Residents, elected officials, local school representatives, and internet providers queued up for two meetings last week seeking public input on broadband in Adams County.
During a visit to campus, NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy discussed some of the space agency's most ambitious and impactful space missions with the UArizona early-career scientists who pursue them.
The superheated matter called plasma makes up most of the visible universe, from stars to nebulas to the northern lights.Later this decade, the University of Arizona will help lead a mission to study plasma in and around the Earth.“We're exploring this fundamental process and really, we're only able to do it here in the solar wind,” said deputy principal investigator
Plasma is rare on Earth, but it fills the sky. To more deeply understand this state of matter that makes up 99% of the visible universe, NASA's HelioSwarm mission will deploy a "swarm" of spacecraft to gather data. UArizona assistant professor Kristopher Klein will serve as the mission's deputy principal investigator.