The first incident unfolded in a series of phone calls between the husband of the polling agent of 3/21 Marconi Konsam, and an unknown individual whose identity is still at large.
The voter, S Surajkumar of Khurai Thongam Leikai, was reportedly asked to cast a replacement vote after finding that his vote had already been cast by unknown individuals.
April 22 declared a public holiday for all public offices, educational institutions, autonomous bodies, etc. and a paid holiday for commercial/private undertakings in Manipur located within the 11 polling stations of the 1 Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constitutions where fresh polls are slated to take place.
A total of 8,493 individuals, comprising 3,990 males, 4,497 females, and six transgender voters, are eligible to cast their votes in these 11 polling stations.