King and I (Korean Drama, 2007, 왕과 나) - Find the cast, latest updates, latest news, legal streaming links, DVDs, Blu-rays, collectibles, latest trailers, latest teasers, latest pictures, posters, images, videos for the Korean Drama King and I with ,Oh Man-seok,오만석,Ko Joo-won,고주원,Ku Hye-sun,구혜선,Lee Jin,이진
Jeon Tae-soo passed away on the 21st of January in 2018. He was being treated for depression and was thought to have been cured but in the end, committed suicide.
His sister
Ha Ji-won and his family were there at his funeral for the send-off.
Ha Ji-won had said, You re a wonderful star. I hope you are reborn in a world where there s always light. I hope you are happy and be loved by everyone there. I love you. My star, Tae-soo .