The identification of a woman who died in an early morning fire Tuesday in Jim Thorpe has been released.
Carbon County Coroner Robert Miller said the woman who died in the fire at 1401 Mauch Chunk Lan.
A woman is dead after an early morning fire in Jim Thorpe.
Borough fire Chief Vince Yaich said the initial call came it at 12:56 a.m. as a working dwelling fire.
The identify of a woman whose body was found hanging behind District Magistrate Casimir T. Kosciolek’s office in Lansford Wednesday night has been released.
Carbon County Coroner Robert Miller identif.
The body of a woman was found hanging behind District Magistrate Casimir T. Kosciolek’s office on Ridge Street in Lansford shortly before 7 p.m. Wednesday night.
Officers were called to the scene and .