Upcoming book fares and from sept. 26 through the 20 eighth the annual baltimore book festival takes place at the citys in a harbor. Let us know about book fairs and festivals in your ariane and we will lead them to our list. Email us at booktv cspan. Org. Tonight on booktvs after words. I thought it would be compelling to tell the story of a white family and black family with the same name and the same area, jim crow and the Civil Rights Movement up until today and compare and contrast. Columnist and author Chris Collins tomlinson in his familys Lake Holdings legacy and how much legacy of slavery affects todays society. He talked to lydian tomlinsons brother about this on cspan2s after words. I have trouble picking on one part of the war. It is the conference of causes and timing. Things happened in particular sequence and what you had by 1914 was certainly pressure building up. You also have a growing acceptance of the possibility of war which is very dangerous. Whenever theres a cri