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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20200417

restrictions could result in a second deadly wave. on the other side protesters gearing up in more states refusing to comply with orders they say are violating their constitutional rights. welcome to fox news at my. kevin cork kicks off with details of the president's plan to get america back to business. >> the white house's guidelines are recommendations guided by, quote, clinically driven metrics. according to the white house, a fancy way of saying circumstances on the grounds should be the guide for reopening the economy. >> our team of experts agrees we can begin the next friend in our war which we are calling opening up america again and that is what we are doing. >> donald trump did as he promised, he said he would lay out plans for reigniting the us economy as soon as he could, turns out that was today. >> we are going to work with them, help them but it is going to be up to the governors. i think you will see quite a few state starting to open. i call it a beautiful puzzle. you have 50 pieces, all very different but when it is all done it is a mosaic, it is going to be a very beautiful picture. >> the president said his plan would be a data-driven, 3-phase approach, phase i would in effect begin the slow roll out, limiting school, youth activity, movies and sporting events while allowing those ready for elective surgery and wanting to hit the gym to have at it. phase 2, each additional phase would loosen very sensitive benchmarks like nonessential travel, ultimately allowing business to senior care facilities and hospitals to resume. >> as i have said a national shutdown is not a sustainable long-term solution. to preserve the health of our citizens we must also preserve the health and functioning of our economy. over the long haul, you can't do one without the other. >> democrats on capitol hill sharply criticized the white house effort, nancy pelosi should a statement that read in part the president's continued insistence on moving forward without testing, contact tracing, demographic data collection and respect for science and the fact risk further death and economic disaster. so politics as usual in washington. you may be wondering what now? listen to your governors. if you are in a state that hasn't been hard-hit chances are you will reopen fairly quickly but if you're in new york or new jersey the truth is it could be months before your estate gets the green light to resume business as usual. shannon: everybody will be anxiously awaiting the state's decision. white house officials say the guidelines will be data-driven, not date driven. what is the data telling us tonight? trace gallagher is on the case for us, good evening. >> reporter: we focus on new york because it was the hardest hit state and will likely be the last state to recover and it is recovering. when medical experts talk about flat, bending the curve, the key indicator is the number of new patients being hospitalized. on april 2nd new york admitted 1400 new patients. that takes into consideration those who either died or were discharged. by yesterday new york hospitals had 600 fewer patients than the day before in the same trend for those being intubated, april third, 351 people were placed on ventilators and by yesterday, 40 more people being taken off ventilators then placed on them and those numbers were reflected in the new number of deaths, new york at its deadliest day on april 10th with 783 and from there it has remained relatively steady until yesterday when the state had the fewest deaths since april 5th, all very encouraging signs and we are getting more detailed information about who the virus is killing. health department have released the ages of 18,000 of the 31 plus thousand people who died of coronavirus and more than 85% of them were older than 60 with the largest group being older than 80. fewer than 2% of those who died were under the age of 40 and we do not know how many of them had underlying conditions. finally in new jersey and one of the hardest hit states, an anonymous tip led to the discovery of 17 bodies crowded into a 4-person morgue at one of the state's largest nursing homes. the new jersey governor says he is heartbroken by the discovery. >> i'm also outraged that bodies of the dead were allowed to pile up in a makeshift morgue at the facility. new jersey living in long-term care facilities deserve to be careful with respect, compassion and dignity. >> nationwide more than 5600 people have died of coronavirus at long-term care facilities, new york, new jersey, connecticut, pennsylvania, delaware, rhode island and massachusetts have extended their stay-at-home mandate until may 15th. shannon: mike to one signaling his intentions tonight saying he plans to begin reopening the buckeye state on may 1st when his first stay-at-home order expires. the primary, restarting the economy to bring back jobs, reducing any chances of health issues and something even special like this. >> the thought the kids wouldn't be able to take their lambs to show, that is just horrible. >> something we all have to work through. they are challenging, doesn't mean it can't be done. >> let's look at the ins and outs of the president's guidelines for opening up america again with members of the administration's economic advisory board, phil haggerty, former ambassador from japan running for u.s. senate. good to have you with us. you saw the rollout the president had with the backing of anthony fauci. the white house's are vague and inconsistent document does nothing to make up the president's failure to listen to the scientists and produce and distribute national rapid testing. that is something people have hammered on again and again, we have to have more broad testing of that has been part of the conversation you and other business leaders have had. >> it is part of the rollout plan. you are seeing a structured approach that puts the safety of the american people at the forefront. that has always been the president's main concern but he has been clear we've got to get our economy back and running again and this lays out a consistent program for guidance that could be modified by the governors, they have the last two to do that but this shows a clear aim to get our economy started back again, we've got to get that done and i applaud the president for his leadership in doing that. shannon: you know that people have to have confidence if they are going to go out and spend money, return to businesses that have been a favorite of the years, pure research says when it comes to problems the us is facing from the outbreak, who thinks the worst is still to come? 73%, 26% think the worst is behind us. have you convince the american consumer when and if it is safe for them to go back out to places where they spend money and reinvigorate the economy and jobs come back to those who lost in the process? >> you've hit on an important point in the program the president laid out the governors, to for guidance goes a long way toward putting us on a path to restore consumer confidence in america. it will be critical to get demand back. i was talking to a friend of mine who successfully deployed one of the pt loans, he has 350 people on his payroll so the payroll protection effort on this case will be very successful but he's hoping demand will be there as he makes his way through this. i think it will be. we have to instill confidence that it is safe to go out again. what the president is doing is keeping health and safety at the forefront but laying out a measured path to get there. shannon: let's talk about the paycheck protection program because it has been a lifeline for millions of people and businesses out there. the initial tranche of money was $350 billion, we are told that has been exhausted because 1.6 million loans have been approved, 5000 different lenders, today the president said he felt this was good news because it means people are able to tap in and get the help they need and yet now capitol hill is stuck. there's a lot of back and forth about another round of 250, whether it should be more, where the money should go. was would you say to our leaders, democrats and republicans were not getting that done? >> we need this program funded and funded now. this is why the president is endorsing for the united states senate, tapping to join the economic advisory board because the strength and courage to stand up and crazies like this in the economic experience to get it done. our leaders need to realize this program is desperately needed. the fact that it ran out of cash today demonstrates that there is a huge demand for the program. we need to keep going. a moment nancy pelosi and chuck schumer continue to play politics and slowed us down putting more american workers out of work more american business out of business. >> democrats control the house, republicans control the senate and in the joint statement between chuck schumer and house speaker nancy pelosi they point finger back, saying it is time for republicans to quit the political posturing by proposing bills they know will not pass either chamber and get serious and work with us towards a solution. we are told talks will continue at every level and with steve mnuchin as well. how do we get to a solution? >> the solution was obvious days ago when leader mcconnell put ford a clean bill to add more dollars to the program that we know is running out of money and we know is going to be successful. rather than do that democrats decided to halted again. remember what nancy pelosi did the first time, she flew back from san francisco and held it up for 5 days to argue for a longer list of socialist expectations. the kennedy center, we had go through this process once already. we tried to reload this program. other things democrats are asking for we can get to but don't have to hold the american economy hostage, the american worker hostage in the process. >> this is a strange time. almost doesn't feel like an election year because of everything else we are dealing with but we will watch your campaign and many others and maybe we will see you out there on the trail. the growing confidence in the suspicion that covid-19 escape from a wuhan laboratory some troubling questions. why was china studying the virus in a facility that apparently lacked sufficient safety protocol. that's discussed that with doctor mark siegel. >> how are you? shannon: very good. what is your take on the story as it develops? >> i am concerned about the idea that state department cables revealed in 2018 that the wuhan virology lab was not properly staffed, didn't have proper security. a lot of red flags raised about this lab. the question of why they were studying such dangers of coronavirus is in this lab. i want to point out the story coming out about bat viruses jumping to humans isn't entirely accurate. we need to correct it because studies published in major journals since the end of january show this particular virus covid-19 has about 88% similar structure to bat coronavirus's, 88% is not 100% which implies it jumped species to another species before humans. i'm not yet buying that it went from bats to someone in the wuhan virology lab to humans. i'm suspicious what markets may have played a role but may have ended up in this virology lab after that. there may have been intermediary species. shannon: there's so much we don't know us china comes clean with us. the talk of what they may have been doing with this in the lab, they were studying it, possibly trying to find an antidote. we talked about whether they had intense to get a competitive edge on the us or other parts of the world, what was going on in that lab? >> after talking about the devastating impact all day i have been talking about the devastating impact this virus has on the human body, it's overcome by a weapon the way it acts on the body, the inflammation, blood clots from all the organs affected. it is not a bio weapon, it wasn't bioengineered by anybody, we've seen it under the electron microscope, doesn't show signs of genetic manipulation but it should they light on the question of what was doing or what viruses like it were doing in this lab. it raises the question of evil intent or intent to harm the united states. these are not innocent viruses by any stretch of the imagination and what they were doing their is very concerning to us. shannon: we would love to know and the fact that apparently wasn't up to the code that needed to be for handling something that dangerous is another question so let's talk about this. investors pushing up the docket, early files of one of its drugs may be showing promise for treating covid-19. how far along are we in that process? what do we know? >> this is something also we need to correct the information on a little. gilead has a drug that has been in clinical trials in the united states. i spoke a couple months ago to the doctor in charge of these trials and he told me he thinks this is a promising drug. for limiter information was published in the new england journal of medicine the other day but it wasn't the fool clinical trials. until we see the full clinical trials which won't be out for another few weeks we don't know what the answer is to the question, will it help and to what extent it will help. it will likely help but here's another question that needs answering. when do you give it? if you give it too late in the game and i told you about the devastating effects of this virus on the human body, information, blood clotting, not reversible, this drug even if it is promising probably has to be given early enough before the damage occurs. we need that information before we can decide how effective it is going to be. shannon: we are learning new things every day but is critical stuff we need to know. thank you for breaking it down, great to see you. former attorney to donald trump michael cohen is getting out of prison amid covid-19 fears. he was scheduled for release in november of 2021. thanks to efforts to reduce prison populations because of covid-19 he will be released early and spend the rest of his sentence in home confinement. governor gretchen whitner facing backlash from four michigan sheriffs who say they will not enforce some of her aggressive restrictions. served him:of mason county is one of the joins us live to explain his position next. it's only human to find inspiration in nature. and also find answers. our search to transform... waste into renewable natural gas led chevron to partner with california bioenergy. working to provide an alternative source of power... ...for a cleaner way forward. .. these days you need faster internet that does all you expect and way more. that's xfinity xfi. get powerful wifi coverage that leaves no room behind with xfi pods. and now xfi advanced security is free with the xfi gateway, giving you an added layer of network protection, so every device that's connected is protected. that's a $72 a year value. no one else offers this. faster speed, coverage, and free advanced security at an unbeatable value with xfinity xfi. can your internet do that? ♪ >> shannon: the decision over to reopen state seems to be splitting on partisan lines shannon: the decision whether or not to reopen states appears to be splitting along partisan mind in many cases, some democrats are doing government action backed by science is protecting vulnerable people, conservative say they agree but they believe there is room to protect other citizens physical and economic health. >> reporter: after 9/11 george w. bush famously said you are with us or you were with the terrorists. the framing back then was peaceable, good guys and bad guys. now it is far more complex. those who talk about the economic cost of the shutdown are branded heartless death mongers and those who talk about public health are said to be tone deaf to the now 22 million seeking jobless claims. more protests to reopen the economy are coming. on saturday rally at the maryland state capitol building, they the pennsylvania state house and next week there will be a wisconsin freedom rally in madison. the movement started with 10,000 cars taking over the streets of lansing, michigan. new york magazine's caption said they look a lot like refugees from a tea party rally ten years ago, the democratic governor argued public health trumps most everything else at this point. >> untold numbers on the way here, grabbed a bite on the way home. we know that this rally in danger to people. >> we should reopen kentucky immediately right now. that would kill people. >> the other side has its reasons to be skeptical. john harris wrote the pandemic response arguably could represent a caricature of what critics tuesday about liberalism, government responding in a panicky way to headlines and hysteria, run roughshod over individual freedom and the private sector. a problem whose only remedy was even more remote this expansion of government. republican senator from louisiana said this debate is the question of the lesser of two evils. >> i value life, we all value life in america so this isn't a question of not valuing life. this is a question of making a hard decision with the cold hard facts. >> that leaves us with two debate, the first about the trade-off that exists between damage to the economy and public health. secondly, the debate is if those on the other side of the debate from your position are worthy of scorn or consideration. >> hopefully we can have respectful disagreement, thank you. >> reporter: this is washington. shannon: in response to a four michigan sheriffs are calling gretchen whitner's vague framework, they say they won't strictly enforce all of the governor's stay at home orders. one of the sheriff that pushed back a bit, kim cole, good to have you with us. >> it is a privilege and an honor. shannon: i want to play what the governor had to say in recent days. >> this at irony is the protest was they don't like being in the stay-at-home order and they may have just created a need to lengthen it which is something we are trying to avoid at all costs. >> there was a big chasm between the two sides on this but some of this make sense and some of it doesn't. why have you decided you can't enforce with governor is asking? >> one of the things that is the fallout of this order, or number one priority is to protect people but one of the issues we have been having his people calling 9 one one or calling our office and saying my neighbor should only have two cars in the driveway but they have three and we need you to check license plate numbers and go to the door, check ids, make sure that address is where you are and if not you need to tell people to leave and that is a bridge too far. we are being asked to go on people's private property on anonymous tips and remove people from homes and i think that is a bridge too far. >> where do you draw the line between what is going to protect people and stop the spread of the virus in policies like this that you think could be violating people's constitutional rights? that was their argument at the capital earlier this week, they should a lot of them without masks, one of them told me they are more scared of the governor than the virus. >> we need to follow cdc guidelines, social distancing, wearing masks, hand sanitizer. we want people to follow those guidelines but we also want people to be protected on their own property. the motorboat thing really sent people over the edge. in mason county we have 77, lakes and streams, they can't fish yet they can break out, their neighbor can break out there rv and ride on trails and ride vehicles but present can't go in a 16 foot boat off his dock and fish. my worry is that officers are going to be putting bad positions, dangerous positions by going on people's private property and checking ids to make sure they belong where they are. and it is going to end up, i pray it doesn't happen but there's a probability of a bad encounter between the citizen and the police officer. shannon: i want to give you a chance to answer one of your critics, this is some snarky lawyer, remove sheriffs from their positions, state officers don't have the right to refuse to follow the orders of the chief executive the state and keep their jobs. the courts decide what is and isn't constitutional, not sheriffs. your response? >> i am elected by the citizens of mason county, not a particular attorney. i would just say part of our mission statement at the sheriff's office actually says the mission of the mason county sheriff's office is to enforce the laws of the state of michigan to protect the innocent from those who would violate those laws by diligent traffic enforcement, thorough criminal investigation and humane incarceration of those sentenced by the court. the power and authority of the sheriff to accomplish this mission derives from the united states constitution and the constitution of the state of michigan, it does not come from state senator, governor, judge or president. it comes from the people. i am elected by the people of mason county they can have a decision whether or not they want me to be the sheriff for the next four years after this term is up. shannon: in the meantime, do you and/or your deputies and personnel serving on the front lines trying to make the best of the situation, thank you very much and thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you for having me. it was a pleasure and an honor, thank you. >> robert spalding on how the us can actually hold china accountable as evidence of a cover-up continues to grow. shannon: live from america's newsroom quarters, despite depression like economic data investors are optimistic about wall street this morning based on overnight figures from asian markets, shares of advanced economic growth data while it is better-than-expected, strong open follows an overnight rally on wall street powered by the buying of amazon, healthcare stocks and other markets that are surprisingly coronavirus crunch and facebook advising internet users of a dangerous wave of online misinformation about the coronavirus. folks on google and twitter enforcing stricter rules, algorithms and thousands of fact checks to dispel virus myths and rumors from their sites. they advise members to go to the world health organization website for facts. >> more trouble for china tonight. the communist nation revealing an economic slump for the first time since 1970s, happened toward the period of initially fighting the coronavirus outbreak. according to government data world's second largest economy shrank 7%, consumer spending and factory activities, could face a longer harder recovery than initially expected. the pandemic is dealing a blow to the efforts for a more respected global leader, national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the story from the pentagon. >> so help me god. >> when donald trump pulled out of the transpacific trade deal soon after his inauguration could ask accused the president of seating ground communist china, a rising superpower seeking to fill the vacuum filled by the uss withdrew from the world. the road initiative was designed to win the hearts and minds of developing countries and even european nations seeking cheap loans and needing help to rebuild imaging -- aging infrastructure as donald trump played hardball with china, starting a trade war. >> many many years, china ate our lunch. >> cutting a deal and cozying up to china's president, praising, and is dictator. >> i spoke to president xi, we are working on the problem. the virus. it is a tough situation but i think he is going to handle it. he has handled it really well. >> reporter: as it spread across america and the globe whatever goodwill china had earned is evaporating. governments across the world from britain, germany, vietnam, india and brazil joining the trump administration in condemning management of the coronavirus outbreak and calling for the communist party to be held accountable for the pandemic spread. >> we have to ask the hard questions. >> they have been misleading us, they have been opaque from the early days of this virus so i don't have much faith they are being truthful with us now. >> reporter: finance foreign ministry accuses the us of having an arterial motive. the us and others are dependent on china for the manufacture of ppe testing kits and medicines needed to save lives making the blame game more difficult. shannon: thank you. >> soon after flattening the curve there is international skepticism about the numbers, the communist nation pivoted to global outrage providing coronavirus restricting countries with badly needed medical supplies but also engaging in what some see as antagonistic behavior on the world stage. how this china emerged? let's ask the senior director for strategic planning at the national security council, bringing in general robert spalding, good to have you back with us. so based off of bret baer and others we are learning more about the origins of the virus, what may have happened, there's so much we don't because china has to fill in the blanks but congressman dan crenshaw from texas says we need to hold the chinese government accountable for their malicious lies and cover up that allows the coronavirus to spread across the world. the communist regime expelled journalists, silenced whistleblowers and withheld vital information to delay the global response to the pandemic. simply but their actions cost american lives and livelihoods. all the talk of how to make them pay, how does that play out? >> a lot of people calling for reparations but the truth of the matter is the chinese communist party will never pay. that is okay because we can make tariffs permanent, prevent them from earning anything in the future. we can prevent our retirement funds from being invested in chinese companies, chinese bonds and we can prevent us corporations from claiming their assets held in china on their books because they have a non-convertible currency and strict capital control. there are a lot of things we can do that will change the direction of our economy for the future, reassure us manufacturing, get this economy going in the way it needs to after we come out of this coronavirus. >> there continue to because for china to pay some price, the wall street journal had an exclusive report that us bound goods, things we need are stuck in export in china, there's some kind of holdup, questions whether that is retaliation first talking to friends calling them out for these things, the chinese embassy in washington said countries across the world are all hunting for medical supplies causing a challenge for efforts of quality control and regulation of exports. they say there's nothing to the suggestion that this would be retaliatory in nature. what do you make of those things waiting to come to the us? >> exactly the same story when president obama went to china and they couldn't find a set of stairs for his 747. if i was him i would've closed up the ship and flown out of there. we been letting them walk all over us and this is one example. they know that they are slowing down the shipment of that ppe to the united states. there is no excuse for it, they know what they are doing. >> i want to ask about this from reuters, uss china may have conducted low-level nuclear tests. chinese foreign ministry spokesman has been quoted saying in the daily briefing in beijing but china was committed to a moratorium on nuclear tests and said the us was making false accusations. was would be your take on suggestions they may be violating nuclear protocol? >> we do monitor those things so we will keep track of that and if it does occur that it looks like they are making tests, then you will see definitely a response from the united states with regard to their violation of the test ban treaty. >> always good to have you and your insights based on all your experience with china and beyond, thank you. some good news before we say good night. an exclusive scoop on kirk cameron's newest project about encouraging user these tough days. he is live next. ♪ >> shannon: a 106 year old woman in the united kingdom's home tonight after recovering from the coronavirus. she left the hospital after three weeks after >> a 106-year-old woman in the united kingdom is home tonight after recovering from the coronavirus. she left the hospital to applause three weeks after checking in with suspected pneumonia. the great-grandmother eight feels very lucky, her great-granddaughter credits the physically active life. they were among the first on the scene, sending a field hospital to italy and quickly assembling tents in hospital in new york absent report. sunday the other benefiting and that supporting their work while also encouraging you if you're struggling to these dark days. it is called hope rising, 100% of the proceeds will go to americans for this project occurred cameron and his sister candace will be cohosting the show. he joins us to explain, great to have you with us. >> great to be talking with you. shannon: during the time -- multifaceted. >> we have a bit of a delay, go ahead please. >> just going to say while it is multifaceted, you are supporting america first, they do amazing work, people want to check in with them but you have also gotten grammy-winning big-name artists because you want people to be encouraged in these days too. >> when trouble comes people don't want to social distance, they want to come together and they want to connect with our hope, with our healer so praying together, singing together, encouraging each other is what we want to do, that is what hope rising is designed to be, a night of encouragement, some of the most exciting bands in the faith-based world like mercy me, carry job, king and country, they will be performing from their living rooms, their socials encouraging us and praying with us and we are going to be hosting it together and it is going to be an incredible night for everybody no matter what your faith background is, it will give you hope and strengthen you and bring us together as a nation. >> a lot of the lawful are feeling isolated the new york times had a piece about when the pandemic leaves us alone, anxious and depressed, within weeks the familiar symptoms of mental illness have become universal reality. nearly everyone i know has put into grief, panic, hopelessness and paralyzing fear, social isolation generates as much as collation of mental illness as the sphere of the virus itself. it is terrible to think how many people are suffering. we all know people who have lost people who have lost their jobs, this is the worst moment for a lot of people out there. what message do you hope they get on sunday? >> what i want to say is god is a god of promises. we know that in the promises of god never mean more to us than when we are in a valley and we are in a valley we have not been and is a country in a very long time and when those promises bring in our ears i will never leave you, i will never for sake you. i will be with you wherever you go. that is when they become real and mean the most, when we actually need to stand on them because nothing else will hold us up. hope rising will give that to you in spades i hope everybody watches. shannon: i want to ask, my understanding is every penny of this is going to go to americans first, donating their time, the graphics, the whole thing, there is no overhead, you're not getting anything out of this. >> that's right, nobody got paid. everything was donated, nobody will be benefiting from this except the covid-19 victims and those supporting them on the front lines through samaritans first, they are doing amazing work setting up his hospital 10 to new york city and across the country in the world where there are hotspots so this is pure blessing and ministry for people who need it the most. shannon: at tweet comes in from a man who asks how do believers reconcile believe in god with coronavirus. of god exists he started the virus, surely he cleaner won't or can't stop. why people need to wash got even if they believe it exists. final word to you? >> to understand how god works during a difficult time like this is something people have wrestled with for thousands and thousands of years but i have a very good friend who is a quadriplegic, she broke her neck at 17 years old and is one of the most joyful people i know and she said sometimes god permits what he hates and uses it to accomplish what he loves. that always rings in my years and i am hoping and praying there are things god loves that come out of this time like better relationships, better marriages, more prayer and a nation turning back to him. shannon: we look for the silver linings and hope they stick around after this is over. thank you so much. >> thank you. shannon: all your sports back in action, the moves big leagues are considering, more details next. recommend cascade platinum... ...with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. cascade platinum. robinwithout the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. shannon: life under lockdown forcing us to adapt, even the animals. some of them roaming freely in parts of the world. humans sheltering in place, more reports of wildlife like herds of goat strolling through town in northern wales, munching on windowsills, plants, gathering and parking lots. in japan dear wandering in some way stations and crossing city streets searching for food. and the college town of boulder, colorado mountain lion roaming neighborhood spotted a away from a tree, some environmentalists say this is nature's way of pushing back because humans have been taking over their land. in a normal april we would be fresh off of march madness, enjoying hockey playoffs, the start of the baseball season, the masters. the silence, the arenas are vacant because of coronavirus. this evening the president confirming it will be a long road back for the sports world. >> many of them will be starting without the fan so it will be made for television, the good old days made for television and will go that way and the answer will start coming in, maybe they will be separated by two seats and ultimately we want to have packed arenas. >> look forward to that day. tonight chad program looks at the everett to get sports back in the game. >> the pg laid out an ambitious path, but first -- the first four tournament without an audience. the first fan is starving for sports content. >> i'm tired of watching baseball games that are 14 years old. >> lever developing scenarios to resume play. the entire baseball season in a scorching summer heat of arizona. at major league baseball spring training facilities. the stanley cup playoffs in north dakota or manchester, new hampshire. >> we can be flexible in terms of the calendar and my guess at this point is we will be playing into the summer. >> for governor rhonda santos deemed professional sports essential, the wwe could hold shows in orlando without fans, same for running a nascar race in daytona. doctor anthony fauci so sports could return was just players this summer. >> people say you can't play without spectrum as well. you probably get enough buy-in from people who are dying to see a baseball game particularly me. i'm living in washington, we have the world champion. >> los angeles mayor eric garcetti says his city could host big events until 2021. >> until there is a vaccine or pharmaceutical intervention or herd immunity, science is science. >> the nfl is doing a virtual graph later this month. playing in empty stadiums while the sports is there a more in games or just on television hurt everyone from the beer vendors on a. in the sports resume later this year they might not truly be back until fans are able to go to a stadium and take in a game in seats like these. >> thank you. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington. i am shannon bream. >> our team of experts agrees we can begin the next front in our war. we are opening up our country. rob: it is friday april 17th, reopening america, the latest rallying call from donald trump who just unveiled his administration's plan to lift the lockdown. >> live debate on the planet america prepares to overcome the coronavirus state-by-state. lawmakers on both sides agree on one thing, china needs to be held accountable for its apparent cover up. rob: the ideas not being proposed as potential us payback.


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Usually, Monterey’s history is an asset, something to highlight, but in some cases, it’s complicated. History is part of what’s holding up a 42-unit affordable housing project on a 0.5-acre


Primary candidate list finalized

The filing period for candidates seeking some county offices and some local seats ended at 4 p.m., on April 23. The following are the candidates whose names will appear on


Area of hotel evacuated after report of armed man

For several hours Tuesday evening, a large law enforcement presence was on scene at the Comfort Inn on US-10 in Ludington. The incident involved a report of a man with


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