Mayor of Kingston Delroy Williams has hit back at representatives of the Opposition People's National Party (PNP) who have accused parishes authorities of failing to ensure that vendors at Crab Circle were adhering to public health regulations.
The parents of a two-month-old girl are now left with the heart-rending task of having to tell her, when she gets older, that her twin sister was the only member of the family who did not surv.
Holness says Gov’t serious about fighting crime Prime Minister Andrew Holness said investment in boosting the security forces’ apparatus has been a critical part of the Government’s crime-fighting strategy. “So the Government’s crime-fighting.
National netballer Latanya Wilson yesterday received a new home after a devastating arson attack that occurred on August 24 on Rum Lane in Central Kingston. The outpouring of support and rapid action from Sport Minister Olivia Grange, in.
THE EDITOR, Madam: With the announcement that Mayor of Kingston Delroy Williams wants to name the intersection at Hope, Trafalgar and Waterloo roads for George Stiebel of Devon House, I have been doing some reading and I am quite confused about.