Two and half years ago Liberal Citizen Foundation (Salk) was established. Already back then one of their goals was to influence the Estonian parliament elections of 2023, so that liberal forces would get majority. And they succeeded. Eesti Ekspress talked to more than 50 people about what Salk has done and how they have affected Estonian policy.
The Isamaa splinter group Parempoolsed (Right-wingers) held their general assembly at the Fahle Gallery in Tallinn on Thursday where the newly formed party elected its board, review committee and Lavly Perling as chairman.
The new coalition due to take office on Monday means that one Riigikogu seat will be vacated which could be taken up by a dissident former Isamaa member.
Former Isamaa Party faction Parempoolsed (right-wingers) is planning to launch a political party this summer if it can attract the required 500 members.