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Transcripts For DW Check-in - German Winter Holiday Destinations 20171210 22:30:00

the we can really do is practice holding down safely if the situation gets really dodgy only one thing helps a controlled form. and if i just let myself fall over and stretch out but should avoid needing to. not in the truck to spoil them try to stay in between this is hard work. well if you know. your legs make a big v the arms work the same as downhill that was well done. and thank you. nicole i've enjoyed teaching you cross-country skiing it's been fun. tourism is the economic motor of the f.b.i. guy that's one reason they're proud and obvious that a former local boy is active here i'm meeting the n.c.i.c. local three time olympic champion in ski jumping after his career he went into the hotel business gets kind of meyer his old trophies in the display cases. hundred five and converted it and extended it within a year or. less and then what do you consider the biggest challenges for tourism and the ads. i think. the biggest challenges here are the winters ahead as. natalie also thinking about how we can entertain holiday makers because when there's less know or non-literal ok and this is a file for that since definitely the big question that all winter sports regions not just low mountain ranges but alpine regions have to answer because of climate change machines would be fog if they don't then there's the question of water attractions what holiday activity options we can offer our guests when that happens to us and he's a type one. and then we wish you lots of luck in finding the answers thank you. for the. last stop on my ex could be a good trip as an up back who was once a mining center in the sixteenth century the town was one of the biggest in germany now on a back to hudson's a small but lovely place with about twenty thousand residents. in the winter you should definitely check out the market square to skate on the ice and let the historical facades enchant you. the only question left to answer is what's the local food like seems like the most typical dish is nine a combination of nine symbolic foods. seven the milk and bread a few complection the apple sauce to keep you free from pain and feature distribute but not be tedious which the winching good company. the lentils are to bring me money. and the roast meat strength of course. that was it already and honestly it was a very special trip the region's culture and history have to have the end to a very interesting place and on top of that during the winter months there's infinite fun to be had as well as off the slopes. the next stop on this special edition that features cold weather destinations is the perfect disco region in southern but very. my tour begins in the city a fact it's gotten which lend its name to the region. it's over nine hundred years old and the architecture reflects its rich history. one building that really stands out is the haitian house on the market square the murals on the facade depict ancient tales about back to scott. and a little further down the road you'll find a lovely schloss plot or castle square. and i thought it would be nice to pay a visit to the national park here i've met up with ranger klaus melba and we're off to see if we can spot some golden eagles. home we'll have a good fare for a moment that. really is it not too steep i'm not at all. best it's got a national park is the only national park in germany inhabited by golden eagles and there are about ten of them from glass box valley we have a good view of the rocky crags. this wouldn't be if you look at the trees the treetops up on the mountain those are the places eagles like to shoot that's where you can best see them because some distance. but there's no sign of them yet. well looks like this is going to involve a bit of sitting waiting and wishing an ideal time for you guys to dive a little deeper into the national park. way too back to scott national park is lake county city only environmentally friendly electric boats are allowed to travel the lake which is almost two hundred meters deep. halfway across the captain stops because it's from here that the steep mountain flanks create the famous echo. after about half an hour the boats reach their destination the hair shout peninsula and st bartholomew's an eye catching seventeenth century brock pilgrimage church. the church lies at the foot of the vox money machine with a height of over two thousand seven hundred meters the mighty mountain has come to symbolize the national park and the entire region. the national park consists of a fourth zone in which nature is left to itself then there is a maintenance zone where alpine meadows are cultivated and tourism is encouraged. several information center is explain the park's flora and fauna one of them the klaus buck house is the perfect starting point for a walk to the deer feeding station. when the rangers replenish the food supply up to sixty red deer venture out from the shelter of the trees to feet to the delight of visitors. but almost sixty five but the golden eagles are a bit shyer than the deer we're still waiting. so. this is. this was so there's no need to separate tourism and conservation they go very well together you see it on county exactly six hundred thousand people visit some both on a muse and the lake water is so clean you can drink it because only electric boats are allowed on the lake you have to compromise a little but matt what do you do here apart from watching eagles. monitoring the golden eagles there's only one thing i do it's not a main task an important part of our job is looking after tourists we offer guided tours every day and of course we rangers are often out somewhere in the park we have two hundred fifty kilometers of trials in the national park from barrier free to city. and we check them on a regular basis to make sure they're in order that sound job to. the. that's enough talking for the moment let's see if our luck with the eagles has improved a little right in the middle want to see. he's looking this way and there really is one. is there. and it gets even better we are one flying through the air. i want to explore even more of best this god's nature so i'm going snowshoeing i've joined a group led by mountain guide hunts. some folks who might want to start. with which are right for the snowshoe. yeah then with the he will buckle it on here. it will just tighten up by neck until it fits comfortably. shows it's the. sidespin i ready. let's get i want as it was me to get it but one important point we're going to our polls and i'm going to shoot the song walk with your legs far enough apart so you don't step on the poles or your other shoe i'm going to get up and we're awful is on with that in the freiheit. the good let's talk for a minute and look at the mountains then we're here to look at the next one over with the sun shining on it covered in snow. that's the horror girl and we go it's over twenty five hundred meters from. the amazing thing about snowshoeing is the fact that you literally get to walk off the beaten path on completely untouched snow with views that cannot be beat. to. the next item on my tin or ari is a visit to the oldest gentian distillery in germany your tears i have for a tour of fans distillery and i thought i taste my way through your range of products you have strict this distillery has been around since sixty ninety two gentian is an alpine plant that is cultivated and back to scotland and is still to make a better shops to be precise it's the route that's used. it works and looks like this when it comes out of the ground it's four or five years old and about eighty centimeters long off the course the roots are chopped and mashed then the liquid is extracted and distilled into any social way here is a hope a we are at the tasting you can try all our companies most popular products first of course is gentian primary product just from the root of a clear strong spirit no residual sugar forty percent by volume. while. their words are pungent because of the bitters it has a well rounded taste. paula this is the dance the tension is the strength of the mountains later in the afternoon i treat myself to a drive through the mountains on the rustbelt panoramic road i have to pay an eight year old tall to drive along it. after just a few kilometers i can say it's well worth it behind every curve there is another amazing u. of austria and the vastness gotten unlocked. and our final destination on this special edition of check in also in bavaria about two hundred kilometers further west of the church but so. that two thousand nine hundred and sixty two meters it's germany's highest mountain peak. now and now i understand why half a million people come up here every year. washing and view of the panorama stretches out from the dolemite see all the way to the swiss alps the. time to hit the slopes i've arrived at the glacier ski area. it's only about three hundred metres below the peak if you've come all the way up here without your gear gel or you can rent it all right next to the slope style. so white and all the snow around me is completely natural there are no snow cannons here on the business so the conditions for skiing couldn't be better. but the duke spits it is much more than just a tourist destination a lot of research goes on up here at the weather station meteorologists collect data about climate change. your low i'm looking for mr demmer that's me i believe we have a database for you with your homework yeah. trade school we will say that again garrick demos worked on the bits of for the past forty years. mr day i mean you've been observing the weather for many years now what does the data tell us how are the conditions of volved around this area is this part of why here goes it's so well we've been collecting data since one thousand nine hundred when a station was built and what it is that's so get out if it. was in the past thirty years. or so we've been able to determine that temperatures are rising sharply that i suggested and fisting one does the tip at two in balkan states and during that time there's hardly been a single year where the temperature is well below the average. in fact they've almost all been to war and that trend is continuing. to buy the navy does this increase temperature impact the glacier. the glaciers been shrinking drastically for many years now what you see here is just a remnant of what it once was. and we expect that if the warming continues like this. that in twenty to twenty five years the glacier will disappear completely i for one does not mean for the area could you picture the soup spits it with out the glacier as i'll see invisible world of course is going to look pretty boring because instead of ice we'll just have more screen in stone. we have plenty of that anyway but they'll be more. and it just doesn't look very good it's boring. it'll be worse for skiers that goes the glaciers used for skiing and that will be bad for the ski business if you put that all the do you spend any of your spare time up on stage but so do you ski. on and on a day like this if i'm not too exhausted from my shift. log use my pick up my skis ingo. on the slopes of. this model also ski the glacier and measure the snow level . to take a reading of the overall depth and i guess that on a day like today the sunshine will have lowered by about five centimeters. prove to me at the. kids who were not well have a great day thanks for meeting me it was a pleasure. you know. everybody's heading back into the valley at this time of day but i'm staying i've got a cool plan a night surrounded by ice and snow. welcome to the igloo village please and welcome to our bar. yes this there is some art on the walls and corridors. like this reclining buddha. and this is our first igloo. pretty big. one so i guess this is my bedroom good thing the ice blocks are covered in sheepskin because it's pretty cold freezing to be precise but there are plenty of ways to warm up this forty degree outdoor jacuzzis probably the most spectacular what was. already a strange feeling going to bed at twenty six hundred meters but a fixed leaking back should help. wow this is truly breathtaking early in the morning the evolution venturers have the entire mountain to themselves this more than makes up for the rough night we all had. i do have to say it was really quite chilly in the lead tonight and it took me some time to get used to the thin air up here but this scenery makes it all worth. the criticism over its treatment of refugees now it has a seat on the un human rights council and the pressure is intensifying my guest this week is alexander downer the country's high commissioner. how does he justify a policy so widely condemned around the world focus in thirty minutes on d w. d w to speak your language a bit up. for content in dari pashto and. prospects for returning to our web special pleading that the refugee journalists life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. join the discussion on t w dot com and on facebook. prospects for returning peace d w maybe four months. rather than. human rights day. d.w. . they know like. they know what police think. and soon they'll even know how we feel. i'm not a real person i'm still just a piece so. scientists around the world are working to measure our emotions. so hopefully i can be a helpful piece assault with. a virtual person as a therapist or a robotic as a teacher neither would have human empathy what does a machine need to do to create empathy and


Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20180802 11:30:00

really. does iran truly want peace. the countries of homs have their doubts. iran from yonkers. aug fifth on t.w. . hello and welcome to focus on europe with me peter craven and europe is in the grip of a devastating heat wave it's been scorching farmland and triggering wildfires worst hit so far is greece which has seen what's been described as europe's deadliest forest fire in over a century at least ninety people have been killed in a number of others are still missing after flames engulf the coastal area east of the capital athens hundreds of homes have been destroyed in the catastrophe now at the center of the conflagration is the small community of marty and our reporter norman sri girl who's been there and spoken with some of the residents including constantino some are guests who return to the remains of his house. constantino somalia his front door was warped by the intense heat and he's trying to fix it after the devastating fire in martine erath and his family summer house is a tempting target solutions even if there actually isn't much left to loot but the fire came down from madness and with such power because we have so many trees right in the street so what separates or coming from the right so if you can see your house here is black. although forest fires happen frequently in the region every fence every ruin could be hiding the corpses of people who were surprised by the fire and couldn't get to safety in time for. the rescue services say the old thora to use should prepare the population better for such disasters in future. will be covered up and even the state dinners that really need emergency evacuation plans. when they begin this this is a high risk area because of the layout of the roads up of the buildings and especially the dane's very very. last this is. in the middle of the forest your only son tonight is took precautions cutting back trees to stop the fire spreading easily. his plan worked and his home survived. all dry and it's so windy and people don't topics: Fires leave Greece in despair; French farmers fight to grow rare plants; Croatia: Lakelands Under Threat; Netherlands: Windmills without Millers;... plan the government has to make this and it's not about this government although governments the government so i don't know i don't know where they don't have the now but i don't think they're going to do anything serious the author already isn't now investigating what started the funds arsonists could have done so as so often before but whatever the cause no one expected it to end like this. and the greek authorities have been warning that further wildfires could follow after all the hot season is set to continue into the month of august now on a very different note it sometimes seems hard to believe but british exit from the european union breaks it is set to become a reality on march twenty ninth next year and many people are increasingly worried about what that change will mean for the sensitive border between northern ireland and the e.u. but there's another border concern it's an angry that's right angry low population the islands have long enjoyed close relations. but that may end with britain's exit from the e.u. . wi fi would be insulting because it will be affected directly. in what we want to have be our soft water for years. and we are concerned that you know that doesn't prove that is that you wish to buy the product in a lot of. nearly all of angry less goods and supplies are imported from the larger neighboring french island on boats like this. the british island has to bring everything and even drinking water. this port is a life reservoir and. is the only the carcass of the only. saw. it for whatever reason this poor closes down. and work itself just micros though. want it don't have a say they don't get an exclamation of what's happening so they completely get alienated and when you really need people they are always would take back an action . the action more and more and williams would like to take is independence if they had been able to a majority would have voted to stay in the e.u. now many would rather be part of the e.u. than of britain. now do you remember how fruits and vegetables used to taste so much richer it sometimes seems is that just nostalgia for times gone by no no says french farmer laurel brewer yeah he believes there's far less for royalty these days due to industrialized farming practices and strict norms on what can and cannot be grown in spite of a campaign in friends for greats of biodiversity and more flavor and the man dubbed the asparagus red bull is supplying some very popular produce. asparagus topped with grated bonito fish pie nuts and asparagus mousse. last forever i would never dream of making additional like this with any old asparagus. head chef it gorm a restaurant will bear to shove a blunt near paris needs a very special kind. in this very long time two things different their classic white hispanic mall it tastes and then take it has a slightly bitter aftertaste the feel the flavor there is depending on it's for charity yeah those are. the only problem is officially this is speratus doesn't even exist and selling river riot is like this is actually illegal in france but rather i has her sources. where said it all and i don't know how you thought on the part i only tracked her all. that well i just wanted to know if you thought about my asparagus book this evening where i need five kilos who are thinking all. the contraband asparagus comes from here new very sort of was just outside paris here long period grows many kinds of heirloom vegetables he thinks they're just as much a part of france as champagne and that they must be preserved. he's typical for this area arjun toy asparagus and point was cabbage ball my grandparents plants and. i'm not going to abandon them to buy hybrids that don't have the same shape or taste. but these vegetables aren't in the official french catalog which lists varieties whose seeds or plants may be sold in france its top criteria abundant yield in uniform appearance the french farmers association which major producers have the say enforces these regulations to clothes real money clothes will be asparagus looks nice it might have its advantages but this variety simply doesn't yield enough a farmer has to make a living. so even if it pleases all the borzois bahamians in paris if only half of the seeds actually grow it won't bring in enough revenue no. arguments like this make farmer laurent barrow you see read his asparagus is in no way inferior to standard varieties that although he's heirloom plants are more disease resistant they're not a sensitive we also need less fertilizer and less water. one of the. many farmers refused to follow the decrees of the farmers association they flout the regulations on principle with the support of illegal seed sellers. here in the south of france not far from toulouse nonprofit association kokopelli takes seed orders for heirloom vegetables grains and fruit kokopelli has been taken to court for selling non authorized plant for writing but has refused to pay the fines. on any court on a real say smugglers someone else when i travel i always take twenty five thirty kilos of seeds along in my suitcase when. we don't care what customs thinks polices mission is simply to preserve by law. diversities. to do that they've declared war on the restrictive french seed catalog which the kokopelli activists see as an instrument for monopolists like monsanto to control the market and make farmers dependent on them real objective measurement in meeting people was never that go there only aim is power and. the more money they can make from nature the better keep both to learn as your kokopelli believes natures bounty belongs to us all whether it's white eggplant star cole robbie or asian toy asparagus they're really a likes to deliver his produce himself to goree restaurants they appreciate that special something that his vegetables bring to find cuisine. almost all of. it would snow me this is what is trying to me is all about introducing our customers to exceptional products. which are almost impossible to find anywhere else for. chefs like lower intend to keep buying band vegetables so they can keep serving up the best that france has to offer. you know people are always looking for new travel destinations so what about the legendary plate vits a lake's a national park in central croatia the only problem is the park isn't quite what it used to be activists say it's unspoiled beauty is being put at risk by tourism traffic pollution and construction work and as a result unesco is threatening to remove it from its global heritage list all reports are met up with one activist who is determined to prevent that from happening. he beats and makes park is one of the oldest national parks in southeast europe it's it does a location for popular german westerns each a young lives in the area and comes here often he loves the countryside and the waterfalls. or not if you forget that i fear this is one of the most beautiful spots on this planet. a natural wonder protected by unesco to be a part of what you know would be a way that night if you will until recently the water here was among the cleanest in the world but now the illegal building has cost so much pollution that you can't drink it or even swim in it anymore. the lakes are critically endangered as a consequence of the nearly two million annual tourists unesco is threatening to revoke the park's world cultural heritage status because it hosts crowns like this and keep its pristine quality. there's no sewerage system for example if each year reveals where the sewerage ends up in one of the many holes in the forest some call them tongue in cheek the seventeenth like the stench is unbearable. the trees all around are dying. to destroy when the guests at the tourist village ask where the stink is coming from one of the on the people here tell them there's a pig farm around here somewhere. the waste runs into the ground unfiltered and seeps into the plate pizza lakes the authorities analyze the lake water says of each other but the results were never made public he believes they didn't want anyone to know the water was no longer drinkable the local mayor insists that the problem is finally being dealt with and passes the responsibility on to the government in sa grab. the flow of oil for twenty years nobody has done anything about the sewage now it's five minutes to midnight when the governments realized that reacher is of national and not just local interest and we have no time left to lose the bargain. and yet construction is still going on inside the national park new buildings are going up all around this homeowner claims he did everything by the book which appears to be doubtful. the state seems to be turning a blind eye while corruption among local officials is rampant says it beats and his comrades all war veterans. they are spearheading the opposition to the illegal construction. the building permits validity is rather dubious they say. all that was allowed here was the renovation of existing buildings and i'm certain that nothing more than a little house was standing here or there to a billion which. now there are eight buildings that can accommodate up to two hundred seventy tourists is that edge and if you're there you can either but i think that they might just send us a pleasure. that the owner disagrees so he maintains the whole village was here we've been working here for five years a lower quality is acknowledged we are the only ones with two five star lodgings. it's a luxury resort in the middle of a national park and with no connection to the water mains but the construction was actually subsidized by the e.u. someone sees the sign for target practice. if it says shows a video about an illegal water pipe use is all around the park tap into it. business in the park is booming too wrists a coming in drives local business people who want to cash in opposing them as if it's only us please you're accusing people of taking water illegally but they haven't had any other source here for sixty years i'm talking about the pollution in the park and i suspect i'm going why did you wreck the water pipes because the environment inspector told us to leave when i was going to i don't know not only that but you were the ones who brought him here. time is running out. it beats and his comrades will keep fighting. he says the veterans grew up here and they determined to protect their world's natural heritage site. and it's not just once pristine landscape. that are at risk of being lost there are also traditional trades that could disappear forever like that of the miller so let's go to the netherlands the home of what are surely the most famous wooden mills in the world those that are still functional tend to be kept running by dedicated veterans but what about the next generation well that's where young enthusiastic like cool high co-op come in. on weekends when high cuts classmates go out on the soccer pitch or to parties but couldn't head for the women alongside school the sixteen year old is learning to be admitted his apprentice to hang in the one hundred thirty year old mill in duncan close to the belgian border. couldn't already knows the routine. just to put out the flag meaning. then the row to shop has to be lubricated with pork fat according to a centuries old practice called overlord and finally the sales are stretched over the rest of plates. my friends like what i do here but they don't really understand it when i talk about it they get bored pretty quickly. boring or not windmills of the emblem of the netherlands there are around a thousand in the country and nearly all of them are still running and not just for tourists. they're still used to grind grain power saw mills all pumped water into the low lying reclaimed areas called cold is but there's a distinct need for a new generation like couldn't says the master miller he is almost seventy. and so most of all what he calls now days it's mainly retired people who do it as a hobby though the mills can still be kept in operation but in ten fifteen or twenty years we will have a real problem with the way. part of the problem is that many dutch people view the windmills as props their flower comes from the supermarket. we didn't know if you get a flower here i had no idea. this is more convenient for maybe your tastes better from the mellow. foliage and love her better there's no question whether it's right wheat or spelt flour his mill in the town of oyster vic supplies the bakeries in the area. in the old mill stones seeing as the saying goes home. and when the flour feel soft and slightly sandy. then we know the quality is good quality. of course tourists can also stop by to watch and listen to the traditional craft. these people have come specially from spain they have come here because he was relieved to learn the land is with. the windmills themselves unlikely to last. about whether they will keep providing bake his with the flour and where the young dutch people like couldn't hike up will be memorizing the blueprints of mills in the future that is increasingly unclear. and that's all from focus on europe this time around thanks so much for joining us and if you'd like to see any of our reports again just go to our home page on d.w. dot com the forward slash focus on europe oh visit our facebook page d w still reason to come back next time until then bye bye functions. of. the few hours. the be. june. wouldn't have been fighting for the case to take you seriously in the world of work here's what's coming up women's talk. superheroes smart women smart talks smart station the legend brain creasing lean dangerous time for w. for moms. it's all happening don't submit a. tour link to news from africa and the world. your 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Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20180804 08:30:00

pick up their lives again mourning their did neighbors and their burnt out houses and another fire is bound to strike he sends. the nobody lives about as i cannot plan the government has to make this and it's not about this government although governments the government so i don't know i don't know where they're going to do now but i don't think they're going to do anything serious the author or a geezer now investigating what started the funds arsonists could have done so as so often before but whatever the cause no one expected it to end like this. and the greek authorities have been warning that further wildfires could follow after all the hot season is set to continue into the month of august now on a very different note it sometimes seems hard to believe but british exit from the european union breaks it is set to become a reality on march twenty ninth next year and many people are increasingly worried topics: Fires leave Greece in despair; French farmers fight to grow rare plants; Croatia: Lakelands Under Threat; Netherlands: Windmills without Millers;... if for whatever reason this port closes down. and work itself just microsoft. since hurricane irma devastated the island in late twenty seventeen demand for construction materials has been high very many buildings were destroyed the school was hit hard. hardly any of the classrooms are still usable so principal joyce webster stewart says classes are held in shifts half the children come in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. i think county board up and you go in and get shelter not thinking that the place for you going in is life going to be nothing else that needs a shelter. when i saw it it was heart rending was for. the planned reconstruction is funded by the e.u. which is also and will as largest provider of development aid. that much of the funding a potential fourteen million euros is earmarked for education but after brags that nothing is certain but i shall be the united kingdom i would say ninety percent of the people that i talk to or british i have a clue that there's a place going well so you know i really think we have i don't think that we are big on the agenda of the british government. as one of the issues that they speak about . the islanders are afraid that should london fail to secure the breaks that deal it wants and needs and will or will be among the biggest losers they'll lose their development aid their passports and the open border to the neighboring islands. should have had an a chance to participate in the backseat and that no other people should decide on ground state but then britain has been. increasing home micro-managing which i think it puts us in a precarious position because. economically we might be at his advantage but. it does not make us feel i don't be a part of. it is secretaries is it fair to us. that meanly has no say because if you take the economy of i'm going to take the budget or bangalore has to be approved by england so we are just puppets in the air and the whole thing we don't look for we have a country and williams were not allowed to vote in the referendum and their frustration over breaks that has reached the point where some are calling for independence from britain d.g. hammer is for it. we can't borrow will be. shows the world don't have the time you know i'm looking for that to be a little bit demeaning go for the people. again and again t.j. hammer hears from people who are angry often fishermen and restaurant owners like irad gums. they need to close relations with their a unit. but none of the islanders knows for sure what the future will bring that wanted or have a say they don't get an exclamation of what's happened there so they completely get alienated and when you really need people they are always will take back an action . the action more and more and williams would like to take is independence if they had been able to a majority would have voted to stay in the e.u. now many would rather be part of the e.u. than of britain. now do you remember how fruits and vegetables used to taste so much richer it sometimes seems is that just nostalgia for times gone by no no says french farmer laurel betterer yeah he believes there's far less for royalty these days due to industrialized farming practices and strict norms on what can and cannot be grown he's part of a campaign in friends for greats of biodiversity and more flavor and the man dubbed the asparagus red bull is supplying some very popular produce. on thai asparagus topped with grated bonito fish pie nuts and asparagus mousse. last forever i would never dream of making additional like this with any old asparagus. head chef a gourmet restaurant or bear to shove a blunt near paris needs a very special kind. and this person lost a son to things different than plastic wise asparagus them all it takes is one thing to kid has a slightly bitter aftertaste to defeat all the flavor there is depending on it's for charity yeah those are. the only problem is officially this is speratus doesn't even exist and selling rever riot is like this is actually illegal in france but rather i has her sources. where said it all hello hello how are you to feel torn apart by an attractive well i said well i just wanted to know if you thought about my asparagus will this evening where i need five kilos of i think you know all. the contraband asparagus comes from here new very sort of was just outside paris here long period grows many kinds of heirloom vegetables he thinks they're just as much a part of france as champagne and that they must be preserved. to variety is typical for this area arjun toy is very good and point was cabbage all my grandparents plants and. i'm not going to abandon them to buy hybrids that don't have the same shape or taste. but these vegetables aren't in the official french catalogue which lists varieties whose seeds or plants may be sold in france its top criteria abundant yield in uniform appearance the french farmers association which major producers have the say enforces these regulations. these remotely close well be asparagus looks nice it might have its advantages but this variety simply doesn't yield enough a farmer has to make a living. so even if it pleases all the borzois but he means in paris if only half of the seeds actually grow it won't bring in enough revenue no. arguments like this make farmer laurent barrow you see read his asparagus is in no way inferior to standard varieties that although he's heirloom plants are more disease resistant they're not a sensitive we also need less fertilizer and less water with one of the. many farmers refused to follow the decrees of the farmers association they flout the regulations on principle with the support of illegal seed sellers. here in the south of france not far from toulouse nonprofit association kokopelli takes seed orders for heirloom vegetables grains and fruit kokopelli has been taken to court for selling non authorized plant for rabies but has refused to pay the fines. and wanted a court on a real safe smugglers someone else when i travel i always take twenty five thirty kilos of seeds along in my suitcase. we don't care what customs thinks polices mission is simply to preserve by law. diversities. to do that they've declared war on the restrictive french seat catalog which the kokopelli activists see as an instrument for monopolist like monsanto to control the markets and make farmers dependent on them rebel objective measurement in feeding people was never to go their only aim is power and. the more money they can make from nature the better keep your kokopelli believes nature's bounty belongs to us all whether it's white eggplant star cole robbie or asparagus they're really a likes to deliver his produce himself to gournay restaurants they appreciate that special something that his vegetables bring to find cuisine. so. there was no me this is what is trying to me it's all a balance introducing our customers to exceptional products. which are almost impossible to find anywhere else for so long. chefs like laurence tribe i intend to keep buying band vegetables so they can keep serving up the best that france has to offer. now people are always looking for new travel destinations so what about the legendary please visit so lakes national park in central croatia the only problem is the park isn't quite what it used to be activists say spoiled beauty is being put at risk by tourism traffic pollution and construction and as a result unesco is threatening to remove it from its global heritage list all reports are met up with one activist who is determined to prevent that from happening. pizza lakes park is one of the oldest national parks in southeast europe it so does a location for popular german westerns each a young lives in the area and comes here often he loves the countryside and the waterfalls. or not if the mere thought of this is one of the most beautiful spots on this planet. a natural wonder protected by unesco brought about you know everywhere that night if you will until recently the water here was among the cleanest in the world but now the illegal building has caused so much pollution that you can't drink it or even swim in it anymore. the lakes are critically endangered as a consequence of the nearly two million annual tourists unesco is threatening to revoke the park's world cultural heritage status because it hosts crowns like this and keep its pristine quality. there's no sewerage system for example if each year reveals where the sewerage ends up in one of the many holes in the forest some call them tongue in cheek the seventeenth like the stench is unbearable. the trees all around are dying. and the restaurant when the guests at the tourist village ask where the stink is coming from one of the people here tell them there's a pig farm around here somewhere. the waste runs into the ground unfiltered and seeps into the politically it's a lakes. the authorities analyze the lake water says of each other but the results were never made public he believes they didn't want anyone to know the water was no longer drink a bowl the local mayor insists that the problem is finally being dealt with then passes the responsibility on to the government in zagreb. the result for twenty years nobody has done anything about the sewage now it's five minutes to midnight and the governments realized that reacher is of national and not just local interest and we have no time left to lose the bargain. and yet construction is still going on inside the national park new buildings are going up all around this homeowner claims he did everything by the book which appears to be doubtful. the state seems to be turning a blind eye while corruption among local officials is rampant says of its and his comrades old war veterans. they are spearheading the opposition to the illegal construction. the building permits validity is rather dubious they say. all that was allowed here was the renovation of existing buildings and i'm certain that nothing more than a little house was standing here or there to a billion of which. now there are eight buildings that can accommodate up to two hundred seventy tourists and if you're there you can either but i think that they might just there's a pleasure. in that because the owner disagrees he maintains the whole village was here we've been working here for five years our quality is acknowledged we're the only ones with two five star lodgings. it's a luxury resort in the middle of a national park and with no connection to the water mains but the construction was actually subsidized by the e.u. someone sees the sign for target practice. if it's the show's a video about an illegal water pipe use is all around the park tap into it. business in the park is booming too wrists a coming in drives local business people who want to cash in opposing them as if it's only what please you're accusing people of taking water illegally but they haven't had any other source here for sixty years i'm talking about the pollution in the park and i suspect it then why did you wreck the water pipes because the environment inspector told us to leave it all going about i don't know not only that but you were the ones who brought him here. time is running out. it beats and his comrades who keep fighting. he says the veterans grew up here and they're determined to protect their world's natural heritage site. and it's not just once pristine landscape. risk of being lost they're also traditional trades that could disappear forever like dance of the mill or so let's go to the netherlands the home of what are surely the most famous wooden mills in the world those that are still functional tend to be kept running by dedicated veterans but what about the next generation well that's where young enthusiastic like ooh hi cope come in. on weekends couldn't hike ups classmates go out on the soccer pitch or to parties but couldn't head for the women alongside school the sixteen year old is learning to be admitted his apprentice to his team was in the one hundred thirty year old mill in dublin close to the belgian border. couldn't already knows the routine. just to put up the flag meaning. then the relative shop has to be lubricated with pork fat according to a centuries old practice called overlord and finally the sales are stretched over the rest of plates. my friends like what i do here but they don't really understand it when i talk about it they get bored pretty quickly. boring or not when mills are the emblem of the netherlands there are around a thousand in the country and nearly all of them are still running and not just for tourists. they're still used to grind grain power saw mills all pumped water into the low lying reclaimed areas called cold is but there's a distinct need for a new generation like couldn't says the master miller he is almost seventy. and so remote for what he calls are now days it's mainly retired people who do it as a hobby the mills can still be kept in operation but in ten fifteen or twenty years we will have a real problem and probably. part of the problem is that many dutch people view the windmills as props their flower comes from the supermarket. we don't know if you get a flower here i had no idea. this is more convenient for maybe your tastes better from the mellow. foliage and a lot of bad there's no question whether it's right wheat or spelt flour his mill in the town of oyster vic supplies the bakeries in the area. when the old mill stones sing as the saying goes home. and when the flower feel soft and slightly sandy. then we know the quality is good quality. of course tourists can also stop by to watch and listen to the traditional craft. these people have come specially from spain they have come here because he is really popular my land is with. the windmills themselves unlikely to last. about whether they will keep providing bake his with flour and where the young dutch people like couldn't hike up will be memorizing the blueprints of mills in the future that is increasingly unclear. and that's all from focus on europe this time around thanks so much for joining us and if you'd like to see any of our reports again just go to our home page on d.w. dot com with forward slash focus on europe whole visit our facebook page news stories and to come back next time until then bye bye functions. you out from. the outside the book. you are. the book. the book. the book. the book. the but. the bureau. installers deliver housing performances. cut me as flesh i am flamboyant as them a new come closer. and wish. culture. become seriously cold. cuts or fifteen minutes to double. fighting for the kids to be taken seriously in the words of what appears was coming out. of this talk on t.w. though they do use the superhero on a mission to change attitudes smart women smart trucks smart station image and there's him by no means missed out on are increasingly dangerous touch w. made. his creations and his brand a mistake about colored office icons of the fashion world. but what do we really know about the man behind the dark shades what motivates him how does he think and feel private moments in the life of a great fashion designer. some special. effects start september not w. sarno just couldn't get this song out of his head. the music ologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. and found that deep in the rain forest in central africa and the little boy in the closing table book i left him with the one. minute leave the room. so. i did buy their culture but he stayed. only a promise to his son mates are known leave the jungle and return to the concrete and glass but. the result reverse culture shock. from the forest starts is not. w. . player.


Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20180922 01:00:00

we're looking forward to that "the beat," 6:00 p.m. eastern week nights. but more importantly "the rachel maddow show" starts right now. good evening, rachel. good evening, ari. thanks. much appreciated. thanks for joining us at home. it is friday. so that means the news has again a little nuts again. i feel like there is nothing predictable about american news cycles anymore other than the fact that the cuckoo pops out of the clock reliably every friday night. that's one thing you can count on. it's friday. things are nuts. tonight is no exception. tonight the cuckoo has popped out of the clock. and over the course of this hour, actually, we're waitsing for the next big thing to happen on two very important stories. i'll just tell you flat-out, we expect to be covering developments in both of these stories over the course of this evening, potentially into the overnight hours tonight. as i speak right now, it's 9:00 p.m. eastern, and this hour is going to be crucial. republicans have just issued a threat and a deadline for one hour from now that is aimed at christine blasey ford. that's the woman who in the past week came in with a -- put forward a serious allegation against supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh, saying that he attempted to rape here in montgomery county, maryland when he was 17 years old. in just under one hour now, republicans in the senate say that their lawyers must respond to them and must agree to their conditions for their client, dr. ford, to testify or senate republicans are going to go ahead without hearing from her at all and they will schedule a vote for monday morning on brett kavanaugh's supreme court nomination regardless of this pending accusation against him from christine blasey ford. now republicans in the senate had initially demanded that dr. ford had to appear before them to testify on monday or bust. that was the only chance they were going to give her to give testimony to this committee. people who she confided in about the alleged assault after it happened, people she told about this alleged attempted rape before brett kavanaugh was ever nominated to the supreme court. and that's key to this case, right? kavanaugh's not on trial. no criminal charges have been brought against him. so the senate is not deciding here whether or not they're going to put him in jail for this. they're deciding whether or not they're going to put him on the supreme court while this allegation pends against him. what they need to decide is if this allegation is credible and if it should affect his chances for confirmation. to that end, the testimony and recollections of other people on the edges of the story are crucial. i mean kavanaugh himself denies ever having done this thing. christine blasey ford says he absolutely did do it. but in addition to that, to support her case, she has named a number of other people who she told after the fact, right, before he was ever named as a nominee to the supreme court. as i mentioned, she also named this alleged coassailant who she was there for the actual incident. she names other people who were in attendance at the party, might be able to corroborate other details of what she recalls. part of dr. ford's request to the committee is that there be a full independent investigation of her claims. first, before senators on the committee hold any sort of hearing on this matter, an investigation that would preferably be done by the fbi that would be standard procedure in a case like this because of the fbi's role in doing background checks on senate confirmable nominees. background checks on nominees get reopened all the time in the face of new information and new allegations. for some reason, for a reason they have not yet been willing to articulate, the white house and senate republicans are insisting in this case that that must not happen here, that the fbi must not be allowed to look into this matter. republican senator chuck grassley, the chairman of the committee has insisted that only the committee itself should be allowed to investigate this claim, specifically his own staff, who of course have publicly committed themselves to the fact that they'll do anything necessary to confirm brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. because the republicans are insisting that the fbi shouldn't look into this, because they're insisting that only this republican-led committee can do the investigation here with their own staff members, according to senator grassley tonight, ford's lawyers then requested that, okay, if it is going to be just the committee looking into this, can there at least be testimony from these additional corroborating witnesses. is k these additional corroborating witnesses dr. ford has identified, can they at least be allowed to testify too? it's a key part of their claim. they're going to be measuring his denials against her claim. she says her claim is bolstered by corroborating witness hoss can back her up. tonight senate republicans said no. they are refusing to hear from any other witnesses. in a letter sent to dr. ford's attorneys tonight made public by senator grassley's office, grassley insist, quote, the committee does not take witness requests from other witnesses. quote, you said dr. ford wants to chance to tell her story in public and under oath. this is the country we have given her. we don't need to subpoena additional witnesses to do that. end quote. so that's the word tonight from senate republicans. that's how they want to handle this. they have told this woman, who is alleging this serious sexual assault by this nominee that she can take it or leave it. they'll allow her to testify on wednesday, alone, no witnesses allowed. it will be her versus judge kavanaugh, period. and then there is the deadline. the deadline from senator grassley, if she says no to those terms or if she and her lawyers do not respond by 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight, senator grassley is telling her fine, you're out. we're going to vote on it. we need to stop talking about this has to be over. if you're looking for a little insight into why they are just going right to the end here, the polling here may be helpful for understanding that. it seems clear from the polling that they are probably running out of time on this, just as a political matter. because from the public's perspective, it kind of looks like brett kavanaugh is quite overcooked and getting closer and closer to burnt all the time. usa today has a new poll out today on kavanaugh as of this afternoon, and it shows that kavanaugh's public support just continues to absolutely plummet to historically unseen levels. you can see the headline there right now at usa today. quote, poll: kavanaugh faces unprecedented opposition to supreme court nomination. and they're right. no supreme court nominee has ever been confirmed with as much public opposition as brett kavanaugh has right now, with as little public support as kavanaugh has right now. in this new usa today poll, again, just out this afternoon, brett kavanaugh's underwater by 9 points. only 31% of americans want him confirmed compared with 40% of americans who want him not to be confirmed. that makes him the most unpop already supreme court nominee ever in the history of the usa today poll. he is minus 9 overall. he is minus 20 with women. that includes all women, right? if you look just at political independence, people who aren't registered in either party, he is minus 19 with independence. and as we have seen in this and other major polls, not only is brett kavanaugh's public support at an unprecedented historic low, it appears to be dropping over time the longer they consider him. so tick-tock. i know it's friday night, but you may want to keep the news on over the course of this evening because of that, because of what we're expecting presumably by the on the other hand this hour, but also because there is this other thing. now, if ewe been watching this show this week, this is something you might have seen coming. this is something we've been watching percolate all week. monday night this order from the president announcing that president trump had directed a number of documents related to the russia investigation be declassified and released to the public. and this has been sort of a running thing in the russia investigation since late last year. the president and pro trump republicans in congress demand, demand that the justice department and the fbi hand over internal law enforcement documents and communications from the investigation, from this open, ongoing investigation into the president and his campaign with regard to russian interference in the election. now these demands that documents and communications from the ongoing investigation be opened up to the public and handed over, these demands clearly serve a coupe of different purposes. i mean, first at just a pr level, at a level of public impressions, making these demands helps the white house and pro trump republicans create a story line, particularly in the conservative media that makes it look like law enforcement is doing something suspicious here, that the people who are involved in the russia investigation have done something maybe wrong, they've definitely done something they're trying to hide. otherwise, why wouldn't they hand over all these documents from their open investigation? #release the memo, what are they hiding? so it creates this impression, oh, they're hiding something. something must be wrong. they must have done something bad. that's one. also, these demands for law enforcement sensitive and investigative materials from an ongoing investigation, it also just bluntly, plainly on its face, when they get this stuff, it provides information to the president's defense team. and to other witnesses and potential subjects in the investigation. any criminal defendant would kill for this, right? if you knew prosecutors were looking into you, or poke around in your business that they might have something on you, you'd kill or die to get a window into what prosecutors had on you while they're still building the case against you. that's gold. for the president's defense and for the other legal teams caught up in this investigation, i'm sure it is very handy that the white house and congressional republicans keep forcing into the public eye internal, confidential, classified documents from inside that ongoing investigation. but there is one other level at which those demands function, and you have seen this for months now. it's -- it's not subtle. it has been sort of clear from the beginning that these demands to the justice department, these demands to the fbi, they hand over all these sensitive and classified materials. it's been obvious since they started doing this that part of the aim when they make those demands is that they're hoping that law enforcement officials will say no, right? this is how we got impeachment articles drawn up against deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, right. this is how we got the first calls from congress, not just from the white house, that rosenstein should be impeach order fired or otherwise removed from office. that jeff sessions should be fired or impeached or otherwise removed from office. these demands allow the president and pro-trump republicans in congress to pound their chests and say look at these terrible officials, at the fbi and the justice department. they're not handing over these documents that we demanded. that's outrageous. they must be hiding something. that's outrageous. these officials are disobeying orders from the president. these officials are disobeying oversight efforts from pro-trump republicans in congress. these officials must be fired. well, what if these documents aren't getting handed over by these justice department and fbi officials because these are documents that really shouldn't be made public? what if handing over those documents would jeopardize national security, would put sources' lives at risk, would jeopardize programs and practices in law enforcement and intelligence collection that are crucial to keeping the country safe? what if it's just sensitive material from an active law enforcement investigation that would impede that investigation if these materials were made public? law enforcement officials don't just open ongoing investigations willy-nilly there is a reason this stuff is kept close. and they know that, right? the idea of demanding documents that really can't be handed over, the biggest idea there is to either force resignations in protest from law enforcement officials and intelligence officials who know that they have to refuse those demands, or just as well, maybe those officials don't resign in protest. man they stay in their jobs, but they say no. they refuse those demands, which then conveniently creates a pretext for the president to fire those officials for not following his orders or for not going along with oversight demands from his allies in congress. when the president on monday night issued that order from the white house to declassify all these additional documents related to the russia investigation, congressman adam schiff, top democrat on the intelligence committee warned that that last dynamic was what was going on here. he said, quote, with respect to some of these materials, i have been previously informed by the fbi and justice department that they would consider the release of those materials a red line that must not be crossed because releasing those documents and materials would compromise sources and methods. john mclaughlin's former cia director, he has been making the same argument this week as adam schiff has. this is his op-ed in "the washington post" about why trump must not declassify these materials. the last line of the op-ed is this, quote, if the president overrides his professional staff and insists on unredacted classified information, it would force some officials, sworn to protect sources and methods of intelligence and law enforcement, it would force some officials to consider resignation. john mclaughlin was even more blunt about that on twitter, quote, this probably qualifies as the president's most serious assault on the justice system yet. former cia director. wrong on so many levels for justice, law enforcement, intelligence. if he forces it all the way through, it ought to be a resignation issue for someone in justice. period. and then he ends with this question. maybe trump's intention? right. maybe that's the idea. people say no, he gets to fire them. or they say no, i resign in protest and he says great. been looking forward to replacing you. here's how this has unfolded over the course of the week, right? so monday night trump gives this order to declassify all this stuff. on tuesday, the president said online that he was basically very excited about these declassifications. he said that they would prove, quote, really bad things were happening at the fbi, ooh. that was tuesday. then on wednesday, the president admitted that he hadn't actually read any of these documents that he had ordered to be declassified. he told "the hill" newspaper that even though he hadn't actually read any of this stuff, the reason he ordered it all declassified anyway that he heard from people he trusts that these are documents that really should be declassified, the complete list of people who he heard from, who he trusts on this issue, who apparently advised him to order these declassifications, that complete list was entirely made up of people who host television shows on the fox news channel, i kid you not. so that's whose advising him on this matter. all week long we've been waiting for the stuff to come out. internal communications among fbi and justice department officials related to the russia investigation. fbi interviews from the very start of the russia investigation, portions of the fisa application for his campaign adviser carter page, the portions that the justice department has already said can't be safely unredacted. the president has been insisting regardless just do it, unredact all of it. we've been waiting to see if that stuff would come out. we've been waiting to see if there would be resignation and protests, or if there would be refusals from the justice department and fbi. we've been waiting to see if the president might use those refusals as a pretext to fire senior justice department officials who when he wants out of the way anyway. well, today the president said never mind. the president today withdraw his demand that all these documents get declassified, and instead said he would not push it anymore. he said he hopes the inspector general might look into it. according to multiple reports today, the president arrived at this decision today that he was going to cave, no longer demand the declassification of these documents, he arrived at this decision today after discussions with deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, who personally went to the white house to explain to the president the dangerousness of what he was doing in trying make these materials public. if the point of this whole declassification showdown as set up by fox news hosts, if the whole point of it was to force a confrontation with rod rosenstein, to push rod rosenstein into saying no, to push him into refusing the president's demands so the president could then fire him in response, when rod rosenstein personally went to the white house to talk to the president about this matter, the president appears to have blinked when it came to that confrontation. rosenstein apparently told him no, you can't let this stuff out. and the president, i think the script they thought he was going to follow at fox news was he would then stand up and say well, you're fired. the president said, okay, then i'll withdraw my request. if the president is still looking for a pretext to fire rod rosenstein, who of course oversees the robert mueller investigation, so if he was going to fire rosenstein, he could install somebody else in that job to try to make the mueller investigation go away. more on that later. if that was the goal here, the declassification gambit does not seem to have worked. the president does not seem to have had the -- let's call it wherewithal to go ahead with that plan. that was this morning. and then this happened. hours after the president climbed down on that declassification thing, "the new york times" decided to do this. quote, rod rosenstein suggested secretly recording trump and discussed 25th amendment. quote, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein suggested last year that he secretly record president trump in the white house to expose the chaos consuming the administration and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment to remove mr. trump from office for being unfit. this article today from adam goldman and michael schmidt at "the new york times" has led to exactly what you would expect, gleeful insistent calls on the right, including from some of the president's closest advisers a the fox news channel, that this is it. forget all of the other efforts we've come up with to try the fire rod rosenstein, these other efforts that failed. forget all the other efforts that failed to create a pretext to fire rod rosenstein. you can fire him now, mr. president. rosenstein oversees the mueller investigation. you want to get rid of the mueller investigation? you've got to get rid of rod rosenstein. here is your way the do it. cite this "new york times" piece and fire them now. rosenstein was going to wire you, or wire himself, wire other officials going in to spy on you in the white house, rosenstein was going to organize the cabinet to utilize the 25th amendment to oust you from office? he was? since "the new york times" posted the story this afternoon, their reporters are definitely standing by what they have published, but both nbc news and "the washington post" have published their own versions of this story, which fundamentally contradicts the whole point of the, in times reporting. "the times" is insisting that rod rosenstein seriously proposed wearing a wire, surreptitiously recording the president inside the white house as part of a serious plot to prove the president's incompetence and get him out of office. "the times" says their sources for that information were people who were briefed on the fact that rod rosenstein had said that to other officials and sources who were briefed on a memo that another fbi official, fired deputy director andrew mccabe supposedly wrote about this proposal from rod rosenstein. those are their sources. nbc news and "the washington post," however, say as of this afternoon that each of these news organization has a source that was actually in the room when rod rosenstein supposedly made this proposal, and their source, who, again, was in the room, says that when this happened, rod rosenstein was quite obviously being sarcastic. that's the nbc headline. rosenstein joked about secretly recording trump, justice department officials say, and you can see that the sub headline there, which according to nbc source, the actual quote, well, what do you want me to do, andy? wear a wire? that sarcastic quote attributed to rod rosenstein by someone in the room when he said it. "the new york times" does not have a source who was in the room when rosenstein said it, but nevertheless they have provided president trump this headline and this fully cooked, fully baked "new york times" headline inviting the president to fire rod rosenstein and thereby end the mueller investigation. on the basis of what rod rosenstein purportedly said he wanted to do to get the president out of office, never mind the fact that people in the room say he was apparently kidding. so i said we are waiting for a few shoes to drop tonight. if the president does fire rod rosenstein, regardless of the which we knew would come in this hour. can i have the second page of that there, please? thanks, tom. we've just gotten the response from dr. blasey ford's attorneys. i haven't read it. would you like to read it with me? all right. i'm assuming there is no swear words or anything i should avoid here. i'm reading it raw for the first time. ready? here we go. we're writing to respond to your e-mails from earlier today. we are stunned to see the judiciary committee noticed judge kavanaugh's vote from monday morning in midst of our ongoing discussions regarding the terms and conditions under which dr. christine blasey ford could testify before the committee. incredibly you did so well before the 10:00 p.m. deadline you had arbitrarily imposed just hours before. the imposition of aggressive and artificial deadlines regarding the date and conditions of any hearing has created tremendous and unwarranted anxiety and stress on dr. ford. your cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the committee is completely inappropriate. yesterday we had what we thought was a productive dialogue about the conditions dr. ford would find acceptable to be able to testify before the nat judiciary committee about her allegations of sexual assault involving judge brett kavanaugh. rather than continuing that dialogue, senator grassley today conveyed a counterproposal through the media insisting on a date i explicitly told you was not feasible for her. hours after those media accounts first appeared you rejected a number of the proposals that are important to dr. ford to ensure that the process would be a fair one, including subpoenaing mark judge to testify. mark judge, of course, the person who dr. ford has named as essentially an alleged coassailant in this attack. mark judge who was a classmate of kavanaugh's was in the room and essentially helping to participate in the attack when it allegedly happened. so, again, that line you rejected a number of the proposals that are important to dr. ford to ensure that the process would be a fair one, including subpoenaing mark judge to testify. instead, i don't spent much of her e-mail making points that distorted the requests we made. it would be fruitless to review each of those statements because now it is abundantly clear regardless of the assurances senator grassley has made, you have been tasked with pressuring dr. ford to agree to conditions you find advantageous to the nominee, and also with denying democratic members of the judiciary committee any input about how this hearing would proce proceed. when we urge you'd to include them, meaning democrats in our discussions today, you rejected that request outright, accusing them, democrats, of being the source of leaks. even more disturbing, while you took almost a full day to consider our proposal, you demanded a response to your approximately this evening. by e-mail sent today at 4:01 p.m., we advise you'd dr. ford had travelled to meet with the fbi for several hours about the death threats she has been receiving, and we would need until tomorrow to confer with her and to be able to provide you with a well considered response. rather than allowing her the time she needs to respond to the take it or leave it demands you conveyed, you sent us an e-mail at 5:47 p.m., which you again gave to the media first, insisting we accept your invitation for a wednesday hearing by 10:00 p.m. tonight. i now have learned that senator grassley has scheduled the committee's vote on brett kavanaugh for this monday. the 10:00 p.m. deadline is arbitrary. its sole purpose is to bully dr. ford and to deprive her of the ability the make a considered decision that has life atering implications for her and her family. she has already been forced out of her home and continues to be subject to harassment, hate mail, and death threats. our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision. and then it is signed by attorney representing christine blasey ford. they're asking for one additional day to make her decision. again, you are learning this. you are reading this as i am reading this. we're going to see what we can do to figure out what the response to this is going to be, either from the judiciary committee or if there is anything further coming from dr. ford's side, from her legal representation. this just in. we'll be right back. ht back. some say the oldest living thing east of the mississippi. it's weathered countless storms. battered, but never broken, it stands for the resilience within us all. ♪ ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes applebee's new 3-course meal starting at $11.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. take us downtown, waze. waze integration- seamlessly connecting the world inside... with the world outside... making life a little... easier. introducing the well-connected lincoln mkc. ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ so "the new york times" published this enormously controversial article this afternoon. they reported that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, who oversees the mueller investigation at a meeting last year, he suggested to other justice department and fbi officials that he could secretly record president trump inside the white house. "the times" also reported that rosenstein had also discussed potentially invoking the 25th amendment to get the cabinet to remove the president from office. now rod rosenstein put out an initial statement in response to that article, saying that the article was not true, that it was -- that its claims had no basis in reality, and he said, quote, i never pursue -- excuse me. he said, based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke 25th amendment. that was the first statement. that was earlier today. but now rod rosenstein has just released a new statement, a second statement also responding to that story. it is a single sentence. i will read to it you now. he says, quote, i never pursued or authorized recording the president, and any suggestion that i have ever advocated for the removal of the president is absolutely false. now the reason i'm shuffling papers a little bit and picking up the wrong thing here and there is because this news continues to break. just within the last couple of minutes, the "washington post" has said that that statement, the one i just read to you where rosenstein says "i never pursued or authorized recording the president, i've never advocated for the removal of the president," "the washington post" has new reporting about that, saying, quote, that statement from rosenstein came after white house officials pressured the justice department to issue a more forceful denial of "the times's" reporting. the president asked advisers on friday if he should fire rosenstein, and some of those around trump sought to sway him not to make any decision friday night. joining us now is chuck rosenberg, msnbc contributor, former u.s. attorney, former fbi and justice department official. mr. rosenberg, it is nice to you here tonight. thank you for being here. >> my pleasure, rachel. thank you for having me. >> this is obviously still a developing story. we're watching two big developing stories right now. the continuing connotation/impasse this the senate over the confirmation hearings for brett kavanaugh and whether the senate will hear allegations from a woman who says that he sexually assaulted her when he was a teenager. we're watching that develop over the course of this simultaneously we have watched and now into tonight the development of this story about rod rosenstein. what's your reaction to that base level reporting from "the new york times" today that rod rosenstein, according to the times suggested that he might wear a wire into the white house to record the president or that -- and/or that the cabinet essentially might be organized to invoke the 25th amendment to remove the president? >> yeah, i've been thinking about this a lot since that story broke, rachel, and i think i have -- i think i have narrowed it down to what i think are two plausible explanations. the first is in healthy organizations, any organization, msnbc, tech companies, engineering firms, the department of justice and the fbi, when you have a difficult problem, when you have something that's really perplexing, you bring all your people together and you encourage them to speak openly and freely and put all of your ideas on the table. and that means from the mundane to the thoughtful to the crazy, and you talk it through, and hopefully by the end of the day you eliminate the crazy and you select something else. so is it possible they talked about this and then eliminated it as a possibility? it's possible. i think the more likely explanation, however, is that it was just plain old sarcasm. remember, at this time, a very fine director of the fbi, jim comey had just been fired. the department is reeling. the fbi is reeling. and so i can't imagine that it occurred to them that they would do something absolutely unprecedented, wire up the deputy attorney general and send him in to talk to the president. it doesn't make sense to me for a whole bunch of reasons, including by the way, it would make rod rosenstein arguably a witness in that very case. once he wears a wire against the president, he's a witness. >> chuck, part of the reason that this story from "the new york times" is so controversial is other news organizations, including nbc news and the "washington post" have said that they have a source who was inside the meeting where this was reportedly said by rod rosenstein, and in both news organizations report that as you say, as you suggested there, when rod rosenstein made comments about potentially wearing a wire into the white house, he was clearly being sarcastic. "the new york times" is reporting it as the if this was a substantive, serious proposal that mr. rosenstein may have even wanted the pursue. other news organizations say actually suggested that he was kidding. that's one of the reasons this is controversial. the other reason this is so controversial is because it's plain from the president's back and forth with the conservative media that they've been trying to come up with some great public pretext for firing rod rosenstein for quite some time, and it appears like "the new york times" is sort of handing him that, by putting words in rosenstein's mouth that would be so controversial, the president could conceivably cite them as justification for firing him. what do you make of that side of this story? >> that worries me, rachel. but there is a certain irony here. the president speaks repeatedly of the fake news and tells americans, i think sadly, to distrust the news, particularly organize begans like "the new york times." and now perhaps when it benefits him, when he needs to cite to it as a reason to take this action against rod rosenstein, suddenly it's a trustworthy paper. it's the old gray lady. but it worries me very much. i think what mr. rosenstein put out tonight, that he neither authorized nor pursued the recording of the president put buttresses the notion that they at least spoke it. even if it was crazy idea which they all eventually took off the table. but i sure hope he doesn't fire rod rosenstein. i've had my disagreements with mr. rosenstein. i've said some of them publicly on your show, but right now i think he's doing us a service standing between the white house and bob mueller. >> do you expect that if the president did move to fire him, whether it was tonight author weekend or any time in coming days that there would be a serious reaction within the law enforcement and intelligence community? >> i think there would be a dramatic reaction. i think folks know that bob mueller is a fine and decent and honest and thorough special counsel, and that the men and women working for him are sticking to the facts and the law. in getting rid of rod rosenstein would be -- would bring us i think one step closer to either either eliminating the special counsel's role or circumscribing it in a way that would make it very difficult for bob mueller and his team to do their jobs. >> chuck rosenberg, former attorney, forrer fbi. thank you for being with us on a friday night. >> thank you, rachel. a bit of a whiplash inducing news night. more to come. stay with us. opportunity is everywhere. like here. and here. see? opportunity. hi! cinturones por favor. gracias. ev-er-y-where. about to be parents. it's doing a lot of kicking down there. meeting the parents. it's gonna be fine. and this driver, logging out to watch his kid hit one out of the... go dani, go! opportunity is everywhere. all you have to do to find it is get out... here. ♪ we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. we also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. cigna. together, all the way. republicans' demands about the circumstances under which they wanted her to testify next week on wednesday, no other witnesses besides her and brett kavanaugh. and if she either did not respond by 10:00 p.m. tonight, or if she rejected any of those terms, they said that they were going to forget this whole issue, not pursue this allegation at all, and just hold a vote monday morning on brett kavanaugh without ever hearing from christine blasey ford. we've now had a response from christine blasey ford's attorneys asking for one more day for her to consider this decision. so far no response, although we're watching for it from senator grassley's office, or from the rest of the committee. that's on the one hand. the other story that we're watching unfold tonight pertains to deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein oversees the mueller investigation. he has come under withering criticism from president trump and from the conservative media, which has increasingly with increasing insistence told president trump that he must fire rod rosenstein, presumably as a way to try to undo rosenstein's oversight of the mueller investigation and install somebody else who would either end that probe or circumscribe it, as chuck rosenberg was just describing here on this air. "the new york times" today reported that rod rosenstein in meetings with other justice department and fbi officials had suggested wearing a wire into the white house to record the president and had suggested liaising with members of the cabinet to talk about using the 25th amendment to remove president trump from office. this reporting is contested. both nbc news and the "washington post" are citing a source who was in the meeting when rosenstein reportedly said this, saying it was quite clear that rosenstein made the "do you want me to wear a wire" comment in gist. rosenstein has put out a statement tonight saying he never authorized or suggested doing that and never suggested using the 25th amendment to remove the president nor has he ever suggest issed removing the president. "the washington post" reported moments ago the president has been asking advisers tonight if he should fire rod rosenstein. as i said, it's all happening all at once. joining once. joining us now is wen wittis. thanks for joining us tonight as we try to stay up with the breaking news. >> it's hard to keep up with it. >> it is. let me ask you first about brett kavanaugh. the situation that we are in right now is not unprecedented in the sense that there have been other nominees where sensitive, serious allegations have arisen late in the confirmation process and the senate has had to decide what to do with sort of late breaking allegations that they didn't consider earlier in the process. what do you think about what's happening right now with this impasse between christine blasey ford's attorneys and the committee. and how do you think ultimately this should resolve? >> so i can see a number of possible ways it could resolve, but one of them that is not acceptable is to not actually investigate the allegations, which is what the chairman is at this point threatening to do. his terms include you show up on monday or we're going to have a vote and we won't talk to any of the other possible witnesses. now, i can see a lot of room for argument around the edges about what the appropriate process is, but it's very hard for me to see that the appropriate process, if you're actually interested in learning the truth, would involve voting without investigating or hearing from the two principles without hearing from anybody else who might know what happened or something about what happened. and so i say this hesitantly, but i honestly can't see any signs of good faith here. >> in terms of judge kavanaugh's nomination overall, you have suggested that he should consider withdrawing from consideration. we are starting to see in some republican senators, susan collins tonight making remarks suggesting that she disagrees with senator grassley's approach here, that there's no reason why monday should be the only day that dr. ford can come in or wednesday should be the only day, that there's no reason to push these things. we are seeing i think a real softening around the edges in people being able to predict how this is going to end. why did you suggest that judge kavanaugh should consider withdrawing, and do you think he will? >> so i don't -- i assume he will not. i assume that he like most people in this circumstance will want to, you know, defend his reputation. and, you know, most people facing the possibility of confirmation to the supreme court don't easily walk away from it. and so i assume he will not follow my advice. but i want to be clear about what that advance was. it was not to walk away but to walk away if he cannot defend himself in a fashion that is disposive factually, that is completely convincing without attacking her. and i think that's a -- it's hard for me to imagine the circumstances in which he could do that effectively, but i think if he can do that, he certainly should. if he can't do that, i think it is better for him, better for her, and better for the institution of the court not to have somebody confirmed with a big asterisk by his name, that, you know, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people will scratch their heads every time they see his name on an opinion from now until 30 years from now. >> ben, i can't let you go without asking you about the other major story we're following tonight. do you believe that rod rosenstein's job is in jeopardy tonight? and if the president does act to remove him, what do you think the response will be within the legal community and the justice department? >> yeah, so let me be -- first of all, chuck rosenberg said a lot of the things that i would say in response to this, so i can be brief. but rod rosenstein's job has been in peril for many months. every day, you know, the president can have a temper tantrum and remove him. and there have been a number of days where i thought that was happening. i actually don't think that it is likely to happen tonight, but i have no basis for that. it's just a kind of gut instinct. look, i do think this story puts him in a very difficult position, and his inability to deny it completely. he denies kind of around it. he denies the tone of certain things. he denies most of it, but he doesn't deny that he had a conversation or multiple conversations about the 25th amendment. and he doesn't deny that at least the subject of wearing a wire came up. and that does put him in a very difficult position with respect to the president. i continue to think that the president, you know, is something of a barking dog that doesn't actually bite very much about these things with the singular exception of jim comey. and so, you know, he actually doesn't need a pretext to remove rod rosenstein. he could have done it yesterday, the day before, the week before. and he hasn't done it because, i don't mean to taunt him into trying. he hasn't done it because he actually doesn't have a lot of guts about this sort of thing. it's a terrible idea. he absolutely shouldn't do it, and rosenstein for all my differences with him is playing a very important role right now, and a very -- you know one we should all value as a society. so i continue to hope that the president will continue to lack the guts to actually do this thing that he keeps threatening both with rosenstein and with sessions. and every day that he doesn't do it is a good day for the day to day function of the rule of law. >> ben wittis, editor and chief of the law fair blog. appreciate it. stay with us. r blog appreciate it. stay with us ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? 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Health officials issue blue-green algae watch for Lake Shawnee

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Spring is in full bloom, and with that comes unwanted algae in lakes across Kansas. Friday, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) along with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) issued a public health advisory due to blue-green algae. There are active advisories on two Kansas lakes. A […]


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