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Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20181124 12:30:00

it's. history you know everyone. says that if you have to fish that was. due to africa starts december twelfth. welcome to global three thousand today we meet a young woman driving a chocolate revolution in indonesia. we head to yemen to witness how the war there is affecting children. and we find out why undocumented immigrants in the u.s. are being deported even those with a job and a family. many people dream of seeking a better future in the u.s. most arrive legally but about eleven million immigrants in the country are believed to be undocumented they come from across the globe in recent years most have come from mexico guatemala el salvador and honduras they're fleeing gang crime violence and poverty many children on mothers with their children. around sixty percent of undocumented immigrants have lived in the country for more than a decade. have at least one child who is a u.s. citizen by birth and they own their own home. rose escobar was living a fulfilled life in texas she met the love of her life at the age of fourteen later they found jobs and had a family. but one day everything changed rose's husband. jose who's from el salvador was torn away from her and their two children. ok rose i need you to be strong and i said oh ok you know they deported me. they see it coming jose was undocumented when he arrived in the u.s. as a young man he never got into trouble with your thora g.'s when rose picks up her eight year old son water from the school bus stop he's proud to show her his work from class. maybe. rose's neighbors and looking after her younger daughter carmen without their help rose wouldn't be able to manage her job at a children's hospital her husband jose is a carpenter and thought their house would be a secure place for the family but then young common saw her father taken away at first she wasn't able to speak now she's found her voice again. and again made me. cry just like. she. did you do she was able to open the smart like you. interest me rose once her children to remember jose as their father and not as someone who's been deported. he had been crying because there were tears on the. yank. five men around him like he was a criminal and i want to know. what's going on in the whole thing goes i'm sorry and i said what are you sorry for me. he was already changed. that was more than a year and a half ago because he has been living in el salvador ever since but he feels no connection with the country he left at the age of fifteen rows still tries to keep him up to date on their family's day to day news. because it was already detained for being undocumented seven years ago but he was later released the family's lawyer has had no luck obtaining u.s. citizenship for him. it's because obama had a certain way of saying. that weren't hurtful similar meaning but no one is hurt for. this president the way he expresses himself it's like we're not humans. stuff that's here in the world for now. rose can't except her husband situation she takes part in protests against president trump and his supporters. that was. my first but since rose went public with her story she's received a lot of hate mail. and said dear mrs kumar. how stupid are you to make me want immigrant and then i'm going to put spare money so you can make children. kill them and kill yourself you're not american you have nothing that's american in you. i can't read the red. roses trying to shield her children from this hatred she wants them to live as normal a life as possible. to celebrate the birthdays she buys the modest pin yachters to save money for household bills if she wants to keep her family's dream alive. here in the united states. the land of opportunity people are coming here for what the american dream. that's all gone. lady liberty's pie just looking down shaking her head like what happened to america. it's. just the whole family pray together every night for jose's return. so so. so for that i really hope. that person a higher. in the line. in them. for thirteen years in n.-g. o. from washington d.c. called the fund for peace has published an index rating countries for their social political and economic stability things are particularly critical in south sudan somalia and yemen where for the past three years saudi arabia and iran have been waging a proxy war the result an entire generation is growing up in desperate poverty nearly two million children in yemen are unable to attend school one point eight million a mile nourished and of those four hundred thousand are acutely malnourished and in urgent need of medical care. these people are harvesting their lunch leaves from a local wild vine and nothing else because there isn't anything else no bread no rice no pastor the family have to fend for themselves. we haven't had help from a new organization. house time and again if they could help the families suffering because of the war go out of. the jobs are one of many families who have fled to the remote hard to region to escape the fighting between the saudi led coalition and the who the rebels this part of hodge's not far from the capital sanaa about two hundred kilometers but the mountains here are high. so the airstrikes have destroyed or damaged many roads in the area making it difficult for relief supplies to get. through. this is why families like the d. obs are subsisting on leaves in a desperate attempt to fend off starvation. that the children are weak undernourished and often sick. so you can check i know what well my husband still had a job we could buy all sorts of things rice fish chicken milk juice anything yeah you had me i see a good head at end of it. you. family's story is a common one in yemen. the main hospital and treats many malnourished children if they can get there. according to local pediatricians that can be a major obstacle. one of them and i'm up with eating there are a lot of people are sick but are simply unable to reach the hospital and there is no organization helping people get to the hospital and that's why more people are dying. the children who are treated here have at least a chance of surviving. but for some of the starving children the help they get here is too little too late . the idea he and i did on the number of malnourished children is higher than a twenty seventeen and i think it is a different feel from parish. every ten minutes a child dies in yemen of preventable causes according to the u.n. children's fund unicef almost two million children are seriously malnourished as a result of war in the country a lack of medical supplies is exacerbating what's already a humanitarian crisis the doctors can't treat everyone and have to set priorities. and his children experience this firsthand at the refugee camp and. now movie have conditions here are really bad our children are always getting sick but when we take them to the doctors they turn them away because they only treat the most severe cases and as that moment in the head of them hop into. the armor is son meets up with his friends here in the mountains of football is one of the boy's few joys. we hope that we can go back to school. right now we only play football. when i was in third grade my family still had a home. now we're refugees. now as in a home. with no end to the fighting in sight children in yemen are suffering the devastating consequences of war. there are more reserves of coal than of any other fossil fuel worldwide several hundred years worth asian countries in particular rely on coal so to the philippines where the energy market is knowledge we privatized by late two thousand and sixteen coal made up almost forty eight percent of its energy production and that sent to rise new coal fired power plants are in the pipeline but some in the philippines hope to change that so. people in the town of autumn or non have to church early on sunday mornings it's just six o'clock. thank you not in the catholic faith and in their opposition to a controversial construction project nearby. it's been part of our policy by coal plants because it's harmful to people powerful to the environment. there'd be we just want to. protect our people and this is in keeping with the social and the church. to care for the the earth and care for those who're. in the margins of society. after mass the congregation head to the site of a planned coal fired power plant to check if construction has already begun. they keep a detailed record of developers. they bought the knoll says contractors have already started to clear the area of trees. someday this was stolen fears the plant will close in the local drinking water joining the blow by the moment they vest. possibilities and that's. broach so not just the micro that we are protecting our people they're joining the much larger picture of. what that showed up are on hold. the philippines has rapid population growth twelve million people live in metro manila alone and the power grid is in urgent need of modernization electricity is expensive and the farms generate a lot of pollution joanne a allah is head of sustainable energy fund sort of bank and says there are major business opportunities in the sector for your business we need to. see don't just go green to be happy to feel good about that you do good for the environment make money out of the. two thirds of the philippines energy consumption is actually coming from fossil fuel so in our own little way back here in the country what we hope to do is to help shift that energy mix to energy we help make sure that the projects are profitable and they signed in a technically viable way by providing patients. this is one of the projects a bank has financed to the tune of one million euros just a year ago it was a stinking open rubbish dump. the biggest landfill site in manila now the garbage has been covered with and is used to generate electricity. silver navarro is an engineer and renewable energy consultant. this will. connect to done to the ground and it's collecting methane gas and other gases that's being produced by both seeing garbage inside so we have more than one hundred this wells. drilled around the dump site. to gas goes to a power plant where drives turbines novato checks regularly how much electricity the cost generates he says the government should deal just the thirty more years. he provides advice on energy projects and how to finance them to countries across asia. i'm looking at this in it's no longer term way because who also up we invest in our future and our future also depends on how clean our environment will be that for only for ourselves but also for the future generation and making good business also creates a good environment for continuing what good things were starting to do know. that landfill project may be good for the environment but it's not so welcome for people living in the slum nearby who have lost their source of income. they used to pick through the garbage for things they could sell for recycling plastic and i let me i'm. now children look for those items small they're still on garbage trucks. to try to stop for a few minutes to let the kids climb aboard and rummage around. a lot and. brian is thirteen and has already been collecting garbage for three years. he lives with his mother and five brothers and sisters. he tells us he knows how to read and write and is proud of that. company. unless i work every day. from seven in the morning until six in the evening. i earn about two hundred pesos a day. so on that basis. that's equivalent to about three year rose when he grows up he wants to work on a garbage truck. be not to mourn on the campaign as a hoping they can still prevent the construction of the coal plant there's one more permanent your forty's have yet to this you. know on his congregation are determined to do their part for the environment. we installed both sets up solar panels while in the rectory and there or more to church our a main goal is to provide. electricity for the church and the same time this is the way of showing that the whole word that we can. make use of renewable and they disorders. and once we leave we have shown the. unity. we can gradually switch from there at the end of the source there you have. by next year the entire roof of the church complex is said to be covered in folks will take panels. in addition to their efforts to block fossil fuels and increase environmental awareness the congregation are making a positive contribution of their own by switching to solar. now it's time to see how other people live this week's living room isn't montez. i don't know our. goodness you are welcome come inside and let me show you my home. it is only that one hand nodded i made it the one on the left was bought it was a gift of god. what were you so i also made that tapestry. and i crochet the questions. all. for the embroidered the blanket. for the kids for that's a little exhibition of my work you know where you will children often can buy to see all the things i've made me exclude see a show of us whenever i have guests i have to get the things out from all over the house is going to need you know i've put them on display she on the heels of course that's far from everything i actually own but i haven't put the rest of it out you might want the arm bone chip. do you really think i have things lying around everywhere. but this is where i feed the stove that heats the house if we call this its mouth. if you like she i'm renovating the bathroom that's why nothing is in its proper place right now. yes they are you know in the summer i store things here above the oven if i'd known you were coming i did tied it up my grandchildren like to hide and play in here because it's warm and cozy. plenty good by come and visit me the next time you're in the area. there are around five point five million small scale cocoa farmers worldwide their yield mainly goes to middlemen who pass it on to exporters. the cocoa beans are then processed in fact trays then the large chocolate makers step in the first to really make a considerable profit they sell the chocolate to retailers who collect around forty percent of the total revenue cocoa farmers on the other hand and the least but in indonesia that's set to change. suitcase laptop boarding pass familiar companions for sabrina most aapl who is constantly on the move for her work she was born in indonesia went to school in singapore and studied at a prestigious university in the u.s. but in twenty thirty nine she came back home to start a cocoa company today she's on her way from jakarta to some montra. an opportunity to come back to do something. you know it's also the reason why i'm never going to and citizenship at the. same time that there's so much things that. a lot of attention a lot of. time so that's why. today she's been. getting some of the two hundred farmers who supply her company with cocoa beans she believes that building trust is crucial when it comes to creating lasting change she's brought some of the company's latest chocolate creations to share with. they're also discussing ways to improve production here in the countryside even the simplest of things can be hard to come by electricity only arrived last year and as for internet you can forget it . structure is quite difficult so it's not like you can just when you're a laptop and connection to the internet and figure out all that you know my parts are turning back what is happening. so obviously the promise there have that kind of capacity and that's why the entrepreneur and agricultural consultant is not only buying billions from these farmers she's also training them even though indonesia is the third largest cocoa producer in the world hardly any chocolate is produced here. believes that indonesia shouldn't simply export all its cocoa beans but should develop its own domestic chocolate industry. but he. says that in the beginning he was more than a little skeptical. when sabrina came here for the first time and offered us better off races than what the other traders were offering along with technical training we could not stop laughing at the big city girl but then we realized she really was serious but. most awful now cells have been to a bar chocolate products in six countries. she herself loved the trade from belgian chocolate is a mentor but up her own recipes in her parents' garage a company now has more than fifty employees most opera believes that it indonesia wants to cease being a so-called developing country the government must invest more heavily in education and do a better job at fighting corruption she says corruption is what hurts her company most when it comes to applying for various necessary permits. to be realistic this was a time where we lay out our profit is getting better by this was a problem it's not going to be right if it were not and i think it does have to be practical about what you can do it and where you are out there was the. most talked more it's off to have next appointment she says she's on the road so much that her car doubles as her office but she has no regrets about giving up her former job as a business consultant. i really benefited from the best thing that's out there and i think it's it's a rare opportunity so i hope that through that experience any second to know when the right country might. suffer in a most awful knows she's among indonesia's privileged but she says the country has many young people who want to change things and that she is just one of them. you can as about the flower industries destructive impact this idea you can see about global l.g.b. team writes. who cares about homeless people living on. the streets of l.a. i do to support sustainable fall making in the amazon. i do you can as about equality for women in africa i do a mass market followed to build a society. and that's all from global three thousand this week we love hearing from me that i have so write to us at global three thousand it dot com check us out on facebook global society see you soon take half. a block. away. and. if you're sitting here sitting at the top. whether on an ancient drone or a modern executive share the design is similar. there has to be a high back. to wide seat. and design museum in southern germany provides the evidence. you're romans in thirty minutes on d w. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they inspire. africa on the move. stories for both people making a difference in shaping their nation. and their continent of africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d.w. multimedia series for africa. d.w.m. dot com or go. they are going to do two more years. for women for internet activists one mission. the battle for freedom and dignity. courageous and determined a campaign for women's rights. and for pretty soon. they mobilize against femicide or compulsory veils. their messages are spread like probably. the social media is critical critical to the buddha. himself the bomb on going out on the streets of our rights are not up for discussion. but they are women the more changing the world to come ready. digital. starts november twenty fifth on the t w above. the


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News at One 20240604 12:17:00

under criminal investigation by the environmental regulator mr gething insists he hasn't broken any rules, as wyre davies reports. all smiles for the cameras. welsh first minister vaughan gething is one of the most senior labour politicians in the uk and a key player in the party's general election campaign. but questions over a £200,000 donation to his own leadership campaign earlier this year won't go away. his successful bid to become party leader in wales was bankrolled by a waste management company controlled by david neal, a wealthy businessman who has two criminal convictions for environmental offences. another of mr neal's companies runs this troubled landfill site in west wales. it's an inescapable stench that makes you retch. it's horrendous, it's rancid. it's almost like you can taste it. other people living nearby say the smell from the site is ruining their quality of life. don't want to wake up to my house


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 08:21:00

another of mr neal's companies runs this troubled landfill site in west wales. it's an inescapable stench that makes you retch. it's horrendous, it's rancid. it's almost like you can taste it. other people living nearby say the smell from the site is ruining their quality of life. i don't want to wake up to my house smelling of rotten eggs, which is worse than my son's nappy. my biggest concern is that it's not being managed as it should be. david neal says his company is working with the regulator to stop the smell. but the stench from here stretches all the way down the ma to the office of wales's top politician. up until now, the questions for vaughan gething have focused on what one of his donors did in the past. but we can now reveal that one of that millionaire donor's companies is currently under criminal investigation,


New Delhi chokes as trash mountain fire spreads hazardous fumes

India’s capital choked on toxic fumes Tuesday, as a thick and pungent haze spread from a fire at a towering trash dump, the latest in a series of landfill blazes that authorities have struggled for years to bring under control.


Ghazipur fire: Fire caused by gas produced in Ghazipur landfill: Delhi Fire Service

Delhi Fire Service SO Naresh Kumar said that the fire was caused by the gas produced in the landfill. Naresh Kumar said, "We received a call around 6 pm that the Ghazipur landfill has caught fire. 10 fire brigades are at work here, four out of which are on the upper side of the mountain, and the bowsers are stationed at the bottom. JCBs are being quite helpful as there is trouble in dousing the fire due to heat. The fire is caused due to gas that is produced in the landfill. There has been no casualty."


Air district fines Berkeley landfill for violations

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