let s not include ford just for the scum of the three presidents that you have written about four of them. rino i meant kennedy, nixon and reagan. of kennedy, nixon and reagan, could any of them have done what truman did, would either of them have had the will to overcome the opposition of their entire cabinet? something so fanciful as this? i don t know, the trilogy i wrote on it in the end shows what a reactive job it is that campaigns and promises and those things don t mean anything, we don t pay presidents by the hour we pay them for their judgment in crisis. .. in john mccain, a very instinctive and sometimes a politician this kind of a person who might have done something like this against all advice, against all counsel. [inaudible] well, yes, they are a breed apart. and they hated the air lifters who they called grocery deliverers. [laughter] well, i m not outcome he mentioned how bradley and marshall were so against the air lifters to begin with. wha