a very important labor endorsement. that expected to come her way. we also heard from elijah cummings, the ranking democrat on the benghazi committee, as he left a meeting with nancy pelosi today, that there s going to be a statement coming up shortly this afternoon from the democrats on that committee, in talking to congressman cummings and adam schiff and the others, they had long discussed whether they should even participate because they felt that this hearing process was stacked against them, that the chairman trey gowdy was not letting them have rules that would allow them to have subpoena power and the rest. i think you could very well see them deciding now to quit that process and step out of the hearing and try to emphasize that it is just a republican hearing. so at this stage, hillary clinton s got a lot going her way but she s got this big iowa jefferson-jackson dinner tomorrow night and again, there, she s got good polling numbers against bernie sanders in this
she will support it. at least she knows policy. i mean the others, you say they have nothing to lose. okay. maybe you are right. they have nothing to lose. they don t have anything to gain. nobody in their right behind is going to elect bernie sanders president of the united states. he ran, eugene mccarthy would double him in the voting if you remember back that election. very interesting. despite everything you laid out. hillary clinton as soon as she landed here in las vegas on a private jet with former president bill clinton she immediately didn t come here to the wynn. she went across the street to the trump hotel because he had culinary workers outside protesting. why did she do that? number one she hasn t been able to get labor endorsement. nervous why labor is sitting on heir hands. she wanted to march with the culinary union beating up on donald trump. take on trump or any of the republicans but she has still got to get past these primaries. she still has to get past