While BJP is playing the Hindutva card yet again, an astute Kamal Nath seems to have succeeded in neutralising attempts to polarise voters along religious lines in a state where 91% of the population are Hindus, with only 6.5% being Muslims (2011 Census). Nath has been highlighting his initiative in constructing a 101-ft-tall Hanuman statue in his pocket borough Chhindwara. While billboards welcoming party leader and “Shiv bhakt” Rahul Gandhi surfaced in Bhopal ahead of the 2018 poll, his recent pilgrimage to the Kedarnath shrine has been packaged well in the Congress campaign this time.
Management of VIT Bhopal had said students can otherwise pray as they please, but no group event is permitted even inside hostel rooms without permission
A private college in Madhya Pradesh has penalised seven students for gathering without permission and reciting Hanuman Chalisa in the campus hostel. A fine of Rs 5,000 was also levied on the seven students each.As per the reports, around 20 .