Samyukta Kisan Morcha has announced that it will lead a "Delhi Chalo" movement on February 26, accompanied by seven key demands. Leading up to this event, they plan to organize 15 additional "Kisan Mahapanchayats" across the country within the next month and a half. The Morcha s demands for the Delhi Chalo movement include the assurance of Minimum Support Price (MSP) among other issues.
India News: Farmers' outfit Samyukta Kisan Morcha has called for "Delhi Chalo" on February 26 and plans to organize 15 more "Kisan Mahapanchayats" across the coun
According to the Morcha, the demands which Delhi Chalo has been called include: MSP should be guaranteed as per C2+50 percent formula and, as promised, a law should be made to guarantee it; all the farmers should be made debt free, and all agricultural loan must be waived.