Those planning to leave the city or drive in and around Montreal for the long weekend should know that construction is planned on certain routes and some roads will be closed, specifically a major closure on the Metropolitan Expressway (A-40) is planned.
Those planning on driving in and around Montreal this weekend will want to avoid some notable routes including Highway 15 near Atwater Avenue and, as per normal, the Ile-aux-Tourtes Bridge.
Those planning trips to or from the Island of Montreal on the weekend should note that there are several route closures to be expected. The Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine tunnel, the Saint-Pierre interchange and on the Highway 15 in the Atwater Avenue sector will all feature closures and should be avoided, as well as others listed below.
Those planning on taking advantage of Black Friday sales on the weekend should avoid certain routes that will be closed due to roadwork plans. Closures are planned for the Papineau-Leblanc Bridge between Laval and Montreal, the Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine tunnel, the Honore-Mercier Bridge, the Saint-Pierre interchange, Highway 15 and elsewhere.