Paramount’s production, directed by Jim Corti and Trent Stork, does the show justice, deftly managing to be immensely family friendly while also leaning hard into the musical’s mature themes and darker elements.
Paramount Theatre s counterprogramming efforts during this holiday season paid off. The Aurora theater s "Sound of Music" is a shimmering, emotionally resonant revival showcasing glorious voices and a superb 16-person orchestra.
Emmy Award-winner and Glen Ellyn native Sean Hayes ("Will & Grace") picked up his first Jeff Award Monday for his tour-de-force performance in Goodman Theatre s "Good Night, Oscar." Paramount Theatre s revival of "Kinky Boots" tied the Goodman with six awards during the 54th annual Joseph Jefferson Equity Awards ceremony in Oakbrook Terrace.
The Joseph Jefferson Awards in Chicago were presented on October 17, 2022, at Drury Lane in Oakbrook, IL. Winners included Kinky Boots; Good Night, Oscar; and more!