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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20191010

pro trump super pac and a republican congressman's campaign. they are accused of trying to advance the interest of the ukrainian government officials, including getting the u.s. ambassador to ukraine removed. >> we will not hesitate to investigate and prosecute those with criminal conduct that the question of integrity about the political process. and i want to add this investigation is continuing. see >> shepard: so what did they do? the feds say the two men helped president trump rudy giuliani and his efforts to get ukraine to investigate president trump's political rival joe biden. house democrats have no issued subpoenas, demanding that igor and lab turn over documents for the impeachment inquiry. but giuliani said the timing of the incident is suspect and he will reveal relevant facts very, very shortly. but nothing yet. we have team fox coverage john roberts from the white house first. catherine herridge from washington. >> the personal attorney rudy giuliani told fox earlier today he did enlisthe help of truman to investigate corruption allegations of joe biden and his son hunter biden. last night in suburban washington, dulles international airport the alleged with two weathers violating campaign finance laws by engaging in a scheme to conceal the source or exceed the limits on political contributions. this indictment further alleges a member of congress with substantial campaign contributions and in return pushed the removal of then ambassador to ukraine. >> they had several meetings with congressman and at these meetings, on behalf of ukrainian government officials, lobbied congress to advocate for the removal of then u.s. ambassador to ukraine. not identified in the indictment congressman with former texan report on a separate matter if the secretary of state mike pompeo may 2018 alleging then ambassador was repeatedly disparaging the trump administration and should be removed from office but at that time, declined to comment on the letter and the obligations against the ambassador. >> shepard: catherine what is next? >> you mentioned at the top of the show, the intelligence committee with a subpoena for lev parnas and igor fruman called for depositions but they did not show up because the lawyer advised the committee they would not comply until they can bring counsel and also warned multiple issues they believe are subject to attorney-client privilege, pardon me and off-limits. and on deck and schedule for closed-door interview tomorrow. she is important because she can speak directly to the administration action in ukraine, but she could be blocked from the same scenario we saw earlier this week with the ambassador to the european union. and then finally we learned today that another witness has been noticed so on deck and asked to appear before the committee on monday and that is the owner hill, central to this because a policy advisor at the ukraine and russia and she can speak to what she saw. >> shepard: very good, catherine herridge, thank you. box coverage continues with john roberts at the white house, john. it's because she had no reaction to the white house on this but the president will be leaving heading for minneapolis in an hour. he could possibly talk about it but we are hearing from the trump link pack, in may. so in any suggestion coming up all this. because this has been a complaint before the federal act from the civil complaint. >> john roberts why but the white house, ukraine's president is talking now. he says, he didn't know the united states was holding back those hundreds of millions of aid at the time of the controversial phone call. of course, before he was the president of ukraine, he was a comedian. and he just held a marathon news conference taking questions for more than 11 hours. that says president vladimir zelinski with fallout from his own country, fox news crews are live and spoke with the president. why he is trying to distance himself from all the drama and what he says president trump did wrong. and the reporting continues this thursday afternoon. @ billions of mouths. billions of problems. morning breath? 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>> well, some escaped and the kurds i'm told are still standing watch at the prison. the kurdish syrian democratic forces handed over to the u.s. military to high level isis individuals who have since been removed from syria. we have learned their identities, and wanted in connection with the beheadings of westerners including many journalist. they were nicknamed the beatles but now they are in u.s. custody under the law of war i'm told. the problem is there is nearly 2,000 isis fighters in kurdish custody and some escaped the kurdish president, a nato ally coming to the state next month to flood europe with 3.5 million syrian refugees if the e.u. continues to call the military action in syria and invasion, shep. >> shepard: jennifer griffin, thanks. i want to read the quote from, she just talked about that, she said we just god is translation. listen to this. >> hey, european union, pull yourself together. i say it again, if you try to label this operation as an invasion, it is very simple, we will open the gates and sin 3.6 million refugees your way. >> do you believe that? it is an invasion. slaughtering civilians. it is an invasion. and european union, if you call it that, we will release 3.6 million refugees right into the e.u. let's bring in john oldman at the center for strategic and international studies, nonprofit policy research organization and he was on the policy planning staff at the state department under president george w. bush, john, good to see you again. >> good to see you again. >> shepard: how do you make sense of this? i think the turks have had a problem with affect the u.s. light -- these kurdish forces and the president gave in december and gave in again october. >> shepard: why do you think why? >> i don't know why and possibly the president is getting danger. if you take the president at his word he's tired of being there, what i hear from my friends in the pentagon and then the military is 5200 soldiers on the u.s. soldiers giving what we were getting, giving what they were putting forward against isis and all sorts of threats of instability were very much the u.s. national interest at a very low cost. we were enabling the placement to police the area. and we were doing a lot with a lot of bad guys. not only ten or 12,000 isis fighters, you have about 70,000 family members, isis and providers flooding back into syria. i don't know where there was people go or what you do with them. >> how can you describe this, and i would like to know is anything but a gift to the turks, and in demand a dictator turning democracy into something else and the iranians and vladimir putin and russia? how is it not a gift to those three? >> you could argue that actually this will create differences between iranians, the russians and the turks because they don't agree on this and it might threaten territorial integrity of syria. but what this does, it is a huge boost to air to one who was not only concerned about these kurdish fighters in a raid along the border but also a growing domestic problem with the kurdish refugees or with syrian refugees in turkey. look, i'm taking care of this. we can push them out, back into syria but the problem is, push arabs into kurdish areas, the kurds will flee for safety and you will have arabs taking their homes. you may have decades of conflict right where he is saying we are restoring peace. >> shepard: as for boxer alongside who has plotted his own people and numerous, numerous war crime allegations, the u.s. policy that he's got to go, that is the policy. look at him now. >> looked, more importantly i don't know anybody, we could spend a decade and a half doing counterterrorism. i don't know anybody that thinks you can do to counterterrorism width requires a stablism or a place for people to go back to a light footprint conveys a place for people to be. if syria goes up in flames again, as they have, it's not that we don't care. it creates a whole set of problems for a bunch of the neighbors and also creates a large ungoverned space where people can threaten the u.s. as they have in the past. >> shepard: john alterman, good to see you again. >> thanks, shep. >> shepard: one doctor gave out so many pain pills that users called him the candy man. now the law has caught up with the good doctor and he could be looking at a very long time in lockup. the prescription for prison courtesy of the feds, and caught with your child in the middle of a mass shooting. what would you do? where would you run? in minutes as a man accused of carrying out mass murder at a walmart goes to court, we will hear from a father who was there when it happened. and head butt a split second to decide how to save his own daughter. don't give them that chance. fraudster: just calling to confirm your medicare number. do you have your card available? spokesman: for example, if a caller says they're from medicare, watch out. it's probably a scam. don't give out your card number. and always check your claim statements for errors. report fraudulent charges to 1-800-medicare. guard your card. learn more at o♪ ozempic®! ♪ oh! oh! 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what was going through your mind? >> well, the first shot came out and at first, i thought it was just, you know, the coaches and i thought it was fireworks to be honest. it gave me time to look where they were at, look at the door where my daughter and fellow teammates were out. i just tried to put it all together. and when the second round went off, that is when i turned and told my daughter and her teammates to just run. i will catch you. take off and run. >> shepard: how far did they go? >> they ran halfway through walmart and into the store itself. by the time that i caught up to them. the third, fourth and fifth round took off and that's when i went off after them and i caught them main middle i love walmart. >> shepard: when you got to them, what was that moment like? what went down between you and them? >> i said let's go, we are going to get out of here. my mentality at that time, like if it is one shooter or ten shooters, i need to get these girls and myself off of the main aisle. so we cut through what i can remember would be a home interior type of aisle where there were bath towels and stu stuff. >> shepard: benny, this guy will be in court today. and i wonder as one who was there and survived it all how you process this day and what is coming ahead for this suspect? >> i'm not going to lie to you, i have not paid too much attention to it at all. i believe in the justice system, and i'm just asking them to take, to take complete seriousness in this whole situation and just do what is right. i didn't even know the arraignment was today, to be honest with you. >> shepard: good for you. life goes on for you and yours, thank god. benny maguire live with us from down there. we all remember that day and thinking about you and your community and your family, thank you. >> thank you so much. >> shepard: political groups, this is incredible. what i've heard about this from the staff meeting today, you've got to be kidding me. political groups are using your phone to track your location to try to get more voters to the pole, political groups are. this is all from the reporting of "the wall street journal." we will talk to one of the reporters behind the story to give you the incredible details just ahead. and we will talk with a fox news correspondent who was embedded with kurdish fighters, who has been helping the united states in the fight against isis and are now under attack from turkey. ♪ eed. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? 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>> it was, absolutely. and the kurds have always been underdogs. they were prepared for the final battle. being with them there, it was amazing to see them take the lead on that. that is one of the things, the kurds took the lead against isis from the beginning. even when they moved into iraq, it was the kurds who carry the weapons when the iraq he government ran away. so we were there. they knew that they were coming, and anyone else in the battle, they were willing to take it on. they said to us again and again, we know this is our fight. we have lost family members, we have lost their land, but we are doing it for ourselves and for everyone else. see that bond they built up not only with the other members, but with the u.s. military personnel who we met on the ground, it was an incredible thing. they felt that they were leading what was a rightful battle. it was frankly, honored to be with them at that point when the isis and the caliphate themselves. >> shepard: did they trust the americans as partners at that time? was that talked about? >> absolutely they did. you will remember president trump come i think back in november suggested they might consider putting troops oo syria. there was such a backlash then and the kurds, ideally it was scrapped. widespread with anger against that. and they really felt after that they made it clear how important and more than ever real support. so this latest betrayal as they are calling it came at a real, real shock. they felt they were at the forefront of this battle. they felt they had earned a holy land. the kurds have been persecuted for decades. and all they wanted throughout this, for syria or aranda, they are secular by nature but the majority, christian, and so this is what they thought their reward would be and they thought it could be a model in the region. time and region that northeast syria, and something americo will help them gain. they believed it end but they learned they have learned they are on their own. >> shepard: thank you. fox urgent. at the apple ceo tim cook is defending his company's decision. do you hear what his company did? they decided to remove of police tracking app from phones that the government protesters in hong kong have been using. think of it. they are being persecuted and the hong kong freedom fighters are being persecuted by the chinese government and the chinese government wants them to stop. there way they were letting each other know where the cops are and how to avoid the cops from the chinese police, the way they were doing it was through this app which apple just pulled from its devices. susan li is here. trying to say here is why we did it. >> he is saying that it's because of safety. got a hold of a letter he issued to apple staff and he said the app is being used maliciously he says to target individual officers for violence and to also victimize individuals as this is very controversial. it wasn't on the app store that long. maybe four to five days but i got a lot of attention on the mainland especially from the people they called it toxic software. they say they are not kowtowing to china that they are abiding by the markets they operate in. it's not just apple. it's also google. they had to pull an app, and app mobile game that let you role-play as a hong kong protester that some thought it was a bit defensive. they had to remove it. >> shepard: the chinese thought that was offensive. of course they did. kenny baker was about to graduate from high school when he killed himself. his mom and dad are working to stay or other parents the same grief. and they say they are seeing baby steps towards ending the stigma around suicide. they will join us live to share their story on this world mental health day next. it's a competition for the talent. employees need more than just a paycheck. you definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. >> shepard: here is a sobering one. nearly 800,000 people killed themselves every year. 800,000. that's about one suicide every 40 seconds on our globe. every day 123 americans take their own lives. that is from the cdc. those are just a few of the heartbreaking statistics at today the world recognizes mental health day. tricia and kurt baker among the countless parents know the heartache of losing a child to suicide. weeks before their son kenny was set to graduate from high school, he took his own life. the bakers took their pain and turned it into something positive. kenny's family started a nonprofit traveling all of the country the tell young students his story. they make sure kids have the mental health support they need from elementary school all the way through college. tricia and kurt baker are here with us now and a support dog, a little pomeranian who is as cute as he can be. good boy. getting up there in age. i don't know how you do this after what happened with your son but man, thank god for you. how is it going and what is the message? >> every day is a challenge i have to say. helping other people, i believe you help yourself. our nonprofit attitude helps us get up every single day and when you reach out to other students and you're able to hear back from them that you help them get medical treatment and helped save their lives, and keeps reinforcing that we have to keep doing what we are doing. >> shepard: tricia and kurt brought tissues with them today. i don't know how to ask you what happened your son but i know that it's a story that you want to share. >> kenny struggled with a mental health disability and he was discriminated against because people don't really know what it's like to have a mental health disability. three weeks before graduating high school, he lost hope. he lost hope that he was ever going to be healthy, and he lost hope that he was everywhere to be normal. all he wanted to be was just like everybody else. sadly he and -- ended his life by suicide. >> shepard: he stepped in front of a train. >> he did. >> shepard: is you pick up pieces and put life back together. >> for us it happened quickly because the day that kenny past there were a number of deaths by train. we both being contacted. we had to make a decision literally that day whether we were going to engage in a conversation or let it be written without us. the story probably wouldn't have been written truthfully as far as the factual matters. we were able to write our own sidebar story insert to advocate for those with mental health disorders very early on. many people don't understand that. our son at the time was just a few weeks of graduating from high school and we kind of started our mission in high school talking to people in high school. we were then invited to middle schools. initially we were a little concerned about talking to people younger and wants me engaged them, we found out that really middle school is more of a high school of those of our age. since then we are talking to students as as second grade. we are talking to them about good mental health and by engaging in good mental health, we are hoping to lower the suicide rate. >> we found the suicide rate of those 12 and under has doubled in the last ten years. >> shepard: its television and it's quick. we don't have a lot of time. but if there's one thing you would like to leave with people sitting at home right now who care about you and care about kids, what is it? >> we all have to look out for each other. most people who are contemplating suicide will somehow talk about it first. we just don't know how to listen. we are not trained how to listen. we have to take all talk about suicide seriously. and then we have to be there for each other. we have to be kind to each other and be empathetic. we talk a lot about discrimination but i believe people with mental health diagnosis, they are one of those groups we don't talk about and they get discriminated against all the time. we just need to be a little bit more understanding and compassionate to those who do struggle, know that it's not a choice. mental health disease is not a choice. suicide is a symptom of an illness. we need to start equating mental health disorders equal to any other medical illness. you start to understand that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. >> shepard: there's probably a million to people watching right now. the odds sadly are the some of those people watching just want to end it. what do they do? >> i want to engage in hope. we have found that those who worked through the mental health disorder cycles, there's low times and those suffering from mental health disorders know this it's difficult to get up every day. we believe that kenny woke up every day fighting for his life to live that day but the truth is if you're able to make it through and find strategies, over time you can find strategies and live a happy and healthy life. we want to make sure that those who suffer with mental health disorders, 20% to 25%, they find something to work for them. this research being done or things are improving and we also want to make sure that the other 75 to 80% of the population understand those with mental health disorders. we all have mental health. we need to take care of our mental health. if we learn those techniques to take care of our own mental health and be compassionate from those suffering from a disorder that we can be healthier and happier. >> shepard: kurt and tricia baker unrolled mental health day in celebration of their son. >> thank you so much. thank you so much for sharing our story. >> shepard: once again the organization is called attitudes in reverse. it focuses on mental health education and the national suicide prevention lifeline is on your screen right now. they are always on the other end of the phone 24 hours a day. if you or somebody you know needs to talk, has heard someone who sounds like he or she is in trouble and might need some help, never hesitate to call. a we'll be back. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? 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