Representatives from Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Britain and, of course, Germany had been lined up to attend. He’d written to Sweden’s Prime Minister, Tage Erlander, asking that the guests’ visas be fast-tracked, and had been personally assured that this would happen.He smiled as he thought of the friends he’d be welcoming - Augusto De Marsanich from Italy, Maurice Bardèche from France, and Germany’s Karl-Heinz Priester. His only worry was that Oswald Mosley might have a last-minute change of mind; the Englishman had issues with Priester. To add a touch of glamour to the proceedings, he’d boldly invited Colonel Otto Skorzeny, the man who had daringly rescued Mussolini from his mountain-resort imprisonment.His only regret was that he couldn’t have his kindred spirit and collaborator Johann von Leers with him. But at least he was safely ensconced in Buenos Air