with bernie mcguirk and you will i mean, he he was likee a brother. quick story. a i was struggling with cancer.n i had been in touch with them. and last time i talked to him, he starts a hannity. but , it s cardinal o connor. we did all that. yeah. oh, no. lau he started he he we ve lost a lot of wonderful people lately and incredible americans. in was one of them. crle ameriand i just concur with everything you said. but sean thinks he s going to be missed, too. he was an amazing man.great show imus in the morning. ey are great show.esse and yeah, they re they re all missed. it s sea i did radio. i did radio because of that show. otherwise,t show i didn t. t seventeen years in radio. went into ra yeah. that was the reason i went intoi radio because ofon the being a t on that show. so. yeah. so that s, that s where i learned it. so sean, thank you.aura: all right.wet great show.to all right. we have a lot to get to tonight. i m laura ingram . this is the ingraham an
up only hearing that marijuana is medicine. that s probably if you were on the family feud and you said medical blank, they wouldal answer medicare marijuanaat the because this is what they veve been told time and time to get . what we do need is fore ed the youth to be educated, thatt this is not justic some beneficial natural substancial nae, but it is an intoxicating, addictive drug with a lot of problems. matt , dr. camer, thank you. now, have you heard this? a tech company ceo was justarred arrested on suspicion ofg data stealing data from hundreds of l.a. poll workerhundredss and sr it on servers in china. the full report moments. the plus, we got word that the fbi could finally be moving in on hunter biden. harmeet dhillon has all the latest on that in moments.