A Japanese government official said parts of the multinational ‘Vostok 2022’ drills had been held on disputed islands Japan claims. On Tuesday, Moscow scrapped a reciprocal visa agreement for former residents of the islands.
Representatives from India, China, Turkey and the UAE were among dozens of companies and organizations attending an investment event attracting foreign investors to the Kuril Islands in Russia s Far East, Russian news outlet aif.ru reported on Friday.
Moscow [Russia], April 1 (ANI/Sputnik): A 5.3 magnitude earthquake was registered on Friday near Russia s Southern Kuril Islands, the regional branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GS RAS) told Sputnik.
TOKYO: Russia is conducting drills on islands claimed by Tokyo, Japanese media said on Saturday, days after Moscow halted peace talks with Japan because of its sanctions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.