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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160611

you never forget your entire lifetime. >> he was funny. he was beautiful. he was the most perfect athlete you ever saw, and those were his own words. ( laughter ) captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley, reporting tonight from louisville, kentucky. >> pelley: today, this city, named for louis xvi, gave muhammad ali a send-off befitting a king. he was american royalty, one of the most famous and most admired people in the world, a champion fighter, ambassador for peace, and the world came here to louisville to say goodbye. >> so even in death, muhammad has something to say. >> pelley: among those eulogizing ali at an interfaith memorial service were his wife, lonnie: >> it is far more difficult to sacrifice oneself in the name of peace, than to take up arms in pursuit of violence. >> pelley: former president bill clinton: >> i will always think of muhammad as a truly free man of faith. it is the choices that muhammad ali made that have brought us all here today in honor and love. ( applause ) >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen. >> pelley: and comedian billy crystal: >> he was beautiful. he was the most perfect athlete you ever saw, and those were his own words. ( laughter ) >> pelley: mourners included former heavyweight boxing champ mike tyson, and actor will smith, who portrayed ali on the big screen. the outpouring of love for muhammad ali began this morning in the streets of louisville as the hearse bearing his casket traveled 23 miles from the funeral home to the cemetery where he was buried in a private service. fans showered the car with so many flowers, it became a moving shrine. balloons of red and gold, the color of ali's boxing gloves, filled the sky. >> ali! ali! >> pelley: the many people ali touched in life wanted one more chance to touch him. they formed an impromptu honor guard to escort the slugger from louisville off to his final rest. ali's daughter, hana, tweeted from the motorcade a story that her father used to tell. "i used to dream that i was running down broadway in louisville, and the people were waving at me and clapping and cheering my name." >> ali! ali! >> pelley: "i waved back. then, all of a sudden, i just took off flying." one of the most poignant moments today was when ali's hearse traveled down the street where he grew up. jericka duncan was there. >> ali! ali! >> reporter: as muhammad ali's hearse rolled through his hometown-- >> who was ali? >> the greatest. >> where was he from? >> louisville. >> reporter: felt like a parade of love. hundreds showered him with red roses while others ran with the champ. celebratory moments were mixed with ones of sadness. the procession overwhelmed vernice persley with emotion. >> this has been one day i'll never forget, ever, ever, ever. >> reporter: in front of ali's childhood home, mourners rushed to the motorcade. family members rolled down their windows to say thank you. 51-year-old sharon cummings was a school teacher at central high where ali graduated. she met him twice. >> muhammad ali, you have touched every single person in this state, in the country. >> reporter: the loss for louisville is especially tough, scott. the people here knew him first. and many say they knew him the best. >> pelley: jericka, what a great job you've done here all week. thank you so much. well, they knew him first as cassius marcellus clay, jr., born a mile and a half from here, january 17, 1942. ali had reason to turn his back on his hometown in the jim crow south, but he never did, and so both the athlete and the city were transformed on the long road to justice. here's dean reynolds. >> reporter: though one of its main streets now bears the name muhammad ali boulevard, the city of louisville has not always embraced its hometown hero. >> we just sat there on those logs, and just talked for a while. >> reporter: billy reid covered ali for the "louisville courier journal." he said ali's refusal to serve in the military, his conversion to islam and his brashness offended many of his neighbors. >> i whupped him so badly, he had to go to the hospital. >> a lot of people here felt disenchanted with him and even worse than that. >> reporter: back when ali was born in 1942, louisville was a segregated slice of the old south, and even after he won olympic gold in 1960, a restaurant here refused to serve the louisville lip. when the city council did change the name walnut street to ali boulevard in 1978, it was on a 6-5 vote. but as ali mellowed, so did much of louisville. the muhammad ali center now sits right along the river bank, a multicultural museum devoted to his legacy. downtown, billy reid pointed out the private club on ali boulevard that once resisted using that address. >> he became such a forgiving person, i think that would make him feel good to see that they are honoring him in this particular way. >> reporter: reverend charles elliott of the king solomon baptist church first met ali when the future champ was 13 and says his attachment to the city was always strong. >> if he was out of the country, he would have everyone know, "i'm from louisville, kentucky." >> reporter: do you think muhammad ali made louisville a better city? >> he caused us to look another way, to look the right way. >> reporter: it's just a little more than five miles from ali's boyhood home here to his final resting place. but, scott, for muhammad ali and the city of louisville, it's been a long journey in many different ways. >> pelley: dean reynolds with the perspective of history today. dean, thank you. well, in the mid-1960s, ali met a u.c.l.a. basketball star who was then named lew alcindor. they were lifelong friends who shared a bond in their conversion to islam. we sat down with the six-time n.b.a. champion kareem abdul- jabbar in louisville today. what would ali say about today? >> i'm sure he'd like the attention, but he actually was a humble-- a humble man. he gave us a great example, and that's what he was all about. >> pelley: how did you meet ali? >> i met ali at a party when i was a freshman at u.c.l.a. he just spontaneously came over and picked up a guitar and acted like he was playing it. but that's when we got to know each other, and we struck up a friendship that has lasted this long. >> pelley: i understand that ali visited you in the locker room. >> yeah, sometimes he'd tell me funny stories. one of the funniest stories he told me was about the-- people gave him some myna birds that had been trained to say, "ali." that's all they would say. he had six or eight myna birds, "ali, ali." so i said, "you still got those birds? that was pretty neat." he said, "no, no, i had to get rid of the birds. every time i came into the house they made a whole racket, i couldn't sleep. i got rid of those birds-- but don't tell anybody." >> pelley: you know, i've been thinking this week about ali going to jail in defense of his opposition to the draft and the vietnam war during the prime of his career. >> that is true integrity. that is standing up for what you believe in. and it took a while, but the nation came around to see it his way. >> pelley: what is one thing that you learned from ali that you took on board and made part of your own life? >> you have to make it real. people do not respond to you if you are not real. they want to see something that is sincere and from your heart. and everything he did was from his heart. even his bragging. you know, one of the things that he would tell people, "it's not bragging if you can back it up." that's the proof in the pudding. >> pelley: it's not bragging if you can back it up. >> it's not bragging if you can back it up. >> pelley: kareem abdul-jabbar. well, few athletes have dominated a sport like ali, but gordie howe did. the man known as "mr. hockey" died today in ohio. he'd been suffering from dementia. howe combined skill with muscle, scoring a then-record 801 nhl goals. he also received more than 400 stitches. a "gordie howe hat trick" was a goal, an assist, and a fist fight. he played 25 seasons with the detroit red wings, and then joined his sons, mark and marty, for seven more with houston and hartford, mostly in the rival w.h.a. gordie howe was 88. hillary clinton and donald trump were in washington today, but not together, of course. clinton met privately with elizabeth warren. the massachusetts senator endorsed clinton last night, and is considered a possible running mate. trump spoke at a gathering of conservative christians, promising, as he put it, to restore respect for people of faith. but he was shown no respect by protesters who shouted, "stop hate. stop trump." and "refugees are welcome here." overseas, iraqi forces backed by both the u.s. and iran have pushed closer to the center of the city of fallujah. isis controls that city. thousands have fled, many more are trapped inside. charlie d'agata went to a refugee camp on the outskirts of fallujah. >> reporter: crowds swarmed every aid truck that arrived, desperate for food and water, medical attention, even blocks of ice, relief from the temperatures soaring well over 100 degrees. but they're safe here, away from the isis militants who took control of fallujah two years ago. abboud hussein ali told us the fight to take it back had become so intense he had to take his young family and make a run for it. they set off at night, dodging the bullets of isis snipers. "i really thought we were going to die," he said. "but we had to run and duck." like so many others, they crossed the euphrates river in a frantic escape. 10-year-old amanee told us she loved her beautiful home before isis, or daesh. and after daesh came? she was afraid to say what life was like then, but she said she hated it. around 20,000 people have arrived here since the siege to recapture fallujah began, more arriving by the day. but with each day, concern is growing for those who can't get here. camilla oswad awaad broke down when she told us one of her sons had been killed and two more are missing. and while her family is safe now, amanee told us she's worried about the school friends she left behind. and a long wait that's ahead until the fight for their city is over. charlie d'agata, fallujah, iraq. >> pelley: still ahead on tonight's cbs evening news from louisville, shots fired at an airport in dallas. and up next, it was a thriller but a doctor spotted something in this famous ali fight that the rest of us did not. hey, ready for the big meeting? 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( gunfire ) a police officer fired at least nine shots and wounded a man who had been seen attacking a woman outside baggage claim. police say he threatened the cop with a rock. passengers inside the airport had to be rescreened, causing long delays. gawker media filed for bankruptcy today, and put itself up for sale. a jury recently ordered gawker to pay hulk hogan $140 million after the gossip web site posted a secretly recorded sex video of the wrestler. tech publisher ziff davis opened the bidding for gawker today at about $100 million. president obama couldn't be here today because the first family marked a milestone. malia obama graduated from high school, and the president was there, cheering. malia was ten when her father was elected. sasha was seven. they have changed so much these last seven years. malia turns 18 next month. she'll study at harvard in 2017 after she takes a gap year. well, this week, two high school valedictorians in texas announced that they are undocumented immigrants. in austin, mayte lara ibarra, who got a scholarship to the university of texas, revealed her secret on twitter. that triggered a barrage of responses. many demanded that she leave the country. by contrast, larissa martinez got a standing ovation when she revealed her secret at mckinney- boyd high school. she's headed to yale, also on a full scholarship. in a moment, folks tell steve hartman about a day they'll never forget, the day they met ali. fall in love with a new daily fiber. new mirafiber from the makers of miralax. it's the only fiber that supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. so unlike others, mirafiber is less likely to cause unwanted gas. love your fiber. new mirafiber. ♪ ♪ ♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise... jardiance works around the clock... to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that can be life-threatening. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are genital yeast infections, kidney problems, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for more information, visit came out today thousands of people to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20160610

it happened in a kroger store sending them on lock down. >> i want to urge everyone if you see him don't try to contact him or handle this yourselves. it is something we urge you to call 911. >> we don't have any charges yet. this manhunt is underway as we are all speaking. >> that manhunt has ended. he has been found. the identity of the wounded deputy has been released. she has been released from the hospital. the other shooting victim is expected to be okay as well. we learned he is now in custody. >> all of the folks have been on lock down. >> a 5.1 magnitude earthquake. we have video posted on twitter showing a chandelier swinging. it happened about 30 seconds. >> the center of the quake reported at 1:00 a.m. pacific time near borrego springs. no reports of injuries or damages but we are watching this carefully and we will bring you the latest as with he get that coming in overnight. >> the race for the white house end ending on-line. this as a brand new fox poll shows trump falling behind hillary clinton 49 to 42 percent. last month you may remember trump was leeing 45 to 42 percent. garrett tenney has more. >> the twitter war was something to see. >> one of the first of the kind that we have seen. the high profile endorsements came pouring in. the biggest came from president obama who formally endorsed clinton in this on-line video posted to the campaign's web site. that endorsement is what kicked off this social media show down between clinton and donald trump. trump tweeted obama just endorsed crooked hillary. he wants four more years of obama but nobody else does. >> clinton's official account with a short and sweet delete your account. >> that tweet became violent and became the most retweeted tweet she has ever had. more than 75,000 as of this morning. chairman rights priebus said if anybody knows who you to use a delete key, it is you. >> with president obama the endorsements kept coming along with massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. >> i am ready. i am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for hillary clen ton to become the next president of the united states and to make sure that donald trump never gets any place close to the white house. >> warren is on the short list of potential vice presidential picks. the current vice president jumped on the clinton plane and attacked donald trump in the process as well. >> it is a direct threat and to use the office of presidency to intimidate and undermine independent judiciary would be blatant unconstitutional line of power. mr. trump it is possible doesn't understand because this is a realm in which he has ner dealt before or he doesn't care. >> now the democratic race isn't quite officially over, though. >> he called on supporters in next tuesday's primary here in dc. >> it would be extraordinary if the people of washington, our nation's capitol stood up and told the world that they are ready to lead this country into a political revolution. >> clinton is sticking around dc to address the planned parenthood action fund as well. heather? >> garrett tenney live for us in washington. thanks. >> speaking of president elizabeth warren throwing her support behind hillary clinton while bernie sanders signals the end is near. the series of events is simply no coincidence. >> it is choreographed play. it is rather well done it starts with an honoring of sanders by having him meet with the president, vice president and senate. you have the official endorsement and recorded already on tuesday in a year of 100 surprises in this campaign which is the least surprising of all development. then you get bernie sanders coming out. he will have his meeting with hillary and they will decide what his price is for his he can essence and support and there will be the joint announcement. you can write the script in advance and eastbound is playing his or her part. >> the final democratic primary is next tuesday in washington, d.c. heather? >> violence escalating the white house expanding the military's authority to conduct air strikes against the taliban. it is aimed at giving u.s. forces more flexibility to assist afghan forces in critical operations. however the nearly 10,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan will not be involved in direct combat. >> miscommunication could be blamed for a deadly plane crash in houston. they asked them to circle around. that plane plunged to the ground hitting an empty car. three people in the plane were killed. they were heading from oklahoma to houston to visit their dad who was sick in the hospital. >> mandatory evacuations as the wildfire scorches 5,000 acres. hundreds of firefighters with big black smoke is now 10 percent contained. >> we had cars back-to-back i am worried about my sufficient and i want to go home. >> three years ago another wildfire in this same area killed wi19 firefighters. humidity coming back. >> it was a little cool lately. >> with that comes a chance for storms. maria molina joins us live on the mraz sdmrau. she is tracking our weekend forecast. >> i thought i heard thunder yesterday. >> we had storms fire up and things are going to get more unsettled across the northern parts of the country anywhere from the western u.s. to parts of the northeast. you mentioned the heat that will be building through the u.s. that will be another big change coming up here over the next few days. taking a look at the radar you can see it is relatively quiet out there. we have storms across parts of the dakotas and in the southwest u.s. this afternoon and evening we are tracking potential of severe storms across parts of the u.s. and northern rockies. generally speaking the northern part of the country will stay unsettled with potential for severe weather coming up over the weekend as well. we will be tracking the threat for damaging winds, large hail and even isolated tornadoes. staying busy out there. temperatures very warm across the center of the nation. you are in the 70's already from minneapolis through parts of x texas. there's a look at the heat building. chicago we will be in the middle 90's this afternoon. 90's further west in denver. in new york city another cool day 77 degrees. expect the temperatures to keep climbing. >> check with you later this morning. a standing ovation and a surprise and inspiring appearance at the country music awards festival. >> chairman, would you please welcome to the stage my friend mr. randy travis. >> country star randy travis joining fellow cma hall of fame inductee charlie daniels in nashville. travis is working to regain speech after a fatal strokecally years ago. >> on saturday travis joined kenny chez the on stage in texas to perform the hit "digging up bones." >> congratulations to randy travis. >> as he continues to recover. >> the man known for defending casey anthony has a high profile client who hired jose baez as her attorney. >> i am one of 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the shadows of the united states. >> here we go again. illegal high school victorian sparking outrage for flaunting her ride to a prestigious school. >> who are you going to vote for? >> i am going to write bernie in. >> i am going to write bernie in. >> throwing in the towel bernie is looking like he is ready to fold. don't miss waters, the bernie sander's edition. ♪ experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. 13 minutes after the hour. we have brand new video to show you a horrifying moments a man takes a gift shop worker hostage at knife point. >> you don't have to do this. >> this happened at the high desert museum in oregon. police trying to figure out why nicholas burger grabbed the staffer. police say he didn't know her. people watching as he violently dragged her through different exhibits. >> he is threatening to kill her. adult 35 years old. he's holding his arm under her neck. aaron hernandez has two new faces on his defense team. jose baez and sullivan. baez represented casey anthony. the other represented a terrorist shot by police. he is serving a life sentence without parole for the murder of oden lloyd who died back in 2013. in a few hours legendary boxer mohammad ali will be laid to rest in louisville, kentucky. we are covering the story live. >> heather and heather, good morning to you. serenity and prayer in kentucky. also a day of celebration. mohammad ali succumbing to parkinson's disease after battling the illness for 32 years. at 9:00 a.m. this morning there will be a procession through out the streets of louisville, kentucky with poignant stops along the way. one of them the house where mohammad ali grew up. then past the mohammad ali center which is a museum honoring the heavy weight and then passing through the boulevard named after mohammad ali which transverses the city here. there will also be a private burial at a cemetery called cave hill here in louisville, kentucky a modest muslim sermon knee with a modest headstone as well. yesterday about 14,000 people showed up at freedom hall in louisville of course mohammad ali's home town. lanially one his wife and ex wives in attendance along with don king and sugar ray leonard. muslims around the world ap tending as well including the president of turkey. today at 2 p. mchl there will be what is dubbed the celebration of life in the arena behind me at the kfc young center in louisville. holds about 20,000 people. it will be jam packed. an overflow crowd will be able to watch it on the jumbotron outside of the arena. one of the things mohammad ali wanted was not only for vip's to be here but regular foalin -- folk. >> he will be missed. >> to a fox business alert for you. hackers just cracked 33 million twitter accounts. >> cheryl casone from sister network fox business is here with what you need to know. hi, cheryl. >> it has been a rough week for twitter. we have seen katie perry drake and mark zuckerberg get hacked. 33 million pass words and user names are for sale on the dark web. the price for all of it coming to about 10 big coins. that's what this hacker wants 5,800 dollars. the thing about this, guys, it isn't like it was a major hack. it is mal wear th-- mal wear thn computers around the world. that malware is picking up the information from individual computers. that makes it more frightening. >> how do you know if you are impacted? >> it is time for people to start getting complicated pass words and start changing them every three months. >> cheryl, tell us about this. the moels ahead of chipotle. >> have you ever been to moe's southwest grill. i need to go out with you more. they are the number one casual mexican fast food chain and they are ahead of chipotle which for the last three years have been number one. but because of all of the e coli problems at chipotle they didn't make the top 4. this is the harris poll that came out. the top 4 are moe's, taco bell and zdoba. >> moe success a big where i come from. it is really good. >> you would think this would be a given that the u.s. military would have to use footwear, other equipment things made here in the u.s. >> it doesn't happen. >> isn't that interesting? >> so this could be good news for new balance the shoe maker. they have been lobbying the u.s. government for years now that u.s. military members should only wear american made running shoes in particular. there's a statute, it's made in america -- 1941 statute. basically everything used to have to be american made. they haven't been paying attention to it. now new balance may have the army and navy and air force to pay for this new statute that would require any running shoe that a military member use is assembled in the united states. good for new balance but bad for nike. i will keep you posted if that is part of the new bill. tax payer money is used to settle every single refugee. it is so stunning the number will shock you. >> cheryl, thank you. talk to you again real soon. 22 minutes after the hour terrifying moments a toddler slips in the pool. how a quick thinking teenager managed to save that little girl. >> clinton e-mail scandal taking a tole. they show how voters really feel about the democratic candidate. claer clear ♪ ♪ burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college and trained as a nurse. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until 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or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. oo the daughter of al sharpton may get her $5 million lawsuit against new york city thrown out. dominique sharpton claiming she sprained her ankle while jogging in manhattan two years ago. things got awkward when she posted this, her and her friends hiking and jogging up the mountain. she has since missed four court appearances later this month. lawyers recommending she drop the case. >> the white house calling for e-mail investigations. called it quote criminal. hours after thpresident obama endorsed the presidential nominee. >> that's why the president discussing this issue at each stage reiterated this commitment to this principle any criminal investigation should be conducted independent of any political interference. >> brand new fox news polls show that americans agree 60 percent of voters believe clinton lied about handling classified information on the private server. 57 percent say the united states and its safety was at risk because she miss handled national security secrets while secretary of state. >> feeling the bern, bernie sanders supporters reluctant to give up on their candidate and vote for hillary just yet. >> jesse waters went to his home state of vermont to see how deflated they are really feeling. watch this. >> are you a bernie supporter? >> you need a tissue? >> people give you so much crap all of the time. >> i am disappointed. >> you know who is more upset than you are? >> larry daniels. >> what do you think he is going to do with himself? >> my guess is he will go back to the senate where he has been a very effective senator. >> effective meaning not passing any legislation. >> what do you think bernie will do right now. >> do you regret bernie made a bigger deal about hillary's e-mails? >> no because he is he is an honest guy. >> i bet he does. >> who are you going to vote for? >> i most likely won't vote. >> who are you voting for? >> i am going to write him in. >> no matter who i vote for it's not going to change things that need to be changed. >> would you consider voting for trump? >> absolutely not. he is one of the most na narcissistic human beings i have ever seen. >> is there any chance you might vote for donald trump? >> i am watters. >> watter sshg. >> and this is my world. >> hillary clinton has a high profile endorsement. >> he is pretty desperate to stop trump. >> why newt gingrich doesn't blame bernie sanders for staying in the race. >> a live look outside where we the kings are getting ready to rock the all american summer concert series. ov oef real cheese people know how to get big flavor out of each and every itsy, bitsy, little, bitty bite. new sargento snack bites, just 20 calories per stick, with larger than life flavor, like colby- pepper jack and savory garlic & herb jack. you can nibble 'em, grab 'em, skewer 'em, pop 'em. you can call 'em big, bold, and brazen. real cheese people know better than to call them mild. new sargento snack bites, big flavor in a little bite. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you >> this is a fox news alert. breaking moments a massive manhunt coming to an end after a gunman who opened fire in ohio is caught. >> i am one of 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the shadows of the united states. >> the illegal outrage flaunting her full ride to a prestigious school. >> you can take the jungle out of the beast but never take the jungle out of the beach. >> do you remember this a child being attacked by a lion through the glass. >> a tiger pouncing on a visitor at the zoo. look behind her. wait, wait, wait. "fox & friends first" continues right now. ♪ >> today is the day. it is friday. >> beautiful you see the american flag until mid town manhattan. >> i am heather nauert. we begin with a fox news right now. in ohio captured just moments ago. >> let's get to jackie ebb bai b >> the gunman has been found. laghaoui was arrested. it is still unknown where. a female deputy responded to a call at his deerfield township apartment. he shot another man before running off. they said indoors and didn't let any strangers inside. they were on the ground searching for the suspect. >> the chaos happening sending shoppers into lock down as swat teams moved in. >> the identity is not being released this morning as of now but she has been released from the hospital. the alleged gunman is now in du custody. >> another update for you. the he earthquake a short time ago upgraded to a 5.2 magnitude quake. showing the chandelier swinging back and forth. the quake lasting about 30 seconds. >> so nerve wracking if you have been there. >> the center of the quake before 1:00 a.m. near the springs east of los angeles. it was felt west of los angeles as far south of san diego so far no reports of injuries or damages. we will bring you more as we get that. >> turning to the race for the white house. it is a war of words between the presidential frontrunners. the controversy heating up on twitter now. take a look at one of these this as the poll shows the former secretary of state with a slight lead over donald trump 42 to 39 percent last month. trump was leading 45 to 42 percent. garrett tenney is live for us in washington, d.c. with the latest. >> that twitter war of words was something else. who needs a debate stage when you have twitter. this video was posted to the campaign's web site. >> i want those of you who have been with me since the beginning of the incredible journey be the first to know i am with her. i am fired up and i can't wait to get out there and campaign for hillary. i want to thank everybody who turned out to vote and worked so hard. >> that kicked off a social media show down between the two presumptive nominees. donald trump mocked the president's endorsement fist. obama just endorsed crooked hillary. he wants four more years of obama but nobody else does. clinton's campaign shot back at trump with a short and sweet delete your account. that tweet went viral and became the most retweeted post she has ever had with more than 370,000 as of this morning. her use of the wordy leet also got plenty of responses in light of the scandal of the state department e-mails. rice priebus tweeted if any one knows how to use a delete key, it is you. anthony weiner responded to clinton's delete your account post tweeting, too late for some of us. the high profile endorsement kept coming including the massive senator elizabeth warren. >> i am ready. i am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for hillary clinton to become the next president of the united states and to make sure donald trump never gets anywhere close to the white house. >> she is on the list of clinton's vk p list. bernie sanders indicated he is willing to start working with clinton as well. >> i spoke briefly to secretary clinton on tuesday night. i congratulated her on her very strong campaign. i look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat donald trump and to create a government which represents all of us and not just the one percent. >> sanders is still not dropping out of the race, though. he will be competing in the final democratic primary here in dc on tuesday. >> repeated again that he is going all of the way to philadelphia. not backing town. >> this morning former u.s. speaker of the house newt gingrich says bernie sand derps is refusing to throw in the towel. it is a calculated strategy. >> i thought it was rpretty goo. i thought it showed a little bit of speed of trump. it was great reasons priebus jumped in. hillary was clever but she lost the round. i think her using the wordy leet takes you to so many things she has done wrong but it is almost embarrassing. i don't think hillary gets it. brilliant book called charles murray called "coming apart" that talks about the gap between the elites and the rest of us. 64 percent of independents think hillary is lying. she is not even aware of this. she thinks she can bluff her way through it, but i agree with you the notion of her using the wordy leet is about as tone deaf as you can be. >> it is amazing the va, a washington state lawmaker proposes placing all va medical facilities under a nonprofit entity that would give access to private healthcare. th in the meantime the agency is now admitting nearly 25,000 of our veterans have been examined for traumatic brain injuries by staff not qualified to diagnose that whatsoever. letters are now being sent to those who were affected offering exams and disability benefits for those who were diagnosed. unreal. >> gun rights activists are up in arms after a major blow to the second amendment. a federal appeals court ruling the second amendment does not give you the right to carry a concealed weapon in public. the ruling upheld a state law requiring people to give a specific reason that they need a concealed carry permit not counting self defense. if challenged this could lead to supreme court battle. >> it willal city biker tackleed by the big city's finest. take a look. >> ouch. that clueless biker taken down by police in new york city after passing a barrier for president obama's motorcade. traffic is tied up in new york city because the president was in town. with he will tell you about this a 59-year-old man casually ride rad -- riding knocked to the ground. >> you see police dealing with him as the president's entourage drives by. he was blasting the song "call me maybe." wonder if he made it to the blind date? >> heat and humidity coming back to the northeast. >> with that comes a chance for storms. maria molina is live in the weather center and is tracking the forecast. >> things are going to get messy out there especially across northern parts of the country. temperatures will be climbing across the entire eastern u.s. over the next couple days. meanwhile on the radar it is quiet out there. we have showers over the dakotas and portions of new mexico. as we head into this afternoon and evening things will get busier across places like montana and minnesota and wisconsin with possible severe storms and the severe threat continues as we head through saturday across a combhing of the northeast and parts of the plains. sunday another round of storms large hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes possible as well. temperatures warm in the 70's we from minneapolis to texas. here's a look at the summer heat already building in minneapolis, rapid city and across the southeastern u.s. let's head over to you. >> it is the weekend. that's good. >> the time is 20 minutes to the top of the hour. the shocking report showing how much tax payer dollars are being used to settle refugees. why it could get worse if president obama gets his way. >> stranded hundreds of feet in the air would cause the tallest roller-coaster in the park to come to a screeching halt. . . you both have a perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no. your insurance rates go through the roof... your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> the valedictorian is headed to yale. her high school graduation speech may not be so smart. >> after all of these years i have mustered up the courage to stand before you. i am one of 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the shadows of the united states. >> larissa martinez claims she has been trying to become a citizen for years but that isn't stopping critics on social media. one person tweeting yale is another college giving free tuition to illegals taking away opportunities from americans. we told you about another illegal have aing dick torian who bragged about her 4.5 gpa, full tuition at ut and nice legs. >> it was uncovered she really is not black. remember this? >> are you african american? >> i don't understand the question. >> seems like a pretty simple question there. >> she is filming a documentary at howard university about race and identity in america. she toted around her baby. wonder how that one is going over there on the campus. >> taxpayers are on the hook for thousands of dollars to settle each rev gee coming into america. >> if president obama gets his way it is about to increase the amount of tax payer dollars being spent on that. cheryl casone from fox business is here with the latest. good morning. tell us about that. the>> a new report which anl lielzed the federal budget found that u.s. taxpayers are spending almost 20,000 dollars every time an assy lum speaker or refugee comes into the united states. each costs 19,884 dollars. president u.s. is admitting 95,000 refugees annually. the president obama wants to bring in another 10,000 syrian refugees into this country this year. these figures are on top of the cost of the roughly 500,000 illegal immigrants that enter the country each year. the report was put together by negative population growth which examines government numbers. it found that 47 percent of refugee households receive cash assistance. 74 percent of refugees are on food stamps and 56 percent of them are on medicaid. according to the report two federal agencies sustain the refugee industry as they call it. the u.s. state department and department of health and human services. >> they are stealing from shoppers and they are using a young child to do their dirty work. >> the twitter war of words. donald trump and hillary clinton going at it on social media and anthony weiner even weighing in on the drum ma. >> first let's check in with steve doocy. he is going viral this morning. he's live on the plaza probably eating some ribs about now. >> you know what? the not brought out the ribs yet. i am hoping for brisket for breakfast. a lot of b's. coming up on the broadcast newt gingrich will be talking to us about politics and all of the endorsements that hillary clinton wound up with with the democrats yesterday. trump supporters trump we the kings out here on our plaza. they are our featured performers for the all american summer concert series brought to you by expedia. we have a busy three hours that kicks off about 12 minutes from now. they are the kings and we are fox and friends. soon. i like the bride more than the groom. turquois dresses... so excited. did all her 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18-year-old wree -- brianna mosley putting her training into action. she pulled her cousin out of the pool after slipping under water for two minutes. >> the first thing i thought to do was mouth-to-mouth, give her breath so she can breathe. >> you know what, it worked. by the time first responders arrived, the little girl was breathing again. >> give me chills. thank goodness she's going to be okay. donald trump and hillary clinton engage in their first full-blown media war. this is something else. exclusively on sirius xm 115. >> president obama's endorsement announcement sparked a political twitter fight like you've never seen before. donald trump took the first jab tweeting obama just endorsed crooked hillary. he wants four years of obama, but nobody else does. clinton's campaign responding, delete your account. anthony weiner chimed in. saying too late for some of us. and donald trump, of course, responded as well, tweeting how long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted? >> wow. shifting gears dramatically. we've got video of a tiger kind of -- trying to attack a woman. >> that's right. remember the lion that tried to attack a little boy through the glass. well, it happened again. check that out. how scary is that? and guess what, happened again in russia. check out this video of a tiger trying to charge a lady. oh, my gosh. can you believe that? everybody just holding their breath. she has to turn around and then the big moment happens. that's unbelievable. and just days after that lion charge the little boy in russia. >> oh, my gosh. wow, how frightening. this is a very random story but a sea gull turns orange after it fell into a vat of curry, really? >> this might be a first. the a sea gull on the coast of wales fell into a vat of curry. it needed to be cleaned a few times over before its feathers were restored to its natural color. >> great color. thank you so much. we'll see you again real soon. have a terrific weekend. >> thanks, ladies. the time 5 minutes before the top of the hour. justin bieber believing he's a fighter and the smackdown who sent him to the ground and meet the newest employee at lowe's. we'll be right back. i could get used to this. now you can. when you lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. every ingredient is the main ingredient. the new green goddess cobb with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato... and chicken. at panera. food as it should be. when you didn't know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. a few weeks ago, you didn't even know where here was. now the only thing you don't know, is how you're gonna leave. expedia. technology that connects you to the people and places that matter. is it keeps the food out. for me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? two minutes until the top of the hour, before you leave the house, here's what's happening for you today. a massive manhunt coming to an end near cincinnati after a gunman accused of shooting a sheriff's deputy is arrested. police say mohammed abdou laghaoui was taken into custody around 4:30 near the shooting scene. three hours, thousands expected to line the streets of louisville, kentucky, to wash the procession of muhammad ali's funeral. a brand-new royal portrait is released after prince phillip turns 95. it was the second portrait taken by annie leeb bow -- -- leibowitz. and a man who could not find a job because he could not have a service dog is hired by lowe's in canada. and finally, the ugly, not a scratch on this pretty boy. justin bieber posting this picture after picking a fight with someone twice his age. the pop star getting a beatdown outside his cleveland hotel and some of his body guards helping him out. don't go away. we the kings are getting ready to perform for the concert series. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ tgs friday, june 10th. i'm ainsley earhardt. a fox news alert. america rocked by an earthquake overnight. people jolted out of their asleep. coming details. and president obama's endorsement of hillary clinton causing a twitter war. president obama slow jams his economic


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Female representation remains low in US statehouses, particularly Democrats in the South

Nearly 130 years since the first three women were elected to state legislative offices in the U.S., women remain massively underrepresented in state legislatures. In 10 states, women make up


Women remain underrepresented in US statehouses

Democrat Kayla Young and Republican Patricia Rucker frequently clash on abortion rights and just about everything else in West Virginia's Legislature, but they agree on one thing: Too few of their colleagues are women, and it's hurting the state.


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