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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20161027

for refusing to be politically correct is donald trump taking a lesson from archie bunker? i'm going to and all in the family creator norman lear. mr. mark preston, hillary clinton celebrated her 69th birthday and donald trump cut the ribbon on his new hotel in dc. what are the next 13-day strategy? >> we know they're not going to be fundraising in big events. they're going to be on the campaign trail. donald trump took a brief detour, came to washington, d.c., opened up his hotel, and went quickly back to the campaign trail. bottom line they're spending all of their time in the battleground state and those states they think they need for a path to victory. for donald trump, states such as florida, colorado, north carolina. states in order for him to get to 270 he needs to win. >> donald trump needs to expand his base, as you said, that's to win. today he's talking about revitalizing cities. is he adding voters among african americans or minorities? >> we've seen the polls tighten and we're starting to see democrats start to continue to consolidate behind hillary clinton and see that move towards donald trump. the fact of the matter he needs to get more republicans to come out and say they're going to be with him and vote for him on election day. another thing that donald trump needs to do though is he needs to appeal to that middle ground. he needs to get those independent voters to come to his side so when he talks about making inner cities better, that's really a play right now, don. you would have to think for those independent voters, who want to look at donald trump and say that he can be a president for all. the fact of the matter is latinos, hispanics, as well as african-americans are going to go overwhelmingly for hillary clinton. >> more than seven million votes already been cast mark. we don't know who they're cast for, but you can tell whether it's good news for hillary clinton or donald trump particularly in those battleground states? >> yeah we can, don. let's just take a quick look at this early absentee voting we've seen from catalyst, which provided us with this information. it's about 7.4 million votes have been cast in 35 states. when the election is in two weeks, quite frankly, the election is right now as we stand. that 4.6 million were cast in battleground states. i'll explain in the next graphic, democrats have an advantage in arizona, colorado, north carolina, and nevada, republicans have an edge in florida, ohio, and utah. let me preface that by saying we know they've had a battle in the past, and we know what their demographics is. arizona should be a ruby red state but yet you're seeing democrats have an advantage in this early voting. in the state of florida, while republicans have an advantage over democrats, it is so much slimmer than what they've had in the past, most comparable years, 2008, don, and we're seeing democrats much closer to republicans in the early voting and that is troublesome for the gop. >> that is interesting also. troublesome because republicans need cash. dana bash reported earlier that reince priebus went to trump looking for money for his ads without trump's money, can the gop match what democrats in the final campaign? >> i don't think so. and what we've seen from the house in senate candidates they're trying to get their own money at this point or basically they're making appeals to these donors. donald trump has had media by and large how he's going to put $100 million in but we've seen a little less than 60 million of his own has gone into the campaign but he hasn't needed it up to this point. as we go into the closing weeks, reince priebus making that appeal was basically telling donald trump you need to blanket the airways. we need to swamp and try to go toe to toe with hillary clinton that. money also could have been used for get-out-the vote efforts. mark mckinnon said this when we were talking about it last hour, the ground game is not the same. democrats have more people in these states who are critical to getting people to the polls and republicans don't have that because the only infrastructure they have was built by the republican national committee. there's really no help from donald trump on that end. >> he said closing weeks. closing days really. we're down to 13. >> it's under two weeks. democrats are shifting money to senate races. are they turning the page too soon, do you think? >> this turns to governing, in many ways by shifting it to senate candidates, they're putting money into democratic cans and if hillary clinton does win, you know, if she wins in november, she needs to pick up four seats to take control of the senate, but in the senate, the bottom line is you need a lot more than that to try to govern a little bit. the house of representatives looks like it's going to say republican. when we talk about mandates, her disapproval rating is 52%. i don't know how anybody can go in with the disapproval rating when you start office with more knowledge that the majority of people are on your side. it would be really difficult. the first year of whoever wins their presidency is going to be very ugly in d.c. >> mark preston, thank you as always. now i want to break down the newest national polls and what they tell us about hillary clinton's shrinking he'd. john king is at the magic wall, john? >> one new national poll shows hillary clinton's national lead down to three points now. let's not just look at one poll, let's average them out. when you average them into the most recent national polls clinton's lead is shrinking a bit. still six points but that's down from eight, and 41% for donald trump. and some of the new state polls show that stay may be interesting as we head into the stretch. most interesting, florida. 29 electoral votes. donald trump cannot win without it. hillary clinton would like to block trump. a bloomberg poll, a statistical poll. perhaps some momentum for donald trump in the sunshine state. he says he thinks we can win florida. a mixed verdict in the small battleground state, but could be important, new hampshire. 46% to 42%, but nbc wall street numbers show hillary clinton with a healthy lead there so we'll keep an eye on hillary clinton, some volatility, in electoral prize. good numbers for the trump campaign, nevada. hillary clinton has been leading of late, but the new nbc "wall street journal" poll shows a dead heat, 43% to 43% in a state that was key to both of obama's big electoral college wins. donald trump appears to have picked up a little bit there. add them up, the national polls, those new state polls, what does it tell you when, we look at the map that matters most, how do you get to 270 electoral votes. our map has clinton winning quite convincingly. if donald trump can win nevada, math changes a little bit. if donald trump can hold florida in the next dozen days, he needs. he cannot afford to lose florida. hillary clinton still winning right there. donald trump's in north carolina tonight. it is an absolute must-win for donald trump. hillary clinton wins, it's over. donald trump has to win ohio. let's say for the sake of this argument, he does. donald trump still has problems in the ruby red republican states out west. if he can get them both and bring them home, republican voters come home, 272 to 264, donald trump is saying where can i get six more, can i get them in pennsylvania? new hampshire, plus somewhere else, maybe wisconsin that. tells you even if donald trump is perfect don he still needs more. the hill is still very sleep even though the news is encouraging and if hillary clinton can hold on to arizona where she's ahead. where are we? momentum for donald trump complicates the electoral college chess a little bit. maybe a smaller advantage but still an advantage for hillary clinton. don? >> john king, we appreciate that. he out trumped trump, archie bunker all in the family sitcom, if he were around today would he be voting for trump? i'm going to and norman lear.. en 13 days until election day and one new national poll shows a tight race. hillary clinton leading by just three points. trump's talk may sound tough if you're a child of the '70s, remember archie bunker from all in the family? the creator of that show and others like maude, the jeffersons and good times, that's mr. norman here, executive producer of america divided on ethics. how you doing? >> don lemon, i couldn't enjoy you more. >> thank you so much. your tv shows always reflected the country. you created the politically incorrect characters with the anger and harsh language. is this the archie bunker election in your estimation in. >> i think one could say it is. i think of donald trump as the middle finger of the american right hand. i think the american people who care for trump are fed up with our leadership. i think they have every right to be. and when i say our leadership, i mean -- i don't mean our president. i mean our corporate leadership, our economic leadership, our general leadership, certainly on the right. i think we're weak on the left too. i don't think the american people, for a country that depends on an informed citizenry, i don't think they get what they earn. >> in fact, you have said that donald trump is way worse than archie bunker. why that comparison? >> it wasn't a comparison i made. it was a comparison everybody around me was making constantly, and i was asked to respond. you know, i don't know where love exists in what i see of donald trump. i knew where it existed in archie bunker. and the american people found it. that's why they cared for him. despite how he talked, and you know, he wasn't a hater. he was somebody who was afraid of progress. that's the way i always saw him. >> he's a little ignorant, but also lovable at the same time. >> well, like fathers can be, and loving fathers can be, and he certainly loved his daughter and showed that again and again. >> yeah. would he have voted for trump? >> you know, i've thought about that a good deal. i think that would have been a really great episode, and i think he would have walked out of the door to go to the voting booth and you would not know exactly, but you'd have reason to be very unsure. >> yeah. knowing you, i can't say it for sure, but he might get there and change his mind, and if there was a woman on the ticket against him, he'd probably think about e dit and his doctor. >> they would have gone around own around, all of them. and i think the way that episode would end would be an unsure audience, or you know, an audience that believed each of them one way or the other. >> is it amazing to you that those same issues that you covered in "all in the family" with archie and mike, one being a progressive liberal, mike, and his wife, archie's daughter, and then you had archie being who he is. are you shocked that we're sort of in the same place? >> well, we are -- i mean, when i look at the lgbt issue and see what a giant leap forward we've made there, you have to look at things racially and look at things however we have yet to go. that's what my america divided was about. looking at the jen riification in brooklyn that was forciing african american families out of their homes in desperation. >> you are the co-executive producer on "america divided on ethics". this friday is the head of the naacp who is the coming up on my show. i want to play a clip for you. >> do you get angered by racism or sadsaddened? >> both. here we are in 2016 and still wrestling with systemic racism. hardly a word about voting right in the very time we have less voting right today. on both sides. democrat and republican. it's not just the money in politics. it's the money in politics combined with voter suppression. extremists can't win. it's impossible. they can only win by dividing america. >> that was a reverend. tell me about the series and why it's so important to you. >> well, it's important that we -- i talked about an informed citizenry. we need to know the depth of our problems. and they have to be discussed and what the producers of "america divided" managed to do is stories on the major issues of our time that are dividing us as americans. >> the issues discussed in "america divided" couldn't be more timely. it wouldn't be more timely with this current election. what would you like people to take away from this series? >> i would like them to understand at least from the piece i hosted, that genrification is being villainous where african american families, especially, are concerned, and i witnessed that, full frontally. >> what do you mean? >> i mean i was with families in brooklyn where landlords had caused the rentals, their r rentals to rise normally, and still wanting them out of those buildings. they were repairing, and that word is in quotes, a staircase here, a wall there, anything to raise dust and debris and cause great difficulty for the families, all black, living there. >> we see a lot of that in new york city in different neighborhood. i've spoken to spike lee about that as well. i have to say to you, we might be divided, a divided nation, but we're united in our admiration for you. and i want to tell the viewer, the finale for "america divided" is this friday. it has been a pleasure. could you help me sing the audience into bring? >> which one? >>. ♪ songs that made the hit parade ♪ ♪ guys like us we had it made ♪ those were the days ♪ and you knew what you wanted ♪ "yeah mom, the new kitchen's great. hey! if you want somethig to cook faster, you just double the heat--right?" 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>> well, it sounds good, but then let's look at the details. he says safe communities. that's to suggest the primary problem is that people are not safe and that we just have rampant violence in the community. he says better schools, but he's against fully funding public education and he's talking about taking public money and giving it to private schools which means the students will not be able to attend, and then he says high paying jobs, but he says the minimum wage is already too high. he's against the living wage, and 64% of african americans make less than the living wage. he's also against health care. he supported governors who have declined to expand medicaid in the states with 6 out of 10 african americans live. the majority of the people being hurt by the denial of medicaid expansion is white people. he's also for those who want to suppress the vote. so his words sound new, but they're really old words and old plans? . >> mr. tucker? >> i disagree. i moderated a panel with donald trump and 14 african americans in the city of philadelphia. business, political, and religious leaders. and we talked about significant issues in the african american community, and i had before me an individual that had five gunshot wounds in his body, and he talked about violence in the community. those issues are real, and i think donald trump has laid out a plan that's new. a new deal, i've heard about it today, but it is what he's been talking about over the last couple of months of the company, and particularly as he has appeared before groups in michigan and arizona and philadelphia. so i they he's going to be good as he's laid out his plans, and then as a president implementing their plans for the community at large as well as the latino community. >> as a supporter of donald trump, can you explain to me or maybe you can ask him, why does he frame african american issues in the context of the inner city and crime and violence and poverty? >> well, i work in the inner city, and i see crime that is consistent, committed by african americans on average against african americans. so he's not framing something that's not reality. we can deny it all we want, but if you live in the inner cities, you see it on a daily basis. >> most african americans don't live in inner cities. >> well, you say philadelphia, 42 .6 of the population are african americans. 6% asians. that's over 60% of the population, and there are african americans, especially if you're talking act 4 2.6%. that is a super majority of -- >> but i've lived in philadelphia, and the majority of african americans don't live in the inner city of philadelphia. there's a big metropolitan area. as a matter of fact, the stats show that most african americans don't live in the inner city. >> well, don, i respectfully disagree. 42.6% are in the contains of the philadelphia county, which is philadelphia city. now, i'm not counting any -- >> that's not a majority. 42.6 is not a majority. >> it's not, but it is a significant number. when you take americans and latin latinos, hispanics and asians, you have the majority of the population. >> uh-huh. go ahead, cedric. >> no, i didn't say anything. >> that was me. but i'll let cedric. i'll come back. >> so listening to you talk about this, he is heavily focussed on the inner city crime calling for more police in black communities. listen to this. >> i want every poor african american child to be able to walk down the street in peace and not be scared and not be hurt. the problem is not the presence of police but the absence of police. we need, really, a great group of people to keep you safe and keep us all safe. >> cedric, let's continue on with this and dig a little bit more. he keeps coming back to crime, gangs, murder, law and order. why is that? >> i don't know his reasoning behind that, but let me talk about this from a law enforcement perspective and as an active duty police administrator. we all know we got challenges in african american communities across this country, but it does not speak to the majority of african american communities in this country. the greatest majority of them are middle class, and we have a significant, in spite of the population, a significant upper middle class, a number of americans in this country as well. it appears that mr. trump may not be as well versed, or has not been as well coached as he should have been about african american communities, because we all know that those challenges are there. i put men and women in the street every day, here in georgia, very urban environment. 55, 50% of our population is african american, and the greatest majority of that 50%, quite frankly, are african americans who are middle class, and certainly we have our challenged areas, and in those areas where mr. trump talked about an absence of police, t not just about an absence of police. you have to have police in there. you can have all the police in the world, but you have to have police that know how to create and have relationships with people who live in those communities. so adding more police to the street is just not merely the answer in and of itself. what i would encourage, mr. trump and any candidate running for office is to take a look at the 21st century task force report and look at it with seriousness about how you begin to build relationships with police, and get yourself a much broader view about african american communities. because they're not all poor and struggling, and that is just totally untrue. and it's a false narrative that's been placed, and i believe most people see through it. >> his surrogates are out talking about it, plus bias and racial guilt as well. one of those rudy giuliani. we'll play it and discuss it on the other side of the break. ♪ approaching medicare eligibility? 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>> when i hear this, i hear george wallace saying the real problem is law and order and the moral issues in the black community. when i hear giuliani and i hear trump, i hear them playing the play book of kevin phillip. he said all you have to do in american politics is work out who hates who and make the democrat party the party of black people, and he said we can win without negro votes if we play the law and order game and act like racism is the problem instead of acknowledging the problem of racism. they're talking about a guilt problem. it's about policy. he's talking about taking health care from 20 million americans. we know that 2500 people die from the lack of every 500,000 people who have the lack of access to health care. he says poor black people, but there are 8 million more poor white people than african americans. and 95 of the poorest counties are in so-called red states. what we have here is hypocrisy. when he says he wants to protect people but promote the proliferation of guns and uphold the policies of the nra. it's a contradiction. this level of the republicans who took over the republican party, this is not the dirksens and the edward brooks and the ben hooks who used to be president of the naacp. these have been running this strategy for a long time. >> cedric, i want to ask you, giuliani seems to be equating admitting implicit bias with having racial guilt. what are your thoughts? >> it tells me he doesn't understand what implicit bias means. i've heard it over and over again, and i've also heard it from candidate vice president pence. it is normal in all of us in some form or position to have some sense of some unconscious bias against person, places or things. that's not unusual. but unless you know what it means, and i would encourage any of them, they can give me a call and i would be glad to sit down and talk to them from a psychologist's perspective about what it means, but to be throwing the words around not understanding what it means in the context they're attempting to use them speaks to a lack of knowledge and understanding on their part. let me say one thing about the law and order piece. when any candidate used the terminology law and order, particularly when you're talking to and about communities of color, that has a very, very different meaning, and one that's not taken oftentimes as being a sense of taking care of a community. it goes back to jim crow and civil rights. we we're going to crack heads and take names. depending on who uses the words and the context, that's what law and order means. and not only people think it. they also feel it. you have to be very careful. in this 21st century, when we talk about law and order, law means, yes, obeying the law, but order refer to the fact that we as communities have to be able to work with our police and all of our public safety to work together in order to keep our communities safe. that's a very different terminology in terms of which they're using it. >> the mayor giuliani said he's willing to tell the truth about black crime. what does he mean? >> i think he wants to tell the truth that it exists and it is part of the equation that has to happen in urban america, and all across the country. and if he tells the truth and we are able to marshal forces, whether they are the community, and i agree with the police officer when he talks about putting troops on the ground, putting police officers on the ground, getting to know the community, talking to the community, befriending the community. so that the police officers are not looked at as threats in the community. and that's the way we're going to be able to abate the crime in our community, or in the larger community. >> okay. -- >> don. go ahead, quickly because i want to get to one other thing. >> first of all, i think i have talked the truth about crime, not just black on black crime but crime, and then what really deals with crime, and on the issue of bias, we had a governor and legislators who were republicans who said we're not biassed. but when their voting policy was examined under the court, the court found it to be surgical racism like we haven't seen since jim crow e. it's not what you say. it's not what's in your heart. it's what's in your policies, and that's where we see racism at work, particularly in the policies being proposed by trump and pence. okay. today donald trump addressed the black community, but through much of the campaign he seemed to talk to a different audience. this is in politico, a deep dive into white nationalist social media. this is what he found. he said the refusal to disavow david duke on air was the natural culmination of what had been called the wink. trump had won the benefit of the doubt from the white nationalist community. i have to ask you this, calvin. this is what i hear from many african americans and not just from african americans but from many kind people, or smart thinking people. that's when donald trump lost the african american vote was that moment where he refused or pretended not to know who david duke was. >> well, i don't think so. if you look at -- i looked at a recent poll among african americans taken between august 19th and august 25th. and it showed him having 8% of the african american support. as compared to 2012 with mitt romney who has six in the same period of time in 2008 with john mccain who has had 2% of the vote. i think donald trump is going to do well among african americans. look, all candidates make missteps and misspeak about issues. david duke supported bill clinton. i don't think we got up in arm over that, doing his time. i believe that we're going to end up with about 12% to 15% of the african american support across the nation, because he's talking about issues that are -- that are needed to be talked about in our community. that's going to help us grow our communities, because the problems exist, and we can deny them as much as possible. we can talk about there is an african american middle class, and i certainly believe and know that there is. but there are systemic problems that has not been addressed over a decade, and someone is going to have to be the change agent, and i think donald trump is that person. >> i don't think anyone is denying there are problems. everyone said there are problems. the question is whether donald trump is being sincere when he says, i think he said he'll be the greatest champion to african americans. but let me ask you personally, when donald trump did not disavow immediately the klu klux klan or david duke as a man of color, that didn't bother you? >> not necessarily. i mean, i've been in the political game for a long time, and i've watched democrats and others, the late senator robert bird who was an imperial wizard of the klan. i've seen these, this picture before. and i know that in political process, he didn't ask david duke to support him or endorse him, and this person did. i don't think that would influence me or many other long cal, rational thinkers. >> don, one of the things in this conversation which is more -- deeply concerning. we have politicians in our state that have not avowed -- stood with donald trump -- i mean, david duke, but when you look at the policies they've enacted, the way in which they -- and donald trump follows them in that policy. cutting public education that would devastate the african american community. the health care piece, the voting rights. you look at these policies, and i say to my brother, it is not about denial, but it is about dealing with these issues realist realistically. i've heard trump throw off on president obama -- >> we have to rap wrap it up. >> they haven't looked at things obstru obstructed? >> 49% of young african americans are dropping out of public schools in my study, so putting more money into the public school system is not to solution. we have to find a solution for our young leaders. >> and private schools. neither is private schools. >> thank you, gentleman. great conversation. i appreciate it. >> when we come back, why some are daying donald trump speaks more like a woman than a man. donald trump is struggling in the polls with women but some say he speaks more like a woman than a man. here is jennifer jones. thank you for joining us. you say his feminine speaking style has been apparent in all three presidential debates. here are some clips. >> under my plan, i'll be reducing taxes tremendously from 35% to 15% for companies, small and big businesses. that's going to be a job creator like we haven't seen since ronald reagan. it's going to be a beautiful thing to watch. >> have you ever done those things? >> women have respect for me -- no, i have not, and i will tell you that i'm going to make our country safe. we're going to have bordered in our country which we don't have now. we're going to make america safe again. we're going to make america great again. i will tell you, i sat there watching ad after ad after ad, false ad, all paid for by your friends on wall street that gave so much money because they know you're going to protect them. >> so how, exactly does trump talk like a woman? >> hi, don, thank you for having me on. >> of course. >> so, my research, it doesn't look so much at the content of what donald trump is saying. it look at how he is saying it. and the way that i look at feminine and masculine language really comes down to the most seemingly insignificant words that you can speak every day. things like pronouns, articles, prepositio prepositions, these features of language are more stylistic aspects that we don't usually think about when we're trying to form a thought and communicate with others. we do so pretty much automatically. and there are social psychologists and linguists, most notably, at the university of texas, austin, who have found sort of broad patterns in the way that men and women tend to structure their language, and so when i'm looking -- when i say that donald trump speaks more like a woman, that's what i mean. >> okay. you say the key is not just the words. it's how trump says it. >> uh-huh. >> yeah. >> yeah. so if you think about something like a pronoun versus an article, you could say my point is that -- or you could say, the point is that. and what these researchers have found is that women tend to say my point is that, whereas men tend to say the point is, and these very subtle differences in language can be seen when you run transscripts through a computer and can count the words that we don't conscious evaluate all the time but that are there and we do automatically and say them automatically. >> you say feminine speakers normally come across as more trustworthy. does that work with donald trump? >> you know, i would say that this is more of a hypothesis that i have evidence for. i did an experiment with about 600 people. and i found -- so, let me explain what i did. i had eight candidate statements. four of them written with a feminine style. four of them written in a mas cue lain style, and i had individuals rate them on likability, warmth and competence, and i found that overwhelmingly participants thought that the candidates with the feminine statements were more likable, more trustworthy, and more honest than the masculine statements. and that was irrespective of the gender of the candidate themselves. >> got it. jennifer jones, thank you. >> thank you very much for having me. >> absolutely. that's it for us tonight. thank you for watching. i'll see you right back here tomorrow. . . . . ♪ this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. so donald trump claims sees going to dig deeper. reaching into his pocket for campaign cash, but can he buy a big comeback with 13 days to go? the nominee just renewed his feud with the gold-star father who lost his son in the iraq war. michelle obama, the first lady of the united states, set to appear side by side with hillary clinton today. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans. it is thursday, october 27th.


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