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they get a rap for being a time of lameness and malaise and the like, it was actually a really bizarre and weird time for this country. so i really tried to dive into that. e eve knievel, elvis, ufos, the rise of tabloid journalism, the son of sam serial killer in new york and tried to tell this amazing story in the context of this really weird legitimate stuff that was actually happening. >> you look at the '70s, what parallels do you see what was happening then and in our world today? >> a lot, frankly. first of all, you had tremendous mistrust of government. disillusion. with the people in power. following watergate and the vietnam war. you see a lot of parallels to the lack of faith and confidence people have today. the rise of tabloid journalism that started in 1977. i have lucy joins up with a rupert murdochesque character.


pressure there, nobody chasing them up and down and getting them into milk... when they are wandering back from the field they have time to browse the hedges and things and it is brilliant. has browse the hedges and things and it is brilliant. . , browse the hedges and things and it is brilliant. ., , ., ~ browse the hedges and things and it is brilliant. ., , ., ,, ., ., is brilliant. has it taken a 'ob? and also. .. i is brilliant. has it taken a 'ob? and also... hasfi is brilliant. has it taken a 'ob? and also... has it i is brilliant. has it taken a 'ob? and also... has it taken h is brilliant. has it taken a job? i and also... has it taken anyone's 'ob? no. and also. .. has it taken anyone's job? no- it— and also... has it taken anyone's job? no. it hasn't. _ and also. .. has it taken anyone's job? no. it hasn't. it— and also. .. has it taken anyone's job? no. it hasn't. it saves- and also... has it taken anyone's job? no. it hasn't. it saves us - and also... has it taken anyone's job? no. it hasn't. it saves us a l job? no. it hasn't. it saves us a bit of time _ job? no. it hasn't. it saves us a bit of time when _ job? no. it hasn't. it saves us a bit of time when we're - job? no. it hasn't. it saves us a bit of time when we're busy, i job? no. it hasn't. it saves us a bit of time when we're busy, so job? no. it hasn't. it saves us a . bit of time when we're busy, so we are making silage and that sort of thing we don't have to stop doing that, we can carry making the silage, but it has also allowed us to do concentrate on the health of the animal rather than just milk cows all the time, so we are better at trimming their feet and that sort of thing is that we wonderful. and reducing lameness. you should come and have a look.— and have a look. next time i'm in leicestershire _ and have a look. next time i'm in leicestershire i _ and have a look. next time i'm in


to save money feeding and housing them, and to get more breast meat from each bird, they have been genetically selected to grow extremely quickly, up to three times faster than in the 19505. they can reach slaughter weight in around five weeks. but academic studies have shown that this comes at a cost to their welfare. campaigners argue it should be illegal to farm them. so that growth rate, that puts an enormous amount of pressure on the skeleton of the bird as it's growing up. and that pressure on the skeleton causes lameness — because of their inability to walk properly, they spend a lot of time lying down, and this causes lesions to the legs. because of that fast growth rate, it puts a lot of pressure on the heart and lungs. so, the circulatory system. so, you get high mortality. 0n the high street, you can buy a higher welfare, slower grown chicken like this one. but the problem is the price. it's almost twice as expensive as the supermarket standard, and in a cost of living crisis that is a real issue. there is a move away from rearing


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