was very much to maintain the lineage, to maintain the kingdom. the plaques that had been removed from the walls throughout the city were visualisations of the benin kingdom s history and heritage, and those were all taken away in a wholesale export of this material, leaving very, very little behind. tell me, why are you now and only now returning some of the pieces? i think it s the right time for these collections to go back. one might say it s long overdue. i think the main reason, the most recent reason, is that there has been a request from the nigerian government, and i think fundamentally for us it s the right thing to do. these were stolen, these were looted. there are many, many different ways in which objects came to museums like this. there s such an awareness, both within the uk and internationally, of museums, colonial legacies, but also of the cultural heritage that is represented in museum collections. and we want the future retelling and care of these collections to be
we ve identified 116 objects that were taken during the punitive expedition of 1897, and those are the objects that we will be transferring ownership of. i think it s impossible to overstate just how severe an act of vandalism and cultural violence this was. the heads that we see before us here were several of the objects that graced ancestral altars throughout the palace and the purpose of those altars was very much to maintain the lineage, to maintain the kingdom. the plaques that were being removed from the walls throughout the city were visualisations of the benin kingdom s history and heritage, and those were all taken away in a wholesale export of this material, leaving very, very little behind. tell me, why are you now and only now returning some of the pieces? i think it s the right time for these collections to go back. one might say it s long overdue. i think the main reason,
artefacts to their original countries has been gathering pace the smithsonian museum here in washington has said it will take similar action. the bbc s priscila koinangay reports. when you and we first came into contact with the portals people these were symbols. this plaque was art these were symbols. this plaque was part of these were symbols. this plaque was part of a these were symbols. this plaque was part of a collection these were symbols. this plaque was part of a collection of - these were symbols. this plaque was part of a collection of objects. was part of a collection of objects that once belonged to royalty in the circle kingdom of benin and has been the source of controversy for over 130 years. the museum located here in london has been the home of a collection of 72 objects most of which have been looted from the city in 1897. today the museum begins a transfer to the nigerian government starting with these six objects. here is the moment the transfer of ownershi
Former "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Porsha Williams, 41, married 57-year-old Simon Guobadia in a traditional Nigerian wedding ceremony on Nov. 25.