67 in san jose. Cool and breezy along the coast in the mid60s. We will talk about the rest of the week with the warmup on the way. In just a few minutes. Emily. Its clear there are several people on vacation and they are making our roads much smoother than normal. But there are still people who have to commute along with us. Look at 60 1 at the main travel times. You have now have two of them in the yellow. But they are not bad honestly. Coming through the altamonte pass 37 minutes out of the tracy triangle. And east shore freeway has started to slow down but not too badly. A 22 minute ride to get to the maze. You are in the green on highway 4 heading to the east shore freeway and as you are headed out of the south bay on 101 from san jose. Off to mobile 5 on the roadways there. It looks really good. Boy, thats an easy ride. A t of coy. T company where the metering lights are on. I will roughout morning. New very many in the hazmat situation at menlo park campus of facebook. We are get