynn? >> i was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynn while i was in office, period >> jason: seriously? even as the media continues to play defense for biden, he can't get out of his own way. just listen to biden watching again key details about the impact of the coronavirus. take a listen. >> where, we are in the middle of a pandemic that cost us 85,000 jobs as of today. will eye of millions and millions of people, millions of jobs. >> jason: it's not just numbers giving trouble. he is struggling to keep track of who's who in his own party. take a look at him andrew young. watch this. >> i'm sure we can do better on the internet. i'm positive of that, but the fact is we are trying to my recent events of instagram, the leading soccer players in the world, the latest episode of here's the deal podcast with andrew young. we are trying to get better with it. >> it is andrew yang it. he ran against you for the presidency and his stomach he was on the show. his name is andrew yang. four nonstop pointers to corruption with his sons overseas dealings in ukraine to now being implicated and the biggest abuse of power in corruption scandal in american history, joe biden keeps putting his campaign and nonstop damage control. in continues to raise further and further left to try to pander to the new extreme socialist. like picking alexandria ocasio-cortez to serve on his campaign climate change panel. but tonight it could not be clearer with 171 days until election day, the democratic party finds itself in a state of dysfunction, division and all-out desperation. joining me now for a reaction, fox news contributor ari fleischer. ari, i do appreciate you joining us tonight. i mean, i can be on the air every hour and probably give you a new joe biden plunder, but is that just prebaked into the electric? is this that they will accept the way he is or does this actually catch up to him? >> first of all, jason, i think you have to put into context, remember how exhausted he has to be from the travel he's doing. i do think you have to make an allowance for that. he has to go down for stairs to the basement, come upstairs from the basement. travel can really wear you down when you are running for president. look, i do think that it's baked in in a serious element where people notice joe biden. but the real question is, is something going on that is getting worse? this is where i regret the fact that the candidates are stuck home. it is only right for the american people to see these people in the thick of a campaign where they are metal is tested. let's see what joe biden has got. let's see if this is minor things and lots of people can get mixed up on words, statistics or numbers wrong. it does happen, but is this really a feature of joe biden that is getting worse or a one offset that we all have sometimes? a campaign contest that. we want all the candidates to be tested to. >> jason: that's what i like about a campaign. it is difficult and the camera is on you 24/7. it is grueling that that is part of the way we shake the tree to see who the nuts are and you are right, walking in the basement, really not that much of a test. one of the things i see joe biden continue to do is to the left, normally candidates wrap this up they go to the center, but that's not what he's doing. >> he's not doing it because the democratic party stop doing that a long time ago when it was going to the center. there is a gallup poll in 1994 when bill clinton was president that 25% of the democrats self identify as liberals. today it is 51% of democrats self identify as liberals. so there is hardly in a conservative or moderate democrats left. so he is a party running for to the left. but alexandria ocasio-cortez putting her on the cochair about climate? what kind of terrible signal is that to put a socialist in charge of your climate committee and america's energy needs? there is one thing about running to the left, there is another running off the cliff in the left. that is an indication he's heading that direction. and also it just shows he's not strong enough to stand by his track record where he was previously known for some moderate votes. he's walked away from all of it. what kind of stretched my backbone do you have when you change who you are, such a great degree so fast, including -- >> jason: now the senate will wrap up and start to ramp up, i should say some heavy duty investigations. you have attorney general barr, durham doing their investigation. you have lindsey graham, senator johnson, senator grassley, very keen on getting to the bottom what happened with the whole russia hoax, but that will come to play soon. how is joe biden going to handle that when he can't even admit he was part of unmasking michael flynn and it's in black-and-white? >> well, you pointed out, jason, one of the ways he will handle this is to shield him from having to handle it because the press won't go there. even a long hour interview, on msnbc commit he didn't even ask him a question until the very end and he let it go. no follow-up, note tough questions about it. why do you need to unmask general plan? what were you told? what did barack obama say and what did you say to barack obama? none of that is being presented to joe biden in any way if there is pressure on him. so will conservative outlets be able to ask those questions when he is out? may be but they protect him then too. the staff shield him and this is what is sad about the media breakdown today. these are legitimate, good, fair questions and who is asking them of joe biden? >> jason: it is so true, ari, the intellectual curiosity of the media has gone out the door. i have to tell you eight and a half years in congress, one of my biggest disappointment some of the icon in the national so-called mainstream media were not inquisitors. they did not call balls and strikes. they had an agenda and it was clear to me at the end of that. i know you are right about that. thank you so much for joining us. have a wonderful weekend. go ahead, go ahead. >> let me just add this, there is a reason people are a mess to begin with. and anybody who cares about civil liberty should pay attention to it. the government did not have a warrant and they listen to your phone calls. people should be massed. >> jason: that's right. that should be a bipartisan thing no matter what. again, ari, thank you so much. coming up we have an important question, does the left ever want this country to be reopened? what is there and back goal? aaron dershowitz and gregg jarrett will weighing in next and last, the trump administration doing to get america back on its feet. we will continue to monitor the house floor where the vote is currently underway on pelosi's $3 trillion bill. don't go away has a special edition of "hannity" continues every financial plan needs a cfp® professional -- confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at they're all possible with a cfp® professional. we can't offer much during this time of crisis, but we can offer what we have. so from all of us working early mornings on the farm, long days in the plant, or late nights stocking shelves doing all we can to get you the milk you need. we hope it makes your breakfast a little brighter. your snacks more nutritious. and reminds you when it comes to caring, there is no expiration date. milk. love what's real. noticks and fleas?o simplifies protection. see ya! heartworm disease? 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because it doesn't seem, at least as conservative when i see brian kemp on this topic and it doesn't seem the same went jared polis was a friend of mine but about as liberal as you get health care in colorado. they don't treat them even close to be the same. >> look i'm a liberal democrat ten i want to praise president trump for initiating this warp speed manhattan project. that is what we should be doing, getting a virus, giving it as quickly as possible, the resources. i don't care if it is pelosi to desert or trunk that does it. i refuse to be partisan when it comes to fighting this horrible coronavirus. i don't think we should be partisan. we are all in this together. it is a reflection how bad things have become in this country that even the virus becomes a divisive issue based on part of leninism. again i was in his role and i was with my friend benjamin for two nights before election when he closed down their country. he got universal support money close down and now, he's opened up and he's getting support, not on partisan grounds. people still vote against him, but the issue of the disease has become partisan. i think that is true in most of the cases in america. everything is partisan. >> and it doesn't attack democrats or group level guns, liberals separately. we have to do two things. public health and save our economy. and strike the appropriate balance. >> you bring up the good point, the president to accelerate the way we produce a vaccine and you would think both sides of the aisle would stand up and applaud, but they don't, but they don't. alan dershowitz, great job my thank you for joining us tonight. we really do appreciate it. all right, coming up, casey mcfarlane and reince priebus will await you in on the scandal that is rocking washington and the swamp. as well as the left. and later, we will discuss the weirdly cordial relationship between democrats and the communist party of china has this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm going to need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ] confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this "tucker carlson tonight" stomach "hannity" special, far left overreach. bombshell new developments and perhaps the biggest abuse of power scandal in american history. the president is calling it obama gait and a recent interview with maria bartiromo, he a message for those who abuse their power in the unmasking scandal, watch this. >> it was the greatest political crime in the history of our country. if i were a democrat instead of a republican, i think everybody would have been in jail a long time ago, and i'm talking with 50 year sentences. it is a disgrace what has happened. this is the greatest political scam, hoax, in the history of our country. >> jason: president trump also asked a great question about the flynn case on twitter. where is the 302? remember as trey gowdy pointed out, leaking flynn's unmasked name to the media is a felony punishable up to ten years in prison. joining is now correction the author of "revolution: trump, washington and we the people" former national security mcfarland and vest law and former white house chief of staff reince priebus. thank you for being here. and kt mcfarland i want to start with you, 302 developed by the fbi don't report interviews but they will take and make note for the record and it is called a 302 and supposed to be done within five days have an interview. but the president points out and there hasn't been that the tension stomach attention, where's the 302 on michael michael flynn? this is the most important set of notes taken by the fbi in decades. the fact that it is mysteriously missing is really, completely unbelievable. what a 302 this happen in my as well, the two fbi agent sit down, one is a notetaker and then senior one starts out asking the questions in between the two of them they take notes but the junior takes the note. they leap in the two agents are supposed to get together, go back and forth with each other and then make especially a record. so the problem with the 302 to start with because what if done inaccurately or taken things a little bit out of context? they are not taking shorthand and as you point out these are not recordings. so the 302 never considered to be 100% accurate to start with. the fact that these were added general plan so edited so many times and the originals mysteriously gone, it just doesn't pass the smell test. >> jason: how convenient. you were the chief of staff. you were actually on fox & friends, and i believe you were on fox news sunday. and you had said that senior people within the intelligence committee have told you that there was nothing to this so-called interaction between the trump campaign and russia. explain to us what ultimately happened an an end how did thiso down? >> thanks, jason. i started telling sean hannity part of the story on monday in the first "new york times" story hit that said they were constant russian contacts between the trump campaign and russia. mccabe came into my office in the doorway shut. he told me that the story was b.s., inaccurate. i said, what can you do about it? he told me to call them back in two hours, i did, and there was nothing that i could do but later in the afternoon, jim comey gave me a call and i said to him, what are we going to be able to do about this? mccabe came here and he said there's nothing that can be done about it. and he specifically told me that i could say that "the new york times" story was inaccurate, overstated and wrong. that was in february 2,017th that the story was wrong. so i said, i can say this on television and i have been informed this story is inaccurate and wrong? the answer, yes! i was very careful. i was careful to a fault in fact. so i will not go on tv and say something like that if i wasn't given authority to do that. so i went on television fox and he and other shows and i told anyone who would listen that i had been informed by the intelligence committee that the story about constant russian campaign was wrong. in fact come of course, it didn't matter because we spent the next two years fighting the same kinds of people that publicly were saying the story was true, but then privately, telling everybody that it was w. and obviously, it's been going on for years. >> jason: to the two web viewed there in the white house in those early days when this ambush was set up, the senior levels of the department of justice, my hats go off to you and to general flynn. i got to tell you, it doesn't smell like, it doesn't look right and all we ask for is the truth. and you can't even find it, that is ridiculous. i wish i had an hour to explore this with you, but i have to go. i appreciate both of you for joining me tonight. all right, coming up next, a report on china's rampant dishonesty, and we will ask the question, why are democrats refusing to call them out? stay with us as the special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ is critical to everyone's health, there is one thing we can all do together: complete the 2020 census. your responses are critical to plan for the next 10 years of health care, infrastructure, and education. let's make a difference, together, by taking a few minutes to go online to it's for the well-being of your community and will help shape america's future. ♪ to ewhether you'reting these uncaring for your. family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. we're working hard to answer your questions. like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. we're more than a financial company. we're a "together we can get through anything" company. now, more than ever. ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." well nancy pelosi busy pushing another far left wishlist under the guise of a coronavirus package, she is also slamming president trump for daring to take on china. have a listen to this. >> let me just say that what the president is saying that cheyenne stomach china is interest is an interesting diversion. right now our focus should be on meeting the needs of the american people. >> jason: a diversion? the democrats are pulling even further left than we thought. now apologizing for the communist party of china and downplaying their involvement in the spread of the coronavirus. but republican lawmakers understand the threat all too well. according to an outlet run by the communist party, china is now considering punitive measures against missouri attorney general eric smit who filed a lawsuit against china for the damage caused to his date. let's face it, the chinese government cannot be trusted. according to "the new york post" might try and it isn't just fudging their death toll numbers by a little bit, try by over half a million. joining me with reaction author of the "the coming collapse of china" and gordon chang, michael pillsbury, thank you for joining us tonight. michael and want to start with you. nancy pelosi says, you know, this is just a diversion. isn't this quarter to one of the big problems that is happening in the world right now? >> yes, and also china says the same thing. the chinese and the democrats in congress have pretty much taken the same line over the past months but there is nothing to investigate and china. both china and the democrats have accused president trump of botching the recovery. they have almost daily stories and their newspapers on the front page about how much mr. trump is not doing well and not doing the right thing. today, jason they had a huge photo in color from a bright, the whistle-blower and said he is basically correct. so we have this strange enlightenment of the democrats in congress with the communist party in china. i can't explain it. >> jason: the ties to the chinese government but they are going after the missouri attorney general, eric schmidt and also mention senator tom cotton and senator josh hawley. how big of a threat is this to the three americans who are in elected offices? >> i think what the communist party is worried about is an investigation issue into the origins of the coronavirus will show the malign actions of beijing. that beijing took action that it knew would inevitably lead to the discredit of coronavirus me on china's borders. now you have senator cotton come as a a senator of holy and a number of political figures who have been pressing china and not giving up and not merely the important thing because we need to get to the bottom of this because china says that we need to cooperate with him but how can you cooperate with someone who has deliberately killed 87,000 americans? to me, we have to answer the core question. >> jason: we have to be careful. we don't know that they were purposely were trying to do that to americans, but an investigation would certainly lead a long way. we have only got a few seconds left here. but to the core of the question that was asked at the beginning, michael, why are the democrats so hesitant to actually join republicans and join america in the concern about what china was involved with with the virus? >> jason, i think it is the kind of syndicalism they have about the elections. if they admit that president trump was right in 2016 campaign, china has been taking advantage of us and it is time to stop that behavior, they are essentially cementing to president trump successful dealing with china. and it will look bad in the polls. they will probably lose the house and president trump will stay in the white house. there is a lot at stake. >> jason: gordon might have to get yours -- if only got ten seconds. give me your quick thought on this. >> of the democratic policy establishment is pro-engagement, pro-beijing and so the democratic party is responding to the advisors it has in addition to all the other reasons michael talked about. it's been gentlemen, thank you. i have to leave it there. all right, earlier today former new jersey governor chris christie had some heated moments with the ladies on "the view." we will play the tape next as this special edition of "hannity" continues. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously. that actually makes you feel better, introducing tommie copper's shoulder centric support shirt, their biggest breakthrough yet. advanced engineering promotes healthy posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. visit to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. they have you covered from head to toe. - tommie supports my back and my life. - [narrator] go to right now and save 25%. life hurts, feel better. motor? nope. not motor? it's pronounced "motaur." for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special. chris christie was on "the view" this morning and clashed with joy behar after she blamed republicans for not trying to help americans. take a look. >> when it comes to actually helping people, republicans don't -- all of a sudden, we don't have any money. >> what is unfair, joy, is to say that republicans don't support this and only have money for big business. that is a typical democratic talking point. >> they want to pay rent and mortgages, they don't have money for that vehicle that's what they are -- and i don't see the republican party helping, they are blaming everybody else. >> that's just wrong. it's just absolutely wrong. you're welcome to your views, but not your own set of facts. republicans support all of those programs you just talked about, food programs, aid programs to small businesses, aid for the frontline health workers at hospitals. all those things have gotten overwhelming, in fact, unanimous, republican support. >> jason: governor christie, we like it. well done. unfortunately, that's all the time we have tonight. i want to put in a picture for my book "the deep state." it is certainly timely. sean hannity will be back on monday, i appreciate him letting me sit in his seat. i hope you have a great and wonderful weekend. we'll have great time. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. can you believe it's almost six months into the covid pandemic might at least now we know more about the virus, and the so-called experts who botched everything from ventilator needs to how lethal the virus actually is. but of course, the new reality, the information that is coming in, the accurate data, the picture of this whole thing, it hasn't stopped the left-wing politicians from trying to use the crisis for political ends. we are going to get into that tonight. also, just how damaging will it be for our kids to keep them out of school in the


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20200516

beyond delivering delay for responding to an urgent crisis. and it has no chance of becoming law." she is right. this bill will die in the senate. this is nothing more than a political stunt in the middle of a national crisis. joining us now live with the very latest detail is chad pergram, chad. >> good evening, jason. they are in the middle of this vote right now and there are 12 no's on the board so the democrats have a little bit of a push and they can lose up to 17. this is the largest bill in u.s. history. no hearings on this bill and it provides money for the postal service, there is food aid, direct payments that the democrats wanted and the cost traumatized some. and the moderate democrats from battle ground districts, abigail spanberger of virginia oppose the bill and some were concerned that they would weaponize the bill against them, but actually gives the democrats like them a chance to vote no and show independence for the speaker of the house. the bill was written by nancy pelosi as a nod to her left flank, but it was actually liberals who wanted to deliver the vote because of size and scope. washington was a "no" and not enough money for minority businesses and did not safeguard tensions. mitch mcconnell of the senate majority leader says he wants to hit the pause button on these big bills for coronavirus and not ruled out doing another pill. as you know, the speaker of the house nancy pelosi, she is always in negotiation and from her perspective, the start of negotiation. the chair of the federal reserve jake powell said more money could boost the economy. something else that happened in our note half ago they have approved proxy voting in the house of representatives. 217-189, that was a party line vote and that means on future votes, all members don't have to show up here they can phone in their votes. and the monitor, this bill is passing and there are still 12 democratic no's on the board. one republican, this is expected to pass by a narrow margin, jason back to you. >> jason: chad, thank you. joining us with reaction house majority steve scalise, the chairman matched with the favorite new york congressman lee zeldin and fox news contributor charlie hurt. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining all of us with us tonight. i want to start with you, steve scalise. i have got to tell you, this does give nancy pelosi more power when she tells members of congress, you don't even need to show up anymore. and we can vote without you, right? >> yes, jason it gives nancy pelosi power, but imagine being a democrat that goes back home in a swing district. you just voted to give your voting card in congress to nancy pelosi. she doesn't represent the values of a lot of those districts. you know you signed on for san francisco values and by the way, what are you doing that and why are you collecting a paycheck if you want nancy pelosi to be the one to vote for you and represent your district and you are representing a swing state somewhere else? this will be a tough vote for people to explain. it is unconstitutional first of all, because a quorum under this resolution they passed him a 20 people on the floor. 20 democrats can constitute a form of the house of representatives, 435 people. that goes against article 1 of the constitution but they don't care about that, they want to consolidate power and spend money. a drunken sailor would be implanted to be compared to them with what they do but this bill, illegal, taxpayer funding with abortion. >> jason: congressman i have to ask you, does this mean you will challenge this in court? will you go to court and challenge the constitutionality of this? >> if they pass any bill using these new rules, they haven't done it yet, but they are creating this opportunity to have 20 people on the board the constitute a form and nancy pelosi to hold the voting courts have so many people. it will be challenged. it will be challenged. >> jason: that will be interesting because i believe you would certainly have standing, congressman selden, this vote being voted on on the verge of passing $3 trillion. this thing is loaded up with all kinds of things. how do you see this bill? >> over 1800 pages, $3 trillion and this isn't a bill drafted by partisanship, debates, compromise, none of that. it gives a stimulus check to people illegally in the country, massive prison delays, legalizes throughout their harvesting. and it outlaws voter i.d. it extends unemployment in a way that will keep people out of work for almost another year. i will add another one to that commit provides more money with local governments in the hundreds of billions and beyond what the local governments are even asking asking for. speaker pelosi chose bipartisan pass to nowhere rather than pursuing the alternative which was working with president trump, working with congressional republicans and tried to negotiate a compromise. this is something to appease her left flank. this is one that turns off most of america, and she is going to end up with a bill dead on arrival in the senate and not going anywhere. it is a strategic failure on her part on multiple levels, on the substance and this is a waste of everyone's time and certainly a lot of tax dollars, especially the liberal items totally unrelated to coronavirus response. >> jason: matt, if you spend a million dollars every day it would take you 3,000 years to get to $1 trillion and this is $3 trillion. that is $10,000 per person in the united states of america so why not give them $10,000 each? >> thanks for doing the math for me, jason, because it is staggering. we already did $3 trillion. i think what republicans are saying which is rational, let's let all of the money. we have already spent like drunken sailors because the government shut down american businesses. let that capitalize in the system. jason, this is the critical point, which is more bridges and more stimulus is not what the american economy nor its people need. they need to be legally allowed to go back to work. they need to be able to open up their shops. if you are a mom and pop, you should be able to be open like the big box retailers are able to be open. we have this indiscriminate silly rules by most blue state governors, and it needs to end. no business can survive if it can't make a product nor transact with customers. it is simply that clear. >> jason: now, charlie the democrats have tried to say oh, we need to work together. we have to find something that is bipartisan, but nancy pelosi did not do any of that. they say one thing and do something totally opposite. how in the world to they go back to the american people and say hey, we are the adults in the room and we will work together to get things done when they put this monstrosity in front of the congress and then vote to say, hey, we don't need to come back in session. >> it is incredible. they should be a real wake-up call because if anybody doubts what is at stake in this election coming up, this is what is at stake. this is what these people will do. if they can hold control of the house, they get control of the senate and lord forbid they get control of the white house, this is the kind of insanity that you will be looking at. and of course, i've seen the particulars are just astonishing. the soft illegal aliens from all of that stuff is absolutely, just absolutely reprehensible. but let's step back for a minute. how in the world does piling $3 trillion in additional debt on hardworking americans, how does that help them recover from this pandemic and recover from shutting down the economy? and we should look back. imagine where we would be right now, jason, had we not piled up $20 trillion of debt on hardworking american taxpayers? all of these people want to do is i will more and more on there. and with that comes just mountains of regulations that throttle american ingenuity and industry and work that destroys americans. >> jason: congressman scalise, you are in leadership there. nancy pelosi and what she has done is signaled also in the bill that the house of representatives may not come back into session until july 21st. i mean, why do members of common courtesy get paid if they don't have to go to work? postal workers go to work. truckers will go to work. health care workers go to work, but nancy pelosi is saying, no need to show up to work anymore. >> can you imagine even the united states senate is going to work. there is no reason. we were here today voting. there were about 24 members who couldn't make it out of 435, and so to suggest it is complicated to get here is fallacy. the way she did this, it is about a power grab and certainly has nothing to do with health and safety. as you mentioned, we have the front line workers back in the hospitals, grocery stores, and out in louisiana today, we started opening up so you can go into a restaurant and finally going into places of worship. and yet, she will say that she doesn't want congress to be meeting in washington, debating bills, but she would rather take your proxy vote and hold onto it so she can vote for you. i will tell you this, and of course, jason, you would not do this either, nancy pelosi would not get my vote, and she sure wouldn't get yours. but anyone that voted for this bill today, how do they go back home and explain today they voted to allow nancy pelosi to vote for them so they don't have to go to work anymore? why don't they just resign their seat and send somebody up here he wants to come and fight up here in washington. >> jason: thank you so much. congressman zeldin, last word quickly. we have 15 seconds. >> if there is a member of house leadership who in the house of representatives is not essential, that house leadership management should step aside. if there is any of the house, nonessential, they should step aside. we should be here. we should not be going home right now. there is important work to do for the american people, economy, businesses, the workers, and everyone is leaving. you pointed out it might be a long time before we come back. >> jason: unbelievable, thank you gentlemen for joining us tonight. i really do appreciate it. coming up next, joe biden is still hiding out in his basement, and it is not going well. he continues to move further and further left to appease the socialist wing of his party. we will explain, plus we will show you his latest campaign blunders after the break. you don't want to miss this. stay with us as the special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. there are times when our need to connect really matters. to keep customers and employees in the know. to keep business moving. comcast business is prepared for times like these. powered by the nation's largest gig-speed network. to help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. and a team of experts - here for you 24/7. we've always believed in the power of working together. that's why, when every connection counts... you can count on us. ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." now mjoe biden's biggest opponent continues to be... himself. after another disastrous media blip last night where joe tried to talk to a prerecorded video. have a look. >> hi, president biden. thank you so much for allowing me to participate in this town hall with you. >> thank you. >> jason: things only got worse from there because biden is telling democrats who believe tara reade's sexual assault allegation not to vote for him. and he is still claiming he had no involvement in spying on michael flynn. take a look. >> what do you say to one who are ready to vote for joe biden, eager to vote for joe biden but this gives them serious pause because they do believe tara reade, and you will not change their mind about that. what would you say to them about their vote? >> i think they should vote their hearts. if they believe tara reade, they probably shouldn't vote for me. i wouldn't vote for me if i believe tara reade. >> mr. president, what was your involvement in the investigation of michael flynn and the fbi investigation of michael flynn? >> i was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynn while i was in office, period. >> jason: seriously? even as the media continues to play defense for biden, he can't get out of his own way. just listen to biden watching again, key details about the impact of the coronavirus. take a listen. >> where, we are in the middle of a pandemic that cost us 85,000 jobs as of today. lives of millions and millions of people, millions of jobs. >> jason: it's not just numbers giving trouble. he is struggling to keep track of who's who in his own party. take a look at him andrew young. watch this. >> i'm sure we can do better on the internet. i'm positive of that, but the fact is we are trying, recent events of instagram, the leading soccer players in the world, the latest episode of here's the deal podcast with andrew young. we are trying to get better with it. >> jason: it is andrew yang. he ran against you for the presidency and he was on the show. his name is andrew yang. for nonstop pointers to corruption with his sons overseas dealings in ukraine to now being implicated in the biggest abuse of power in corruption scandal in american history, joe biden keeps putting his campaign and nonstop damage control. and continues to race further and further left to try to pander to the new extreme socialist. like picking alexandria ocasio-cortez to serve on his campaign climate change panel. but tonight it could not be clearer with 171 days until election day, the democratic party finds itself in a state of dysfunction, division and all-out desperation. joining me now for a reaction, fox news contributor ari fleischer. ari, i do appreciate you joining us tonight. i mean, i can be on the air every hour and probably give you a new joe biden plunder, but is that just prebaked into the electorate? is this that they will accept the way he is or does this actually catch up to him? >> first of all, jason, i think you have to put into context, remember how exhausted he has to be from the travel he's doing. i do think you have to make an allowance for that. he has to go down for stairs to the basement, come upstairs from the basement. travel can really wear you down when you are running for president. look, i do think that it's baked in in a serious element where people notice joe biden. but the real question is, is something going on that is getting worse? this is where i regret the fact that the candidates are stuck home. it is only right for the american people to see these people in the thick of a campaign where they are metal is tested. let's see what joe biden has got. let's see if this is minor things and lots of people can get mixed up on words, statistics or numbers wrong. it does happen, but is this really a feature of joe biden that is getting worse or a one offset that we all have sometimes? a campaign contest that. we want all the candidates to be tested to. >> jason: that's what i like about a campaign. it is difficult and the camera is on you 24/7. it is grueling that that is part of the way we shake the tree to see who the nuts are and you are right, walking in the basement, really not that much of a test. one of the things i see joe biden continue to do is to the left, normally candidates wrap this up they go to the center, but that's not what he's doing. >> he's not doing it because the democratic party stop doing that a long time ago when it was going to the center. there is a gallup poll in 1994 when bill clinton was president that 25% of the democrats self identify as liberals. today it is 51% of democrats self identify as liberals. so there is hardly in a conservative or moderate democrats left. so he is a party running for to the left. but alexandria ocasio-cortez putting her on the cochair about climate? what kind of terrible signal is that to put a socialist in charge of your climate committee and america's energy needs? there is one thing about running to the left, there is another running off the cliff in the left. that is an indication he's heading that direction. and also it just shows he's not strong enough to stand by his track record where he was previously known for some moderate votes. he's walked away from all of it. what kind of stretched my backbone do you have when you change who you are, such a great degree so fast, including -- >> jason: now the senate will wrap up and start to ramp up, i should say some heavy duty investigations. you have attorney general barr, durham doing their investigation. you have lindsey graham, senator johnson, senator grassley, very keen on getting to the bottom what happened with the whole russia hoax, but that will come to play soon. how is joe biden going to handle that when he can't even admit he was part of unmasking michael flynn and it's in black-and-white? >> well, you pointed out, jason, one of the ways he will handle this is to shield him from having to handle it because the press won't go there. even a long hour interview, on msnbc commit he didn't even ask him a question until the very end and he let it go. no follow-up, note tough questions about it. why do you need to unmask general plan? what were you told? what did barack obama say and what did you say to barack obama? none of that is being presented to joe biden in any way if there is pressure on him. so will conservative outlets be able to ask those questions when he is out? may be but they protect him then too. the staff shield him and this is what is sad about the media breakdown today. these are legitimate, good, fair questions and who is asking them of joe biden? >> jason: it is so true, ari, the intellectual curiosity of the media has gone out the door. i have to tell you eight and a half years in congress, one of my biggest disappointment some of the icon in the national so-called mainstream media were not inquisitors. they did not call balls and strikes. they had an agenda and it was clear to me at the end of that. i know you are right about that. thank you so much for joining us. have a wonderful weekend. go ahead, go ahead. >> let me just add this, there is a reason people are a mess to begin with. and anybody who cares about civil liberty should pay attention to it. the government did not have a warrant and they listen to your phone calls. people should be masked. >> jason: that's right. that should be a bipartisan thing no matter what. again, ari, thank you so much. coming up we have an important question, does the left ever want this country to be reopened? what is there and back goal? aaron dershowitz and gregg jarrett will weighing in next and last, the trump administration doing to get america back on its feet. we will continue to monitor the house floor where the vote is currently underway on pelosi's $3 trillion bill. don't go away has a special edition of "hannity" continues ♪ to everyone navigating these uncertain times... whether you're caring for your family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. we're working hard to answer your questions. like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. we're more than a financial company. we're a "together we can get through anything" company. now, more than ever. we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at ♪ >> jason: this is a fox news alert. the house just passed pelosi's $3 trillion coronavirus bill. also tonight, ever since the first cases of coronavirus showed up in the united states, president trump is working to combat the deadly virus. today he took that battle to the next level when he announced a public-private partnership to develop a coronavirus backseat. watch this. >> today i want to update you on the next stage of this momentous medical initiative. it is called "operation warp speed" which means big and fast, massive scientific industrial and logistical endeavor unlikear anything our country has seen since the manhattan project. it is subjective to finish e developing of manufacturing and distributing a proven coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible. again, we would love to see if we can do it prior to the end of the year.t >> jason: joining us now with more from washington is kevin corke, kevin. >> jason, go to be with you. president trump optimistic as you can imagine doubling down on his belief that americans could see a vaccine for the coronavirus by the end of the year. in fact, he said as much at the event you showed of today. his administration, of course the latest efforts to get a vaccine. dubbed "operation warp speed." >> we think we will have a vaccine and the pretty near future. if we do, we will really be a big step ahead.>> and like so many other cases where you have a problem come in and go away at some point. >> the former head glaxo smith kline to lead that effort alongside four-star army general gustav burnham. white house officials insist that yes, it is an aggressive timeline for the vaccine, it just a goal, not a certainty but they will give everything they have, jason. and also reopening the economy could well prove just as important as long-term health of the country, jason. >> jason: kevin, thank you. while the trump administration is doing everything it can to get america reopened quickly and safely, some of the left appeared toke be spreading fear about the push to reopen thehe country. i now that some governors have taken steps to loose l and stayt home orders, the media once again showing liberal bias. for example the governors of georgia and colorado have both taken similar steps to reopen their state. but brian kemp of georgia, a republican is -- they accused him of experimenting with "human sacrifice. despite the media's fearmongering, many americans have had enough with the forced lockdown. earlier today, hundreds of pennsylvanians gathered around the state capital to protest coronavirus restrictions put in place two monthshs ago by goverr tom wolf. and don't forget the passionate rant against the lockdown pipe burst tool sports founder dave portnoy that has gone viral, elon musk the owner of tesla who stood up to the overbearing regulations in california praised dave portnoy saying he should join for office. and guilt by accusation and alan dershowitz and author of the russia hoax, one of the best books on the topic, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight. i want to start with you. you are actually in georgia. one of the things that bothers me isme the way they treated brian kemp the governor who took one of the first steps out there compared to jared polis a liberal democrat the governor of colorado. because they really did do similar things. >> excuse me, here in georgia, have been following it closely. in a desperate treatment, jason is quite striking. governor kemp and bludgeoned daily by the mainstream media, mostly the national media. you are right the atlanta accusing him of human sacrifice and the national journal three weeks ago wrote "mark this day three weeks from now, there will be blood on his hands." and of course the opposite has actually occurred. the total number of cases declined by 12% and just above that with the treatment of gerald the democratic governor, a word of criticism by the media. and so the lesson is really twofold. number one, the media is perpetuated wrong and number two hopelessly and profoundly bias and thus the moniker fake news, which is richly deserved. >> jason: now, alan, you have a democratic history and a perspective in your background. how do you read this? because it doesn't seem, at least as conservative when i see brian kemp on this topic and it doesn't seem the same went jared polis't was a friend of mine but about as liberal as you get health care in colorado. they don't treat them even closn to be the same. >> look i'm a liberal democrat ten i want to praise president trump for initiating this warp speed manhattan project. that is what we should be doingt getting a virus, giving it as quickly as possible, the tresources. i don't care if it is pelosi to desert or trunk that does it. i refuse to be partisan when it comes to fighting this horrible coronavirus. i don't think we should be partisan. we are all in this together. it is a reflection how bad things have become in this country that even the virus becomes a divisive issue based on partisanism. again, i was in his role and i was with my friend benjamin netanyahu two nights before election when he closed down their country. he got universal support money close down andt s now, he's opd up and he's getting support, not on partisan grounds. people still vote against him, but the issue of the disease has become partisan. i think that is true in most of the cases in america. everything is partisan. >> and it doesn't attack democrats or republicans or liberals separately. we have to do two things. public health and save our economy. and strike the appropriate balance. >> jason: you bring up the good point, the president to accelerate the way we produce a vaccine and you would think both sides of the aisle would stand up and applaud, but they don't, but they don't. alan dershowitz, great job my thank you for joining us tonight. appreciate it. all right, coming up, casey mcfarlane and reince priebus will await you in on the scandal that is rocking washington and the swamp. as well as the left. and later, we will discuss the weirdly cordial relationshipp between democrats and the communist party of china hashe this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special, far left overreach. bombshell new developments and perhaps the biggest abuse of power scandal in american history. the president is calling it obamagate and a recent interview with maria bartiromo, he a message for those who abuseor their power in the unmasking scandal, watch this. >> it was the greatest political crime in the history of our country. if i were a democrat instead of a republican, i think everybody would have been in jail a long timeer ago, and i'm talking with 50 yearep sentences. it is a disgrace what has happened. this is the greatest political scam, hoax, in the history of our country. >> jason: president trump also asked a great question about the flynn case on twitter. where is the 302? remember as trey gowdy pointed out, leaking flynn's unmasked name to the media is a felony punishable up to ten years in prison. joining is now correction the author of "revolution: trump, washington, and we the people" former national security kt mcfarland and best law and former white house chief of staff reince priebus. thank you for being here. and kt mcfarland. i want to start with you. 302 developed by the fbi don't report interviews but they will take and make note for the record and it is called a 302 and supposed to be done within five days of an interview. but the president points out and there hasn't been enough attention, where's the 302 on michael flynn? >> this is the most important set of notes taken by the fbi in decades. the fact that it is mysteriously missing is really, completely unbelievable. what a 302 and this has happened in my case as well, the two fbi agents sit down, one is a notetaker and then senior one starts out asking the questions. and between the two of them, they take notes but the junior takes the notes. they leave in the two agents who are supposed to get together, go back and forth with each other, and then make especially a record. so the problem with the 302 to start with because what if done inaccurately or taken things aia little bit out of context? they are not taking shorthand, and as you point out, these are notac recordings. so the 302 never considered to be 100% accurate to start with. the fact that these were added general flynn edited so many times and the originals mysteriously gone, it just doesn't pass the smell test. >> jason: how convenient. you were the chiefig of staff. you were actually on fox & friends, and i believe you were on fox news sunday.y. and you had said that senior people within the intelligence committee have told you that there was nothing to this so-called interaction between the trump campaign and russia. explain to us what ultimately happened and how did this go down? >> thanks, jason. i started telling sean hannity part of the story on monday in the first "new york times" story hit that said they were constant russian contacts between the trump campaign and russia. mccabe came into my office in the doorway shut. he told me that the story was b.s., inaccurate. i said, what can you do about it? he told me to call them back in two hours, i did, and there was nothing that i could do, but later in the afternoon, jim comey gave me a callll and i said to him, what are we going to be able to do about this? mccabe came here and he said there's nothing that can be done about it. and he specifically told me that i could say that "the new york times" story was inaccurate, overstated and wrong. that was in february 2017 that the story was wrong. so i said, i can say this on television and i have been informed this story is inaccurate and wrong? the answer, yes! i was very careful. i was careful to a fault in fact. so i will not go on tv and say something like that if i wasn't given authority to do that. so i went on television fox news sunday and other shows and i told anyone who would listen that i had been informed by the intelligence committee that the story about constant russian campaign l was wrong. in fact, of course, it didn't matter because we spent the next two years fighting the same kinds of people that publicly were saying the story was true, but then privately, telling everybody that it was wrong. and obviously, it's been going on for years. >> jason: to the two of you, there in the white house in those early days when this ambush was set up, the senior levels of the department of justice, my hats go off to you and to general flynn. i got to tell you, it doesn't smell like, it doesn't look right and all we ask for is the truth. and you can't even find it, that is ridiculous. i wish i had an hour to explore this with you, but i have to go. i appreciate both of you for joining men tonight. all right, coming up next, a report on china's rampant dishonesty, and we will ask the question, why are democrats refusing to call them out? stay with us as the special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ refusing to call them out? stay with us as ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." well nancy pelosi busy pushing another far left wishlist under the guise of a coronavirus package, she is also slamming president trump for daring to take on china. have a listen to this. >> let me just say that what the president is saying that china is interest is an interesting right now our focus should be on meeting the needs of the american people. >> jason: a diversion? the democrats are pulling even further left than we thought. now apologizing for the communist party of china and downplaying their involvement in the spread of the coronavirus. but republican lawmakers understand the threat all too well. according to an outlet run by the communist party, china is now considering punitive measures against missouri attorney general eric smit who filed a lawsuit against china for the damage caused to his date. let's face it, the chinese government cannot be trusted. according to "the new yorkrk po" might try and it isn't just fudging their death toll numbers by a little bit, try by over ihalf a million. joining me with reaction author of the "the coming collapse of china" and gordon chang, michael pillsbury, thank you for joining us tonight. michael and want to start with you. nancy pelosi says, you know, this is just a diversion. isn't this quarter to oneno of e big problems that is happening in the world right now? >> yes, and also china says the same thing. the chinese and the democrats in congress have pretty much taken the same line over the past months but there is nothing to investigate and china. both china and the democrats have accused president trump of botching the recovery. they have almost daily stories and their newspapers on the front page about how much mr. trump is not doing well and not doing the right thing. today, jason they had a huge photo in color from a bright, the whistle-blower and said he w is basically correct. so we have this strange enlightenment of the democrats in congress with the communist party in china. i can't explain it. >> jason: the ties to the chinese government but they are going after the missouri attorney general, eric schmidt and also mention senator tom cotton and senator josh hawley. how big of a threat is this to the three americans who are in elected offices? >> i think what the communist party is worried about is an investigation issue into the origins of the coronavirus will show the malign actions ofic beijing. that beijing took action that it knew would inevitably lead to the discredithe of coronavirus e on china's borders. now you have senator cotton, senator foley and a number of political figures who have been pressing china and not giving up and not merely the important thing because we need to get to the bottom of this because china says that we need to cooperate with him but how can you cooperate with someone who has deliberately killed 87,000m americans? to me, we have to answer the core question. >> jason: we have to be careful. we don't know that they were purposely were trying to do that to americans, but an investigation would certainly lead a long way. we have only got a few seconds left here. but to the core of the question that was asked at the beginning, michael, why are the democrats so hesitant to actually join republicans and join america in the concern about what china was involved with with the virus? >> jason, i think it is the kind of syndicalism they have about the elections. admit that president trump was right in 2016 campaign, china has been taking advantage of us and it is theyto stop that behavior, are essentially surrending to president trump successful dealing with china. and it will look bad in the polls. they will probably lose the house and president trump will stay in the white house. there is a lot at stake. >> jason: gordon, i have to get yours -- if only got ten seconds. give me your quick thought on this. >> of the democratic policy establishment is pro-engagement, pro-beijing and so the democratic party is responding to the advisors it has in addition to all the other reasons michael talked about. >> jason: gentlemen, thank you. i have to leave it there. all right, earlier today former new jersey governor chris christie had some heated moments with the ladies on "the view." we will play the tape next as this special edition of "hannity" continues. these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again! good 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[ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special. chris christie was on "the view" this morning and clashed with joy behar after she blamed republicans for not trying to help americans. take a look. >> when it comes to actually helping people, republicans don't -- all of a sudden, we don't have any money. >> what is unfair, joy, is to say that republicans don't support this and only have money for big business. that is a typical democratic talking point. >> they want to pay rent and mortgages, they don't have money for that vehicle that's what the are -- and i don't see republican party helping, they are blaming everybody else. >> that's just wrong. it's t just absolutely wrong. you're welcome to your views, but not your own set of facts. republicans support all of those programs you just talked about, food programs, aid programs to small businesses, aid for the frontline health workers at hospitals. all those things have gotten overwhelming, in fact, unanimous, republican support. >> jason: governor christie, we like it. well done. unfortunately, that's all the time we have tonight. i want to put in a pitch for my book "the deep state." it is certainly timely. sean hannity will be back on monday, i appreciate him letting me sit in his seat. i hope you have a great and cwonderful weekend. we'll have great time. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. can you believe it's almost six months into the covid pandemic might at least now we know more about the virus, and the so-called experts who botched everything from ventilator needs to how lethal the virus actually is. but of course, the new reality, the information that is coming in, the accurate data, the picture of this whole thing, it hasn't stopped the left-wing politicians from trying to use the crisis for political ends. we are going to get into that tonight. also, just how damaging will it be for our kids to keep them out of school in the fall, or maybe even all of next year?


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20200516

responding to an urgent crisis. and it has no chance of becoming law." she is right. this bill will die in the senate. this is nothing more than a political stunt in the middle of a national crisis. joining us now live with the very latest detail is chad pergram, chad. >> good evening, jason. they are in the middle of this vote right now and there are 12 no's on the board so the democrats have a little bit of a push and they can lose up to 17. this is the largest bill in u.s. history. no hearings on this bill and it provides money for the postal service, there is food aid, direct payments that the democrats wanted and the cost traumatized some. and the moderate democrats from battle ground districts, abigail spanberger of virginia oppose the bill and some were concerned that they would weaponize the bill against them, but actually gives the democrats like them a chance to vote no and show independence for the speaker of the house. the bill was written by nancy pelosi as a nod to her left flank, but it was actually liberals who wanted to deliver the vote because of size and scope. washington was a "no" and not enough money for minority businesses and did not safeguard tensions. mitch mcconnell of the senate majority leader says he wants to hit the pause button on these big bills for coronavirus and not ruled out doing another pill. as you know, the speaker of the house nancy pelosi, she is always in negotiation and from her perspective, the start of negotiation. the chair of the federal reserve jake powell said more money could boost the economy. something else that happened in our note half ago they have approved proxy voting in the house of representatives. 217-189, that was a party line vote and that means on future votes, all members don't have to show up here they can phone in their votes. and the monitor, this bill is passing and there are still 12 democratic no's on the board. one republican, this is expected to pass by a narrow margin, jason back to you. >> jason: chad, thank you. joining us with reaction house majority steve scalise, the chairman matched with the favorite new york congressman lee zeldin and fox news contributor charlie hurt. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining all of us with us tonight. i want to start with you, steve scalise. i have got to tell you, this does give nancy pelosi more power when she tells members of congress, you don't even need to show up anymore. and we can vote without you, right? >> yes, jason it gives nancy pelosi power, but imagine being a democrat that goes back home in a swing district. you just voted to give your voting card in congress to nancy pelosi. she doesn't represent the values of a lot of those districts. you know you signed on for san francisco values and by the way, what are you doing that and why are you collecting a paycheck if you want nancy pelosi to be the one to vote for you and represent your district and you are representing a swing state somewhere else? this will be a tough vote for people to explain. it is unconstitutional first of all, because a quorum under this resolution they passed him a 20 people on the floor. 20 democrats can constitute a form of the house of representatives, 435 people. that goes against article 1 of the constitution but they don't care about that, they want to consolidate power and spend money. a drunken sailor would be implanted to be compared to them with what they do but this bill, illegal, taxpayer funding with abortion. >> jason: congressman i have to ask you, does this mean you will challenge this in court? will you go to court and challenge the constitutionality of this? >> if they pass any bill using these new rules, they haven't done it yet, but they are creating this opportunity to have 20 people on the board the constitute a form and nancy pelosi to hold the voting courts have so many people. it will be challenged. it will be challenged. >> jason: that will be interesting because i believe you would certainly have standing, congressman selden, this vote being voted on on the verge of passing $3 trillion. this thing is loaded up with all kinds of things. how do you see this bill? >> over 1800 pages, $3 trillion and this isn't a bill drafted by partisanship, debates, compromise, none of that. it gives a stimulus check to people illegally in the country, massive prison delays, legalizes throughout their harvesting. and it outlaws voter i.d. it extends unemployment in a way that will keep people out of work for almost another year. i will add another one to that commit provides more money with local governments in the hundreds of billions and beyond what the local governments are even asking asking for. speaker pelosi chose bipartisan pass to nowhere rather than pursuing the alternative which was working with president trump, working with congressional republicans and tried to negotiate a compromise. this is something to appease her left flank. this is one that turns off most of america, and she is going to end up with a bill dead on arrival in the senate and not going anywhere. it is a strategic failure on her part on multiple levels, on the substance and this is a waste of everyone's time and certainly a lot of tax dollars, especially the liberal items totally unrelated to coronavirus response. >> jason: matt, if you spend a million dollars every day it would take you 3,000 years to get to $1 trillion and this is $3 trillion. that is $10,000 per person in the united states of america so why not give them $10,000 each? >> thanks for doing the math for me, jason, because it is staggering. we already did $3 trillion. i think what republicans are saying which is rational, let's let all of the money. we have already spent like drunken sailors because the government shut down american businesses. let that capitalize in the system. jason, this is the critical point, which is more bridges and more stimulus is not what the american economy nor its people need. they need to be legally allowed to go back to work. they need to be able to open up their shops. if you are a mom and pop, you should be able to be open like the big box retailers are able to be open. we have this indiscriminate silly rules by most blue state governors, and it needs to end. no business can survive if it can't make a product nor transact with customers. it is simply that clear. >> jason: now, charlie the democrats have tried to say oh, we need to work together. we have to find something that is bipartisan, but nancy pelosi did not do any of that. they say one thing and do something totally opposite. how in the world to they go back to the american people and say hey, we are the adults in the room and we will work together to get things done when they put this monstrosity in front of the congress and then vote to say, hey, we don't need to come back in session. >> it is incredible. they should be a real wake-up call because if anybody doubts what is at stake in this election coming up, this is what is at stake. this is what these people will do. if they can hold control of the house, they get control of the senate and lord forbid they get control of the white house, this is the kind of insanity that you will be looking at. and of course, i've seen the particulars are just astonishing. the soft illegal aliens from all of that stuff is absolutely, just absolutely reprehensible. but let's step back for a minute. how in the world does piling $3 trillion in additional debt on hardworking americans, how does that help them recover from this pandemic and recover from shutting down the economy? and we should look back. imagine where we would be right now, jason, had we not piled up $20 trillion of debt on hardworking american taxpayers? all of these people want to do is i will more and more on there. and with that comes just mountains of regulations that throttle american ingenuity and industry and work that destroys americans. >> jason: congressman scalise, you are in leadership there. nancy pelosi and what she has done is signaled also in the bill that the house of representatives may not come back into session until july 21st. i mean, why do members of common courtesy get paid if they don't have to go to work? postal workers go to work. truckers will go to work. health care workers go to work, but nancy pelosi is saying, no need to show up to work anymore. >> can you imagine even the united states senate is going to work. there is no reason. we were here today voting. there were about 24 members who couldn't make it out of 435, and so to suggest it is complicated to get here is fallacy. the way she did this, it is about a power grab and certainly has nothing to do with health and safety. as you mentioned, we have the front line workers back in the hospitals, grocery stores, and out in louisiana today, we started opening up so you can go into a restaurant and finally going into places of worship. and yet, she will say that she doesn't want congress to be meeting in washington, debating bills, but she would rather take your proxy vote and hold onto it so she can vote for you. i will tell you this, and of course, jason, you would not do this either, nancy pelosi would not get my vote, and she sure wouldn't get yours. but anyone that voted for this bill today, how do they go back home and explain today they voted to allow nancy pelosi to vote for them so they don't have to go to work anymore? why don't they just resign their seat and send somebody up here he wants to come and fight up here in washington. >> jason: thank you so much. congressman zeldin, last word quickly. we have 15 seconds. >> if there is a member of house leadership who in the house of representatives is not essential, that house leadership management should step aside. if there is any of the house, nonessential, they should step aside. we should be here. we should not be going home right now. there is important work to do for the american people, economy, businesses, the workers, and everyone is leaving. you pointed out it might be a long time before we come back. >> jason: unbelievable, thank you gentlemen for joining us tonight. i really do appreciate it. coming up next, joe biden is still hiding out in his basement, and it is not going well. he continues to move further and further left to appease the socialist wing of his party. we will explain, plus we will show you his latest campaign blunders after the break. you don't want to miss this. stay with us as the special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ across america, business owners are figuring things out. finding new ways to serve customers... connect employees... and work with partners. comcast business is right there with you. with a network that helps give you speed, reliability and security. and enough bandwidth to handle all your connected devices. voice solutions like remote call forwarding and readable voicemail. and safe, convenient installation. when every connection counts, you can count on us. get the connectivity your business needs. call today. comcast business. ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." now mjoe biden's biggest opponent continues to be... himself. after another disastrous media blip last night where joe tried to talk to a prerecorded video. have a look. >> hi, president biden. thank you so much for allowing me to participate in this town hall with you. >> thank you. >> jason: things only got worse from there because biden is telling democrats who believe tara reade's sexual assault allegation not to vote for him. and he is still claiming he had no involvement in spying on michael flynn. take a look. >> what do you say to one who are ready to vote for joe biden, eager to vote for joe biden but this gives them serious pause because they do believe tara reade, and you will not change their mind about that. what would you say to them about their vote? >> i think they should vote their hearts. if they believe tara reade, they probably shouldn't vote for me. i wouldn't vote for me if i believe tara reade. >> mr. president, what was your involvement in the investigation of michael flynn and the fbi investigation of michael flynn? >> i was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynn while i was in office, period. >> jason: seriously? even as the media continues to play defense for biden, he can't get out of his own way. just listen to biden watching again, key details about the impact of the coronavirus. take a listen. >> where, we are in the middle of a pandemic that cost us 85,000 jobs as of today. lives of millions and millions of people, millions of jobs. >> jason: it's not just numbers giving trouble. he is struggling to keep track of who's who in his own party. take a look at him andrew young. watch this. >> i'm sure we can do better on the internet. i'm positive of that, but the fact is we are trying, recent events of instagram, the leading soccer players in the world, the latest episode of here's the deal podcast with andrew young. we are trying to get better with it. >> jason: it is andrew yang. he ran against you for the presidency and he was on the show. his name is andrew yang. for nonstop pointers to corruption with his sons overseas dealings in ukraine to now being implicated in the biggest abuse of power in corruption scandal in american history, joe biden keeps putting his campaign and nonstop damage control. and continues to race further and further left to try to pander to the new extreme socialist. like picking alexandria ocasio-cortez to serve on his campaign climate change panel. but tonight it could not be clearer with 171 days until election day, the democratic party finds itself in a state of dysfunction, division and all-out desperation. joining me now for a reaction, fox news contributor ari fleischer. ari, i do appreciate you joining us tonight. i mean, i can be on the air every hour and probably give you a new joe biden plunder, but is that just prebaked into the electorate? is this that they will accept the way he is or does this actually catch up to him? >> first of all, jason, i think you have to put into context, remember how exhausted he has to be from the travel he's doing. i do think you have to make an allowance for that. he has to go down for stairs to the basement, come upstairs from the basement. travel can really wear you down when you are running for president. look, i do think that it's baked in in a serious element where people notice joe biden. but the real question is, is something going on that is getting worse? this is where i regret the fact that the candidates are stuck home. it is only right for the american people to see these people in the thick of a campaign where they are metal is tested. let's see what joe biden has got. let's see if this is minor things and lots of people can get mixed up on words, statistics or numbers wrong. it does happen, but is this really a feature of joe biden that is getting worse or a one offset that we all have sometimes? a campaign contest that. we want all the candidates to be tested to. >> jason: that's what i like about a campaign. it is difficult and the camera is on you 24/7. it is grueling that that is part of the way we shake the tree to see who the nuts are and you are right, walking in the basement, really not that much of a test. one of the things i see joe biden continue to do is to the left, normally candidates wrap this up they go to the center, but that's not what he's doing. >> he's not doing it because the democratic party stop doing that a long time ago when it was going to the center. there is a gallup poll in 1994 when bill clinton was president that 25% of the democrats self identify as liberals. today it is 51% of democrats self identify as liberals. so there is hardly in a conservative or moderate democrats left. so he is a party running for to the left. but alexandria ocasio-cortez putting her on the cochair about climate? what kind of terrible signal is that to put a socialist in charge of your climate committee and america's energy needs? there is one thing about running to the left, there is another running off the cliff in the left. that is an indication he's heading that direction. and also it just shows he's not strong enough to stand by his track record where he was previously known for some moderate votes. he's walked away from all of it. what kind of stretched my backbone do you have when you change who you are, such a great degree so fast, including -- >> jason: now the senate will wrap up and start to ramp up, i should say some heavy duty investigations. you have attorney general barr, durham doing their investigation. you have lindsey graham, senator johnson, senator grassley, very keen on getting to the bottom what happened with the whole russia hoax, but that will come to play soon. how is joe biden going to handle that when he can't even admit he was part of unmasking michael flynn and it's in black-and-white? >> well, you pointed out, jason, one of the ways he will handle this is to shield him from having to handle it because the press won't go there. even a long hour interview, on msnbc commit he didn't even ask him a question until the very end and he let it go. no follow-up, note tough questions about it. why do you need to unmask general plan? what were you told? what did barack obama say and what did you say to barack obama? none of that is being presented to joe biden in any way if there is pressure on him. so will conservative outlets be able to ask those questions when he is out? may be but they protect him then too. the staff shield him and this is what is sad about the media breakdown today. these are legitimate, good, fair questions and who is asking them of joe biden? >> jason: it is so true, ari, the intellectual curiosity of the media has gone out the door. i have to tell you eight and a half years in congress, one of my biggest disappointment some of the icon in the national so-called mainstream media were not inquisitors. they did not call balls and strikes. they had an agenda and it was clear to me at the end of that. i know you are right about that. thank you so much for joining us. have a wonderful weekend. go ahead, go ahead. >> let me just add this, there is a reason people are a mess to begin with. and anybody who cares about civil liberty should pay attention to it. the government did not have a warrant and they listen to your phone calls. people should be masked. >> jason: that's right. that should be a bipartisan thing no matter what. again, ari, thank you so much. coming up we have an important question, does the left ever want this country to be reopened? what is there and back goal? aaron dershowitz and gregg jarrett will weighing in next and last, the trump administration doing to get america back on its feet. we will continue to monitor the house floor where the vote is currently underway on pelosi's $3 trillion bill. don't go away has a special edition of "hannity" continues ♪ tototototo need an escape from reality that won't cost a thing? i want to show you something really important. are you guys ready for some weirdness? let tubi bring you thousands of movies and shows. 100 percent free. so, when real life is a little too real. wake up! will you accept this rose? deal or no deal? i like to push the envelope. stream your favorite reality shows. we are kind of a big deal here! with tubi. watch free. ♪ >> jason: this is a fox news alert. the house just passed pelosi's $3 trillion coronavirus bill. also tonight, ever since the first cases of coronavirus showed up in the united states, president trump is working to combat the deadly virus. today he took that battle to the next level when he announced a public-private partnership to develop a coronavirus backseat. watch this. >> today i want to update you on the next stage of this momentous medical initiative. it is called "operation warp speed" which means big and fast, massive scientific industrial and logistical endeavor unlikear anything our country has seen since the manhattan project. it is subjective to finish e developing of manufacturing and distributing a proven coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible. again, we would love to see if we can do it prior to the end of the year.t >> jason: joining us now with more from washington is kevin corke, kevin. >> jason, go to be with you. president trump optimistic as you can imagine doubling down on his belief that americans could see a vaccine for the coronavirus by the end of the year. in fact, he said as much at the event you showed of today. his administration, of course the latest efforts to get a vaccine. dubbed "operation warp speed." >> we think we will have a vaccine and the pretty near future. if we do, we will really be a big step ahead.>> and like so many other cases where you have a problem come in and go away at some point. >> the former head glaxo smith kline to lead that effort alongside four-star army general gustav burnham. white house officials insist that yes, it is an aggressive timeline for the vaccine, it just a goal, not a certainty but they will give everything they have, jason. and also reopening the economy could well prove just as important as long-term health of the country, jason. >> jason: kevin, thank you. while the trump administration is doing everything it can to get america reopened quickly and safely, some of the left appeared toke be spreading fear about the push to reopen thehe country. i now that some governors have taken steps to loose l and stayt home orders, the media once again showing liberal bias. for example the governors of georgia and colorado have both taken similar steps to reopen their state. but brian kemp of georgia, a republican is -- they accused him of experimenting with "human sacrifice. despite the media's fearmongering, many americans have had enough with the forced lockdown. earlier today, hundreds of pennsylvanians gathered around the state capital to protest coronavirus restrictions put in place two monthshs ago by goverr tom wolf. and don't forget the passionate rant against the lockdown pipe burst tool sports founder dave portnoy that has gone viral, elon musk the owner of tesla who stood up to the overbearing regulations in california praised dave portnoy saying he should join for office. and guilt by accusation and alan dershowitz and author of the russia hoax, one of the best books on the topic, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight. i want to start with you. you are actually in georgia. one of the things that bothers me isme the way they treated brian kemp the governor who took one of the first steps out there compared to jared polis a liberal democrat the governor of colorado. because they really did do similar things. >> excuse me, here in georgia, have been following it closely. in a desperate treatment, jason is quite striking. governor kemp and bludgeoned daily by the mainstream media, mostly the national media. you are right the atlanta accusing him of human sacrifice and the national journal three weeks ago wrote "mark this day three weeks from now, there will be blood on his hands." and of course the opposite has actually occurred. the total number of cases declined by 12% and just above that with the treatment of gerald the democratic governor, a word of criticism by the media. and so the lesson is really twofold. number one, the media is perpetuated wrong and number two hopelessly and profoundly bias and thus the moniker fake news, which is richly deserved. >> jason: now, alan, you have a democratic history and a perspective in your background. how do you read this? because it doesn't seem, at least as conservative when i see brian kemp on this topic and it doesn't seem the same went jared polis't was a friend of mine but about as liberal as you get health care in colorado. they don't treat them even closn to be the same. >> look i'm a liberal democrat ten i want to praise president trump for initiating this warp speed manhattan project. that is what we should be doingt getting a virus, giving it as quickly as possible, the tresources. i don't care if it is pelosi to desert or trunk that does it. i refuse to be partisan when it comes to fighting this horrible coronavirus. i don't think we should be partisan. we are all in this together. it is a reflection how bad things have become in this country that even the virus becomes a divisive issue based on partisanism. again, i was in his role and i was with my friend benjamin netanyahu two nights before election when he closed down their country. he got universal support money close down andt s now, he's opd up and he's getting support, not on partisan grounds. people still vote against him, but the issue of the disease has become partisan. i think that is true in most of the cases in america. everything is partisan. >> and it doesn't attack democrats or republicans or liberals separately. we have to do two things. public health and save our economy. and strike the appropriate balance. >> jason: you bring up the good point, the president to accelerate the way we produce a vaccine and you would think both sides of the aisle would stand up and applaud, but they don't, but they don't. alan dershowitz, great job my thank you for joining us tonight. appreciate it. all right, coming up, casey mcfarlane and reince priebus will await you in on the scandal that is rocking washington and the swamp. as well as the left. and later, we will discuss the weirdly cordial relationshipp between democrats and the communist party of china hashe this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special, far left overreach. bombshell new developments and perhaps the biggest abuse of power scandal in american history. the president is calling it obamagate and a recent interview with maria bartiromo, he a message for those who abuseor their power in the unmasking scandal, watch this. >> it was the greatest political crime in the history of our country. if i were a democrat instead of a republican, i think everybody would have been in jail a long timeer ago, and i'm talking with 50 yearep sentences. it is a disgrace what has happened. this is the greatest political scam, hoax, in the history of our country. >> jason: president trump also asked a great question about the flynn case on twitter. where is the 302? remember as trey gowdy pointed out, leaking flynn's unmasked name to the media is a felony punishable up to ten years in prison. joining is now correction the author of "revolution: trump, washington, and we the people" former national security kt mcfarland and best law and former white house chief of staff reince priebus. thank you for being here. and kt mcfarland. i want to start with you. 302 developed by the fbi don't report interviews but they will take and make note for the record and it is called a 302 and supposed to be done within five days of an interview. but the president points out and there hasn't been enough attention, where's the 302 on michael flynn? >> this is the most important set of notes taken by the fbi in decades. the fact that it is mysteriously missing is really, completely unbelievable. what a 302 and this has happened in my case as well, the two fbi agents sit down, one is a notetaker and then senior one starts out asking the questions. and between the two of them, they take notes but the junior takes the notes. they leave in the two agents who are supposed to get together, go back and forth with each other, and then make especially a record. so the problem with the 302 to start with because what if done inaccurately or taken things aia little bit out of context? they are not taking shorthand, and as you point out, these are notac recordings. so the 302 never considered to be 100% accurate to start with. the fact that these were added general flynn edited so many times and the originals mysteriously gone, it just doesn't pass the smell test. >> jason: how convenient. you were the chiefig of staff. you were actually on fox & friends, and i believe you were on fox news sunday.y. and you had said that senior people within the intelligence committee have told you that there was nothing to this so-called interaction between the trump campaign and russia. explain to us what ultimately happened and how did this go down? >> thanks, jason. i started telling sean hannity part of the story on monday in the first "new york times" story hit that said they were constant russian contacts between the trump campaign and russia. mccabe came into my office in the doorway shut. he told me that the story was b.s., inaccurate. i said, what can you do about it? he told me to call them back in two hours, i did, and there was nothing that i could do, but later in the afternoon, jim comey gave me a callll and i said to him, what are we going to be able to do about this? mccabe came here and he said there's nothing that can be done about it. and he specifically told me that i could say that "the new york times" story was inaccurate, overstated and wrong. that was in february 2017 that the story was wrong. so i said, i can say this on television and i have been informed this story is inaccurate and wrong? the answer, yes! i was very careful. i was careful to a fault in fact. so i will not go on tv and say something like that if i wasn't given authority to do that. so i went on television fox news sunday and other shows and i told anyone who would listen that i had been informed by the intelligence committee that the story about constant russian campaign l was wrong. in fact, of course, it didn't matter because we spent the next two years fighting the same kinds of people that publicly were saying the story was true, but then privately, telling everybody that it was wrong. and obviously, it's been going on for years. >> jason: to the two of you, there in the white house in those early days when this ambush was set up, the senior levels of the department of justice, my hats go off to you and to general flynn. i got to tell you, it doesn't smell like, it doesn't look right and all we ask for is the truth. and you can't even find it, that is ridiculous. i wish i had an hour to explore this with you, but i have to go. i appreciate both of you for joining men tonight. all right, coming up next, a report on china's rampant dishonesty, and we will ask the question, why are democrats refusing to call them out? stay with us as the special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ refusing to call them out? stay with us as these days staying connected is more important than ever. so we're working 24/7 to maintain a reliable network, to meet your growing internet needs. we're helping customers who are experiencing financial difficulties stay connected. we're increasing internet speeds for low income families in our internet essentials program. and delivering self-install kits to your door. nos comprometemos a mantenerte conectado. we're committed to keeping you connected. for more information on how you can stay connected, visit ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." well nancy pelosi busy pushing another far left wishlist under the guise of a coronavirus package, she is also slamming president trump for daring to take on china. have a listen to this. >> let me just say that what the president is saying that china is interest is an interesting right now our focus should be on meeting the needs of the american people. >> jason: a diversion? the democrats are pulling even further left than we thought. now apologizing for the communist party of china and downplaying their involvement in the spread of the coronavirus. but republican lawmakers understand the threat all too well. according to an outlet run by the communist party, china is now considering punitive measures against missouri attorney general eric smit who filed a lawsuit against china for the damage caused to his date. let's face it, the chinese government cannot be trusted. according to "the new yorkrk po" might try and it isn't just fudging their death toll numbers by a little bit, try by over ihalf a million. joining me with reaction author of the "the coming collapse of china" and gordon chang, michael pillsbury, thank you for joining us tonight. michael and want to start with you. nancy pelosi says, you know, this is just a diversion. isn't this quarter to oneno of e big problems that is happening in the world right now? >> yes, and also china says the same thing. the chinese and the democrats in congress have pretty much taken the same line over the past months but there is nothing to investigate and china. both china and the democrats have accused president trump of botching the recovery. they have almost daily stories and their newspapers on the front page about how much mr. trump is not doing well and not doing the right thing. today, jason they had a huge photo in color from a bright, the whistle-blower and said he w is basically correct. so we have this strange enlightenment of the democrats in congress with the communist party in china. i can't explain it. >> jason: the ties to the chinese government but they are going after the missouri attorney general, eric schmidt and also mention senator tom cotton and senator josh hawley. how big of a threat is this to the three americans who are in elected offices? >> i think what the communist party is worried about is an investigation issue into the origins of the coronavirus will show the malign actions ofic beijing. that beijing took action that it knew would inevitably lead to the discredithe of coronavirus e on china's borders. now you have senator cotton, senator foley and a number of political figures who have been pressing china and not giving up and not merely the important thing because we need to get to the bottom of this because china says that we need to cooperate with him but how can you cooperate with someone who has deliberately killed 87,000m americans? to me, we have to answer the core question. >> jason: we have to be careful. we don't know that they were purposely were trying to do that to americans, but an investigation would certainly lead a long way. we have only got a few seconds left here. but to the core of the question that was asked at the beginning, michael, why are the democrats so hesitant to actually join republicans and join america in the concern about what china was involved with with the virus? >> jason, i think it is the kind of syndicalism they have about the elections. admit that president trump was right in 2016 campaign, china has been taking advantage of us and it is theyto stop that behavior, are essentially surrending to president trump successful dealing with china. and it will look bad in the polls. they will probably lose the house and president trump will stay in the white house. there is a lot at stake. >> jason: gordon, i have to get yours -- if only got ten seconds. give me your quick thought on this. >> of the democratic policy establishment is pro-engagement, pro-beijing and so the democratic party is responding to the advisors it has in addition to all the other reasons michael talked about. >> jason: gentlemen, thank you. i have to leave it there. all right, earlier today former new jersey governor chris christie had some heated moments with the ladies on "the view." ♪ >> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special. chris christie was on "the view" this morning and clashed with joy behar after she blamed republicans for not trying to help americans. take a look. >> when it comes to actually helping people, republicans don't -- all of a sudden, we don't have any money. >> what is unfair, joy, is to say that republicans don't support this and only have money for big business. that is a typical democratic talking point. >> they want to pay rent and mortgages, they don't have money for that vehicle that's what the are -- and i don't see republican party helping, they are blaming everybody else. >> that's just wrong. it's t just absolutely wrong. you're welcome to your views, but not your own set of facts. republicans support all of those programs you just talked about, food programs, aid programs to small businesses, aid for the frontline health workers at hospitals. all those things have gotten overwhelming, in fact, unanimous, republican support. >> jason: governor christie, we like it. well done. unfortunately, that's all the time we have tonight. i want to put in a pitch for my book "the deep state." it is certainly timely. sean hannity will be back on monday, i appreciate him letting me sit in his seat. i hope you have a great and cwonderful weekend. we'll have great time. ♪ that tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. we will see you then. here comes "the five." it's ♪ hello, everybody. i am jesse watters juan williams, dana perino, greg gutfeld, and kennedy. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." president trump keeping up the pressure on former obama officials who unmasked michael flynn. trump now demanding the public seek key documents he says disappeared with speeds meeting with fbi agents in january 2017. people like joe biden are desperate to change the subject. sleepy joe once again changing his story over if


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