Michael LaRosa left the White House, where he was first lady Jill Biden’s top spokesperson and also served as special assistant to President Joe Biden.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has enlisted the help of several American and European PR firms to launch a campaign aimed at attracting businesses and investors to the war-torn country.
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Presented by Aon
Joe Biden visited a Mexican restaurant in Washington today that was a beneficiary of the pilot program for the industry’s $28.6 relief fund and announced that more than
186,000 restaurants, bars and other eligible businesses had submitted applications in the two days since the Small Business Administration had opened up the process.
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Presented by the National Coalition For Accessible Voting
With Daniel Lippman
NOW WANTED ON K STREET A RECONCILIATION WHIZ: “The increasing likelihood that Democrats will move an infrastructure bill using reconciliation which lets the Senate pass legislation with only 50 votes as long it complies with a byzantine set of rules has made” Senate Parliamentarian