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Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Now 20140925

♪ taking your car for a free ride these days. report just ordinary car thieves. >> they used to just want to break in, get your computer, steal your credit cards. now hackers are setting their sights an what's sitting in your driveway. our abc station in chicago with this story. >> reporter: thousands of pounds of steel and plastic. the modern cars that fill our highways are really just computers on wheels. now there's new concern that those computers are easy marks. >> there's inherent failures, inherent security risks if you will, that are available on all modern vehicles. >> reporter: the abc 7 iteam got behund the wheel with a security researcher who works with the auto industry to help automakers secure their computer systems. he showed us how all cars have a port that hooks right into their computer systems. it's designed for diagnostics at an atto repair shop. by accessing this system, hackers can actually take control of almost any car. >> so can i start it? >> i don't know. can you? >> oh, sorry. go ahead. you can start it now. >> you did that? >> yeah. >> in an empty unused parking lot, the attack begins. >> going 20 miles an hour. >> now the engine shut off. >> you were able to do that with one mouse click. >> yes. >> during our demo, he takes control of the wundshield wipers, flashes and turns off the speedometer and instrument panel and repeatedly invades the engine. >> try to start it now. it won't start. >> and now it will. >> would it be possible to actually take over the car and steer somebody into an ongoing vehicle? >> this particular car, no. but there are cars with park assist. an those vehicles you can make it think that it's parking and as far as the system knows, it's just trying to park the vehicle. and, thus, it will turn the wheels for you. >> reporter: if software design vulnerabilities are not addressed by manufacturers up front, once attackers infiltrate a car's computer system, fixing a computer hardware flaw isn't as simple as a recall. it would tack a total overall of a car's overall design. >> it will cost billions of dollars to fix, and that could potentially end a company. >> reporter: chuck goudy, abc news, chicago. >> i had no idea. >> i did not know you could do that. it's scary. technology is great. all these advances that make life easier but it makes us vulnerable. >> i would just get a station wagon. >> i don't think anybody wants that. >> i think the threat would be over if you got a station wagon. coming up -- setting our sights an a new rising star. >> doesn't exactly look like a rock star but he's packing stadiums worldwide. one on one with ed cherren next an "world news now." >> announcer: ♪ okay. i do like that. >> you do? >> i wasn't familiar with this young man. he's an his way to becoming a runaway sensation. his name is ed sheeran. >> and the quintessential boy next door who once opened shows for his high octane friends is now becoming a star in his own right. we're "up all nightline" with juju chang. >> welcome ed sheeran. >> reporter: it's been a break-through year for ed sheeran. that's him as taylor swift's opening act. prounsing around as she's forming" we are never ever getting back together" during the red tour. the 23-year-old brit and swiss are kindred spirit. ♪ it's something they showcased in "everything has changed." but now sheeran is stepping out from taylor's shadow, headlining his own sold-out solo shows. with three grammy nominations, 6 million albums sold and the best male video of the vmas. sheeran is a bona fide rock star. a sex symbol, even if he says he doesn't look like one. ♪ do you see yourself as a sex symbol? >> no, i've never seen myself as a sex symbol. i think if i didn't play music, no one else would either. >> reporter: there's something about the artistic side of it that draws people. maybe it's justior smokin' hot looks. >> my mother thinks i'm handsome so i'll take that. >> reporter: even if you don't know his name you heard his lyrics. he wrote "this little thing" for one direction. like swift, sheeran takes inn spiration from his real-life heartbreaks. his latest single "don't" is a raw breakup song. the story is ironically it was one of his buddies from one direction who allegedly turned around and stole his girl. >> do you ever regret writing about such personal things? >> i think it's nice to get something positive out of a bad situation. the song will live an forever and people will be able to find solice in it in some way, i guess. >> reporter: sheeran has moved an in style forming his breakout hit at the grammys with elton john. i understand that taylor has given you advice on how to have longevity in the career. >> the same thing taylor said to me was the assume thing pharrell said to me. >> reporter: i'm juju chang in mansfield, massachusetts. >> what i love about him, they say he's not good looking supposedly. i want to go download his entire album right now. >> he's talented. that can get you somewhere these days. one bottle of wine at a time. >> it's called valor winery. coming up. [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. ♪ nothing like a good bottle of wine to not only take the edge off a bad day but bring a familiarly closer together. >> the making of that wine is bringing together very different kinds of family in the livermore valley part of california. >> reporter: when combat veteran josh lang returned from the iraq war, he had one mission. to launch a winery that could empower veterans by giving them a job. and that vision brought him to the vineyards of california's wine country in 2007. he used his entire life savings to launch the valor winery. >> i got out as a sergeant. so it was my duty to make something happen. >> reporter: he knows the issues veterans face as they transition into civilian life. during his two tours in iraq, he was shot, stabbed and suffered hearing loss after a roadside bomb exploded. now he's turning that fascination with wine making into this great opportunity for veterans. >> our goal was to put veterans, get them working in the vineyards, small agricultural farms as well because that was my only knowledge of where our therapy would come from. >> reporter: the vets and his foundation have hired 60 veterans since they launched in 2011. >> these veterans are learning right now in this type of environment are very valuable to the wine industry. they learn how to make wine. they learn the bottling aspect of it. they learn the growing aspect, the maintaining aspect. >> reporter: the winery is producing 5,000 cases of woon a year, and they are very proud of the work they've done for veterans serving our country. >> they are looking for a place to be. a sense of being. that's what a veteran is looking for. they aren't looking for a handout. they are looking for an opportunity. >> we should be out there interacting and setting the example for others. so there's still a lot of hope for our community and country. >> that's news for this half hour. >> remember to follow us on facebook at >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at 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this number now. ♪ this morning on "world news now" -- growing threat. a new plot against the u.s. homeland uncovered as a fresh round of air strikes hits isis targets in syria. the president making his case to the world. >> the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. >> the latest in the fight against terror. epic flooding across the country. tor arenrential rains from texa florida leave something cars submerged. the morning commute expected to be a nightmare for millions. and the northeast getting slammed by an early nor'easter. staying safe. new technology helping keep young people safe. but it's more than just what's on your phone. >> i always walk with a friend. i don't really go anywhere alone. >> what everyone should know about keeping themselves and their loved ones safe. it's thursday, september 25th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hello there. good morning. thank you for being with us. i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm reena ninan. welcome, t.j. >> i was in the neighborhood wondering home and you decided to put me to work. >> open auditions. >> yeah, you'll take anyone apparently. >> the north portico doors are open and the world news doors. >> did you pack a lunch? the cafeteria is closed. >> i'll get it right next week. >> i packed one for you. i'll share my lunch. i have -- >> there's actually a lunch box that says "world news now." >> i bring my own lunch box. i brought you like a peanut butter sandwich. an apple because i like to eat healthy. biscotti because you'll need it for your coffee. >> do you drink coffee? >> i do not drink coffee. >> and then there's aspirin. >> what do i need that for? for working with you? >> that's part of this. >> no, it's good to be here with you guys. >> looking forward to it. >> thank you. by the way, the tie, you don't really need that until the 4:00 show. >> the tie works. >> i'm wearing someone's leftover window drapes today. anyway, we're going to get sbrit serious news actually. it's the latest developments in the fight against islamic extremists. u.s. officials are confident they've disrupted a plot to attack america made by the shadowy group called >> this is an al qaeda offshoot. targeted in the first night of bombings in syria. now we're finding out why. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross with the details. >> reporter: this is what the terrorists had in mind. an undetectable bomb smuggled an an american airplane like the one used in this government test of the al qaeda shoe bomb. >> the intelligence was they were an the verge of creating something. >> reporter: u.s. officials said the khorasan group was using this building near aleppo and others as a bomb factory and training facility. >> if they were killed, that's definitely a near-term blow but i think as we've seen with al qaeda in various other locations, they'll have a capability to rebound. >> reporter: precise details of the latest plot are not known but for years al qaeda has been fixatesed on aviation. experimenting with everything from bombs hidden in teddy bears to toothpaste to clothing soaked in liquid explosives. >> they are determined to produce devices that are undetectable. >> the foiled khorasan plot explains the enhanced security proirs in europe and the u.s. as attorney general eric hold ir revealed to katie couric at our partners of yahoo! news. >> the enhanced security measures we took in the aviation sector wias based on concerns o what the khorasan group was planning to do. >> reporter: the u.s. has been tracking the group for almost two years and that while they may have been knocked back, they have not been knocked out. brian ross, abc news, new york. on wednesday, a second round of aerial attacks in the region, this time targeting isis exclusively. a dozen isis controlled oil facilities were hit in syria, an important source . generating $2 million a day. it also dismantilled command and control areas. they damaged a convoy that was being used to move isis equipment intou rack. at the united nations yesterday, president obama sounded the call to arms. >> the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. this late latest act of barbarism. an isis affiliated group in algeria captured a french tourist there. they gave france 24 hours to halt air strikes in ooh rack. when that deadline passed, they beheaded him. torrential rains are battering much of texas and florida triggering dangerous flooding. nearly two inches of rain pounded the lubbock area turning roads into ponds and stranding people in their cars. and record rainfall submerged start parts of central florida. and it is not over yet for texas, florida, heading north. all that wet weather getting ready to swamp much of the atlantic coast. >> accuweather meteorologist jim dickey is tracking those storms. >> good morning. tracking some heavy rainfall here through these morning hours. along the coast, the mid-atlantic. storm system crawling northward. you see that heavy rain nosing down to baltimore, philadelphia. going to be a mess of a morning commute. this rain tracking into new york city. going to stay in place through the morning commute through the afternoon and move into sorn new england into the evening and overnight hours keeping the heavy rain in place. watch out for flooding in theseuaries. we'll dry things out by friday. reena and t.j., back to you. prosecutors won't seek the death penalty against the father whose son died after being left in a hot car. ross harris faces one count of malice, murder and felony murder. georgia prosecutors say harris left his 22-month-old son in a hot suv for seven hours while he was at work. harris claims he forgot to take his son to day care that morning. the justice department will review the fatal shooting death of a walmart shopper in ohio. just hours before that announcement a grand jury voted not to indict two white police officers who shot the black man while he held a pellet gone in the store. surveillance video shows john crawford walking around the store with a bb gun until police shot him. another raushlly charged police shooting is getting national attention this morning. a white south carolina state trooper opening fire on an unarmed black man. >> the trooper is shawn grubert. he was fired last week, arrested yesterday as police released dash cam video of the shooting showing the moments right after he pulled over a driver for a seat belt violation. that driver survived the shooting. we want to show you this video. we warn you it is graphic and disturbing but important for you to see in telling the story. >> license please. gun! get an the grond. get on the ground. >> i just got my license. i got my license right there. that's my license right there. >> the driver lamar jones survived a bullet to the hup. they found the shooting was not justified. if convicted, the trooper could face up to 20 years in prison. that was incredibly hard to watch. >> it is hard to watch but that's the case and that's what unfortunately a lot of parents have to teach their young black sons. that man did nothing wrong but just his reaction for some reason set off that -- he just turned and did exactly what the officer asked him to do and that officer was so alarmed and fearful that he fired. at least one shot was fired when that man clearly had his hands in the air. you could hear him groaning in pain. >> this is something everybody needs to watch and learn lessons from. a grand jury has decided that nascar star tony stewart will not face cruminal charges in the death of kevin ward jr. >> but stewart is not quite out of the woods yet because ward's family is vowing to seek justice in civil court. abc's ron claiborne with the story. >> reporter: a grand jury refusing to file criminal charges against tonny stewart in the an-track death of fellow driver kevin ward jr. >> the grand jury determined there's no basis to charge tony stewart with any crimes. >> reporter: the decision means stewart will not face charges of manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide. in an incident captured on this video, the 20-year-old ward was killed when he got out of his car during a sprint car race in upstate new york last month. ward a family telling abc news that stewart intentionally tried to intimidate kev on by accelerating and sliding his car toward him causing this tragedy. stewart said, while the process was long and emotionally difficult it allowed for all the facts of the accident to be identified and known. reaction an twitter ranging from outrage. one person tweeting, personally, i think tony stewart should go don in flames. to relief. tony stewart has been cleared. thank goodness. the district attorney said an autopsy found that ward had marijuana in his blood stream. in his words, enough to impair his judgment. ward's family says the focus should be on tony stewart's actions, not on kevin. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. a wild car chase on the streets of l.a. as police pursue two suspects in a shooting. the suspect's vehicle, a silver ford flex drove on to the highway. drove the wrong way don the street and collided with a toyota sedan. the vehicle slowed as police officers pulled up, the driver and the passenger came out of the car and dropped to the ground. both men were taken into custody. turning to a driver in new jersey. guys, we like our cars. especially our luxury cars. don't make it a luxury sports car. we're very protective of those thungs. this guy was so protective that he deliberately took up two parking spots. that's a rude thing to do. you see the corvette an the right. another driver saw this happen and the guy intentionally took up two spaces with his vet. so he parks right up next to him and then sits in the restaurant right at the window and waits and then records the reaction of the driver. the driver is making sure that nobody dinged up his corvette. he said he just wanted to prove a point. have a little fun with the corvette -- at the corvette lover'sxpence. >> you are a corvette owner, i hear. >> i didn't do this with the parking spot but i'd park way out away from everyone. now the guy was wrong. it was rude to take up two spots but the jeep guy, you don't mess with a man's car. >> why do guys that drive fancy cars feel entitled to park -- i was in london. near kensington palace. someone parked their lamborghini in the middle of the bus lane. if you have a car like that you're probably wealthy and you probably feel entitled and you feel arrogant and you can do what you want to do. i would park it right there. >> you would park it next to us here? david muir usually hangs his stuff over there if you were considering parking a car. coming up in "the mix," what might be the world's best job. but first, evidence of the home depot credit card breach reaching around the world. we'll show you what to look for on your account history. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by acorn stairlifts. reaching across cyberspace into some 56 million wallets. hackers stole credit and debit card data from customers of home depot. you know you went to the corner store but millions of americans are seeing charges from all corners of the globe. here now, abc's rebecca jarvis. >> reporter: the effects of the home depot data breach. customers hit with hundreds of glrs fraudulent charges. like katlyn leonard. she shops at home depot. she checked her bank account and saw this. >> madrid. a few in spain. a couple in france. >> reporter: over $1,000 on purchases from places she's never been. >> i received an e-mail from home depot because it looked like i was potentially someone that used their card there and could be compromised. >> reporter: katlyn can't be certain the charges came from the home depot breach but even if you didn't shop at home depot, you may be more at rusk than you realize. a new report says a whopping 43% of companies have experienced some kind of data breach. >> it's all too easy for hackers to get into point of sale systems. but we are at risk that these breaches have become the third certainty now in life. >> reporter: katlyn is taking home depot up an its offer to freud free credit protection. they also promise customers won't be responsible for the fraud charges. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> they say try not to use your debit card. and your credit card, don't let it leave your sight at a restaurant. >> we all do that. you know how many of us would just hand somebody your card. yeah, just go around the corner for a few minutes. >> it happens at restaurants. don't they always take your card to the back to swipe it. and i think it's in europe they have the thing at your table. >> that's a better option. it's a little scary what's happening with hackers out there and what they arable to do. coming up, staying safe an campus. the case of the missing university of virginia student. how a number of them are taking their personal safety into their own hands. also ahead in our next half hour -- how to keep this from happening to you. yeah, folks. you know where your luggage is? you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" ♪ it's enough to make anyone want to run and hide. were you just trying to run and hide? >> i'm here. >> a lot of men don't make it past the first week. we'll see. the missing university of virginia student is sending ripples of fear across many college campuses. there are several other measures of protection at your fingertips. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: the search for hannah graham has become a wake-up call for women across america. 1 in 4 college women reports surviving sexual assault or attempted assault, which is why students at rutgers university say they take precautions. >> i always walk with a friend. >> reporter: students are now armed with more options to help them stay safe. using something they're probably holding anyway. their cell phone. >> my favorite one is called circle of six. it's a free app. >> it lets you choose six friends and with one touch of the screen it sends all three a predetermined text message along with your current location. another option is called bsafe. >> it turns it into an audio/visual recording so it gets the face n sound of what's happening. >> and also sends an atloert allior emergency contacts saying you're in danger and sounds an alarm. watch over me also sounds an alarm just by briskly shaking the phone and will pinpoint your exact gps location. >> it will send an alert if you don't check in at a certain time you've already determined. >> reporter: kyra arnold worries young women need more than just an app to keep them safe. >> do you think too few females know how to defend themselves? >> absolutely. >> reporter: last year she started learning a self-defense system. that elbow to the face maneuver is something she actually had to put to use when she was recently assaulted in a bar. >> i was lucky enough he was tall enough i hit him in the nose so i could break it. >> reporter: for somebody not taking the classes, that's vulnerable places? >> eyes, nose, throat, groin. >> reporter: her safety recommendations for anyone by themselves, takior headphones out. don't stare at your cell phone. bottom loaine, don't think it could never happen to you. >> you never think it will happen to you. i've done that and it does work. help wanted out there. people looking for a panda nanny. >> we'll be back. for all the distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 now it's time for "the mix." this show is at night. have you ever thought about getting a daytime job, too, luke a panda nanny? >> no. >> you told me this is a coveted job. >> it is a coveted job. but panda nanny. $32,000 a year. meals, board, use of an suv. and you'll raise awareness. they've opened up this spot according to china daily. they are looking for a panda nanny. i don't know if you'll be required to dress up as a panda or panda porn. there's only 2500 pandas around the world. >> so the point of this is you're supposed to what? >> help them procreate. i don't know if there's good motown music to get them in the mood. >> is that what works for -- never mind. let's go to -- >> well, good morning. >> we'll stick with the animal theme. this story is pretty cool. this beagle named sherlock. this beagle actually hunts down the owners of lost items. we all fear leavingior phone. let's say you left your phone at an aurpt. the dog goes and sniffs out your phone. picks up your scent. then goes through the airport and tracks you down. >> are you serious? >> and it works. they said he has an 80% rate of actually hooking people up. so you don't even know you've lost something. this little dog says, hey, this is yours. >> get that? 80% rate. >> that's not bad. >> pretty good. i like that story. well, it's hard lessons when you are 4 years old but really tough when you're 4 years old and found out the woman you love loves another man. >> how do you feel? >> sad. >> why? >> because -- she doesn't like me anymore. >> yes, she does. >> just wait five more years. she found out about emily's other crush. his mom tried to help him move on. it didn't work. >> get this out of the way early. he'll be crying throughout his life because some woman broke his heart. let's roll the video. ♪ what you are seeing, the young lady, her name is taylor. 11 years old. you see her instructor there. in the video. this young lady can go. she's dancing to nicky this morning on "world news now" -- completely soaked. major flooding still affecting the south. storm system in the northwest and a nor'easter drenching the eastern seaboard. the morning commute promising to be a mess for millions of drivers. >> suspect found. the man wanted by police in the disappearance of uva student hannah graham just put behind bars. found on a beach halfway across the country. the late-breaking details ahead. also, stolen luggage. the increasingly weak link at the nation's airports that really is leaving checked in luggage wide open to thieves. how to protect your valuables the next time you board a flight. and i will beat this. those brave words from our friend and former "good morning america" colleague joan lunden and how she's using her battle with cancer to inspire others. that's in "the skinny" on this thursday, september 25th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning to you. thank you for spending some time with us. i'm t.j. holmes. >> a new face. i'm reena ninan. >> how are your holding up? >> hasn't been long. ask me in about an hour. >> an hour? >> give me an hour. >> you haven't left yet so i find that encouraging. >> i haven't been here that long. >> you run them off quickly? >> that's what they say. >> no, it's good to be here. >> we need to begin this first half hour here with the first major storm of the fall barreling its way across the entire east coast coming on the heels of record rainfall in parts of the south. >> heavy donpours in the northwest texas area swamped much of lubog. it was so intense motorists found themselves trapped inside their cars and in need of rescuing. the flooding was worse in central florida. ginger zee has that part of the story. >> it's flooding everywhere. >> reporter: downpours smothering the sunshine out of the sunshine state. up to ten inches of rain drowning central florida. >> crazy out here. >> reporter: some people foolishly bulldozing through. others stalling, and many finding better, safer ways to get around. daytona beach picking up more than eight inches of rain. now kayaking through their wettest september on record. >> when you pull up and the water level is up to the top of the numbers on your mailbox, it's a little concerning. >> reporter: from orlando to melbourne, what's known as a toad strangler becoming a fish and people displacer. let me time the storm out. heavy rains will move along the coast. really rough conditions for the morning commute from philadelphia to new york city. and lingering showers into the evening hours. we won't get rid of this thing completely until it leaves on friday. ginger zee, abc news, new york. >> ginger, thank you. let's get to our forecast with jim dickey to see what we're in for. >> good morning. tracking some torrential rainfall along the eastern seaboard here this morning. rain crawling northward pushing into baltimore, philadelphia, new york city through the morning commute. now, of course, tonight here the last home game for derek jeter at yankee stadium. will we get the game in? the heaviest rain will likely have departed. some drizzle around. a damp and dreary night out there. speaking of damp and dreary an area of low pressure continues to spin off the coast of british columbia. powerful storm system swirling here dragging a stream of moisture into washington and oregon. the heaviest of the rain has come to an end. we keep it damp and dreary. seattle, portland, down to san francisco through the day. temperatures soar to record levels across the high plains. reena and t.j., back to you. we turn now to the next stepped up aerial campaign against isis terrorism in syria and iraq. the first wave targeted isis and khorasan. but the second wave of u.s.-led assaults focused squarely an isis and its ability to stay in business. abc's martha raddatz reports in from the region. >> reporter: there was no let-up on day two of the american-led bombing campaign. a dozen isis-controlled oil facilities hit in syria. an important source of revenue for the terror group. the mobile refineries generating $2 million a day. the strikes have also dismantled command and control centers, terror training camps and an air strike in eastern syria damaging a convoy the pentagon says was being used to move isis equipment into iraq. >> we're bombing syria to help iraq. we're now crossing the border and taking away the areas that they thought were safe to rearm, to refuel and retrain. >> reporter: at a gathering of world leaders in new york, president obama using his toughest talk yet. >> the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. >> reporter: what we will see in the coming days is a combination of these larger planned air strikes and targets of opportunity, meaning if the pilots spot an isis target, a convoy or training camp, they will take it out. martha raddatz, abc news, the persian gulf. breaking news in the search for missing university of virginia student hannah graham. a man charged with abducting her is now behind bars. taken into custody more than 1,000 miles away on a texas beach. this morning the whereabouts of the 18-year-old sophomore still a mystery. abc's carolyn costello with the latest. >> jesse matthew is in custody in galveston, texas. >> we don't at present have any information as to what might have prompted mr. matthew to head to that part of the country. certainly that's something that we'll consider as we go through our investigative process. that might take several days. >> it's a positive close to this chapter of this very important case. >> reporter: 32-year-old jesse matthew, a uva hospital operating room assistant, has been officially charged with graham's abduction. >> the extradition process is under way. >> reporter: police first considered matthew a person of interest after seeing him with hannah on several surveillance videos in the early morning hours before she disappeared. after searches of matthew's home and car, investigators honed in on specific clothing in matthew's home. but officials declined to say if that discovery led to the abduction charge. >> we need to be very sensitive about the information that we share. >> reporter: the search continues for hannah. >> this reward is up to $100,000. and we're asking every person within the sound of my voice to help us find hannah graham. >> despite everything, the search continues to be filled with hope, filled with promise, and she is indeed coming home. >> reporter: students and parents have been expressing concerns over safety. in response, the university of virginia's president has announced increased security measures on campus and has made improvements to the university's safe ride program. carolyn costello, abc news, new york. an unattended bag at o'hare international airport prompted an evacuation and delayed frustrated passengers. authorities evacuated a portion of the terminal as they searched the bag for explosives. a police dog indicated something suspicious may be in the bag but an x-ray found nothing inside. the terminal reopened after about two hours. health care workers in north africa continue to face violent attacks as they try to control the deadliest ebola outbreak in history. a red cross team was attacked in southeastern guinea will collecting bodies believed to be infected with the virus. workers' cars were vandalized and a man wounded in the neck. in the u.s., about 1,000 nurses in vegas marched through the streets wearing red t-shirts and calling for safety. flu season is here. now some doctors are voicing concerns about where children are getting vaccinated. some say kids should not get flu shots at the local pharmacy or grocery store. they believe that it should be done by a pediatrician because that's the only way they'll have a record of it. but a growing number of stores offering flu shots say the convenience is leading more kids to get vaccinated. a potent new drug is gaining popularity with kids across the country promising a high that can last more than a day. it's made from marijuana oil and it looks and feels like lip balm so it can be easily hidden in empty jars. they call the drug wax or honeycomb or peanut brittle. it has a high level of thc, the chemical that gets users high. they're alerting parents to be on the lookout for this stuff. this is scary stuff. people will always find a way to get high, it seems to be the case. yes, doing something as simple as that. that's scary. parents, your kids doing something as simple as putting on lip balm and they could be getting high. >> are your lips chapped? >> i am good right now. i am good right now. that's just regular stuff, right? >> welcome to the overnights, t.j. >> there it is. did you hear that? that was the sound of all dignity leaving the room. >> that's all right. it will come back. it's just right outside the door. all right. well, soccer fans are blowing up social media over an incident involving one named defender wellington and barcelona's lionel messi. did i say that fine? >> just call him lionel. >> even though we're on a first name basis? messi was seen confronting wellington, then wellington grabbed messi's face and fell to the ground. messi's teammates called it choking. they called it choking. the ref issued a yellow card rather than ejection. wellington claims messi provoked him. >> you know, name calling still works for a grown man. multimillionaire, call him a name and he gets upset. >> just play the game. why do you have to trash talk? >> that's part of the game. >> trash talk when your skills aren't so good. >> no, it's part of it. michael jordan was the greatest trash talker in sports and also the greatest basketball player. i'm sorry, we're going on another tangent. we're going to talk some trash during the break. this is not necessarily a sports story but kind of cool. pope francis is a soccer fan. and might like american baseball. he spotted a fan with a baseball. urged him to throw it. the pope made, well, nearly made a miracle one-handed no mitt catch. he dropped the ball, though. but he did sign it and returned it to the fan. >> a miracle one-handed catch. >> wasn't quite a miracle. he dropped it. >> he caught it for a second. >> for a second. this is the pope. he should make a miracle catch. >> i bet that gets $500,000 if you put it on ebay. >> would you sell it? >> i would not sell it. somebody sold his little -- you know, the head hat. >> it's getting sold. i would sell that thing so fast. i can get that lamborghini we were talking about earlier. >> he's got plans. having a thursday morning slump? we've got just the medicine. it's a panda video. it cures just about everything. from chinese tv, it's more incredibly cute panda cubs navigating a sliding board. >> they all end up in a heap at the bottom scrambling over each other trying to figure out how to get back to the top. with help from their panda nanny, they finally work it out and climb up for another round. you all love some pandas on this show i just discovered this morning. >> what was the quote before the show? you were looking at a rundown and said, three animal stories? that's a lot. i said that's under the radar. we usually have double that amount. >> just easing me in. i do appreciate it. we have "the skinny" coming up. a trip to court for a star of "jersey shore." >> first, the increasingly weak link at our airports. it's not about your personal safety but the safety of your luggage. how to avoid having this happen to you the next time you fly. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lifelock. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity 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[ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. ♪ somebody's watching me they're watching over here. >> they are watching. that's what we do for a living. we're used to being watched, being on camera. some folks out there it's not just paranoia. somebody really is watching you out there. now ever more so than ever, especially at the nation's airports. >> what surveillance video is increasingly highlight is one of our airport's weakest link. baggage claim. here's abc's david kerley. >> watch the man with the backpack. they catch him entering the airport. he never took a flight but goes to baggage claim and all of a sudden has a bag and he walks out using the airport train system as his getaway. phoenix police put his face on a wanted poster. >> baggage theft from checked or carry-on bags is a big business. it probably amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. >> reporter: in denver, another thief caught on tape grabbing a bag. back in '09, up to 1,000 bags stolen in phoenix, stacked up at this couple's home. they pleaded guilty. it's not just thieves on the outside. undercover cameras caught airline workers rifling through bags for cash and valuables. over the past 12 years, the tsa has fired more than 500 workers for theft. adding it has systems now to help it catch bad officers. in baggage claim you'll see the cameras and signs but not an airline employee checking bag tags before you leave. airlines cut those positions to save money. >> i think it stands to reason when you have less security at the bag claim area, you'll have more theft. >> reporter: there are some steps to take personally to reduce the risk of your bag being stolen. remember that video, a black bag stolen? there's a sea of black bags. buy a different color. you may notice it easier if someone grabs it. lock your bag and get to baggage claim before the bags arrive. one last tip -- don't buy a fancy bag. thieves see an expensive bag and think that expensive things are inside. david kerley, abc news, washington reagan airport. >> that makes perfect sense. >> makes good sense. when we come back, the newest role for mike "the situation" sorrentino. it may be a prison jump suit. >> and the bold new look at our colleague joan lunden is sharing with the whole world. that's ahead in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ time for "the skinny." topping our headlines, a new situation for "the situation." >> former "jersey shore" star mike "the situation" sorrentino is facing a maximum three years in prison. he and his brother mark were charged yesterday on several counts of tax evasion an nearly $11 million in earnings. >> mike posted on instagram, to be old and wise you must first be young and dumb. mike sorrentino, however, is 32 years old. he's old enough to know better. >> that's the funniest thing in the show today. someone close to our hearts is also wise beyond her years. >> our dear friend and former "good morning america" colleague bearing her soul and her head for "people." she took the preemptive move of shaving her head and sharing it with the world before losing her trademark blond locks to chemotherapy. >> back in june she broke the news about her breast cancer to fellow cancer survivor robin roberts saying she's using it as an opportunity to help others. next, to touching others by the millions with her sheer talent. >> barbra streisand making history with the help of some other megastars. ♪ comes down to reality >> her new album "partners," a collection of classic duets, officially debuted at number one on the billboard 200 chart. >> that makes barbra with the only artist with a number one album in each of the last six decades. barbara walters is celebrating a milestone birthday. she hits the big 85. just a few months ago we were celebrating her retirement from abc. >> according to page six, her closest friends are throwing her a 45th birthday bash at new york's legendary rainbow room. barbara says she's not throwing herself a party. maybe that will happen next year. you know, she'll be 46. >> go, barbara, it's your birthday. anyway. time to check out who else is blowing out birthday candles today. >> michael douglas is 70 years old today. >> the original luke skywalker mark hamill turns 63. >> catherine zeta-jones 45. >> and "talk soup" star hal sparks is also 45. happy birthday to all of you. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? 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[ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. ♪ baby, baby baby animals ♪ ♪ baby, baby baby animals ♪ >> you love animals. >> i love animals. baby animals. even the most ferocious of mother nature's animals. they're adorable when small. >> what happens when the most adorable of baby animals is turned away by its own mother. abc's lara spencer has the story of one baby gorilla's search for a new family. >> reporter: two zoos are joining forces working to find this adorable gorilla a new mom. the 5-week-old baby girl named camina was rejected by her mother immediately after being born. leaving her life at risk. the staff of the oklahoma city zoo instantly jumping into action caring for her around the clock, holding her tiny hand, even wearing gorilla-like shirts made of felt for the newborn to clutch but realizing it wouldn't be enough, they turned to another zoo for help. >> we just don't have a situation here where we have a surrogate gorilla available. that's when we contacted cincinnati zoo. >> reporter: the cincinnati zoo recently found a surrogate for another gorilla and happily agreed to help camina find one, too. flying her on her own private plane monday snuggling into a blanket of faux fur for a four-hour flight across the midwest to her new home in cincinnati. >> welcome to cincinnati. >> it's a great example of how zoos want to cooperate and do what's better. >> reporter: camina will spend three months with human surrogates dressed up like gorillas and mimicking the actions of a mother before she's introduced to others. something our own matt gutman experienced first hand last year with a fragile baby girl named gladys who was also rejected by her mother. gladys was immediately adopted by a 31-year-old surrogate named lindsey. the zoo now hoping she'll adopt camina as well making these two gorgeous gals sisters. >> aw. >> really? aw? >> yes, they are so cute. it's so sad the mom rejected them. one theory is that the mother had a tough delivery and didn't want the baby after that. >> okay. all right. >> we don't know. >> facebook at >> we'll be right back. . making news in america this morning. extreme flooding. neighborhoods under water with more rain falling overnight. where the storms are headed now. and breaking overnight, under arrest, the man charged with abducting hannah graham found by police thousands of miles from home. call to arms, the president at the u.n. as the u.s. and allies target isis again. we're live in the region. and grand finale, one of the greatest baseball players in history takes his home field for the final time as another team is playoff bound. the dodgers popping champagne in l.a. and


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20141106

how the fbi cracked the captioner readyawards. from ariana to meghan trainor, look who's getting together. but it was brad and carrie who really stole the show. >> what's up? good morning, america. and good morning, america. boy, what a night for country music. got to love those two acts. >> absolutely. and there were so many of them. the one that struck with me, when loretta lynn stepped out on that stage with kacey musgraves. that was a special mome got it. i'm here. saying that they'll always save her a seat in nashville. she's more in a new york state of mind these days. always a seat for miss taylor swi swift. carlesha freeland-gaither is free three days after being abducted. mara schiavocampo has the latest. >> reporter: good morning. carlesha was released from maryland hospital overnight and police brought her here to a relative's home. her alleged kidnapper is in ch abduction, the moment of relief. >> carlesha freeland has been rescued. her abductor has been arrested. >> reporter: 22-year-old nurse's assistant carlesha freeland-gaither rescued in maryland wednesday night, three days after being violently kidnapped off a philadelphia street. one of the first things she did was call her mother who spoke to us. what did you say to her? >> i love you. i love you. are you okay? i love you. she was like, come get me. >> reporter: now 37-year-old delvin barnes is in custody, arrested after police>> reporte. got it. haven't left. charges, including attempted capital murder and abduction of another female allegedly snatched off the street in virginia last month. barnes, seen in this video fro ductsed as well. police identified him largely with the help of surveillance video. just hours after the abduction, caught allegedly using her atm card as a maryland bank. minutes later, buying a drink as a convenience store. and a receipt, leading them to this video hours before the kidnapping. and police in virginia looking for barnes recognized the car and contacted the dealership where he bought it and were able to track it down using the gps. >> we got a very dangerous predator off the streets. >> reporter: carlesha, now reunited with her family, no physical injuries, but she's shaken up. >> a lot of support. she's going to be fine. >> reporter: now celebrating her freedom and her family. police say there is no evidence carlesha knew her alleged kidnapper. experts say stranger abductions are rare. but that appears to be exactly what happened in this race. robin. >> all right, thank you very much. and joining us now from philadelphia, the city's police kmishs, charles ramsey. it's good to speak with you today under these circumstances. can you tell us the latest condition of carlesha. how she's doing this morning. >> she's back home. we brought her family down to howard county hospital last night to reunite with her. she was released from the hospital. we brought her back to philadelphia and she's resting at home right now. we'll complete interviews with her a little later on. but give her time to settle down. >> commissioner, what details can you share with us about how she was rescued? >> well, first of all, this was a case that really had us very, very concerned. it's very rare -- in fact in my 46 years i have never seen a kidnapping on video. so it really added to the sense of urgency we had to find her as quickly as we could. we had a lot of different leads we followed up on. but what really broke the case is when we were able to put video out through the media. they maintained a surveillance, he exited the car and they took him down at that point in time. didn't want a hostage situation. so they used good judgment in deciding when to take him. and they waited until he exited the car. at the time we didn't know her condition or anything else. but we didn't to want put her in jeopardy. >> as you alluded to, commissioner, so many law enforcement agencies working together. the public, the video, all that have coming together. and your department in philadelphia, you've had good results in using social media and getting as fast as we get it. we've had a very, very good success rate. and it really helped us out this case and probably saved this woman's life. had she remained with him, i don't know the outcome. >> we shuddered to think what could have happened in the video we were referring to. and she was fighting. and she kicked out the window of the car that she was abducted in. what does that tell you about her fighting spirit? >> my understanding is, even after she was in the car and bound, she bound, she continued to fight and struggle with this guy. so she's got a lot of fight in her, and probably helped keep her alive. >> it was a joint effort all the way around. it's good to see you under these happy circumstances, commissioner ramsey, thank you. >> thank you very much. and good to know she's home with her family right now. >> the point, everyone coming together. and politics, and fallout from the historic republican sweet. president obama took his medicine wednesday, but stood his ground too. he will work with the gop when he can, and alone when he must. and also got a date with the senate's new leader. >> reporter: the president once famously had a beer summit at the white house. now that republicans have taken over the senate, he's talking about a summit with a more potent drink. the president said he got the message. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: and he's ready to spend more time with the republican who will soon be leading the senate. long-timed a ver say, mitch mcconnell. you joked about at white house correspondent's dinner. >> you know, i was enjoy having some kentucky bourbon with mitch mcconnell. >> reporter: but just last year, president obama ridiculed the idea of having a drink with mcconnell. >> why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell? >> reporter: on social media, it's been branded the bourbon summit. with distillers and bourbon makers offering to host the party. drinks, maybe, but the president signalled he's not changing course. suggesting democrats lost control of the senate primarily because so many people didn't bother to vote. >> to the two-thirds of vote chores chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you too. >> reporter: he plans to move ahead with a controversial executive order on immigration in defiance of the newly-minted republican majority. >> i think the president choosing to do a lot of things unilaterally on immigration is a big mistake. it's like waving a red flag in front of a bull. >> reporter: while there's no time set, leaders in both parties are here tomorrow for a working lunch. >> see if they can work it out. and now to the arctic blast, the a massive storm in the pacific bringing cold temperatures here. ginger tracking it all and you brought the rain back with you from nashville. >> i did. now looking at japan, the typho typhoon, that's shot, fast, towards alaska. what it means to my friends on the bering sea, it's waves of 50 feet and a really strong storm. what it means for us here, watch this. the ridge of the jet stream will build very high. it enhances it a little bit. and digs even farther south. parts of the gulf in the arctic temperatures. what? yeah. by next week, we thought we would give you a sneak peek next wednesday, what it will feel like, 5 in minneapolis, 6 below in rapid city. that cold. that's coming. don't say i didn't tell you. >> duly warned, right? good to have you back from nashville. amy has the other top stories. good morning. a major expansion of u.s. air strikes in syria overnight. coalition air strikes targeted a conservative group not linked to isis. it's expected to fuel more anger among the syrian people. and the first air strikes since september against the corazon group of al qaeda. they were said to be in the final stages of planning an attack against u.s. and western targets. israel is accusing palestinian leaders of fueling the recent signs outside the holiest site. they launched stun grenades to disperse protesters wednesday. and recalling the ambassador. hamas is praising the attack. a van plowing through crowds of people in jerusalem, killing a police officer. ray rice will tell his side of the story today, appealing the suspension from football since the video of him attacking his then-fiance was made public. ryan smith is following the story. >> reporter: he's arguing double jeopardy. they can't suspend him twice for the same incident. he walked in hand in hand with his wife. he's saying to increase the suspension from two games to an indefinite ban after the video of him beating her. goodell was testifying for over two hours wednesday. his answers haven't been revealed. rice said he told them up front in july well before the video was released. but the commissioner denied that. now a decision could come in the next several days. he was cut by the baltimore ravens. if he is reinstated, he would be a man without a team. >> thank you so much. a frantic scene in houston as an suv crashed through this restaurant, sending people running fir their lives. the driver said she was trying to park but hit the gas pedal instead of the brake. nine people were injured, none serious. and new video of a man lost at sea for two days clinging to a foam cooler in the middle of the pacific oes. he had gone fishing with a friend, but the boat capsized. they found that man floating off colombia. he is dehydrated but expected to recover. incredible. and finally, a sheep farmer in england came up with a genius idea. instead of relying on dogs to herd the sheet, why not make this. a car that looks like a ginormous dog. the farmer spent thousands of dollars, covered the car in fur to look like the sheep dog and it works. the sheep don't notice, and they let a giant dog herd them around the farm. and strahan, this next bit is for you. we heard your favorite movie of all time, "dumb and dumber," reminds us of this vehicle driven by jeff daniels and the gang. >> i thought it came straight from the movie. >> right into it. >> yeah. >> also, ginger's favorite too. >> so you're saying i got a chance? love it. >> can't wait for the new one. thanks, amy. turn now to a holiday travel alert. three weeks before thanksgiving. flying could be worse than ever, more people, less space on planes, major headaches. david kerley has the story. >> reporter: get ready to join millions of others winging it home for the holidays. the airlines association expects 24.5 million of us to fly. a 1.5% increase over last year. expect trouble too. the folks at fair compare crunched the numbers and found that in the past five years, there's a 15 to 25% chance that if you travel wednesday and return sunday, there will be a weather delay. that's as high as one in four del delayed. >> flying this thanksgiving is a slow slog. there's a weather event somewhere. it's an all-day experience. >> reporter: and on the plane, they're adding more seats. but get ready for a lack of elbow room. >> there will be no empty middle seat. we haven't seen one for a couple years since airlines started to recover. >> reporter: for the airlines, as we saw last year -- so the pressure is kind of on. >> the pressure is on. >> reporter: they'll be busy for the 12 days around thanksgiving. but it is that sunday after thanksgiving that's the busiest day of the year. is this kind of like the super bowl for you guys? >> it is the super bowl. >> reporter: now i'm just the bearer of bad news this morning. if you're flying this year, you're going to pay 2% more. if you don't have a ticket, fly on thanksgiving, don't come back on sunday, you might get a deal. >> good advice. >> or just stay home. and watch shows like this. let's talk about it. country's biggest night, everybody. and what a might it was. pop and country mashing it up at the cmas. so many big names joining forces on stage. ♪ born in the usa the night may have been all about country, but first it was -- ♪ i'm all about that bass ♪ no trouble ♪ i'm all about that bass country superstar miranda lambert teaming up with pop princess meghan trainor. helping to start off the 2014 cma awards with a -- ♪ bang, bang into the room ariana grande and little big town joining forces in another epic country pop mashup. the biggest names in nashville lighting up want stage all night long. ♪ i'm driving home those honky tonk hunks, keith, luke, blake. ♪ and the boys of florida georgia line. not to mention country's leading ladies. ♪ give it all that i have ♪ if your eyes are on me ♪ you're looking at country host brad paisley and carrie underwood, nearly a dozen costume changes, teaming up for the seventh year and not afraid to go there. singing about everything from that nurse with ebola. ♪ quarantine ♪ quarantine ♪ what part of stay inside don't you understand ♪ to taylor swift who wasn't at the awards. ♪ new york's gain is nashville's loss ♪ ♪ but country music's just gonna have to shake it off ♪ >> luke brian. >> reporter: luke brian picked up the night's big prize, entertainer of the year. his first-ever cma award. >> we're going to have a good time tonight. woohoo! >> reporter: and blake shelton nabbed male vocalist of the year. but it was his lovely wife who really cleaned up. miranda lambert taking home three awards. solidifying her place as the new queen of country. love the hair too. looking good. >> looking great. >> brad and carrie were so funny. it's the sixth year they have been the co-hosts, and the timing is something. and luke, entertainer of the year? >> and i got to see the sound check of ariana teaching little big town her moves. that was cool. >> were you teaching ariana with halloween? >> no, i will not, miss grande. >> and you had a good time, despite the weather here now with us. >> it is here now. it's connected. when it's going to leave. try to figure that out. you have a wet day along the east coast. certainly this morning in new york city. it's a little more scattered through the afternoon. but right mibehind it, quite a t cooler. winter storm warnings for maine. and in texas, more rain this morning. heavy, some could be 3 to 4 inches on top of what you have. the warm cities brought to you by walgreens. >> and so stoil come on "gma," shocking murder for hire plot. the rock and roll hall of famer charged with trying to hire a hitman. and a real life master in disguise caught. how a man wanted for a string of heists fooled the fbi. and testing the limits, man versus anaconda. how was jimmy kimmel in two places at once last night? the secret behind virtual jimmy. >> that was something else. our man tim tebow was on the red carpet and behind the scenes for country's biggest night. told you we're in the wrong house. go! go! mom. mom! get $10 off our best valspar and olympic interior paint, via rebate. before fii kept on top i was onof things. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain i feel better, and can be more active. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things, but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica today. lyrica. move forward with less fibromyalgia pain. toasty or frosty? 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(joe) happy holidays! ♪and best wishes from the lottery♪ him so a slow go i-95 southbound jammed in that area. this is the 30 bypass, eastbound traffic at 40, look how slowly everybody is moving. you're jammed solid where we had an accident that was blocking the right lane. the accident cleared, but you can see the backlog of the traffic. you're moving at ten miles per hour. we have an accident here as well. route 30 lincoln lei near route 10. >> let's go live and look out across center city you can see the gray cloudy skies raining out there. let's go to david murphy with the latest in accuweather. >> reporter: a steady rain is falling on the terrace. it's chilly with temperatures in the 40s. there's a break in the action out to the west of us and southwest in baltimore. for the rest of the morning commute we're looking at wet. temperatures in the upper 40s in the i-95 corridor, 46 in allentown. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, today's high, 60 we'll have rain through the morning commute and later this morning we'll taper off to spotty showers that's what we'll be stuck with the rest of the day and evening. tomorrow, winds, gusts up to 30 miles per hour or more. a high of 50 and slight chance of an afternoon shower. >> a look into the vacation rental scams on "g.m.a." up ♪ i've seen no place florida georgia line on jimmy kimmel last night. they won duo of the year at the cmas and performed in hollywood thanks to cutting edge technology. and check this out, jimmy kimmel in two places at the same time. never done his show that way. we're going to tell you how. we have a lot more behind the scenes at the cmas coming up. >> remember when they had the michael jackson hologram like that? it was similar. very good, especially with kim el. and the hollywood heist, a man wanted for a string of bank robberies. how the fbi cracked the case and you know masked the criminal. and the wild new reality testing the limits. this scares me to death. eaten alive. why a man is suiting up to be swallowed by a giant anaconda. >> that's just silly. >> such a great idea. >> we'll see what you say in a little bit there, lara. but begin this half hour with the bombshell accusation against a rock and roll hall of famer, a member of the iconic band, ac/dc, accused of hiring a hitman to kill two people. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: good morning. breaking overnights, raiding phil rudd's home, and arrested him. he's had security guards watching over his house for a month. now the accusation he's behind a murder plot. ♪ dirty deeds done dirt cheap this morning ac/dc drummer phil rudd is accused of putting hits on two men, his own dirty deeds. ♪ the 60-year-old rock legend, seen here leaving a new zealand courthouse wednesday after being charged with attempting to procure the two murders. a charge punishable by up to ten years in prison. and threatening to kill and possession of illegal narcotics. raiding his water-front estate searching for evidence and any correspondence with potential hit men. ♪ back in black the shocking charges coming just weeks before the iconic band's release of "rock or bust." rudd not in the promotional cover or the filming of two recent videos. ♪ party time this isn't rudd's first run in with the law. in 2010 he was arrested on possession of drugs. those charges were later dropped. he left the band in 1983, moving to new zealand, rejoined 11 years later and inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2003. he was released on bail without entering a plea. he'll be back in court on november 27th. ♪ i'm on the highway to hell and abc news reached out to the lawyers and ac/dc's representatives. we have not heard back. we do not know the hitmen or the victims. and the details in the pittsburgh murder trial. the doctor on trial for killing his wife, also a doctor. accused of lacing her drink with cyanide after telling her it was a fertility treatment. tom llamas has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the pennsylvania scientist hoping that his decision to take the stand will convince the jury he's no killer. dr. robert ferrante said he loved his wife. she even gave him a peck on the cheek before collapsing in the kitchen. >> he appeared very calm and certainly prepared. the jury was leaning forward. they were listening. >> reporter: prosecutors claim ferrante, a former researcher at harvard medical school, mixed up a deadly cocktail for his neurologist wife, dr. autumn klein, convincing her it would help her get pregnant. the alleged poison, cyanide. >> sweetie, raise your arms above your head. please, please, please. >> reporter: he ordered the toxic chemical two days before his wife died. but said it was for a stem cell project he was working on. the expert for the defense told jurors her death is a medical mystery. >> two extremely widely divergent toxicology reports. and one is within normal range. you don't have the foundation to say that doctor klein died from cyanide poisoning. >> reporter: ferrante, who's pleaded not guilty, testified that just before his wife's death in april of 2013, they had rejuvenated their relationship. but before that, they had marital problems over what he describes as flirtatious e-mails she sent to a colleague. ferrante, charged with criminal homicide, could face life in prison if convict. for "good morning america," tom llam llamas, abc news, new york. >> thanks to tom. now to michael. now to the bank robber who almost got away with it. he wore a mask, it was so realistic it fooled the police until the man who made the mask recognized his work. this bank robber caught in the act. a 60-something white man. that's 35-year-old dion jordan, the fbi's prime suspect who fooled the feds with the elaborate mask. >> it was our mask. >> reporter: ian is the master mask maker behind the different disguises. when the fbi sent out this alert following a string of bank robberies this summer, he recogni recognized the false face immediately. a custom version of this $1500 mask, the neighbor. he knew who he sold it to and called police. >> we sent all e-mail communication between me and mr. jordan to the fbi. that guy actually received that exact mask at his home address under his own name. >> reporter: with his help, the cops tracked him down with questions. he is yet to be charged in the bank robberies, he's in jail for other charges and confessed to murder since his arrest. >> if convicted, he will be going away for a long time. >> reporter: a tough reality he may have to face. >> it's the first time for us that something like that happened. i sincerely hope it will be the last. >> well, you know, the maker of the mask said he knew people could use them for bad purposes. but this is the first time. they have made thousands of mask. most for high end halloween costumes and things like that. what an incredible way to try to pull off a bank robbery. >> good for him for contacting authorities. >> i know that work. >> yes. that's it. and check in with the weather. >> i may need a mask next week. this is coming. >> it's not your fault. >> tell coast picture. let's get a check closer to home. hi, ginger, david murphy standing on the terrace and a steady rain. 60 is the high, rain in the morning, spotty showers through the afternoon and evening >> all that weather brought to you by massage envy spa. and the first push of cold in behind the rain. i thought i would take off to florida for the gopro thing. >> good thinking there. coming up, the florida pastors punished for their good deeds. why they were arrested for feeding the homeless. and the man versus anaconda. the shocking new reality show that's pushing the limits. it's probably too far away! but with the note 4, you can always get the shot. check it out! eight times digital zoom catches every detail. woah! with optical image stabilization, you get it even in the bounciest castles. woah! isn't that amazing? and a front-facing camera so wide, you can 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being real? >> are you going to hit me? >> reporter: times are achanging. >> i'm paul. i'm going to be eaten alive by an that con da. i don't expect anyone to believe us until we show it. >> reporter: yes, you heard that correctly. the discovery channel is promising to go where american television has never gone before with the premier of "eaten alive." it's promising that paul will be eaten alive by a giant snake. after covering himself in pig's blood while wearing a custom-built suit. >> it's going to be a challenge. >> now viewers are gravitating towards scripted shows, they have come up with something that's going to generate a lot of buzz. >> reporter: discovery is leading the way with "maked and afraid" and "tethered." mtv joining in with "sledneck," a wintery hit like "buck wild." canceled after one season when one of the stars was killed mudding. it has been filmed, and he's believed to have survived along with his snake. reena ninan, abc news, new york. ngts believed to have survived? >> that's good news. >> but how do you get out? >> oh, no. i don't want to no. >> turn to scripted. couldn't you have scripted that and done a fictional shoot? >> i'm with you, amy. >> is every episode a didn't anaconda? >> i don't know. i'm going to jump out there, see the anaconda, i'm going to swallow him. >> good luck, anaconda. >> a little smaller target. i'm just saying. coming up, we have good news if you're looking to get rid of wrinkles. a new study revealing how some popular cosmetic procedures really work. these actually are great, you guys. >> okay. and jennifer aniston opening up about her make under. and why she says it's empowering. and jimmy kimmel in two places at once last night for a ground-breaking show. we're going to see how he pulled it all off. told you we're in the wrong house. go! go! mom. mom! get $10 off our best valspar and olympic interior paint, via rebate. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you 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two places at once. in your case, two, three, four, five, can't keep up with the shows. he pulled this off last night, and could set the stage for beam me up. >> tonight, making television history, this hasn't been done before. >> reporter: jimmy kimmel with the ultimate double feature overnight. >> here i am. >> reporter: you're not seeing things. hosting his show from skplachlt beamed to the show in nashville as a hologram 2,000 miles away in real time. >> i'm either a hologram or i died and i'm haunting the theater. >> reporter: he wasn't the only one. country music star kacey musgraves was digitally transported cross-country to be interviewed on his show. >> yay! >> reporter: along with cma-award winning vocal duo, florida georgia line. appearing live as holograms from nashville. >> you're speaking to a hologram right here. i'm not here. i'm in hawaii. >> reporter: talking to us about the cross-continental experience last night. >> it was very cool. >> reporter: and joins the ranks of the hologramed celebs. >> michael jackson, elvis, tupac and me. am i dead? tell me if i'm dead. if ryan seacrest finds about this, he's going to host every show. this could be dangerous. >> reporter: this technology has been around a bit. we have talked about it a bit before. it was such a high-profile success, it could be beamed to kelly to the nfl studio. >> never leave your bed. >> thank you, t.j. >> yeah, that would be awesome, t.j. we're going to work on that. coming up, deals and steals, some of oprah's favorite things. stay right there. ♪ you could be at the corner of "i'm throwing away money" and "i had no idea." well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists make it easy for you to save on your prescriptions. so you can keep your money where it belongs. swing by walgreens... ...where you could save even more with medicare prescription copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. ghirardelli squares peppermint bark.zvous ♪ rich chocolate layers and festive peppermint. a ghirardelli original. ♪ a little reward for all the things you do ♪ get them before they disappear. >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 7:56 on this rainy thursday, november 6. let's go to karen rogers this time she is taking a look at the schuylkill expressway. >> reporter: we can't stand rainy morning commutes. live on the schuylkill expressway eastbound traffic is heavy from 202 to the vine. westbound we're seeing a 31 minute ride to the blue route. belmont avenue we have an to the blue route. you want to watch for that one. route 100 is blocked at up land square drive. use farmington road. we have a dozen or so accidents in the suburbs. on the main roads it's wet and slow. looking live on the blue route. southbound traffic near the mid county tolls heavy from the tolls to the schuylkill expressway and broomall to media, northbound slow, as well. either direction you're extra jammed. >> we're taking a live look across the airport. you can see the rain continues to seem steady. that seems what it is around here, david murphy wondering how long it will stay like this. >> reporter: the rest of the morning rush hour is wet. we have drying in southwestern chester county and over the next couple of hours this main batch of rain will move to the northeast and then we'll be dealing with spotty showers the rest of the day. 49 in philadelphia. 49 in wilmington not a lot of wind, but cool. this afternoon high 60 spotty on and off showers into the evening. tomorrow windy with another afternoon shower high of 55 degrees tomorrow. blustery winds, tam. >> well it's time for oprah's favorite things. get what's in the steals and deals. it's good stuff. we'll see you back here in 30 minutes! - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ what a feeling good morning, america. "gma" goes country. tim tebow behind the scenes of country music's biggest night. >> reporter: i'm here with an absolute legend, garth brooks. tim tebow. >> to hunter hayes and kacey musgraves, wait until you hear what they all told tim. jennifer aniston's big makeunder. why the star is trending tops on facebook for ditching the makeup. calling it dreamy and liberating. glnk and you're parents of teenage girls, raid raising them to get what they want and negotiate their way to success. and robin sharing a story you don't want to miss. two brothers, one coach. and what they discovered they were truly thankful for. as we say -- >> good morning, america. what's up? this is meghan trainor. i'm here at the cmas, it's pretty crazy. good morning, america. ♪ i'm all about that bass and in times square today, you know her from housewives -- real housewives. but guess what? she's coming to broadway, starring in cinderella soon. can't wait. >> she's taking the role sherri shepherd played so well on broadway. and more of the biggest night, live to nashville. tim tebow was there for it all. he was a presenter. and look at him on the streets of music city usa. he's going to show us things we didn't see last night. thanks, tim. and tory johnson is here with one of the best deals and steals of the year. oprah's favorite thing for the holidays. >> oh. thank you -- oh -- >> serious stuff. >> i'm always -- it looks that way, doesn't it? dibs on that. >> done. got you. and then also we have a really interesting study for anybody looking to get rid of wrinkles. what you need to know before you visit the doctor. >> that's -- >> i'm going to have to go to the doctor if this song doesn't turn off. >> oh, boy. >> it was going in my head around and around. now it's going to be doing it again. >> that's the editorial, now the news. >> we have serious stuff to discuss. i couldn't help myself. we begin with the dramatic rescue of a young woman caught on camera as she was brutally abducted off a street in philadelphia. 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither is back with her family after three days. they used gps to track her down. finding her inside a car in a maryland parking lot with the man accused of kidnapping her. and he's facing an unrelated attempted murder charge and charged with abducting other women as well. she's straik shaken up, but no physical injuries. we are so happy for her and her family. the other big story is overseas, the u.s. military expanding air strikes in syria. coalition air strikes targeted a group not linked to isis. and targeting veteran al qaeda fighters who were said to be plotting attacks on western targets. and despite the coalition air assault in neighboring iraq, the fighting rages on in the north. president obama is asking congress for $6 billion to help fight ebola in west africa where the death toll is now approaching 5,000. some of the money would support new u.s. military hospitals. and breaking overnight, the body of a hollywood movie executive missing for two and a half years has been found. hikers found gavin smith's remains in a remote spot north of los angeles. he was gone in 2012, and they found his car in a storage facility belonged to a drug dealer. he's now a person of interest. it's a homicide. and two pastors in florida and a 90-year-old volunteer are facing jail time after they were arrested for feeding the homeless. arnold abbott served meals to the homeless for decades. but he was detained for defying a new city ordinance to keep homeless people from overrunning parks and beaches. that does not seem right. no. i agree. a dispute over a parking space at a shopping mall turned into dangerous road rage. it's posted on youtube. an angry driver gets into the car and backs up at full speed, crashing into an suv. and oh my gosh, narrowly missing those two men. no word if police have caught up with him yet. but that video is chilling. and extremely disturbing. >> yeah. >> let's switch gears. something happy. finally, timing is everything. but when a couple got married at a water park in florida. they had no idea they could get this lucky. just as they kissed, a dolphin jumping out of the water as if it had been choreographed. cue the dolphin. the photographer said it couldn't have been more perfect. later both of the dolphins peered over the tank to get a closer look. seriously, the luckest couple on the planet. their marriage is blessed. >> in many countries that's a very good sign. >> i've heard that. i've heard that. >> thank you. thanks, and turn now to a new study for those looking to get rid of wrinkles. non-surgical treatments are safe. reena ninan has the details. >> botox and laser treatments, they're the non-surgical procedures people swear by. >> it's the best out there. >> reporter: and now a new study shows they're safer than you might think. >> the safety profile has gotten better over the years. >> reporter: the study examining more than 20,000 treatments across the country, including various lasers, facial fillers and botox. finding only less than 1% of patients experienced negative side effects. most were minor. >> all these procedures, fillers, lasers, botox, they come with some risk. knowing how to use the devices properly will minimize that outcome. >> reporter: it's good news for women. >> it makes me feel amazing. >> reporter: she started botox ten years ago and now gets lasers and fillers. shying away from surgical procedures because of the cost and complications. >> i'm afraid of the surgical, afraid of the knife. >> reporter: she's not alone. these types of non-surgical beauty procedures are on the rise. more than 13 million last year, up 3% from the year before. >> it's less expensive. your down time is a week. it just seems like the right way to go for me. >> reporter: and now safe too, she says that's one more reason to smile without those pesky laugh lines, of course. for "gma," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> thanks for that. "pop news" and weather coming up. now to robin in the social square. over here. what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" and "pop news." robert downey jr. and his beautiful wife, susan, welcoming the newest member of their family. and jennifer aniston, the make under. why she called it a dream. tory johnson, this is one of our favorite things. deals and steals from oprah's favorite things for the holidays. >> yes. and nene leakes is here as well. >> how are you? >> kisses. so sweet. >> making hour debut on broadway. we're going to talk about that and a whole lot more here on "good morning america." want to do the can-can? moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but i've managed. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. we'll start looking for an suv... 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well, what if you could see what we see. tomorrow, you can. we're strapping on go pros. for the first time, see "gma" through our eyes. and what you'll see is gopro amazing. hey, ginger's even jumping out of a plane, live. >> i'm about to go mad with gopro. >> you'll be with her all the way down. tomorrow, "gma" goes pro. >> and go big or go home. >> yeah. >> we are so excited about "gma" goes -- what are we saying? >> gopro. >> gopro. >> maybe go away. following all of us. >> you're going to see it tomorrow. to get you ready, check out these skiers in the french al s. the first skier off the cliff on purpose. >> ginger's like, whatever. >> what's so great about this, we don't have to do it now. somebody else did. perfect. a pair a chute right there. does the same thing on the way down. see there? the pair a chute? >> and then the avalanche. >> they caught that on the gopro. >> would you do that? >> yes. >> why do you even ask anymore? >> what are you afraid of? >> driving a car. >> it's probably one of the most dangerous things you can do. >> right after the show, you and me. meet me mt. parking lot. >> it's all statistics. >> that's right. hey, "pop news" time, everybody. >> let's do it. >> gopro tomorrow, "pop news" now. begin with robert downey jr. and his wife susan welcoming their new baby girl. avery roe well. they announced that after nine months of intensive development, principal photographer has commenced on 11/14, and continue until she says you're embarrassing me, i'm 30. i believe that's number three for them. very happy for them. now to the states really living the high life. and i want to ask you guys, what states do you think the gals wear the highest heels? >> new york. >> l.a. >> l.a., new york, you'd think. >> down south? >> how about arkansas. guilt, the fashion site, crunched the numbers for the highest heels. and topping the list are arkansas, nevada, florida and puerto rico. close to 3 inches in those places. kansas, nebraska, delaware, maine, lower end. not quite as surprising. but the stiletto spem trctrum i broad. i just thought you needed to know this. >> george and i are riveted by this study. how did we miss that answer. >> some morning are slower than others. some days have to you have to d you have to do. which brings me to this. come on, robin. ♪ exciting and new don't we have it in the studio? oh, there we go. ♪ we're expecting you come on, now. this is all you, george. ♪ the love boat ♪ we'll be making another -- >> you know all the words? >> yes, i do. love this. this and fantasy island. oh, yeah. the plane, the plane. >> wanted to let you know the reason for that diddy was the stars of the love boat have reunited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of princess cruise lines. six of the original cast members from the beloved tv show got on board. captain stubing, and guest stars from favorite episodes, florence henderson there. and even aaron spelling represented through his daughter, tory spelling. >> and helped the cruises, the show. people weren't going on cruises before that. >> "fantasy island." >> a riveting edition. heat index coming up, go to ginger. ♪ love boat we're checking. let's get a collect closer to home. >> reporter: that come ginger david murphy on the terrace with the umbrella it's continuing to rain across the majority of the region. we move from the current temperature in the upper 40s to high of 60. it will be rainy at times although the morning batch will die down at the endful rush hour. windy spotty shower tomorrow afternoon. 55 the high. the big story is the wind it's looking dry for the weekend. >> and we don't ever mind seeing a couple men in uniform. thank you for everything. what are you doing here? >> we're here with the air force health professionals recruiting. >> recruiting for the air force. okay. get back inside. and the prospects. now time for the heat index. and recent research suggesting that women don't negotiate for things they deserve. offers tips on how to raise girls to do it successfully. experts say it's girls feel less confident as teams. reinforce their worth, good idea. and get them comfortable in negotiating, coach them in finding common ground. school fundraisers, bedtime, allowance, sleepovers. my girls have learned it. >> they can outnegotiate me. >> they're tough. >> that the stay with them. >> i hope so. >> good advice indeed. and also this morning, jennifer aniston opening up about the make underfor the role in "cake." hardly any makeup at all. and she was on a panel, and being without makeup was, quote, so fabulous, so dreamy, empowering and liberating. adding that the only time in the makeup chair was to have the scars drawn on. it hits the theaters in 2015. oscar buzz. she got a standing ovation. that says it all. >> good for her. also in the heat index, the cmas, you know the big night in nashville. country music's biggest superstars coming together. tim tebow was there, kicking off on the red carpet. timmy joins us from nashville. good to see you, tim. >> reporter: we missed you here, robin. it was an awesome night. we had a lot of fun. a lot of friends and stars. and we enjoyed it. it was awesome to be backstage. take a look. ♪ >> hey. >> it's tim tebow. >> couldn't have picked a better guy. >> you're interviewing me? >> reporter: yeah, not him. florida georgia line. florida/georgia game last week, who were you rooting for? >> florida. >> i'm a seminole. zblsh nobody's perfect. get a look at the shiny shoes? a lot of confidence right there. rocking the tux look. no bow tie. >> every time i do a tie, it chokes me. i don't think if it's a singing thing. >> reporter: you have the most amazing voice. >> thank you. >> this is a party. >> reporter: who are you looking forward to see perform? >> mcgraw. i saw him backstage. i wanted a pushup contest with him. >> reporter: out of your songs, my favorite is "we rode in trucks." >> that's archival, old school. >> we're ready to play. >> reporter: seems like you're always ready to play. >> i love what i do. >> reporter: i'm here with darius rucker. we have been friends for a long time. you are presenting tonight, don't to want make you nervous. >> tim, i always have been and will be team tebow. except that time you whooped me in golf. that wasn't cool. >> reporter: more nervous bout the show or the red carpet? >> ask me five seconds before i go on. >> reporter: but the one person i didn't get to meet found me, heir row smith legend steven tyler with a photo bomb. >> looks like a good time. wonderful to see you presenting there. i understand you have a story about miss musgraves? >> it was a lot of fun, she chose darius over me. but he's been going since 1986 with hootie. i would have chose her as well. >> the gentleman. you were there in case she needed you. you were there. glr thank you. >> glad you had a great time. see you this weekend, football, s.e.c. to see what the stars wore, go to on yahoo!. and now, oh, my goodness, talk about all-star collection right here. a big treat for this morning's deals and steals. everything comes from oprah's all new favorite things for the holiday. tory johnson and adam glassman are here to reveal this year's o specials. you know these deals are going to fly. go to our website right away to get everything. >> it's an extra special day because it's adam's birthday. happy birthday, adam. >> really? should we get started. >> yes. i was telling everyone how she loves her chai. this is the oprah chai tea set from teavana. you get a maker and big mugs. >> nice size. >> she helped design them herself. and the splash of almond milk is not there, her favorite finishing touch. >> normally ranges from $8 to $90, slashed in half, 4 bucks to $45 for the big kit. really nice. >> it's really delicious. >> i've had it. >> you've had it. >> how about something to go with the tea? >> who doesn't love bark on the holidays? this is remarkable bark. it's a great gift set. fabulous about it, it's part graham cracker, part toffee and part chocolate bar. >> what i love, you get the tins, some of the plain chocolate, the peppermint chocolate. i have been sharing the wealth around here. it's good, right? >> it's good. >> when you freeze or refrigerate it, it's extra-special. and hand-made in california. normally $42, slashed in half. 21 bucks for the two tins. >> i like the chill. >> it's great right out of the freezer, even better. >> how about this? >> monogrammed cufflinks from moon and low la. it's a great gift. look at the monograms. yes, you can get them in 32 different colors in silver or gold. >> beautiful. beautiful. >> oprah loves a white shirt and anything that jazzes it up. these are perfect. >> what's the deal? >> really good deal, normally $68 online. but today only, slashed in half, $34. really pretty. and so many different colors to choose from. >> the tea -- we have so much -- >> this is going to be your favorite. >> this is going to be your favorite. from peace, love world, this is the i love sundays sweatshirt. feel it. the most delicious sweatshirt in the world. >> what's it made of? >> this is cotton. oprah watches this every sunday. >> super soul sunday. >> yes. everyone will wear this. unbelievable. >> it's a beautiful company. everything they make is phenomenal. inspiration inspirational, fun messages. not inexpensive, normally $98, slashed in half, $49, plus from peace, love, world, free shipping. >> it's slashed in half. so you get a good deal. >> you will live in this. >> i plan on it. >> yes. >> and last but not least. >> oh, wow. >> this one, the perfect tote bag from nine west. >> lara spencer was eyeing that orange one. >> every woman needs a tote bag to take you from the weekday to weekend. this is super-luxurious looking, and the faux leather. a lot of bang for your buck. >> the faux leather. >> eight different colors, three here. but eight different colors, i love it. normally $79, slashed by 51%, $39 plus from nine west, free shipping. two bonus deals from this amazing issue at "good morning america" on i canyahoo. >> thank you for being here. you can see the links and codes at our website. nene leakes when we come back. >> good morning, philadelphia congress chaka fattah is -- congressman chaka fattah is denying any wrong doing now that a former adviser is pleading guilty to several charges. so far the democrat has not been accused of any crimes. i'm tamala edwards, good morning, rainy morning, trouble on the roads, the blue route, that describes it. >> reporter: we have huge delays because of an accident on the blue route northbound. penndot with the arrow board is blocking all lanes, they were blocking the two left lanes, allowing the right lane to get by. look at this travel time a 68 minute ride from i-95 to the schuylkill expressway if you're traveling on the blue route northbound. with no delay it's 17 minutes. they are just allowing the traffic to get through, again. it's a mess on the blue route. here's the schuylkill expressway 5 miles per hour, 12 westbound near the curve. i-95 12 and 15 southbound. it's slow. >> we're dealing with rain out there right now. let's get the latest from accuweather with david murphy good morning. >> reporter: it's been going on since everybody got up this morning. we're seeing improvement west of philadelphia. chester county beginning to dry out from the main band of rain. philadelphia the intensity of the rain tapering off a little bit, it won't be too much longer before we start to see it i understand in philadelphia, as well. 49 degrees chilly and damp. the high is 60 degrees, once this main band of rain ends we'll be in a spotty on and off showery precipitation. not raining you all the time, bt damp. >> coming up on "g.m.a.," the he [prof. burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for this. [boy] check it out,mom! [prof. burke]when you're really only covered for this. or how you figured you were covered for this. when you're actually paying for this. you might be surprised at what's hiding in your coverage. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [announcer] call 1-800-farmers and see how much you could save. ♪ over my head and out of my mind ♪ good morning, america. a hearty crowd in times square this morning. hardy and happy. and we have nene leakes here this morning. >> hi! >> she has so much going on. real housewives, here for her broadway debut, clothing line. we could go on and on. and a wonderful story leading up to thanksgiving. it's going to be here before you know it. how one man in the philadelphia -- i should say pittsburgh area -- a boxing coach, two young boys he has fostered. and now adopted. he has really changed their lives. >> they have some good form. >> really good. great story. >> thankful thursday. >> excited to share that with everybody. and a remarkable story about a 12-year-old girl who lost 100 pounds and found her way to happier, healthy life. and now tony reali in the social square with the speed feed. >> it's trending anywhere, it's the speed feed. get right to. on youtube, and melting our hearts, the story of the record-setting panda triplets. cuties set a record, only known set of surviving giant panda triplets in the world. surviving their 101st birthday. it's a tradition to wait 100 days before naming the panda cubs. i think the social media games can begin, i see a george, michael, and gio. benedict cumberbatch sharing the news he's marrying h ining girlfriend the old fashioned way with a newspaper add. they have been known to call themselves cumber i know babes. they are brokenhearted he's off the market. and the big screen, google, alex from target. we brought you his story yesterday. the picture of him was posted on twitter and the 16-year-old instantly trended and got his fair share of marriage proposals. he jumped from 144 twitter follows to more than 650,000. there's questions how the story came about, but it's real for young alex. he hit the ellen show yesterday to make sense of it all. here's his theirries about the contributing to his fame. >> i can dance. not well. it's embarrassing. >> then don't. and gopro day coming up on "gma." watch your back on the set, robin. i'm coming for you. >> see it from your point of view. super man. >> super man. >> thank you so much. ellen is so fun, when sits down, gets to it. now an inspiring weight loss story, a young girl who tipped the scales at 265 pounds and had the ah-ha moment, changing her diet and her life. abc's sarah haines has the story. >> reporter: for hannah, weight was a lifetime struggle. >> i tried different programs and nothing worked for me. >> reporter: a self-proclaimed overeater, she hit her heaviest at 265 pounds. but then an unexpected turning point her junior year of high school. >> all of my friends were trying on their prom dresses. they felt so confident. and just loved their dresses. and i just longed for that. >> reporter: more determined than ever, she went on an inspiring two year weight loss journey. >> i have lost 110 pounds. >> reporter: no short cuts. the first major change, her diet. >> in the morning i usually have any overnight oats. for lunch i like to have salad with different veggies. for dinner i like to have chicken with different sliced tomatoes, feta, different marinades. >> reporter: she doesn't belong to a gym, walks three miles a day, workout videos, and the secret strengthening tool? >> the thy master on my arms. it works well. >> reporter: she admits the journey is not without its challenges. >> i have my off days. everyone does. but it's important to get back on track and the off day doesn't define your weight loss journey. >> reporter: hannah, now armed with the self-confidence she never knew. >> so many people are inspired by my story. that builds my confidence so much more knowing that i was able to help somebody just think about or take the first step in their own weight loss journey. >> reporter: for "good morning america," sara haines, abc news, new york. >> very happy for her. thank you for bringing that to us. we were trying to watch the piece, and you, tony, with the g gopro in our face. >> i got it. >> easy on the camera work. >> you look like a detective. >> dramamine for everybody. >> it all leads up to the big reveal tomorrow. oh, nice. >> everybody has cameras now. >> we are now transmitting from mars. >> hey, thanks again, tony. let's get outside where it's safer. final check of the weather with ginger. >> making you stick with that. we will be celebrating a 30th anniversary, this >> thanks, ginger, david murphy here with a steady rain continuing to fall on the terrace. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, rain will continue toward the end of the rush hour into the middle of the morning and we'll be looking at spotty showers through the rest >> all that weather brought to you by carmarx. can you from st. louis? anybody? all right, amy, let's get inside. christopher nolan, moe men to, and the blockbuster batman trilogy set his sights on space with interstellar. it stars matthew mcconaughey, a farmer and former restaurant called on to save the world. >> you're the best pilot we ever had. >> i barely left the stratosphe stratosphere. >> they have never left the simulator this was the mission you trained for. >> without knowing it. an hour ago you didn't know i was alive. you were going anyway. >> we had no choice. >> how long will i be gone? >> hard to know. years. >> i've got kids, professor. >> get out there and save them. >> and we are thrilled to have director, writer and producer chris nolan here this morning. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> it's a remarkable film. it's rare to go to a theater and feel like you're in a different place and a different time. it was truly an experience. is that what you were hoping to achie achieve? >> yeah, we wanted the intense audience experience. we mixed the sound in an intense way. the rocket taking off. it was designed to be immersive. making people feel they're on the journey with these characters. >> as a mother it moved me. it was unexpected. and you felt this father's anguish and turmoil. my husband's going to kill me for saying this, he kroied. it brought it home emotionally. it was difficult to do in the space fantasy. >> i'm sure it was manly-man tears. >> of course. >> quite allowable. it's based on an emotional journey. a lot of extraordinary things in the film. a big adventure. but i felt the emotional story was key. >> and instead of relying on cgi or green screen to fortray the incredible images from space, you worked with it to make it more fully realized. tell me what you did? >> we didn't to want use any green screens. i wanted the actors to sit down in the cockpit of the spaceship and be in a simulator, not the set. we put the views outside the windows, ships that could react, feel like they were flying. >> we have a lot of "gma" fans who have posted questions on our instagram. krista wonders, after the films are released and well-received, do you find things you wish you could change or watch it a year later and think it's perfect. >> it's not about it being perfect. i try not to worry too much about what i could have done differently. because the truth is, it's an imperfect process. i try not to look back too much. >> christopher nolan, thank you so much for joining us. and "interstellar" opens nationwide tomorrow. and coming up, the incredible story of a police detective who helped change the lives of two young men. stay with us. ♪ you know what? we're not waiting. we're going to celebrate thanksgivithank thanksgiving all month with thankful thursdays honoring people with big hearts making a difference. this morning, a police detective who rescued two procedures, changing their lives forever. in this old, retired fire house in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, an unlikely story of hope between the ropes. >> jab. >> reporter: inside, a boxing gym. >> they wanted to learn how to box. >> reporter: where josh and his brother, jesse, found much more than a workout. they found something to be truly thankful for. two years ago their coach, jack, noticed that something was terribly wrong. >> they looked peal. josh had bags under his eyes. >> reporter: and one day the boirs living in a foster home stopped coming. >> we were concerned. >> reporter: jack tracked them down and discovered something painful. their existence spiralled into a living nightmare with no beds and no parenting. >> josh's words were, i'm trying to sleep my life away. what do you mean? i get home from school, fall asleep until i have to get to school again. can you help snus. >> he said you're coming home with me now. that was one of the greatest moments of my life so far that i could think of. >> reporter: jack took them in as foster dad and adopted them. the judge so moved she had a photo taken. >> he's teaching me how to be a better man in life. >> reporter: the boys hit the lottery of fatherhood. he's a gulf war veteran, proud of his years with the army's 82nd air borne. and a narcotics detective. that's his day job. and he can cook. kind of. >> everything he does is for a purpose like he likes to say. >> reporter: this isn't the first time he rescued someone. he took in his niece and launched her into adulthood. >> i remember at 18 years old working at a restaurant, he would iron my shirts, teach me stuff. >> reporter: now a mother herself, she's grateful and in awe of what he's doing for these two beautiful boys. >> they are so happy. i mean, we would give anything just for them to never feel this pain again. he's a hero. not just in the boy's eyes, but, you know, mine, my family's, his friends. everybody can see it. not many people would change their lives like that. and just turn everything upside down at the drop of a dime and just, you know, take on a new life. >> reporter: and ladies, listen up, this human super hero is single. but he is focused on the children. building his family one step at a time. >> i'm all right with dinner and maybe drinks. and that's as far as it's going to go. >> reporter: my mother often said with family you may not have it all together, but together you have it all. we thought we'd end with a message from the kids to jack. >> coach, i just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done. >> and i just wanted to let you know that you're the best father in the world. >> we want to thank you detective jack for opening his heart to the two brothers who's lives he has changed forever. >> what a stunning example. >> thank you for bringing us thankful thursdays. >> people are bringing them to us. we want to say if someone you know is worthy of a "gma"-size thank you, go to on yahoo. tell us their story. we'd love to share it. it's lead up a special thanksgiving night. "thank you america." celebrating unsung heros like jack. it'll air thursday move 27th. that is thanksgiving night at 8:00/7:00 central. when you have your turkey sandwich after a long day. sit down with the family and watch this. >> get even more of a glow. >> that's right. we hope you do. and coming up on "gma," nene leakes is going ♪ me and you... ghirardelli squares chocolate... ♪ a little rendezvous savor our luscious filling combined with our slow melting chocolate. ♪ that little reward for all the things you do. ♪ only from ghirardelli. we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. stop living with half fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast? that is up to him. get a fios triple play online for this great price and a $400 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v ♪ it's so important to make someone happy ♪ ♪ make just one heart to heart you ♪ ♪ music ♪ you sing to one smile that cheers you ♪ ♪ one face that lights when it nears you ♪ [ male announcer ] play the monopoly millionaires' club lottery game. making more and more millionaires. well, think. nene leakes, everybody. i'm getting blond advice from the blond and beautiful nene leakes. brand new season of the real housewives of atlanta. set to kick off. she's set to make her broadway debut in rodgers and hammerstein's cinderella. you have a clothing line. >> i do. >> you are a busy, busy woman. start with the housewives. >> yes. >> here we go again. >> okay. >> where are we picking up? most surprised by in season seven? >> i think the episode one, you're going to see me in vegas hosting cirque du soleil, and this is the seventh season. i'm the o.g. on the cast. >> o.g.? >> the only original housewife. >> yep. love it. >> so the relationships have definitely changed on this show. and we have a lot of new girls around. >> yeah, how is that for you? do you want to give them advice? >> no, i don't. you know nobody gave me any advice. >> nope. >> they don't give you a handbook that comes with this. you have to learn as you go. and so it's kind of different when the new girls come around. it kind of changes the dynamic. >> of the new girls, what is the one you're most like watching it in slow motion? >> i say that about every new girl. >> are they making mistakes that you're able to see and go this is not going to end well? >> i don't like when they come on and they're just doing so much. it's like -- it's a lot. it's a lot when they come on. >> it's like they're trying to manufacture -- >> trying so hard. yeah. really disturbs me. when we started with me and kim way back, we were just being ourselves. and these girls now come on and they do so much. you know, just to be on camera for a few minutes. >> do you call them out? >> i do. i say how much did they pay you now? >> yeah. this sounds like good tv. i don't know about you guys. and we love your -- you've become a bit of a cultural force with your sayings. i think we have a picture to show everybody. you customized your bag. >> i did. >> tell me about this picture. what am i looking at in. >> that is the bag with the nene--isms since i have been on the housewives. bloop, i'm rich and wig. >> i love bloop. i remember that. that was the early days. >> and plunk, and so nasty and so rude. all those things. >> and you were none of those things as you make your broadway debut, my friend. what an awesome experience that must be. >> isn't it great? i was just so blown away when they called and asked me to be a part of it. >> sicinderella, taking over th role of sherri shepherd. >> madame. >> are you -- you're a little naughty? >> well, yeah. i am. she has a very big personality. she sort of tells it like it is. she said a lot of things. >> i don't know how you got cast in that role. it's weird. >> i don't know how i got cast either. she asks for an apology at the end. i love the character, she sings, she dances, bosses people around. >> i feel like i'm listening to an episode of house wives. all good. and you talk about the clothing line too. which seems so natural. you have become such a stylist. >> this is actually a nene leakes collection piece. it's at hsn. it's size 2 to 24. it's an affordable luxury line that i wanted to do for every woman every size and every age. >> you know what i have to say to that? >> yeah. >> bloop. >> it's really great. i love being a designer, by the way. >> and an actress. >> i love being a housewife. >> we love having you on the show. i had a game i wanted to play. but there's never enough time. >> why? bring your girls to cinderella. >> i will bring my daughter and a friend. my son i cannot promise. >> bring the girls. >> nene leakes, everybody. season seven, the real housewives of atlanta, on bravo. and cinderella, starting november this is how you see "gma," what if you could see what we see? tomorrow you can. we're strapping on gopros to see "gma" through our eyes. ginger is jumping out of a plane live. >> i'm about to go mad with gopro. >> tomorrow, "gma" goes pro. that woman right there, jumping out of a plane tomorrow. >> we love you, ginger. >> love you. see ya'll later. hopefully. >> good morning, 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither is back in philadelphia with her family. federal agents rescued her last night from a car at a shopping center parking lot in maryland. agents arrested 37-year-old delvin barns. police believe he kidnapped her in germantown four days ago, we'll have live team coverage on "action news" at noon. 8:57, i'm tamala edwards. raining out there, trouble on the roads. let's go over to karen rogers to look at the blue route. >> reporter: look at this traffic you're jammed from i-95 to past broomall where an accident is blocking the left lane. an 84 minute ride with no delay it would be 17 minutes almost an hour and a half to go from i-95 to the schuylkill expressway. southbound not looking better, at least the travel time is better. on the big picture we have a problem at center city 4th and vine we are hearing they are excavating two buildings it's possible that a construction crew could have hit a gas main. we're seeing speeds in the single digits 12 miles per hour on i-95 southbound. it's a mess out there. >> rough morning out there. let's find out what's going on with the weather and go outside to david murphy. >> reporter: the rain is down to a light mist. we're at the end of the rush hour and the rain is ending through half of the area. we're in the process of drying out a bit. temperatures are cool, we're at 49 degrees right now in philadelphia. your seven day shows a high of 60 spotty on and off showers straight into evening. tomorrow, dry and 55 and windy. >> "live" with kelly and michael is next on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. michael is next on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. have revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140819

>> it was meant to be. the happily married couple who met years before they actually met. the entire story and this picture that's popping up everywhere. now so many wondering is the love of your life someone you've already met and you may not even know it? and a good morning, america. lots of news to get to including the latest in ferguson overnight. start of the school year now delayed another week. prosecutors could start presenting evidence to a grand jury beginning tomorrow, of course, the big question, will this lead to charges against the officer? dan abrams is here to weigh in on that. >> indeed, the nation watching and waiting anxiously. but want to begin with the fast-moving wildfire, as we said. 13,000 people have already been forced out of their homes. buildings have been destroyed and hundreds more are in harm's way. abc's neal karlinsky is right there in oakhurst, california, with the very latest for us. i can see not easy to breathe there. >> reporter: lara, good morning. i've got the mask here because the smoke and fumes are so strong. this fire came up very, very fast. you could see this structure is a total loss. this is a building, a local building still on fire. they ravaged through, tore this apart, catching much of the town completely offguard. overnight massive flames billowing into the sky. >> i'd never seen anything like it. >> reporter: there were tense moments overnight as fires swept through this nearby 30,000-gallon propane tank storage site. fire crews forced to let it burn for fear the tanks would explode. fortunately, they haven't so far. in this vacation town of oakhurst, california, just 16 miles from yosemite national park, 13,000 people ordered to evacuate. homeowners watching as out-of-control flames jumped from trees and over roads. >> just can't believe how powerful that is. the trees are a couple hundred feet tall. and all of a sudden you see flames. >> reporter: hundreds of homes and businesses in jeopardy. at least eight already destroyed. the fast-moving fire scorching nearly 1200 acres so far. >> we've been worried about something like this, and now we've got it. >> reporter: air tankers attacking from above and more than 600 firemen working through the night trying to contain the blaze. schools have been closed in the area today just as a precaution. the fire has actually died down a bit this morning. but they will be reassessing before the day heats up again. george. >> so scary that it got so chose to that tank. we'll turn to the latest in ferguson. the curfew lifted overnight but protests and violence not ending. president obama has dispatched attorney general eric holder who will be in missouri tomorrow. and this morning we're hearing from a friend of the officer who shot michael brown. abc's steve osunsami is on the scene right now. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, george. the start of school here has been delayed yet another week. at night the police here have a new tactic with demonstrators forcing them to keep moving. no standing still. 31 people were arrested last night alone, and police say many of them were from out of state. overnight the sound of smoke bombs and the smell of tear gas filled the night over ferguson. police set off ear-piercing sirens against the crowds after they say rocks and bottles came flying. >> in the dark of night, at least two people shot, not a single bullet fired by officers despite coming under heavy attack. >> reporter: the curfew lifted, but police in riot gear in full effect. arresting 31 people including some demonstrators who wouldn't keep moving. the state's governor sent in the missouri national guard. troops with guns on the roofs of grocery stores, their armored vehicles guarding the police staging area. >> hands up. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> don't shoot. >> reporter: overnight protests broke out in new york city and atlanta too. all calling for justice more than a week after the shooting of michael brown. and this morning, a first, we're now hearing from a good friend of ferguson city police officer darren wilson who shot and killed the unarmed teen. >> i have exchanged text messages with him just as of a few days ago. i can tell that he's struggling, you know, i can tell that this is really hard on him. >> reporter: the friend is so concerned for his own safety he asked us to conceal his face for this interview. he wouldn't speak about the shooting but says he and wilson never saw his friend fight. >> he's a really quiet guy. he is just really well-mannered. he is very respectful. >> reporter: prosecutors say they could present their case to a grand jury as early as this week to determine if there will be charges. george. >> thanks. let's talk to the chief legal affairs anchor, dan abrams. this grand jury, when it meets, is going to get two very different stories they have to sort through. >> that's right. less than half of the cases in the county ever go to a grand jury. you don't have to take it to a grand jury, but this allows the prosecutor with these sort of warring narratives to say, i didn't make the decision. they did. the grand jurors did, the people did. but how vigorously the prosecutor presents this case is everything. there's no defense attorney there. it's just the prosecutor presenting a case to the grand jurors. if the d.a. wants an indictment, he'll get an indictment. if the d.a. doesn't want an indictment or has questions, that could be a very different thing. >> one key piece of evidence already out there is this autopsy. how critical is it? >> absolutely crucial. the autopsy and ballistics to me are essential in this case. why? because if the weapon was fired from a distance, if these six shots were taken from far away and all of the bullets hit him in the front, that's going to be a very tough spot for the police officer to be in. if, however, this was fired at close range, the police officer's going to say there was a struggle. we were fighting for the gun and so that becomes an absolutely essential question and, again, that's why it's so important how the d.a. presents this case to the grand jury. >> at the same time you've got the attorney general saying he'll pursue a civil rights investigation on a parallel but separate track. >> i don't think this will turn into anything. this is a state case. every time there is a controversial case the federal authorities come in and say we're looking at it, we're investigating, we're on top of it and i believe that all to be the case. but the reality is, this is a state case. that's where this case is going to be focused, and i think the feds are just watching very, very carefully. >> the state will go first. >> absolutely. i don't think -- again, i don't think the feds will -- where the actions will be in the case. >> thanks very much. >> still so many questions. now we turn to the crisis in iraq. president obama addressing the situation on monday saying u.s. air strikes have helped iraqis score a big victory over isis. but the extremist group is not backing down as they renew threats against the u.s. abc's jon karl is at the white house and the president says this military action against these islamic militants is a limited campaign. could this be a sign of something larger? >> reporter: it sure could, lara. in fact, we have seen the campaign of air strikes in iraq increase significantly over the last few days. 35 air strikes in just 72 hours and while the president continues to promise very emphatically that there will be no ground troops introduced in iraq, yesterday he also said that he couldn't put an end date on this military operation. really preparing americans for the possibility that this military campaign of air strikes, and air strikes only, could go on for a long time. >> no end date and then also these threats from isis to attack on american soil. what do you know about this? >> reporter: well, we've seen a lot of threats from isis increasing in recent days. we saw it not long ago. they threatened to raise the black flag of isis over the white house. we've seen more specific threats. just in the last several hours. this is really why the united states got involved because ultimately this terrorist group represents a threat to the west and a threat to the united state., in fact, lara, this as you hear many intelligence analysts say, could be the most well-funded, well-armed terrorist group we have ever seen. >> all right, jon karl, thank you very much. we want to get to amy for the other top stories developing right now. >> good morning, good morning, everyone. we begin with a surprise from pope francis, openly talking about his own mortality for the very first time. the 77-year-old leader of over a billion catholics, who has energized the church and planning a u.s. visit next year, was blunt about his popularity. he said, "i know it will last only a short time. two or three years and i'll be off to the father's house." some say he was joking but he did admit to having nerve problems. he also did not rule out retirement. new overnight the faa has banned u.s. airlines from flying over syria as we learn extremists are armed with hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles. similar weapons downed the plane from ma lair ya airlines in yew ukraine. and police in southern california may have prevented a mass shooting. detectives there arrested two south pasadena high students accused of making specific plans to target teachers and as many students as possible at their school. police credit school officials for recognizing suspicious behavior. hondas are again the most popular with thieves. the accord and civic are topping the list of most stolen cars in the u.s. last year. the chevy silverado, ford f-series and toyota camry round out the top five. well, there is concern this morning that another volcano in iceland could cause major travel disruptions. the threat level was raised monday after a powerful earthquake hit the area. in 2010 ash from a different volcano in iceland caused 100,000 flights to be canceled. and the world of television has lost one of its most iconic voices. >> ladies and gentlemen, andy samberg. >> that's announcer don pardo introducing some of america's biggest stars on "saturday night live" for 38 seasons. he died yesterday in tucson, arizona. he was 96 years old. and finally, a senator's very smooth moves. take a look. ♪ 77-year-old john mccain, he's doing the robot, yeah, he is, alongside jamie foxx. they broke it down at a charity event. big names in the crowd like paul mccartney and barbra streisand. we hear mccain was doing his best to upstage the other act, there he was. chris christie just moments earlier. only have a still of him. i'd like to see his move, as well. nice that they were willing to dance like nobody was watching. maybe nobody should have been watching. but we all were. >> he was committed. you have to go all in. >> jamie foxx a very persuasive guy. >> "dancing with the stars," i hope you're watching. >> thanks, amy. we're going to get to the desperate search now for a florida teen who disappeared from her family's houseboat. shaina mcbride's father fears the worst. matt gutman has the latest. >> i can't face the fact that it's my daughter that's gone because it just hurts too much to think about it. >> reporter: this morning a father distraught, and a south florida community on edge as authorities search desperately for missing fort lauderdale teenager, shaina mcbride. 14-year-old mcbride disappearing friday morning after leaving this houseboat where she lives with her father. he says she took nothing but her cell phone. his first thought, that she went to this nearby pool to text her friends. something he says she did often. >> it's a swimming pool and tables and everything right over there. >> reporter: but soon it was clear his little girl had vanished. >> i'm looking, searching, asking everybody, nobody knows nothing. then i begin to get a little more scared. >> reporter: on monday police deploying a dive team, search dogs and over the weekend members of the church where mcbride taught sunday school passing out flyers. >> this is a case of a child who came from a loving family, has family support, friends that support her, she also is very much connected with her local church. that is why it raises our suspicion. >> reporter: this morning detectives are also working to track mcbride's cell phone and following up on reported sightings of the teen, but so far nothing concrete. still, they say they don't have evidence of foul play at this time, but her fragile father fears otherwise. >> someone did it. someone took my daughter. >> reporter: for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, gainesville, florida. >> and now to the high-stakes heist on the streets of paris. a saudi prince's convoy attacked by a lightning quick gang of armed robbers who seem to know exactly what they wanted. abc's reena ninan is following this story from our london bureau. good morning to you, reena. >> reporter: good morning, lara. we're learning new details about the prince targeted after leaving a posh hotel on the champs-elysees. were they after the money or the sensitive documents taken from the car? that's what french police are trying to determine. this is all that's left of a brazen international heist. a torched car abandoned outside paris. its charred shell the only evidence of an incredible robbery straight out of "the italian job." >> take your hands off the wheel. >> reporter: but the target of this mobile takedown was even bigger. a real-life saudi prince. his name, prince al waleed bin talal, owner of the plaza hotel known for his business savvy. some call him the arabian warren buffett. police say a gang of heavily armed thieves ambushing his diplomatic convoy sunday night while traveling from a luxury hotel to a private airport just outside paris. the assailants flashing guns, forcing them to stop. stealing a mercedes carrying more than $325,000 in cash as well as sensitive embassy documents. driving away with the car before setting it on fire. france is quickly becoming a popular site for brazen robberies. this 2013 surveillance footage captures the most expensive heist in history. $143 million worth of jewelry swiped from an expensive cannes hotel in just 30 seconds. but police say sunday's attack happening so quickly with the assailants firing no shots proves that this incident was the handiwork of professionals likely with inside information. the prince flew to ibiza after the incident. and an airport employee told the french media he was so unfazed by the money he lost, even cracking jokes. he had spent 45 days in paris. it was just time to move on. george and lara. >> okay, reena. for him it's not a lot of money he's one of the wealthiest investors in the world. but a very prominent investor in the united states, as well. fascinating story. we'll turn to a risky rescue to free a teenage hiker. the young girl slipped and slid into a crevasse dropping 60 feet off a popular trail in colorado and clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: this morning a 16-year-old girl is recovering from serious injuries after going on a hike that nearly killed her. >> the terrain is very rugged. >> reporter: the girl falling from the top of horse tooth rock about an hour north of denver on monday, landing in a steep invest advice stopping just short of a cliff hundreds of feet straight down. >> have report of a female that fell off the west side of horse tooth rock. she fell about 60 feet off the side actually got wedged in between some rocks on the back side. she has ankle injury and minor head injuries. >> reporter: the steep rocky terrain making for a difficult rescue. unable to walk after severely injuring her ankle, the girl strapped on a stretcher is carried delicately by rescuers navigating down an extremely treacherous slope. the rescue and nearly half mile hike back out taking nearly four hours before reaching a rescue helicopter waiting to fly the teen to a hospital, injured but alive. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> she was lucky. >> man, thank goodness she is okay. we turn it over to ginger. severe weather in the forecast. >> almost 100 severe weather reports monday. look at this from south carolina, that stunning lightning strike. to this video out of minnesota. some places around minneapolis had 6 to 7 inches over the weekend and another couple yesterday with damaging wind, hail reported and today, that same cold front will slide to the south and east. if you are anywhere from detroit down through indianapolis, evansville is included, cincinnati too, the biggest threat would be damaging wind and hail and most of it in the afternoon and evening. that's the time period. look for that 4:00 to 7:00 period and see a brief spinup of a tornado, but that's the pocket we're watching. general thunderstorms elsewhere. heat building from the deep south up into the plains. your local forecast is coming up in just 30 seconds. first the tuesday trivia brought to you by myselfies. . a. c. y. '. s. south up into the plains. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. we have cloud cover, and drizzle, and temperatures cooler-than-average this afternoon. look for clouds tonight and drizzle again and as we heads to the weekend we have more dry and warm air. 60's loop the coast into san francisco and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and upper 70's and nearly 80's at the north bay. seven-day outlook shows warming trend begins o it's a question i've had a lot lately and lara asked it. where are we? feeling like it's been pretty chilly. this summer, absolutely. in a lot of place places, great, northeast, has been very cool. you know who is going to get hot and they haven't been the deep south all the way up into the midsouth. tennessee, we're not going to get it. >> we won't get one more -- >> we'll get there end of august, early september. >> not ready to say good-bye. just not ready yet. >> absolutely we get a little cool -- oh, my goodness. i've been chilly too. yes. >> hugs all around. >> holding on to summer. thanks. coming up on "gma," tragic turn in the case of that missing wife of a marine. her body discovered. a suspect in custody. also coming up hero trucker to the rescue. pulling a woman and her grandchild out of a fiery wreck just in the nick of time. he's now speaking out for the first time. then a new warning from the fbi about an alarming kidnapping scam sweeping the country. what you need to know to protect your children. the story going viral behind this picture. the happily married couple. they met years before they actually thought they did. can't shake this off? taylor swift trending so big this morning, our interview with the superstar next. ♪ hey baby i'm just gonna shake ♪ xt. ♪ hey baby i'm just gonna shake ♪ taco bell brought back these ronathem a question...sked would you get a breakfast burrito from a burger place? you don't go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. good point, ronald mcdonald taco bell's new grilled 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near marshall petaluma. a single-engine beach craft crashed after pilots reported having engine trouble last night in a flight from oregon to san carlos. the pilot was died. nobody else was on board. time for a check of morning commute with leyla gulen in the abc7 traffic center. >> as we take a look, this is in san jose, 101 coming up to san jose airport dealing with heavy morning traffic. we also have this accident in san jose. it's on 85 in the northbound direction right at winchester boulevard. we are left with delays out of the park but particularly heavy the farther norte you get in cupertino. >> thanks, leyla. mike nicco as your bay area forecast w you'll connect withnte, your doctor any time, ♪ anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ the drizzle is the story once again. up to 0.07 inch of measurable precipitation but most of that is above 800 feet. mountain view at 63. we have flight and arrival delays into sfo. a about an hour and 9 minutes. 2 to 7 degrees cooler thanks to the marine layer. little drizzle again tonig ♪ gonna be all right because the players play play play and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate ♪ ♪ baby i'm just going to shake shake shake "shake it off" it off ♪ >> brand-new music video from taylor swift for "shake it off." she revealed it late monday. first ever abc yahoo! worldwide live stream live event. >> oh, wow. >> thank you for narrating that part, lara. right after that taylor sat down with amy right there with an abc news exclusive. having fun too. >> it is called "shake it off." shaking your booty is a part of it. >> players gonna play, haters gonna hate. you can't stop singing the song. >> she is so refreshing and self-depp kra indicating and she gets it. all her fans there with her. an incredible rescue caught on camera. a hero truck driver racing to save a woman and small child trapped in this fiery wreck. now we're going to hear from him for the first time. then there's the new warning from the fbi about a frightening kidnapping scam sweeping the country. what you need to know to protect your children beginning this morning. and then also coming up, revealing video. so many people are sharing what the sun is really doing to your skin and how you can limit the damage. you need to see this. >> you have to see this coming up. we'll move to a sad discovery this morning. the body of erin corwin who went missing in california two months ago has been found. a suspect is in custody this morning and abc's brandi hitt has the story. >> reporter: this morning the disappearance of 20-year-old erin corwin with now being called a homicide. >> christopher lee was arrested in anchorage, alaska, for the murder of erin corwin. >> reporter: 24-year-old christopher lee a former marine was reportedly planning on meeting erin, his former neighbor for a hunting trip. the day she disappeared in june. police discovering her body on saturday down a 140-foot behind shaft near her home in twenty nine palms, california? there was some intimate relationship between the two. >> reporter: erin who was three months pregnant when she was last seen alive was first reported missing by her husband, marine lance corporal jonathan corwin when she didn't return from a trip at joshua tree national park. according to a search warrant lee told investigators he initially denied knowing much about erin but later confessed they had kissed. admitting that his wife knew he and erin were becoming too close. friends of erin telling investigators that her unborn child might be lee's. the two also volunteering at this horse ranch. the founder saying she was unaware of any intimate relationship between the two. >> and he did a lot of nice things for the ranch. he was incredible with the horses. >> reporter: last month erin's mother recalled her daughter's passion. >> erin loves animals and she loves to ride her horses. she loved being out here with her husband. >> reporter: but this morning she is asking the public to continue to pray for our family and for justice for erin. lee has not yet entered a plea. if he waives extradition he could be moved from alaska to california in the next month. for "good morning america," brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. >> and now we turn to that incredible rescue caught on dash cam video of a car colliding with a tanker then bursting into flames and the heroic truck driver who riffed his life to save a woman and a young child trapped inside and abc's mara schiavocampo is here with the story. this is incredible video. >> amazing. you called him a hero. that's exactly what he is. that trucker running towards a massive fireball as other drivers steered around it all to help complete strangers. now he's speaking out for the first time. driving disaster captured on a dash cam. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. hang on, hang on. >> reporter: watch as a fireball erupts on the i-10 freeway in gulfport, mississippi. look again as a lincoln town car faying to yield while merging in 70-mile-per-hour traffic collides with an 18-wheeler crashing right into the gas tank. trapped inside the raging fire, a 51-year-old woman and a 1-year-old baby reportedly her grandchild. witnesses feared the worst. >> holy cow. that guy's dead. dude. >> reporter: this morning truck driver david frederickson is being hailed as a hero for immediately springing into action. >> what are you going to do? >> i got a fire extinguisher. >> do you know how to answer it? >> reporter: the answer yes walking with steadfast determination toward the billowing smoke frederickson then aims the extinguisher at the sedan's trunk calming the flames. >> as we were doing that we noticed that there was a lady in the front seat kicking the door trying to get out and when we opened the door, i noticed a 1-year-old little girl in the backseat and she was pretty happy when i grabbed her out of there. >> reporter: frederickson carries the child to safety first. then others join the rescue. watch the man in the white shirt taking the woman away. a group of good samaritans including frederickson's trucking partner. >> we got them both away from the car and it just went up in flames. >> reporter: the fire so devastating it left nothing but charred metal behind. >> i don't know how we all made it through that. >> reporter: police say the woman and toddler suffered only minor injuries. but it was frederickson's quick thinking that saved the day coming to their aid a full two minutes before first responders arrived, time that saved lives. >> when you see something like this, have you no other choice. >> reporter: thanks to a moment of courage. >> now, as for that accident, police say the woman driving the town car was at fault and the traffic report says she was driving without a license. she was ticketed at the scene but when you see that fireball, it's a miracle they weren't hurt. >> it's a miracle they were able to get out of there and he's calm under pressure. >> calm and so fearless. that was really something. >> credited with probably saving their lives. >> of course. >> thanks, mara. ginger right here. what do you got? >> excessive heat building in parts of the plains. let's go ahead -- she says, yay, not here in the northeast. thank you, mara. st. louis, in the 70s but an ex-successistic heat watch. by tomorrow and thursday we'll be looking for some areas to reach 105, the heat indiceindic. we start to see numbers building. dallas well into the 90s, 97 wednesday and thursday. chicago will even feel it. then so cool and atlanta, also making it to 96 by the end of the workweek so august will be feeling a little more like august as we get through the week. we do want to look at the flooding potential back off to the west, though, the next three days shows some of that monsoon flow, even this horng a few flash flood warnings still out there so watching that going through the rest of the day to >> all that weather brought to you by advil. that little mara excitement, so sorry to knock that down. that's my job, though. >> whoa. >> you do it well. >> 105 is too much. >> that's true. >> thanks, ginger. coming up, the new warning from the fbi about an alarming kidnapping scam. what you can do right now to protect your children. then the new way you can bypass some of those long lines at the airports. a new app that can help you get where you're going faster. ♪ so go fact. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil every time you take advil you're taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. the medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil we think they're the 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kidnapping hochs. >> yeah, i'm not going to waste pie time on the phone. >> reporter: there are variations of the scam but here's generally how it works. the caller claims to have kidthatted a loved one then they threaten to do brutal things this was a ransom is paid immediately. in many cases they claim to be members of a drug cartel and order their targets to wire transfer the money to mexico. >> the hopes instead of investing time and try to figure out whether or not it's a legitimate kidnapping that they might be willing just to pay to resolve the problem. >> reporter: maddie montoya recorded part of this call. >> i'm scared. what do you want me to do? >> reporter: claiming the caller threatened to kill her brother if she didn't pay but she didn't fall for it. >> he would kind of tell me things that didn't make sense. >> reporter: but this connecticut couple did posting this video on youtube to warn others. >> we're doing this just to kind of spread the word. >> reporter: now the fbi is warning so-called kidnap hoax scammers have a new target in their sights, doctors. including three people in just one day this week in new mexico. >> he says, guy yag goes, i says, yeah, i have somebody that wants to talk to you and this girl starts screaming help and then i could hear like them pulling her away. >> reporter: last month dr. noel lopez received this frightening call but could sense something wasn't quite right. >> it's me, dad. >> who's me? >> it was scary to get a call like this. >> reporter: it's critical to ask questions, engage in dialogue. >> force the virtual kidnapper to provide you more details which he or she does not have. >> reporter: that could be the key to keeping your money and yourself from being scammed. for "good morning america," linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> you know, the fbi worries a lot of the victims are too embarrassed after their scam to come forward. don't worry about that. you got to come forward. >> ask questions. engage in that dialogue. all right. coming up next, what do these a-list stars right there all have in common? we're going to tell you coming up. and the story behind this picture that's gone super viral. this future couple actually met years before they knew they did. it's confusing. it's amazing, we'll explain. ♪ looks. lowest prices! it's kohl's lowest prices of the season! save big now for back-to-school!... on a new pair of junior's boots. get the lowest prices of the season on guys levi's 511's - $39.99. and fun play wear for the little ones - $6.99 each. get the lowest prices of the season on plush towels - just $3.99 each. and select kitchen electrics are only only $17.99. plus, everyone gets kohl's cash. don't miss kohl's lowest prices of the season! starting wednesday. find your yes. kohl's. worse and worse.rthritis, i had intense joint pain that got then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on 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hand bread it seven times. we rock it seven times. now you may be wondering-why all of the sevens? because it's a lucky number? jack pot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . ♪ story of my life >> talking about this all morning long, an astonishing discovery made by a florida couple that proves a couple of things. the love of your life might be around the corner and greater lesson, love will find a way eventually. abc's gio benitez is in social square with the story. gio. >> good morning again, lara. this might be turning up in your facebook feed this morning. not only because it's so incredibly sweet, but it's also just a wild coincidence and all started with a throwback thursday photo and it just went viral. take a look. call it a cute coincidence or simply meant to be. >> we do have a story and it's a little bit unique and it's got a little magic to. >> reporter: 35-year-old jason roth and his wife jessica have been married for nearly ten years after meeting at a local nightclub in college. >> i thought maybe she was out of my league. >> i don't know who any -- >> turns out this couple's love story began long before college. here they are in preschool where they unknowingly attended the same halloween costume party. that's jason as superman and over there as jeannie, his future bride. >> i called her up, did you ever have a jeannie costume? >> for halloween and i said, i did. >> reporter: about a year after discovering the picture, the couple got engaged using that fortuitous photo as their save the date which read -- in about 20 years he'll turn around and catch his first glimpse of her. on april 9th. she'll say i do. >> everybody when they received them they were like, is this a real picture? >> reporter: today, that couple of kids is now a couple with three kids of their own with a picture-perfect start to their happily ever after. >> everybody has their own love story. >> this is ours. >> oh, we "i luh ya papi" here at abc. so many of you sending your love stories. take a look at that. these people getting married after they were there kissing as kids really. here's another couple. awesome, awesome pictures and we want to know if you married your childhood sweetheart. so go ahead and tweet us your pictures right now and your steers. #socialsquare. >> my mom and dad met when they were 14. my brother and his wife met when they were like 12 and all still married and happy. >> send us your story. hey, coming up day two of the "gma" mash-up. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ ♪ at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse. the only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping. yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse. it helps you escape the scrape. tartar protection rinse. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz? what does it mean to drive as far as you want... for up to three years... and be covered? it means your odometer... is there to record... the memories. during the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event now through september 2nd, you'll get complimentary pre-paid maintenance and may qualify for a two-month payment credit. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. not a halloween bag. box, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. ithought to the acidityh in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. please choose one based oh, no on the cover.n that. here we go... woah! no test rides allowed. i can't show you the inside, but... trust me. are you kidding me? at university of phoenix, we think you should try before you buy. that's why we offer many first time students with limited to no college experience a risk free period. so you can commit to your education with confidence. get started at "good morning america" is brought to you by the university of phoenix. let's get to work. good morning. i'm matt keller. san jose police want to find two different hit-and-run driver who is struck people along the same stretch of center road. a man suffered life-threatening injuries after being hit by a light colored sedan last night, less than 24 hours after a bicyclist was hit sunday night. that victim later died. turning to weather, meteorologist mike nicco has the bay area forecast. >> thanks very much. good morning to you. we look at san rafael, cloud cover over 101 but thankfully the fog is minimal, still patchy drizzle. 60s and 70s around the bay, a few 80s north bay, south bay, inlandese bay. accuweather seven-day forecast, warmer thursday. leyla? b.a.r.t. trains running on time but 21-minute delays into san francisco across the bay bridge. accident northbound side of 17 at hamilton avp. that's causing heavy backups through campbell, so give yourself extra ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. can you really keep your skin safe from the sun? shocking new video revealing the real damage that harmful rays can do. what you need to know to protect yourself. ♪ how do you like me now good-bye photoshop. the major retailer taking the anti-air brushing pledge right now. why the company is saying we all deserve to know the truth. ♪ the eye of the tiger and why does it have to be boys versus girls? the new campaign taking on gender norms. mom celebrating her son's sensitive side. does this redefine what it means to be like a boy? ♪ we're going to may play play we're not shaking this one off. it's our one-on-one abc news exclusive with taylor swift right here as we say -- >> good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] lara fan out there in times square. who else is out there right now? there he is. ansel elgort, what a hot young star right now. "divergent," "the fault in our stars." brand-new movie out with a lot of hollywood a-listers looking forward to talking to him about that. >> we are. so excited about "gma's" mix and mash-up. delicious. our showdown with buzzfeed. it all started when the cronut went viral. now these food experts taking it to a new level and you guys get to vote. it is our summer barbecue challenge. as you can see -- >> emily gloating. >> she won yesterday. will she win again today. >> with that waffle sandwich. pretty good. news first from amy. good morning, everyone. and we begin with the explosive situation escalating overnight in ferguson, missouri. over the police shooting of an unarmed teenager. it was another violent face-off with more tear gas and smoke fired into the crowd. police hit by rocks and bottles. 31 people were arrested. two shot. the first day of school now delayed until next week. police are blaming the clashes on outside instigators coming in from as far away as california. another wildfire is raging out of control near yosemite national park. thousands have been ordered to evacuate. fire swept through this 30,000-gallon propane tank storage site. hundreds of hopes and businesses are in danger. several of them already damaged or destroyed. in boston, this peeping tom was caught peeking through a bedroom womindow of a woman whi she was in the shower. her boyfriend caught him lurking twice before and boston police are on the lookout. a top new york city official tweeted out a secret she hopes will help other women. city council speaker melissa mark-viverito has revealed she has hpv. that's a sexually transmitted disease that is known to cause cervical cancer. she is hoping to help destigmatize the virus. and houston's first ever quintuplets are going off to college together. the diaz family is dropping off their kids, all five of them at the university of north texas to tart their freshmen year. luckily it's just one trip for mom and dad. unluckily, that's five tuitions all at the same time. and finally, just call them the comeback kids. chicago's jackie robinson west little leaguers, the scrappy underdogs, so many have been pulling for, they beat the odds with an 8-7 victory over rhode island and with that they stay alive in the little league world series. today they face pearland, texas. i feel like all of america was rooting for that team. i hope we helped them. >> tough to see those tears, though. >> somebody has to lose but everyone loves the underdog story. >> that is you truth. >> thanks, amy. we turn to that viral video revealing the hidden dangers of sun damage. an artist using a special uv camera exposes what's happening below the surface of your skin and may have you think twice about sunscreen and dr. jen ashton has the story. >> reporter: it's the shocking video burning up the internet with more than 9 million views and counting. uv light showing what skin looks like from the inside out. the difference like night and day. photographer thomas leveritt hoping his video will shed light on the importance of sunscreen. watch as these people apply sunscreen to their faces. the lotion appearing on his video as solid black streaks. he says this shows that sunscreen can block uv rays. >> i think what's interesting about the uv camera is it shows you exactly how effective sunscreen can be. >> reporter: one in five americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime and while this video only shows a small sample of different ethnic backgrounds dermatologists say everyone is susceptible. >> everyone should have their skin checked once a year. a lot of spots, check more often. >> reporter: something i know all too well exposed to the sun at an early age. i was a lifeguard when i was a teenager. i recently had five moles removed. one on my hippo tensionally precancerous. >> it is truly never too late. studies show if you use sunscreen every day all year round that you lower manhattan your risk of skin cancer and aging by over 20%. >> reporter: for "good morning america," dr. jennifer ashton, abc news, new york? one more reason to use it. >> and reapply. you know, as i always like to share that. "pop news" and weather coming up. gio is over in the social square with the "morning menu." >> here's what's coming up. guys on your "morning menu" and "pop news" we reveal what these a-lister all have in common besides being famous. of course, the new app that can speed up your trip through the airport. and tips to help you big on a hotel for your last-minute summer getaway, all that and day two of our mix and mash-up from buzzfeed. can't wait to see the crazy creations in here. all coming up on "gma" live in times square. ♪ "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by nexium. new nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription. this is the kind of chicken your mom would make if she hand breaded chicken that was delivered right to her door. and if she had a pressure cooker in her kitchen. and if she knew the combination to the vault in kentucky where they keep colonel sanders' secret recipe. yep! this is the kind of chicken she would make, but she doesn't have to-it's done! you're welcome, mom. ♪ we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and veggies you're cool... reworking the menu. mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. ♪ coming up the moms celebrating their sons' sensitive side. are they reredefining what it's like to be a boy. taylor swift, what she revealed about her close friends and what fuels her creativity. ♪ break break break to you... they're more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll it's broad spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix ll for the love of dog on verizon's 4g lte network? samsung galaxy s5 go! go! take the outside! aw man. not again... oh yes. again. for the win! because you need performance that matters. wow. when it really matters. please stop. get the best devices on verizon, america's largest and most reliable network. like the samsung galaxy s5 now on rollback. the tech you want. online and in-store. save money. live better. walmart. a deep ache all over. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can do more of what i love. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. wow.'s your vacation in a word... and here's the sale to match. royal caribbean's wow sale ends tomorrow. get up to two hundred dollars in onboard credit and a fifty percent reduced deposit during our biggest sale of the summer. call today. ♪ ♪ but with you i see your face and there's nothing like i've ever known before love is open door ♪ >> look at this mother/daughter duo. >> i love her. ♪ love is an open door >> you know the song "love is a open door" from "frozen" and boy can they belt it cute. >> she's ready for her close-up. >> the mom says she's seen a lot of negativity online and wanted to brighten people's day. >> i would say, mission accomplished and we thank you. >> we do thank you very much. that is fantastic. ♪ are you crazy set the bar high for you in "pop news." >> another good one for parents coming up but first the als ice bucket challenge shifted into overdrive monday as hollywood's a-list accepted the challenge. kerry washington getting soaked for a good reason. there you can, kerry. >> julia louis-dreyfus embracing the craze. ben affleck getting drenched by his wife jennifer garner and then, oops. dunking her himself and britney spears joining in. >> chris hemsworth, there you go taking one for the team all done in the spirit of raising awareness and, guys, i actually got challenged by a 7-year-old super fan, "gma" super fan, aidan, i'll do that today. >> i would like to point out every single person had their shirt on. michael strahan -- >> gio, it's optional. that's what we're saying. >> might be in a mickey suit. who said fanny packs aren't m manly? the dude of all dudes math think mcconaughey sported one. "dallas buyers club" star admits he is a big fan of the slow slung pouch there. he says, quote, i'm not afraid of the fanny pack. got to put it on the side to make it a little less nerdy but practicality wins out every time. >> he can make anything look good. >> only he can get away with it. >> george stephanopoulos does it tomorrow. >> all right, all right, all right. it all works. >> thanks. this morning, one little girl taking a stand against parental crankiness with the best note ever. it's going viral. take a look. little khloe wrote this suggesting they consider an attitude adjustment if they want her them to read with her before bedtime writing "it seems you both are a little overly strict tonight. therefore, i do not wish to read with you tonight. but if you change your attitude, i will be glad to. good night. >> that's fabulous. >> that's a great letter. >> i want to see her in 20 years. >> i was just thinking future ceo without a doubt. >> taking control. "heat index" coming up. thank you, gio. first ginger has the weather. >> wow. okay, so we're out here. i've been talking way too much. all my new friends, lock at this from connecticut, chicago. all from chicago. a couple of birthdays within so we'll be learning all about that throughout the morning but also want to say good morning to boston because it's a little chilly up in massachusetts. just above 60 degrees. plenty of sunshine and that cooler weather going to stick. even though lots of others will warm up as we go into the midweek and beyond some of the numbers, new york city back to a cold front making a stay in the upper 70s. boston, same deal. lots of rain on the southern side of that but for now that's the big picture. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. we have cloud cover, and drizzle, and temperatures cooler-than-average this afternoon. look for clouds tonight and drizzle again and as we heads to the weekend we have more dry and warm air. 60's loop the coast into san francisco and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and upper 70's and nearly 80's at the north bay. seven-day outlook shows warming trend begins on >> so we saw a sign that says, i love lara spencer. what do you love about her? >> she's pretty. >> she's pretty. she's smart. we love so much more about our friend. good morning to all my friends here because they love me. let's get inside. >> way to start your day. >> i'm going to come out and say hi. >> we agree. "heat index" time right now. we start out with moncloth making waveses as the first to take an anti-airbrushing campaign. they won't remove or enhance any physical features on models in advertisements and if it turns out the models have been photoshopped they have agreed to label the images. here's what they're saying. we all deserve to know the truth. this is really catching on. >> i think it's a great idea. i love it. >> i can't imagine anyone having a problem with this. like how could this be wrong? it's perfect. >> if you take a picture of me feel free to airbrush it. >> i'll be happy to put a disclaimer down. >> i think in advertising it is great. this is what a body looks like. >> agreed. agreed. agreed. >> okay. also in our "heat index," a new app that could help you skip those long lines and fly through the airport. no pun intended. okay, yes, it was intended. it's called mobile passport and it lets you bypass endless lines that long passport control, go through customs all virtually. all you have to do is fill out a profile. take a selfie and submit it -- your info straight to u.s. customs via the app. getting a trial run in atlanta right now as you're nodding yes. >> just there. >> it's expected to roll out towards the end of the year. what do you think? >> i'm in. yeah, absolutely. >> 100%. >> anything that takes a little bit of 9 stress. >> especially when you have your kids in tow as we all know. also coming up in our "heat index" one of the top stories from "new york" magazine's website sharing the secret to falling asleep faster and sleeping better. this one i'm having a tough time agreeing with. they say keeping a foot or both feet outside of your blanket -- >> i do that. >> before you fall asleep. >> it's true. >> i want to burrow in before -- that if your body temperature starts to drop and in the deepest stages of your sleep your body is at its coolest so some scientists believe the cooler temperatures cause the sleepiness and your feet are especially designed to help you dissipate body heat but it's funny because i -- >> i'm with you. >> i put my hands under the pillow and wrap myself in a cocoon. >> i do that too but the one foot -- >> to go to sleep i have to -- >> all of us, it's worth a try. >> you'll see a lot of feet hanging out. coming up tex on our "heat index" it's been said boys will be boys but now a new take on the popular like a girl ad campaign is rethinking what it means to be like a boy. from abc's juju chang. >> reporter: with 47 million clicks and counting, the like a girl ad campaign from always sparking a conversation. >> why can't run like a girl also mean win the race? >> now a gender twist is taking that conversation even further. >> along that whilst, creator of the mommy shorts loved the message so much she asked her readers to submit photos of their daughters. >> let's post pictures of all the amazing things our daughters do with the like a girl hashtag. >> but something unexpected happened. >> my readers started posting pictures of their sons doing so-called feminine things. >> reporter: soon her blog was flooded with pictures of little boys proudly displaying their feminine side from putting on polish to playing with dolls. all with the defiant hashtag like a boy. >> we would never want someone to tell our girls they can't do the same thing boys do. but when it comes to boys we limit them to what we think are the right things for little boys to do and the right ways for little boys to act and we have to ask is that really fair? >> just want that green dress? >> reporter: heather posted this picture of her 2-year-old twin boys playing princess with their 4-year-old sister. >> that's what my boys do. they emulate their sister and it was actually very refreshing to see other people out there with boys doing things just like my boys do because sometimes you question if it's normal. >> reporter: the north carolina mom says her boys who love dinosaurs as much as tea parties are helping redefine what it means to be like a boy. >> i really think that the hash tag should have been like a kid. because it's what kids do. they're just using their imagination, they're in an age of thns and just having fun. >> reporter: for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york. >> i love that. like a kid. >> summed it up really well. >> why do you have to define what it is? then mommy shorts blogger alana wiles says "housework and child care isn't girlie. it's what makes a good man and a strong family and every little boy should be handed a doll and a toy vacuum." >> you got to do those chores when you move into your own apartment, guys. >> right? >> i can't get my girls to do the housework either so -- >> that's just, quote, being like a kid. amy with a big story. next up on "heat index" our abc exclusive with taylor swift. the pop megastar setting social media on fire on monday. in fact, take a look at these twitter trends and they are still trending right now. taylor swift is, just many related to her revealing a new southern music video and album and then after her huge live announcement i was able to sit down with the seven-time grammy winner. she took the digital world by storm. along with our partners at yahoo! connecting with fans around the world. >> we have people from brazil to canada to norway. >> reporter: and bringing many so of her most loyal fans swauled swifties together for three exciting announcements. >> i have a new song i'm going to play you in like 30 seconds. this album is called "1989." i think it's time we should just play the music video. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake "shake it off" it off ♪ ♪ heartbreak is gonna break break break ♪ ♪ and i think it's gonna fake fake fake ♪ ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake it off ♪ >> it's so fantastic. we know why you wrote it of your lyrics are telling but it's so applicable to anyone and everyone. who were you talking to and what is your message in the song? >> the message in the song is a problem i think we all deal with and an issue we deal with on a daily basis, we don't live just in a celebrity takedown culture. we live in a takedown culture. people will find anything about you and twist it to where it's weird or wrong or annoying or strange or bad. you have to not only live your life in spite of people who don't understand you, you have to have more fun than they do. >> i like that. that's a great way to look at it. [ applause ] so you shake it off and you shake your booty. >> you can shake really anything. there's so many things, hair, hand, hips, ankles. [ laughter ] >> i watched the video. it's fantastic, by the way. how great is the video? [ cheers and applause ] you put a lot of work into it. three days of shooting. >> yes, we did do three case of shooting to get that exquisite dance performance from me but it was so fantastic. >> 24 is something, a song when i heard it just now, it sounded like that song that you wanted played at the end of a wedding. >> oh, my god, yes. that is what i wanted it to be. >> it's like the last dance, yes. >> that is so -- did somebody tell you i said that. >> no, no one told me to say that. >> stop. that's so cool you said that. >> yes, because it's like what you want the deejay to play at the end of the night. >> we were talking about that in the studio -- i said we need drums that make even the person who's having a terrible night at a wedding -- and she's like i'm not in the mood to dance and it comes on, oh, this is my song. this is my song. that's the dream. >> we all see how important girlfriends are to you. >> uh-huh. >> and you love to post pictures on instagram, social media and you're with people who are also in successful creative endeavors. how do you choose your friends? >> i choose my friends based on people who i have things in common with, i think. or people who challenge me. honestly i think that there's something really inspiring about being around people who know what they want, people who are passionate about something. you want to be around like smart, exciting people. i think that just -- that brings you up. >> she has a lot of friends. she also has a lot of fans and it's great because at the end of that music video she brought in a hundred of her fans and they were all dancing along with her and the most amazing part about it is they kept it a secret for two months. they couldn't tell anyone that they were in it and she didn't make them sign any waivers or any -- and they dit. they kept her secret for her. that's how devoted they were to her and get this amazing appearance and a really -- isn't that such a -- >> great fun. >> you brought out the best -- i want to ask how old is she again. >> she's 24. >> it's amazing. >> she's so wise i think she's had to grow up really fast. that's what happens when you grow up in front of a national -- actually a worldwide audience of you take a lot of flack and i loved her message. have more fun than the haters. >> she's an awesome role model. great job. i loved ha. >> i loved her and she was a pleasure and just so much fun and i'm so rooting for her on this new album because i love the name of it, "1989." what a good year, right? we all remember it fondly. maybe gio doesn't. >> you were 4. >> 4. >> you know what -- >> "1989." >> taylor swift. >> that's true. she was born in 1989. "1989" will be out on october 27th and we should mention she's going to be back to perform on "gma" that day. >> we'll have a big crowd that day. >> so lucky in times square, get ready. we have photos from taylor's worldwide live stream right now on on yahoo! check that out. but coming up first there are friends from buzzfeed. game faces on all hoping to beat the cronut as the next big thing. . good morning. i'm matt keller. we're following developing news in the north bay where a deadly plane crash sparked a brush fire. that fire continued to burn near marshall, petaluma, and hicks valley road. a single-engeneral beach craft crashed after a pilot reported engine trouble last night from oregon to san carlos. the pilot died. nobody else was on board. time for an update on your morning commute with leyla gulen. >> thanks so much, matt. as we look at what's happening across the bay area, we have plenty of traffic out there but we also have this accident involving a motorcycle in the clearing stages. it happened westbound on 80 at university avenue. it's causing pressure on 580 as well as you head out of richmond towards the hoffman split. once you get into emeryville, you will be back on the breaks slow into san francisco on the bay bridge. matt? >> thanks, leyla. meteorologist mike nicco will join was the bay area forecast is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. can you t! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. good morning. current conditions, in case you're leaving the house or gym or wherever, school, upper 50s north bay, san francisco, half moon bay, low to mid-60s elsewhere. sfo still one hour and nine minute delays, a little drizzle falling also. temperatures today nir from 2 to 7 degrees cooler than average. your accuweather seven-day forecast, more drizzle tonight, but that should dry up thursday with the warmer weather that's ♪ wait for it wait for the buildup and then let's do it again ♪ ♪ don't care what they say it hurts so good ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i don't wanna stop i know i should but let's do it again ♪ check out the music superstar collaboration, royksopp & robyn performing "do it again." it is their hot new single gone straight to number one on the billboard dance electronic chart. cannot wait to hear more from them this morning. >> cannot wait and we have breakout star ansel elgort. there's ansel at our twitter mirror with an exclusive sneak peek of his star-studded new movie. so many big names in that movie from adam sandler to jen garner. we'll talk to him coming up. >> had a little problem with the twitter mirror. plus, a big honor for danny moda and julia roberts, the recipients of the humanitarian award from glstn, the gay lesbian and straight education network for their work in "the normal heart," which depicts the early days of the aids epidemic in new york city and "dancing with the stars" five-time champion derek hough will also be honored with the inspiration award for speaking out against bullying in his new memoir "taking the lead." the awards will be held on october 17th in los angeles and tickets are on sale right now. >> we got a new soundtrack right now. >> yes. ♪ >> i don't know where it came from. day two of our "gma's mix and mash-up." you've seen the mash-ups, the cronut, the rame nchn burger and on monday they have breakfast food. viewers voted and the big win went to emily with her waffle brown sandwich -- that's not it. there it is right there. we have the favorites and the expert foodies are back. here they are rachel, christina, emily, come on out. [ cheers and applause ] and, rachel, why don't you start us off? >> so -- [ cheers and applause ] here we've got chili, mac and cheese fries, which is exactly what is sounds like. we got some awesome suggestions about using mac and cheese and fries. why not one-up chili cheese fries and put it all together. >> looks great. emily, what do you got? i'm sorry. not emily. christina, you're next. [ cheers and applause ] >> i have a seven-layer potaco salad. potaco. >> potaco, got it. >> it's awesome. it's a potato salad on the bottom and potato salad is great, but it can get boring so we put it underneath a seven-layer dip with refried beans and guacamole and cheese on top. >> emily, what do you have today, the defending champ? >> this is a pimento cheeseburger corn dog. a lot of viewers tweeted us that they wanted to us do a burger hybrid, so we took a burger, we stuffed it with pimento cheese and then we battered and fried it like a corn dog. >> oh, amy can't get enough of that. amy grew up on pimento cheese. and? >> it's so good. >> she is in emily's corner. okay. all of you at home that have seen all three of today's mash-ups, go to our website to vote at on yahoo! we're going to reveal our second finalist at the end of the show, so get your vote in right now. amy, i know you're eating a corn dog but you got work to do. >> i know. i have to take a break for a second, george. it's really good. summer is winding down, but there is still time for a quick vacation. and this morning we have ways to help you save big on your stay. "the new york times" is revealing how you can unlock hidden discounts on hotel rooms, and abc's paula faris has the story. ♪ >> reporter: looking for a last-minute summer getaway but on a tight budget? well, you're in luck. seth kugel, the "the new york times" frugal travel columnist has the top tips for major hotel savings. how much can you expect to save by booking your hotel this way? >> from 10%, 25%, once in a while you'll get up to 40% or 50%. >> reporter: first up, get the lay of the land and search booking sites for prices. then get ready to do the search again. >> you want to make sure you go on to a comparison site like kayak and trivago. some sites will have discounts for certain chains or places or certain dates and other ones won't. >> reporter: next up, a package deal can save you loads of cash but there's a catch. >> you can't have a crazy itinerary, so if it's the week in the caribbean or you are going to l.a. for a wedding, that's when you're going to look for a package deal. >> reporter: some of the deepest discounts come on opaque websites like priceline and hotwire. you decide the hotel star level and general geographic area and then you bid. >> what you're giving up is the ability to choose your exact hotel, and i wouldn't want to take a romantic trip to paris and end up in, you know, some horrible chain. >> reporter: and once you've chosen a hotel, call them. tell them you're about to reserve on a third-party website and ask if they'll give you a discount if you book directly through the hotel. oftentimes they will. for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> and one more money-saving tip is you'll have a refundable hotel reservation, keep checking last-minute deal sites as you get closer to your vacation. if you find a better one buy it and cancel your reservation. we'll toast our corn dog burgers or whatever these things are called. >> it is. corn bog burger and we just need a little bit more cheese, which we'll be getting to but i wanted to say good morning. sorry i have a half eaten corn dog in your face. your birthday. what is your name? >> jala. >> it's so nice to have you in times square. welcome, everybody. let's check the forecast. we've got some beautiful photos. well, this one maybe you don't think is beautiful but cottonwood, arizona, had hail. you can even see it on the tops of some of the mountains and panama city beach. now, that's pretty as you have a beautiful one but let me tell you the heat, yeah, it's up there. the humidity too. that humidity, someone said to me feels like you're breathing through a straw or that you need a straw to breathe through because it's like water surrounding you. the heat all building in corporation crispy today. corpus christi, uh-oh. crispy, i have doughnuts on the brain. that's the big picture. we have to put the corn dogs down. >> i know where i'm putting mine. it's going away very soon. coming up, one of hollywood's hottest young actors, ansel elgort, is here with an exclusive sneak peek of his new movie. ♪ ♪ ansel elgort has starred in not one but two star films this year, "divergent" and "the fault in our stars," and now he's joining an ensemble cast from "men, women & children" and so happy to have hollywood's latest young heartthrob, i dare say. i'm sorry to embarrass you. but it's true. right? i mean, it's been quite a year. >> it's been a really amazing year, yeah, for sure. like this is what i love to do and it's all working out and it's amazing. yeah. >> and you started in earnest acting at about age 14. >> yeah, well, i mean i started performing when i was like 9 in ballet actually and then it all sort of -- one thing led to another and at 14 i went to laguardia high school in new york city for acting and i graduated and i missed graduation and doing my first movie "carrie" and went to "divergent," "the fault in our stars" and then this movie "men, women & children." we're premiering the trailer today. >> thank you for bringing it. >> totally. >> what can you tell us about the movie? >> well, this movie is really special to me and the whole cast. i think it tells a really important story which hasn't been told yet. the world has changed so much in the past few years with social media and the internet and how it affected us and how we communicate with people and the way that we have relationships in general, both romantic or just friendships, and that's what this movie is about. how social media has changed that and the internet has changed that. >> so what do you think? should we give everybody the exclusive first look? >> yeah, let's do it. >> it's different. there's no spoken words here. >> okay, i haven't seen it yet so this is my first look too. >> okay, well, for all of us, let's go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. makes you want to watch more. >> yeah. >> discover the little you know about the people you know. it's interesting. >> yeah. >> and that's sort of the bottom line of this film. >> yeah, well, i mean, one thing that our director jason said was that it's so funny, in this world now where all we do is connect, connect on our phone how like we're starting to disconnect and my character is one of the few characters you see in the shot right here, i'm not on -- i wasn't on my phone, i'm actually walking through the hallway without and everyone else is on their phone and sort of like overexaggerates what's happening but kind of not. everyone is always on their phone. >> i was just on vacation and so, so many on a beautiful hike and everybody was taking pictures and videos instead of being on the hike. >> exactly. that's what you see all the time and i hope this movie encourages people to look out again and instead of looking down. >> you mentioned before the ballet thing. i loved reading that about you. you proudly own it. very nice. i also took bali. >> it's been a while. >> i have the natural duck feet out. would you ever consider incorporating ballet into movies? have you been offered any roles? >> i'm excited because i think i have a long career ahead of me. i'm only 20 so i hope that throughout my career i can do a lot of different things and show the versatility that i have like from my training from when i was younger. but, you know, i don't think you should show all your tricks right away because then, you know -- >> interesting. >> -- everyone knows what you have. i think it's fun to maybe like do something and surprise people in the future. >> the tricks you have shown this year alone have been pretty tremendous. >> oh, thank you very much. >> you're such a lovely person. >> thank you. >> it's really a pleasure and i wish you nothing but the best and the film looks really spectacular. you had so many questions from our fans. let me just ask you one. >> sure. >> this is from manda, and she says, "what made you want to start acting?" >> manda, probably what made me want to start acting, i loved performing in general and loved being on stage, but then there was something so honest about being able to become someone totally different and very interesting. you know, human nature is such an interesting thing. i think acting when it really gets down to it is becoming someone else and living through them and telling a story, and i think that's what this movie really does, and this character is so different than me, and it was a real challenge but our director jason ryman who directed "juno," "thank you for not smoking," amazing, and i really trusted him and let him shape my performance and become someone else. >> you showed us one more of your tricks. >> exactly. >> many more to come for you. ansel elgort, thank you so very much for being here and thanks for sharing that sneak peek. catch ansel in "men, women & children" when it opens in october. you can watch the full trailer right now at on yahoo! so check it out and then eyes back up. the superstar collaboration royksopp & robyn here live to perform. so stay with us. ♪ do it again ♪ we do what we want and as soon it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. ♪ ♪ [ applause ] it's time now for a superstar collaboration. grammy nominated electronic music duo, royksopp and dance pop star robyn, they have teamed up to create a mini album, "do it again" that went straight to number one on the billboard dance electronic album chart. welcome, and i'm here with svein and torbjorn of royksopp and robyn. you have successful careers. what made you want to collaborate? >> we have good chemistry. >> we like each other. >> yeah. >> those are all good reasons. and i know you've been touring together in the united states and in europe and i heard you had a huge show, hollywood, in los angeles. how has the response been to the new music? >> it's been overwhelming. it's just thank you to everybody. >> yeah, we're happy. >> you're very happy and we're all happy listening to it. i know royksopp is working on a new album. but can we expect more collaborations in the future? >> i'm sure. >> yeah, yeah, sure, if you want. >> why not? i say why not and you know what, i think why not get to the music because that's why we're all here anyway, so from their chart-topping mini album, here's royksopp and robyn performing the title track "do it again." ♪ [ applause ] ♪ one more time let's do it again blow my mind do it again ♪ ♪ and then arrives the moment before the anticipation you know it's like um-um-um ♪ ♪ wait for it wait for the buildup and then let's do it again ♪ ♪ don't care what they say it hurts so good ♪ ♪ i don't wanna stop i know i should but let's do it again ♪ ♪ one more time yeah let's do it again the thing you did you do it again ♪ ♪ and when it arrives the moment before the anticipation you know it's like um-um-um ♪ ♪ wait for it wait for the buildup and then let's do it again ♪ ♪ we do what we want and as soon as it's done we just do it again ♪ ♪ let's do it all and when we come down we just do it again ♪ ♪ don't care what they say it hurts so good i don't wanna stop i know i should ♪ ♪ we should not be friends we'll just do it again if you stay around we'll just do it again ♪ ♪ we should not be friends no we'll just do it again if you stay around we'll just do it again ♪ ♪ ♪ let's do it again don't care what they say it hurts so good it hurts so good ♪ ♪ i don't wanna stop i know i should but let's do it again ♪ [ cheers and applause ] hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... 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[ cheers and applause ] no one can stop you. one more day of competition ahead. tomorrow it's all about the dessert mash-ups. >> yep. >> so tweet us your suggestions with the #gmamashup and get all the recipes on our website, on yahoo! >> can we do it? can we get a three-peat. tomorrow, pierce brosnan and a new appliance that will help you save big on dry cleaning. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns. which means managi) especially during a drought. learn to save water and money at ♪ at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ you could be hanging ten. what are you waiting for? (announcer) get up to 40% off labor day hotels at travelocity. good morning. i'm matt keller. b.a.r.t. is experiencing delays. leyla has more. there's a major delay at milbury in the richmond direction due to a problem being investigated by pg&e. caltrain will honor b.a.r.t. tickets between millbrae and san francisco's cane and fourth station due to a power outage. also an injury crash on san jose at 280 at stevens creek. good morning, everybody. still dealing with cloud cover, flight/arrival delay into sfo, oakland, san jose running on time. low to mid-60s along the coast into san francisco, low to mid-70s around the bay. we may get a few eighty up north and even more inland east bay. accuweather seven-day forecast, more drizzle tomorrow. the afternoon will be a lot like today, drier and warmer thursday. matt? >> thanks, mike. announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, one of the hottest actresses around, emma stone. and kelly and michael take on the national spelling bee champs. plus, from tv's "the fosters," actress maie mitchell. and funny man howie mandel is here. plus, your chance to win a summer escape to a resort in utah. all next on "live!" [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan!


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140821

rules for the game and will rihanna, coldplay or katy perry rules for the game and will rihanna, coldplay or katy perry pay what it takes to win? and we do say good morning, america. did you watch the little league world series last night? oh, it was so much fun. it was a tough game, though, for mo'ne davis. she did strike out six but faced a very tough nevada team, so they went down in defeat, but today, those kids from philly are going to face off against that other team from the south side of chicago that is really capturing -- two heartthrob stories but nevada was very good last night. >> very good team. a lot more on that. but the breaking news, there's the hospital in atlanta where the two americans infected with ebola have been treated for nearly three weeks. dr. kent brantly is going home this morning. we're going to learn more about nancy writebol's discharge. abc's steve osunsami is in atlanta with the latest. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, george. nancy writebol and her family have asked for privacy and will not attend a news conference scheduled later today. dr. kent brantly will attend that news conference, take no questions, and then he and his family, we're told, plan to disappear. this morning, dr. kent brantly, the missionary doctor sick with ebola finally going home to the arms of his loved ones. dr. brantly and nancy writebol were serving god and saving lives in the ebola war at this field hospital in liberia when they got sick. both were flown to this atlanta hospital. brantley was strong enough to be walked into the building nearly three weeks ago. both are being released. the disease has claimed the lives of more than 1300 people in west africa. the deadliest outbreak in history. but with the right care, about 40% of ebola patients survive. >> the key here is excellent nursing, frequent vital signs, fixing problems. >> reporter: it took an elaborate rescue mission to fly the two missionaries stateside. experts say brantley still has plenty of healing ahead of him. the most common issue joint and muscle pain which can last for years. >> it's pretty common for people after a bad infection to be very fatigued, maybe to have muscle and joint aches and that certainly can happen after ebola virus. >> reporter: doctors say that after three weeks, ebola patients who beat the disease can no longer spread it easily. the virus no longer appears in the blood or saliva, but there is evidence it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse for up to three months. just this past saturday, brantly was still in the isolation unit separated from his family by a clear wall and an intercom telling abc news in a statement "as my treatment continues in the isolation unit, i'm recovering in every way. i hold on to the hope of a sweet reunion with my wife, children and family in the near future." throughout their ordeal both of these missionaries have tried to put the focus on the crisis that's taking place in west africa, which so far has not spread west. george. >> boy, they've handled this with such dignity. >> they have and they have put the focus exactly where steve said but i'm so happy they're heading home and doing well. now to new details about that shocking execution of american james foley by isis terrorists. his abductors demanding that huge ransom, more than $100 million. and u.s. special forces recently launching a secret mission to try to rescue him. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross has been following this for us. good morning, brian. >> well, good morning, robin. this morning the white house will face new questions about what went wrong with that mission to rescue them over the july 4th weekend. officials tell abc news several dozen special operation forces carried out the bold attempt only to find no hostages when they arrived. for the families of james foley and the other u.s. hostages, it was more heartbreaking news of what could have been. this morning, authorities could be closing in on the identity of the hooded executioner using a database of known jihadists to look for a match with his eyes, his hands and most telling his voice with what british authorities call a distinctive london accent. >> you have plotted against us and gone far out of your way to find reasons to interfere in our affairs. >> reporter: the director. of the fbi said he is determined to find foley's killers. >> these savages have turned it into a homicide investigation. >> reporter: and there are new details today about foley's harsh treatment while in captivity provided to abc news by one of his former fellow hostages, french journalist nicolas henin. >> he was kind of a scapegoat. every time there would be a round of kicks and punches, he would get a bit more than the others typically. >> reporter: of the several u.s. hostages, foley was picked as the first to be executed. his kidnappers sent word to his family and bosses at "globalpost" last week that they intended to kill him. >> we responded to it and pleaded with them not to take that action. clearly they didn't listen to us. >> reporter: as the outrage over the scene spreads across the world, the vatican said pope francis intends to call foley's parents today to offer his condolences for their brave son. >> he was strong, courageous, loving to the end. i mean, we just highly recognize our little boy. i mean, he just -- he was just a hero, you know. >> and you know from the videos that his last words were, "i wish i had more time to see my family." >> reporter: there was no further word today and growing concern about the fate of the other american hostage shown on the video, steven sotloff who the isis group also threatened to kill if the u.s. bombing in iraq continues as it is. >> what more about this huge ransom they were demanding? >> it was 100 million euros which is about $130 million and the boss of foley at "globalpost" said they never took it seriously. >> they didn't, all right. thank you, brian. let's get more from our chief global affairs correspondent, martha raddatz in washington. martha, we saw the president saying yesterday the united states would do whatever it takes to defeat isis. secretary of state john kerry says isil must be destroyed, will be crushed. the question, how? >> reporter: well, the u.s. will certainly not let up on those air strikes in iraq because of the threat from isis, in fact, options have been presented to intensify the air strikes in iraq to help, as the president has said, contain isis. there have already been close to 100 air strikes in iraq. the administration will also seek out partners in the fight, but there is another aspect to this, and that is intelligence. this changes the whole dynamic. turning on an even more robust intelligence gathering, moving drones, surveillance aircraft into the region in greater numberss, but what we really lack is people on the ground to gather intelligence and a broader strategy, say critics, to get to the root of the problem, george. >> you talk about a broader strategy. what about expanding the battlefield? is it possible the united states will start bombing sites in syria to try to draw in iran and syria against isis? >> reporter: well, the president has always made clear that if it is determined that someone or some group poses an imminent threat to the u.s., the u.s. will act. that has been the case in pakistan, yemen and would not be ruled out in syria especially given jim foley's murder. >> okay, martha raddatz, thanks very much. all right there, george. now to the latest from ferguson. tensions easing somewhat overnight. police calling it a very good night and the reason they say that is that arrests were down significantly. only six people arrested. this after attorney general eric holder met with the family of michael brown. abc's alex perez is in ferguson and has the latest. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, robin. authorities say this is the first time since those violent protests began that they've had a night this calm. all this as the grand jury begins reviewing evidence. overnight, thunderstorms seemingly dampening the crowds in ferguson. >> there were no molotov cocktails tonight, no fires, no shootings. >> reporter: but tensions still running high. police evacuating supporters of officer darren wilson following tense exchanges with other protesters supporting the unarmed teen he killed, michael brown. this as newly released images show a heated conflict tuesday night. >> my hands are up, bro. >> reporter: a police officer pointing a gun at a demonstrator and threatening to shoot him. >> hands up or i'll [ expletive ] kill you. >> reporter: that officer suspended indefinitely. attorney general eric holder visiting ferguson yesterday trying to ease the unrest. >> people know that a federal thorough investigation is being done. >> reporter: holder also meeting with brown's family as a grand jury met for the first time hearing evidence that could lead to charges against officer wilson. >> they will have absolutely everything that there is, every piece of paper, every photograph. >> reporter: this new cell phone video could be key to wilson's defense, a witness heard in the background saying brown was shot while walking towards police. >> the next thing i know he's coming back toward the police. >> reporter: abc news also learning from a source close to officer wilson that wilson suffered a serious facial injury during the confrontation, and prosecutors say the grand jury will get to hear officer wilson's account of what exactly happened. it could be eight weeks before a decision on charges is known. robin. >> at the least, all right, alex, thank you. let's go to amy now for the other top storying developing. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with a stunning navy investigation into cheating by sailors. at least 34 sailors are being thrown out of the service for cheating on exams to become instructors at a nuclear power training site. that cheating ring operated for at least seven years, none of the sailors were involved in the handling of nuclear weapons. and a serious escalation in the middle east overnight. hamas confirming an intense israeli air strike has killed three of its top military leaders. israeli leaders saying their operation will not stop until hamas stops firing rockets into israel. and here in new york, palestinian supporters unfurled this huge banner from the manhattan bridge. this is the second recent security breach on a bridge. you will remember the concern after some artists scaled the brooklyn bridge planting two white flags. well, bank of america has agreed to pay a record penalty nearly $17 billion. the bank will also admit to misleading investors. the fine settles accusations of selling faulty mortgage bonds before the financial crisis. well, hostess is closing the original twinkie factory in illinois where twinkies have been baked for 84 years. about 400 workers will be affected. twinkies will be made at three other plants. and some good news about hall of fame quarterback jim kelly. he is cancer-free. the buffalo bills legend underwent radiation and chemotherapy in his fight against sinus cancer. his doctor says it is possible no further treatment will be needed. congratulations to him, indeed. and an airline mechanic getting praise with this photo. there he is helping navy vet taylor morris who lost both of his arms and legs in afghanistan. morris twisted his leg out of place at the las vegas airport but his special wrench was in his checked bag, and that's when keith dufner came to his rescue. and caught on video off the florida gulf coast a four-foot shark, okay, that's scary enough. but wait until you see a giant grouper swallowing the shark in just one bite. groupers can grow to eight feet long and nearly 700 pounds. wow. all right. finally a pop culture icon is going big time literally. this giant rubber duckie will lead more than a dozen battleships and sailboats into the port of los angeles this afternoon to kick off the tall ships festival. this duckie may look squeezable like the one you have or perhaps still have in your bathtub. it's actually made of steel, and it weighs about 11 tons, but it sure is cute. >> yeah. >> cute steel. 11 tons. >> looks squeezable. >> huge. >> thanks, amy. we're going to turn now to the desperate search for two missing mothers in indiana. they disappeared five weeks and less than 20 miles apart in similar circumstances, and now police are trying to figure out if the incidents are related. abc's linzie janis has the story. >> reporter: this morning, police say they are actively investigating any possible connection between the disappearances of these two young indiana mothers. 30-year-old joelle lockwood and 27-year-old kristy kelley disappearing within weeks of each other. >> it doesn't happen frequently that we have two women of the same age group that go missing around the same time. >> reporter: kelley was last seen leaving a boonville veterans club around 1:30 friday morning. this surveillance footage shows what police believe is kelley's car heading in the direction of her home. >> there's been no activity on her bank accounts, no evidence pointing towards any type of a struggle. >> reporter: less than 20 miles away in evansville, joelle lockwood was last seen by friends leaving a house on july 9th. she too gone without a trace. >> it's been difficult to keep one foot in front of the other, but we are doing that, and we will find our daughter. >> reporter: so far, police say they have nothing linking the two women, but investigators on both cases are comparing notes daily. >> just knowing that our daughter is out there and we can't get to her, it's very, very, very rough. >> reporter: both families pleading for the public's help reassuring their grandchildren they won't stop searching. >> we have told the children that their mother is missing, we are looking for their mother and that we will continue to look for their mother. >> anybody that's a parent, i hope no one ever has to go through this nightmare. >> and if someone does have her, i just beg you, beg you, please bring our daughter home. >> reporter: for "good morning america," linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> let's hope this attention helps. >> we do hope that helps. lara, little league world series so exciting this year. >> yeah, the action continues, guys. the little league world series is on. mo'ne davis will be back in action today after a rough night. her team will be going head to head with another favorite from the south side of chicago, and abc's gio benitez is at the stadium in south williamsport, pennsylvania, with all the news. good morning to you, gio. >> reporter: oh, good morning, lara. you're right. she did have a rough game. but tonight we're going to be talking about the two teams that have just captivated this nation showing everyone that the little leagues, they're pretty major. tonight, two of the most talked about teams in the little league world series coming face to face and only one will continue on. south side chicago's jackie robinson west team defying the odds, the first little league team from chicago to make it to the world series in 31 years, becoming a social media craze and beacons of hope for some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country. >> it's over. a complete game. >> reporter: on the other bench philadelphia's taney dragons and their star, mo'ne davis, now gracing the cover of this week's "sports illustrated." she made history with a pitch perfect game friday. the first shutout by a girl in series history. overnight davis took to the mound again with more than 34,000 fans in the stands. far more than ten major league games played on the same day. even the newly elected mlb commissioner attended the game. >> 1-2. laced into right center. >> reporter: but in the end it was a disappointing loss against las vegas. davis taken off the pitcher's mound early in the game and moved to first base. >> she, you know, didn't have her "a" game today but she's certainly entitled to it. >> reporter: and now strict little league rules say she can't pitch for two full days, which means at tonight's game, we'll only see her at bat or covering the bases. her legions of fans behind her all the way. who are you here to see? >> all: mo'ne! >> so again she can't pitch tonight. those are the rules, but if the taney dragons win tonight's game, they will play saturday night, and you can bet mo'ne davis will be back on that pitcher's mound and, guys, we're going to be watching. >> yeah. >> no pressure. >> so much pressure on such a young girl. >> she's really handling it well. >> i want both teams to win tonight. >> i know. >> can you arrange that? >> a tie, does that happen? >> look at those big crowds they're playing to in williamsport. >> it's fantastic. >> it is. >> ginger, you got hail all over the country. >> yes, more than 150 severe storm reports yesterday, and we have this time-lapse video out of iowa that we just thought was stunning. shelf cloud and all the lightning in the background. some of it coming out of kentucky, some in tennessee. we did not hear of any injuries but looking at another morning already very eruptive in parts of iowa, minnesota and wisconsin. already with severe thunderstorm watches and strong storms in the mid-atlantic but here's that elevated risk area for severe storms from minneapolis to des moines. we include chicago, remember, the atmosphere will destabilize again this afternoon. you could see it in indianapolis all the way down to cincinnati, grand rapids, michigan, included there too. again this afternoon. i am your meteorologist, expect a warmer afternoon with clouds early and a seasonal pattern into the week end. highs are typical for summer with 60's loan the coast and 70 along the bay and 80's inland. tons of sunshine throughout the day. the seven-day forecast shows sunshine today and upper 80's inland and a seasonal pattern the prosecute of >> coming up i'm going to show you why we got this out, scorcher because it is one for a lot of folks today. >> not here, though. all right, ginger, thank you. coming up, the shocking allegation against a former yale graduate and "jeopardy" contestant charged with viciously attacking the wife of a virginia politician. also ahead, a major setback for anna nicole smith's estate. a judge ruling on her lawsuit of her late husband's fortune. tens of millions of dollars at stake. plus, the young man lucky to be alive after a terrifying hiking accident. how he used his training as a gymnast to save his own life. and our big "dancing with the stars" reveal. who will be the new fourth judge? well, we have the answer ahead. it's in our huge "gma" live event. you don't want to miss it. ♪ ere was a credit car new car smellhere the t and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that 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[ male announcer ] hurry in for labor day deals. i've been claritin clear for 8 days. at the first sign of your allergies, doctors recommended taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days! 14 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. guy from tv-slash-steak eater-slash-steak lover. i want a cut that's tender, that's juicy and that's aged just right. and that's exactly what i have with these all-natural steaks from walmart. and here's a tip to serve 'em up right - steaks, like kids, need naptime. i'm totally serious. after grilling, give your steaks a 10-minute nap before slicing and every bite will taste like a dream. get out there and throw one on the grill today! try all-natural steaks from walmart today. they're 100% guaranteed or your money back. investigators want to know if fire works sparked a fire in oakland overnight. 34 people out of their homes. it broke out on international boulevard near 23rd avenue just before 11:00 last night. nobody was hurt. witnesses say they heard fire works moments before the fire began. check on traffic this morning. trouble, leyla. >> lots of trouble, eric. it looks like usual business here. very busy from emeryville. we have this sigalert. however, this is in los altos. heavier backup due to an oil slick there. we take you into crockett, head-on collision at the refinery at lincoln and cummings. eric? >> leyla, thank you very much. when we i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma. 67 for half moon bay, 68 for san francisco. 70s in the east bay and inland locations, nice and warm today. 88 the high, antioch. 84 for concord and 86 for fairfield. accuweather seven-day forecast will show you we're warm inland at 88. and then seasonal by the weekend. ♪ ♪ steamy salsa from meryl and maks. they were the champs. big new twist this season, though. the stars will be judged by not three, but four judges and this morning, we're going to reveal who that new judge will be right here on "good morning america." >> i love that. to be revealed here on "gma." >> you did a little judging. >> oh, so much fun. whoever it is, they're going to be in great hands. also this morning, anna nicole smith back in the news. a federal judge making a major ruling on her late husband's fortune. tens of millions of dollars at stake for the late model's daughter. plus, the startling and remarkable story of a 21-year-old hiker who plumbed 100 feet and survived. how his training as a gymnast helped him stick the landing and save his life. it's an amazing story and then also you remember that first day of school being excited, a little bit scared maybe. well, now we're getting a fascinating new look at what it's like from a first grader's perspective. his parents strapping a gopro to his chest. it's really sweet and it will really open your eyes. >> his first day will be a little different with a gopro on his chest. >> a little. great video. okay. we're going to begin with the bizarre story of an ivy league educated woman and former "jeopardy" contestant charged with beating a politician's wife. claire ogilvie had become obsessed with the family and trouble broke out. linsey davis has the story. >> reporter: a lot scratching their hides on this. she was a know it all when it came to answering trivia but this morning one big question remains unanswered, why did this former ivy league grad who not only competed on "jeopardy" but also "who wants to be a millionaire?" allegedly attack a woman who's been described as a close family friend? >> claire? >> what is love? >> the only jeopardy claire ogilvie is facing this morning is the legal kind. far cry from her days competing on game shows. >> you said who is fidel castroey you are right. >> reporter: ogilvie is awaiting trial on charges she broke into the home of virginia state lawmaker david toscano and viciously assaulted his wife nancy tramontin. court documents allege ogilvie, a former patent attorney and high school teacher snuck into the home in february orred with a deadly weapon. she's now in jail charged with breaking and entering while armed, abduction and malicious wounding with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable or kill. so far ogilvie has not entered a plea. her attorney declining bail. >> there are reasons, you know, every case is different. this is a case where we felt that it was in our best interest also not to ask for bond. >> reporter: in a written statement to the "charlottesville daily progress" represen reps say she met them on a sea cruise in 2010 where the yale grad was tutoring their son and they remained friends but according to the statement, in 2012 nancy became concerned that ms. ogilvie had developed an unsettling interest in the toscano family and the family reduced their contact beginning in the early summer and saw her for the last time in fall of 2012. experts say that may be what caused ogilvie to allegedly act out. it's a pattern they've seen before. >> it's very common in stalking when the stalker feels rejected that's often when they will turn to violence. >> reporter: attorneys for both parties declined abc news' request for comment and prosecutors say until ogilvie's hearing on september 17th, the record will remain sealed. you can't help but think there's a lot more going on. >> thanks. now to the late anna nicole smith and a key ruling in the seemingly endless legal battle over her late billionaire's fortune. tens of millions of dollars at stake for smith's daughter and sole heir, dannielynn. abc's cecilia vega has that story for us. >> still don't know what's going to happy but happy with what came out. >> reporter: a battle that has raged on for nearly 20 years but this morning, one chapter in the legal tug-of-war between the estates of anna nicole smith and her late oil tycoon husband is finally over. a judge rejecting a bid by smith's camp in federal court to win about $44 million from the estate of texas billionaire j. howard marshall saying in a new ruling the fight has lasted nearly 20 times the length of their marriage. >> my husband is not alive to testify. >> reporter: 89-year-old marshall died in 1995, about a year after marrying then 26-year-old smith leaving her nothing in his will. >> i lost my sheep. ♪ anna >> reporter: smith fought for a chunk of that fortune until her death from a drug overdose seven years ago. smith's estate continues the battle. >> my mommy. >> reporter: her daughter and heir dannielynn is now 7 and living in rural kentucky with her dad larry birkhead. he told abc news last year they're staying out of the court fight. >> i worry about my financial situation and that, you know, the lights are on, the groceries and i don't worry about that. >> reporter: the case has gone on for so long most of the main players have died. smith, marshall and marshall's son e. pierce marshall who fought the former "playboy" model from getting a dime of his father's fortune. >> it's cost a tremendous amount of money to litigate these claims and hopefully soon all of the litigation will be concluded and we can put this case behind us. >> reporter: this morning smith's estate is not commenting but they are heading back to court. this time in texas where there are potentially still millions more at stake. for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. and we turn now to a colorado man lucky to be alive this morning. all thanks to his skill as a gymnast. he plunged 100 feet while hiking and somehow managed to land on his feet and michelle franzen has this incredible survival story. >> we'll be climbing over there. >> reporter: this is the hike that's about to turn horrifying. >> there was a hiker nearby me that fell off one of the steeper cliffs. i can see blood. >> reporter: 21-year-old dylan schuetz plumbing 100 feet while hiking in colorado last week with two of his friends. >> to see him tumbling down the cliff -- >> reporter: tumbling head first, death almost certain until schuetz, a gymnastic teacher does something incredible. just like he's done at the gym countless times he flips midair and manages to land on his feet. >> then he spots his landing and then kind of does a flip, front flip over himself. >> reporter: but schuetz was out of the woods yet breaking both of his legs and ankles in the fall and puncturing a lung, his frightened friends trying desperately to keep him conscious until help arrived. >> just keep talking to him. do everything that you can to keep him alive and going and just have hope. >> reporter: this morning, schuetz's recovering at colorado hospital with another surgery coming up friday. his mother says he plans never to hike again. but he vows to make it back to the sport that he loves, and the one that may have saved his life. >> i the doctor asked him if he wants to do gymnastics again, he said, yeah, he said so we'll get you there. >> reporter: for "good morning america," michelle franzen, abc news, new york. >> wow. to have the presence of mind like that in tumbling -- >> i like that, stick with the gymnastics, no more mountains. >> wish him all the best. time again for the weather and it's hot, hot, hot you say. >> we're talking oppressive heat. can we tart in panama city? it is one place with a heat advisory, parts of ten states have it. it looks nice but starting at 80 degrees. really the heat plus the humidity that gives you the heat advisories in so many places. look what it will feel like. the heat index more than 100 for so many cities later this afternoon, 102 is what it will feel like in memphis, kansas city, 102. even up into parts of indiana, evansville, a heat index 100 at highs around the region summertime spread 60's loan the coast, 70's inland and 80's in fairfield and antioch. the seven-day outlook shows warmer inland and >> all that weather brought to you by berocca. this is like dripping in august heat. >> triple digits. >> look at all those 100s. >> okay, ginger, thanks. coming up, the super bowl ha halftime show. you know how big that is. how the nfl is changing the rules for possible performers rihanna to katy perry. could having a big wedding be the key to a longer and happier marriage? new research on that this morning ♪ that look in your eyes sharpn. oh yeah! early morning meeting? no problem. 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[ siri ] oh no, i cannot do that. oh, and remind me to get roses when i'm near any flower shop. sure thing. remind you when you get to flower shop. i can't do that either. cortana, it's gonna be a great night. [ beep ] oh wow! thanks for the traffic alert. i better get going. now that is a smart phone. ♪ oh, wait ♪ it's 'cause you make me smile ♪ use your target debit or credit redcard for an extra 5% off our every day low prices. ♪ back now at 7:42 with stunning news about the super bowl halftime show. the nfl reportedly asking musical acts like cold play, for example, to pay for the privilege of performing but it looks like big names are not exactly buying into that idea. abc's mara schiavocampo has our story. ♪ >> reporter: the super bowl halftime show. the biggest stage in music. bruno mars and the red hot chili peppers attracting 115 million viewers this year, more than the game itself. double the audience of the academy awards and triple that of the grammys. for the nfl, you can't put a price tag on that kind of exposure so artists are not paid for the gig. but next year, money just might change hands and probably not the way you'd think. according to "the wall street journal" the league reached out to top picks rihanna. ♪ shine bright like a diamond >> reporter: katy perry. sfoets are you ready for ♪ >> reporter: and coldplay asking if some of the artists would pay the league for the privilege of performing. >> the super bowl is the mother lode of publicity for any band. the nfl's thinking could be, well, if we're going to offer this, we're going to get something in return. >> reporter: the nfl does cover production and travel expenses for the show which can top $1 million. and though artists don't get a check, the performance often leads to a big payday, boosting album and ticket sales. sales for beyonce and destiny's child albums jumped 40% the week after last we're super bowl. ♪ ♪ my body too bootylicious >> reporter: they want to see if the artists will contribute some of that windfall to the league. a spokesperson for the nfl tells abc news their goal is to put on the best show for the millions of fans who watch and contract arrangements with artists are confidential. we reached out to katy perry, rihanna and coldplay but they didn't comment on the auroras. >> requests like this could backfire. the very upper echelon offing as doesn't want to have to pay to perform. >> reporter: for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> so we want to hear from you. should performers pay to play at the super bowl? tweet us, #socialsquare. interesting question. a lot of viewers potentially a lot of sales. want to hear what you think. >> it will be interesting. coming up could this be a case of selfie incrimination? how the snapshot may help police solve a scary home invasion. the live event. robin knows how tough it is to judge on the show. we'll reveal the new addition this morning. >> it's not me! it can bring out the worst in people. but the m-class scans for danger, corrects for lane drifting, and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. it is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. for tomorrow is another fight. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. unwind with tide, downy, and bounce. when you're awake and can't sleep an ounce, the sweet dreams collection is so relaxing, so you can tuck in and turn off after a day oh so taxing. tide, downy, and bounce. official products of the national sleep foundation. want for dinner? 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"good morning america" brought to you by kellogg's special k. what will you gain when you lose? good morning. i'm kristen sze. police are investigating a shooting at lito way, a man suffered a severe gunshot wound. doctors expect him to survive. no arrests have been made. meteorologist drew tuma is here with your forecast. drew? >> turning to sunshine in our typical summer spread, 60s for the high along the coast. 70s along the east bay. we'll see 80s inland. accuweather seven-day forecast seasonal through the weekend. we look right now at your drive, 680 looking quite slow out here out of pleasant hill. the farther south you get, you are going to find this accident is in the clearing stages of stone valley road. lanes blocked here northbound side. you're going to find those bumper to bumper lights and southbound into elmo. y is a jou, and this journey will keep you on the edge of your seat all summer long during the emirates airline us open series. don't miss your chance to see some of the top players in the world battle it out to see who's best. 5 weeks. 8 tournaments. 8 cities. which champion will prevail, which new hero will emerge? this is your chance to find out. for complete tv listings go to ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life. good morning, america. it's 8:00 and the first day back to school like you've never seen from a child's point of view and it might just change the way you send them off. ♪ it's a beautiful night could a big fat wedding be the secret to a happy marriage? >> oopa. new research revealing the size of your wedding could make you happier. the key to losing weight. the mom revealing the surprising technique that mesmerized her into losing 140 pounds. wait until you see how she looks now. ♪ i got a feeling we got a feeling this could be great. the brand-new judge tangoing into "dancing with the stars" so who is joining bruno, len and carrie ann? we're revealing it live here. all that and vine superstar shawn mendes with devoted fans taking over times square as we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ >> the iphones are out. everyone waiting and there he is. shawn mendes, 16-year-old singing sensation. his fans have been screaming lining up all night long getting a chance to see him. he'll be singing. taking fan questions from vine. >> long faces are outside right here also big shawn mendes fans and they're like, how did they get up there? there's only so much room in the end but we want to make sure they got on, as well so we're looking forward to that. >> he's huge. >> i know. just 16 years old. i sound like my mother right now. that's a nice young man. he really is. >> oh, oh, did you know about this? there's a new judge for the upcoming season of "dancing with the stars". >> i hadn't heard, robin. >> you never go online. who could that be? >> maks? >> how about a little clue. the judge, this person is "footloose and fancy free." >> a great silhouette. >> you can tell it's a she. >> could be either. could be deceiving. >> that's right. >> but there has been a lot of speculation. >> there has? a lot of talk of who it might be. >> we'll clear it up. >> i'm excited. ho is that silhouette. robin, look. >> ah. >> wow! >> go big or go home we like to say on "gma." we built a tennis court in times square. you may have also heard it's time for the u.s. open, everybody. >> yay. >> and the bryan brothers and victoria azarenka are all here. we'll have a little tutorial. we'll get out and do a little volleying lesson. >> we are? >> you have to do it with this. no high heels and no giant racks. >> how happy are you about the u.s. opening starting? i don't know of a bigger tennis fan than lara spencer. >> matches my enthuchl. i play moediocre all the time. >> we'll defor ourselves a little later. we turn to amy for the stories. good morning, everyone. we begin with breaking news about the two americans infected with ebola. dr. kent brantly is being released and plans to make a public statement and then retreat with his family. brantley and nancy writebol were infected while working at a missionary hospital in liberia. both have been getting treatment in isolation at emory. and there is now a global effort to find the isis militant seen executing james foley. analysts are paying particular attention to what british authorities call the hooded man's london accent. military sources tell a failed attempt to rescue foley was carried out by u.s. special forces over july 4th weekend. foley's bosses say they never took it seriously. it was the demand for more than $100 million ransom to spare foley's life. well, u.p.s. is warning that some of its customers' credit and debit information may have been exposed about i a computer virus. thousands of transactions are at risk. but the company says it is not aware of any fraud due to the attack. and we are learning new details about robin williams' final resting place. the death certificate says williams was cremated and his ashes were scattered on his beloved san francisco bay according to online reports. well, tennessee high school senior kendra turner says she was suspended after saying "bless you" to a friend who sneezed in class. school officials claim she shouted it across the classroom disrupting the lesson. all right. finally, kids are apparently getting less from the tooth fairy these days. new research by visa says that on average the little ones are getting about $3.40 per tooth. that's down 8% from last year. who knew that the tooth fairy was suffering from a recession, as we. by the way, that's more than my i had c kids get. it's usually around 2 bucks. >> post -- one has a tooth. it's worth less at another house. >> wah-wah. >> i got 25 cents so, you know. >> such a wild leap. >> bringing it back. >> math. i'm just thinking. >> thank you, ginger. if you're planning your wedding, you might not want to cut back on the guest list. when it comes to your big day bigger could mean a bigger marriage according to a new study. abc's linzie janis has more. >> reporter: ah, the tress of planning a wedding. it's enough to pull your big fat greek hair out. >> do we have to go in? >> reporter: but even if a large formal walk down the aisle ends in a bride war, you may still be on the path to marital bliss. according to a new study by the national marriage project, couples with 150 guests or more at their wedding reported having higher quality marriages than those who had smaller big days. >> the number of guests at one's wedding might also reflect the amount of support that the couple has for their relationship. >> reporter: the study wasn't able to account for a number of factors like the wallet size of the father of the bride. >> is that dollars, $1200? >> reporter: or if the weddings cost as much as a kardashian's and some couples like "sex and the city" big and carrie who never made it through the front door of their wedding. >> i let the wedding get bigger than big. >> reporter: may disagree but the authors say the more wedding witnesses, the more likely couples will commit. just one more reason to consider adding some extra bridesmaids to the party. ♪ don't you know >> reporter: for "good morning america," linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> so what do you think of that? >> i think it makes sense. the whole idea behind weddings is have the whole community supporting you. >> right, right. >> and strengthening that bond. >> i agree. "pop news" and weather coming up. now lara has the "morning menu" over in the social square. >> i do, indeed. here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first the remarkable story of a woman who lost 140 pounds by thinking herself thin. plus, the new fourth judge on "dancing with the stars." we'll reveal her coming up. then breakout vine sensation shawn mendes is with us. all that coming up live on "good morning america" here in times square. ♪ hi, guys. hi. how are you? hi. [ cheers and applause ] >> how are you? 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[ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. spoons! which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. coming up, shawn mendes performs live. there he is. we have one of his fans posting this question to him. >> hey, shawn, i was wondering what your idea of a perfect date is. >> we're going to get his answer ahead. he's not going to answer it right this second. we'll reveal "dance's" new judge. ♪ i'm mona and i'm beth and we raced around the world on a reality show. you may know us, we were the roller derby moms. and our families are super competitive. so when we heard walmart's clothes were better than ever, we had to put 'em to the test. i love that the clothes can stand up to the kids and this avia line is awesome. we're pretty tough, and these clothes are really keeping up with us. fit, style, performance. discover the look of quality backed by our satisfaction guarantee. available at walmart and save money, live better. walmart. not a halloween bag. box, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. good. i hate surprises. surprise! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. uh, hi. i'm here to drop off my password? . i'm sorry, i'm just here to what's the password. uh,synergy? datafication! gamification! university of phoenix has had alumni at every fortune 100 company... we can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. make your burgers with 100% beef. like this that i picked up at walmart. don't move 'em, and definitely don't press 'em down with a spatula. just flip it once, and you're on your way to burger bliss. try ground beef from walmart. it's 100% guaranteed or your money back. ♪ welcome back, everyone. time for that audience outside. can't wait to hear shawn mendes. that's why they are here. we hoe that to be the case. but in the meantime, let's give them some news that pops. >> news that pop, here it comes. we begin with this, it's just been announced robin williams will be honored at this year's emmy awards. the executive producer, don mischer has chosen williams' good friend billy crystal to lead the tribute saying he was the obvious choice. the first time crystal has spoken out about williams death other than one tweet he sent out that simply read, no words. the 2014 emmy awards will air this coming monday night and that is sure to be a tearjerker. >> yes, so special. >> so missed. from u.s. open to open mike. tennis champ serena williams took center stage at a karaoke aevent serving up her rendition of "dimes are a girl's best friend". >> can we hear it? >> yes. ♪ >> oh, there was some more. >> there you go. ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> she's got a good voice, guys. ♪ best friend >> oh, yeah. >> she's got the pipes. now serena will warm up her stroke, to the her volkle chords going after her third straight u.s. open title, the number one seed going into the final grand slam of the year and all the action begins august 25th and we will be talking about that coming up here on "good morning america." rob robin and i outside we have set up a tennis court and the bryan brothers are with us to give us a little preview and maybe a little lesson. >> wow. could use that. >> there they are right there. >> court smack dab -- we put everything in times square. >> that's how it goes. that's just a good life. finally, guys, you know, it's thursday, the workweek, almost over. that alarm clock. just getting on your last nerve, right? all you want to do is sleep. [ alarm clock going off [ . >> oh. >> oh, buddy, i understand. i did that same thing this morning. let's ask her. clearly not a morning dog. he is in no mood and i think we can all relate to that. >> everybody will be in no mood. >> i'm getting up? you're getting up. the video already got 400,000 views. he's so upset. >> make it stop. >> turn the alarm off already. that's "pop news." >> get get over to the snooze button. >> his paw can't get it. >> cranky canine. >> yeah, you know. >> all right, lara, thank you. the "heat index" is coming up but first ginger has another check of the weather outside. >> i keep that snooze button on my phone right on my stomach and keep hitting it. a check of the forecast. how about chicago? stormy and you can see it there but i wanted to share with you too rain in parts of the country will be heavy at times. look at the next couple of day, charleston right in the heart of it. i am your meteorologist, expect a warmer afternoon with clouds early and a seasonal pattern into the week end. highs are typical for summer with 60's loan the coast and 70 along the bay and 80's inland. tons of sunshine throughout the day. the seven-day forecast shows sunshine today and upper 80's inland and a seasonal pattern the prosecute of -- the >> well maybe you caught it last week. we're starting something new, a "gma" sunshine moment. it has its own hash tag and today it has something to do with shawn mendes. can you see this? we have a live shot of what's going to be part of it. yes, someone from this crowd outside is going to be going inside to see shawn mendes. we will tell you who that is coming up in the next half hour. let's get inside to you guys. >> i love that idea, ginger. that's great. she'll be doing that from time to time surprising folks in different ways. first up on our "heat index," so many children going back to school right now as you know. this morning, we're getting a look at just what that experience is like through the eyes of a first grader. oh, this is adorable. abc's rebecca jarvis has the story. >> reporter: pop quiz, what's really going on behind those closed doors on the first day of school? take a look at this. it's the world through the eyes of 6-year-old andrew weber. >> we wanted to see what it was like to be a kid, a first grader at mcfarlane park on the first day of school. >> reporter: so his parents had him wear a gopro to his tampa, florida, school on day one. watch here as andrew walks down the hall to his classroom and here's andrew going in for a hug from his nice new teacher. >> want a hug? >> it's a little scary for the little guy. >> i was impressed with what the perspective was of a 3 foot something child, how big everything was. the furniture, how big adults were, how big some of the other kids in school and i think we sort of forget that perspective. >> reporter: here he is in front of the entire classroom all eyes on andrew but he says that gopro made him the most popular kid in school. >> my friends wanted to wear it. like, i warrant to wear it. >> reporter: for may it's a huge insight into that age-old question how was your day. >> i have that challenge every day when i pick my children up from school. tell me about your favorite part of school and i always get that one word answer. now i know maybe different kinds of questions to ask about their friends. >> reporter: andrew's teacher and principal also pro gopro. >> on the first day of school everybody has nerves and jitters and it was exciting to see what the kids felt. >> i thought about from the child's perspective what it looked like, what they were experiencing, the social skills, the developmental skills. >> reporter: for "good morning america," rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> nice perspective. >> i love that. i would love to have that perspective of my kids' days at school. next up in our "heat index." remarkable weight loss story. lost 140 pounds and kept it off for years and she said she thought herself thin and juju chang explains. >> reporter: is this the new weight loss secret? tricking your mind into thinking you had gastric bypass? imagine instantly craving healthy foods instead of junk. >> all i wanted was spinach. it was the craziest feeling in the whole wide world. >> reporter: that's what happened to julie evans, the overwhelmed mom of two little ones who used to weigh 287 pounds. >> i was the biggest skeptic whatsoever. >> reporter: there's reason to be skeptical because the 35-year-old says the trick to shedding 140 pounds was hypnosis. >> i haven't had fast food since. i don't even crave it. >> reporter: but back in 2006 she ate fast food and junk food every day. it wasn't until a vacation to hawaii that she realized she was too embarrassed to show her body. it was time for a change. >> i'm like, this is holding me back from living. >> reporter: her mom convinced her to try hypnosis. skeptical julie went to a seminar featuring reena greenberg. >> we have a lot of old patterns bombarding the mind and we're rewriting the script. >> reporter: she says she has clients visualize pushing a plate away because you're no longer hungry and going to the game instead of binging on cookies. julie said it changed the way she ate after just one session. >> i would pause and think about what i'm putting inside of me. >> reporter: still, critics say it won't work for everyone. but it's not like you're saying hypnosis is a crock. >> not at all. >> reporter: but that you're not -- this is unproven. >> it's unproven and it doesn't work for all and the studies do show you have to believe it's going to work for it to work. >> reporter: now she's going to the gym for the first time in her life and listens to hypnosis cds when she feels she's getting off track and kept the weight off for years and to the skeptics she says, don't judge till you've tried it. >> i do think you have to have an open mind and you have to be willing to listen and be open-minded. >> reporter: for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york. >> yes! whoo-hoo. >> don't judge. whatever works for somebody works for somebody. >> if you can change your behavior, great. we've been waiting for this moment. i know you have been too. "dancing with the stars" is changing it up this season adding a fourth judge to the table. it is finally time to find out who it is. so come on out. ♪ tonight's going to be a good, good night ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> yes. >> yay! >> hey. how are you guys? >> look at you. >> how is it going. >> good to see. >> you good to see you. >> two-time champion. you know what it takes to win this thing, the mirrorball. >> it's been a few years since i've been back but obviously the guest judging for the last couple of seasons but, yeah, it's been a while since i've been back. i'm excited. >> why did you want to do this. >> oh, my gosh, well, "dancing with the stars" is always been a part of my family. that's where it all began for me so it just kind of made sense and, you know, when i think about what derek and i just did this summer on tour with move live on tour reconnecting with the fans and just the people that have supported me from day one from "dancing with the stars," it just felt like the right time and the right kind of opportunity -- >> what are you most excited about. >> oh, my goodness. i think just joining len and carrie ann and bruno, you know, robin, how fun it is on that panel and sometimes it's a little nerve-racking but it's fun too so i think the camaraderie between the judges and, of course, being a part of the show again. >> having been on that dance floor, now that you're judging do you ever want to hop over the table and show them how to get it done? >> oh, maybe not show them how to get it done but definitely the urge of dancing again, definitely comes back. i mean, that's, again, partly why i wanted to be a part of the show again was just being back on the road and everything just gave me that extra bit of oomph to start the whole dancing thing again. >> i have to ask what you are anticipating when it cops to judging your very own brother, derek, who is now -- do you think you'll be tougher on him because you won't want to show bias. >> you know, i think that's a very valid question. i think that it's going to be how it was when i guest judged. it's not necessarily about derek and the pro dancer. it's about a collaboration, the team effort. what they're doing as a partnership and really the celebrity and what they can do to improve each week. yes, i am known to be a little honest and a little direct but i think that that's kind of my role as a judge in this because, you know, i want to see people improve. it's never with malicious intent but it's because i've been on the other side and i do want to be able to give criticism that they can take and learn and grow from. >> it's fun to see the celebrities get better and better each week and they take that advice and they're looking for constructive criticism. >> absolutely and like i said i've been there but also, you know, back in -- when i was 10 years old i was competing and living in london and going to bla blackpool and world champions so i hope that whatever knowledge that i do have, it comes with grace and heart so -- >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> welcome back. we reveal the stars of season 19 september 4th. . we have breaking news. a double homicide in mill valley. two men are found dead of apparent gunshot wounds. we have a crew on the way to the scene and will have a full report on abc 7 news at 11:00 this morning. let's check in with leyla to see how your commute is going. >> we have problems this morning. lots of traffic out there. now we have this, an accident that is blocking at least one lane as you're traveling southbound along highway 101 near candlestick park and paul avenue. heavy bumper to bumper traffic causing pressure along 280 as well as you leave daly city. slow and go on 280 and northbound side 101 as you try to make it to san francisco, have you company out there. kristin? >> leyla, i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns. which means managi) especially during a drought. learn to save water and money at >> i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma. expect temperatures in the mid 60s along the water of the bay in the mid 70s and inland. still much warmer than we were yesterday. 84 in concord. accuweather seven-day forecast, today, warm inland upper 80s. bay in the low 80s. coast in the mid 60s. minor dip tomorrow and very seasonal temperature through the weekend and next ♪ we don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes ♪ ♪ because we don't have the time to be sorry ♪ ♪ so baby be the life of the party i'm telling you to take your shot in life it might be scary ♪ ♪ and hearts are gonna break ♪ because we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party ♪ >> wow. >> all right, shawn. [ applause ] >> whoo! >> good. >> hey, shawn, thank you for being here and for coming downstairs. i know you'll be performing upstairs, but these young fans have been out here for hours to see you. >> i know. it's amazing. they're incredible. >> and you're very sweet to do that, so shawn mendes. >> thank you. >> his hit, "life of the party." you've seen him on vine. so much more ahead with shawn coming up. >> what a voice. >> yeah, a wonderful voice. and then we're heading out to the "gma" tennis court in the middle of times square. we set up a legit court, and there they are, the bryan brothers, the dukes of doubles. >> look at them. >> they are rock stars, and robin and i are going to have a little tennis fun with them and talk about the u.s. open. >> yeah. oh, and the reason that -- the reason josh brolin is here, he's having some fun over at the twitter mirror. he's going to tell us all about his new movie. george is going to talk to him in just a couple of minutes. having a tough time figuring it out. thanks, josh. and the big reveal for "star wars" fans out there. we want everyone to look at the jumbotron. there it is, you're looking at "star wars: commander" from disney interactive. and when you play the game, you can join the rebel alliance or be a part of the galactic empire. >> oh, yeah. >> we asked you which side you'd join, and 56% say they would join princess leia, han solo and chewy while 44% are all about the empire. this is a way to bring it back home from exploring new planets to battling the bad guys from your iphone, your i pad or your ipod touch all from the apple store starting now, so, parents, get ready. have to pull those devices off my kids -- >> get ready for it. now we're going to head over to george with josh. >> from the twitter mirror, josh brolin right here. made a career out of playing tough guys with a tender side, and in his new film, "sin city: a dame to kill for," he plays a private investigator tangled up with that dame. take a look. >> i'm in hell, dwight. it's worse than you can imagine. >> you made your bed. sleep in it. >> forgive me, darling, i beg you. >> no. >> i love you. >> no. no. no! you do that again, i swear to hell i'll kill you. >> that's one confused guy right there, josh brolen. >> excellent kiss there. >> let's get in the mood. >> okay. >> we'll play "sin city" right here. there we are, black and white. not bad. just for you. >> bring your voice down. you got to talk like this. >> yeah. your voice is way down. >> yeah, but you have to do it through the segment. >> i have to do that, have to go down like that? that's as low as -- >> hi, i'm george stephanopoulos. hi, how are you? we have josh brolin with us here. how are you? >> great. how are you? >> really well. >> this is really something. you are in the ultimate co-dependent relationship in this movie. >> i am. it is. it is the quintessential co-dependent relationship, and i get to do it with this amazing french actress who i get to kiss and get a little taste of french in there. she's amazing. i mean, she was very nervous. you know, she -- it's like it's green screen, all this stuff. it's very different. >> you've worked with green screens before, obviously "men in black." >> this is different. >> you go in there and literal ly the corner of the whole warehouse is green. you shoot in one part of the warehouse the whole time, so you go in and, say, i'm driving a car. there will be a steering shaft or steering wheel, three green apple boxes, and you're surrounded by green the whole time, so you don't really know what you're doing until you see the movie. >> yeah. how does it affect how you act? what do you have to do differently? >> resort to imagination. you don't. you resort to his, frank miller's drawings, and robert rodriguez is sitting there, and he's a very inspired guy and he's saying, okay, this is on a cliff and you're tortured here and now you're going to kiss ava, and you're kind of like a puppet. you know, he's the grand master puppeteer, and you're doing what he says, and then you see the movie, and you go, this is what we did? this is amazing. >> you're also in a big action movie this summer, "guardians of the galaxy." >> that was fun. that was fun. that was a good decision. >> i'll bet it was. >> i didn't know until later. i didn't. no, we went to comic-con. and they had me do this thing. they did this avengers panel and they said, look, kevin goes, put on this gaunt let in your hand. you know, i'm picturing myself a serious actor and they go, put a gauntlet on your hand and you go out there, and there's 7,000 fans, and then you actually do it, and people go insane. >> crazy. >> they go insane and the fact they accept you as this character means everything. critics don't mean anything at this point and the fans, if you don't get it right, you won't last long. >> if they accept you, it means you're coming back. >> which i have a feeling i am. i'm glad the movie did as well as it did. >> oh, good we got a little bit of news there. it's throwback thursday. i could not believe this when i heard it, 30th anniversary of "goonies" coming up. >> i know. it's amazing. >> we had a twitter question coming in saying, will you be in "goonies ii"? >> will i -- do you want me to answer that? i don't know. >> the viewers want you to answer that. >> the viewers -- i don't know. man, they've been talking about it since we finished the film. >> 30 years ago. >> 30 years ago, so maybe when i'm around 80, you know. >> the sequel. >> "goonies" with a walker and tennis balls. >> thanks for coming in. >> all right, man. >> josh brolin, "sin city: a dame to kill for" hits theaters nationwide this friday. let's go outside to ginger. final check of the weather. >> george, we have got some exciting things coming up. this crowd is revved. are you guys -- who did you want to see again? i'm sorry. >> shawn. >> oh, shawn. yeah. we're going to hear more about that later. but let's get a little check of the forecast because we have not had a chance yet to mention the monsoon moisture fueled in part by some tropical storm moisture. you can see phoenix only 93 for a high today. there will be some widespread storms, so look out, potential for some flash flooding, of course. i'll leave you with a look across the nation. i'm telling you, can you guys highs around the region summertime spread 60's loan the coast, 70's inland and 80's in fairfield and antioch. the seven-day outlook shows warmer inland and a >> okay, it is time for our "gma" sunshine moment. you can use the hashtag, and these ladies all have been all morning, and guess what, four people are going inside to see the concert up close, and it would be these girls right here. [ cheers and applause ] so come on in. come on. follow me. we got to get upstairs, girls. we have to get upstairs. hurry, hurry, hurry. come on, come on, come on. >> oh, my god. >> and silence. >> how are you guys? hello. >> enjoy. >> you guys have awesome outfits. i love it. what are all these? >> a "gma" sunshine moment. george, we're going to be going upstair, all of us. >> very, very happy. >> coming up, get ready for some tennis. superstars bob and mike bryan, victoria azarenka here live. lara and robin going to play with them right there on that court. ♪ everybody you'll connect withnte, your doctor any time, ♪ anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ you could be hanging ten. what are you waiting for? (announcer) get up to 40% off labor day hotels at travelocity. ♪ everybody very excited to be in the middle of times square on a tennis court we put together to celebrate the u.s. open. so excited, the best tennis players in the world descending on new york. three of them right here. it officially kicks off on monday and we'll get a preview and raise awareness for a great charity. want to talk to the bryan brothers and victoria azarenka. grai congratulations on all the success. tennis, we know it. we love it. you guys are here for a great cause. >> we're excited to be partners with eesurance. go #rallyforacause and we're proud to be part of an event like this. >> thank you for doing that it's touched a lot of us and the v foundation for cancer research is doing a lot of great things and 100% of the money goes to that foundation. when you donate it, it goes right to research. not for anything else. what am i going to do out here with these people? let's show the ball. doesn't quite bounce here so -- >> this is not exactly regulation. >> so give us an idea what you'll be doing with the drys and stuff out here with folks. >> i'm going to be coaching, it's very unusual for me, i have an opportunity to coach you guys but i think we're going back to the grass court game here a little bit. you know, playing some volleys, no bounce and going to have some fun. >> how cool is it for you guys, for anybody if you're in new york city to come down and be with players who are actually going to be in the u.s. open? i want to ask you a little about that. you've been a finalist in the past two opens. how is your foot feeling and are you ready to make those finals again. >> pie foot is feeling much better. i'm really excited to be here. new york is always such a special place with this, you know, electric vibe and so much energy and the fans are like straight up. you know, sports fans so it's really amazing and i always love coming here. >> all right. we wish you luck. >> you won the mixed doubles title out there. >> i did. >> you guys knew something about winning at the u.s. open. was it 15, something like that. >> 15? something like that. how are you approaching this one. >> we're excited for another u.s. open. i think this is our 20th u.s. open. we started in '95 so we're trying to win another title there. it would be our 100th title so we're hoping to do that at our home slam. get some support from the fans and -- >> that's awesome. >> yeah. >> first played in 1995. >> it's like the secret language of twins on the tennis court. when you're out there, what is the secret weapon? >> we can reach each other's mind of that's the key. you got to move as a team. you play a lot of doubles. you have to cover your partner and can't let a lot of balls go through the middle. >> show them how to do it. >> victoria, will you give us pointers her. >> yes, i will help you. >> all right. good luck, guy. >> good luck. >> bob and robin. volume i volley, right? >> nice. >> sorry, girl. >> back at you. >> look at that court. i mean the bounce is incredible. >> oh, you're a pro. >> oh, yeah. >> robin. >> i don't think anybody needs coaching here. >> nice. >> you guys are excellent players. >> nice. >> look at those reflexes. >> a double-handed backhand. >> i like that. >> the one-handed one. >> i like to mix it up. >> that's the way to do it, keeping that short and getting that weight moving forward. yes. >> nice. >> backhand. >> you like the forehand better. who wants an overhead. >> i do? >> here's an overhead. >> crush it. >> don't kill me. >> robin, give us a big one. give us your best azarenka. >> you want one? overhead. >> i'll feed you one. >> don't hurt us. kill it. >> oh. >> are you okay, mr. bryan? >> yeah, i'm okay. almost hit me right in the eye. >> i would never. >> all right. >> sorry. trick shot. so this is just a sampling of what we'll see when you guys are on the court. >> this is -- >> robin, you're good. >> nice. >> oh. >> all right. >> hey. >> a 360. >> wow! >> okay. >> all right. >> all right. guys. >> as we continue -- >> great job. >> check out espn's coverage of the 2014 u.s. open. it begins monday, august 25th at 1:00 p.m. are you ready? >> ready for it. >> are you ready? let's do it, guys. so great. we'll see you. coming up, you know who, shawn mendes performing live. >> thank you so much. it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. [ cheers and applause ] what a crowd here for shawn mendes, dubbed music's first vine star. has 3 million followers and thanks to them he is the youngest person to debut on the billboard 25 chart and radio disney's next big thing. he is going to sing his huge hit "life of the party." [ cheers and applause ] from his self-titled ep but first a chat if we can hear each other talk because you have a lot of very enthusiastic fans here. you uploaded a vine of yourself singing justin bieber's "as long as you love me." the next morning it had 10,000 hits. what was that moment like? >> i thought it was -- i didn't know what was happening on my screen. there it is. >> look at you there and look at you now. your new ep went to number one in 37 minutes when it hit itunes. >> yes. >> you're on tour. you went from recording songs in your bedroom to performing in front of thousands of fans. >> yeah. >> adoring fans. have you adjusted to that yet? >> not at all. this has been like a dream that is just not ending. every day i wake up with something incredible in front of me. it's simply unreal. >> we have our first ever "gma" vine to review. your fans have asked questions via vine. you saw one earlier. let's replay it from laura shellenberg. so you can answer it. >> hey, shawn, i was just won r wondering what your idea of a perfect date is. >> ah, i don't know. probably keep it simple. maybe go to dinner and go to a beach or asking. >> all right. they all like that. your fans love it. also we've got one from gagrianna walter, i think we have her right here. >> what's your favorite part of performing in gropts of all your fans. >> my favorite part about all of the sets is when there's a part where i stop playing and come off the mike and the entire crowd sings the song back to me. >> they know every single word. all right. the next one we have from bella navarro. >> hi, shawn. dinner -- >> it was incredible. first of all like he was the most down to earth person i've ever met and he just made me feel really cool and was an awesome guy. it was really fun. >> they just said like you. so you know what, i think we all are ready to hear shawn mendes singing the song that skyrocketed straight to number one, it's called -- >> all: "life of the party." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ i love it when you just don't care i love it when you dance like there's nobody there ♪ ♪ so when it gets hard don't be afraid we don't care what them people say ♪ ♪ i love it when you don't take no i love it when you do what you want cause you just said so ♪ ♪ let them all go home we out late we don't care what them people say ♪ ♪ and we don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party ♪ ♪ i'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary and hearts are gonna break ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party ♪ ♪ together we can just let go pretend like there's no one else here that we know ♪ ♪ slow dance fall in love as the club track plays we don't care what them people say ♪ ♪ and we don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party ♪ ♪ i'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party ♪ ♪ come out tonight come out tonight there's no one standing in your way ♪ ♪ come out tonight come out tonight we don't care what them people say no we don't care what them people say ♪ ♪ and we don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party ♪ ♪ i'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party ♪ ♪ yeah [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, guys. thank you so much. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "good morning america" is brought to you by the firephone from amazon, the only smartphone that includes a full year of prime. >> people are asking us on twitter is he as nice as he seems? yes! and then some. shawn mendes, thank you very much, and for the friends you brought along with you here -- [ cheers and applause ] >> this is what it feels like to be shawn mendes. thanks for coming in. big party in the park tomorrow, guys. can you t! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. good morning. i'm kristen sze. meteorologist drew tuma, still gray out there. >> we're seeing the clouds break down especially along the coast. expect sunshine for thursday and usual threat for 60s. high 60 for san francisco. 74 along the bay in oakland. 84 high in concord. 86 in fairfield. ant antio antioch, nice and warm. 88 inland. 80 for the bay. 60s for the coast. minor dip tomorrow and then by the weekend, it's mild to warm and near average. you go back to 90 midweek next weekend. let's check traffic. good morning. >> good morning, drew. the traffic is awful here. sigalert in the process of clearing. delays from 680. kristen? >> leyla, thanks >> it's "live with kelly and michael." today, the beautiful and talented charlize theron. plus, "mad men" star jon hamm. nd singer cher lloyd sings her hit song "sirens." plus, a trip to a utah cabin or luxury resort could be yours, but you've got to tune in to win. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan stram! ♪ [cheers and applause]


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140825

night. ♪ >> ariana with a problem, taylor shaking it off in a show-stopping moment. >> welcome to my world. >> but queen bey steals the show. as the "vmas" turn into the show. as the "vmas" turn into the bmas. and good morning, america. happy monday. only one person in the world can upstage beyoncé, there she is right there, blue ivy. with a little "yeah, mommy," last night. what a way to end that show. just incredible. >> such a sweet family moment. then, miley cyrus also engineered her own statement when she sent a young, homeless man to the stage to accept her video of the year award as she looked on with tears in her eyes. what a difference a year makes. >> very classy. could do a lot of good. but we want to get right to the state of emergency in northern california after the biggest earthquake to hit the san francisco bay area in 20 -- 25 years, measuring 6.0. we have full team coverage, starting with cecilia vega in napa. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning. the governor declared a state of emergency, and downtown napa hit the hardest. just take a look at this. this building behind me, this was a law office and a wine bar. this morning, a pile of rubble with chunks of that building just dangling precariously here. 3:20 a.m. sunday, the quake strikes in the dead of night, the earth-shattering moment caught on surveillance video, shaking people out of bed, and rocking cars and buildings. >> i woke up and thought, oh, my god, this is it. this is the big one. >> reporter: these store shelves thrashed around before the power goes out. seconds later, the shaking is over, but the chaos has just begun. the monster 6.0 quake, the worst to hit the bay area in 25 years. fires rage in the scenic tourist town of napa. more than a dozen buildings in the historic downtown ravaged. shattered glass, cars buried in brick, and roads ripped wide open. >> the ceiling is crushed. the whole store is like that on the other side. >> reporter: the control tower windows at napa county airport, completely blown out. and this clock frozen in time, marking the moment the quake hit. >> the glass from the mirrors put shards and fragments everywhere. >> reporter: more than 200 people were taken to local hospitals, including a 13-year-old boy in serious condition after being hit by falling debris. >> a fireplace collapsed in the home. >> reporter: power knocked out for thousands, and more than 30 buildings and homes deemed too dangerous to go inside. >> stay away from buildings that look like they're leaning. >> reporter: and this morning, those allowed in, stunned by the damage. >> all the apartments pretty much look like this. >> reporter: but as the cleanup begins, so too does the fear of economic devastation as countless images emerge of the area's famed wine and olive oil stock now left in pieces on the floor and shovelled into dumpsters. authorities say this could have been so much worse. had this happened in the middle of the afternoon this building here, these streets would have been packed full of people. the price tag from the damage could top a billion dollars. >> still counting. thanks very much. you saw the fires. at least half a dozen. they spread quickly, snapping gas lines, hitting a mobile home park. abc's neal karlinsky is at one of those destroyed mobile home parks in napa. good morning, neal. >> reporter: that's right, it didn't just collapse buildings, it sparked fires like the one that absolutely ravaged these to give you a sense of how hot it was, melting these garbage cans next door like candles and sending residents running. at the napa valley mobile home park, this was the fiery scene just moments after the quake hit, forcing residents to fight for their lives. >> the fire just exploded. it was frightening, terrifying. >> reporter: the quake snapping gas lines, sparking a fire so hot, some people weren't sure they'd make it out. >> the earth moved, the house moved. >> reporter: four of these homes burned to the ground. another half dozen were damaged. the damage compounded by the fact that the quake also ruptured water lines, leaving firefighters struggling to find a way to put the fires out. >> we do have two swimming pools here in the community, and they were able to siphon water out of the pool into their truck and come back several times to fight the fire behind my house. >> reporter: homeowners bill and teresa still shaken as they faced cameras, lost everything but the clothes on their backs. >> we really didn't know what happened. the house was already on fire. it was hard to get out. it was scary. >> we lost everything. >> yeah, we lost everything. >> but we're not everything, honey, not everything. >> reporter: fortunately, everyone made it out of here alive. power and water were out for a time, they are now being restored. lara. >> all right, neal, thank you. and this quake appears to have hit along the dortmund fault line. they're now concerned it could trigger a bigger quake along the major fault lines in the area. ginger is here with us to explain how that works. sounds like a real concern. >> absolutely. i think it helps to see it on map. the san andreas fault is closer to the coast. this happened they think along the west napa fault, it's only 20 miles long, and this quake only ran half of it. it could have been so much worse. the west napa fault is part of a network of fault lines, they are concerned this is a precursor for a lot more activity. we have seen more than 150 earthquakes in the last 24 hours. you can see some aftershocks for up to seven days after, george, go up to 5.0 magnitude. the threat not over. >> thanks very much. and the latest now on the american journalist freed this morning after being held in syria for two years by a terrorist group. this comes as officials say they are closing in on the identity of james foley's killer. brian ross is here with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. even with the release of that one hostage in syria, at least three more americans remain in the hands of isis. but this morning any good news out of syria is very much welcome. >> my name is peter theo curtis -- >> reporter: until his release was announced on sunday, the kidnapping of peter theo curtis of boston had not been revealed. his only good fortune was that he was held by al qaeda in syria and not by terrorist group isis, who seems more interested in revenge than ransom with its american hostages. >> this is a game of revenge, and revenge is sweet to them, and they want to take it. we are, in their minds, the worst people on the face of the earth. >> reporter: today, this section of london will be the focus of british and u.s. authorities looking to track the isis recruit who killed foley. >> the british authorities have identified the key suspect and over the next couple of days, they're going to carry out raids in london. because, for them, the key question is not only who is he, but also, where in syria is he? >> reporter: whoever he is, authorities believe the killer is somewhere near the syrian city of raqqah, the isis stronghold and command center, and the location of the unsuccessful u.s. raid to rescue the hostages. u.s. authorities continue to be concerned that with their safe haven, isis will develop the ability to launch attacks on the u.s. mainland. >> and there are external operations, i believe, under way. they would love nothing more than to hit the united states of america. >> reporter: this morning, the family of that released american hostage, peter theo curtis, says he will be heading back to the u.s. as soon as he's ready to travel. george? >> okay, brian, thanks very much. and now, we turn to the strange and scary situation on an american airlines flight, on its way from dallas to san diego when fighter jets were scrambled. and the flight was diverted to phoenix. all of these part of a threat made on twitter involving the president of sony online entertainment. abc's david kerley is at reagan international with the details. good morning, david. >> reporter: lara, this attack seems to be connected, this cyberattack, on a gaming network with this social media bomb threat against a jet. the question this morning is why. passengers finally home after their nonstop flight made an emergency stop. >> there were police everywhere, dogs. rumors of terrorists. people in the back freaking out. >> reporter: the american airlines jet heading from dallas to san diego told to land immediately in phoenix. >> emergency 62 will need visual aid. >> 362, clear to land. >> reporter: this is the plane, in phoenix sunday, and according to two sources, it was shadowed by two fighter jets as it made that landing. a passenger tweeting pictures from the tarmac. >> they took us off the plane, and searched our luggage with dogs, and then gave us our onboard luggage back. >> reporter: and scrambling because of this tweet, our sources say, from a purported hacker group called lizard squad. saying, quote, we have been receiving reports, explosives on flight 362. please look into it. this tweet specifically mentioning jay smedley's plane. that's john smedley. he didn't want to talk -- >> i don't to want talk. >> reporter: he did tweet. yes, my plane was diverted. justice will find these guys. >> there is a process that the airlines use, fbi, law enforcement will use, tsa will use to vet each one of these threats. >> reporter: the lizard squad also claiming to take down the sony playstation network over the weekend. sony releasing a statement, saying its network was overwhelmed with artificially high traffic, denying service to some users. we asked sony why they might have been targeted, we didn't get answer. and the fbi is investigating this case. lara, the hacker group now says it is targeting the vatican. >> all right. thank you so much. and right to amy for the other top stories this morning. good morning. good morning, and we begin with new video overnight of a fast-moving wildfire now threatening more than 500 homes and businesses in north california. at least one building already up in flames in the historic town of weaverville. at least 150 homes evacuated, and nearby roads are closed. school cancelled today. crews have struggled to contain this fire because of the steep terrain, heavy winds and dry conditions. well, for the second time in a month, police here in new york are investigating a security breach at the brooklyn bridge. officers arrested this man who walked past security, and climbed the tower, walking across one of the cable beams. he says he just wanted to take pictures. but he now is facing criminal charges. it was barely a month ago that two german artists climbed the bridge and replaced the flags. more than 2,000 people are expected to pack into a st. louis church today for the funeral of michael brown, shot by a police officer more than two weeks ago. abc's steve osunsami has the latest. steve, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, amy. the crowds are starting to gather here already for this funeral this morning. 600, 700 people outside this morning. we're told that three representatives from the white house are scheduled to be here today. the officer darren wilson who shot michael brown is in hiding this morning. amy? >> all right, steve osunsami with the latest. thank you. breaking news from virginia, reports that the ft. lee military installation near richmond is on lockdown because of a reported shooting incident. all personnel have been told to follow active shooter protocols. no details have been released. hundreds of military families live there. we'll bring you more information as we get those details on this developing story. and before this next story, we should say the young boy you're about to see is okay this morning. but take a look at this. he was playing in the street in china where you see right there an suv drove right over him. he stood up, as you see, walked away. he had a couple of scratches, that's it. amazingly, the suv was high off the ground, and where that little boy was, was right in between the two wheels. we are very thankful he is okay this morning. >> did we get a license plate? >> startling video. and finally, look at who showed up at the beginning of a soccer match. that's a black cat. >> oh, no. >> you can't tell a cat what to do. the cat forced a delay in action. a stadium worker sneaked up and got him. then he held on for a while. the team wound up winning. we believe the hex went to the visitors. and -- black cat -- >> yeah. >> excellent conclusion there. >> scientific, actually. thanks for that. it is vma time. and all the music's biggest stars in l.a. last night, beyoncé was there. and it was a night filled with some surprises. and ryan is here with all the highlights. >> beyoncé just flawless. the buzz started at the top of the show, thanks to nicki minaj on a quick change that wasn't quick enough. the "vmas," starting off with a bang. and a wardrobe malfunction. nicki minaj forced to hold her dress shut during her performance. explaining that she ran out of time transitioning from her solo performance of "anaconda." taylor swift creating her own fashion frenzy, with this blue leotard on the red carpet before shaking it off on stage. ♪ shake it off ♪ shake it off >> i want us all to take a moment of silence for mike brown -- >> reporter: there were more serious moments too. rapper common leading a moment of silence following the shooting death of ferguson, missouri, teenager, michael brown. >> miley cyrus! >> reporter: and in a 180 from last year's "vmas" -- >> i am accepting this award -- >> reporter: miley cyrus having a formerly homeless runaway, accept her vma for video of the year, drawing awareness to her campaign to end youth homelessness. the speech sparking a massive social media response. cyrus' facebook post about the campaign wracking up over 250,000 likes overnight and counting. >> welcome to my world! ♪ >> reporter: but perhaps the biggest moment of the night belonged to beyoncé. ♪ right away >> reporter: queen bey getting the prestigious vanguard award and performing a medley from her new album. ♪ >> reporter: closing the show with an emotional tribute to and from her husband jay z and their daughter, blue ivy. >> i just thank god for this moment. i love ya'll so much. >> so many big names into her performance. lebron james tweeting, there's a lot of great artists, but none compare to beyonce. captivating on stage. #simplyamazing. and little blue got a lot of love on twitter. here's katy perry -- omg, she peresonally waved at me. my life is over. and taylor swift had this to say, every time i see blue ivy, i cry. now, we want to know, what is your favorite moment of the "vmas"? tweet us. at # socialsquare. we will have much more ahead. but now severe storms in the midwest overnight. ginger? that's what i want to start with. over two dozen severe storms. but, look at this. this video coming out of minnesota, just north and east of st. cloud. the tornado reported there, and video of it. in part the severe weather fueled by the heat. look, excessive heat warning again for st. louis today. there are nine states with some parts of them in heat advisory. some of the heat indices could reach over 110 this afternoon. i'll tell you much more, but for now, the local forecast in 30 seconds, and this morning's select cities brought to you by walmart. the local forecast in 30 seconds, and this morning's select cities brought to you by walmart. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with a lot of cloud cover and sunshine slow to arrive. clouds mostly and drizzle is lets likely in the extended week. today we are in the 60, and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and upper 70's to nearly 80 in south bay and east bay. the seven-day outlook shows the warmest days: the heat is on, wednesday >> the heat index later today from san antonio to chicago, just about as hot as the beyonée performance. >> well done. >> okay, ginger, thank you. coming up, frightening moments caught on camera. a mother and four kids pulled over by police, ordered out of her car at gunpoint. it was a mistake, but why did a 911 call trigger it? also, fires shot at music mogul suge knight at a party run by chris brown. what set it all off. plus, a toxic milkshake at dairy queen? health officials investigating after a mother and a son end up in the hospital. and america's favorite little league team. we will talk to the jackie robinson west all-stars. about the biggest game of their lives. and then shake it off, people. rocking the red carpet and sizzling the stage. t and sizzling the stage. i let him know everyen i find a time i save a dollar. every time. now there is a tool made for you. introducing savings catcher from walmart. it compares prices to top stores in your area. no more driving all over town. if there's a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an e-gift 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can't be as fast as my mac. sure, it can. and it is. but you probably can't plug anything into it. i have a usb mini display port. plug away. and this is my favorite -- it's the kickstand. so you're saying it does more than my mac? well technically, you said it. ♪ been all fun and games, here at the harrison household.. but one dark, stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. every style's a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. good morning. i'm eric thomas. napa residents and business owners hope to get a better estimate on what needs to be fixed from yesterday's quake. eight buildings are retag in napa, another eight red or yellow tagged in vallejo. power remains out to 150 pger, customers down from 70,000 immediately after the quake. here's leyla gulen. the traffic lights are back up and running in napa. however, we still have closures throughout downtown napa around jackson street, between first and third, main street, a lot of old build tlgs and they all crumbled, unfortunately, so we still have some very unsafe structures and no traffic is allowed in that area. eric? >> thank you very much. when we come back, the forecast with meteorologist mike ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. okay, we're back, looking at four miles visibility in santa rosa on live doppler 7-hd. a little bit of cloudiness trying to dip down. most of us aren't that cloudy. 56-minute flight/arrival delays into sfo. temperatures right now, mainly in the mid-50s to mid-60s. have a good day. hi ya'll, wake up this morning. i said, how did you wake up this morning? who's loudest? sing. ♪ you wake up ♪ post up ♪ round it the song was "flawless" and so was the performance. and we are all awake here at "gma." queen bey. and twitter crazy last night while she was performing, all kinds of raves coming in from all over the world. >> i love it, someone said it was bmas, her, her husband jay z, her daughter, blue ivy. watching her perform in the audience. making a special appearance on stage. so much more ahead, and d.j. calcutta, and the hip-hop dancers live. we are in the mood for a little fun and dancing, a little vma fashion discussion. we have all that. >> and looking forward to all that. but we also have coming up, some frightening moments that were caught on dash cam. a mother and four children pulled over by police and ordered out of her car at gunpoint. it was a mistake. but why did a 911 call set this all off? and it's happened again, a toxic drink served to customers, this time at a dairy queen. health officials are investigating after a mother and son both ended up in the hospital. and then, an eye-opening new report on teens and sleep, how starting school early is hurting their grades. maybe sleeping isn't the best way to make the "a." >> kids going, yeah. >> absolutely. but a frightening moments for a young mother in a car with four kids. when police pulled them over, slapped handcuffs on the mom. but it turned out to be a bad case of mistaken identity. abc's mara schiavocampo here with the details. >> reporter: mistaken identity is right, they stopped the wrong car. that mom was just trying to get her kids and god kids home. and it ended up being a ride they won't soon forget. it's a highly-charged traffic stop. >> driver, let me see your hands. everybody, hands out the window. >> reporter: new dash cam video showing texas police officers pulling over a car just outside dallas, guns drawn. >> keep walking backwards. hands on your head. >> reporter: the problem, the police admit they got the wrong car. this is law-abiding mom kametra barber. >> what is wrong? >> reporter: in the car, four kids under the age of 10 watching as she is handcuffed. >> what am i doing? >> hold on a sec, okay. >> what is going on? my children -- >> reporter: moments later, barber's terrified son, just 6 years old, comes out with his hands up. >> makes me angry all over again. >> reporter: it all started with a 911 call describing a vehicle speeding down the highway, the driver waving a gun out the window. >> it's going to be a beige or tan-colored toyota, occupied by four black males. >> reporter: but her car, a burgundy maxima, doesn't fit the description at all. the caller even tells the police they have made a mistake. the real suspects getting away. >> they say you have the wrong car back there. >> very shocking. just -- i can't imagine what those kids went through. >> i cried. i have kids. it's hard to imagine. >> reporter: in the video, the police quickly realize the passengers are children. >> do they look young to you? >> they do to me. >> reporter: and that they've made a terrible mistake. >> gun down. gun down. >> reporter: they immediately start working to calm the kids. >> i'm scared. >> it's okay. >> no, are we going to jail? >> no one is going to jail. >> reporter: though police apologized, they say they acted appropriately for what they thought was a dangerous situation. >> for the nature of the call, that a weapon was involved, yes. >> reporter: but she can't let this stop go. >> every time i listen to or hear or think about it, it bothers you. it's not -- i can't just say, okay, i'm fine. it's okay, it's not a big deal, it is. >> reporter: now in a statement forney police say the officers acted professionally on the information they were given, and they adjusted their methods when the situation presented itself to be otherwise. you have to wonder, a tan toyota and a burgundy maxima, very different cars. >> i'm glad they made up for it fast. all right, we want to turn now to a brazen hollywood nightclub shooting. music producer marion suge knight was shot at a trendy l.a. nightclub at a party with chris brown. >> suge knight is famous for working with artists like snoop dogg and dr. dre. and this isn't the first time that he's been shot. new this morning, chris brown's representatives are distancing the singer from the attack. overnight, chris brown in attendance at the "vmas." less than a day after the party he hosted turned violent. this morning, suge knight recovering, the 49-year-old seen here crouching after a car after being shot reportedly six times. witnesses say he managed to walk out of the club before being loaded on a stretcher and taken to the hospital along with two others injured by bullets. the melee breaking out on sunday morning, at 1:30 a.m., at west hollywood hot spot 10. watch this video taken inside the club. gun shots ringing out amidst the chaos and confusion, party-goers duck for cover. brown is seen in this video, on a table after the shooting, furious at what had taken place. other club goers racing out the exit door holding their hands up, and sheriff's deputies with their guns drawn. >> not sure if marion knight was the intended target. and the other two may have been trying to to get out of harm's way. >> reporter: brown was unharmed. his representatives told abc news this incident did not involve chris. he's going to cooperate with the investigation. this isn't the first time knight has been injured around the "vmas." he was also shot in the leg in 2005. his family saying suge is currently resting and lost a lot of blood. he's human. this morning police say no known suspects or persons of interest and they don't know what may have sparked this confrontation. >> a busy area. very scary. thank you. >> good to see you. and ginger with the weather. i want to start with the efforts in the southwest, there will be some large surf. getting gnarly waves, hanging out in the barrel. i learned that this last weekend. the next couple of days, really bad. tuesday through saturday, we're looking for high surf advisories because there's hurricane marie, staying offshore, but the moisture is pooling up. the surf from san diego to los angeles beaches is rough, and the monsoon moisture extra. flooding throughout parts of the week. and cristobal is staying off in the ocean. it's a storm, it's gone. good morning. sunshine really slow today, 63 at the coast to 83 inland. check out the accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s at the coast, 80s around the bay and 90s inland by wednesday. >> all that weather brought you by activia. lara, good question, will it bring anything? yes, we could see some rough surf along the east coast. but nothing terrible. >> thank you. and a parenting experiment. what really happened when a mother stopped criticizing her daughter's bad behavior and got surprising results. and how could this happen? a toxic milkshake served at a dary queen. investigators investigating after a mother and son ended up in a hospital. but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart. i think i'm getting the hang of it. 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[ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it always makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. it compares prices toatcher top stores in your if there's a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an e-gift card. oh! money! every penny counts! yep! go to and enter your receipt. and we are back now at 7:42, with a scary episode at dairy queen. just two weeks after a utah woman was hospitalized after drinking iced tea from a local barbecue laced with chemicals, there's a toxic shake from dairy queen. abc's clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: finally out of the hospital two weeks after a single sip of tea. they say an employee mistook the chemical, lye, used to clean the deep fryers, for sugar, mixing it into the drink. now it's happened again. >> it was bubbling on my tongue. >> reporter: this time in colorado, 7-year-old riley chase going to the hospital after drinking a vanilla shake from this dary queen. >> it was just like you were drinking a very strong cleanser. >> reporter: lisa chase said the manager said an employee left a container with a chemical cleaner in the sink, and filled with vanilla sir up thinking it was clean. >> it just burned all the way down. >> reporter: they accidentally sold the bad batch to at least two other customers who also had to be taken to a hospital. federal regulations require hazardous cleaners to be stored away from where the food is prepared. and businesses are supposed to provide proper training for employees handling chemical cleaners. >> they need to be held accountable for what they're doing, because they could have cost people their lives. >> reporter: in a statement, dairy queen told abc news this was an isolated incident and the employees responsible had been reprimanded. the rest of the staff is getting new training. >> there's no reason that should have ever happened. >> reporter: both incidents are now being investigated, not just leaving the bad taste in the mouths of customers, but a dangerous one. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. coming up here, ariana and miley in black leather. gwen stefani in hot pink. we will have the best fashion. >> yes. and america's favorite team, the overcomers from the south side of chicago, made it all the way to the little league world series championships. and we're going to talk to them live. ♪ championships. and we're going to talk to them live. ♪ uh, hi. i'm here to drop off my resume. password? i'm sorry, i'm just here to what's the password. uh,synergy? datafication! gamification! university of phoenix has had alumni at every fortune 100 company... we can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. veggies you're cool... reworking the menu. mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in. (girl) where are all the seats... excuse me, excuse me... can i sit here? ahhh... sure. (sigh) i'm maisy and i'm six. hi maisy, i'm tanner. you nervous? yeah, a little. don't be. ♪ can't touch this all right, so we want to turn now to the little league baseball team that captured the nation's attention and our hearts. jackie robinson west from the south side of chicago had such an unbelievable run, making it all the way to the championship game of the little league world series before losing to south korea on sunday in a score of 8-4. we are joined now by this hero team and their coach, their leader, darold butler. and coach, is it true that the president of the united states called you and you put him on hold? >> it's going to sound like that. the time his assistant called s us, we were just about to go live on espn, "sportscenter." so when the call came through, i did ask if there was any way he could call me back in five minutes once we got done with "sportscenter." >> so, what was it like leading this team that would just not give up? >> right now it's still unreal. i'm proud of the guys. they battled the whole entire time. we came up the loser bracket and found a way to win four or five games straight. i'm so proud of the guys, i'm happy for the city of chicago and the state of illinois and everybody who rooted for us. >> trey hondras, this is lara spencer. congratulations. going back to your game against vegas, you were a hitting machine, 3 rbis, a homer. how does it feel to be the best team in america? >> it feels great to be the best team in america because, i mean, we're u.s. champions. that's real big for us. we're great lakes. great lakes is supposed to lose all the time. it's always supposed to be like west or japan or south korea. so it's real big for the great lakes and the u.s. region. >> and coach, i want to ask you, guys, feel free to jump in. representing the south side of chicago, the mayor said you guys are the pride of chicago, rahm emanuel. how does it feel to speak to the city like that and overcome so much and become part of this story we're all talking about? >> it's huge to have the mayor supporting us and throwing the watch parties at home. we had a chance to take a look at a few of the clips after winning games. and it was like watching the bulls win in '96, people were running in the streets and celebrating and cheering. we love the support and very happy that everyone was proud of us. >> well, a little birdie told us there will be quite the celebration fur you guys when you get back. you indeed are the pride of the south side, the pride of chicago, and the pride of the usa. congratulations. >> thank you so much, we appreciate it. >> take care, and thank you for not putting me on hold, coach. >> you're welcome. >> and there's going to be fireworks and a giant parade. so well-deserved. >> you outranked the president. coming up next, jennifer aniston's trainer revealing the superstar's secrets to staying in shape. ston's trainer revealing the secrets to staying in shape. 's s to staying in shape. ann's train secrets to staying in shape. 's secrets to staying in shape. i's secrets to staying in shape. s's secrets to staying in shape. t's secrets to staying in shape. on' secrets to staying in shape. you should notice a real difference with these. they are nikon eyes prescription eyeglass lenses. you get sharper, clearer vision, and unlike ordinary lenses, nikon eyes lenses resist scratches and reduce glare. plus, walmart offers a twelve-month replacement guarantee. break or damage them, and we repair or replace them at no charge. and we now have nikon eyes sun lenses, so you can enjoy nikon eyes sharpness and clarity outside. ask about our second pair savings. nikon eyes lenses available at walmart. we fill our freshly baked flatbread, with bold, unflat flavors. like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that's anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches, try one today. worse and worse.rthritis, i had intense joint pain that got then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? at chico's and how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. good morning. i'm eric thomas. it could cost at least a billion dollars to repair damage from the 6.0 earthquake in napa. 17 people had to be admitted to the medical center in napa mostly from injuries from falling debris or broken glass. this morning a little more than 115 customers are still without power down from 70,000 at one point. here's mike with the forecast. >> still having minor aftershocks. in fact, you can't even feel them they're so minor but they're out there. 77 in napa is as warm as it will get. 60s and 70s until you get inland where we have some 80s. warmer weather starting tomorrow. leyla? we have a problem at the maze. westbound 580 to eastbound 80, the connector there. solid delays there heading through berkeley. heavy traffic making it up to bay bridge. your drive the north bay, southbound side of 101, it's a sl ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. school's back, studying's important, but we may want to encourage our kids to sleep in a little. what parents need to know right now. and jen aniston revealing a personal moment with her fiance, plus, the secrets to how she's staying fit at 45. and mo'ne davis is with us live, leading her team to times square. taylor swift sizzled on stage and off. all the big fashion hits and misses of the night as we say -- >> good morning, america. that's not all, d.j. calcutta, rocking us through the morning along with -- >> look at the moon man, go. >> that's the moon man. that moon man can dance. >> oh, yeah. >> it's freedom of the helmet, george. >> yeah. >> you never know. >> it was a big night. we're going to hear a lot more from some of the biggest stars at the "vmas" in a minute. >> hold on, i just want to take a look. moon man? moon man. they're very, very close. we have the moon man statue right here on the set. and so much excitement outside. and the hip-hop dancers are jamming out there. we have fashions to talk about. taylor swift looked incredible with the blue onesie, i guess we'll call it. people are talking about it. i think onesie is not the right thing. it's a short -- whatever it is, it's short, taylor. and we have fashion expert kristin here to break it down. and what happens when a mother of two stopped criticizing her daughter's bad behavior. it's a surprising experiment. i'm very interested in this one. >> me too. >> heard it from the moon man there. >> getting waved off. news first. good morning, everyone. and we begin with the massive cleanup effort in california's napa valley after the most powerful earthquake there in 25 years. damage this morning estimated at $1 billion. the magnitude 6 quake sent about 200 people to emergency rooms, cracked buildings and bucked roads. nearly 2,000 customers remain in the dark and many will not have running water until next week. dozens of homes are now uninhabitable. and from the earthquake to another major wildfire spreading overnight. right now, more than 500 homes and buildings in far northern california are threatened by this fire. 150 homes evacuated so far. and the american journalist released from captivity in syria over the weekend will soon be heading home. 45-year-old peter theo curtis had been held by al qaeda in syria for two years and they're responding to possible air strikes by the isis, saying that they be coordinated with the syrian regime. the u.s. believes that foley's killer is somewhere near the isis command center in syria. the all-clear has been given at the ft. lee military base near richmond, virginia, after a lockdown the base tweeting earlier, an active shooter was on the loose. details on the incident and the suspect are still coming in. but we're told no one is in danger. the morning commute around washington, d.c. is more hectic than usual because of strangely drawn lines. look at that. this is on a highway in northern virginia, it looks like a kindergartner drew them. a contractor working on a nearby bridge put down the temporary lines. but they're not exactly sure what happened to them. hundreds of beach goers in florida have ended up in the hospital after being stung by jelly fish. stings like this. they invaded daytona beach. the unusual specie is tiny and almost entirely clear. and uninvited guests at a surfing contest overseas recently. take a look, dolphins crashing right into one man in the surf, knocking him clear off his feet. we're going to show it to you again. boom. there he goes. the dolphins clearly not impressed by his skills in the water, so they took him down, those friendly dolphins. everyone was okay. back to you guys. >> okay. we're going to turn now to an eye-opening report out this morning on teens and sleep. and the study says starting school classes too early could hurt grades and health. jen ashton is here with the details. and these doctors sounding the alarms. they want changes. >> this could be the secret to getting an "a" this year for the kids. it looked at the causes of poor sleep quality, reliance of caffeine, technology use, and just the normal teen sleep patterns, a link to obesity, depression, drowsy driving, and poor academic performance all tied to not getting enough sleep. >> so, what is your prescription to fix this? >> well, we have to get on it now. because we're getting ready to head into the school year. watch the caffeine, make sure they unplug from everything with a screen at least an hour before they go to bed. >> no screens in the room. >> absolutely not. >> the flashing of the screen keeps you up. >> absolutely. and then work backwards. if your child has to be at school at 7:00 a.m., and they should get eight to nine hours of sleep, that means they need to be closing their eyes at 10:00 or 11:00 at night. not easy to do. >> this does not mean you can sleep late and be late for school. >> they want schools to start later. >> that's right. this is a call to action. schools should start later, and once in a while, hit the snooze button. >> i think kids will like this. >> why didn't we have this? >> can we implement this at "good morning america"? i'm just wondering. thank you. >> you bet. "pop news" and weather coming up. ryan with the morning menu. >> that's right, let's take a look at what's ahead. come on over here. so much to talk about. the "vma's" red carpet, fashion. oh, my goodness. trending, everything that's going on on the red carpet. remember taylor swift right here looking great. that's just the beginning of it. okay. got something on prince. i got to get into my purple frame of mind. come on. i want my all purple -- okay, it's coming. but his all-female band, third eye girl, will be here live this morning to reveal it. you don't to want miss that. and jennifer aniston's trainer revealing the secrets to get one of hollywood's hottest bodies. plus, coming up, d.j. calcutta keeps the party going right here on "gma." ♪ ♪ it won't be the same ♪ can't take it the same ♪ ♪ can't take it everything your mouth does in a day is building up layer, upon layer, upon layer of bacteria. and to destroy those layers? you need listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth. also try listerine® pocket paks to kill bad breath germs on the go. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will ♪ and if you wanna go and lick it i believe you should ♪ ♪ don't need to play that basketball to dunk it ♪ ♪ don't need to play an instrument to funk it ♪ ♪ and if you don't have any milk then there's no milk to spill ♪ ♪ there's just a little sandwich cookie and it's wonderfilled ♪ ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ ♪ and if you don't have any milk then there's no milk to spill ♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. what do you guys want for dinner? hot pockets! chef boyardee! bacon mac n' cheese. done, done and done. ♪ ♪ now that was amazing. all in a days work! (laughs) get a smarter start to school with all your dinner favorites like hot pockets, chef boyardi and jimmy dean. unbeatable prices guaranteed by savings catcher. save money. live better. walmart. what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz? what does it mean to drive as far as you want... for up to three years... and be covered? it means your odometer... is there to record... the memories. during the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event now through september 2nd, you'll get complimentary pre-paid maintenance and may qualify for a two-month payment credit. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. ♪ baby baby baby oh this vine is just amazing. let's watch it again. got to watch it again. a husband documents his wife's entire pregnancy in just six seconds. beginning to end. little newborn baby getting cuddled. the nine month vine, looped more than 10 million times. >> if only it were that easy. >> watching friends, it goes that fast for me. >> it is. >> and it was like six years when you're pregnant. i'm just saying. >> well worth it though. that's my favorite vine i have ever seen. wonderful. >> "pop news" time. let's start with jennifer a ann any ston. and posted on youtube over the weekend. she's accepting the challenge from her fiance, look at her, just the anticipation. he was kind enough to help her complete the task. and her reaction was priceless. >> he's doing it slowly. >> that's not nice. that's agonizing. >> no, it's -- it's the slow -- the slow draw doesn't work? >> all for a great cause. everybody is talking about als as a result. >> exactly. so she -- look at that. you have to see it again. it's always good when you do it slow. drag it out. aniston nominated courtney cox and chelsea handler. and going to make a huge donation for a good cause there. she took the pain. >> nice work, jennifer. >> exactly. next up, can't get enough of tair tayle taylor swift's shake it up. this is the durham bulls, that's right, from bull durham fame. you like that? yeah, in time, shaking it off as they gear up for the game over the weekend. look at that. >> the guy on the left. he's really good. >> got to do this on set. why aren't we doing this more often? >> go for it. >> okay. come on, george, do it with me. this is part of a rapidly growing trend, plenty of flash mobs popping up to taylor's brand new hit. i have to see that again. and a big mystery finally solved. london police have been searching for the couple behind this romantic proposal. and we learned they have been found. check this out. the metropolitan police were cruising around on saturday when they spotted these words from the sky, will you marry me, spelled out below. they believe it was spelled out in candle. look how it glows? and you saw the person getting down on one knee. they posted photos on twitter hoping to find out who the lucky couple was. look at them on one knee. isn't that beautiful? forcing guys around the world to up their game. >> or take credit. >> the couple wishes to remain anonymous. but did she say yes, right? police revealed, she did. >> congratulations. >> how could you not? >> i love "pop news" today. >> makes you feel romantic. >> thanks, ryan. heat index coming up, check the weather first. >> so smart. they made a sign that they can just rewrite on so that way they can pull over anybody. i love it. keep that there, permanently. let's go ahead and check chicago. you know, chicago, a hazy, hot and humid today. they have not had a hot summer, will today. it will break in the midweek. throughout the great lakes, 91 in chicago, 91, des moines, and the cold front sinks south eventually. guess who's going to warm up? us here in the northeast. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with a lot of cloud cover and sunshine slow to arrive. clouds mostly and drizzle is lets likely in the extended week. today we are in the 60, and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and upper 70's to nearly 80 in south bay and east bay. the seven-day outlook shows the warmest days: the heat is and a quick greeting for folks in louisiana. who are they? >> mindy and james. >> happy anniversary to you. let's get back inside. happy anniversary. and the heat index with an anti-smoking campaign getting a lot of buzz at last night's "mtv video music awards." shows all these caught on camera smoking, and the ad goes on saying they are serving as unpaid spokes people for big tobacco. it's a way of shaming them in these widely distributed photographs, encourages people to think before smoking. >> it's pretty powerful, i have to say. and they say please stop posting selfies of yourself smoking. one-third of all young people who start smoking will die a tobacco-related death. serious issue. >> nothing glamorous about it. >> no. also in the heat index, a brand new phone charger disguised as a fashion accessory. a place brais let now that unclasped and drugs into your phone, android, iphone. capable of recharging most smartphones, about 60%. the company saying they focused on the technical aspects and the sleek design, giving men and women different versions of a bracelet. we have been there, you have your charger, you're in a jam, if won't get you fully charged, but my question is it okay to have the charge that close to your skin all the time? so many questions about the phone in your ear. >> it's never sexy to pull out that cord from your pocket. lingering as you plug it in. >> searching for an outlet. >> i never thought of it that way, but i guess you're right. >> it's a hot idea. it could become the next big thing, and we talked about it first. and speaking of fashion, it was a fashionable night at the mtv "vmas." full of red hot look welcomes and kristen cavalleri is here with the picks of the most mem able outfits. nice to see you. >> hello. >> you have said that iggy azalea owned the red carpet. >> i do. she looks absolutely gorgeous. it's unexpected, the dress. fits her like a glove, and the silver is so beautiful on her. >> it is gorgeous. look at that. she sparkled. and j.lo, looking great. >> show a little skin, why not? she gets better and better. it's amazing. >> and there were risk takers for the number three spot you have taylor swift in what people are calling a onesie. is that correct? >> that's my problem. i think it would have been better as a romper, and a little bit more coverage. she has the legs to pull it off. >> you have legs like that, why not? >> exactly. she looks great. >> and katy perry in a versace custom gown in denim. >> paying homage to britney spears, and her and that moment of justin timberlake will stick out. i love it. >> she can always pull off something a little stunning. we asked you at home, who wore it best? we have the results from our viewers poll at, and i can't h-- yahoo!. and it's j.lo at 43%. double the age of some of the others, rocking that in her 40s, as another woman in her 40s, i don't think i could pull that off. she did. thank you so much. we are going to send it back over to george. thank you, guys. next up in the heat index, the no complaint pledge. one mom is experimenting with no criticism. she's focusing on praising good behavior. lindsey davis caught up with her to see how it's working. >> reporter: all too often, parents hoping to curb bad behavior may sound like claire in modern family. >> grow up a little. i need things to change or i will. no tv or no internet. >> reporter: but one florida mom decided to put restrictions on her own behavior. >> instead of focusing on whatever they didn't do right, i decided to stop myself, stop criticizing, and instead focus on the good things. >> reporter: jeanettecap lin made a conscious effort to praise her children for being good and lay off the negativity. but she admits it wasn't easy. >> thank you for helping me. you want to keep complaining, yelling, criticizing in general. >> reporter: but she could have never anticipated her kids' reaction to the positive reinforcement. >> they started behavioring better. the more you call them out on what they're doing well, they want more of the praise instead of the disappointment that they'll get from you when misbehaving. >> reporter: but others say parenting requires more of a balance between the carrot and the stick. >> it's essential to have the positive reinforcement, not in lieu of critiquing. >> there's a need for balance. you need to let them know when they have done something wonderful or what you're not going to tolerate. >> reporter: there are times she has to draw line. >> insults and hid hitting allowed. >> reporter: she plans to continue. much to her children's delight. >> she makes me feel proud of myself. >> she says one of the main things her kids love is to be publicly praised. like when she tells family and friends something great. now they compete against each other to do more great things. we're in the same boat, we don't criticize our kids. >> no. >> babies. >> you can talk to the two of us. >> they're so good right now, right? >> exactly. >> they don't say no -- >> they just don't sleep. >> remember as an athlete, performing better when i got positive reinforcement than negative. >> it makes sense. >> you want to have more praise than criticism. i don't know if it's possible -- >> who doesn't love praise. >> it's good that you're hitting your sister. >> find the positive. >> tell us what you think. is constructive criticism good for kids. tweet us #socialsquare. and work out talk. the health whiz who transforms the bodies of some of hollywood's most sizzling stars. and we found out just how she does it. >> reporter: she's the secret weapon behind jennifer aniston and kate becken sale. >> i work with people so they are always in red carpet shape. >> reporter: and now mandy, is revealing her treasure chest of fitness secrets and tips. first tip, h 2 o. >> hydration, you burn more calories. drink half your body's weight in ounces. if you're 150 pounds, drinking 75 ounces of water. so you don't need that much water, actually. you're tiny. >> i like her already. >> reporter: second tip, healthy choices. >> i do encourage people to eat protein to fuel muscles. i prefer plant-based protein. >> reporter: third, a surprise to me, meditation. >> five minutes in the morning and afternoon to ground you. >> reporter: fourth tip, yoga. >> yoga to energize or wind down. anything that is a backbend, opening up your chest, is an energizer. it's like having a couple of coff coffee, right? and anything in a forward bend is like a tranquilizer like a sleeping pill. >> reporter: and lastly, variety is the spice of exercising. >> you want to incorporate other activities into your work out routines. i have an app coming out, there's a different cardio activity, different recipe each day. like what i do with jennifer is that i will incorporate 20 to 30 minute s of cardio activity and practice yoga. >> reporter: that's what jennifer does? >> yes. >> i have to brag about this guy, five for five. >> good too. >> not five for five. but i was close. mandy has been training jennifer for over ten years. clearly it is working well. thank you for those great tips. and coming up, a national sensation fresh off their run in the little league world series. mo'ne davis and is it taney? taney little league, they are with us live. good morning. i'm eric thomas. napa residents and business owners hope to get a better estimate of what needs to be done to fix damage from yesterday's 6.0 earthquake. the u.s. geological survey believes fixing the damage could cost in excess of a billion dollars. 33 build rgs red tagged in napa, another eight red or yellow tagged in vallejo. power is still out to a little more than 100 pg&e customers down from 7,000 immediately after the quake. here's traffic on this monday morning with leyla. >> we have a couple problems across the bay area if you're trying to get to work. you'll find this accident southbound side of highway 101 at third avenue blocking one lane. as you take a ride up to the maze, we still have this accident involving an 18-wheeler westbound side of 580 to the eastbound 80 connector. two lanes are blocked and really heavy jam-up coming away from the hoffman split. >> thank you very much. when we come back, ♪ at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ hey, we're back. we've had about 50 reports of aftershocks in the napa valley in that particular fault over the last 24 hours or so. our probability of a big aftershock is now down to about 29%. rockies in town to take on the giants 64 at 7:15, dropping down to 61. our current temperatures are running still in the 50s to mid-60s. upper 50s to mid-60s. today in the accuweather seven-day forecast, it's the ♪ you are listening to prince, body logical. a new song from the all-female band, third eye girl. and take a look at this, times square all decked out for prince. he has a huge announcement coming. third eye girl is going to reveal coming up live. a lot of fun with them here this morning. >> all right, sorry, i was just rocking, george. i just can't stop. oh, my gosh. we're in times square. and d.j. calcutta and our hip-hop dancers. and standing -- hello, go, moon man, don't hurt yourself. and fresh off their run in the little league world series, star pitcher mo'ne davis and her team. hi, guys, welcome to "good morning america." >> listen up, everyone, our audience, apparently has a question for you. our audience has a question for you. >> i think that's what they're supposed to say? >> yes, this morning, testing the limits of your waffle iron from mac and cheese to salmon. trying some recipes to find out will it waffle. >> have waffle, will travel. it all works. going to see. but first, the 2014 m"mtv video music awards" had some of the most daring fashions. caught up with miley, j.lo, and joining us from l.a. this morning is cam to talk about it. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. let's -- let's face it, lara. the vma red carpet is like one big party. packing the fans in, everybody lining up, trying to snag a selfie with their favorite performer before the big show. so much action on stage. but red carpet styles we just can't stop talking about. ♪ >> it's a little bit of a mad house. but in a really good way. >> being here is a freaky experience. i have watched since i was a young, young boy. trying to take it all in. >> reporter: screaming fans begging for celebrity selfies drowned the planes of landing at l.a.x. >> this is so loud. it's not as loud in england. >> when you love something, you scream. is that right? [ screams ] >> before the show even started, winners crowned on the red carpet. the australian group five seconds of summer picking up a prize voted on via social media. >> just found out we won best lyric video. i'm still kind of shake. >> reporter: congratulations. you just found out? >> literally. >> reporter: are there any fashion rights and wrongs on the red carpet here? >> always. >> reporter: really? >> i think so. just try to be on the right side. >> i think all the wrong things are the right things. that's my attitude to fashion. >> this is right, some people think it's wrong. >> reporter: i love this. look at this. you will not lose this tonight. that guy's wearing spandex -- whatever kind of pants. >> those are sparkly. i want ten pairs. >> reporter: best-dressed couple. you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> reporter: and look at the kicks. can we have a sneaker off? put your sneaker up there. there it is. >> miley cyrus, wrecking ball. >> reporter: video of the year winner miley cyrus picked her outfit based on her hunger for hamburgers. >> i wanted to go to in and out, so wear something that wouldn't stand out too much there. >> reporter: i love it. good times at the "vmas." miley cyrus making very different headline this is morning compared to last year. >> no kidding, that was a touching moment. before we go, cam, all of us at "gma" want to say one thing -- happy birthday! back over to you, george. cam, i'm here with the stars from the little league world series, philadelphia's taney little league, and mo'ne davis, and the catcher, and the head coach. what a great run you guys have had. >> thank you very much. >> what was it like dealing with all this pressure? >> i mean, it wasn't really a lot. i know i kind of kept it a little loose, so then i could also have fun at the same time. >> and i'm glad you guys did have some fun. you were so much fun to watch. what's it like catching a 70 mile an hour fast ball? >> i have been catching it for a long time now. for six years now. so i'm used to it. >> you got it together. we could really see that. one of the things i loved, all you guys were having so much fun also with jackie robinson west. great to see them in the finals? >> it was great. we became close friends with them. probably the closest out of all the teams. and see them make it to the finals was really cool. >> and you guys haven't slept yet, huh? >> not much. not yet. looking forward to it. >> i'll bet you are. and i guess it must be just great, moe nay, to give brand new definition to throw like a girl. you showed everyone. what was your favorite moment of this whole time? >> probably playing on all the fields and just making it to williamsport. playing with these guys. very, very excited, and i was -- i was excited for it. i knew we could make it this far. i mean, it was fun playing on the fields the most, though. >> well, congratulations. you guys showed a lot of spirit. you were fantastic. thanks for being here today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> over to ginger. i'm going to take a toss from the team. you got it. and wish you a happy birthday from midland, michigan. and over here, i have been told the weather's not the only hot thing in texas. these ladies are. let's get the forecast. and start with the twitter photos. guess what, it snowed. yes, in utah over the weekend. snow bird, you have a beautiful picture there. just a little bit of snow. and then some of my fair dogs from yorkville, illinois, keeping cool. and have to today, oppressive heat in place from louisiana and texas up to northern illinois. look at some of those heat indices. the numbers it will feel like later this afternoon, and good morning. sunshine really slow today, 63 at the coast to 83 inland. check out the accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s at the coast, 80s around the bay and 90s inland by wednesday. all that weather brought to you by mercedes-benz. >> we are so excited about this. kicking offer the "gma" dance off. this is our daddy-daughter edition. we are soft yis. you remember dancing with your dad or you're a dad now yourself. we cannot get enough of the talented dads and daughters lighting up the internet with their epic dance routines. this week, two lucky daddy/daughter duos will dance to type ms square. >> yes, so many incredible entries from across the country. and they will dance it out live right here. let's take a look at our first two contenders. >> they mastered the moves and the old school classic beat. now, meet the first two semifinalists in our "gma" dance off. daddy/daughter edition. jason and lilly denney from kansas city, missouri. >> the bond we have is strong ever since she was born. normally kids don't like the songs their parents liked. but we like the same music. >> reporter: they enjoy rocking out on car rides, which helped inspire their "gma" video submission. >> we sent in a video we dance all the time anyway. >> we love to do it together. the second duo, jason and cecily johnson from florida. >> we have a natural bond in dancing. it's an opportunity to let go and be carefree. >> and we can be silly. >> that's right. >> reporter: 8-year-old cecily is a cheerleader at school and created the steps in their competition, having the acrobatic hip-hop movies to give dad a classic routine. >> it's a chance for me to learn from her. we want to win because i want the world to see what an amazing daughter i have and how much fun i can have with her. >> you are so sweet. >> that is so sweet. >> take it down a notch. >> catch up with her. >> so, head to the website, on yahoo! right now. cast your vote. both so adorable. but which of those two teams you want to see hit the dance floor live on "gma" on tuesday. we're going to check out two more semifinalists. do you remember dancing with your dad? >> i do. and even my wedding, just recently. getting down. >> it was the only time. >> you could be a special submission. we would like to see that. >> i don't know that we want to see that. coming up, testing the limits of your waffle iron. sampling, and we are going to answer the burning question, will it waffle? and then a big announcement from prince. big. you don't to want miss this. coming up on "gma." ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine look at that waffle go. and don't waffle on this. try out the latest food trend. it's our friends at buzzfeed doing it again. going viral with a video, unusual foods in a waffle iron. and the man who literally wrote the book, daniel shumpsky is here. he's asking will certain foods that you never imagined waffle, and oftentimes the answer is yes, correct? >> absolutely, yes, it will waffle. >> we have some kpachls here. and this surprised me. good old mac and cheese. is there a trick to it? >> no, it just works really well on the waffle iron. especially great for left over mac and cheese. >> we have two people willing to taste. audience, the question? >> will it waffle! >> absolutely. >> this is fantastic. yeah, absolutely. the waffle iron cooks it with high heat on both sides. so you have the crispy outside, and the cheese is super melty inside. >> this has breading? >> you bread it a little bit. you do. it make it is a crunchy on the outside. >> does everybody have enough. waiting for the team to weigh in. >> i like it so much, i'm eating with the knife. >> aside from having that, any tricks -- is there other tricks? >> not really, nope. >> okay. well. -- >> it waffles. >> absolutely. >> it does. >> salmon and ravioli? >> these are super-simple. pick up the ravioli from the grocery store, and the salmon, nothing complicated. do you think it will waffle if. >> i have to check, hold on. audience? >> will it waffle. >> that is the question. and the answer is -- a resounding yes. but should we say, how does it taste? here a piece of salmon for you -- >> dipping sauce. >> what's great about the dipping sauce, the waffle, you can collect the sauce in the nooks and crannies. it's perfect. and ditto for the salmon. fantastic, absolutely. >> it's an appetizer. >> all right. >> that's one. >> i'm waiting for the next one. >> hold on, please. the last one is on a cookie of some sort, daniel, talk to me about that. >> these are chocolate chip cookies. nothing wrong with them out of the oven. it can take a while, you have to make a batch. what's fantastic about the waffle iron, you can make two cookies in just a few minutes. >> let me confirm that. audience? >> will it waffle? >> it will. they look fantastic. >> what i love about this, you look at them, and your eyes say waffle, and you taste them, and it's chocolate chip cookie. yeah, it's fantastic. >> how long does a cookie take? >> two minutes. >> so much faster. >> much faster, don't heat up the whole house. >> i love the idea of a giant cookie. >> whipped cream. >> you can put the dough in the freezer and pop a couple on when you're ready. it's fantastic. >> answer a question we have all been wondering. let's ask it one more time, shall we? >> will it waffle? >> and daniel is the man. his book is awesome. really fun idea. a lot of people have them, don't use that them that much, and go to "good morning america" on yahoo!. and up next, prince's band, third eye girl with a huge announcement from the man in purple. ♪ ♪ do you like michael ♪ i want to kiss you is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. ♪ the moment has arrived. i am here with prince's all-female band, third eye girl, donna, hannah and eva, and they are here to make a very special announcement. we have been excited about it all morning. welcome. >> thank you. >> what am i hearing right there? a new song? >> yes, this is a brand new song by prince called "clouds." >> very exciting right here on "gma." this has to do with your big announceme announcement. go ahead and make it. >> prince will be releasing new music very soon. [ cheers and applause ] and so awesome because it's actually a double surprise. there's going to be two albums released. one is a prince solo album, "artificial age," and the second one is plectrum electrum. they are up at third eye and >> these are the first albums released by prince since 2010, correct? there's a lot of time to make his music fantastic. what can we expect? >> everything. >> and anything, right? >> yeah. >> i know we to want point out too because all of times square is in celebration for the big announcement. prince is everywhere. times square is purple here. what's the experience, you were hand-picked by prince. i can't even imagine collaborating with the legend that he is. >> yeah. it's been a beautiful journey. and we are learning so much, and we all love each other and we're so proud to be able to release this album with him. >> yeah. >> so many things. >> it's such an incredible learning experience. everyone knows the genius of prince. to be hand's on on a daily basis, becoming a family. we're tight like eva said, we love each other. it comes through in the music. >> the music is so good. we have our favorites. it's evolved. and we cannot wait to hear these two new albums. remember, prince's album and the other will be out september 30th. what is your favorite prince song? i'm going back and forth between "raspberry beret" and "little red corvette." tweet us, we want to know what your favorite prince songs are. you can't pick one, they're like your children. we'll be right back. i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns. which means managi) especially during a drought. learn to save water and money at . friday, brad paisley takes over central park in a live "gma" concert. labor day weekend kicks off crazy great with brad only on -- >> good morning, america. >> presented by claritin. we thank you to d.j. calcutta. kicking off our monday. and the amazing dancers from the alvin aley extension. look at them go. tomorrow, going to have all the highlights from the primetime emmy awards. don't want to miss that. >> have a great day, everybody. ! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. you'll connect withnte, your doctor any time, anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ good morning. i'm eric thomas. first up a check on the forecast. here's meteorologist mike nicco. >> all right. we're going to take a look at what's going on with the visibility out there, eric. you can see that. a little bit of drizzle, a little bit of fog around santa rosa, five miles visibility, six in half moon bay. flight arrival delays around sfo running up to nearly an hour. your accuweather seven-day forecast, today's the coolest day. we have some warmer weather on the way starting tomorrow, 80s and 90s away from the coast. leyla? >> all right. ave some closures up in napa now. not downtown napa itself but old sonoma road will be shut down start agent 9:30 this morning until 6:00 between congress valley drive and bumin drive for emergency earthquake repair. thank you very much. your next announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today on "live with kelly and michael," from "true blood," anna paquin. and the co-hosts roll up their sleeves and learn to make cheese. plus, anderson cooper joins kelly for the hour. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and anderson cooper! [cheers and applause] kelly: hi! hi! [cheers and applause] kelly: wow. it's monday, august 25, 2014.


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141001

and this morning, "gma" goes pink. the secrets to surviving and thriving. and what everyone needs to know about detection as our special mission takes off. amy's on board the pink plane. she's surprising a group of thrivers. it's a very special "gma." >> good morning, america! oh, and good morning, america. let's go back outside to times square. look at the pink everywhere here this morning in times square. everyone going pink for this very big, as you said, very special day here, robin, at "gma." >> october 1st. it launches the month of breast cancer awareness. and we have every shade of pink covered this morning. you should see the crew members. these big burly men wearing pink. they look great as well. >> we will talk about this all morning. be wie do begin with the first case of ebola diagnosed in america. the first patient quarantined in dallas. there you see the ambulance. it is out of commission right now. the emts are now quarantined as well. more than 3,000 deaths have been linked to the disease in africa. the worst outbreak in africa ever, it's still spreading. we go to cecilia vega outside the hospital in dallas. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. the patient is being kept here in isolation in an intensive care unit. the doctors and nurses treating him are wearing double layers of protective clothing. the cdc said they have been expecting an ebola case to arrive on american soil, and now that it's here, they say they're ready for it. this morning a frantic community searching nor anyone who came in direct contact with the ebola patient, now in critical condition in this dallas hospital. the ems workers who treated him, testing negative for ebola and released from quarantine this morning but officials closely monitoring the family and friends he was in town visiting. can you tell me anything more about his condition? >> i can't tell you anything more. yesterday in the press conference, one of our physicians described him as awake and talking and hungry. >> awake, talking, he's hungry. that's a good sign right now? >> well, that's better than other things. >> reporter: the man left liberia september 19th, apparently already infected with the disease, but not showing symptoms. meaning he wasn't contagious to fellow passengers on the plane. officials have not confirmed the route he took, but the man likely had layovers in two or three cities, potentially in both europe and the u.s. the journey can last as long as 43 hours. he landed in texas september 20th. but on the 24th, symptoms began, triggering the possibility of spreading the virus. on friday the 26th, the man came on his own to texas health presbyterian, but was released because doctors said his illness did not seem unusual. finally, on the 28th. he returned to the hospital, this time, rushed in an ambulance, and was admitted. on tuesday, tests confirming the man has ebola. authorities say they are confident the situation is under control. >> i have no doubt that we will control this importation, or this case of ebola so that it does not spread widely. >> reporter: ebola begins with fever and chills and progresses to severe weight loss and internal bleeding. >> this is not transmitted through the air. it doesn't transmit the way other diseases are familiar with, that people are familiar with. you have to come into contact with badly fluids. >> reporter: the cdc dispatched what they call disease detectives. they are on the ground. and they're vowing to take every precaution that this virus does not become an epidemic that spread in africa here at home. george? thank you. we're joined now by the director of the cdc, dr. frieden. how confident are you, i know you have done everything you can to identify anyone he came in contact with. how confident are you you have identified anyone who may have come in contact with this man while he was symptomatic? >> the bottom line is, that we will stop this in its tracks. we will stop it from spreading in the u.s. but we do know that contact tracing is intensive. we have a seven-person team in dallas working with the local health department and the hospital, and we'll be identifying everyone who might have come in contact with him and monitoring them for 21 days. >> how big is the circle? >> right now, we know of some family members, and people in the community and potentially some people at the hospital. we will investigate very carefully over the coming hours and days to make sure we identify everyone who might have been exposed. >> but you're still absolutely confident that anyone that you came in contact with on the plane could not have contracted ebola? >> absolutely. that was four or five days before he had his first symptoms. and with ebola, you're not infectious until you have symptoms. >> what should people expect going forward here in the united states. as you can imagine, so many concerned when they first heard this news. someone with ebola here in the united states. >> absolutely. it's the first case of ebola diagnosed in this country ever, as far as we know. what we need to do first in this particular instance is do everything possible to help this individual who's fighting for their life. and make sure that while we're doing that, we don't have other people exposed in the hospital, identify all those contacts and monitor them for 21 days. it's not impossible that one or two of them would develop symptoms and they would then need to be isolated. >> what would it take to turn it around? >> we're going to need to rapidly scale up our ability to care for people in africa and do that safely so more people come in for care, and stop spreading to other, and we can begin to turn it around. >> we all hope that happens and happens soon. dr. frieden, this, very much for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> we sure hope it will happen soon. and now to dr. richard besser on the front lines of the battle against the ebola epidemic. he's in liberia for us this morning, good morning. >> reporter: robin, ebola is so deadly, we need to do everything we can to keep it out of the country. but the man in texas shows us, even when you're doing the right thing, infected people slip through. i'm at the airport here where he took off, and where i flew out of just last month. i went flew the screening. i saw the cdc doing the training. every passenger fills out a questionnaire. have you had symptoms, take your temperature, do you have a fever? did you have contact with someone with ebola? if you fail, you're pulled aside and you don't get on the plane. but the thing about ebola, you can be infected and it can take 21 days to show symptoms. infected people can get on the plane, but this doesn't make other passengers sick. there may be people who have contact with the man in texas who get sick, shouldn't spread from there. >> you and everyone there, take care. and dr. besser will take your questions throughout the morning, tweet him @dr.richardbesser. and the secret service, under fire right now. learning about the major new breach. an armed contractor with an arrest record on the elevator with the president. this breaking as the secret service head gets a fierce grilling on capitol hill about the armed fence jumper who ran into the white house. pierre thomas is tracking the latest. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, george. omar gonzalez is due in court later today to face charges and causing the huge embarrassment for the secret service. and this morning, new damaging details about how somebody else got too close to the president. the latest security breakdown happened september 16th as the president arrives for the centers for disease control in atlanta. mr. obama enters an elevator and encounters a security guard who sources say began to act unprofessionally, initially refusing to stop. the guard was reprimanded, and the secret service did a background check, discovering the guard had a criminal record or at least charged with a crime before. such a person should not have been allowed that close to the president, especially since the guard allegedly had a gun? why was this man not fully vetted? >> the protocol is not right. the training is inaccurate and there's no confidence in the leadership. >> reporter: the latest revelation comes a day after withering congressional hearing about how this man pierced so many layers of secret service security at the white house. walking into the front door and making it to the east room before finally being tackled by a security officer who was off duty. >> this is disgraceful. absolutely disgraceful. >> i believe that you have done a disservice to the president of the united states. ma'am, no, stop, please. to head an agency whose morale has gone down. it has had a series of embarrassments. >> reporter: under fire, the secret service director who could admit to failures. >> people make mistakes. they need to be held accountable. >> reporter: mistakes from uninvited guests to the white house to prostitution solicitation. >> i wish you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation here today. >> have you heard of these guys? >> reporter: i've covered police in this town for more than 15 years, and i've never seen the secret service as beaten down as it is right now, george. >> and this one is not over yet. okay, pierre, thanks very much. now let's go to amy with the other top stories. >> good morning, everyone, we begin with a tense situation unfolding overseas. tens of thousands of angry protesters demanding democracy in hong kong are vowing to occupy government buildings unless the leader of hong kong's government resigns. organizers had given china's come mist government until today to respond to the election reform. police are standing by for violence, but keeping a low profile so far. new concern this morning that air strikes may not be enough to stop the advance of isis militants in syria and iraq. tuesday was the busiest day with the british joining the aerial assault and new bombings now being reported near the border with turkey. but there is word that isis has managed to capture a military base just 50 miles from baghdad. a dramatic scene in one of the world's busiest waterways. watch as these two container ships travel through the suez canal, when one losses control, steering right into the side of the other. fortunately no one was injured. an investigation, however, is now under way. back here at home, police in new mexico are searching for a brazen armed robber who held the clerk at this check cashing business at gunpoint. he forces the woman to her knees, grabs as much money as he can find, and then takes her purse before making his get-away. the clerk is okay this morning. pressure is building on the administers at the university of michigan after the controversial call to send the team's quarterback back on the field after suffering what we now know was a concussion. more than a thousand students and alumni rally ied tuesday, demanding the athletic director be fired. the school insists changes are being made. a playoff thriller in the major leagues. took to the 12th inning, but the kansas city royals rallied back to win their first playoff game since 1985. that's a party there. half the players on the team weren't even born in 1985. why did we have to give that depressing fact out? all right. and finally, a bear that can give the cookie monster a run for his money. here he is getting his fill after walking up to this window in russia. the brave man, or as i'd like to say, the not-so-bright man keeps giving him cook kiss. keeps them coming. he keeps giving the bear some more. despite those scary claws, the man withholds the cookie, training the bear to give him a high five. >> no. >> if you want to call that a high five, i could call that a possible mauling. >> the video is going viral. please, we do not recommend trying this anywhere at any time. >> oh, no. >> know. >> yeah, see -- i don't feel he was going for the high five there. he's like huh-uh. >> the claws are fully out. that's a clue. >> and it's -- >> a gentle handshake. >> all is okay. no one got injured. >> all is well. >> the bear got a lot of cookies. it did. happy bear. thank you, amy. now to the latest on the massive manhunt for the cop killer in pennsylvania. police finding pipe bombs eric frein left behind as they their narrow their search for the self-taught survivalist. linzie janis has the story. >> reporter: this morning, a look at the two potentially deadly explosive devices police say suspected cop killer eric frein left in the woods where he's believed to be hiding. >> the pipe bombs had the ability to be detonated by trip wires or lighted fuse. >> reporter: police say the bombs were booby trapped, meant to kill. the devices found in the camp site were never set, leading police to suspect frein left in a hurry. they addressed him directly tuesday, believing he has a radio. >> i'm calling on you, eric, to surrender. you're clearly stressed. you're making significant mistakes. >> reporter: this morning, law enforcement also revealing very spotted frein, sometime within the last two days, getting within 75 to 100 yards of the fugitive, but the woods too dense, and frein, vanishing, once again. the 31-year-old survivalist and war re-enactor is believed to be taunting police on purpose, ever since shooting one state trooper to death and injuring another nearly three weeks ago. this morning, more than 1,000 officers scouring this roughly five-square mile area of forest in pennsylvania's pocono mountains. authorities narrowing the search after he turned on his cell phone to call his parents two weeks ago. local residents not taking any chances. >> ever thought about what you'd do if you see him in your backyard? >> i don't think he stands a chance if he comes in my backyard. >> reporter: deer hunting season officially begins later on this week. no word on whether there will be restrictions gsz in this area. for now, police telling hunters if you're going to go out in the woods to prepare, use extreme caution. look out for booby traps. robin? >> all right, thank you very much. not the kind of olympic news we wanted to share. >> no. not at all, robin. new trouble for olympic legend michael phelps. the swimmer arrested for dui. going nearly twice the speed limit and phelps is now apologizing. the newest member of our team, t.j. holmes, has our story. >> and michael phelps is going to win gold! >> reporter: this morning, the most decorated olympian in history in trouble with the law. 29-year-old michael phelps arrested tuesday at 1:40 a.m. police driving him with driving under the influence, excessive speeding, and crossing double lane lines in a tunnel in his home town of baltimore, maryland. police say phelps was going 84 miles an hour in a 45 zone, then failed a series of field sobriety tests. police say phelps was cooperative. telling abc news, i take full responsibility. i'm deeply sorry to everyone i've let down. this isn't his first run in with the law. arrested for a dui in 2004 and given 18 months probation and a $250 fine. then, making headlines in 2009 after this photo of him using a bong landed in tabloids across the globe. for that, he wasn't charged with a crime, but usa swimming suspended him for three months, and he lost a major sponsor, kellogg's, almost immediately. >> bad judgment. stupid mistake, something i will continue to learn from. >> when he was much younger, a lot of it was written off as boys will be boys, youthful indiscretion. he doesn't have those excuses anymore. he's a grown man. >> reporter: this morning, on the heels of a recent comeback in the pool, and winning five medals in last month's pacific championships in australia, many wondering if this will factor into a potential return to what would be his fifth olympic games. >> it's possible it would motivate him further to come back, grab more olympic glory. >> reporter: usa swimming has not disciplined phelps as of yet, but told abc news in a statement, the news regarding michael phelps and his actions are disapointing and unquestionably serious. we expect the athletes to conduct themselves responsibly in and out of the pool. phelps, was released after his arrest, could face up to a year in prison, a 1 thousand fine, and six-month loss of his driver's license if convicted. and what about sponsors? we haven't heard from them yet. >> i'm sure we will. hey, t.j., welcome to the abc news family. t.j. holmes. you and reena ninan get us going bright and early in the morning. >> it's not bright. we get you going. that's right. >> come on. >> first week on the new schedule. >> yes, welcome. >> thank you guys so much. and ginger, this midwest storm is really something. >> yes. we've got this early fall, autumn-time storm, creating severe weather, already has been. from the dakotas to canada. that's the upper. and dig into the atmosphere, lift things up and look for winds to go in excess of 60 miles per hour. you could see large hail in orange, parts of missouri, nebraska, northeastern oklahoma. your local weather forecast in 30 seconds, but first the stormy cities brought to you by macy's. i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tim with the forecast. a major warmup begins today and that means inland spots near triple digit heat for thursday, friday and saturday but this warmth and a breeze also increases our fire danger. highs for your wednesday, everyone is in the 80s. 81 san francisco, 86 oakland, 88 concord. antioch nice and warm and 83 for your high. accuweather seven-day forecast shows you the peak of the heat occurs on friday. temperatures in the upper 90s inland, mid-90s by the way and still to come here on "gma." we have so much more. the latest on the arkansas real estate agent found dead. why the suspect says he targeted her and did he act alone? and a puzzling mystery for police after a mayor of a major los angeles suburb shot in his home. plus the new research revealing how you can make your baby smarter. and "gma" goes pink. important new research on diagnosing and treating the disease. plus, we have a big surprise for survivors on board delta's pink plane. stay with us. ♪ always a hug. you're friends for life. when i needed guidance, and i needed support, living beyond breast cancer was there. last year, 5-hour energy raised over $340,000 for living beyond breast cancer purchase a specially marked bottle now through december 31st... and a portion of the proceeds will help breast cancer survivors live beyond their diagnosis. i hear it's better to do most of your planting in the fall. what are you, a plant whisperer? maybe. [ male announcer ] sta green potting soil, now just 2 for $12 at lowe's. ♪ to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it always makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. it always makes the home team cheer. frbladder medicine not working? ...can't handle the side effects? botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder. ...and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control... ...or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox® if you can't empty your bladder or can't or won't self- catheterize if needed or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination,... ...and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and all medicines - especially botulinum toxins, antiplatelets, and blood thinners,... these may increase the risk of serious side effects. ask if botox® can help calm your bladder. visit to find a botox® urology specialist. by telling you where you can earn bonus cash back. and then those categories change every few months. one month it's the "gym"... next month it's movie theaters?! who buys that much popcorn? get the quicksilver card from capital one. it lets you call the shots. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on absolutely every purchase, everywhere. now, isn't that how it should be? what's in your wallet? good morning, i'm eric thomas. starting today berkeley's minimum wage goes up to $10 an hour, a dollar higher than the state's minimum wage. it's the first step of a three-phase plan to give workers more raises in the years to come. the berkeley city council voted unanimously to increase the wage every year for the next two years. in 2015 the minimum wage goes up to $11 an hour and in 2016 it goes up to $12.53 an hour. check the morning commute now. it's been troublesome. here's leyla. >> very slow here on the san mateo bridge. it's going to take you in excess of 15 minutes to cross the water to head over to the peninsula. as we take your drive right up to san jose, northbound along highway 17 and 280, heavy traffic there because an accident still blocking one lane. also 280 very tough to make it right up to highway 17, 880, it does ease up from there. >> thank you. when we come back, meteorologist drew tuma has your forecast. i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma. a beautiful shot from our rooftop camera. just a great 68. 86 oakland, 88 concord, 87 vallejo. the accuweather seven-day forecast shows you our heat will peak on friday. trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. ♪ so wake me up when it's all over ♪ ♪ when i'm wiser and i'm older we love that song. "wake me up." perfect song for this special morning. he is here as part of an all-star trio, smokey robinson, jc is here. >> i love me some smokey robinson. and wait until you hear the song in the last half hour. and also take a look outside. we're going pink here in times square. yes, learn the facts about breast cancer. and it's just wonderful to see how all of times square has been just completely transformed in pink. >> and our crew. real men do wear pink. >> yes, they do. >> i just to want say it. >> i like the pink shag carpet you'll see later. where they found that? i don't know. >> i hope that remains to make us aware of the breast cancer fight. we will win against breast cancer. coming up on "good morning america," "gma" investigates the food labels. what you need to know right now that could save you thousands of dollars a year. >> i've wondered about this. i was rummaging around last night and the salad dressing and the dates. >> i do the sniff test. maybe i shouldn't do that. >> i do too. i was like, cross your fingers. >> that's never good. when in doubt, throw it out. >> that is true. >> and if you read the books or seen the movie, "diary of a wimpy kids," the author coming to the rescue after their lemonade stand was robbed. there is a happy ending. >> there is. but begin this half hour with new developments in the case of the arkansas real estate agent found dead on tuesday. aaron lewis admitted to kidnapping beverly carter and not killing her. he's not remaining silent. ryan owens has more. >> reporter: why did accused killer aaron lewis target his victim? real estate beverly carter. listen to why while he was in cuffs. >> why? >> she was rich. >> reporter: he found her at this foreclosure home. detectives say he admits to kidnapping her but denies killing the 50-year-old. he's charged with capital murder. do you have anything to say to the family? >> sorry. >> reporter: early tuesday morning, officers found her body in a shallow grave near a concrete company where he worked. she was almost 30 miles from the home where she vanished. telling abc, we are devastated at the loss of beverly. mr. lewis robbed us of a wife, loving mother and grandmother. >> we are in the investigation stage of moe tiff. this was a stranger to her. and that's all i need to say. >> reporter: how can you explain what happened? >> i had a codefendant. >> reporter: he claims there was someone else. they hope he'll do the talking now. >> kept him up for 12 hours, doing the interrogation. people don't have the defendant of counsel. they say things. >> reporter: in court lewis said the words that matter most to his defense attorney, not guilty. >> i want people to realize this case is much more than what's been said in the media. >> reporter: prosecutors say they may seek the death penalty. ryan owens, abc news, little rock, arkansas. and across the country. the mayor of a los angeles suburb killed in his own home. police say it was a violent end to a domestic dispute. his wife was questioned and released. >> reporter: this morning bell gardens, california, is stunned by the death of daniel crespo, gunned down by his wife. a shocking end to his 28-year marriage. >> so sad. >> they were peaceful, very loving. >> reporter: investigators say the 45-year-old got in an argument with his wife inside their town oklahoma home near los angeles. 19-year-old son daniel jr. tried to intervene. >> after this time the wife, it is believed, retrieved a gun and shot daniel multiple times. >> reporter: several of the shots striking her husband straight in the torso. the mayor, who has spent the last 15 years as a deputy probation officer killed in his own home. the mystery this morning, what led the escalation of violence? the two were high school sweet hearts. but overnight his brother told abc news he is standing behind her and the couple's two children. >> i love my brother and nephew and niece and sister-in-law. >> reporter: investigators questioned her, but released her overnight without an arrest. it's up to the district attorney to file charges. brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. and the weather now from ginger. >> october 1 wisconsin and be this is colorado. fresh pile. skiers happy with that. winter weather advisories in colorado. and the chill, and the late fall heat, chicago, they will drop. and talking drop big time. beyond sweater weather here. sunday, 40s or 30s. and same thing as minneapolis, and moves to detroit and pittsburgh. you'll be feeling it. out in west, there's a pocket with a developing heat wave. including los angeles. not just 90s. those molecules moving fast, i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma with the forecast. today marks the start of a big warmup. san jose topping out at 87 degrees. the accuweather seven-day forecast shows you the peak of the heat is on friday. >> all that weather brought to you by jcpenny. a little sprinkle here and there for us. >> feels good. coming up, "gma" investigators the sell by dates on groceries. why you could be throwing thousands of dollars away every year. and how you can make your baby smarter. new research reveals the sounds that can improve their language skills before they can even talk. emma, it's simple, when you are in a place like this, the best way to capture the moment is to feel it, even if you can't see it. introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. a hi.ty? 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[ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will our priority is...was... whefight back withes crelief so smooth....'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. . welcome back, everybody. we continue now with the "gma" investigation. food labels, or the sell by dates. you may be surprised to learn you may be throwing away thousands of dollars food that may be okay to eat. good morning, mara. >> reporter: good morning. dates on packaged food are confusing. we believe it's an expiration date. it's estimated 90% of consumers throw away food because of this confusion. throwing away groceries and money. best by, use by, enjoy by, sell by. we've all seen the labels with dates, but what do they actually mean? >> they don't mean anything. >> reporter: dr. michael hansen, a senior scientist with consumer reports said consumers mistakenly believe these are expiration dates. >> what most people think it means is the food is bad after that date. it could be hazardous. they tend to throw it out. >> reporter: but "gma" investigators learning this is not the last day it's safe to eat. but it's the last day the product is at its peak quality. the guidelines vary from state to at a time. some states have no guidelines at all. >> this is required to be labeled. >> reporter: the only product with a federally regulated date, infant formula. even the food industry recognizes that current practices do not adequately serve all consumers. and tells us there's an effort to improve current code dating practices with the goal of creating a uniform global standard. >> use by, sell by. and nothing. but just a date. >> and this is all the same brand. >> this is all the same brand. this is not only the same brand, but also the same 2%. >> reporter: so what does this showus? >> this shows there's complete confusion out there. >> reporter: organic valley says their milk comes from various suppliers who use different things. but they believe these confusing terms lead to major waste and major money out of your pocket. one author says a family of four throws out up to $2300 a year on food. how much is label confusion is not known, but experts are sure it's part of the problem. the food is still safe after that date. milk, up to one week. eggs within three to five weeks from your purchase date. and certain canned goods, like soup and green beans can be good on the shelf for up to five years unopened. as a consumer, what are you supposed to do? how do you know your food has gone bad? >> common sense. the food will smell or taste bad before it gets to the point to make you sick. >> reporter: common sense advice that never expires. experts say that sell by date shouldn't be visible to consumers because that information is really so the store knows when to move in new invento inventory. dr. hansen says the most important thing about keeping food fresh is keeping it cold until you're ready to use it. my mom said, do the sniff test. >> i'm the one who's going to the back of the thing to try to get the -- >> the latest expiration date. >> going back of the case. yeah. >> every time. >> i want to see those labels, though. more time. >> but the bottom line is you may be throwing away food that's fine. >> good information. thank you so much. all right, coming up on "gma," everybody, you might have noticed, "gma" is going pink. we have important new research on breast cancer that you need to know right now. and angelina jolie's doctor is with us live. and the real-life diary of a whifrmy kid. these two kids' lemonade stand robbed. how the community came to the rescue. has a new easy-to-swallow coating... so the nutrients for your eyes, heart and brain go down easier. for a limited time, get your four-dollar coupon at it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. well, it's been the number one soup in america.soup? (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! now to that heartwarming story about a community coming together to help out two boys. they ran their own lemonade stand. but when someone stole their money, their neighbors took action. abc gio benitez has that story for us. >> reporter: they're best friends with the same name, spencer and spencer. and right there with them a little dog named coconut. but wait until you hear how westie joined the group. spencerbergman asked his mom for a puppy. >> she said save up $500, and i could do that. >> reporter: he recruited his pal and set up a lemonade stand in the northern virginia neighborhood. business was booming until the unthinkable. the lemonade stand was robbed. >> we were bursting into tears. >> reporter: but the boys would make lemons into lemonade. the stand reopening and donations pouring in. >> people would hand a 20 and let us keep the change. >> then a special gift. a local music shop owner donating this book, "diary of a wimpy kid." a $15 gift and a note inside, please, don't lose faivorite in people. >> it was exciting. >> reporter: but reaching the auth author, jeff kinney, himself. he video chatted with them and send 150 bucks. >> he said you should keep going for the goal. >> reporter: finally the puppy payoff with a twist. turns out spencer was just shy of the goal when a neighbor gave him coconut for free, saving him from the pound. and all that cash they raised, it'll be used for a very cute cause. >> we're using it for food and fors it halloween costume and all these cool things. we asked the kids if they were scared re-opening the lemonade stand, they were feeling confident. they figured the guy would be more scared of him than they were of him. right? >> how about those neighbors? stepping up like that. >> amazing. >> don't lose faith in people. >> i love that. appreciate that. coming up, "gma" goes pink. amy, you were there for the big surprise on the pink plane. we will explain all coming up. s times square. the women linie ining up for mammograms. so much important information as we go pink. come on back. been voted best overall cruise line 11 years running. and will soon feature the best internet connectivity at sea. call now to be wow'ed. that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it. we go. eggo? one berry, two berry mixed berry, blueberry peanut butter, nothing's better gimmie jam to make it redder cream cheese, cherry please score some honey from the bees stack it up, it's what you do mix it up, it's up to you. enter your eggo recipe on facebook, you could win $10,000. padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread... but here's what you don't always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. here's in a word and here's the sale to match. royal caribbean's 5 day wow sale ends today. get up to two hundred dollars in onboard credit and a fifty percent reduced deposit during our biggest sale of the year. call 1-800 royal caribbean. the a's lost a thriller last night to kansas city in the wild card game. they lost 9-8 in 12 innings. the giants take on pittsburgh tonight for the national league. madison bum gardner on the mound for the orange and black. let's check in with drew. >> we're talking about total sunshine, temperatures nice and warm, 80s across the board. 81 san francisco, the accuweather seven-day forecast shows you this heat is going to peak on friday. we've got an accident in san jose. as you look right now at 101 right near the san jose airport at trimble road, a car versus a motorcycle. very heavy backups as you leave very heavy backups as you leave san jose. [ maltion right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ heme soners)♪ery touch point of performance and innovation. stan! ! ! hey guys! stan the man! hey, how's it goin stan? can i get $55 on pump three? you got it, stan! gas stations. just that.nobody knows a where nobody knows your name. the chevrolet cruze eco. with an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon highway. it's the new efficient. it's 8:00 a.m., and the latest on the first case of the deadly ebola virus here in the u.s. a major american city on high alert. how the cdc is rushing to stop an outbreak right now. and how to make your baby smarter. new research revealing that the sounds they hear as infants could make all the difference. and why is jimmy the world's most dangerous man? it's no joke. what you need to watch out for when it comes to kimmel. ♪ i've got the eye of the tiger ♪ make it pink, baby. pink, pink, pink. >> and "gma" goes pink. the latest on research and keys to detection. and i'm on board the pink plane with a great surprise for some special women. we have a superstar morning of music, and so many big names are taking the pink pledge. >> i took the pink pledge, so should you. go pink. good morning, america! [ cheering ] oh, my goodness. look at everybody here in times square with us this morning. showing their support as "gma" goes pink for breast cancer awareness month. and times square, our neighbors, going pink as well. >> i love seeing it all lit up like that. and take a look at these pink buses. there they are. donated by gray line bus tours. carrying 145 breast cancer survivors. amy surprised them on board the delta pink plane. came from all over the country. joining us live in times square in just a minute. >> they had so much joy, so many smiles. they dressed up. i hope they have the wigs and boas on today. and take a look inside. even our studio is pink. and the great crew -- >> you go, crew. >> we walked in this morning and they all had on their pink shirts. real men wear pink, as lara said. >> that's right. >> yes, indeed. and also coming up in this hour. it's called the angelina affect. more women taking steps for early detection and prevention much best cancer after joel joel yellow went public after her double mastectomy. her surgeon is here with the new medical advances you need to know about. >> we will talk to dr. kristi funk coming up. the news first from amy. right to the big news this morning, the first case of ebola diagnosed on u.s. soil. that patient is in isolation at a dallas hospital in critical condition. the man traveled from liberia to texas and was in the u.s. for ten days before his diagnosis. the ambulance crew who brought him to the hospital has been quarantined as a precaution. and doctors want to monitor anyone who came into contact with the man after his symptoms appeared. and that raises the question, what exactly is the risk for people who came into contact with him? david kerley has that story. david, good morning. >> reporter: it's the worry of many passengers. you're in a small, confined space. a metal tube for hours, wondering, could i have gotten that deadly disease? this morning we know the man now being treated for ebola was a passenger on a flight into dallas. he left liberia september 19th, apparently already infected with the disease. officials have not confirmed his route. but he likely had more than one layover. potentially in both europe and the u.s. it can be a 43-hour journey. he landed in texas september 20th. so do other passengers need to be worried? >> they're not going to acquire ebola infections from this gentleman. >> reporter: many of us have gotten sick on a plane. a passenger sneezing, or germs on the armrest or tray tables. but this virus can only be spread two ways. and this man showed no signs of illness until four days after he landed in dallas. >> patients only really become hazardous to others when they become sick. and you need direct contact with their body fluids. >> reporter: now the centers for disease control put up posters in airports. and as dr. besser mentioned, there is screening in west africa. trying to keep anybody from showing symptoms, amy, from ever getting on an aircraft. >> thank you so much for that. and from ebola to the mystery illness affecting children. four kids in massachusetts suffered paralysis after a respiratory illness. this after ten similar cases in colorado. the cdc is investigating whether the paralysis is related to the enterovirus. and yet another embarrassment for the service, it happened last month as the president arrived at the centers for disease control in atlanta. he entered an elevator with a security guard who was not vetted. he had a criminal record and allegedly had a gun. meanwhile, the fence jumper who ran into the white house last month is due in court today. an unusual sight from alaska today. an estimated 35,000 of these walruses stormed the beach of an eskimo village. experts say warmer ocean temperatures have left the walruses less ice to rest on, so they are swimming ashore. and an interesting now study for parents, work on your baby's language skills long before they begin to talk and it requires lots of noise. researchers say training infants to focus on certain sounds may build up the language centers in their brains. the study could lead to new early intervention products in the form of noisy games. oh, yay. parents so excited about that. but they will promote, they hope, language development. and finally, we have a new record overnight for the world's largest pillow fight. it was set by 4200 university of california, irvine students. this is great. i want to get in there. shattering the old record of 3800 participants. doesn't that look so cathartic? could have been more, but they ran out of pillows. and the fun fact, that school holds two other world records. the largest water gunfight and dodge ball game. >> do they go to class at all? oh, boy, haven't had a good pillow fight in a while. >> well, maybe we'll have to. all do it. >> here they come. >> stirring things up there. >> ginger, i love that. "pop news" and weather coming up, and now lara the morning menu in the social square. >> and here's what's coming up on the "gma morning menu." in "pop news," why jimmy kimmel is a very dangerous man. this is no joke. we'll explain. also, how happiness leads to success, not the other way around. what you can do to get both. and angelina jolie's breast cancer surgeon is here live with what you need to know about medical advances. and then these ladies. we have breast cancer survivors and supporters. we are going pink in times square here on "good morning america". how about a high five. ♪ like a butterfly ♪ like a butterfly i've been claritin clear for 8 days. at the first sign of your allergies, doctors recommended taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days! 14 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. the simple grains of rice krispies®. oooo! good. they're made with rice. they're popping! a gentle grain that's easy for little tummies to digest and fun to eat. kellogg's rice krispies®. cozy or cool? 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so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single, sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet? from now on, no one's taking your seat away. i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer. ♪ ♪ i guess you say ♪ what can make me feel this way ♪ we're hearing the music. a special go pink "gma" edition. smokey robinson, jc chasez. we have a live performance for our go pink supporters. don't miss that in the last half hour. one of my favorites. and in "pop news," start with wink. let's get to it. in honor of "gma" goes pink, l folks who are too cool. bob kari, who first put on a tutu years ago when his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. they have a book and a yearly calendar, and support women who need financial support in their breast cancer journey. and fire fighters who are thinking pink. pink heels uses pink fire trucks to raise funds. here they are selling t-shirts in asheville, north carolina. and some of miami's bravest going pink. it's happening all over the country, guys, texas and california. we also do not want to leave out the finest police departments like this one in leesburg, florida. look to breast cancer and throw the book at it. >> that's one we like. >> you mean you don't like some of them? >> no, love them all. also in "pop news," viewers bewa beware, jimmy kimmel is a dangerous man. i'm dead serious. just got a brand new title, most dangerous celebrity to search online. according to internet firm mcafee, it gives you a good chance to land on a site that causes viruses. upon learning the news that he was a technology gangster, he had that this to say. >> you hear that every girl in the school that wouldn't go to the prom with me? which was every girl in the school. who would have guessed that a boy who carried a briefcase to junior high and ended up playing the clarinet would be the most dangerous person. >> i think our jimmy is relishing it. he feels like, i don't know, he's got a little more -- other dangerous celeb searches, bruce springsteen, christina aguilera and chelsea handler. >> is there a reason -- >> kebconnects you to bad stuff. >> good to know. and an update on a story that caused quite a debate around the desk. whether or not this dog was really screaming. [ screaming ] is that cody's voice? it was specifically george who relentlessly questioned me on this. while i was not able to get a confirmation from cody, i have further proof, george stephanopoulos, that dogs talk. you need to listen closely. >> baby. you want your mama? >> mama ma. >> one more time. >> you want your mama? >> i want you mama. >> george? >> you're doubling down on this. >> george. >> that is a very, very cute dog who can not talk. >> well you know what, george? tell that to his mama. >> i know. >> that was priceless. >> i believe case closed. and that is "pop news." >> way to go, lara. way to go. >> another investigate report from lara spencer. >> okay. heat index coming up, first the check of the weather. >> this light rain is not going to rain on our pink parade. we are in support of the american cancer society. and you told me you have a new mission, right? >> we are turning awareness into action. we are going to finish this fight. >> yes, we are. and they are all here all year raising so many funds. get right to the forecast. the rain showers will continue. look at northeast, philadelphia, 72. d.c., just short of 80 degrees. and buffalo at 74. drier eventually. but not dry anywhere from the gulf coast up to the midwest. with the severe storms, you could see rain showers heavy at times and at places more than 4 inches in missouri. i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tim with the forecast. a major warmup begins today and that means inland spots near triple digit heat for thursday, friday and saturday but this warmth and a breeze also increases our fire danger. highs for your wednesday, everyone is in the 80s. 81 san francisco, 86 oakland, 88 concord. antioch nice and warm and 83 for your high. accuweather seven-day forecast shows you the peak of the heat occurs on friday. temperatures in the upper 90s inland, mid-90s by the wa >> all right. we to want get all that pink. but we have to get inside -- >> lara -- >> and everybody else. >> thank you, guys. we're going to kick off the heat index. people think about it all the time, does success lead to ha y happiness? someone is saying that's the exact opposite. suggesting that in order to accomplish our goals we have to start off satisfied. it's the happiness advantage. gave a popular ted talk on the subject. and business leaders have the key takeaways, it's not a raise or promotion. maintain a good work/life balance. and take on problems as challenges, not threats. i like that idea, start out happy, then success will flow with that. >> and it's very much a choice. you can choose to be happy. >> i degree. >> and how you define success. >> that as well. >> and isn't it more fun to hang out with people with positive energy. i would assume bosses want to be around people with positivity and giving it their all. >> that's why i hang out with you guys. >> hi. okay. also this morning, a behavioral scientist with an interesting tip for dealing with tough decisions. let your friends make the choice for you, especially when it comes to what you eat. expert pat dolan saying he lets his friends order his meals for him. it's an easy way to eliminate one decision from his day. some research suggests that the more -- right -- the more decisions we make, the worse we get at making them. >> robin is shaking her head. >> go ahead, continue. >> he says you should save your decision-making energy for things that matter. so hand over the menu and let your friends choose what you eat. >> i think the more decisions you make, the better you get at making them. i think when you get into a certain situation and say you choose, you choose, you get into a habit of that. >> right, wishy-washy. >> i don't know, what do you want? >> whatever -- but whatever works for you. >> when someone orders my dinner, i get cranky. >> note to self. and also in the heat index, so happy that "gma" is going pink this morning. and we have a foundation this morning on military island, it's be beauty. refurbishes donated wigs. these aren't the wigs they do. they're having fun here. but they provide them to women undergoing treatment who can't afford a wig. what i heard from ebeauty was doing, i'm donating one of my wigs right here. this is one that i wore in 2007 when i was diagnosed with breast cancer. i wore it right here because it was about the interview with president clinton. and, you know, it's a choice whether you want to wear a wig or not. and i thought that because i was -- was in a situation where people -- i didn't want to be a distraction, that i wanted to wear a wig. and this last time, heck, i was just going to let it fly free. but it's a wonderful organization. and a lot of women, especially with children -- >> they don't to want scare anybody. >> it's great what they're doing. and i'm very happy. i'm going to miss you. but it's also a way to move on. >> i love it, thank you, robin. and we know for more than a decade delta airlines has been partnering with the cancer research foundation, raising $8 million for research. delta's pink plane brought 145 survivors to be with us this morning. i was lucky to be on board, but not as a passenger. >> fight! >> reporter: they are survivors. thrivers, a sea of pink boarding -- >> i am so happy to be here. >> reporter: delta's breast cancer one. like rachel, a mother of two who was 42 when doctors gave her her diagnose. >> we found a mass, it's going to be a cancer. >> reporter: a double mastectomy, six weeks of radiati radiation. >> i can't say i'm a survivor yet, but i'm going to be. >> reporter: she's one of 145-women strong. i'm joining them on their journey as a survivor myself. i'm ready, at least i look the part. but not as a passenger. >> good afternoon and welcome on board. i just realized we're a flight attendant short on today's flight. what's this? "good morning america" anchor and breast cancer survivor amy robach is here. >> reporter: i'm so excited to be on board the plane with all of you. after takeoff, i'm quickly put to work. taking drink orders, ice or no ice? and serving lunch. but it's the personal stories that inspire me. >> i was scared. >> diagnosed four and a half weeks ago. >> reporter: you were a survivor the moment you found out. >> a celebration of life, a celebration of beating the odds. >> reporter: the way we lean on each other and support each other and the way we let our sisters know that we're not alone. that we're in this together. and we're stronger today. ♪ i want to see you be brave we land in new york city -- ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ >> reporter: and the women are greeted by hundreds of supporters. their faces say it all, gratitude, grace and joy. ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ >> i've never had more fun on a flight in my life. it was so beautiful. joy and the energy. and just the enthusiasm for life. and it's a gift. it's the one gift you get from this awful disease that you just appreciate. >> and how about that serenade you guys got? >> it was awesome. so great. and delta -- so many people lined up with the music. and everyone had signs, their name on it. it was well thought out. some of these women have been on the plane for ten years. >> and delta does things throughout the year like this, but to have the sense of community. ain't no mountain high enough. you make a good flight attendant. >> if this doesn't work out. >> yeah, it's working out. move on now to the angelina jolie effect. one study found that testing for the mutation that puts people at higher risk for developing breast and ovarian cancer doubled after she had a double ma tectmy after finding she is positive. and dr. christie funk, and dr. jen ashton is right by her. and the recent medical advances, including the discovery of a new gene muation. making the baraka gene a household name. attention is now turning to the palb2 gene mutation. it can increase the risk of breast cancer to a 1 in 3 chance by the age of 70. this puts it behind the other as a top risk factor for breast cancer. >> it can be important. how often to be screened. even considering surgery in the most extreme circumstances. >> reporter: up next, new research underlines the role obesity plays in the disease. >> you can do things to lower your chances of getting cancer and living with cancer if you get it. >> reporter: you can decrease the risk by losing a skirt size, reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking. and on monday, promising results for a relatively new breast cancer drug, perjeta. it helps patients, breast cancer survive longer with low side effects. and joining us now is angelina jolie's breast surgeon, dr. christie funk. and abc news senior medical contributor, dr. jennifer ashton. good to have you. >> good to be here. >> that's why i look -- i love that, pink warriors and thrivers instead of just survivors. her discussion a year ago -- it's hard to believe the time that's gone by. it's continued an important conversation, hasn't it? >> it truly has. the ripple effect is not a ripple. ripples dissipate and end. what she has done to raise awareness about the mutation will never be forgotten. it's sort of like the wheel. when you know it's there, why not use it. there was a gene, they knew if many millions of women and men were going to die from this related mutation, we forgot about it. no one's going to forget. and it's really a bigot tributeo her strength to be vocal and there is an awareness. and gave so many women, the choices in fro in front of us, courage. if angelina jolie can do it. i could too. it's not the end of something, but the beginning, perhaps. and dr. ashton, you're screening women to see whether or not they are candidates to have the genetic testing. >> and we have to remember, and we talk about this all the time when we see each other, ovarian cancer risk can be up over 50% for the brcta mutation. and now all the buzz in the surgical literature is about removing the from local y-- fallopian tups. >> a commercial is going to take us away in 30 seconds. dense breasts, there are now laws in some states where patients have to be told -- >> mammograms, dirty little secret. if your breasts are dense and you have a normal mammo, may not be normal. dense breasts hide cancer. good morning. i'm kristen sze. developing news in oakland. police are investigating a deadly shooting outside a nightclub. around 1:15 this morning a man got into a fight with another person in the area at 11th and clay street. the second person pulled a gun and shot the man in the stomach. the victim was taken to the hospital where he died. the suspect got away. right now police are looking at surveillance video to get more information on the shooter. let's see how your morning commute is going on this 1st day of october. >> it is very businessesy. we have a crash northbound side of 101 at brokaw road. it is stacked up, bumper-to-bumper traffic. here is a live look at it. you can see it's barely moving coming away from 880. southbound traffic not a problem at all. just use those sunglasses, very bright out there. >> we'll talk to drew tuma about that i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma. fairfield 68 degrees right now, 61 in award, stran francisco at1 also. highs here wednesday, everybody getting nice and warm in the 80s. san francisco has 81. 86 oakland. san jose getting to 87 degrees. the accuweather seven-day forecast will call for the peak in the heat come friday. the coast in the mid-80s. ♪ the story of my life look at that wonderful crowd outside with us. i know the pink wig, the pink costumes. oh. those were the women that were on the plane with amy. the delta plane. and as you know we are going pink. it is october 1st, we start the breast cancer awareness month. and we are going to continue the conversation we were having with dr. christie funk who is angelina jolie's breast surgeon. and also, of course, our contributor, dr. jen ashton. because we were talking about breast density and the importance of that. when i was diagnosed in 2007, the mammogram did not pick up the tumor. it was, thank goodness, my doctor said to also have the ultrasound. and there are now laws where doctors have to tell their patients? >> no, the letter women get in the mail says the mammo was normal, ps, your breasts are dense. level four dense breasts, it's like looking for a snowball in a snowstorm because cancer is white. we have two issues with density. one, it camouflages cancer, breast is white, fat is black. the denser your breasts, the whiter it is, and cancer gets overlapped and missed. second issue, the densest breasts have five times the cancer risk versus fatty breasts. you have more cancer risk and can't find it. >> can i ask you something else? insurance, will it pay -- because a lot of people, yeah, i'd love to get the mammogram and ultrasound too, will my insurance cover both? >> variable in different states. consider ultrasound, mri, and 3-d mammo. we have tools to see through the white. >> the mammogram caught one tumor, but not the other one. >> how do we know which one is right, if they say yes, they're dense, which step? right, if they say yes, they're dense, which step? >> i think doctors, if i know the patient has dense breasts, write for a ma'am dwmm and a breast ultrasound. it's not always covered. >> 50% of women have dense breasts. they all need ultrasounds. layer on top of that risk, family history, the history of a bioon si that looked weird. up it even more. >> next step in breast cancer awareness? >> it's the generation living with this woman with breast cancer. a lot of them have daughters. they are wondering is this my density? >> my daughters asked me. >> yes, and they need to be told as teenagers, avoid alcohol, exercise. if they do that as a teen and young woman, lowers their risk later in life. it doesn't have to be their destiny. >> thank you. dr. funk, thank you again for being with us. >> thank you for having me. thank you for going pink. >> we talk about this. george, where are you, george? he's running the other way. but we should say, it also affects men. yes, the vast majority is women, but also men are affected by breast cancer. we cannot believe one near ago today, amy took that brave step of getting her for first mammogram live here on "gma." just before she stepped into the mammo van, she had a video taped message explaining why she was doing it. and one year later amy shared that message with me again. yeah. here it is. >> so when abc producers called me last week and asked me to have a mammogram on live national television, my first instinct was, no way. never going to do it. i went in to see robin who is a breast cancer survivor and thriver, and she said you know what, amy, if one life is saved because of early detection, it's all worth it. i'm going to do this. so, robin, this one's for you. to know what happened in the van now is -- it's emotional to watch that. >> you know, amy, i'm -- wow. i mean, just to -- just to see you. and to see you now. >> i thought i was doing something fill lan tropic for others who might have cancer. never imagining that i was sitting in the room request two malignant tumors inside of me. you gave me the gift of knowledge. the gift of life. and for that, i will be eternally grateful. because you nudged me into the mammo van. >> and so when -- when you called me -- never in a million years that i think that you would be saying what you said. >> i have breast cancer. >> yeah. how did it surprise you? >> i watched you work through cancer, and i remember thinking, how is she doing that? why is she doing that? i didn't know why. until it happened to me. and then i realized how important it was to hold on to anything normal. >> we saw you virtually every day, still there, delivering the news for us, being there. what didn't you show us? >> any time i thought about my kids. any time i thought about them worrying about me or me worrying that i'm not going to be there for mthem. my showers were always my crying time. the water drowned out the sobs. when i cried, it was hard you have to put on a brave face for yourself and your family and want to for the other women out there going through the same thing with you. show them you're strong. but, of course, we're not always that way. >> and another lesson we're showing people, teaching people, not just the two of us, but the wonderful people that surround us every day. and how you can care for a colleague, a friend, who's going through a challenging time. >> sit in your chair was such an honor while you were battling your second bout of cancer. but then to have you walk me to your chemo chair that you had sat in. seven years prior? to sit in your chair in two completely different ways. but it was so fitting, actually. that was a surreal thing for me. to see how it all had come full circle. >> what is it that you want to get across to people? >> we have to make sure that we're vigilant about our own health. and giving women that nudge. so you nudged me. i hope to nudge other women into that mammogram exam room. >> you could have continued to put it off. and here we are talking about where we are a year later, and i'm thankful you're sitting in that chair a year later. >> yeah. >> to have that information and be able to face it. >> exactly. >> wouldn't you want to know and have a fighting chance. there are no guarantees, none whatsoever. but give me a chance. >> i'm looking forward to the day where i won't think about cancer. i'll just think about living. >> lean over, we'll probably be side by side at the desk and tell me when you have that day. >> i will. >> because it's going to happen. >> you asked me, have i had that day yet, not yet. >> but you will. >> i'm looking forward to it. i will lean over and say i had my day. >> thank you for this conversation. and i hope everyone at home, lara, how we are as sisters and discussed this. it's not just today, not just this month. thank you for the work you do. thank you, jen, thank you all. and a final check of the weather now with ginger. the sisterhood continues out here. you sigh us in our pink wigs and boas having a great time for a great cause. and the weather first. where is it hot? i'm surrounded by hot people. but we have to look at hot temperatures. 94, dallas, 93, san antonio, houston, 88. that heat into the southeast as well. but it's also fueling severe storms in part along the cold front from grand island, nebraska, to jefferson city, missouri. all looking for the potential for damaging winds. large hail. that's an inch or bigger. anyway, that's from coast to coast. this pink is -- i'm i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma with the forecast. today marks the start of a big warmup. san jose topping out at 87 degrees. the accuweather seven-day forecast shows you the peak of the heat is on friday. >> all that weather brought to you by capital one venture card. and we'd like to thank our wonderful neighbors here in times square for going pink with us. starting with bank of america. it's right there next to our jumbo frotron jumbotron. >> thank you to aeropostale, coca-cola, hard rock and hyundai. >> lg, lion king, m and m, nasdaq and oakley. >> prudential, reuters, samsung. >> and thank you to toshiba, the united states military recruitment and walgreens. >> and celebrating everything out here and grateful for those who support. robin. >> well done. they could take our jobs. ginger, looking good. coming up, the power of amy's message. how her decision to have her first-ever mammogram is having a ripple effect. you'll see, coming up. ♪ it feels good to be strong look at all of my sisters out there. breast cancer survivors and thrivers there. enjoying times square after making that trip. many of them from atlanta on the delta pink plane. and it was one year ago where it took robin to convince me to get the first mammogram. as we saw, she did it by saying it's worth it if one life is saved because of early detection. it turns out mine wasn't the only life that i saved. >> i'm 40 and putting it off. >> reporter: one year ago i finally had the mammogram. but not the outcome i anticipated. words i never expected to hear. i was told that i have breast cancer. watching from her home in south carolina, deb greg, a former news director at the abc affiliate in charleston, south carolina, where i started my career. charleston county school haves a new budget. >> i heard your voice and ran around to watch the story and i was shocked. >> reporter: fast forward a few months, one morning in the middle of my ke moe treatments, i was opening letters of encouragement from viewers. a thank you card. i opened one card, a thank you card from deb. >> i had been driving around with my mammogram prescription for a year when i heard your story on "gma." >> reporter: i had the ma'am gra two days later -- >> a biopsy and learned i had cancer the next day. thank you for saving my life. >> reporter: i get chills, that. that card meant the world to me. i was over a year late, lost my prescription. why hadn't you gotten your mammogram? >> i did self-exams, i was very aware of breast cancer. and i felt healthy. and i was really busy. like, every woman in this country. and as it turns out, there was a tumor about the size of a lipstick tube hiding where it couldn't be felt. >> reporter: deb and her two daughters who had just lost their father to lung cancer had already been through so much. for me the hardest part was watching my daughters watch me. what was that like for you? >> i was very angry and very scared. for them. of course, you would ask something like this, but that definitely was the hardest part. >> reporter: with her girls by her side, she would have a double mastectomy on christmas eve. >> i had been feeling sorry for myself beforehand. and one of the nurses said why don't you look at things differently and instead say i'm having my surgery on christmas eve, and i'm going to wake up christmas day cancer free. >> reporter: nine months later, deb is vibrant and healthy. >> right now i feel like a fighter. >> reporter: a warrior. >> a warrior. >> reporter: we have our battle wounds, don't we? >> yes, lots of them. these are yours. >> reporter: tell me your prognosis, how you are doing, what doctors told you? >> the oncologist said last week you should consider yourself cured. >> she's so positive and strong. i feel very blessed that our mom was able to beat cancer. >> reporter: it was good to say that out loud. >> yeah. >> reporter: a gift not lost on either of us, two women who started their journalism careers in charleston and fought cancer. >> god brought us full-circle. here we are in charleston, both healthy, taking anti-hormone cancer drugs. both with two daughters and both feeling very thankful. >> reporter: >> and to take the pledge, we have taken the pledge, right? go to abc and get the details on yahoo! and "good morning america." coming up, we have sushl star smokey robinson, jenny jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team! we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. the grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, sburritos so big, they make severything look smaller.a warm guerrero tortilla.g, they make . cannot think of a better way to cap off the "gma" goes pink with special guests. smokey robinson with jc chasez, and aloe blacc. and you can hear them on smokey's hot new album, smokey and friends up thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> good to be here. you look great. >> feeling great. look at the audience we have. talk about looking great. they look beautiful. and this music, oh, you have this motown dvd and you have this new music that's out. a lot of collaborations. >> a lot of stuff happening right now. >> how do you feel about the collaborations with these -- >> these guys are awesome. i am so proud to be singing with them. they're just wonderful. and they did a great job. as you're going to see. yeah. >> my girl, you wrote it for the temptations. you sing the song this guy wrote. no pressure, right? >> i told him i want to be a miracle. i told him. >> aloe, i know they've had a great -- >> today's the day. >> he and others have had a great influence on you and your music. >> absolutely. his music has been such a great inspiration to me. >> thank you, gentlemen. from smokey and friends, are you ready for this? "my girl." >> here we go, buddy. ♪ ♪ oooo ♪ oooo ♪ oooo ♪ i've got sunshine on a cloudy day ♪ ♪ well, well, well, well ♪ when it's cold outside i've got the month of me ♪ ♪ yes i have ♪ i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talken' about my girl ♪ my girl i've got so much hon ey in me ♪ ♪ i've got a sweeter song than the birtds in the trees ♪ ♪ ah yeah ♪ well i -- ♪ i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ i don't need no money, fortune or fame ♪ ♪ i got all the riches baby ♪ that one man can claim ♪ yeah ♪ well -- ♪ i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ i got sunshine on a cloudy day ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ she's my girl ♪ she's the girl yeah sneet she's a sweet thing, sweet thing ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ your girl ♪ my girl ♪ all night long she's my girl ♪ when it's cold outside ♪ sweet thing sweet thing sweet thing ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ well i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ my girl ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> all right, baby. smokey robinson. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. it's a place you've been before, but it's not on any map. so go out there, lose yourself, and find the truth. ♪ we're all born wild. ♪ let's keep it that way. the 2014 4runner. toyota. let's go places. gentlemen, that was the most perfect ending to the show we could have imagined. thank you so much. it was great. i think everybody outside loved it as well. let's wave good-bye to them, too. >> have a great day, everybody. good morning, i'm kristen sze. look at that at&t park with sunshine. drew, how's the party -- viewing party weather? >> it's going to be warm and is already warm. we see 70s on the board. 71 napa, 72 in half moon bay, 62 in hayward and san jose 65 degrees. this is going to be the start of a warmup today. 88 for fairfield, 87 san jose, 81 the high in san francisco under plenty of sunshine. the accuweather seven-day forecast shows you we peak in the heat come friday. 80s along the coast, upper 90s inland. it's a really slow drive across the water here on the san mateo bridge. i want to let you know ace train number 7 is having some mechanic al problems, 42-minute delays right now, but they are going to send out an extra locomotive to help out. kristen. >> all right, thanks a lot. now it's time announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, actor, director, producer and writer, tyler perry. and a performance from "saturday night live" alum ana gasteyer. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michause] [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly: hi. hello. hi up


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141014

worst. the pilot turning around for an emergency landing. what caused the inside of the plane to crack? there is a group of teenagers caught out on the rocks. >> and human chain. hikers trapped with the rising tide. almost out to sea with giant waves. bystanders pulling them back to the beach safe and sound. ♪ safe and sound we do say good morning, america. back full force. everybody is here. and we need all decks on hand because we have a lot of news to get to this morning. we're learning more about the nurse fighting for her life. a friend speaking out this morning. so much fear and concern all around the country. and when you see pictures like these, hazmat crews escorting five sick passengers off a flight in boston. it turned out to be another false alarm. we'll get to that in just a moment. >> everyone is on edge. and we begin with that severe weather. a dozen tornados reported and threats of more. our extreme weather team tracking it all. we begin with rob marciano in atlanta, where there have been tornado warnings all morning. good morning, rob. >> reporter: hi, george. the south getting hit hard this morning. a scary situation in atlanta. with a tornado warning just north of here. this, after a night of severe weather that stretched from chicago all the way to the panhandle. overnight, at least 12 tornados reported. tearing through illinois. >> very traumatic to walk up and see the back of your house pretty much demolished. >> reporter: causing havoc in tennessee. and in alabama -- [ siren blaring ] >> he started screaming help, help, help, help. >> reporter: 70-mile-an-hour winds turning deadly when a tree fell on this mobile home. louisiana under a state of emergency. trees uprooted, power lines down. this tractor-trailer flipped on its side. >> we've had one fatality and three other people injured. >> reporter: near the city of ashdown, arkansas, a father was killed and his wife and children rushed to the hospital after their house was leveled. this morning, people are picking through the debris that was once their homes. over 20,000 people in georgia without power this morning, most of them in atlanta. a new tornado watch includes parts of northern florida. with the heavy rain, you can bet that flash flooding will be an issue not only here in the southeast burks up in there the carolinas and further north. this is a very large, a very dynamic system. >> it is. and already the history of killing people. that's why we pay close attention. thank you so much. and a brand-new tornado watch in place for parts of south and north carolina. eastern georgia, all along the cold front stretching and bringing severe weather into the mid-atlantic today. if you're in orange, please take this one seriously, afternoon and evening as it moves east along the carolinas. it's not just riled up the old atmosphere as far as on top of our land, but also out in the ocean. the atlantic here. looking just north of puerto rico. hurricane gonzalo strengthening. should become a major hurricane, 3, 4. and by the time it hits bermuda, could still be a category 3. we're watching this one, and a potential hurricane in the pacific. i'll have more on that coming up. >> hurricane season far from over. thank you, ginger. now to ebola in this country. and we're learning new details this morning about the heroic nurse, nina pham, now fighting the deadly disease. tom llamas has the latest for us live in dallas. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, robin. around dallas and the country, everyone is asking the same question, how did this nurse get ebola? health officials still don't know. but this morning, that nurse, nina pham, has a reason to be hopeful. this as the cdc doubles the manpower at this hospital. this morning abc news learned that dallas nurse nina pham received a potentially life-saving blood transfusion from dr. kent brantly, the missionary doctor who contracted ebola and beat it two months ago flew into dallas on sunday, one day after pham tested positive for the virus. he donated his blood, packed with anti-bodies that should fight the disease. we spoke to members of her dallas parish, who said the 26-year-old in stable condition is in good spirits and has been able to speak with her mother via skype. >> everybody should ask god to help her get over this. >> reporter: the critical care nurse graduated from texas christian university in 2010. the a.p. now reporting she visited thomas eric duncan's room several times day from the moment he was placed in intensive care until the day before he died. part of a team of 70 health care workers all potentially exposed. >> it's possible other individuals could have been infected. >> reporter: but after three days of investigating, the cdc still doesn't know the point of contact. how the virus got into her body. some of her coworkers terrified. this nurse wanted us to protect her identity. >> what other things do we need to do to be more careful? do we need to invest in more protective equipment? >> reporter: this photo from inside pham's hospital shows what she likely was wearing while caring for duncan. a paper down, mask, shield, plus gloves which appear to be nylon. the cdc also apologized to pham for initially blaming her for breaking protocol. >> i'm sorry if that was the impression given. that was certainly not my intention. >> reporter: she's only been in contact with one close friend and her dog, bentley, since first showing symptoms. the king charles spaniel was first quarantined inside of pham's apartment with hazmat teams feeding him. but this morning, bentley is in a temporary home. he's being cared for by dallas animal services. it's unclear if pets can transmit ebola. but pham made it clear she didn't want anything to happen to her pet. now, dr. brantly also donated his blood to ashoka mukpo, and he's showing signs of improvement. he could not donate his blood to thomas eric duncan because duncan had a different blood type. george? >> okay, tom, thanks. as we said, fears are growing. our brand-new abc news/"washington most poll" showing 2 out of 3 americans now concerned about an epidemic. many worried they are personally at risk. jon karl with more from the white house. and these concerns blowing back on president obama. >> reporter: they are. the president is getting low marks from the public for his handling of the crisis. in our poll, only 41% approved of what he has done so far. and at the root of that low approval rating of how the president has handled this is this -- the public thinks more should be done. fully 64% say that not enough is being done to prevent further ebola cases here in the united states. >> and you have seen calls from congress. senator john mccain calling for an ebola czar, and others calling for bans on travel. and the cdc is indicating that they're going to come out with some new measures. >> reporter: that's right. they say there was a breach in protocol. reviewing the protocols and how they're enforced and sending additional personnel to dallas. but, george, the president has a delicate balance here. the white house wants to reassure the public that the chances of an epidemic are extremely low but they are taking decisive action to prevent one from happening. >> you don't to want feed the anxiety, but you don't want to appear to be out of touch. thank you very much, jon. and now to the scare in the skies. a passenger plane making an emergency landing after the walls inside the cabin started to buckle and crack. shortly after takeoff in san francisco. abc's david kerley is at reagan national airport this morning. has the latest on all of that. good morning, david. >> reporter: robin, it's one of those fears of flying. something is going wrong with the jetliner, and you don't know what it is. and in this case, the pilot wasn't sure. >> we had a problem on takeoff. with a pressurization problem. >> american 2293, are you declaring an emergency? >> just a precaution. we want to go back -- >> reporter: but inside the cabin of the american airlines 757, a bit of a panic as the actual insides of the jetliner were popping. >> there was a loud popping and banging from the outside of the plane in quick succession and working its way in. bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. then the interior panels buckled in. >> reporter: wall panels buckling, pulling apart. >> i wasn't sure we were going to make it. but a little prayer. we made it. >> reporter: some of the 184 passengers so concerned they called the crew to look. that's when the pilot decided to turn the dallas flight back to san francisco. >> it took a lot of convincing. these passengers basically said, no, you need to come over here and take a look at this. >> reporter: turns out it was nothing to do with pressurization. the masks never deployed. it was an air duct running along the wall that blew, pushing the panels apart. but no one was sure of that up in the air. >> right now, everything is normal. if i see any problems with pressurization, whatever, we'll divert. >> we were so glad when they turned around and made an emergency landing. >> reporter: now american airlines calls this a cosmetic issue. it really was because the structure of the jetliner was solid. but that doesn't mean there weren't scary moments for the passengers who today will get to dallas. >> that would be a little frightening. to say the least. >> i wouldn't want to take any chances with that. >> why not, why not? just make sure, which they did. turn to the economy now. good news at the gas pump. prices in something of a freefall right now. below $3 a gallon in many parts of the country. rebecca jarvis is here to tell us what's going on. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: hi, george, good morning. this is good news for commuters and it all ties back to oil. we are producing the most oil we have in the united states in 30 years and using less and less of it. that has sent oil prices plunging. wherever oil goes, gas prices follow. this morning, drivers doing double-takes. a gallon of gas at nearly a third of the stations across the country now less than $3. >> lowest we've had here in a long time. >> reporter: you tweeting us your own pictures at the pump. $2.99 in greensboro, north carolina. $2.87 in kansas city, missouri. and in greenville, michigan, some of the cheapest gas in the country, $2.55 a gallon. >> i don't even need to really get gas today. but at this price i can't pass it up. >> reporter: through the end of the year, americans saving a whopping $420 million each week on gas, compared to last year. and gas prices will keep falling. my sources say as much as 20 cents in the coming weeks. it's also good news for home heating costs. families who heat their home with heating oil can expect to save $350 this winter, george. >> glad there's good news. on the other side, the markets have been in a bit of a free- fall as well, and that's hitting 401(k)s. >> this relates on some levels to oil. when oil prices go down, it tends to be the case that stock prices also follow. we can't help but recognize also the ebola scare is weighing on things. as is the fact that you have these protests going on in hong kong and issues with the global economy. that's weighing on things and creating some issues for everyone's 401(k) out there. we'll take the gas prices, good news. the stock prices, not so much. >> okay. rebecca jarvis, thanks very much. and to amy with the other top story. breaking news from indiana where a tour bus heading from atlanta to chicago crashed early this morning. the double-decker megabus flipped over on interstate 65. the driver had apparently swerved in the rain to avoid another accident. as many as 25 people were injured. one in critical condition after being trapped under the bus. recent crashes have raised new questions about bus safety. and we will take a closer look at that issue in our next half hour. well, the catholic church appears to be making a seismic shift toward gays and divorcees. top bishops meeting at the vatican said the church must welcome divorceees. and they called for an examination on the church's position on birth control. and in another major shift, the bishop said, quote, homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer. they say gay partnerships offer those couples precious support and their dignity must be respected. well north korean dictator kim jong-un has emerged in public for the first time in five weeks. he was shown walking with a cane. though the government isn't saying exactly when these photos were taken, his absence fueled rumors from a serious illness to a possible coup. and a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of el salvador, shaking nearly all of central america and triggering a brief tsunami warning. one man was killed when a utility pole fell on him. and new details about the ignition problem that forced general motors to recall millions of cars. investigators are linking 27 deaths to the problem. less than half of the affected owners have gotten their cars repaired. and new video of a brazen attack in new york. a man emerges from an open subway grate in the sidewalk to though a smoke bomb into that restaurant and then disappears back below ground. no one was injured. but critics say this exposes a major gap in subway security. and in connecticut, the search is on for this wedding crasher. take a look. he posed as a guest and ran off with a bird cage that held the bride and groom's cards and cash. police used dogs to track him down but recovered only an empty bird cage. a similar scene unfolded in california. this wedding crasher got away with more than $1,000 in wedding gifts. and finally, something to inspire you as you commute into work. a man named peter sharp wanted to spread a little happiness on the train on the way to work, so he dressed up and started a dance party. cranked up the music. had a few friends there to get things going. didn't take long for the others to hit the floor. total strangers, making this a soul train. i should point out though, this happened in australia. because you all know, in new york, can i come -- this is what's going to happen in new york. that's happening. go like this. no one's getting up from their seat. no one. >> that's what happens here when i try to get george to dance. [ laughter ] no, not me, michael. i'm not going to do it. one day, george. one day. >> keep trying, mike. keep trying. >> i'm going to keep on going until he just gives in. i'm going to be relentless. one day. you and i. >> one day. you got it. >> hope we're going to be here. in the meantime, you have a story of people coming together. >> yes, yes. it's a dramatic rescue caught on tape. check this out. a group of hikers stranded on the rocks in oregon with the tide rushing in. take a look at this, everybody. people forming a human chain to pull some of them to safety. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: it's a dramatic rescue caught on tape. this coast guard helicopter racing to the aid of a group of hikers stranded on an island of rocks off the oregon coast. >> there are a group of teenagers out on the rocks and i think one of them just got pulled into the water. >> reporter: the rising tide cutting off the path back to shore. 15-foot waves ferociously crashing around them. >> there's probably right now, one, two, three, four, five, six kidds on the rox. and there's probably another four who are in the surf. and the kids in the surf seem to be okay. but there's somebody they're trying to get to in the surf. who might not be under control. >> very common for people to walk out at low tide, and as the tide comes in, it does so rapidly. >> reporter: three decide to swim back. take a look at this incredible video. watch as bystanders form a human chain to help pull them out. one bystander reportedly reviving a girl with cpr. >> if it wasn't for the two guys going out there to help to bring it in and those other three extending their arms, that girl would have surely died. >> reporter: the coast guard air-lifting the remaining five hikers from the rocks to the shore, one at a time. and not a moment too soon. rescuers say that between the rising tide and the high surf, if the group had been on the rocks much longer, they likely would have been swept out to sea. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> yeah. nothing better than seeing people come together. especially to save somebody's life. really amazing video. >> they did a great job there. boy, this is hitting so hard, ginger, all across the southeast. >> brand-new updates. more than 27,000 people this morning without power. that's just in georgia. look at the picture. you can get an idea of why. the power lines are down, trees are everywhere. look how smashed that car is in bibb county, alabama. so now those storms moving east. and another in the pacific northwest. this one going to bring a lot of coastal moisture. washington state, northern california, you could see 1 to 3 inches in the red area and some of the lower elevations could pick up a half-inch or more. but watch, the cold front doesn't do any justice for the fire areas. look at this. reno, wind gusts up to 100 miles per hour. it stays dry once it gets into the mountains. and that's why we have red flag warnings, fire watch, everyone wind watch warnings. and fresno today goes to 91. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the microclimate forecast. you can see the clouds developing bringing isolated showers but the big story is breezy and cool for all of us much height rain and drizzle possible and a couple more chances of rain in the seven-day forecast. our best chance along the coast in the north bay but the temperatures are 60's and 70's and no more >> and now, here's what i learned from being out at sea and watching that story. when we have a rough show, we can all just hold hands. form a chain. >> is that it? that's it? is that it? kumbaya. then we start singing "kumbaya." is great to have you back safe and sound with us. coming up, dramatic testimony in the retrial of the multi-millionaire charged with dui manslaughter. the girlfriend he adopted to protect his wealth taking the stand. and a yahoo! news exclusive with katie couric. the emotional first interview with the grandmother freed from prison after serving 17 years for a crime she didn't commit. and school bus danger person the woman arrested for driving under the influence on a bus full of children and adults. and a breakthrough for treating children with autism. a new study finding that a natural product could improve symptoms. best foods and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious best foods. bring out the best foods. bring out the best. real delicious best foods. dry skin heal it... want to hibernate? ...with nivea extended moisture body lotion. it intensively moisturizes for 48 hours. that's twice as long as the leading lotion claims. soft and smooth all winter... ...with nivea. teeth's first line of defense? 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>> reporter: he was disoriented from the crash. prosecutors sceptical. pressing her on the name of the hospital she took him to. >> um, i'm not positive. >> reporter: and asking why she never mentioned it before in three previous sworn statements. >> that's what i remember. >> that's what you remember, or is that what happened? >> that's what i remember today. >> reporter: hutchins also testified that goodman only began drinking after the fatal crash. >> we were advised not to talk about it. >> reporter: something she failed to mention in the first sensational trial in which goodman was sentenced to 16 years, only to have his sentence overturned because of juror misconduct. a bystander who arrived on the scene once goodman left was unable to save wilson. who didn't die from the impact, but drowned when the bentley plowed the car into a canal. >> why did you want to go in? >> in case someone was in there. >> do you feel bad that you didn't? >> reporter: goodman has again pleaded not guilty. for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> and dan abrams is here with more. and you see that testimony. she remembers things now that she didn't remember before? >> and there was another trial before. it's not as if we were talking about, she was questioned before and maybe it didn't come up. there was a whole trial before where his future was at stake and she doesn't provide this crucial piece of information? why is it so crucial? it's the heart of the defense. the heart of the defense is, he wasn't drunk, he was so disoriented because of the accident that he couldn't tell about his surroundings. that's why he's mumbling et cetera. and now she's offering a crucial piece of evidence that she didn't mention in the first trial? >> it's clear the prosecutors are skeptical. what can they do that she's lying. >> they could charge her with perjury. >> hard to prove. >> it is hard to prove. and i'm not saying they're going to charge her with that. but if the prosecutors become convinced that's the case, that would be the remedy for prosecutors in the case. >> that's the big card. there's all kinds of funny business with the jury in the case. >> in the first case, it was thrown out because of juror misconduct. then in jury selection in this case, one of the jurors was arrested for googling something. now they're sequestered. they're at a hotel. no one is supposed to know where they are. one of the jurors reports to the judge that someone is yelling at her about the juror who was arrested for misconduct. and she's not supposed to know about it. she's saying, i don't even know what he's talking about. the jurors aren't supposed to know there was another trial. somehow, this case continues to be a lightning rod for controversy. >> could that lead to mistrial? >> it is. but the judge is not letting that jury. >> reporter: go. the juror didn't talk about it with other jurors and still seems confused. doesn't seem to know what it relates to. it has to impact the trial. the first remedy is to dismiss the juror before a mistrial. >> not there yet. thanks. now to the incredible story from our partners at yahoo! about a mother of three released from prison after serving 17 years for a murder she didn't commit. the release setting off a big family reunion. she's now sharing her story. gio benitez is here with this story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's incredible. think about that. she spent nearly two decades locked up. her three children growing up without her. she's surprised by things we take for granted, like cell phones. now susan mellen sits down with yahoo! global news correspondent katie couric for this exclusive interview. this morning, the 54-year-old mother and grandmother once sentenced to life in prison now a free woman. spending 17 years behind bars for a murder a judge says she never committed. >> it's like i'm in a dream world. i'm going wake up and it's going to be a dream. >> reporter: the exonerated susan mellen sitting down with katie couric. >> what was life like in prison for you, susan? >> it was frightening. so many times i was scared. >> reporter: a california judge setting her free friday. >> this is overturned. the case is dismissed. >> what were you most excited about doing once you were released? >> when they hand me my grandson -- that was -- that was just so overwhelming and i was so excited just to hold him and just to know that i was totally free. but seeing the kids and holds them. >> reporter: in 1997, mellen was accused of killing a former boyfriend. >> man was murdered, all right? >> i didn't murder him. believe me, i wouldn't do that. >> reporter: she had been arrested at a mcdonald's taking her youngest daughter to buy a happy meal. 17 years later, jessica getting the happy meal that never came. >> i always wanted to have a cake for each of them because of all of the birthdays i left. i always wanted a cake with each of their names on it. >> 17 years' worth of presents. >> okay. >> reporter: perhaps the first present, mom being back. she says the idea of freedom really hit her when she was able to take a shower alone. closing that door behind her. you can see katie's full interview with susan mellen this morning on >> checking that out. thank you. and time for the weather. did you bring us more pictures from alaska? >> i had to. there was so much i wasn't able to show. i was telling you guys, on the boat, we saw this, of course, me feting splashed around. i have to tell you, the waves were so high. >> that was a great toss, though. very impressive. >> thank you. that was my first. the others didn't go as well. but we showed that one. >> you don't have to tell, you know. >> i know. i'm being honest. and then from a helicopter, how they get the stunning shots on the show. when you see the waves crashing, see the boats. i was watching how they make the show from up there in a helicopter about 200 feet above the ocean. i got a look that few do. you can see it on the gopro, riding right through. so we have to talk about the pacific ocean and another place on alert this morning. hawaii. as we watch tropical storm ana and could potentially become a hurricane and affect the big island. it's something we will be watching, of course. because things are going to change hopefully for them. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco. summer is over. check out the autumn temperature and breezes, 62 at the coast and 78 inland. isolated shower is possible today, a n >> all that weather brought to you by keurig 2.0. and now i've got my own fish stories. but i'm telling you, it's really, really big. they look like buildings, the waves, i swear. >> we do. >> we do. >> thanks, ginger. and coming up, a possible brekthrough in treating children with autism. the surprising food that can help treat systems. and 911 calls from a packed bus driving out of control and what you should know this morning. making coffee? 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[bell chime] ting we're back now at 7:43 on the nose with a frightening ride on a bus packed with students and adults on a field trip in utah. the driver all over the road, nearly hitting another vehicle until police responded to 911 calls from other drivers and people on the bus. abc's clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: they are the scenes that send chills down the spine of any parent. school buses losing control. watch as utah state troopers pull over this swerving school bus, packed with nearly 80 kids and adults monday on a field trip. concerned drivers calling 911. >> whoever is driving this thing can't maintain a lane. >> reporter: the passengers on board so worried -- >> she can't stay in the lane, she's crossing the double lines. and the adults are getting scared. >> reporter: even one of the chaperons calls 911 from inside the bus. >> oh, oh! >> what happened? >> she almost hit -- she almost hit this van next to us. okay, i'm honestly shaking at this point. >> reporter: troopers pull the bus off the highway, arresting 39-year-old lycia martinez for driving under the influence. not alcohol, but prescription medications. >> on the bottle, it says do not operate heavy machinery. do not drive. could cause do you ziness. >> reporter: we tried, but martinez could not be reached. this is not the first time. this bus driver caught texting on the go. another florida driver accused of helping start a brawl between students. but overall most bus rides are safe. more than 25 million kids take them every day. 20 times safer than getting a ride with a parent, 50 times safer than driving with a friend. >> even though this situation was incredibly alarming, it was an unusual situation for a school bus. it's designed with safety in mind. >> reporter: in utah, nobody was hurt. the kids soon on their way. but with a new driver. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> 25 million kids on buses every day. glad they're safe. and coming up, the mom who kept up her crossfit routine until just days before giving birth. how long is it safe to exercise when you're expecting? >> oh, wow. plus burger king is feeling the flame-broiled heat right now. the fast food chain being accused of stealing the idea for this commercial. the fast foot chain being accused of stealing the idea for this commercial. 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[ male announcer ] over time, you've come to realize... it's less of a race... and more of a journey. so carry on... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. what 8 grams of protein looks like when you decide water wings are for kids. start your day with the power of protein. a broader mix of energies, world needs milk life.needs to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. now to the emmy-nominated comedian who has a beef with burger king. accusing the fast food chain of stealing his comedy act in their new tv commercial. abc's t.j. holmes has the story. >> miss, for a dollar, name three white people, go. >> reporter: he's the funny phenom known for his frantic antics. >> can i have a hug, paul rudd? >> no, i did not say a hug! get away from him! >> reporter: ambushing unsuspecting strangers are for his wildly funny web series, "billy on the street." but billy eichner is not laughing this morning about this burger king commercial which he says rips off his act. >> how much would ten of these cost from burger king? >> $5. >> these are $1.49 for ten. >> sir, "how i met your mother" is ending. >> good. >> oh! >> reporter: now eichner is taking his beef to twitter. writing, hey, burger king. thanks for stealing my act for your new commercial. except it's not funny and get your own ideas. >> amy poehler, do you know her? >> no. >> oh, come on, amy! >> reporter: now getting support from seth rogan and judd apatow tweeting support along with countless fans. eichner telling them to day tuned, tweeting, i will put all this anger into the next season of "billy on the street." and burger king has not returned our requests for comment. his famous friends right now are giving burger king the business online. one of his buddies, michael ian black, tweeting, hey, burger king, you were stupid if you think hiring some random actor to play billy eichner was going to work. i was available. he is not speaking now. he's milking this and going after burger king big-time next season. >> next time they should just hire him and get it over with. >> not a bad idea. >> thank you, t.j. coming up, we have hugh jackman and michael keaton both live on "gma." ♪ in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side now, that's a burger. and now you can pay and go when you're ready. now, isn't that convenient? 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♪ and "duck dynasty" derek? sadie robertson stunned the ballroom with a saucy charleston in the high-stakes partner switch-off. ♪ i'm so excited and we are so excited to have hugh jackman here with us live on this tuesday morning as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> good morning, america. a pretty fall morning out there in times square. a nice crowd. and there's candace cameron bure. she flew all night to be here after a big night in the ballroom. switch and high stakes. cannot wait to hear who candace thinks will win and who is headed home next. also this morning. health news. big health news ahead, what could be a possible breakthrough in treating children with autism? the all-natural solution that's helping. i'm interested in this one. are you good at saying i'm sorry? >> no. >> i am. too much. >> a little too much. >> no. >> there's new research as so why some of us have a hard time saying it. and the tips you need to know or how the apologize and really mean it. >> oh, all right. and i'm not sorry about this, everybody. hugh jackman with us live this morning. and we have a little surprise for hugh coming up. >> going to be here as well, and the news now. and new details about the texas nurse stricken with ebola. 26-year-old nina pham has a received a potentially life-saving blood transfusion from dr. kent brantly. he's the doctor who survived ebola. his blood is packed with antibodies to fight the virus and appears to be working. pham is in stable condition. still, the cdc has no idea how she got infected. she was on the team caring for thomas eric duncan who died last week, but she was wearing a shield and gloves. the cdc is saying they will rethink their safety protocols. meanwhile, a united nations medical worker infected in liberia has now died in a hospital in germany. the other big story this morning, two deaths blamed on storms from the midwest to the deep south. triggering a dozen reported tornados overnight. that wild weather toppled trees, flipped tractor-trailers and levelled homes from arkansas to alabama. tens of thousands of homes are left without power. we'll have ginger's forecast coming up shortly. breaking news from the middle east. two americans attacked in saudi arabia. one was killed, the other injured in what appears to be a drive-by shooting in the capital of riyadh. no word yet on the americans' names or a possible motive for the attack. a question for you, where is the most expensive place to live in the united states? if you thought new york or san francisco, you're actually wrong. it's washington, d.c. where residents now spend an average of $28,400 per year on housing. san francisco was the second most expensive city. and new york, not too far behind. it's now home to the tallest residential building in the western hemisphere. it's 89 stories tall and feeshs a $95 million penthouse. and get this, this is hard to believe. come on, people. a 350-square foot studio apartment, $7 million. hmm. all right, a colorado man being hailed a hero for saving his neighbor from this burning truck. the man suffered an epileptic seizure and his foot became stuck on the gas. his neighbor didn't waste one second rushing in, saving his life before that truck exploded in flames. and finally, the newest internet star. a men's fashion model. but he's not a man. the owners of this 4-year-old shiba inu, bodie dressed him up. it started as a weekend hobby. they soon realized the business potential. they turned his good looks into a modeling business. now several big name designers signed him up as a paid model for their brands. the new top dog in the fashion world. i don't know if that's cute or disturbing or maybe both. i don't know. apparently it's lucrative. >> of course, i want to adopt him. >> of course you do. >> thanks. health news now. and a possible breakthrough in treating children with autism. a natural product called broccoli root extract can improve symptoms. dr. jen ashton is here. to explain. this is a small study but it offers some hope. >> it does. it's from a reputable journal. they looked at a small group of teenage boys and young men with autism. they gave them an extract, a substance that comes from broccoli root extract. treated them for 18 weeks, compared with a group that got nothing. and at the end, the group that got the extract, two-thirds of them showed a significant improvement, reduced symptoms of autism. they were more socially sbr act interactive. they were calmer. very promising. >> extremely promising. why that? >> why this? >> why did they go with this? >> there were two theories being tested. and the researchers at harvard and johns hopkins were looking to target inflammation, cellular stress. it was low toxicity. doesn't work in everyone, but it was good. >> it doesn't work for everybody. it's healthy for you. should you run out and get it? >> only if you like it for food value. we need more research, larger decease. looked at in girls. other crew sif -- cruciferous vegetables have to be studied, like cauliflower and cabbage. and there's not one cause for autism spectrum disorders. so unlikely just one treatment. >> eating broccoli or just the extract? >> no, they vary very widely in what you get in the store. they need to look at it more. >> dr. ashton will be taking your questions. tweet her @dr. j. ashton. "pop news" and weather coming up. but michael, you're moving over to the "social square." >> yes, i am. here's a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" and the social square powered by samsung galaxy. and in "pop news" -- and big one direction news. which band member may be off in the new direction, and the surprising guest star in their new video. and how flying could soon become more family friendly. always important for those of us with kids who fly a lot. and high stakes night on "dancing with the stars." candace cameron bure is here. the switchup, all coming up live on "gma" here in times square. [ cheers and applause ] puffing.. kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. whatwas this easy?ady now teeth whitening is! with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. just brush, whiten, and go! its stay-on formula deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. brush, whiten, go! dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. physical activity. but keeping that mix balanced, isn't always easy. so coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. and helping them think about when they've had too much, or maybe when it's time for a treat. supporting your efforts, with our message. balance what you eat and drink with what you do. that's how you mixify. a long term struggle...needs long term eucerin calming creme. used everyday... it's triple ingredient formula is clinically proven to provide 24 hour moisture and to relieve dry, itchy skin, with 92% of people reporting improved overall skin condition overtime. eucerin calming creme. experience the difference that over 100 years of skin science makes. calm, healthy skin starts with eucerin. will you marry me? [ cheers and applause ] >> i will. >> well, this is a very special one at a concert in illinois saturday night. that 5-year-old grant getting on one knee, popping the question. and then he was so sweet. as she always is. making his day. i guess it's never too early to start. >> no guts, no glory. >> that's right. >> good practice, good practice. >> big right now on facebook. lara spencer, "pop news." >> a little "pop news" robin. let's get to it. we begin with something quite beautiful. actually quite sexy. penelope cruz, has been named "esquire" magazines sexiest woman alive. crew, do we agree? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> yes, yes, there's a lot of nods. they don't want you to hear them say yes. but they're saying yes. the 40-year-old mother of two joins an elite group of women, including angelina jolie, halle berry. the issue steaming up newsstands on october 21st. but penelope herself, can't see what the fuss is about. she says she feels more like a mother who doesn't get enough sleep. honey? >> it's working. >> it makes her even sexier. she doesn't know that. >> in the article which is really lovely. the writer takes her out and she apparently mouths a giant steak. she's even sexier. so congratulations, penelope. and fans of one direction, are you out there? i have not one, but two stories for you. first, one of the guys may go it alone. may go in a new direction, i dare say. it's not who you think. always there's been speculation that it would be robin. >> perry. >> however, it might be zayne. >> really? >> yeah. the 21-year-old has been offered reportedly big money to record a song for an upcoming bollywood movie. but even if he does go it alone, he'll be back to the boys. that's a good thing because the other story, george, is one d has recruited another d to help with their new video. danny de vito, of all people, will star with the boys in "steal my girl." the video for the song off their new album, four. it's off of their new album. tweeting an ensemble photo. and can't believe that a hollywood legend is in their video. and niall, neither can we. random. >> so danny de vito is going to steal somebody's girl opinion >> absolutely. love it, random and fabulous. finally, want to show you this video. love this. 8-year-old charlie, he doesn't need jennifer grey to channel his inner patrick stewart. there he is, there's 8-year-old charlie. >> oh, wow. >> swayze, what did i say? >> stewart. we knew. we knew what you meant. >> the one and only legendary patrick swayze. they showed charlie the movie this summer. that was it. nobody puts baby in the corner now. charlie has watched it 10 to 12 times. he has every move down, as you can see. >> oh, get it, charlie. >> oh. >> he cannot sit down. he has the swagger, the moves. patrick swayze is smiling. >> wow. >> i can't stop smiling myself. >> adorable. >> i know. look at him. >> he has to do the big lift at one point. >> i mean, go, charlie, go. >> he has got it. >> thank you, lara. >> that's "pop news" on this beautiful tuesday. heat index coming up, ginger with a check of the weather. >> that kid was amazing. and so is this crowd. i'm so lucky, here in the middle of a washington state sandwich. friends here from seattle and then from -- >> chelan, washington. >> chelan, washington. a girls' trip. and talk about something serious. we have the damaging winds and, of course, the potential for tornado the in the southeast. the pictures from louisiana, alabama, overnight into early morning. and now the tornado watch that's all the way extended into north carolina. so severe weather anywhere inside that orange today. potential for strong winds. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the microclimate forecast. you can see the clouds developing bringing isolated showers but the big story is breezy and cool for all of us much height rain and drizzle possible and a couple more chances of rain in the seven-day forecast. our best chance along the coast in the north bay but the temperatures are 60's and 70's and no more 80's and 90 and more rain tonight and drizzle and temperatures in the 50's. seasonal temperatures through >> hey, guess whose birthday it is? 70 years old, and your name? >> anne. >> anne, happy birthday. let's get inside. >> happy birthday indeed. first, in our "heat index." this one will hit home if you have ever been on the receiving end of a nonapology apology. a new pain publish -- paper in journal of psychology. some of us have difficulty saying i'm sorry. offering tips for how to do it right. for example, admit up front that you were wrong. tell the person how to fix the situation instead of trying to justify what you did or minimizing what happened. >> i'm sorry you feel that way. that's my favorite. that's my favorite. i'm sorry, but -- >> for all those who may have been offended. >> two words. if "if" or "but" are in the sentence, it's not an apology. >> agreed. agreed. >> that's a very good way to look at it. >> you to feel that way? yeah, i do feel that way. also this morning. this is a weird one. spain has a problem, people aren't going to comedy clubs. one in barcelona began to charge audience members not when you were coming in. you were charged per laugh. they use facial recognition technology, see if people are laughing. they charge 38 cents a laugh up to a $30 maximum. it turns out it's actually working. more people are going. and they're having a good time and it's been a boost -- >> ticket sales. >> so you're basically not paying for something if it isn't funny. >> see people going like this, not going to laugh. not going to laugh. hit my limit. >> i don't have any more money. can't laugh anymore. that's an interesting concept. >> yeah. >> that is funny. and next up on "the heat index" a new idea for family friendly skies. tony reali has more. >> good morning, guys. burning up the heat index, number one and in your feet, thompson airways. top carrier in the uk. take a walk with me hitting the skies next summer with family seating. you want the booth? let's see if you can handle the booth. look at this. look at this prototype. is this how your going to fly with your family? mom and dad like they just got a massage, family like they watched "the sound of music." there's an upside and a downside. upside, you get to spend more time with your family and maybe be able to corral your children, much to the joy of the other customers. downside, parents have to spend more time with their family and have to corral their children to fear the wrath of other paying customers. so the question, should families sit apart from other flyers? tweet us at #socialsquare. what do you think? >> i think maybe on the age of the children. >> my kids want to sit with me. so it works. you think maybe in a few years, they'll want to sit away. >> it's great to have the option. >> i love this idea. >> francesca, my daughter, he's 9 weeks old now. never more than five feet away from me. but i'm italian, when she's 15, 21, still be five feet away from me. >> so you can handle the booth. >> i can handle the booth. >> good deal there, tony. thank you. >> over to michael now. next up on the "gma" heat index, switchup night on "dancing with the stars" and candace cameron bure is here to recap last night's show. but first, we asked you, which of the dances was your favorite? you chose the charleston by sadie and derek. let's take a look. ♪ you make my brain just stop ♪ it's like a roller coaster but i'm only going up ♪ ♪ i'm in crazy stupid love and now let's here candace's take on last night's show. hello, candace. >> hi. >> how are you? >> i'm great. >> even though grumpy len was out last night, i thought -- the judges were extremely tough to me. >> they were brutal last night! i have never seen so many 5s and 6s on one show in my life. and at week five. i was very surprised. >> yeah, this deep into it. >> and they were freely handing out 10s a few weeks ago. and then to come in this week and hand out so many 5s and 6s, the junls clearly separated the back last night. >> separate it for us. who do you think is going to advance on? >> alfonso, sadie, lea, janel, bethany. i mean, i think those are your top five. >> that seems like -- mark ballas did a little bit better, got 8s. he was still pretty disappointed, your former partner. >> he was disappointed. i think he and sadie got robbed last week. not enough 10s. and he did a great job with bethany. and compared to the other dances, i think they should have gotten some 9s in the score. >> it was surprising. >> and things turned a little risque. janel, wow. >> she was so risque. it was the first time they ever did burlesque on the show. i was like, boy, i'm glad my boys weren't at the live show. but, you know, for that kind of number, you have to really go all out. and she did. but i think they could have left a little more to the imagination and had a little more fun and comedy in it. >> jessie j was one of the guest judges. she was on our show. she was so nice and friendly. you talked about the tough judges, how did you think she did? >> i loved her. she was fantastic. she was honest and had a humor about her that was cracking me up. and she was saying very critical things in the most lovely, fun way that she could. >> the accent is better. and karina smirnoff was injured in rehearsals and not able to dance. how is she doing? any update? >> i don't have an update. i talked to the producers last night. i didn't get any official word. hopefully, she'll be back soon. >> but somebody won't be back. there was no elimination this week, but next week, who do you think is going to go home? >> unfortunately i think one of the guys in the bottom from last night's show and the week before. it could be jonathan. it could be antonio. or maybe michael. >> hope karina gets better. but to find out who gets eliminated next, tune into "dancing with the stars" next monday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on abc. and have the couple on next tuesday morning. amy? all right, now time for the morning stir. and stirring up a fire storm is one who who practically went from the gym right to the delivery room, doing intense cross-fit workouts until just days before her baby was born. and linsey davis is here with the story. >> reporter: good morning, not all that long ago, pregnant women were told to stay in bed and rest. some are bellying up to the bar to lift weights, specifically doing an intense workout called cross-fit. some call it the high-performance pregnancy that delivers a supercharged baby and a fit mom. but is it safe? these are the pictures that got everyone talking. a pregnant woman in her ninth month doing strenuous lifting, pushups, while standing on her head. all part of her grueling cross-fit workout. she started doing crossfit two years ago. and when she became pregnant with her second child, she didn't want to quit. >> my daughter always said being pregnant is not being sick. >> reporter: the only real change was dropping the amount of weight she lifted from 65 pounds to 50 pounds and maintaining that throughout the pregnancy. she says she worked closely with a trainer, and showed the doctor videos of the workout, she was safe to continue. >> for women at this level of physical fitness before pregnancy. they can listen to their bodies and safely continue to work out at that level throughout their entire pregnancy. under the supervision of their health provider. >> reporter: she suffered terrible morning sickness during her first pregnancy, but felt wonderful during this one and continued the crossfit routine until four days before she delivered. >> with this one, i didn't feel like i was pregnant. i was so normal. i mean, i did everything i always do. >> reporter: another benefit of her crossfit workouts, during the first pregnancy, she gained 30 pounds. average for a one-baby pregnancy. but this time, only 16. >> i'd like to say pregnancy is an athletic event. you have to train for it. it's very strenuous physically as well as emotionally. so i think the better shape a woman is going into her pregnancy, the better she'll feel. >> reporter: she says she's finished having babies, but not finished with crossfit. she plans to be back at the routine in just a few weeks. >> i already have my girl and my boy. and if i have another baby, i would do it just the same way. >> reporter: and she delivered a healthy baby boy just two weeks ago. there are said to be health benefits for the babies and sometimes the labors of crossfit moms. >> i have to ask, are many of those workouts modified for pregnant women? >> some of them are. a lot of websites are dedicated to crossfit moms. pregnant burpees, use the walls instead of the floor. like many other things, doctors will tell you again and again, anything that you did before pregnancy, you can likely do it during pregnancy. it's about listening to your body. i tried doing crossfit while pregnant, not because i was doing it before, but my body said stop doing that. move away from the mat. this is not your thing. >> are you kidding, my body told me the same thing during pregnancy. interesting. thank you for that. and we want to thank our friends at fusion for introducing us to that mom, mrs. ramirez. and up next, hugh jackman is here and we have mary lambert performing live. stay with us. we have mary lambert performing live. stay with us. good morning, i'm kristen sze. we're live over breaking news in the south bay. a rescue is under way on mt. hamilton in santa clara county. the chp says a woman was trapped inside a car that flipped over. you can kind of see it there, after it went down a ravine yesterday afternoon. onstar alerted authorities but they had the wrong location, so the family helped find her using that find my phone app on the phone. so the car was located just this morning and you can see that white vehicle there. the woman is said to be alert but badly hurt, so what we saw were rescuers kind of clearing that brush there and you can just make out that there's somebody covered in blue. we don't know her condition right now, but obviously she's not able to walk as they continue this rescue. we'll continue to monitor the situation and bring you updates on right now your morning commute with leyla. >> we also have a serious accident again here in vallejo. it is a new one, eastbound side of 780 at military west where it is a big rig involved with a couple other vehicles. one lane gets by. it is slow there. now, in the opposite direction we had an earlier fatality here westbound 780 at 80. that has cleared, all lanes now open. kristen. >> thanks a lot. we'll check out your forecast, kind of gray out first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. hi, here's the forecast for the game t ♪ ♪ but the day i saw you at your door you opened up the things i should ♪ ♪ the things i should [ cheers and applause ] something a little bit different there from mary lambert. title song from the new album, "heart on my sleeve." saw her in macklemore. she is going to perform live in just a little bit. and a nice big red piano over there. >> action-packed morning. michael keaton is with us. returning to the spotlight with a big movie. called "birdman." it's generating serious buzz. >> he deserves it, he is fantastic. >> i can't wait to talk to him. you'll be doing that coming up. first to robin inside with a special friend. >> you said fantastic. who comes to mind? hugh jackman. yes, yes, we love you. >> thank you. >> you're no stranger to broadway, three hit shows, two tonys. and back in a different role in the "river," coming next month. welcome. >> congratulations on your award. >> thank you, i was honored. you're good like that. we're used to the singing and the dancing. but this is intimate. >> it's intimate on the -- if you're in the last row, you're eight rows back. it's a prime seat. the play is very smart, very beautiful. and you will -- i guarantee you everyone in the audience will relate to every character there. the play is set on a moonless night. a man takes his new girlfriend fly fishing for the night. not telling you too much, but by the end of the night, it's clear nothing is as it seems. it's a bit of mystery. and the most elusive catch of all is the truth. >> the most elusive catch. i like the play on words like that. >> thank you. >> it is a small theater, talk about that in a moment. but how you're going about with the ticket and making them available. >> many people say broadway is too expensive. i'm really so inspired by the producer. she took a bold choice. small theater, not a lot of seats. and making available 46 every night for $35. >> wow. >> not only that, river bank seating, benches in the front row, $95. you can get those in quick. this has never been done before. turn up with a photo i.d., and this is at 10:00 every morning. and two tickets available in the evening, turn up again. you get a receipt and get the tickets. and this will stop scalping. everybody who wants to see the show. doesn't matter if you're a student, you can see the show. >> we appreciate that very much. and a lot of people have talked about that. but that is just a brilliant way. this is something special to you. because you saw your first -- al pacino way back when in this theater. >> 1998, the first broadway show i had seen was "circle in the square." standing room only. lined up for four days in a row for standing room only seats. eight available. we have 20 or 30 each night. only 80 available. and i had to go back earlier and earlier. we were there at 5:30 in the morning with deb. and as the lights went down, ushers said you're in the second row. so the lights came up, and there was al pacino, eight feet in front of us. it was about a one hour play. and half an hour, i looked to the side and deb was absolutely asleep. we had been up since 5:30 in the morning. and al pacino was staring straight at her. she's like -- >> she couldn't help it. >> so feel free to fall asleep. i will understand. no problem. but he signed my poster. i stood backstage. and from that day on, i have signed everybody's thing when they come back. because i remember what it feels like. >> you remember that feeling and want to have that for everyone else. didn't you take your son fly fishing -- the cast went. you had to get in character. >> i did not grow up fishing. now i'm into it. i'm getting hooked into it. i took my son who's right into it. yeah, we had a great time. i mean, you don't have to know anything about fly fishing, trust me, to enjoy this play. but it's really about a man's passion and how he wants his new girlfriend to be involved in the passion and wants to connect through that. kind of like i'm still trying to get deb to play golf. not working. >> you have us hooked with this. >> thank you. >> and a special day on sunday. starting a small fire over there. happy birthday, 46 years young. >> oh, thank you. wow. >> look at that. >> that's impressive. thank you. did you bake this? >> all by myself. you won't miss the bet last year with you about the 45. won't say that. >> okay. >> one, two, make a wish. oh, can he do it? can you do it? oh, yes. [ cheers and applause ] you want to see this, "the river" opens on broadway sunday november 16th. now to ginger with the final check of the weather. we have folks from hawaii. and a bunch of folks -- what's your name, young lady? >> kehlier. >> minnesota. that's what i think in the old great lakes. who's warming up and drying out behind that cold front. yes, billings could go up to 80 today. 72, denver, 75 for dallas and houston much calmer at 77. a quick look at the warm weather returning throughout mid-atlantic and northeast for a >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco. summer is over. check out the autumn temperature and breezes, 62 at the coast and 78 inland. isolated shower is possible today, a better chance tonight and friday might >> now perhaps you'll remember that back in march our sponsor lowes and the non-profit habitat for humanitarian launched hammers for habitat. kicked it off on "gma." framing a new house in the middle of times square for leslie and neal morris who lost their home in hurricane sandy. now that home is done. the beautiful house transplanted to the original lot and built with the help of scores of community volunteers. great news, leslie and neal in the new home. love seeing that. >> great news. thank you. and the next profile in the girl power series this morning. she has been hailed the influential taste maker of fashion. and she can add author to that list of accomplishments. but tory burch shows us that inspiration can be found in art, fashion and by giving back. >> i grew up on a farm outside of philadelphia. >> reporter: she's on forbes most powerful women in the world list. and when she's not planning what women should be wearing next spring, she's penning her memory. with chapters by color, not number. >> it's a covillage of your most treasured moments, focusing on the family then and now. >> they were a huge inspiration. my father and mother had great style and still do. so many great pictures was travels. used it in every collection. >> reporter: and the book itself, from the women you profile to the places that inspire fashion. it's about inspiration. >> it is. but i just look at women as a whole. it's not really a specific woman. look at women globally. that's why our company is resonating. we're looking around the world for inspiration. here's the washes. >> reporter: beautiful. all the proceeds from the book go to the tory burch foundation. tell us about it. >> it's empowering women through mentorship. helping other women make their dreams come true. they get access to low-cost capital and mentorship. and i look at the challenges they faced. i see their tenacity, repaying the loans. they're a day-to-day inspiration into their lives, and i feel honored to be a part of it. >> reporter: i know that family is very important to you. you have three boys, a set of identical twins, which i love. and you write about this, you still have not told your twins who's the older twin. >> no, you're right. >> reporter: why? >> best decision i have ever done. i always read about twins, they're competitive. everyone compares them, who's taller, smarter, older. i took that off the table. have them support each other. they do. they're best friends, include their little brother. i don't know if it's because of that, but helped. >> reporter: when they turn 21? >> i might make it 30. i love spending time with my boys. go to movies, play tennis, hang out and read. so for me, unwinding is crucial. when i get home, i really turn off work. so i work hard. i drop my children off in the morning. from 8:30 to 6:30@intense. >> she's ceo, chairman and designer of her own company. and she's taken one boutique on elizabeth street in new york city and expand to 137 around the world. dream big. >> yeah, dream big. i always have thought dream big. and whatever big means is different. and each individual. >> reporter: what does girl power mean to you? >> the ability to create change. and the confidence to do it. >> and so we asked you at home inspired by tory foundation to inspire young female ceos what business to start. we heard back, a trucking company. my husband is a commercial driver and we love time together. that's a great one. and a late night talk show with a woman as the host. our side of comedy and life. keep them come. and her new book, "in color", is available now. coming up, we have is caused by people looking for parking. in a city that's remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted. streetline has looked at the problem of parking, which has not been looked at for the last 30, 40 years. we wanted to rethink that whole industry, so we go and put out these sensors in each parking spot and then there's a mesh network that takes this information, sends it over the internet so you can go find exactly where those open parking spots are. the collaboration with citi was important for providing us the necessary financing; allow this small start up to go provide a service to municipalities. citi has been an incredible source of advice, how to engage with municipalities, how to structure deals, and as we think about internationally citi is there every step of the way. so the end result is you reduce congestion, you reduce pollution and you provide a service to merchants, and that certainly is huge. and we're back now with the oscar buzz around "birdman." the movie stars michael keaton as a former movie star who was the super hero, birdman, trying to stage a comeback. but it's not going well. >> pretty much a train wreck. can't get through a performance without a raging fire. i'm broke. i'm not sleeping like, you know, at all. and this play kind of is starting to feel like a major deformed version of myself that just keeps following me around. >> and michael keaton joins us. we had to bleep out just a little bit there. >> yeah. a lot more. >> this is a guy who's putting everything on the line. >> yeah. >> it's really starting to get to him. >> yeah. i would say that's a mild version of it. yeah. basically, this actor decides to mount a play based on the short story "what do we talk about when we talk about love." and has a breakdown. >> has a breakdown. coming back after being a big super hero star 20 years before. and the echoes with you are right up front. this guy plays birdman, and you played batman. >> yeah. >> you thought the director -- you asked him, are you making fun of me? >> yeah, i don't remember that part. alejandro's a good friend of mine. and i don't think he's a liar. he probably doesn't remember me saying that. because we -- ironically spoke about that parallel very little. in -- >> so it didn't get in your way at all? >> no. because well it's like the elephant in the room. for me, just because probably i'm too lazy to do all that mental work, it was easier to just acknowledge it and then -- we had so much more work to do that it really never came up. it would have been a big, you know, kind of something that i would have had to focused on and there was so much other -- there were so many other things to focus on. approach it like i approach every role i have. >> it's such a funny pray alay you're great. everyone needs this show to work. >> most of them are not on the edge, right in the thick of desperation. when you fly into -- should i shut up? >> there's ed norton. no, just talk over it. >> everyone is in this movie, in this play and in this satisfactory is right, everyone is wrong, everyone is healthy except for me, probably. everyone is unhealthy. and it addresses the human condition without -- and that's not an exaggeration or a high faluttin version. >> everybody's been there when they want something to work in the worst possible way. you know, in that shot, gave a little bit of a flavor of it as well. one of the most amazing things about this film, it looks like the entire movie was done in one shot. >> yeah. >> that must have been so hard to do. >> yeah. it basically was. the shots were long. and what happened -- you know, the question is why would you make a movie -- why would you even take this on? especially when you've posed that question to the director. that's a really good question to ask. because it's so extraordinarily difficult. but once you see it, it's really the only way you could have made this movie. because it's as though when you -- at about a minute whatever, four, or seven, or whenever it hits you, you hear a door close behind you and now you're in and there's no turning back. you have seen it, you enter his mind and follow him through the story. that's probably the greatest piece of film making i've ever been involved with. >> and you did a great job. not going to jinx it. a lot of oscar buzz out there. thank you for coming. >> thank you. >> "birdman" opens nationwide on friday. a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. re discovering the real risks behind prop 46. it was written and paid for by the trial lawyers to make them millions... while, for the rest of us, health care costs go up. no wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. they say 46 "overreached in a decidedly cynical way." it's a ploy "for trial lawyers to enrich themselves." and prop 46 has "too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk." time to vote no on prop 46. . we are so happy or mary lambert here. she is releasing her debut full length album, "heart on my sleeve." and here she is with the first single. let's bring it. "secrets," everybody. ♪ ♪ i've got bipolar disorder my life's not in order ♪ ♪ i'm overweight i'm always late i've got too many things to say ♪ ♪ i rock mom jeans earrings extrapolate my feelings ♪ ♪ my family is dysfunctional but we have a good time killing each other ♪ ♪ the time is come to hide the things we don't like about ourselves inside ourselves ♪ ♪ i know i'm not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else ♪ ♪ well i'm over it ♪ i don't care if the world knows what my secrets are ♪ ♪ secrets are ♪ i don't care if the world knows what my secrets are ♪ ♪ secrets are ♪ so-oooo ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ i can't think straight i'm so gay ♪ ♪ sometimes i cry a whole day ♪ i care a lot use an log clock and never know when to stop ♪ ♪ and i'm passive, aggressive, scared of the dark and the dentist ♪ ♪ i love my butt and won't shut up and i never really grew up ♪ ♪ from the time we're young to hide the things that we don't like about ourselves ♪ ♪ inside ourselves ♪ i know i'm not the only one ♪ who spent so long attempting to be someone else ♪ ♪ well i'm over it ♪ i don't care if the world knows what my secrets are ♪ ♪ secrets are ♪ i don't care if the world knows what my secrets are ♪ ♪ secrets are ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ oh ♪ oh oooo ♪ aaa, h ♪ i don't care if the world knows what my secrets are ♪ ♪ my secrets are ♪ i don't care care if the world knows what my secrets are ♪ ♪ secrets are ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ so what ♪ [ cheers and applause ] checked bag. i lovee with my united mileageplus explorer card. i have saved $75 in checked bag fees. priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. i love to travel, no foreign transaction fees means real savings. we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the us. when i spend money on this card i can see brazil in my future. i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family which means a lot to me. ♪ ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ ♪ i don't care if the world knows ♪ our thanks to mary lambert as she just said, what? >> have a great day, everybody. trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. good morning, i'm kristen sze. let's go to meteorologist mike nicco for your giants game time forecast. >> it's going to be 64 at 1:00 as you get ready for that 1:07 pitch. temperatures will remain in the mid-60s, cloudy and kind of breezy. isolated shower but the rainfall amounts are so light it won't stop the game. here's a look at our rain that's more prevalent tonight so this time tomorrow we'll probably still be dealing with slick streets. accuweather seven-day forecast, fall ishere. as we take you into daly city, we do have a serious crash involving five vehicles, one of which is overturned, northbound side of 280 at hickey boulevard leaving us with heavy backups. in vallejo one lane gets you by announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, from the new film, "birdman," michael keaton. and a performance from "about a boy" star minnie driver. plus, the co-hosts open up the "inbox" to find out what's on your mind. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly:


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141112

a man trapped inside the walls of a department store for three days without food or water. a space just two feet wide. an incredible discovery after his cries for help were finally heard. and good morning, america. robin on assignment today. welcome to sara haines. great to have you here. and take a look at this, everyone. simulation of a plane crashing into the ocean. that is a pool, but there's matt gutman. >> oh, yeah. there he is. we'll tell you why matt put himself through that. he is the first reporter to ever go through the coast guard's crash survival train. it's grueling. >> he's got bears, he's got sharks and now crashes. that's all coming up. let's get right now to the big chill. bitter snow and ice in most of the country. frigid temperatures plunging all of the way into the deep south. and as always, ginger is tracking it. >> some thinking it's too early to see this out their back door. but two to three feet in pars of northern michigan, the upper peninsula there. and the snow, no longer the headline. it really is this, the frigid cold air. the wind chill in amarillo, is 1, denver, 16 below is what it feels like. and you're sitting pretty on the east coast, you're sighing, it's not here yet. you're in the mid 60s. you have one more day. and then the bottom drops out. the cold front comes through and by friday night, it feels like freezing and below. and, yes, we're getting there. but there's a winter weather advisory right there in colorado. and that is where we find our extreme team, rob marciano. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's snowing in down denver. but the buses are rolling through here. they can handle the snow. 5 to 8 inches. but that's not the story. it's record-breaking cold. right now it's 1 degree in denver. this storm as arctic blast has already hit the u.s. hard. the winter storm responsible for at least four deaths in minnesota. raging on this morning. with parts of the midwest buried under as much as 2 feet of snow. >> i hate to know what january and february hold for us. >> reporter: michigan's upper peninsula getting 24.5 inches. as residents from wisconsin -- >> this is early for this kind of snow. >> reporter: -- to nebraska, are scrambling to get out. while coping with a perilous commute -- >> be aware of surroundings at all times. >> reporter: you look around here and it's hard to believe that just two days ago, temperatures were in the 60s. today, we're not even going to get into the teens. a rude awakening for the winter season, no doubt about it and the folks living east and south of her will get a little taste of this tomorrow and through the week. from a snowy, larimer square, lara spencer, back to you. >> stay warm. it is happening. it's here. we want to turn to a landmark in space exploration that's happening right now. this is the first attempt to land a spacecraft on a comet millions of miles from earth. it's a mission that may help unlock some of the secrets of the universe and abc's clayton sandell is tracking the progress for us. >> reporter: good morning. right now mission control says everything is going just fine. we are now just hours away from a truly historic event as long as one small spacecraft can stick the landing. this morning, the do or die moment for a decade-long, nearly 4 billion mile space race. the spacecraft is very healthy. we've had right now a go from the flight control team. >> reporter: a seemingly impossible mission. a washing machine-size space probe trying to land on a comet about 2 1/2 miles wide, speeding close to 84,000 miles per hour. something that until today was hollywood science fiction. the spacecraft, known as rosetta, has been tracking through the cosmos since 2004. sling shotting through the solar system to catch up with a comet known as 67-b. rosetta's plan is to deploy a small craft on the surface and unlock the secrets of an ancient space rock. researchers believe it holds clues about the dawn of the solar system, maybe even life on earth. >> 4.5 billion-year-old time capsule, telling us, hey, what were conditions like when the earth itself was just forming. that's huge. >> reporter: rosetta is already picking up this mysterious, unexplained singing noise from the comet -- and sending back comet selfies, boldly going where not even captain kirk has gone before. >> higher. >> reporter: "star trek" legend, william shatner, even sending along his good wishes. >> good luck, rosetta. i'm so excited and wish you good luck. >> reporter: mission control will have to wait about 28 minutes to know if it landed okay. because that's how long it takes for the signal to get all of the way back to earth. and soon after that, we hope to get our first pictures ever from the surface of a comet. >> cannot wait for that. you knew you had to get "star trek" in there. thank you, clayton. and the bold robbery in manhattan. a jewelry store robbery, but the criminals escaped. tom llamas is here with the story. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. this block is one of the jewelry capitals of the world. $24 billion in sales every year. that robbery happened just behind me. police say one of the crooks dressed as a delivery man, but it happened up on the eighth floor. so, how did these jewel thieves get away? one working theory, jumped rooftop to rooftop in a batman-like escape. a brazen heist in broad daylight in new york's diamond district. >> male robbed at gunpoint. >> reporter: as two heavily armed men storm into this building which houses a watch store on the eighth floor. one stays outside as a lookout, while the other holds several employees at gunpoint. this all happening on a crowded block at 2:30 p.m. >> weapons used is two handguns and a machine gun. >> reporter: with a veterans day parade taking place a block away the suspects held several employees at gunpoint, demanding one of them to open the safe. but while loading up a backpack with stolen goods, the store's owner arrived at work. >> he was outside. they were yelling at him to call police. at the time, they let him in and suspect number one hit him in the head with a firearm. >> reporter: suspects fled, while office workers were sealed in their offices. while coppers flu overhead, cops and k-9 units chased down leads on rooftops. this morning the suspects remain at large. but police say if you're going to monitor one of the busiest and heavily monitored places in the world, you shouldn't expect to be free for long. and it's still unclear exactly how much was stolen, but there are reports this morning it was in the millions. those two jewel thiefs, still at large. george? >> right in the middle of the parade downtown. it was crawling with cops. just incredible. >> thank you. turning now to the navy s.e.a.l. who claims to be the one who shot and killed osama bin laden. telling his story in a television interview. he revealed fascinating new details about the mission and what he did right before leaving. martha raddatz is in washington this morning. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning. former navy s.e.a.l. rob o'neill says he has thought about the mission every day since that may day in 2011, trying to figure out whether it was the worst thing he has ever done, or the best thing he has ever done. the mission, high risk. the command, take out the most wanted man in the world, osama bin laden. and rob o'neill wanted to be one of the ones to do it, no matter how dangerous. >> the analyst told me, if you want to get a shot at bin laden, he's on the third floor. so, i actually talked myself out of a team leader spot so i could stay on the helicopter, and then go to the roof, and then that was what they call the martyrs brigade. >> reporter: in a special on fox news channel overnight, o'neill acknowledged that the operation felt like a one-way mission, no one knowing if they would come back home, but all committed to the task. >> we're going to die eventually. this is a good way to go. and it's worth it to kill him, because he's going to die with us. >> reporter: and right before the mission was set to launch, a phone call to his father to say good-bye. >> i'm the last one he calls, and he's checking in. kind of thanking me for a lot of things. >> he told me later he was in his truck at the walmart down the street here. after i hung up the phone, he couldn't get out of his car for 20 minutes. >> there was something in the tone. >> o'neill even writing letters to his young children just in case. >> it was more of an explanation why we went, why it was noble, and why i am not afraid. it was sad. a few times the tears hit the pages. >> reporter: but when he came face-to-face with bin laden, he was thinking only of the mission, certain, he says, that his was the last face he saw before he fired the shots that killed the terrorist mastermind. and the letters to his kids, when he returned, he shredded them. >> lara and george? >> glad he shredded those letters. >> indeed. thank you so much. i want to get to today's other top stories with amy. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the big news overnight from president obama's visit to china. the u.s. and china announcing a deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. president obama calling it a major milestone. but not everything went so smoothly at a news conference with china's president today. abc's jim avila was there. >> reporter: it was to end with ruffles and flourishes. toast to the landmark global warming agreement, but nearly overshadowed by a diplomatic snafu in front of the world press. >> we have agreed to take a question from the press. >> reporter: after weeks of trying, the u.s. got china to hold an extremely rare closing news conference, with one question from the american press, provocatively choosing the "the new york times," which has been battling with china over censorship and access to ask it. and the "times" reporter pulled no punches confronting president xi. but the chinese president did not immediately answer, abruptly turning to the chinese press, without even acknowledging the american question. reporters were stunned, as was obama who looked at the press corps with a shrug, that seemed to say, what am i going to do? after several minutes much to the relief of president obama and his aides, the chinese leader did finally answer, saying the united states needs to stay out of the hong kong situation, and "the new york times," he said, causes its own problems by not following chinese law. amy? >> all right. thank you. and banks breaking overnight, five major banks fined more than $3 billion to settle accusations they manipulated foreign exchange markets to boost profits. it was a slap on the wrist because they made a combined $337 billion last year. that fine actually equals just two days of revenue. missouri's governor announced preparations to keep the peace once the grand jury makes a giggs in the michael ground shooting case. after months of rationally charged protests, 1,000 police officers have received special training and the national guard will be on stand by. the grand jury decision on whether to charge ferguson police officer darren wilson for his death could come any day now. and a frantic scene in dallas, two city workers, breaking into the window of a truck. that was quickly sinking in a creek. their colleague was inside up to his neck in water. they cut his seat belt, pulled him out just in time. the man suffered a medical emergency before losing control of his truck. and finally, when you think of corn maze this time of year, it's supposed to be fun and games, good family fun, right? but take a look at this corn maze. do you see a problem with it? it's unbelievably complicated. it's the world's largest corn maze. it looks like a computer chip. >> it does. >> so 63 acres, hundreds of paths. and people keep getting lost and they're actually calling 911 for help. can you imagine? calling, hi, i'm in a corn maze. i don't know how to get out. i don't know how to tell you where i am. i can't get out. so the owners have made a decision to downsize. less complicated. this is fun. shouldn't be hard. not trying to trick people here. >> when you send people in that one, you don't to want see them come out. >> lara and i couldn't make it out of one that had two turns. >> yeah. >> that's bad. >> thank you, amy. turn now to new details about the death of robin williams. a new report reveals he may have been suffering from a form of dementia that may have caused hallucinations. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: abc news obtaining an autopsy report that reveals the comedian may have had a condition known as lewy body dementia. linked to hallucinations and unusual behaviors. williams was also diagnosed with parkinson's disease last november. >> the pathological line is a blurry line. >> reporter: according to the coroner's report, he was having a hard time sleeping and was restless. and the night before his body was discovered, he was acting strangely and reportedly placed several wrist watches in a sock, giving them to an undisclosed person as he was reportedly worried about the watches and wanted to keep them safe. the dementia is most often confirmed after death when looking at a person's brain tissue through a microscope. it can include unusual behaviors, trouble sleeping and visual hallucinations of animals or people. as well as slowed or rigid movement, similar to those with parkinson's. his autopsy report showed he had been prescribed multiple medications before his death, some that doctors say can exacerbate symptoms in lbd patients. williams also battled alcohol, drug addiction, and depression. >> there's a voice, and it's a little quiet voice, and it goes stop. >> reporter: though he had no drugs or alcohol in his stem when he died, experts feel he may have been in a fragile mental state. now some wonder if this newly revealed condition could have played a role, too. sources close to the williams family telling abc news correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation, but it was illuminating. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> very sad. all right. now to some new details. it's a bizarre story out of colorado. a man stuck in a wall at a department store for three days. workers there say they heard his cries for help, but they had no idea where the noise was coming from. reena ninan is here with all of the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. people come to marshall's for the deep discounts. one man dropped in and officials say he is very lucky the way it all ended out. it's the dramatic moment a colorado man is rescued from inside this department store wall after being trapped for nearly three days. >> he was desperate to get out of there. >> reporter: police say they're still investigating why 35-year-old paul fellick was at this marshall's department store in longmont, and how he ended up stuck. police say he entered the building through the roof, and fell 20 feet through a vent into the exterior and interior walls approximately 2 feet by 8 feet. >> as far as we know, no water, no communication, no food. >> reporter: store employees telling police, they heard his cries for help on monday, but couldn't figure out where the sounds were coming from, eventually alerting authorities a day later. >> we hear a guy screaming and screaming in the back. >> he's outside, but sounds like he's inside, correct? >> and he was screaming like he was in pain. >> reporter: first responders locating the spot where he was trapped before a dozen of them equipped with sledge hammers and a circular saw, made a hole large enough for him to crawl through. finally free, he was taken to a nearby hospital. he's currently in fair condition. >> i don't think he would have been able to survive through tonight. >> reporter: authorities are still trying to figure out how he got into the crawl space from the roof. and the big question, why did he do it? police say they'll investigate the incident as a trespassing case. >> strange thing. thanks very much. >> yeah. and to ginger now, the words we have been seeing all week. >> all week. and they're finally here. it's starting to move to the south and east, that deep freeze. places like dallas this morning, waking up at the freezing mark. the earliest freeze dallas has had in 17 years. put this into motion, all the blue you see, freeze warnings and hard freeze warnings that stretch all of the way from new mexico to alabama. birmingham this morning, the actual temperature is 28. and it's not just down there. we're talking about headlines. out in the pacific northwest, there are high wind warnings just outside seattle. certainly includes portland. you can see some wind gusts up to 55 miles per hour, and some of those passes. some of the higher elevations, snow, rain, 1 to 2 inches, and northern california. always a good thing for california. wanted to stop it right here. denver, that's the high temperature today at 5. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. you do not need the wet weather gear today. it will be cloudy and cooler than average and the rain rolls in tonight through the commute and unsetted pattern means more rain next week with coolest temperatures along the coast at low 60's there to mid-60's around san francisco and the bay and upper 60's in san jose and livermore. tomorrow morning, get ready for a wet commute and tomorrow afternoon the rain is gone in your local forecast in 30 >> as mild as it is here along the east coast, from the carolinas all the way through new england, dense fog advisory. a lot of people waking up and they can't see anything this morning. we'll talk about all of that next at 7:30. thank you, ginger. and coming up on "gma," new developments this morning in the california murder mystery of a family of four. the suspected killer now in court four years after they vanished. also ahead, dramatic 911 calls as dispatchers tell a family to stop running after a gang that stole their cell phone. and one man's story of surviving a plane crash. the incredible footage caught on tape. and what you need to know to make it out alive. matt gutman takes another one for the team, first grizzly bears, then sharks, and now you're drowning. and black friday deals ticked up a notch. why target is giving free money. all right. and turns out there's some science behind having two left feet. get together for some cheer. buy one holiday drink at starbucks, and get one free to share. november 12th-16th, 2-5 p.m. ♪ so it seemed like a gwell, we make it pretty easy. in fact, your appraisal should be ready, let's pull it up. now, how long do i have to decide on this offer? seven days, and we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours. but if i decide to buy a convertible? the offer is exactly the same either way. nice! aaanndd... here it is! 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moderate my goal was to finally get in shape. to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i finally made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance on humira. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. set a new goal today. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. good morning, i'm eric thomas. happening now, cleanup is under way in san ramon after a big rig loaded with frozen turkeys overturned on an off-ramp to i-680. the chp says the driver was traveling too fast to make the turn. crews are offloading 45,000 pounds of frozen turkeys from the big rig. leyla gulen is in the traffic center where she's been monitoring the situation all morning. >> yes, indeed. what a mess it is. you can see that the big rig is on its side and blocking the alcosta boulevard off-ramp until 10:00 this morning. of course that can always change. it can be extended. now, there are some alternates to get around it. let's go to our maps and you can see bollinger canyon would be a great way to get around it as well as dublin boulevard. when we come back meteorologist mike nicco has the bay area forecast. we're back at 7:28. look at the storm system out to our west coming in tonight starting about 10:00 through 4:00 tomorrow. it's going to have light to moderate steady rain. right now we're in the 40s in the north bay, the rest of us in mid to upper 50s with cloudy conditions. rainfall amounts 0.1 to 0.4 of an inch. accuwe . want me to get it started ? >> yeah. >> i'll get it started. snoelts ♪ ♪ >> now, i am not one to make fun of anyone's dancing. who can forget elaine on "seinfeld," setting all kinds of record for awkward. turns out it may not have been her fault. scientists now say that bad dancing is just something you might be born with. and you might not even know it. clearly she didn't know it at that time. we're going to get into it in a little bit. >> that's just living in bliss. >> and the ones watch. >> it's a beautiful way to live. and you can dance. you just don't. >> thank you. >> just wanted to -- also coming up, we do have a dramatic 911 call as a family pursues their stolen iphone. tracking the bad guys. this is a warning for everybody. listen up. and one man's incredible story of survival caught on tape. crashing into the ocean. matt gutman going through, taking a scary plane crash simulation. he's going to show you what you need to do to get out alive. facing one of my biggest fears in life. i could not do that. >> real helpful advice from matt. that's coming up. begin with the california murder mystery solved. the mcstay family vanished four years ago, the bodies discovered in the desert last year. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the high-profile mystery who have may have killed this family of four. a suspect finally in custody. but one very big question remaining. why did charles chase merritt allegedly murder friend and business associate joseph mcstay, his wife, summer, ask their two young sons? >> this is a cold and callous murder of a family. >> reporter: preparing for the arraignment today, they are not revealing the suspected motive. >> new clues on the computer. >> reporter: vanishing from their san diego home in 2010. investigators thinking they planned to flee across the border to mexico. >> there was some type of planning ahead. >> reporter: but as months went on, it made headlines, even profiled on investigation discovery's "disappeared." last year, a grim break in the cold case. their bodies found in the california desert just miles from charles merritt's home. 57-year-old merritt says he was the last person to see joseph mcstay alive. and in an interview earlier this year -- >> everybody loved joseph. >> reporter: he denied any involvement in the family's disappearance and murder. he claimed he took a pollee graph test administered by police. >> there's nobody that i'm aware of that would have any reason to hurt him. >> reporter: now joseph mcstay's father speaking out. saying he was crushed after hearing of merritt's arrest. >> a lot of people will say it's like lifting a ton off your shoulders. and i said, no, it was more like me like a boulder falling on me. >> reporter: if convicted, merritt could face the death penalty. and for the family, his arrest is the first step to closure. >> i need justice from the law and the courts. and most of all, justice upstairs. >> reporter: for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news, los angeles. now a real warning next time you lose your phone. in a series of dramatic 911 calls, dispatchers in seattle begged a family to stop pursuing the gang who stole their phone, concerned they could lose their lives trying to get it back. neal karlinsky has the story. >> we're following the people around. can we get a police officer? >> what do you mean you're following people around? >> reporter: a seattle family in pursuit of their iphone. telling police they're tracking the bad guys who snatched their bag by using find my phone. apple's gps feature showing the location. >> pull over and stop following the vehicle. >> okay. >> that's dangerous. you don't know if they have weapons. >> reporter: police were not happy, and after repeated calls to 911, one dispatcher let the victims know it loud and clear. >> ma'am, let me tell you something -- hold on a second. i have been on the phone with someone like this killed over a cell phone and i don't want that to happen to you. it's really not worth it. >> in fact she was on the line with this man, shot and killed in february after refusing to give up his cell phone. police are adamant, just because the technology lets you follow a stolen phone, that doesn't mean you shoulden. >> a cell phone isn't worth your life. >> reporter: the victim understands that, but he was still frustrated with the police response. >> not some vigilante, our credit cards, money, phone, 20 feet away in a van. and that's where you're supposed to call the police for. >> reporter: they got it back a week later the old-fashioned way by tracking the suspect's license plate. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> just not worth it. >> no way. let's get the weather from ginger. >> go ahead and do that. promised you the dense fog advisory. from myrtle beach to boston. less than a quarter mile to near zero. take extra time. right outside new york city here -- or in new york city. and you can't see much. that's why i couldn't tell. along with the fog comes the mild, high temperatures. look at the highs. new york in the mid-60s, d.c., 61, raleigh, 71, jacksonville, 78. that's only for so long because all the warnings are coming this way. right now, snow advisories, lake effect in parts of the great lakes, and >> good morning, not much sunshine and cool temperatures from low-to-mid 60's loan the coast to mid-to-upper 60's for the rest of us and dangerous waves at the coast. at 10:00 tonight through 4:00 tomorrow mornin >> all that weather brought to you by target. and this early winter stuff, i feel like it's on the instagram, the kids say, that escalated quickly. >> that saying -- >> those kids are getting very articulate. thank you, ginger. coming up, why target is raising the stakes when it comes to black friday. is the retailer really giving away free money? >> hope so. and how to survive a plane crash in the ocean. our matt gutman taking one for the team. taking the plunge and showing ♪ ♪ when the snow comes to cover the ground ♪ ♪ it's a time for play, ♪ it's a whipped cream day ♪ i wait for it all year round ♪ and the sun is red like a pumpkin head ♪ ♪ it's shining so your nose won't freeze ♪ ♪ the world is your snowball see how it grows ♪ ♪ that's how it goes whenever it snows ♪ ♪ the world is your snowball just for a song ♪ ♪ get out and roll it along ♪ in winter it's a marshmallow world! ♪ best foods and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious best foods. bring out the best foods. bring out the best. what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog, todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners', multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ back now at 7:40 with "gma" survival week. and this morning, we ask what would you do if the plane you were on plunged into the water? or if a beat capsizes in rough seas? abc matt gutman is back with a terrifying demonstration. the bravest man we know. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning. this was the coast guard to put us there the wringer. simulating a plane crash using their dunker. it's like a giant washing machine spin cycle. and i picked up tips that if you're ever in a crash, you're going to want to remember. this was a normal flight for ferdinand and nine others gliding towards honolulu. suddenly an alarm. >> your life goes in front of you. >> reporter: that loss of altitude, and that shattering impact. >> life jackets. >> reporter: as the water rushes in, the passengers manage to escape before the plane sinks. and if you think there's nothing to do but brace yourself and pray if your plane crashes into the water, the coast guard has another answer. prepare. i was invited to be the first reporter to ever go through the coast guard's grueling crash survival training in north carolina. my training ground, this beast. the dunker. which simulates a plane crashing, sinking and flipping over in the water. >> if you get the i'm stuck signal, pull thetology, all the seat belts come undone. the divers give you fresh air quick. >> reporter: first, can i tolerate being strapped in underwater as i would be in a crashed plane. i didn't expect to be disoriented at all. but it happened instantly. >> you did great by coming out. staying calm is the key to getting out alive. >> reporter: now to the dunker. >> wait, all motion stopped, release that window, grab a reference point before you undo your seat belt. >> reporter: if you're about to crash, here's what the coast guard says you need to do, hold on to something, like your chair. then after the crash, remove any obstacles like arm wrests, and only then unbuckle your seat belt ask get nd get to a door ow as quickly as you can. frightening, but i made it. but now it's more difficult. jets on to simulate a storm. the water engulfs me. now i'm upside down. hold on to the seat, clear obstacles, unbuckle and head for the window. but it won't open. i slap and push for 40 seconds. finally, with some elbow grease, it pops open. i passed. but now the really hard part. a different scenario all together. this time the dunger simulates a boat capsizing in the open ocean. it's dark, the wind howling. but the coast guard says the steps to survival are the same. >> door, seat belt. >> reporter: the boat capsizes, get the belt off, find the door, there are three handles. nearly a minute in, and i'm running out of air. i have to tap out and allow the rescuers to do their job. they yank me out. watch again how quickly they pull me from the boat, pushing me through the door to the surface and safety. >> if that had been in a real world situation, could have been a bad day. >> reporter: i would have been dead. >> could have been dead. >> reporter: so before you take off or get in a ship, know why the exits are. if you crash, don't worry about staying calm. think about the small tasks, hold on, find the exit, get your seat belt and get out. >> think about what you need to do instead of need to stop freaking out. >> it's like the new stop, drop and roll. >> you knew they were out there and it was fake, but still got a panic. >> it was frightening. the water was not comfortable. but they were so good at their job, nothing could go wrong. at least i hoped. one last thing. everyone makes fun of it, read the safety information cards on the plane. >> deal. great tips. i have so go check my pulse. that was awesome, thank you, matt. coming up, why egg-freezing parties may be the future of fertility, and the woman known as the egg whisperer behind them. and the science behind, get this, bad dancing. why new research may explain why you have two left feet. i want...regularity. i want good digestive health. i just don't want to have to think about regularity. natural benefiber® helps support digestive health... and maintain th word you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber®. now in stick packs. 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(vo) love does not come first. first comes...nice meeting you. first comes...getting everything right. first comes...getting it a little wrong. love does not come first. first comes like. finally, the purple pill,hr the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ save 30 to 50% on great and cold-weather accessories... starting tuesday at kohl's. you'll earn kohl's cash too. find your yes. kohl's. without it falling flat? moisture ♪ some moisturizing products can weigh hair down. ♪ dove oxygen moisture is different. it provides lightweight oxygen--fused moisture for the moisture you need and the volume you want. so you can enjoy moisture with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. can your makeup remover do that? give a journey. give a new perspective. give a little joy. a book is a gift like no other. and barnes & noble is like no other book store in the world. with so many books to discover and the new nook by samsung now a full featured tablet. a book is the gift they'll remember long after the holidays are over. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. good morning, i'm kristen sze. happening now, cleanup is under way in san ramon after a big rig hauling 45,000 pounds of frozen turkeys overturned on alcosta boulevard offramp to interstate 680. the chp says the driver was traveling too fast to make the turn. just wait until we get rain. that's going make driving extra dangerous. >> tomorrow's morning commute is when i'm looking for the rain to hit. right now it's just kind of cloudy outside and our highs today will be in the low to mid-60s in most areas. we're going to get 0.1 to 0.4 of an inch tonight. double that in the north bay. aside from that sig alert there's a couple of other accidents. the first is with is the southbound side of 880 at stevenson boulevard blocking one lane. as we jump into san jose, a motorcycle crash northbound 280 at saratoga avenue. heavy delays from 101. the news continues now with "good morning america." have a great day. we'll se the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the well-crafted all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. ♪ oh my gosh. ♪ good morning, america, it's 8:00 a.m., and the bold new move for black friday deals that's right on target. we'll tell you who's giving away free money. ♪ up and down around the clock and are you working out but gaining weight? the provocative new research revealing why exercise could be packing on the pounds. and freezing time, how the woman known as the egg whisperer is revolutionizing the future of fertility. you'll hear from her this morning. and jennifer aniston opening up in a revealing new interview. what she's saying about her fiance, justin, her secret to personal happiness, and why she's having more fun than ever in her 40s. and all that and pop sensation fifth harmony this morning as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> wake up, america. this is a call to arms. and hello to all those "hunger games" fans out there. [ cheers and applause ] and hello to donald sutherland. the best "good morning america" we have ever seen. wake up, america, we are ready to wake up. >> wake up or else. >> that's right. so great to have him here. and also steve carell is with us this morning. he has a brand new movie out. it's a very different kind of role for him and a lot of buzz. i don't want to say another word. >> you can barely recognize him. it's "foxcatcher," it is magnificent. can't wait to talk to him. >> that's a review. and kate middleton's brother, james, opening up about his famous sister, prince george. you can see i spoke with him, yesterday, actually. but he's back here live today. he's telling us how he's feeding everyone's sweet tooth in a technologically advanced way. there's your clue. >> that's a great tease. and now you have to switch gears and give us the news. good morning, george, good morning, everyone. let's get right to the extreme weather everyone has been telling us about. millions of people bundling up for bitter cold from the rockies if the gulf coast. places like denver are barely out of the single digits. some parts of the plains have seen a 60-degree drop in the temperature compared to earlier this week. and snow is still coming down around the great lakes. up to 3 feet is already on the ground in parts of michigan. and icy roads are causing hundreds of car crashes across minnesota. at least four people have died. ginger's forecast is coming up. president obama announced what he calls a breakthrough climate deal with china to reduce greenhouse gases. but there was tension in the room during a news conference. in a rare move, china's president agreed to take a question from the u.s. media. "the new york times" asked him about foreign press access to china and he ignored the question. reporters were stunned and president obama responded with a shrug. china's president eventually criticized "the new york times" for not following chinese law in the past. republicans have added to their majority in the u.s. senate next year. that's because overnight republican dan sullivan was declared the winner in alaska's senate race. only louisiana has a race still up in the air. a second sinkhole has opened up in a florida neighborhood. and authorities are worried a third could open soon. the first swallowed a car in 15 minutes, forcing the evacuation of six homes. a school district in maryland has decided next year there will be no christmas, no easter. kids will still get the days off, but there will be no mention of religion on the school calendar in montgomery county. it's in response to a petition by muslim community leaders to recognize their holy days. muslim leaders aren't pleased with this decision, saying the school district has now alienated all religious communities. and former president bill clinton had a very tough choice to make. while appearing on "ellen" he spoke candidly about the joy of being a grandfather. and ellen dedecided to present him with two baby gifts and had to choose which one he wanted. >> all right. so you're not going to tell us if hillary is going to run or not. but i'm just saying if you only had one -- if you could only -- i'm just -- if you could only pick one. because i can't afford to give you both. >> in case you couldn't read them, one said "my grandma's a stay at home granny," the other said "my grandma is running for president." very clever, ellen. but, guess what. president clinton did not fall for it. it's a decision not for him to make. but he admitted that his wife would be happy as a clam to be a stay-at-home grandma. and ellen decided she could afford both and gave him both. >> that's been asked about seven dozen times? most creative way. >> via the onesie. we're going to get some news from target now. the retail giant is raising the stakes on black friday. basically offering free money. it's a bold move to win back customers after last year's massive data breach. rebecca jarvis has the story. >> reporter: this morning, target wants you back, and they're ready to pay for your love ♪ announcing it will offer target gift cards for 10% off this black friday. free money. an unprecedented move from the retailer that had an unprecedented data breach last holiday season. expected to cost target more than $1 billion. the big box retailer, still feeling the effects with sales and foot traffic down. >> the data breach really hit target hard last holiday season. so this year they're doing all they can to win back their customers. >> reporter: two weeks until thanksgiving, and already an all-out war for your business. retailers across the country this morning, clamoring for a cut of the $804 each american shopper is expected to spend this holiday. walmart rolling back prices on more than 20,000 items including apple ipad minis, now $60 off. amazon offers its only daily discounts like $120 off this asis laptop and office depot, dishing out new deals every monday. >> it's just a race to get the customers in the doors. they have to find a way to make themselves stand out. >> reporter: all those retailers hoping they're on the christmas wish list. for "good morning america", rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> they're going to do what they need to do to get the customers back. "pop news" and weather coming up. now to sara in the social square. >> thanks, george. now here's a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" in the social square powered by samsung galaxy. in "pop news" back stage with michael buble, the incredible performance by request only going viral right now. and y workout backfiring. what can cause you to gain weight? been there. and meet the egg whisperer. the woman behind what may be the future of fertility. all that and steve carell and donald sutherland coming up here on "gma" in times square. ♪ get crazy, guys [ cheers and applause ] i've been using just enter your walmart receipt and if there's a lower advertised price at a top store in your area, walmart will give you the difference on an e-gift card. i used this circular to make a turkey...gobble gobble! really? join the millions who are saving with walmart's savings catcher. and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. for the woman whoter than the shines brightest... ♪ ♪ i am yours and i know you are mine... ♪ kay jewelers presents -- the leo artisan diamond. ♪ my love you shine so bright... ♪ yes! the design of its facets produces an incredible level of brilliance. from the creators of the first diamond certified to be visibly brighter. now at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. ♪ love you shine so bright. ♪ ♪ every kiss begins with kay. (mac) (surface) so...whatit's my surface pro 3. it's a tablet and a laptop. but it couldn't have the power of my mac ? this has an intel core i5. this does too. runs office. full adobe photoshop. and it's got a touchscreen. i have a touchscreen too. hm.. well, this my favorite thing, i can write with a pen. well, so can i. wow, i've got a lot of stuff to carry. you are more powerful than you think. ♪ ♪ welcome back this wednesday morning. big crowd out there in times square. you see those "hunger games" placards. donald sutherland is coming up. but first sara haines with "pop news." >> just a bit of a teaser, a music-themed "pop news." it was an accident. an epic night in washington, d.c. last night. the biggest names in music, movies and more coming together in honor of veterans day in the concert for valor on the national mall. rihanna performing "diamonds." which was just one part of a star-studded lineup. and foo fighters, brave grohl, bruce springsteen. carrie underwood. that's quite a lineup. hollywood paying tribute, a special appearance from meryl streep. and the fans sure did come out. the park police tweeting this snapshot of crowds lining the national mall. the concert helping to raise money and awareness for veterans' causes. >> that's incredible. meryl streep and heavy metal. >> crazy juxtaposition. of amazingness. singer michael buble is on a world tour right now. but for those of us without a front row seat, the grammy winner is still providing some epic entertainment. ♪ it's better than yours like this rendition of "milk shake," taking song requests on social media and posting a lineup of backstage performances with his band. and even a throwback -- you know it -- "cecilia" by simon and garfunkel. he's tagging each of the videos with his location. italy, germany. hopefully more to come. i think i'd actually like to make a -- wait a minute, are you making a request? >> i make a request that you show the dance moves you had while the video was up. you have them. >> who's beat deaf now, t.j.? >> yes. >> i'm going to make a request for george. i heard it's one of your favorites. "turn down for what" by lil john. >> again? >> come on, george, take us, one move. >> cool on, george. >> coming at you. no? >> wow. >> too much too early in the morning. he wasn't ready. okay. >> not ready for that. >> you proved your point. that's a girlfriend for you. thank you. >> yes. >> and the fire in her eye too. man. >> you looked fearful. the more scared you got, the more strong i came on. it was the dance we were doing. >> and the music takes you to that place. >> it sure does. we have more music. we've got an oldie, kind of. you know that song -- >> give it to us. >> "raspberry beret." am i really doing this? no, i'm not. a major hit from pop star, prince. a real sign of the times from that rock star this morning, taking his very first selfie, posting the inaugural shapshot on facebook. and you'll notice he actually went really old school. taking the photo with an actual camera. no one does that in the now present day. it's always an iphone or a cell phone. and getting creative. this filtered version. my question is, he probably should have posted one with a beret. hoping for a personal request. >> maybe he will today. >> maybe he was scared like you were. george scooted back, it's a one-sided table. >> it will be in my head all day long. >> that's all right. we'll dance during commercial. >> can't wait. heat index, coming up, ginger with a check of the weather right now. and we are enjoying the beautiful weather in new york city. very mild. and we have macy and emily. you are from where? >> savannah. >> savannah, georgia. she did so well on her report card, got to skip school. do you know we're 80 degrees warmer than wyoming this morning? yeah. they're 21 below zero. i want to show you the forecast. talk about the snow in the u.p. of michigan, the upper peninsula. marquette county had some 2 to 3 feet. more to come. and trevor city, east of grand rapids, and not leaving out our friends from erie up to watertown. don't forget that. we're all going to see that lake effect all the way through the end of the weekend. then the arctic blast. there are the numbers. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. you do not need the wet weather gear today. it will be cloudy and cooler than average and the rain rolls in tonight through the commute and unsetted pattern means more rain next week with coolest temperatures along the coast at low 60's there to mid-60's around san francisco and the bay and upper 60's in san jose and livermore. tomorrow morning, get ready for a wet commute and tomorrow afternoon the rain is gone in0s >> so enjoying the nice weather, that's bagel, the cat. if you can see. with the sunglasses on, george. >> very cool cat. thank you, ginger. first up in the heat index. kind of a surprising new study about why some people struggle to lose weight more than others. some even gain weight while exercisi exercising. it's in the new york times. researchers at arizona state university asked women to walk on treadmills three times a week and not to change their eating habits. and at the end of the experiment, they were more aerobically fitter. but many of them were heavier, even gaining fat, not muscle. >> what? >> that's the surprising thing. some continued to lose weight after one month. the takeaway, if you don't notice change after four weeks, look at your diet. exercise is essential, but you have to change your diet. >> you said, amy, what's the stat? >> 80% food, 20% exercise. that's how you change the number on the scale. >> yeah. >> that happened to me. if you don't change the diet, i put on weight last summer. i was like, what's happening? i was working out so much. >> and you are hungry, you want to eat more. >> and you think you can because you're working out. >> yep. so -- >> good tips. also in the heat index. nice to hear from jennifer aniston. looks amazing on the cover of "harper's bazaar." she's opening up and getting very candid about her relationship with her fiance. justin theroux, like never before. talking about why she is happier than ever before at 45. she reveals she's had more fun in her 40s than she thinks in any other adult decade in her life. she says they were friends first, and romance happened later. that was the natural way to be. she calls him her ultimate creative crush. she says, he's an actor, a writer, a director, and on top of all of it, one of the most humble people she has ever met. >> can't do better than that. sounds like wedding vows. she should just write those down and say, i do. >> i do. >> right. >> it's a really nice read. >> all the details in the new issue of "harper's bazaar." hits news stands november 20th. now the "morning stir." >> we do. it's time. and new in the field of fertility. women are actually attending egg-freezing parties. and behind it all is an expert who calls herself the egg whisperer. abc's paula faris is here with more on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. ready to stir it up this morning. unlike the "froeden" parties you may be attending, ana, elsa and olaf won't be at this one. this is a party and powerpoint in one, women discuss fertility and freezing their eggs. a big cost that's becoming a bigger perk from some companies. >> so welcome to this party. >> reporter: she's known as the egg whisperer. and the name of her game? freezing time. >> imagine taking time out of your day to go to your fertility specialist and talk about your fertility indicators, options. it's way more fun to have a fertility friend. >> reporter: dr. amy abadaz is hosting egg freezing events. informational cocktail parties for working women interested in postponing motherhood. >> the purpose of the party is fertility awareness and that's it. it's just to spread information. >> reporter: the parties launching this week in the san francisco bay area. just a month after apple and facebook announced their plans to pay for female employees to freeze their eggs which can run upwards of $10,000. >> it's exciting that companies are embracing it. >> i think it should be open to empower women to ask questions about their health and their reproductive future. >> reporter: it wasn't just women in attendance, some guys coming in place of their significant others. >> she sent me here specifically for reconnaissance. >> reporter: she hopes to help women navigate the uncertainty of reproduction. >> 10% of women in their 30s, may not be able to have babies with their own eggs. and if they only knew that was going on with them when they were 20 or 25, well, they wouldn't have to shed so many tears when they are in their early 30s over what to do next. >> reporter: and events like this could be the future of fertility. >> egg freezing parties are helping bring a problem to the forefront and making it mainstream. it's a great way for women to learn about how their fertility can be protected in the future. >> reporter: now the actual fertility aspect, removing, freezing the egg, doesn't happen at the party. but women who schedule the procedure at the party get a discount. the doctors said to think of it as a modern day tupperware party. you get a discount, and book one of your own and invite friends, you get a deeper discount. >> ding-dong. >> but they're not selling tupperware. >> no. amazing story. it is expensive. >> but a big perk, tens of thousands of dollars in some cases. >> paula, thank you so much. let's head over to amy. >> thank you. and now to another member of the middleton family stepping into the spotlight. the world was formally introduced to james middleton at sister kate's wedding. we will talk with him and his business partner about the sweet new company in just a moment. but first, we go behind the scenes with the royal brauer in law. for james middleton, brother to the future queen and uncle to the future king -- the royal wedding felt like an intimate gathering. >> the most wonderful thing about that wedding which will stay with me forever, although billions were watching, it felt like a family wedding. >> reporter: while his sister pippa, may have stolen the show with that dress, james had a meaningful role inside the abbey. >> brothers and sisters -- i suffered most of my life with dyslexia. the reading. i felt, yes, absolutely terrified. >> reporter: james wanted to give something else to his sister and new brother-in-law, a very personal wedding present. lupo was a gift from you to kate and william? >> it was -- my cheat for them was to get them a puppy. and lupo was their gift. so, yes. >> reporter: and james' latest adventure, channelling his creative talents in a hip new business, personalized marshmallows. the name, boomf, where did it come from? >> if you're trying to teach a marshmallow to speak, that would be the first word it would say. >> reporter: just say boomf. i have your titles here. you're wonka in chief. ♪ in the world of my creation >> and, andy, you're chief edible officer? >> add the fun throughout the company. a lot of the staff and production are boomfalumpas. we obviously take a lot of the magic from willie wonka. >> reporter: i was in london outside of st. marys with the great kate wait. was it surreal to see the attention? >> well, i think -- what was the most wonderful thing, everybody was celebrating with us. becoming an uncle. and for my parents, becoming grandparents. they were all so excited. >> reporter: i think of this when you were young and playing together, that you would ultimately be the uncle of the future king of england. >> i still see prince george as my -- my nephew. and in -- i just want to be the best uncle possible. like any uncle wants to be. i want to be the cool uncle, the fun uncle. what should we get for christmas this year? how can we sort of stand out here? >> reporter: what do you get prince george for christmas? not marshmallows. >> i hav't even got that far yet. >> reporter: how often do you spend time with your sister and your nephew, george? >> we are a really close family. we see each other and speak on the phone all the time. we see each other. the odd sunday lunch, popping in for coffee. something like that. >> reporter: and looking forward to the spring, james and his family are excited to welcome the next royal baby. >> it's wonderful to have another niece or nephew on the way. >> reporter: and how is kate feeling? >> well, she's better. it's not sort of -- it's not unknown that she is suffered from this acute morning sickness. and fortunately she is, i think, on the mend. >> reporter: that's good. we are hearing that she may come to new york. >> i heard that too. i -- her -- i don't really know. >> reporter: we would be very excited to host her if she feels up to it to come. that's exciting news. and look who we have here. so great to have boomf founders james middleton and andy bell with us. and you all, of course, brought your marshmallows. this is exciting. we have all of our faces printed on the marshmallows. and one thing you love is when you see people open the packages. we saw george's reaction. >> laughed, couldn't help it. >> you say it's harder to put pictures, images, on marshmallows than one would think. >> yes, there's quite a scientific way to put the photograph on to a marshmallow with edible inks. but it is a challenge worth doing. >> which one do you all want to eat? >> i ate a "gma." >> that was a safe angle to take. >> someone's face -- >> it's tough. great for kid's birthday parties. things like that. and i have to ask, james, are you making progress on being the cool uncle? >> well, i think there's a long way to go to try to be a cool uncle. i'm just trying to be, yeah, as best as i can, really. >> marshmallows make you cool. >> i think so. >> what is his title in the company? >> wonka in chief. >> i love that -- that's pretty cool in and of itself. and andy, you may be in the states a little bit more. planning on boomfing it up. >> boomfing. >> this is the proper announcement of our launch in the states. so, yes, it's available now. from anyone can make photo marshmallows, there's a lot of christmas messages, holiday messages you can put on them. yeah, hopefully, we think it's a great gift. >> what's the craziest request you got? >> that was a request that we got, we ran a competition a few months ago. it was for an engagement, or a proposal. and actually that proposal happened here around two -- about a month ago in times square. and the -- >> and she said i do. right here in times square. >> she said yes, right here. yeah. it was a joy. >> thank you all so much. we are going to be eating marshmallows all day. coming up, donald sutherland and steve carell here live. sutherland and steve carell here live. good morning, i'm kristen sze. developing news in alameda county. the search continues this morning for the hit and run driver who killed a 14-year-old boy last night near san leandro. the teen was on his scooter in the middle of the crosswalk when he was hit. the sheriff's department says the driver was involved in a pursuit and was trying to evade deputies when he ran over the boy. a sig alert is in effect in san ramon after a big rig crash and spill closed the alcosta boulevard off-ramp to southbound 680. 45,000 pounds of frozen turkeys need to be offloaded. chp says the driver was going too fast. i have your alternates for that. if you're traveling southbound 680 get off at bollinger canyon or dublin boulevard because of the sig alert. it will be around at least until 10:00, maybe longer. in san jose, this crash involving a motorcycle was cleared. northbound 280 at saratoga avenue, it has left us with a jam coming away from 680. >> thank you so much. we'll talk to mike about when that rain will get here right that rain will get here right after this break ♪shining, shimmering, splendid ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers, visit or call your travel agent. which means it's time thfor the volkswagens here, sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the well-crafted all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. good morning, live doppler 7 hd spinning, seeing clouds but no rain. starting 7:00 tonight sprinkles and the steady to moderate rain from 9:00 to 4:00 in the morning. then we'll have scattered showers during the commute tomorrow morning. up to 0.4 of an inch ♪ ♪ well, a little fifth harmony ♪ well, a little fifth harmony in times square last week. they know how to take care of their fans. bringing a few doughnuts. fans have been waiting up all night to see them. a little hungry. they got the payoff. and we're going to have the payoff in just a little bit. and the new single, "sledgehammer," this morning. >> save up one for me. also ahead, donald sutherland is with me live. you can see behind me the white roses. excited for the hunger games heating up big time. we'll have him in just a moment. and look who else we have here in times square, steve carell. in a role you have never seen him like this before. lots of oscar buzz already about his performance. we can't wait to talk with him. >> the movie is "foxcatcher" it is great. now to tony reali in social square. good morning. tops of the morning. and one of the most watched videos from last week on a serious topic. now leading to parodies. and here is one. it's trending big on facebook and youtube. and more than 800,000 clicks in 24 hours. princess leia walking the streets of a galaxy not so far away, new york city. you might recognize some of the characters she meets along the way. take a look. >> judge me by my size, do you? >> hey, princess. princess! i'm luke skywalker, i'm here to rescue you. >> wrong movie. >> sorry. sorry. >> that was indiana jones and "star wars." that was an inside joke. obi one, your only hope. but he was nowhere in sight. to the big screen we go. get used to this, being on your feet all day for a while. "hunger games: mockingjay part i," and elizabeth banks, doing a countdown to the release. and her challenge to the faithful. send in selfies with livestock and the fans delivered. she wanted photos with livestock. here's madison with a calf. and lee ann with cows. and georgia didn't let a lack of livestock stop her. she dressed up as a cow. don't know what her friends are thinking of in the background. the hunger games spirit is brave. and we're doing our own hunger games countdown as well. president snow, donald sutherland joins us. here's lara. >> the countdown is on. nine days until "the hunger games: mockingjay part 1." the stars were out in london monday. and they take over times square, all the stars will be here. but it begins with the president. president snow, donald sutherland. take a look. >> president snow, it's katniss. >> i don't imagine you're calling to thank me for the roses. >> i never asked for this. i just wanted to save my sister. and keep peeta alive. >> i told you what a fragile thing peace was. and still, like a child, you took pleasure in breaking it. it's the things we love most. that destroy us. >> wow. you are very scary in this movie. >> just doing my job. >> in a very, very creepy, delicious way. in fact, francis lawrence, the director, said that you have been sort of a nine in terms of evil, and by the time we get through this movie and the next, that you are at an 11. how is that for your ratcheting it up? >> i think he's a really good guy. i really do. >> president snow? >> he's a bureaucrat. >> he's misunderstood. >> francis is a very good guy. president snow is not misunderstood. he runs a totalitarian state. he's an oligarch. you know? we have them here. >> yep. true, true. in the film, you're head-to-head with katniss, the one and only jennifer lawrence. talk to us about the experience of working with her on this, the third film, installment. >> it's just been a continuum, the same from the very beginning. she's a genius, the child. she's a genius. she culls the truth from inside herself and delivers it. that's why -- susan collins wrote a wonderful series of books, but jennifer lawrence is able to catch the truth of it and deliver it. it's been fact. >> in a recent interview, you pretty much lobbied for the role of president snow. >> i don't think that actually expresses it. i asked for it. but i didn't lobby. they -- my agent sneaked me scripts from from time to time. because i like to read them. and they sent me this one. and i just wanted to be a part of it. i wanted to end my life being part of something that i thought would maybe catalyze and revolutionize young people. because they have been so dormant. and this election, it was the lowest -- lowest voter representation in 72 years. young people have to get out. you have to get out and change things. you really do. and it's up to you. we've wrecked this world and if you're going to fix it, you have to do it now. >> and do you feel like you're in playing this character? is that -- i don't know, does it move you in some way that you will miss deeply as we move toward the last installment? >> working with jennifer and francis, and nina jacobson -- nina jacobson who said -- >> reading the lines. >> this is a call to arms. yeah, of course. but if i can just see young people catalyzed and going to the voting booth and having some kind of a revolutionary movement. not an armed revolutionary movement, but a revolutionary movement to change things up. >> president snow has spoken. listen up, everybody. and the film is terrific. donald sutherland, thank you so much for being with us. always a pleasure. everybody, "the hunger games: mockingjay, part 1" opens nationwide next friday. that is november 21st. thank you so much. amy, we're going to head over to you. >> thank you. oscar winning icon sophia lauren is opening what she calls a trunk of secrets for the first time. in a memoir titled "yesterday, today, tomorrow, my life." she's revealing her extraordinary rise out of a desperately for childhood to her relationships with her leading men. chris connelly sat down for a rare one-on-one. >> reporter: after more than 60 years as an actress, sophia loren is sharing her story. her memoir, "yesterday, today, tomorrow." chronicling her earliest days in italy, amid poverty and war, painful even now to talk about. >> for me it was very difficult. because it was hard. i went through a lot with my family, of course. >> reporter: acting was her refuge. her depth of feeling won her a best actress oscar for "two women." >> it's a book, it's a dream. it's a dream. >> reporter: she would bewitch her co-stars, such as cary grant. yet italian carlo ponti would be the love of her life. a marriage producing two sons. >> i think about cary with great tenderness. we became friends. sometimes even a little more. >> reporter: he asked you to marry him. >> there are moments in life that you have to decide. i wanted a family, i wanted children. i wanted to be in my country. >> reporter: a 1957 hollywood party led to this infamous photo. as she eyed the dangerously revealing neckline of jane mansfield. a moment parodied by "modern family." >> she was very preoccupied, because she was bending too much. and maybe something would have happened. but fortunately it didn't. >> reporter: at 80, she understands the ageing process. but hopes that actresses will resist the urge to look younger. >> at my age, we never thought about plastic surgery. i think it's always wrong because i like myself. i like my skin. i don't want anybody to take it away from me. you have to live the life you have. and if you have the luck to look well even at 80 years old, then you can be happy. >> reporter: not all of us will be blessed to look like this when we are 80. for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> those are some genetics. sophia loren's memoir is available now. and head out to ginger with the final check of the weather. >> amy, do you know what your best birthday present is for the 60th birthday is? it's a george stephanopoulos boomf marshmallow. isn't it? >> yes. and i'm not going to eat it. i'll keep it forever. >> she's keeping it forever, folks. a little paisley back here. a good time. the weather, and before we get there. how about we enjoy a shot from mississippi? long beach out there. and not half bad either. and thanks to jim graham. and a quick look at the bitter cold. look at the temperatures that we're not having. the windchill, 17 below in denver, 1 below for >> good morning, not much sunshine and cool temperatures from low-to-mid 60's loan the coast to mid-to-upper 60's for the rest of us and dangerous waves at the coast. at 10:00 tonight through 4:00 tomorrow morning, >> all that weather brought to you by massage envy spa. amy. >> thank you. coming up, steve carell opening up about his dark new role. stay with us. ♪ a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. right here in san francisco. whether it's helping local businesses like the fruitguys grow and prosper, supporting nonprofits like juma ventures as they fulfill their mission or helping neighborhoods like the tenderloin become vibrant communities. if there's a way to help the people of san francisco thrive and succeed, we'll find it. that's the power of local connections. that's bank of america. we all know steve carell as one of the funniest leading men alive. we all know steve carell as one of the funniest leading men alive. but we get a brand new look at his film, "foxcatcher." his look at john dupont who made the olympic wrestlers his life's mission. we see here what dupont's aristocratic mother thinks about that. >> mother, i am leading men. i am training them. i am teaching them. i am giving them a dream. and i am giving america hope. >> hope? it doesn't matter. i'm glad you have your trophy. it can go in the trophy room. not in the rosemont case. i don't like the sport of wrestling as you know. it's a low sport. >> and steve carell joins us now. a little mother/son tension there. >> a little bit, yeah. >> and you are barely recognizable in that scene. >> well, bill corso designed the makeup. and he's really an artist. he's great at it. >> this story, back from the '80s and '90s, john dupont, wealthy heir to the dupont fortune. took these brothers, mark and david schultz under his wing. these wrestlers, olympic gold medal wrestlers. and it takes a very dark turn. i was just wondering, /* what drew you to the story? >> working with bennett miller. he directed "moneyball" and "capote," and he is particular about the types of things he gets involved in. i figured if he's in, i am all in. >> he said this role was outside of your comfort zone. >> yeah. oh, for sure. i don't think i was on anybody's list for this kind of part. i wasn't campaigning for it. apparently my agent submitted my name and gave him pause and he thought about it. and he sent me the script, and we met, and he offered me the part, so -- >> and you said the chance to work with him is all i need. >> huge. yeah. and the fact -- and i didn't know if i could do it, but the fact he thought i could, was enough. >> it was clear you could do it, and this story has so many different layers to it. i was struck by how much of the story is told without any dialogue at all and the looks and the glances. >> it's very spare. yeah. it's very economical, and in the pauses. there's a sense that you get from the movie. and i think bennett is really adept at that in particular. >> the "new yorker" calls your nose the fourth main character in the film. >> yes. >> and you know, you have some good company there. our crack research team found out, did, you know, that there are actually three other oscar winners who won with fake noses? >> really? >> can you name any of them? >> robert de niro, "raging bull." >> number one. >> i would say charlize theron, did she have a fake nose? >> no, but you're on to something there. it is a woman. >> oh, nicole kidman. >> two for two. now you have to go way back for the third. >> olivia dehavelin. i don't know. >> jose ferrar, cyrano de bergerac. you're in excellent company. >> fantastic. yeah, fantastic. so, are you ready to go back to comedy? anything that's good. i just want to do things that are -- that are good, you know? and this definitely whet my appetite to do things that have some depth to them. i don't want to get pretentious about it. but it's fun to be a part of a movie like this. i'm proud of it. >> it was just magnificent to watch. it was just an engrossing film. i hope a lot more good things come to you. >> thank you. >> steve carell, thank you very much. "foxcatcher" opens in theater this is friday. and fifth harmony comes here next. ♪ "fox ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raley's, bel air, and nob hill. [ cheers and applause ] they are the pop sensation taking the world by storm. you can hear it. fifth harmony, hand-picked by simon cowell, and immediately up the charts. winning the 2014 mtv vma award for artist to watch. and now they are about to release their hotly-anticipated debut album, "reflection." they are here to perform their latest smash single, "sledgehammer." but before we get to the music, ladies -- first of all, thank you for being with us on "good morning america." >> thank you. >> and you have fans, dedicated, harmonizers. and this is the first single. the first television performance by the way of "sledge hammer." ♪ if you could take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ if you could feel my heart beat now it would hit you like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ i don't admit it ♪ i play it cool ♪ but every minute ♪ that i'm with you ♪ i feel the fever and i won't lie i break a sweat ♪ ♪ my body telling all the secrets i ain't told you yet ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ i struggle to contain the love that's in my veins ♪ ♪ and how it circulates ♪ if you could take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ you guys sing ♪ if you could feel my heart beat now it would hit you like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ so close together ♪ so far apart ♪ you're turning me on and my fire's waiting for your spark ♪ ♪ i struggle to contain the love that's in my veins ♪ ♪ and how it circulates >> sing it! ♪ if you could take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ if you could feel my heart beat now it would hit you like a ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ the truth is out no stopping now ♪ ♪ i'm getting closer ♪ i've had enough ♪ undress my love ♪ i'm coming over ♪ if you take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ oh ♪ and if you take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ hammer ♪ oh ♪ if you take my pulse ♪ if you could take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer ♪ ♪ oh, oh, ♪ if you could feel my heart beat now it would hit you like a sledgehammer ♪ >> here we go! ♪ you're taken over the beat of my body ♪ ♪ you just don't let up, don't let up ♪ ♪ you're taken over the beat of my body but you lift me up, lift me up ♪ ♪ if you take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer ♪ >> one more time! ♪ oh, oh, oh [ cheers and applause ] when we sit down together and talk.ay. more and more, we're having conversations about the food itself: how good it is for us. how good it is for the planet. at monsanto, we're working with farmers to make balanced meals accessible to everyone. while using natural resources more efficiently. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ s♪ in the lane,ng, arsnow is glistenin' ♪ ♪ a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight ♪ ♪ towin' in a winter wonderland ♪ with the disneyland resort wrapped in holiday magic, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. ♪ towin' in a winter wonderland... ♪ weee hoooooo! there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. when it comes to survival, who knows more than jennifer, liam and josh? and tomorrow, the only place to see the stars of the hunger games is on "gma." >> which is awesome. when it comes to survival, who knows more than jennifer, liam and josh? and tomorrow, the only place to see the stars of the hunger games is on "gma." >> which is awesome. >> it's gonna be a morning so big, so epic, you'll say -- tell them, jennifer. >> it's incredible. >> tomorrow on "good morning america." ♪ >> that will be awesome tomorrow. but let's have some awesomeness now with sara haines. >> go sara. >> bye, everyone. >> go, sara, go sara. good morning. i'm kristen sze. meteorologist mike nicco taking a look at our forecast. >> it's all quiet right now and will be for the better part of today. a few breaks of sunshine and temperatures in the low to mid-60s in most neighborhoods, upper 60s in san jose and morgan hill. sprinkles about 7:00, steady light to moderate rain from 9:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. and scattered showers for tomorrow's morning commute. up to an inch in the north bay mountains. the seven-day forecast, our next chance of rain next week. we still have a sig alert in san ramon, southbound 5 at 680. we've got a new accident involving five vehicles, so right now your best bet is bollinger or dublin boulevard. >> join us for the midday news at 11:00. have a great gray announcer: it's "live! with elly & michael." today, from "hungry games," josh hutcherson, and actress and author, anjelica huston. plus, a performance from the legendary, the one and only, aretha franklin. ll next on "live." ♪ now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20141118

deputies trying to pull him over for reckless driving. deputies now say anderson was behind the wheel when the car struck and killed 14-year-old ivan cruz. prosecutors say this case is a top priority. >> the district attorney's office is going to work tirelessly to ensure that justice is done for this 14-year-old boy who lost his life and for his family. >> jail records show police actually arrested anderson last wednesday night on a number of charges, including felony warrants for violating probation. he was booked this morning on the murder charge for cruz's death. in san jose, fire crews were able to save a large cross from the holy cross church that caught fire over the weekend. the church was destroyed completely by sunday's just roaring devastating fire. everyone believes it's just amazing that the crucifix still survived. abc 7 news reporter vic lee is live from the church with the remarkable story. >> reporter: well, the fire crews have left but they were busy today trying to salvage what they could from inside the church. now, if you look at it, it looks destroyed, as you said, but we are told that it's possible to rebuild it and that's exactly what the priest and parishionors want to do. they say the church will have new life. water from fire hoses dripping from the roof that caved in like tears falling over the large crucifix still standing, pristine. untouched by these flames that roared through this century old church on sunday. a fire so hot it devoured the roof, collapsing the two spires. through it all the cross survived. >> we have been able to rescue the cross of jesus, jesus dead on the cross. this is the experience of jesus being dead for three days. >> reporter: today, fire crews carefully lifted the crucifix from the altar and brought it outside, resting it on the church driveway. it was a challenge the urban search and rescue team was called in to help. >> they have special knowledge so they were able to get that cross secured and raised up very gently and sat down where it was safe. >> reporter: it was an emotional moment. >> we all believe in god and god is helping us, everybody. >> reporter: many saw this as prophetic. >> it's amazing that the cross is intact. that gives me a sign that he wants to be up there again. >> reporter: other sacred belongings of the church were saved. among them, statues of saints, bibles and hymnals and even the holy oils. >> we were able to save the blessed sacrament which is the body and blood of jesus. >> reporter: even the fire captain said saving all of this, especially the large cross, was more than just amazing. >> some people calling it a miracle. would you agree? >> i would agree it is a miracle. absolutely. >> reporter: vic lee, abc 7 news. one person is dead after a car hit a pillar and another vehicle, then caught fire in a san jose parking garage. happened this morning just across the street from santa clara county superior court. firefighters say the driver couldn't get out of the vehicle before it started burning. the fire spread to three other cars before it was put out. investigators are considering the possibility that the driver may have suffered a medical emergency before the crash. san mateo police have released a sketch of a suspicious man they say approached a woman outside an adult school last week. take a good look at this man. they say he offered her money to leave with him. they say he was driving a dark blue, maybe a black foreign sedan. if you recognize him, call the san mateo police immediately. beginning today, drivers will have to pay $1 to park at the coliseum oakland airport b.a.r.t. station. the hayward b.a.r.t. station is now the only one that still has free parking and there will be a $1 fee there starting monday, december 8th. b.a.r.t. says revenue from the new fees will be used to improve access and upgrade its stations. after several injuries from trees falling during storms or even just light rain, really, in san francisco, there is a move now under way to change who is responsible. >> one supervisor wants to set aside millions of dollars for the city to take over care and inspection of those streetside trees. >> abc 7 news reporter lyanne melendez is live at city hall with this story. >> reporter: you won't see this on the ballot until late 2015/early 2016 but the idea is for the city to maintain the trees and not homeowners. now, for that, you need of course millions of dollars and the department of public works has been cutting what it spends on its maintenance programs of trees. now, we want to show you, this is what happens when you don't properly maintain these trees. just a few days ago, several ficus trees fell or their branches broke off after a day of rain. some of these trees are old, they are top-heavy and weak. public works has only ten arborists to take care of all the sidewalk and park trees in the city. so homeowners are usually responsible for maintaining trees in front of their houses. san francisco's supervisor is working to hammer out a plan that would allocate between $20 million and $30 million a year to maintain and plant more trees along with repairing those sidewalks damaged by these trees. >> we have dedicated funding for trees that would be explicitly conditioned on the city taking back full responsibility for street tree maintenance and for repairing sidewalk damage caused by trees. that should not be the responsibility of homeowners. >> reporter: a working group would decide where the money would come from. perhaps a parcel tax. then it would be up to the city attorney's office to put it on the ballot. now, keep in mind just to replace one of those ficus trees costs the city between $500 and $1500. live in san francisco, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. right now, windy conditions have firefighters in southern california keeping an eye for sudden brush fires. strong winds hit yesterday, toppling trees and damaging property. today, many southern california cities had 80 degree highs so it was really quite warm. because of the windy, hot and dry conditions, fire authorities have put a red flag warning in place until 8:00 tonight. it will continue through tomorrow for mountains and valley areas of the l.a. region. central florida is under a tornado watch. one tornado already hit a prison in the florida panhandle injuring two workers and destroying several vehicles. you can see a fence got knocked over by the force of the tornado. none of the prisoners was injured, none escaped. crews are fixing the fence right now. warm in southern california but an arctic chill continues to spread throughout the united states. it's reached the deep south and texas now. in lubbock, bad driving conditions are blamed for at least three deaths. in indianapolis, more than a dozen vehicles crashed on icy highways. up to a foot of snow is expected in the midwest. the south should start to warm up later in the week. >> nothing like that here but it was a bit chilly over the weekend. >> it was, and even a little today. it definitely has the feel of winter out there. spencer christian is here with the accuweather update. >> you're right, we don't have an arctic chill here but a chill by bay area standards nonetheless. a look at live doppler 7 hd showing us high clouds beginning to get a little thicker now, especially offshore. talk about a chill. we have quite a chill coming to areas to our north overnight. a frost advisory is in effect for tomorrow morning from 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. for this entire area north of cloverdale and all the way up to the northernmost part of the state and here in the bay area, we had quite a chill this morning. here's a look at some of the official low temperatures. 31 degrees in napa, just one degree below freezing. got down to exactly freezing at petaluma and novato. santa rosa, just a couple degrees above freezing. now we are looking at a colorful pre-sun set sky from the east bay hills camera. 64 degrees in san francisco. actually mid 60s in all locations, san francisco, oakland, moffett field, san jose, morgan hill, half moon bay. as we look over san francisco, other temperature readings, low to mid 60s from santa rosa, to napa, novato, fairfield, concord and livermore. i will be back to give you a look at what's coming our way tomorrow and our chances for rain later this week. >> look forward to hearing more. thank you, spencer. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, 49ers coach jim harbaugh's reaction to the surprise raid inside his team's locker room by federal drug agents. plus -- >> it is time to sign up for the affordable care act. obamacare. do you know what to do? we've got answers to your questions. we are going to be open until 8:00, the hotline is open. 415-954-7621. he's been investigated before. new at 4:30, the previous allegations against the santa clara county horse rancher charged with animal cruelty. and taking a look outside at traffic, the san francisco skyway as we usually see this time of day, kind of sticky coming at you. the headlights coming towards you trying to get on to the bay bridge. traffic moving the other direction not so bad. stay with us. hey john,whoa!k it out. yeah, i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv. and the tablet worked just fine. but i wanted to see if the phone would work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel is live just like on tv. but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. download the xfinity tv app today. a seattle man didn't mess around when he caught this man lurking outside his home saturday night. andrew myers says he confronted the man at his front door and the guy took a swing at him. as you can see in this surveillance video the two tumbled down the shares and myers took some shots of his own. he held his own until the police arrived. myers believes this man is the same person who broke into his home and spent the night in the basement earlier this week. >> how bizarre. drug enforcement agents did a surprise inspection yesterday of the 49ers locker room in new york. >> agents conducted surprise searches to find out whether players are illegally being given painkillers and prescription drugs. >> abc news reporter brandi hitt has the story. >> reporter: off the field sunday, federal drug agents were performing surprise raids on several nfl teams. dea agents digging through the medical bags of several team training staff for the detroit lions, san francisco 49ers, tampa bay buccaneers, seattle seahawks and more. as part of an ongoing investigation into potential violations of a controlled substances act. the 49ers staff insisting sunday they were in the clear. >> [ inaudible ] to see if anybody is transporting controlled substances across state lines. that's all the information we have. >> reporter: our sister network espn reports the surprise inspections are motivated by allegations raised in the so-called painkiller lawsuit filed by former nfl players earlier this year. >> they allege that for years, nfl teams illegally distributed painkillers in a way that left many of them addicted. >> reporter: more than 1200 former players are suing the nfl saying pain killers were quote, handed out like candy at halloween, leading to addictions and organ damage. >> we would never know what we really were taking at times, and i could stand by that. >> reporter: in a statement regarding sunday's raids, the nfl said each team cooperated with the dea, adding there is no information to indicate that irregularities were found. abc news, los angeles. 49ers coach jim harbaugh was not asked any questions by dea agents but he did come to the team's defense when asked about medical practices. harbaugh said the team is an open book when it comes to medication, including painkillers. >> all medications are documented, to my knowledge. any medication that we have, those are checked, inventoried. any kind of medication that's given out is documented. >> and when asked about the medication he used over his long career, he avoided a straightforward answer saying quote, i have forgotten half of my life when i was a player. open enrollment is under way for those who would like to get health insurance under the affordable care act or obamacare. >> now is the time. 7 on your side's michael finney has opened the phone banks to get your questions answered tonight. he is live in the 7 on your side production office. michael? >> this has helped so many people. we want to make it easy as possible. joining me to talk about the sign-up this year is dana howard, deputy director of communications and public relations for cover california. is it different this year than last year? what do you want to see people do? >> what we want to see people do of course is enroll. open enrollment started on october 15th. it's going to go until february 15th. that's only three months. last open enrollment it was six months. this time it will be much shorter. we want people to start getting in there now. take a look around, start shopping for a plan. then contact a certified enrollment counselor or certified insurance agent. we have a dozen certified enrollment counselors here now that can answer questions and help you make that decision about what plan will be best for you. >> last year there were problems in getting through on the phone lines because so many people were calling. is there going to be that problem this year? >> i think there is always going to be a wait when a lot of people are calling, especially if you are waiting until the last minute to try to get yourself enrolled. we have added about 500, 600 more folks on the phones this year. that's a lot of folks but still, there is going to be that wait time in there. to avoid that, i would not call on a monday morning. call later during the week and maybe call very first thing in the morning or later on in the afternoon. >> great advice. dana howard, deputy director of communications and public relations for cover california, thank you very much for joining us today. you can call us right now if you wish at 415-954-7621. we will be here up until 8:00. also, as you can see on the screen right now, we have multi-lingual people here helping you out. if you have friends, call them and tell them to call in. we will take care of them. live from the 7 on your side offices, i'm michael finney. >> fantastic. >> great resource. spencer's great resource on our weather. >> one of the best. let's go outside for the forecast. >> thank you. i appreciate that. interesting weather is coming our way this week, much like last week. lots of changes. here's live doppler 7 hd. at the moment, we have passing high clouds and lots of areas of blue sky but the passing high clouds will continue during the overnight hours. here's a nice view from the rooftop camera looking southeastward across the embarcadero and over the bay. this is -- these are the forecast features, i should say. it will be chilly in the inland valleys again tonight. maybe not quite as cold as last night but pretty chilly. high clouds and sun tomorrow and chances of rain wednesday through saturday. i will go to the radar satellite composite image showing the next system approaching us may bring us some rainfall. looks like we have a dome of dry air that is -- that system is going to meet as it pushes inland. let's take a look at our forecast animation starting 5:00 tomorrow morning, at which point we will still have just a few passing high clouds but clouds will increase during the day tomorrow and then into wednesday morning, looks like a chance of showers developing mainly in the north bay, and this doesn't look like much of a rain-making system but it will produce some wet spots into the midday hours wednesday and into wednesday night, light spotty showers. we will see it all tapering off. rainfall totals by wednesday night, 11:00, will be mainly up to a quarter inch in the north bay mountains where we expect most of the rain to fall, and the remainder of the bay area may see anywhere from no measurable rain to only five hundredths of an inch. it won't be significant at all unless it starts to intensify. current indications there it won't be that big a deal. 11:00 wednesday night, into thursday afternoon, we have more chances of rain. thursday into saturday, saturday morning looks like another mainly north bay or just below the golden gate rainfall event for us. that tapers off saturday night so the weather is unsettled for the next few days but doesn't look like we can expect a lot of rain on those days when we do get the rain. overnight, look for mid 30s in the north bay valleys, 35 at napa, 36 at santa rosa and upper 40s most other locations. then tomorrow, increasing high clouds filtered sunshine, we call it. high temperatures range from mid 60s at the coast to upper 60s to near 70 right around the bay. upper 60s to maybe some low 70s inland but it won't be very mild tomorrow, just a little milder than today. remainder of the week, it will be cooler than tomorrow's weather with those chances of showers on wednesday, rain likely thursday. mostly cloudy and dry on friday, chance of rain again on saturday and partly cloudy on sunday and mainly sunny on monday. the temperatures will stay in rather steady range. tomorrow could be the mildest day of the next seven. dan and ama? >> thank you, spencer. wipes and waste. the disposable wipes that help you clean have a messy secret. tonight at 7:00, eric thomas takes you underground to see for yourself. >> reporter: as you can see, these wipes have not broken down by the time they come to a plant. now we have to treat them as trash. >> you are not going to believe what we saw underground. the dirty truth about cleansing wipes, tonight on abc 7 news at 11:00. up next, comedian margaret cho brings her act to san francisco today for a special cause. then new after 4:30, why britain's prince william wants you to play angry birds. the new orleans saints have done right by a fan of another team after something a saints fan did. it all stems from this play in yesterday's game when cincinnati bengals tight end jermaine gresham caught a touchdown pass, spot a fan, gestured her way and threw her the ball but a saints fan snatched it away, elbowing the woman in the face. the woman, as you see, is just stunned afterward. fans throughout the stadium were outraged chanting over and over give her the ball. but the man refused. saints management made things right and gave her another ball. >> i think the saints organization is amazing. i love saints fans. i work with a bunch of saints fans. i think they're great. for them to make that effort to come and give me a game ball i think was amazing. >> like many people, gresham wasn't too happy with what the saints fan did, saying the man should be ashamed of himself. >> boy, he should. what was he thinking? comedian margaret cho took her act on the road but not in the usual way. she set up at the corner of san francisco's famed haigt and ashbury streets to perform for free. she did it to collect money, clothes and food for homeless people. she sang and told jokes. some people dropped off money and others took what they needed. cho, who attended high school in san francisco, did it to remember comedian robin williams. >> it's really for me to celebrate robin williams' life. he was such a philanthropist. don't grieve robin, be robin. >> cho will repeat her act at other street corners over the next two months. she will announce the location each morning to her twitter followers. you can give where you live by taking part in the abc 7 thanksgiving food drive. just text the word feed to this number, 80077 to donate $10 to bay area food banks. i like that. don't grieve robin, be robin. just ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, the animal cruelty charges, a santa clara horse rancher is now facing. this isn't the first time he's been investigated. also, what terrorism experts hope to learn from the latest video from isis and the execution of another american. 7 on your side's michael finney is standing by with a panel of experts to answer your questions about signing up for covered california. the number to call, 415-954-7621. here are the stories making headlines at 4:30. a san lorenzo man faces murder charges today for the hit and run that killed 14-year-old ivan cruz. investigators say the suspect, sonny anderson, has a long criminal history. abc 7 news reporter laura anthony tweeted this. this is the face ivan cruz's family wants people to focus on, killed by a hit and run driver, man in custody. laura will have a live report at 5:00. it's a divine sign, a crucifix left untouched by flames during yesterday's fire. abc 7 news reporter vic lee is there. he tweeted firefighters pulling cross off holy cross church, san jose after fire destroyed building. crews are watching for hot spots at the church. investigators say the fire appears to be accidental and likely started in the choir loft. the owner of dozens of horses in santa clara county is facing charges of felony animal abuse. we are learning this isn't the first time he's been investigated. it's a story we have been covering for a month. abc 7 news reporter david louie is live at the santa clara county animal shelter with new details. >> we passed by two corrals, one in morgan hill, one in gilroy. they couldn't believe what they were seeing. the owner insisted everything was under control, he was feeding and caring for them. it turns out after an investigation many of them were lame, underfed or suffering from parasites. investigators say they have documentation of animal abuse dating back to march. this is how the horses looked just over three weeks ago. they were thin, some had ribs showing. 51-year-old hum berto revas has been charged with two counts of felony animal abuse which could land him in jail for three years if convicted. on two occasions, he told me he was taking care of the horses. >> this is why i give food two times a day. >> reporter: concerned horse lovers said a pregnant mare was in serious trouble, among others. >> the mother does not have enough in her to actually nurse the foal so the mom is fighting for the two of them. >> reporter: a next door neighbor, learning of the arrest, recalls how bad off the horses were when he would go over to feed them. >> they were often skin and bones, hungry, thirsty. and so ill cared for. >> reporter: the owner is currently in jail in san mateo county on unrelated charges. this is not the first time he has been under investigation for animal abuse. >> there is documents that we filed with our warrants that relate to incidents in other counties. yes, it does seem like this was going on for some time. >> reporter: 12 of the sickest horses were rescued last month and transferred to a ranch in san benito county. the remaining 38 horses are being closely monitored by a veterinarian. they will be taken in by rescue groups while the county starts to take adoption applications on wednesday. >> they will take special care. we are looking for either organizations or individuals who have experience with horses and will be able to take the time that these horses will need. >> reporter: david louie, abc 7 news. missouri governor jay nixon declared a state of emergency and activated the national guard in advance of a grand jury decision in the michael brown case. he said the guard would assist state and local police just in the event there is civil unrest when the grand jury's decision is announced. there is no indication an announcement is imminent. the grand jury is deciding whether ferguson police officer darren wilson should face charges for shooting brown last august. prosecutors have said they expect the grand jury to reach a decision in midto late november. it could come really any time. today, the family of an american man executed by that militant group isis spoke about their son's death. peter kassig is the third american beheaded by that group in the last few months. abc news reporter karen travers has the latest from washington. >> reporter: peter kassig's heartbroken parents spoke today about their aid worker son executed by isis. >> our hearts are battered but they will mend. >> please allow our small family the time and privacy to mourn, cry and yes, forgive and begin to heal. >> reporter: kassig's alleged executioner appears to be the so-called jihad john, the same masked man with the distinctive british accent seen in other videos. >> here we are burying the first american crusader. >> reporter: jihad john made no effort to conceal his location. behind him, landmarks clearly visible, buildings, roads and farmlands. but this 15-minute video is different from previous ones isis has released. kassig is never shown alive and only his head is visible, leading to questions about how he actually died. there is one scene in which jihad john gives the order to behead 16 men described as syrian soldiers and the isis fighters show their faces as they commit the cold-blooded murders. the french government says it believes one of the executioners is a french citizen. in other videos, isis named their next intended victim, not in this one, but the terror group is holding another american hostage, a young female aid worker. intelligence officials are pouring over this new video looking for more clues before the brutal killers strike again. karen travers, abc news, washington. a doctor who was infected with the ebola virus while treating patients in west africa has died. dr. martin salia was a native of sierra leone who lived in maryland. he first showed symptoms of ebola 11 days ago but initially tested negative. doctors say despite their best efforts, they were not able to save the surgeon who arrived on saturday with kidney and liver failure. >> he arrived in very critical condition. in spite of that we had nurses and doctors working literally around the clock to try to reverse his condition but were unable to do so. >> six members of a bay area national guard unit are going to west africa to help fight ebola, part of the 2100 strong ebola support mission being deployed early next spring. you are looking at the rescue of two russian tourists from the back of an elephant in thailand. the mother and her 9-year-old daughter were pulled to safety after the elephant trampled and killed its handler, then took off. rescue teams chased the bull elephant for nearly two miles before they could tranquilize it. they then had to wait three hours until the elephant was calm enough to pull the tourists to safety. authorities say this was the first time the elephant has shown aggression since it began giving rides two years ago. pope francis confirmed today he will travel to the u.s. next year to participate in the world meeting of families in philadelphia. francis confirmed his attendance following a speech to an interreligious conference on traditional family values at the vatican. the world meeting of families is a conference held every three years in a different city to celebrate the importance of family. pope francis is also expected to visit new york and washington during that trip. coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, hero in a store aisle. a teenager's quick action saves the life of a baby. and tearing down candlestick. a look at the new development and the thousands of jobs it's going to bring. i'm spencer christian. it will be another beautiful november sunset as we see from the east bay hills camera. tomorrow may bring more clouds than today. ly have the accuweather forecast in just a moment. at 4:36, taking a live look at the golden gate bridge. traffic is slowing in both directions. on the right-hand side are cars heading over to the north bay. stay with us. a quick-thinking teenager has been credited today for helping save the life of an 11 month old baby at a missouri walmart store. >> the surveillance video shows a mother trying to help her infant daughter who has stopping breathing. as store employees call 911, 17-year-old abby snodgrass seen here in blue appears after hearing the commotion. >> abby revives the baby using cpr she had recently learned in health class. >> the one thought that crossed my mind initially was what if this doesn't work. and i just had to push it out of my mind and keep going because i knew that's what i had to do. i can't explain how happy i am. >> the family released this statement. we are exceedingly grateful to the young woman who helped our daughter. our daughter is home and healthy and we couldn't be more thankful. ♪ the family that rose to fame with the viral parody video is at it again. the family from north carolina takes on turkey day with all about that baste, their version of the pop song all about that bass, of course. they talk about burning pies including we put all the wrong forks in all the wrong places. they first rose to viral fame last year with their christmas video. that has more than 14 million views. >> what a fun family. they're great. one last time, let's update the weather forecast. >> spencer christian is outside with the latest. >> this is only my third view of the weather. i have 13 million more to go. a look at live doppler 7 hd, we have increasing high clouds over the bay area but lots of clear sky. we have been talking about this cold arctic blast in the nation's midsection for the last week or so. right now, it's 15 degrees at fargo, 10 degrees at rapid city, 13 in minneapolis, 14 at omaha, 13 in chicago, and tomorrow, looking at the national weather map, you see how cold it will be not only in the upper midwest but snow will be pushing from the great lakes into the new england area. look for highs tomorrow of 21 at chicago. talking highs now. 16, minneapolis. 30 in new york. 34 in boston. brr. it's cold back east and in the midwest but here in california tomorrow, relatively mild, certainly compared to what's happening back east. look for highs of 66 tomorrow, 68 in sacramento, 77 in los angeles. in the bay area, with high clouds and filtered sunshine, highs ranging from mid 60s at the coast up to around 70 inland but clouds will continue to increase overnight tomorrow night. may get a little light rain on wednesday. looks like from wednesday through saturday, we will have chances of periods of light rain. dan and ama? >> thank you, spencer. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, charles manson is about to be a married man. the woman he will say "i do" to. plus, angry birds gets the royal seal of approval. the good cause that has britain's prince william asking t you to play the online game. plus -- ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. charles manson is getting married. according to the associated press, the 80-year-old mass murderer has gotten a license to marry 26-year-old afton lane burton who left her home in the midwest to be closer to manson. the license doesn't give a specific wedding date. burton, who goes by the name star, gave an interview a year ago in which she said she and manson planned to marry. but manson said then it was not true. the couple has 90 days to get married or they must reapply. you have just three months this year to sign up for health insurance coverage under the affordable care act, also known as obamacare. >> 7 on your side's michael finney is with a panel of experts poised to answer your questions by phone. >> here in california it goes under covered california. you're right, there are only three months this year, not six likes last year, that open on october 15th and ends on february 15th. that's why we have our hotline open so that you can call in, get the information you need. the telephone number is 415-954-7621. shy barron is with us today. thanks for being here. all we heard the whole time is that young people were not going to sign up. that's not how it worked, correct? >> no, not at all. especially for our kids, the screenings we are doing and high school screenings we are going to be doing, there's a lot of people that are actually enrolled already compared to the other years. i think right now we will about to 85% to 90% insured. >> really? >> yes. yes. >> how about like college students, young adults in their 20s. are you getting them signed up? >> that's our main goal right now. we will be pushing to enroll a lot of the young adults. the kids look like they're covered. the young adults, we are having a lot of community colleges, we are doing enrollment events at different colleges. >> that's who you're reaching out to this year. >> yes. yes. >> thank you very much. you can call us up until 8:00. we are going to be here. so far, obamacare as it's called, the affordable care act, has been amazingly successful. there are 25% fewer uninsured americans. if you are part of that 75% that are still uninsured or even if you got insured last year, you have to sign up by february 15th if you need individual care. call right now. we will give you the information you need. 415-954-7621. >> thank you, michael. some of the biggest stars in music once again came together, raising their voices to raise money. it's a new version of band-aid, this time focusing on the battle against ebola. abc news reporter lara spencer has a look. >> reporter: a holiday classic hitting airwaves again this morning, this time with new famous faces and voices. some of pop's biggest stars banding together to premiere a new version of do they know it's christmas on britain's x factor sunday night, raising money and awareness for the fight against ebola. this exactly 30 years after the original band-aid classic was released to fight famine in africa. the 1984 version featured the hottest pop icons of the decade. sting, george michael, phil collins, just to name a few. topping the charts for five weeks at number one and raising over $24 million worldwide. the new version features big names from right now, like one direction, ed sheeran, chris martin and ally golding. many of them not even alive when the song first came out. in fact, music legend bono is the only original member to come back for an encore, recording the song in london on saturday. >> we are going to make band-aid history. >> reporter: some of the lyrics like this one, once belted out by tony hadley and sting -- been revised to fit today's ebola crisis. but after all these years, that iconic chorus and spirit of giving behind it remains the same. >> the song is available to download on itunes now. a cd will be released in a few weeks. all proceeds go toward the fight against ebola. the maker of the hit video game angry birds is teaming up with prince william to raise awareness about an endangered species. prince released a video message today about a competition in an effort to help an animal native to china and southeast asia that many have probably never heard of. >> it's one of the most endangered animals on the planet due to poaching. it runs the risk of becomingextinct before most people have even heard of it. >> the competition is called roll with the pengl,mans cosponsored by united for wild life, an organization headed by prince william. the animals are considered a delicacy and used in traditional medicine and home decorating, making them one of the most trafficked species in the world. a tv news anchor in australia is finally getting some attention for his fashion sense. he wore the same suit every day for a year and he did it to prove a point. he was angered over the criticism his female co-anchors received from viewers about their outfits. no one said a word about his. he says he is instead judged on his interviews, anchoring style and sense of humor. in other words, how he does his job. he says his female colleagues are often judged on what they're wearing or their hair styles. he is still wearing the suit, hoping to get it to the cleaner's by the end of the year. >> he makes a very good point. >> he does. coming up -- >> coming up next on abc 7 news at 4:00, tearing apart the stick. we are getting a better idea of what will replace the stadium and the thousands of jobs it will bring. i'm cheryl jennings. coming up new at 5:00, the tiny killer causing millions of starfish to waste away on the pacific coast. and the issue that has the bay area technology companies banding together. and you're eligible for san medicare, area anthem blue cross can help you get a great plan at a great rate! our new medicare advantage plans pay for many of the costs original medicare doesn't. so you can focus on other important decisions. anthem plans help protect you from high medical costs. and, we've built stronger partnerships with trusted local doctors and hospitals, to bring you special benefits like... and vision, prescription drug coverage, plus free memberships at participating gyms. now's the time to switch! if you live in san francisco county, there are new plans with zero-dollar monthly premiums available this year. plans also include zero-dollar preventive care. the medicare enrollment deadline for san francisco is december 7th. so call anthem today at 1-844-331-7996 to learn more or to schedule an in-person meeting. which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. time for a look at tonight's prime time lineup on abc 7. 8:00, it is a new episode of dancing with the stars. that's followed by castle, then join dan and me for abc 7 news at 11:00. a big step today in answering the question of exactly what will happen to the old candlestick park. we now know in addition to housing, there is going to be an outlet shopping mall. abc 7 news reporter carolyn tyler has more. >> reporter: the seats are being dismantled at candlestick. when the former stadium comes down, which promises to be a spectacular new outlet mall is expected to go up. >> it will be nestled with open space right adjacent to this beautiful waterfront. >> reporter: the home builder announced today it's joining forces to build a 500,000 square foot outlet mall as part of the city's master plan to transform the bayview hunters point neighborhood. these sketches show the vision of 130 stores ranging from high end armani and gucci to lower cost foot locker tan gap. they have retail centers around the country, including broadway plaza in walnut creek and has been looking for an opportunity to get a foothold in san francisco. >> it has great demographics. in other words, people like to shop there. they understand fashion. >> what they are going to put here, i can walk down now and shop. that's going to be good for me. i'm a shopper. >> reporter: the outlet mall will anchor a project that includes building 6,000 new homes, 30% affordable, and promises 3,000 permanent new jobs with 50% local hiring. the mayor told members of the community, some of them skeptical, that this will help fulfill a long-time promise. >> with people that are really here that are lifting their lives up and being part of the transformation. not being a victim of it. >> reporter: candlestick is scheduled to be dmemolished, perhaps imploded, next year. construction of the shopping mall, a hotel and first 600 homes could be completed by the end of 2017. in san francisco, carolyn tyler, abc 7 news. that will do it for abc 7 news at 4:00. thank you so much for joining us. i'm ama daetz. abc 7 news at 5:00 begins right now with dan and cheryl. a break in the case of a teenaged boy killed during a high speed chase near san leandro. a driver arrested. his hiding place coming up in a live report. that big church fire in san jose, a cross is saved. why parishioners say it is a sign of what to do next. >> it is amazing. also, 7 on your side's michael finney is live with experts ready to answer your questions about health insurance and covered california. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. we have three chances of rain this week. i will let you know when, coming up. this man has been arrested in a hit and run incident that killed a 14-year-old boy near san leandro last week. this guy has a long criminal past. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm cheryl jennings. thanks for joining us. that 34-year-old man is facing a murder charge now for the death of 14-year-old ivan cruz, who was hit while in a crosswalk last tuesday. abc 7 news reporter laura anthony joins us in the alameda county sheriff's office in dublin with this developing story. >> reporter: well, this man sonny anderson is described as a lifelong criminal. he has been in custody here since last wednesday. his prior convictions include everything from animal cruelty to attacking an elderly woman in her home. now he is charged with murder of a 14-year-old boy. six days after a hit and run driver killed 14-year-old ivan cruz, alameda county sheriffs say they have arrested the man behind the wheel, 34-year-old sonny anderson of san lorenzo. anderson has been in custody since late last wednesday on other charges. >> we gained information that he was at a home of an associate in newark and with the help of the newark police department and their police dog, we made entry into that house and found him hiding in the garage of that home. >> reporter: sheriffs identify anderson as the driver of a maroon saturn that sped through the intersection at east 14th and ashland near san leandro tuesday night. the car was traveling south in the northbound lane at high speed. just before it hit ivan, who was in the crosswalk riding a scooter. >> we spent considerable amount of time looking through all of the evidence, all of the reports, and today, we charge sonny joseph anderson with murder as well as multiple other felonies. >> we just wanted to say thank you to the community and to everyone who helped get this person off the street before he injured another innocent person. >> reporter: anderson will be arraigned tuesday afternoon in hayward. if convicted, he faces life in prison. ivan's funeral services are set for next tuesday in san


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141212

advantage of her. what she says happened at his home and when she confronted his wife and why she says she is coming forward now. and travel nightmare. more than 250 passengers on the united flight, trapped for 30 hours, stranded on the runway. no food, the bathrooms unusable. is this the worst layover ever? and we do say good morning, america on this friday morning. we all fly and know how frustrating it can be. even without a delay it's frustrating. can you imagine spending 30 hours on the plane? >> no. we'll tell you what caused the big delay. >> that's as bad as it gets. right now, we're getting to the powerful storm pounding the west coast. the raneyest day in decades for some city. sonoma, that car submerged. and in the same lot, there they are, kayakers. our extreme weather team tracking it all. and we start with rob marciano in san francisco. good morning, rob. >> reporter: good morning, george. the rain has finally stopped, at least for now. but we had record amounts yesterday, and all of that water trying to drain out of the city. but many roads are blocked from water and trees knocked down. and that's not all, the entire west coast still reeling from this storm. almost a foot of rain. winds up to 147 miles an hour in the mountains. waves pounding the west coast. >> once the rains come and the mud starts to flow, there's nothing residents can do. >> reporter: three houses in this washington state neighborhood lost to the sea. >> anything can happen. >> reporter: kayaks, the new vehicle of choice in this california safeway parking lot. others opting for air mattresses to carry them to safety. drivers white knuckling over the swaying golden gate bridge, where engineers stood by monitoring intensifying conditions. >> we need to be prepared. >> reporter: many northern california schools canceled, the san francisco subway system shut down. tens of thousands without power this morning. thanks to downed trees like this one in santa cruz where fire fighters raced to rescue a child. and now the action is to the south where we've had flash flood warnings across ventura county. for that we go to david wright standing by in camariio springs. >> reporter: here you can see the devastating results. and this community faced wild fires. that burned out the vegetation holding the topsoil in place, now literally swallowing the backs of these houses. fire crews tell us 18 of these homes will have to be red tagged. officialses watching burn areas throughout the region from here to san diego county and in addition to that, you have flash flood warnings in effect for much of the day and thousand of people without power. ginger? >> david, thank you. and, yes, the heaviest rain moving through this morning and we will dry out as certainly as we go through the evening hours into the early morning hours of saturday. you take what you have, to even three inches of rain and put more, more inches on top, it will not be good. a very messy friday. 70 gusts, and look at this, all going to move to the east. parts of nf never and arizona getting into it. san francisco above average for the year. that's incredible. george? >> thank you. that's some storm. >> really is. now more from the fall youth from the sony hacking attack. the movie that triggered the breach, premiered last night. an unusual and low-key event for hollywood. the studio's top executive under fire for her leaked e-mails, including some offensive jokes about president obama. cecilia vega has the latest for us. >> reporter: this is what a red carpet should look like. but at last night's world premiere for the interview, there were no interviews. in the wake of the massive hacking scandal, sony blocking press. >> the entire area is closed. >> reporter: at the debut of the controversial comedy about north korea. >> you want us to kill the leader of north korea? >> yes. >> what? >> reporter: even silencing actors like charles chun outside the event. >> i think at the end of the day it's going to be egg on their face. >> thank you, everybody, we're done. >> there's no red carpet tonight. >> thanks, guys. >> reporter: meanwhile, more hollywood super stars falling victim to the stolen e-mails leaked online. one reportedly showing a top talent agent trying to land charlize theron a role at the expense of scarlett johansson, comparing the star power of the leading ladies. and a studio executive barking bashing star comedian kevin hart for demanding more money in exchange for promoting a movie on twitter. hart, the first celebrity victim to break his silence, posting on instagram, i own my own brand. i make smart decisions. i protect my brand. >> this is unprecedented in the sense the target isn't just about money. it's about just inflicting damage. >> reporter: oscar-winning producer scott rudin and amy paschal reportedly sending e-mails about angelina jolie's e-mail. and they crossed paths after the e-mails were leaked at this event in hollywood. and showing them making racially insensitive remarks about black-themed films president obama might like. they now say those exchanges were private. rudin telling abc news i'm sorry and apologize for any injury they might have caused. pascal saying they are insensitive and inappropriate, but not an accurate reflection of who i am. the damage control continues, and so does the investigation. for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. >> you got to wonder if they're going do get a handle on that. we're going to turn now to the first ever live press conference from the cia. john brennan responding to the explosive report on torture. defending the honor of his agency and also calling some tactics abhorrent, promising never to use them again. abc's martha raddatz inside the press conference yesterday. martha, this was unprecedented and he was walking a very fine line. >> reporter: he is in a tough spot. he works for a president who does not support the extreme methods used on detainees and yet he wants to stand by his cia officers. but he readily admitted some of the harshest techniques were unauthorized and should be repudiated. but as to the authorized methods, the so-called eits or enhanced interrogation technique, one of which is waterboarding, he said the methods were successful. >> there was useful intelligence, valuable intelligence obtained from individuals who had been at some point been subjected to the eits. whether that could have been obtained without the use of those eits, is something, again, that is unknowable. >> reporter: now senator dianne feinstein who's committee released the report this week, welcomed brennan's comments but disagreed with that characterization, insisting that the information could have been obtained through other means, george. >> yeah, she disputed that. and she was live-tweeting through the press conference yesterday. thanks very much. and much more sunday on "this week." and now to amy with the other top stories. all right. george. good morning. good morning, everyone. we begin with the crisis averted in washington overnight. house lawmakers narrowly passing a $1 trillion spending bill to keep the government running. it followed an urgent last-minute push by the white house to get democrats on board, even though the bill rolls back some wall street regulations. today, the senate takes up that plan. a growing scandal in the u.s. navy, saying 12 sailors have been implicated in a plot to secretly video tape and watch their female shipmates in the shower on the "uss wyoming" the women recorded were among the first female sailors to serve in the submarine force in the navy's gender integration program began. and a deadly fire on a miami-based cruise ship. two maintenance workers and a crew member on the oceana insignia were killed while a fire broke out while the sip was docked in st. lucia. all 656 passengers were evacuated. no word on what caused the video. and stunning video from a soccer game in south america where a player survived being struck by lightning. watch the left side of your screen. it happened so quickly, you can't even see the bolt, but the smoke drifts away and you see him there on the ground. the announcers thought he was dead but he was rushed to the hospital and is now being treated for burns. he says he feels like he's born again. and nfl quarterback, cam newton, admits he's lucky to be alive after a terrifying crash on tuesday. this is what his truck looked like after flipping over. he spent nearly 24 hours in the hospital but is already beginning rehab on the fractures in his back. asked when he will play again, he responded who cares and it's clear someone above is looking out for him. >> i can't stop smiling. because it's like, god has his hands on me, man. i'm on somebody's fantasy league. you know? and i think it's the man upstairs. >> after the big scare, newton urging his fans to live life to the fullest. and finally, take a look at what happens when a toddler gets his first look at a set of identical twins. this is landon. he's clearly confused by what he's seeing. no matter how many times he swings his head, he can't clear up this double vision. when he looks to the adults to help him out. what's going on? why am i seeing double? all they can do is laugh, like we are. wait a minute. what's going on. >> really, mom and dad? >> one's enough. two of them? >> and they look just alike. >> yeah. >> his head was on a swivel. >> it will be for years. >> my life is changing a lot. >> that's true. >> thanks for bringing that to us, amy. now to a dramatic standoff on a california highway. a father who was a person of interest after his sons went missing earlier this week refusing to surrender to police with his four boys in the car. aditi roy has the story for us. >> there is no movement from the vehicle at this time. >> reporter: a nail-biting scene on this san diego freeway ramp thursday morning, a black toyota camry, surrounded by an army of police and s.w.a.t team officers. but the real drama was inside that car. >> we have kids in the car. >> reporter: the four boys, ages 6 through 11, along with their mother, erica, missing since last friday night, after police say their father, daniel perez, picked the boys up from a family member's home. the search fors boys intensifying late wednesday after erica's body was discovered in the trunk of the couple's honda accord. >> it was a dangerous situation. we knew there were children involved, possibly weapons. >> reporter: police issuing an amber alert. family members issuing a tearful plea for the boys return. >> don't hurt them, please, they're innocent. >> reporter: just hours later, this faceoff on the freeway watch as two of the four boys run out. a police negotiator, trying to convince perez to get out of the car. >> get back in the vehicle. windows rolled up. >> reporter: finally more than an hour into the stand you have, he exits the vehicle. grabbing one boy, another one following him. >> we were fearful that he may try to throw the children off the bridge, or himself. >> reporter: but police shoot him with a non-lethal bean bag and take him into custody. this morning, authorities crediting the camry's lojack, a vehicle tracking system in leading them to the car. the boys now in protective custody, safe, after a dramatic ordeal. for "good morning america," aditi roy, abc news, san francisco. >> thank goodness they are okay. and a story for anyone bombarded by annoying robocalls. one couple got so many from bank of america, that they sued and won, more than a million dollars. brian ross is here with the story. >> it's against the law for debt collectors to use robocalls once you tell them to stop, even if you owe them money. but bank of america has been caught red handed and it's not the first time. >> at 7:41 a.m. >> this is michael with bank of america. >> reporter: the automated robocalls to the coniglios. about their overdue mortgage payments -- >> please call bank of america home loans -- >> reporter: came morning, noon, and night. >> please give us a call at your earliest convenience. >> reporter: 700 times in all over a four year period. unrelenting, long after the family begged the bang to stop. as they told tampa tv station. >> they treat us badly. no two ways about it. >> this is michael with bank of america. >> if i did what bank of america did, i would be behind bars. >> thank you for your time and have a nice day. >> reporter: furious, they sued the giant bank, and now a federal judge ordered bank of america to pay them more than a million dollars. $1500 per call. >> the fact is, if you ask a $1500 per call. >> the fact is, if you ask a company to stop calling and they don't, every single call could be worth 1500. and this court awarded that. >> reporter: it's a problem across the country. an elderly couple in california claims they got 2,000 calls from bank of america. 350 to a woman in arkansas. and more than 600 to the phones of this man from indiana. >> i would describe it as harassment. it was constant, repetitive calls daily. >> reporter: it's not the first time bank of america has been accused of going over the line. four years ago abc news found they hired a collection agency in texas that used profane, racist pressure tactics. >> are you scared? you want to pick up the phone now? is it because you are in bed with your sister? >> reporter: bank of america didn't stop using the firm until we confronted the president. that kind of language, is that acceptable to you? the "f" word? >> that would not be acceptable. i'll find out. >> reporter: the abusive language may have stopped, but the repetitive robocalls represent another kind of abuse. as for the 700 calls to the couple in tampa, facing foreclosure, bank of america told abc news they were calling just trying to help them. george. >> 700 times. >> that's a lot. >> it is. what do you have were lara? >> we are going to talk about the flight we alluded to earlier. horrific experience. as if a trip from san francisco to sydney isn't long enough. hundreds of passengers got stuck for an extra, oh, eight hours after their flight made an unexpected detour. abc's david kerley has all the details. >> reporter: it's a trip that turned into a 30-hour travel nightmare for passengers aboard a united jetliner. flight 863, bound for sydney, australia, from san francisco. >> it was a comedy of sequence and errors. >> it was hot. and the way we were treated was like we were a herd of cows. >> reporter: some of the passengers sending us video from the tarmac. their ordeal began 10:30 wednesday night pacific time when flight 863 took off from san francisco. then 19 hours into the flight, the pilot announces they have been diverted to canberra because of debris on the runway in sydney. it would turn out to be a layover from hell. the plane unable to take off because the pilot exceeded his flying hour limit. >> unfortunately by the time they sat on the ramp, they exceeded the crew day. >> reporter: frustrated fliers reportedly spending several more hours in their seats before the crew allowed them to get off and get some fresh air. passengers reporting the bathrooms had even run out of toilet paper and soap. united giving out snacks and drinks, but it was not enough to calm the frayed nerves. >> all we want is beer and steak and we'll be fine. >> reporter: then finally, eight hours after they landed, relief. a backup crew arrives. the plane finally takes off, landing in sydney nine hours behind schedule. >> not much you can do about it, you know? at least we were safe. >> reporter: for "good morning america," david kerley, abc news, washington. >> it's what he just said. there's nothing you can do about it. i think that's the frustration. you're just stuck. >> hard to get zen when you're in the middle of it. >> absolutely. how about that weather out west? it's going to start drying out eventually, ginger. >> eventually. they're in the heart in southern california. >> we have new video coming in of the mudslides north and west of los angeles. remember this, is from a wildfire of old, right? you put all of that water on it and the debris starts flowing down. into holmes. we have seen reports of people trapped in their car, homes, and entire towns evacuated. this is a very rough morning throughout southern california. it's going to be windy and a ton of rain. but watch this. it dries out. this is 7:00 a.m. on saturday. so much better as we go into the weekend. so as much as we need the rain, it's too bad that it's coming so forcefully. the other big headline, fog. it starts in parts of west texas, moving up into nebraska and even this morning, chicago reporting some fog and freezing fog. that could be a little dangerous there. up around madison, 2.6. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. today scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible. be prepared for a bond on the roads around the locally heavy rain. dry and seasonal in the weekend and healthy rain on monday and tuesday. today, the temperatures are upper 50's to increasely 60 but the heaterring kill off tonight with low-to-upper 40's with fog. saturday is the brit of the day this >> i think i've wrung out most of the bad news. how about this, south dakota, 70 degrees yesterday and that's moving east. >> 70 degrees in south dakota. we'll take it. coming up on "gma," the latest bombshell accusation against bill cosby. former super model beverly johnson claims he drugged her. what she says happened in his home and why she's coming forward now. a couple arrested for squatting in a $1 million home. what they did wrong that led police to their door. plus, caught on camera. a brazen home break-in and how the homeowner found out about the burglary and how she's fighting back. and what we've all been waiting for, our epic ugly sweater showdown. the ugly sweater dance troupe is here to get us warmed up. that's a thing? taking it to new extremes this year. keep watching. e is here to get us warmed up. that's a thing? taking it to new extremes this year. taking it to new extremes this year. keep watching. mountain, reaching up to catch "we caour dreamhe highest together there is nothing we can't be. dive into the deepest oceans, dance upon the rolling seas, make a moment, keep the memory." 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yeah, you have. vo: luckily for maggie, there is a place for her to touch, try and play with all of the devices she's been dying to get her hands on. the samsung experience shop, only at best buy. ♪ you don't need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we're exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg... isn't as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. good morning, i'm eric thomas. in sonoma county all eyes are on the russian river. it's expected to crest in gernville early this afternoon. the river hit flood stage of 32 feet early this morning. the river has been flowing since yesterday's storm pounded the north bay. more than 100 homes have been asked or recommended to evacuate. let's get a check on the morning commute. >> we've got our problems and still have closures because of the flooding from yesterday. as we look at the san mateo bridge, this drive pretty slow. about 20 minutes from hayward into foster city. because of this, as you take that drive a little farther north 101 at peninsula avenue, a crash was blocking the lane. everything just cleared to the shoulder. this band of green indicating where we could have more sprinkles dropping onto the freeways. >> thank you very much. when we come back, meteorologist when we come back, meteorologist mike nicco tells us more a female announcer: sleep train's is ending soon!or 3 event! get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, free set-up, and free removal of your old mattress, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good morning. let me give you the latest on the russian river, which breached its flood stage about 3:30 this morning. it will crest at about noon or 1:00 and stay above flood stage until 12:30 tomorrow afternoon. you can see light to moderate rain moving there and about to come onshore about pacifica and head over towards daly city. we have light rain all the way over towards emeryville, richmond and oakland. we still have a high surf we still have a high surf advisory until 4:00 this ♪ look at that conga line. the ugly sweater dance troupe. that's just the warmup, guys. you know the competition is coming. all helped along by d.j. pro style mehere on this friday morning. >> we just put on the sweaters. that was it. one upping it. >> it's the epic showdown, right? >> the run way. >> all of that. >> the dance troupe. >> all of it. also, the hunt right now for these men caught on camera burglarizing an apartment in georgia. what you can do to protect your home. and show you a breathtaking ski stunt. you have to see this to believe it. it's a daredevil plunging 2,000 feet between two ridges. and we'll tell you what was going through his mind. >> i don't know in i could think of anything going down like that. that's coming up. but the brand new allegations against bill cosby. this time from ground-breaking super model beverly johnson who claims she was drugged at his home in the '80s. we have the story. >> reporter: what initially kept her from speaking out was fear. that it might ruin her career. now nearly two decades later, she says it's the hardest decision she has made. she has nothing to gain other than the peace of mind that she was doing the right thing. >> the drug was very powerful. something i had never taken before. i was woozy, my speech was slurred. i knew that i was in danger. >> reporter: beverly johnson, known for being the first african-american model to grace the cover of american "vogue" says in 1986 she was invited to rehearse at his home for a part in the cosby show. >> he said part of the exercise he wanted me to do was act like you were drunk. and i thought, you know, there was a pregnant woman on the show. but i said, well, okay. >> reporter: while rehearsing, she said cosby insisted on make what he said would be the best cup of cappuccino she would ever have. >> i took a couple of sips of the cappuccino. and from the first sip, and then the second sip, i knew i had been drugged. and i had been drugged really good. at which time he called me over as if to begin the scene. he placed his hands on my waist. >> reporter: the super model says she was afraid for her life and went into survival mode. >> i just started to swear at him. and then i just continued to call him a series of names. he was getting angry. he was pissed. and he, you know, grabbed me by my arm and just dragged me down the brownstone stairs. and a taxi stopped and he threw me in the taxi. >> reporter: but if he were going to sexually assault you and you were feeling way out of it like this, what do you think stopped him from doing it? >> i think that he probably had never been called the name that i kept calling him. over and over again. i think at that point he wanted to get me out of there. that this was not good. >> reporter: shortly after the encounter johnson says she called to confront cosby, but camille, his wife of more than 50 years, answered the phone. >> i told her just tell bill i will be calling back. after i hung up the phone, i realized that this was something that i wasn't going to be able to do anything about. this was a person that was huge in the entertainment business. it could cost me my career if i came out. >> reporter: in response to the growing number of women claiming they were drugged and in many cases sexual assaulted by k eed, his lawyer called those alleges unsubstantiated fantastical stories. they have not responded to the request for comment regarding the latest claims from johnson. in the last few weeks, several women have come forward, why wait until now? >> these women gave me the courage to come forward. >> reporter: does it make it different for a black woman to come out accusing a black man? >> this was the most difficult decision that i have ever made. i am, you know, calling out a black man, a revered black man, and sometimes it's really hard to do the right thing. but this is the right thing to do. >> reporter: johnson says she has no plans to take any legal action against cosby. when i asked what she hoped the outcome of speaking out would be, that this is bigger than cosby, she hopes her voice would help all victims of sexual assault to have the courage to speak out. now to the deal that proved too good to be true. a young florida couple living in a million dollar home. they claimed they bought the property for a discount. they were squatters, and almost got away with it. matt gutman has the latest. >> reporter: 7500 square feet, 200 sprawling acres. a sprawling swimming pool. it appeared that justin and jenna dean were living the life in this mansion in keystone, florida. police say they're nothing but a couple of squatters. officials say they moved into the foreclosed mansion in september, claiming they purchased a deed at a discount. >> the quitclaim deed that was filed was fraudulent. it was made up from pieces of other deeds. >> reporter: they might have been home free if not for their facebook posts. jenna writing one. this is the house we just bought. we have a lot of work to do. and police say the pair did do some renovating of sorts. >> the locks had been changed on the residence. and some no trespassing signs had been put up. >> reporter: but when a couple from ohio actually bought the home for $1.1 million that the dean's house of cards really started to collapse. >> another couple was interested in purchasing the home. they put a down payment on it. that's when the false deed was found. >> reporter: squatting is a phenomenon that has been gaining momentum since the housing crisis. take famed squatter andre barbosa who used a loophole in the law to move into this foreclosed $2.5 million mansion in boca raton. the deans were arrested on grand theft, forgery and unlawful filing. they are out on bail. but when abc news reached out for comment they said, well, squat. for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, tampa. >> good one. just came that close. couldn't resist. better news weather-wise? >> mild, in south dakota, what do you do when it hits 71 degrees? you golf in december. yes. that is happening. and that will be happening as it moves east. rapid city again could break a record. only 63 today. but quite mild. denver to 62. albuquerque, 59, amarillo, 67, and 51 for kansas city. i'm sure everyone east of the line says when will it get to me? detroit, upper 40s, nashville, 50s. and washington, d.c. will get right there in the 50s. not looking great for a lot of >> good morning. i am meteorologist mike nicco. keep the umbrella handy, with locally moderate-to-heavy rain and more ponding on the roads. the seven-day outlook show dry during the day this weekend but sunday night through tuesday, a nice steady >> all that weather brought to you by target. see, guys? i can be nice too. >> naughty and nice. we like that about you, ginger, thank you. coming up, caught red handed. the startling video of burglars in a home. how homeowners are fighting back against break ins and what you can do to protect your home. and caffeine powder. what every parent needs to know about this potentially dangerous stimulant. and our viewers should see who's running this broadcast. there's the control room. everybody getting into the ugly sweater spirit. is chris dancing? this is going to be good. you do not want to miss it. >> look at lilly. >> go lilly, go lilly. - whatd'ya get? - whatd'ya get? oh, whatd'ya get, dude? whatd'ya get? what did you get? i'm stuck - what'd he get private? - what'd he get? woo hoo! whatd'ya get? what is it? what is it? what is it? oh c'mon mate, open it already! i can't wait! oooooooooh! dude. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ [ female announcer ] you've tried to forget your hepatitis c. but you shouldn't forget this. hepatitis c is a serious disease. left untreated, it can lead to liver damage and potentially liver cancer. but you haven't been forgotten. there's never been a better time to rethink your hep c. go to to register for more information. then talk to your doctor about scientific advances that may help you move on from hepatitis c. we're back now at 7:42 with a shocking burglary on tape. two criminals going through a woman's georgia apartment while she's at work. her home surveillance camera capturing it all. and she's using the video to fight back. steve osunsami has the story. >> reporter: they're the definition of brazen. this morning police are looking for these alleged burglars caught on camera robbing this home in atlanta in the middle of the day. one of them finds an ipad, the other claps his hands in joy. >> freaking out. >> reporter: watching it all play out, ayesha was at work when the camera sent the alert to her cell phone. she was able to watch the alleged thieves stealing jewelry and electronics. they were relaxed. >> no urgency. are these the maintenance guys? when i saw the computer going past the camera, i'm being robbed. >> reporter: it's that time of year, in the weeks before christmas when robbers get bold and busy. and these motion-sensor cameras could increase the chances of the crooks getting caught. >> we can clearly see the suspects. it aids our investigation. and based off that have, somebody's going to know the suspects and we're going to find out. >> reporter: now more and more homeowners are surveillance systems are fighting back, posting the videos on the internet. this one from raleigh went viral, recorded on night vision cameras. police arrested the alleged burglars. >> it sounds strange to some people, but it's not expensive. >> reporter: these guys find the camera and steal is too. but they were too late. >> they're already captured, they just don't know it yet. >> reporter: steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> it would be tough to watch that. coming up, spreading the layaway joy. the mysterious angel who paid off $20,000 in bills at toys"r"us. >> and the death defying skiing on camera. what was going through his mind as he plunged 2,000 feet? that's why, whenever the need arises... walgreens is always right around the corner, so you can get in and out in no time. and help keep the magic in your holidays. at the corner of happy and healthy. plus get up to $20 in jingle cash on next week's purchase of $30 or more. and there are some people you shouldn't. people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no. definitely not. ha ha, nay. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. thanks for teaching us to be as patient as you. this holiday season, give thanks to the pets who inspire you. for 7 days only, at petsmart, save up to 40% on thousands of items! petsmart®. two words: it heals.e different? how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. i'm the first to admit, i'm not the best student. i got into my back-up college, but on the acceptance letter it did say, please be aware, you barely squeaked in." which is why our new thermostat is the last thing i need. it's called the nest "learning" thermostat. it learns the temperature you like and programs itself to save you money. now my parents keep saying, "why can't you be more like the thermostat." not a confidence booster. the nest learning thermostat. welcome to a more thoughtful home. ♪ i'm on the edge of glory this is the appropriate song. how about this jaw-dropping, death-defying ski run you have to see to believe. and our man, t.j. holmes is in the social square with that story. >> we could have been talking about an extreme skier that was killed on camera trying to perform an incredible stunt. but instead we have some of the most incredible video you're ever going to see. a skier has to get from here to here through here. a 2,000-foot drop in one piece. >> i'm getting nervous. >> reporter: he should be nervous. look at this. his extreme, death-defying skiing stunt stunning millions. >> three, two, one. >> reporter: codytown send cheating death, plunging down 2,000 feet in a vertical shoot in alaska. >> the first time i laid eyes on it i realized how dangerous it was. >> it's taller than the empire state building, or five football fields together. >> it was only when i realized how fast i was going, how narrow and steep was. this is terrifying. >> reporter: at its narrowest point, less than six feet between townsend and the rocky walls. >> it was narrow as it could get. >> reporter: the high-octane trip taking just 16 seconds. >> when i skied out the bottom, i was swearing uncontrol bleu. i was just absolutely beyond ecstatic. that was the scariest thing i have done. >> reporter: and sweeping through the weapon at top speed. wracking up 3 million youtube hits in four days. >> iwas blown away by the response. live to ride another day. whatever you do, do it because you know you can do it. don't do it for any other reason. >> wow. >> the skiers talking. i'm the only one that doesn't ski. i asked, black diamond, of course we are. but this guy here, he said that's the scariest thing he has done. but it wasn't hard, he prepped for it for a couple years. once he got going, 16 seconds. but any margin of error, a different story. >> all right, t.j. thank you. have a good weekend. >> got to ski. >> we'll do that. coming up, how one mommy blogger learned how to get her toddler under control. and stick around for this. the ugly christmas sweaters. come on, t.j. be a part of it. we're getting in the spirit. already. come on back. ♪ 3 gigs for $month. 3 gigs ... is that a lot? 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[ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. . good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and an important warning about caffeine powder for parents. the mom and dad speaking out, demanding changes for everyone's safety. what to do when your toddler throws a fit. one mom saying she created a monster. and now she's found the key to taming those tantrums. ♪ called spring blades. whoa. >> one of the hottest holiday gifts this season. the new high-tech sneakers. we tried them all. what you need to know to get the most out of your workout. ♪ and it's our ugly sweater showdown. we're going bigger, better, badder than ever before. and we're facing off in "gma's" most outrageous battle yet. ♪ all that and onerepublic here live as we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ i'm all about that bass no trouble ♪ our third-annual ugly sweater party is under way. we have a dance troupe. that's right. yeah. how are you guys? sure we do. why wouldn't we? >> exactly. it's a normal thing. >> guess it doesn't work without a d.j. we have d.j. pro style providing all the music. and we are -- >> good pro style. >> yeah. >> and -- who is going to win the big trophy? the golden fruitcake? we will find out. we have hot chocolate now too. >> the coffee cups have been ugly sweaterized. >> at "gma," go big or go home. don't do anything halfway. >> can i go home? >> nope. roberts, you're in. and you guys sent us photos. thank you so much for sending us your best ugly sweaters. we are loving them. nothing ugly about that. those are some of our viewers. and their favorites. >> those are some great sweaters. >> i love that. looking good, lady the. >> what a great idea. >> do you want to see some more? go to our website on yahoo!. right now to amy with some news. good morning, everyone. with we begin with breaking news from california. mudslides being reported near los angeles as the monster storm bears down on southern california. the heavy rains forcing mandatory evacuations in vulnerable neighborhoods that could see rain falling at 1 inch per hour today. parts of northern california have already been swamped by nearly a foot of rain. people using kayaks and canoes to navigate streets. heavy winds brought down trees, killing at least two people in oregon. and more than 150,000 homes and businesses have lost power in washington state. ginger has a closer look at the storm coming up. in the meantime, the senate takes up a plan to keep the federal government running. overnight the house narrowly passed a $1 trillion spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. the white house mounted a fierce campaign late yesterday to get democrats to agree to the plan even though it rolls back wall street regulations and campaign financing limits. the cyber attack against sony pictures is getting more personal. there is word that hackers are now revealing the medical records of dozens of sony employees and their families. meanwhile, a sony executive has apologized for leaked e-mails that criticized angelina jolie and made racially-insensitive remarks about president obama. a dramatic scene on a florida beach as a man drove his truck right into the gulf. but two total strangers came to the rescue, diving in and pulling him out. he had a medical episode, had blacked out. nearly running over beach goers before ending up in the water. everyone is okay. quite a discovery in queen elizabeth's backyard. and it's giving new meaning to the term royal highness. oh, no, we went there. >> nice. >> a mushroom with hallucinogenic properties has been found growing in the buckingham palace garden. no one is accusing the queen of growing it, though. the magic mushroom was commonly used in rituals. the palace says it's one of hundreds of mushroom species in the garden. get it now? royal highness. and finally, a reminder of what the holidays are supposed to mean. this morning our layaway angel comes to us from bellingham, massachusetts. a complete stranger walked into a toys 'r us and paid off every single layaway balance for a total of $20,000. so now more than 100 people who have been saving, saving, saving, to buy those gifts for their kids are going to have plenty to give without any worry. how amazing is that story? >> it is. if we could keep that spirit going all year long. >> so fantastic. >> thinking of others. so great. >> thank you, amy. and now a health alert for parents with teams. the mother and father of a teen who died after consuming too much caffeine powder, speaking out this morning, asking law makers to take action before someone else is killed. reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: this morning the parents of logan steiner are making a plea to lawmakers, to pull pure caffeine powder off the market. they said it led to the death of their 18-year-old son. >> it's poison in the jar. plain and simple. >> reporter: the promising young wrestler pushing through his last week of high school when he passed away in may. the county coroner finding a lethal amount of caffeine in his system. >> overwhelming grief. overwhelming shock. he thought caffeine was innocuous like the rest of us. >> reporter: it contains 25 times the amount of caffeine found in a regular cup of coffee. but doctors say this small amount can be lethal. >> it's difficult to consume that volume of liquid. it's very easy to consume a small amount of caffeine powder. but it is legal and readily available in bulk online. it's also largely unregulated. while the packaging does recommend only a fraction of what he consumed, his parents say it's not enough. >> this product needs to be banned completely. >> reporter: this morning the fda tells abc news it will consider taking regulatory action as appropriate to protect consumers, but in the meantime recommends that consumers avoid the products. >> parents should discuss this caffeine powder with their children just as they would discuss smoking, drinking and other drug use. >> reporter: reena ninan, abc news, new york. that that's. >> that's a powerful supplement. and now to lara with the "pop news" in the social square. >> so glad you threw to me. coming up on the "gma morning menu" in "pop news," talk about your wife and why she was with jerry seinfeld. spotted in a very fancy car. we'll explain. and the high-tech sneakers that can improve your running and how to find the right fit for you. and get in here, gorgeous. it's time for the ugly sweater competition. as you can see, it is game on, people. we are back, coming up. plus onerepublic performing live on "gma" here in times square. come on, dancers, get in here. let's go. ♪ ♪ that's just how i feel t how i feel ♪ often enough, b. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] vote for this year's holiday greeting at up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. why do i cook for the to share with family to carry on traditions to come together, even when we're apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious! onerepublic looking especially festive today in the ugly sweaters at our twitter mirror. let's take a big picture, guys. all right, their big performance coming up. are you guys going to do it in the sweaters? all right. guys going to do it in the sweaters? all right. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. i to the acidity in any yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. ♪ wellllll... ♪ earlyfit ♪ latefit ♪ risefit ♪ fallfit ♪ ballfit ♪ wallfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ rowfit ♪ throwfit ♪ slowfit ♪ olliefit ♪ oopsfit ♪ otisfit ♪ thiswayfit ♪ thatwayfit ♪ daddyfit ♪ pappyfit ♪ datefit ♪ weightfit ♪ goalfit ♪ gooooooalfit ♪ stepfit ♪ stairfit ♪ smartfit ♪ heartfit ♪ spinfit ♪ bikefit ♪ hikefit ♪ yikesfit ♪ wheeeeefit ♪ wowfit ♪ whoafit ♪ findyourfit ♪ it's all fitbit this is the one. can we go for a test drive? oh sure, i'll be right back. thanks. leather, running boards... carmax quality certified, low, no-haggle price, 5-day money back guarantee ... that's great... and, a roof rack for the kayak! we don't have a kayak. we could get a kayak. ready to roll? yes, we are. with more than 35,000 cars nationwide, carmax has the perfect car for...everybody. carmax. start here. wait for me! there it is. ah! hurry up. you're heavy. are you sure these letters will get to santa? yes, of course. hold still. almost there. a little bit higher. i can't hold you up much longer. ah! whoa! [ all giggle ] ♪ hi, fellas. hi, virginia. why are you on the floor? [ female announcer ] bring your letter to santa into macy's and we'll donate to the make-a-wish® foundation. together, we'll collect a million reasons to believe. ♪ i got the eye of the tiger eye of the tiger. we showed you the adorable sea otter pup rescued. taken in by chicago's aquarium. but she needed a name. we asked "gma" viewers to vote on what you think it should be. and the name you picked -- luna. that's a perfect name. >> that's a good name, yeah. >> luna, strike a pose, baby. right? you're looking at me longingly. >> i always do. you know i always do. all right, and the friday edition of "pop news." we begin with the one and only ali wentworth, george's wife who's a terrific writer, actor, comedian. in a car, getting coffee with jerry seinfeld. she's starring in the latest episode of the web show, aptly titled just that, going around with him, talking about life, love and posing in a mirror. >> women in the mirror kill me. >> i know, but at least i'm not going -- what's that. >> you can't hold that face all day. >> no. >> so funny. looking very stylish in the head scarf. and the vintage -- >> thanks for not playing the parts where she's slamming me. >> i'm going to be honest with you. it was hard to find a part that was -- >> that she wasn't. >> that was appropriate. >> television friendly? >> but it's very funny. and ali and jerry go way back. she played his girlfriend on "seinfeld." schwoopy. so check that out. it is very, very funny. she does not hold back. >> no, she doesn't. >> as you know. and you're welcome. shows something else. lindsey wagner, eat your heart out. the actresses character, you may remember, rebuilt to save her life in the show "bionic woman." and now there is a bionic bra that can save your back. this is engineered -- you like that term? engineered to automatically adjust the support when it feels too much bouncing going on. the bionic bra adjusts in real time. it provides ultimate comfort. this is 17 years and counting in development. a lot of work. yes. you hear the music? of course it's real. that means it's serious, george. it's a real bra. it's really in development. scientists say it's well worth it. why? research shows that 85% of us woman are wearing bras that don't fit correctly. this will now adjust for you. fascinating news, isn't it? >> it fits. thank you. and finally -- you know, just because you like cookies -- go ahead, show the video. just because you like cookies doesn't mean you're a pig. except in this case. and that's exactly what it means. >> he smells it. >> he smells it. >> there we go. >> and just enjoy. >> yeah. >> he's delicately chomping on it. >> this is a reenactment of me last night. >> the pig is sleeping in a bed. think about that. >> okay. >> here you go. so there you have it. ali wentworth, bionic bras and pigs eating cookies. and that is "pop news". >> you can do it all. >> thank you. you never know. >> finish strong as always. heat index. competition today coming up. but first, ginger has a check of the weather. and check in on the northeast since we haven't done that. we dealt with so much early in the week. now things are a little calmer. see the snow in connecticut. it almost looks pretty, right? it's almost the holidays. we can take all this. here's what's going to happen. from the great lakes, some of the freezing fog. certainly some icy roads in parts of iowa, minnesota and wisconsin this morning. that will move to the east. and yes, today is a chilly day for so many folks. but milder by the weekend. on the backside of the clock wise rotating high. here's a look at the west coast storm again. we have had updates. people trapped in cars, homes. fortunately so far no injuries. but we're looking for even more rain than what has fallen. not just california. goes into parts of nevada and arizona. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. today scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible. be prepared for a bond on the roads around the locally heavy rain. dry and seasonal in the weekend and healthy rain on monday and tuesday. today, the temperatures are upper 50's to increasely 60 but the heaterring kill off tonight with low-to-upper 40's with fog. saturday is the brit of the day this >> even nashville, 49 today. much more mild through the weekend. george. thank you. in today's heat index, toddler tantrums. all parents have to deal with them at some point. and now one mom says she has the key to calming them down. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: it's a scene that no mother wants to witness at the dinner table. >> andrew, sit down and eat your chicken. >> no! >> don't scream at the table. >> reporter: when super nanny's not there to save your family dinner, what do you do? mom heather neal is a babble blogger and registered dietitian. she says six months ago her precious prodigy, 2-year-old tyler, turned into a monster at meals. >> can you sit at the table, please? >> no. >> he decided he was going to do things his way. if i didn't let him eat where he wanted to, he wanted he would just get so mad. throwing his food, bowl, screaming, stomping. the toddler tantrum thing. >> reporter: but instead of trying to control it, she took a hands off approach. >> i decided it was not a battle i wanted to fight. i let him do what he wanted to do. >> food issues are a common power struggle. between parents and children, because kids can control what they put in their mouths. >> reporter: and that's when the real trouble started. >> taking him out to restaurants and dining in public. he would just be jumping up and down on the chairs, throwing things, looking at the people behind him. i realized that was what i was teaching him to do at home. >> reporter: heather decided there were new habits. there were now firm table rules. he needed to eat all his meals at the tables and she would role model behavior with him. >> when you want to change the toddler, come up with one sentence, and one sentence only that clearly describes the new rule. >> reporter: consistency is key. mom's new approach is taking a bite out of bad behavior. >> it's definitely better than it used to be. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. well, we know we have to be strong. it's just hard to do. >> it is difficult. >> not always easy. they're strong, those little people. also in the heat index, one of the hottest holiday gifts of the season. more running shoes are sold than any other time of the year in the next four weeks. with so many high-tech options, how do you know which pair is right for you? becky worley is on the case. >> reporter: the newest kicks for runners, stand back. shoe technology has gotten really unusual. take these from adidas, called spring blades. whoa. then there's the ultra drops. a wide toe box that lets your foot splay naturally. and finally the hoka ones. lots of cushioning. it's like having a pair of heels on. to determine which were right for me, i head to the uc san francisco orthopedic lab. the team here will analyze how i run normally and then video tape me as i try each new pair. >> first thing you notice, you're right on the forefoot. >> reporter: and my pony tail is swinging appropriately. >> yes. >> reporter: okay. okay. so i run i machine toes. who knew? which of these shoes works with my style? first the spring blades. this doesn't feel right. it feels like i'm running on nothing. i have no cushion, my toes hurt. and dr. luke says these shoes are better for mid-foot runners. >> you might be trying to hold yourself more firm as you're running with the shoes on. >> reporter: i look more upright? don't i? >> i agree with that. >> reporter: and the hoka ones, forced me to strike on the heel in mid-foot. for me, that's not natural. >> this is where effects of footwear can change impact forces and mechanics. >> reporter: and the ultra drops. they look extra big and rounded in the front and have a relatively low heel, but they feel natural to me. >> you're landing right on the front half of your foot. this is kind of your natural running form. >> reporter: and that's the point. running shoes are really personalized these days. any one of these shoes may be great for you. how do you decide? >> a lot of the running specialty stores is a great place to start. talking to other people. trial and error. you probably have to try them out. run in them, make sure they're comfortable. >> reporter: for "good morning america," becky worley, abc news, san francisco. >> all right, check in with robin now. all right, lara, and everybody. next up on the heat index, never say never. barbara walters said last year's ten most fascinating people would be the last one. but she's back with the ten most fascinating people of 2014. barbara is here with a sneak peek. but here is a part of her tell-all interview with taylor swift first. >> this is your first album of all pop songs. are you at all worried that you will lose some of the country fans? >> i am not worried about that. i'm really in touch with my fans and i know what they like. but what my fans in general were afraid of is i would start making pop music and stop writing smart lyrics or writing emotional lyrics. i think they were scared it would get watered down. when they heard the new music, they realized that wasn't the case at all. and ladies and gentlemen, a proper welcome to barbara walters in the studio. come on, now. >> here she is again. said she wouldn't be back. here she is again. i would like to tell you, i won't be here next year, probably. >> taylor swift, she was here a few weeks ago. >> a huge star. >> a huge star. and the way she is with -- she calls her fans her swifties. so accessible. >> she wants -- few stars want to be role models. no, i'm not -- she wants to be and lives her life that way and invites her fans into her house. i'm not sure i would. >> but she does. and she -- it's refreshing to see -- >> it is. >> -- someone on her stature not stiff arm people, but embrace them and let them in and want to be in their world as well. scarlett johansson, she had a big year. >> she does very few interviews. and keeps her emotions very close to her chest. so close that i didn't find out until i did the interview that she was engaged. and i didn't find out, robin, until after the interview that she was not only engaged, she was married. >> she didn't tell you that. but she did talk to you about body image. >> yep. >> let's take a look. >> most women do not really like their bodies. do you like your body? >> it's an okay body, i guess. i mean, it functions. i wouldn't say it's particularly remarkable, though. >> any part you don't like? >> of my body? yeah, there's lots of parts i don't like. you know, my -- my thighs, my midsection. >> from where i'm sitting, it looks okay. >> who can -- i'm not going to complain. i have got thighs and a midsection, so i'm happy. >> she has a lot to be happy about. >> any woman who really loves -- i look great? i'm wonderful. i don't think so. >> but you're not going to give us a hint who the most -- >> i would tell you that you would never guess. does that help you? >> not at all. >> don't even try. >> never do. barbara, thank you, thank you. great to see you. >> i always love being here. i hope people will watch on sunday night. >> this is where i do the plug. don't worry. barbara walters, the ten most fascinating people of 2014. it airs sunday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc news. sunday night. thank you, barbara. oh, you might want to high tail it for this. we have the ugly sweater showdown. it's a smackdown. it's coming up. the big reveal is just ahead. ♪ ♪ i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ shake it off ♪ shake it off players gonna play ♪ . good morning, i'm eric thomas. some alert safeway employees in san jose heard ominous sounds coming from the roof and evacuated the store just before the roof came crashing down. the roof at the safeway on east capital expressway and silver creek road collapsed during the storm yesterday afternoon. employees said they heard noises and spotted a crack in the ceiling and decided it was best to leave. about 50 feet of the roof collapsed. no word on whether the store will be open today. what's open today? the freeways, most of them. >> take a look at this. let me get out of the way so you can see traffic is going smoothly as you head across the water. butty see the clouds in the background, it is a little ominous. we also have snow. if you're heading away for the weekend we have chains required for 80, 88 and 50. finally drive-time traffic, nice and clear over the altamont pass. when we come back, when we come back, meteorologist mike ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raley's, bel air, and nob hill. good morning, let's start with an update on the russian river. it is above flooding right now. it happened at 3:30 this morning. it will crest at noon or 1:00 and recede tomorrow afternoon. you can see plenty of light to moderate rain across the north bay and over the heart of the bay. we're getting rain on most of the peninsula and the south bay. scattered showers and thunderstorms the rest of the day. things are about to get ugly around here. last year's ugly sweater showdown was, well, epic. and now on national ugly christmas sweater day, what you're about to see will leave you speechless. "good morning america"'s most epic ever third-annual ugly holiday sweater showdown is on. starting now. >> the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived. it's time for our 2014 ugly sweater showdown. d.j. pro style is spinning, our dancers are dancing, and one of the hots bands in america is here to party with us. and the staff is getting in on the fun with the seriously ugly sweaters. it all starts right now. sara? >> the ugly sweater showdown 2014. we take this really seriously. i guess you could say it gets a little ugly. you saw that coming. you are the judges. as soon as you have seen the ugly sweaters, vote for the one that you believe is the down right ugliest. time to begin. first up, the weather outside, ginger, is frightful. but the polar vortex on ginger zee is delightful. you can see the jet stream zooming around her sweater. the north pole at her neck. next to santa. notice the mylar fringe that keeps the moving silhouette going because weather stops for no one. ugly, yes, but also quite educational. thank you, ginger. and here comes amy robach. looking like the ghost of christmas past. with a turn of the century faux fur cape. please notice the dangling faux fur palms. rounding out the outfit, a muff and leggings. amy enjoys long walks on the beach and vintage clothing. next up, wait for it, lara spencer. one might think she looks a little like a leprechaun, but no, she is a rain door food salesperson. i had no idea that existed. she's sporting an outrageously patterned pantsuit with light up snowflakes. and lined with ornaments. she doesn't mess around with reindeer games, people. but you may walk away with a plastic reindeer if you're being really nice. oh. in the head. come on. and wait for it, robin oh, my gosh. no words. no words. ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire now she always lights up a room when she walks in. this morning she is literally glowing. she is covered in hundreds of brightly lit red, green and blue bulbs. they don't need a christmas tree at robin's house. they'll merely leave the presents at her feet. robin, it looks like you just opened your lights for the christmas season. we're going too far to do a little work on this. okay. next up, last, but certainly not least, george stephanopoulos. >> notice i -- there it is. >> george came with a plus one, which is rude at holiday parties. but we allow it this one time. >> you actually followed the rules. he's a rule follower, people. the drone is a compliment and an extension of george's costume. they say the yeti does not exist, but please notice he is right there on george. now this is a special accoutrement. >> nice word. >> this is my own personal drone. >> you go everywhere with the drone. >> i do. watch out. >> tune in for "this week" with george and the drone. >> there was mistletoe. sorry, ali. i am not a judge. spread out so people can get a good look. what happens next is you have to go and choose the winner. go to our website, right now to vote for your favorite ugly sweater. will it be george? you guys can cheer. will it be robin? will it be lara? amy robach? or the zee? we'd like to give a shoutout to who decked out the audience and the entire control room and they look pretty ugly. thank you, guys. and finally a check of the weather from weather herself, ginger zee. >> i love to be in the jet stream my whole life. i am so happy. okay. so let's go ahead and start with the weather headlines without the polar very tex. it's making me a little dizzy. we have the huge story, the mudslides in southern california. they will be drying out, overnight into early saturday. so much nicer. a milder weekend along the east coast. right in the middle, showers and fog. and on the west coast, again, much drier. all right. that's the big picture. wouldn't this help if i wore >> good morning. i am meteorologist mike nicco. keep the umbrella handy, with locally moderate-to-heavy rain and more ponding on the roads. the seven-day outlook show dry during the day this weekend but sunday night through tuesday, a nice >> and all that weather brought to you by yoplait. and we have a special message. for the first time you can experience unprecedented backstage a backstage access to all the disney magic on broadway from the lion king to aladdin. and you have a great host. moerntd family star jesse tyler ferguson will be your guide. it happens the backstage with disney on broadway. celebrating 20 years. it airs this sunday, 7:00 p.m. eastern on abc. who doesn't love a little jesse tyler ferguson? does anyone have any weather questions? now that we have the map? do you understand the polar vortex? counter clockwise and above the earth. lara, they're bored with me. >> i could never be bored. you look fabulous. and i hope you can take me seriously. this is a wonderful thing. try to get past the ugly suit. we're happy to have our friends from macy's here this morning. we're partneri ining with them the believe campaign, helping make wishes come true with life-threatening conditions. we have kids here in their ugly sweeters. they're writing letters to santa. today, macy's is doubling the donations, $2, instead of $1, for every letter to santa dropped in a macy's mailbox or submitted online. and talk us to about believe. >> believe is such an important campaign. particularly at this time of year. macy's believes in giving back to communities. and this is our way of helping build the spirit of generosity and inviting children of all ages to write letters so that we can raise money for this worthy organization, make-a-wish. it is to help children with life-threatening diseases. >> and an amazing campaign, $2 today. >> up to another million dollars. in total, $2 million to the make-a-wish campaign just for this time frame. >> such a worthy cause. kids, go, drop the letters in the mailboxes there. i want to remind our viewers that each of the kids letters plus all letters dropped in a macy's mailbox will count at $2 instead of one. another million dollars could be raised. please go to on yahoo to learn more. and write the letters in honor of national believe. we do very much believe right here. we have matthew good live here. we have matthew good live talking about his role ♪ here. we have matthew good live talking about his role ♪ [instrumental music] ♪ . hopefully everyone can take me seriously in this hat. you can say that matthew goode has the golden touch, stars in the imdaitation game and the go wife. both just earned golden globe nominations for best picture and best series. in the imitation game, he's hugh alexander, a member of a team of code breakers in world war ii. he's married, but he's still something of a ladies man. >> he has many. >> he believes that the regulations against men and women working side by side are sad because such proximity will lead to romance. however, i disagree. >> you do? >> yeah. i think that if i were working beside a woman all day long, i could appreciate her abilities and intellect without taking her to bed. i'm sorry -- >> and matthew would like to point out he's married and not a ladies man in his real life. >> true. i love her very much. good morning. she's watch. i will have a career after the interview. promise. >> thank you. it has to feel great to work on successful projects on television and on the big screen. >> yeah. it's a very important story. if you're just alive, world war i, was ended because of a lot of the things that guy achieved. and great old friends. i've known benedict for 15 years. and i have been trying to desperately to work with him. finally it happened. >> it's a tremendous movie. a phenomenal cast. and your character, hugh alexander is a member of a team of code breakers in world war ii. another exceedingly accomplished man, hugh has a winning champ a extreme good lucks. how did you pull it off? >> a lot of makeup and went to the gym. it was a good part. and benedict and morton came up with the idea. i happened to be free. and on a serious note, it was just, you know, i think morton said he got the cast he wanted to get. as you said, we have charles, mark strong, benedict. so a lot of great actors. because it was the allen cheering story, it's incredible important to the world. >> an important one for everyone to learn about when you watch this movie. you have been free, but you have been busy, downton abbey, you're in the next season. what can we expect from you? >> well, why does everyone always want a spoiler? yeah, doing downton. i have known michelle for a long time. we meet in a pub. >> you do. >> it's a very small industry. they have been talking with them about getting me on in an earlier series. and then it's finally come to fruiti fruition. i didn't want to give it away. i was trying to keep it a secret. >> oh, no -- did i -- >> no, it was blown out of the water in england. >> it's another reason to watch the next season. >> you're desperate. >> no, thank you so much. a pleasure to have you here. sorry about the ensemble. >> i love it. >> where's your christmas sweater? >> it's at home. it's going to be bought soon. >> the imitation game is in theaters now. nice to see you. coming up, we have onerepublic performing live. coming up, we have onerepublic performing live. stay with us. these guys should've gone to my place, cuz right now, i have two breakfast croissants for just four bucks. they're both made with a freshly cracked egg and melting cheese on a buttery, flaky croissant. try the supreme with bacon and ham, or the sausage. they'll fill you up for - whoa hey! what are you doing? you can't make a commercial for your restaurant at my restaurant! not if you keep interrupting me, i can't. (vo)rescued.ed. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. we'll have given 50 million dollars over seven years. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. a wonderful way to end a great day and a great week. we are thrilled to have one of the hottest bands out there with us. onerepublic. in just a moment, going to perform the fifth hit single off their album, "native." let's check in with the guys hey, give it up for onerepublic for being here on friday. earlier you were good sports with the ugly sweaters. >> we're in into that kind of thing. >> i kept the shoes on to keep a touch of it. >> those are magic. >> i was telling youhow much your music -- you know, music soothes the soul. no matter it is you're going through. i love the influence of this one. you grew up singing in church, and country and gospel, comes through in this one. >> the lyrics i wrote for my son, but it's applicable to everyone. this works for everybody. >> and the video from "i live," that 15-year-old young man going through cystic fibrosis. to hear his story. we don't have to, we just need to live. live our lives, is that it? >> it's been a long time since the late, great robin williams got the carpe diem. squeeze every drop out of every day. you're not promised another day. >> that's right. performing "i lived" off of "native," here is onerepublic. ♪ snoep hoping you take that jump you don't fear the fall ♪ ♪ hope when you the water rises you built a wall ♪ ♪ hope when the crowd screams out it's screaming your name ♪ ♪ hope if everybody runs say i -- i did it all ♪ ♪ i -- i widid it all ♪ ♪ i owned every second that this world could give ♪ ♪ i saw so many places the things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah with every broken bone i swear i lived ♪ ♪ i hope that you spend your days and they all add up ♪ ♪ oh ♪ and when that sun goes down hope you raise your cup ♪ ♪ oh raise your cup, yeah ♪ i wish that i could witness all your joy and all your pain ♪ ♪ but until my moment comes i'll all your joy and all your pain ♪ ♪ but until my moment comes i'll say i -- i did it all ♪ ♪ i -- i did it all ♪ i owned every second that this world could give i saw so many places the things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah with every broken bone i swear i lived ♪ ♪ oh whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ every broken bone i swear ♪ with every broken bone i swear i ♪ ♪ i -- i did it all ♪ i -- i did it all ♪ i owned every second that this world could give ♪ ♪ i saw so many places the things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah with every broken bone i swear i lived ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ oh ♪ ♪ oh ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oh ♪ start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. what these kids want, your kids have. at st. jude children's research hospital, we're fighting for the health of kids who aren't as lucky as yours. our treatments are used in hospitals all across america. and no family ever pays st. jude for anything. give thanks for the healthy kids in your life. and give to those who are not. go to st. jude dot org or shop wherever you see the st. jude logo. next week, look ten years younger in 60 minutes to get holiday party ready. let the makeovers begin. and the biggest stars with bigger surprises. is that michael kicking it up with the rockettes? next week celebrate with -- >> good morning, america. all right, thanks again to onerepublic. and d.j. pro style here for iheart radio. and they have the jingle ball a little bit later on today. sara? >> we have a big winner. and last year's winner, miss lara spenser to hand off the trophy. >> thank you. >> we asked you, and the winner is ginger zee. >> oh! >> the golden fruitcake trophy, handed off from one winner to the next. and we have complimentary fruitcakes for the other participants in our contest. >> we get one too? >> and i know that robin has taken the lights off, but how long did it take you to get out of the costume? >> i wanted drink water, i was afraid i would electrocute myself. >> a victory for you -- >> next year. >> a victory for you -- >> next year. >> congratulations to beg ginger. well-deserved. >> thank you, everybody. ginger. well-deserved. >> thank you, everybody. the best meat and the bests produce.ving it's my job to start a new legacy, the best wine beer and spirits. we travel all over california and the world to find all sorts of new craft spirits, craft beers, small production wines. ♪ brews from mendocino, and the finest wines from around the world. at raley's, we're really into craft, so we enjoy and are excited about carrying those products in the store. ♪ share your ideas, tell us on facebook. good morning, i'm eric thomas. storm-related problems keep popping up around the bay area. let's go to live sky 7 hd where you can see a large eucalyptus tree crashed into a residential care facility in union city. two residents went to the hospital as a precaution. others have been moved to other facilities because of what happened to the roof of that building. mike is here with more on the forecast. >> amazing thing, eric, is the winds are very light but it gives you anea what is going to happen if we get a little light wind or more wet weather how unstable it's making the ground and trees are losing their footing. we could see it play out a couple more times in the afternoon or evening hours before it all starts to taper. look at announcer: it'she russian river. what we're seeing is a flooding that develops around 3:29 this morning. that's when it overflowed its banks. it's going to peak around 1:00 and recede about 12:30 tomorrow afternoon. you can see the waves of light showers rolling across this area and a bigger batch stretching over the peninsula, just south of south san francisco and san bruno, more in san mateo, possibly heading down towards bell monta bellmont. you can see crystal springs road, and 280 maybe some ponding from that rain falling. there's a high surf advisory along the coast. we're around 12 to 15 feet right now but the breakers may exceed 20 feet so please be careful there. here's what we'll have going forward, scattered


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